path: root/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/fancybars/StatusBarsConfigScreen.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/fancybars/StatusBarsConfigScreen.java')
1 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/fancybars/StatusBarsConfigScreen.java b/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/fancybars/StatusBarsConfigScreen.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1009a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/fancybars/StatusBarsConfigScreen.java
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+package de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.fancybars;
+import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.Pair;
+import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectBooleanMutablePair;
+import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectObjectMutablePair;
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawContext;
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScreenPos;
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScreenRect;
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.navigation.NavigationAxis;
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.navigation.NavigationDirection;
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.PopupScreen;
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget;
+import net.minecraft.client.util.Window;
+import net.minecraft.text.Text;
+import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;
+import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
+import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW;
+import de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.fancybars.BarPositioner.BarLocation;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+public class StatusBarsConfigScreen extends Screen {
+ private static final Identifier HOTBAR_TEXTURE = new Identifier("hud/hotbar");
+ public static final long RESIZE_CURSOR = GLFW.glfwCreateStandardCursor(GLFW.GLFW_HRESIZE_CURSOR);
+ private final Map<ScreenRect, BarLocation> rectToBarLocation = new HashMap<>();
+ private static final int HOTBAR_WIDTH = 182;
+ private @Nullable StatusBar cursorBar = null;
+ public StatusBarsConfigScreen() {
+ super(Text.of("Status Bars Config"));
+ FancyStatusBars.updatePositions();
+ }
+ private BarLocation currentInsertLocation = new BarLocation(null, 0, 0);
+ private final Pair<BarLocation, Boolean> resizeHover = new ObjectBooleanMutablePair<>(BarLocation.NULL, false);
+ private final Pair<BarLocation, BarLocation> resizedBars = ObjectObjectMutablePair.of(BarLocation.NULL, BarLocation.NULL);
+ private boolean resizing = false;
+ private EditBarWidget editBarWidget;
+ // prioritize left and right cuz they are much smaller space than up and down
+ private static final NavigationDirection[] DIRECTION_CHECK_ORDER = new NavigationDirection[]{NavigationDirection.LEFT, NavigationDirection.RIGHT, NavigationDirection.UP, NavigationDirection.DOWN};
+ @Override
+ public void render(DrawContext context, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
+ /*for (ScreenRect screenRect : meaningFullName.keySet()) {
+ context.fillGradient(screenRect.position().x(), screenRect.position().y(), screenRect.position().x() + screenRect.width(), screenRect.position().y() + screenRect.height(), 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF0000FF);
+ }*/
+ super.render(context, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
+ context.drawGuiTexture(HOTBAR_TEXTURE, width / 2 - HOTBAR_WIDTH / 2, height - 22, HOTBAR_WIDTH, 22);
+ editBarWidget.render(context, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
+ ScreenRect mouseRect = new ScreenRect(new ScreenPos(mouseX - 1, mouseY - 1), 3, 3);
+ assert client != null;
+ Window window = client.getWindow();
+ if (cursorBar != null) {
+ cursorBar.renderCursor(context, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
+ boolean inserted = false;
+ rectLoop:
+ for (ScreenRect screenRect : rectToBarLocation.keySet()) {
+ for (NavigationDirection direction : DIRECTION_CHECK_ORDER) {
+ boolean overlaps = screenRect.getBorder(direction).add(direction).overlaps(mouseRect);
+ if (overlaps) {
+ BarLocation barSnap = rectToBarLocation.get(screenRect);
+ if (barSnap.barAnchor() == null) break;
+ if (direction.getAxis().equals(NavigationAxis.VERTICAL)) {
+ int neighborInsertY = getNeighborInsertY(barSnap, !direction.isPositive());
+ if (!currentInsertLocation.equals(barSnap.barAnchor(), barSnap.x(), neighborInsertY)) {
+ if (cursorBar.anchor != null)
+ FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.removeBar(cursorBar.anchor, cursorBar.gridY, cursorBar);
+ FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.addRow(barSnap.barAnchor(), neighborInsertY);
+ FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.addBar(barSnap.barAnchor(), neighborInsertY, cursorBar);
+ currentInsertLocation = BarLocation.of(cursorBar);
+ inserted = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int neighborInsertX = getNeighborInsertX(barSnap, direction.isPositive());
+ if (!currentInsertLocation.equals(barSnap.barAnchor(), neighborInsertX, barSnap.y())) {
+ if (cursorBar.anchor != null)
+ FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.removeBar(cursorBar.anchor, cursorBar.gridY, cursorBar);
+ FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.addBar(barSnap.barAnchor(), barSnap.y(), neighborInsertX, cursorBar);
+ currentInsertLocation = BarLocation.of(cursorBar);
+ inserted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break rectLoop;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (inserted) {
+ FancyStatusBars.updatePositions();
+ return;
+ }
+ // check for hovering empty anchors
+ for (BarPositioner.BarAnchor barAnchor : BarPositioner.BarAnchor.allAnchors()) {
+ if (FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.getRowCount(barAnchor) != 0) continue;
+ ScreenRect anchorHitbox = barAnchor.getAnchorHitbox(barAnchor.getAnchorPosition(width, height));
+ context.fill(anchorHitbox.getLeft(), anchorHitbox.getTop(), anchorHitbox.getRight(), anchorHitbox.getBottom(), 0x99FFFFFF);
+ if (anchorHitbox.overlaps(mouseRect) && currentInsertLocation.barAnchor() != barAnchor) {
+ if (cursorBar.anchor != null)
+ FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.removeBar(cursorBar.anchor, cursorBar.gridY, cursorBar);
+ FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.addRow(barAnchor);
+ FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.addBar(barAnchor, 0, cursorBar);
+ currentInsertLocation = BarLocation.of(cursorBar);
+ FancyStatusBars.updatePositions();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (resizing) { // actively resizing one or 2 bars
+ int middleX;
+ BarLocation left = resizedBars.left();
+ BarLocation right = resizedBars.right();
+ boolean hasRight = right.barAnchor() != null;
+ boolean hasLeft = left.barAnchor() != null;
+ BarPositioner.BarAnchor barAnchor;
+ if (!hasRight) {
+ barAnchor = left.barAnchor();
+ StatusBar bar = FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.getBar(barAnchor, left.y(), left.x());
+ middleX = bar.getX() + bar.getWidth();
+ } else {
+ barAnchor = right.barAnchor();
+ middleX = FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.getBar(barAnchor, right.y(), right.x()).getX();
+ }
+ boolean doResize = true;
+ StatusBar rightBar = null;
+ StatusBar leftBar = null;
+ BarPositioner.SizeRule sizeRule = barAnchor.getSizeRule();
+ float widthPerSize;
+ if (sizeRule.isTargetSize())
+ widthPerSize = (float) sizeRule.totalWidth() / sizeRule.targetSize();
+ else
+ widthPerSize = sizeRule.widthPerSize();
+ // resize towards the left
+ if (mouseX < middleX) {
+ if (middleX - mouseX > widthPerSize / .75f) {
+ if (hasRight) {
+ rightBar = FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.getBar(barAnchor, right.y(), right.x());
+ if (rightBar.size + 1 > sizeRule.maxSize()) doResize = false;
+ }
+ if (hasLeft) {
+ leftBar = FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.getBar(barAnchor, left.y(), left.x());
+ if (leftBar.size - 1 < sizeRule.minSize()) doResize = false;
+ }
+ if (doResize) {
+ if (hasRight) rightBar.size++;
+ if (hasLeft) leftBar.size--;
+ FancyStatusBars.updatePositions();
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // towards the right
+ if (mouseX - middleX > widthPerSize / .75f) {
+ if (hasRight) {
+ rightBar = FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.getBar(barAnchor, right.y(), right.x());
+ if (rightBar.size - 1 < sizeRule.minSize()) doResize = false;
+ }
+ if (hasLeft) {
+ leftBar = FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.getBar(barAnchor, left.y(), left.x());
+ if (leftBar.size + 1 > sizeRule.maxSize()) doResize = false;
+ }
+ if (doResize) {
+ if (hasRight) rightBar.size--;
+ if (hasLeft) leftBar.size++;
+ FancyStatusBars.updatePositions();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // hovering bars
+ rectLoop:
+ for (ScreenRect screenRect : rectToBarLocation.keySet()) {
+ for (NavigationDirection direction : new NavigationDirection[]{NavigationDirection.LEFT, NavigationDirection.RIGHT}) {
+ boolean overlaps = screenRect.getBorder(direction).add(direction).overlaps(mouseRect);
+ if (overlaps && !editBarWidget.isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY)) {
+ BarLocation barLocation = rectToBarLocation.get(screenRect);
+ if (barLocation.barAnchor() == null) break;
+ boolean right = direction.equals(NavigationDirection.RIGHT);
+ // can't resize on the edge of a target size row!
+ if (barLocation.barAnchor().getSizeRule().isTargetSize() && !FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.hasNeighbor(barLocation.barAnchor(), barLocation.y(), barLocation.x(), right)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!barLocation.barAnchor().getSizeRule().isTargetSize() && barLocation.x() == 0 && barLocation.barAnchor().isRight() != right)
+ break;
+ resizeHover.first(barLocation);
+ resizeHover.right(right);
+ GLFW.glfwSetCursor(window.getHandle(), RESIZE_CURSOR);
+ break rectLoop;
+ } else {
+ resizeHover.first(BarLocation.NULL);
+ GLFW.glfwSetCursor(window.getHandle(), 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static int getNeighborInsertX(BarLocation barLocation, boolean right) {
+ BarPositioner.BarAnchor barAnchor = barLocation.barAnchor();
+ int gridX = barLocation.x();
+ if (barAnchor == null) return 0;
+ if (right) {
+ return barAnchor.isRight() ? gridX + 1 : gridX;
+ } else {
+ return barAnchor.isRight() ? gridX : gridX + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ private static int getNeighborInsertY(BarLocation barLocation, boolean up) {
+ BarPositioner.BarAnchor barAnchor = barLocation.barAnchor();
+ int gridY = barLocation.y();
+ if (barAnchor == null) return 0;
+ if (up) {
+ return barAnchor.isUp() ? gridY + 1 : gridY;
+ } else {
+ return barAnchor.isUp() ? gridY : gridY + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void init() {
+ super.init();
+ editBarWidget = new EditBarWidget(0, 0, this);
+ editBarWidget.visible = false;
+ addSelectableChild(editBarWidget); // rendering separately to have it above hotbar
+ Collection<StatusBar> values = FancyStatusBars.statusBars.values();
+ values.forEach(this::setup);
+ checkNullAnchor(values);
+ updateScreenRects();
+ this.addDrawableChild(ButtonWidget.builder(Text.literal("?"),
+ button -> {
+ assert client != null;
+ client.setScreen(new PopupScreen.Builder(this, Text.translatable("skyblocker.bars.config.explanationTitle"))
+ .button(Text.translatable("gui.ok"), PopupScreen::close)
+ .message(Text.translatable("skyblocker.bars.config.explanation"))
+ .build());
+ })
+ .dimensions(width - 20, (height - 15) / 2, 15, 15)
+ .build());
+ }
+ private void setup(StatusBar statusBar) {
+ this.addDrawableChild(statusBar);
+ statusBar.setOnClick(this::onBarClick);
+ }
+ private static void checkNullAnchor(Iterable<StatusBar> bars) {
+ int offset = 0;
+ for (StatusBar statusBar : bars) {
+ if (statusBar.anchor == null) {
+ statusBar.setX(5);
+ statusBar.setY(50 + offset);
+ statusBar.setWidth(30);
+ offset += statusBar.getHeight();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void removed() {
+ super.removed();
+ FancyStatusBars.statusBars.values().forEach(statusBar -> statusBar.setOnClick(null));
+ if (cursorBar != null) cursorBar.ghost = false;
+ FancyStatusBars.updatePositions();
+ assert client != null;
+ GLFW.glfwSetCursor(client.getWindow().getHandle(), 0);
+ FancyStatusBars.saveBarConfig();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean shouldPause() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ private void onBarClick(StatusBar statusBar, int button, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
+ if (button == 0) {
+ cursorBar = statusBar;
+ cursorBar.ghost = true;
+ if (statusBar.anchor != null)
+ FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.removeBar(statusBar.anchor, statusBar.gridY, statusBar);
+ FancyStatusBars.updatePositions();
+ cursorBar.setX(width + 5); // send it to limbo lol
+ updateScreenRects();
+ } else if (button == 1) {
+ int x = Math.min(mouseX - 1, width - editBarWidget.getWidth());
+ int y = Math.min(mouseY - 1, height - editBarWidget.getHeight());
+ editBarWidget.visible = true;
+ editBarWidget.setStatusBar(statusBar);
+ editBarWidget.setX(x);
+ editBarWidget.setY(y);
+ }
+ }
+ private void updateScreenRects() {
+ rectToBarLocation.clear();
+ FancyStatusBars.statusBars.values().forEach(statusBar1 -> {
+ if (statusBar1.anchor == null) return;
+ rectToBarLocation.put(
+ new ScreenRect(new ScreenPos(statusBar1.getX(), statusBar1.getY()), statusBar1.getWidth(), statusBar1.getHeight()),
+ BarLocation.of(statusBar1));
+ });
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean mouseReleased(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button) {
+ if (cursorBar != null) {
+ cursorBar.ghost = false;
+ cursorBar = null;
+ FancyStatusBars.updatePositions();
+ checkNullAnchor(FancyStatusBars.statusBars.values());
+ updateScreenRects();
+ return true;
+ } else if (resizing) {
+ resizing = false;
+ resizedBars.left(BarLocation.NULL);
+ resizedBars.right(BarLocation.NULL);
+ updateScreenRects();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return super.mouseReleased(mouseX, mouseY, button);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean mouseClicked(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button) {
+ BarLocation first = resizeHover.first();
+ // want the right click thing to have priority
+ if (!editBarWidget.isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY) && button == 0 && !first.equals(BarLocation.NULL)) {
+ BarPositioner.BarAnchor barAnchor = first.barAnchor();
+ assert barAnchor != null;
+ if (resizeHover.right()) {
+ resizedBars.left(first);
+ if (FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.hasNeighbor(barAnchor, first.y(), first.x(), true)) {
+ resizedBars.right(new BarLocation(barAnchor, first.x() + (barAnchor.isRight() ? 1 : -1), first.y()));
+ } else resizedBars.right(BarLocation.NULL);
+ } else {
+ resizedBars.right(first);
+ if (FancyStatusBars.barPositioner.hasNeighbor(barAnchor, first.y(), first.x(), false)) {
+ resizedBars.left(new BarLocation(barAnchor, first.x() + (barAnchor.isRight() ? -1 : 1), first.y()));
+ } else resizedBars.left(BarLocation.NULL);
+ }
+ resizing = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, button);
+ }