diff options
authorSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-04-19 00:16:51 +0800
committerSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-04-19 00:16:51 +0800
commit51ae30d794ffd362779b44420c305871d63891ba (patch)
parentc87c6f2703d689375518f54905ae10e2edb42d41 (diff)
optimisations to threads
6 files changed, 440 insertions, 455 deletions
diff --git a/featureClass/featureManager.js b/featureClass/featureManager.js
index 982c106..2c52c7b 100644
--- a/featureClass/featureManager.js
+++ b/featureClass/featureManager.js
@@ -110,6 +110,18 @@ class FeatureManager {
if (this.isDev) {
this.registerStep(true, 2, () => {
+ key = this.watchService.take();
+ let moduleToReload = this.watches[key]
+ if (this.features[moduleToReload] && !this.reloadingModules.includes(moduleToReload)) { //if enabled && not alr in queue
+ this.reloadingModules.push(moduleToReload)
+ this.reloadModuleTime = Date.now() + 5000
+ }
+ key.pollEvents()/*.forEach(event=>{
+ console.log(event.context().toString())
+ })*/
+ key.reset();
if (this.reloadModuleTime !== 0 && Date.now() - this.reloadModuleTime > 0) {
new Thread(() => {
this.reloadModuleTime = 0
@@ -129,20 +141,6 @@ class FeatureManager {
this.watchService = Java.type("java.nio.file.FileSystems").getDefault().newWatchService();
this.reloadingModules = []
this.reloadModuleTime = 0
- new Thread(() => {
- while (this.enabled) {
- key = this.watchService.take();
- let moduleToReload = this.watches[key]
- if (this.features[moduleToReload] && !this.reloadingModules.includes(moduleToReload)) { //if enabled && not alr in queue
- this.reloadingModules.push(moduleToReload)
- this.reloadModuleTime = Date.now() + 5000
- }
- key.pollEvents()/*.forEach(event=>{
- console.log(event.context().toString())
- })*/
- key.reset();
- }
- }).start()
this.registerCommand("soopyunloadfeature", (args) => {
diff --git a/features/dungeonMap/index.js b/features/dungeonMap/index.js
index db22135..77fd00b 100644
--- a/features/dungeonMap/index.js
+++ b/features/dungeonMap/index.js
@@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
- isInDungeon(){
+ isInDungeon() {
return this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.isInDungeon
- onEnable(){
+ onEnable() {
this.renderMap = new ToggleSetting("Render Map", "Toggles Rendering the map on the hud", false, "dmap_render", this)
- this.mapLocation = new ImageLocationSetting("Map Location", "Sets the location of the map on the hud","dmap_location", this, [10,10, 1], new Image(javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(new java.io.File("./config/ChatTriggers/modules/SoopyV2/features/dungeonMap/map.png"))),100,100)
+ this.mapLocation = new ImageLocationSetting("Map Location", "Sets the location of the map on the hud", "dmap_location", this, [10, 10, 1], new Image(javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(new java.io.File("./config/ChatTriggers/modules/SoopyV2/features/dungeonMap/map.png"))), 100, 100)
this.mapBackground = new ToggleSetting("Map Background And Border", "Puts a grey background behind the map + Black border", false, "dmap_background", this)
this.brBox = new ToggleSetting("Box around doors in br", "In map category because it uses map to find location (no esp)", true, "dmap_door", this)
this.brBoxDisableWhenBloodOpened = new ToggleSetting("Disable blood rush box when blood open", "", true, "dmap_door_disable", this).requires(this.brBox)
this.spiritLeapOverlay = new ToggleSetting("Spirit leap overlay", "Cool overlay for the spirit leap menu", true, "spirit_leap_overlay", this)
// this.spiritLeapOverlay = new ToggleSetting("Spirit leap overlay", "Cool overlay for the spirit leap menu", true, "spirit_leap_overlay", this).requires(this.spiritLeapOverlay)
+ this.IMAGE_SIZE = 128 * this.MAP_QUALITY_SCALE
this.defaultPlayerImage = renderLibs.getImage("https://crafatar.com/avatars/dc8c39647b294e03ae9ed13ebd65dd29?size=8", true)
this.mapDataPlayers = {}
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
this.mortLocationOnMap = undefined
this.brBoxLoc = undefined
this.invMapImage = new BufferedImage(128, 128, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
- this.renderImage = new BufferedImage(this.IMAGE_SIZE,this.IMAGE_SIZE, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
+ this.renderImage = new BufferedImage(this.IMAGE_SIZE, this.IMAGE_SIZE, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
this.mapImage = new Image(this.renderImage)
this.barrier_block_item = new Item("minecraft:barrier")
@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
this.currDungeonBossImage = undefined
this.bloodOpened = false
- this.registerChat("&r&cThe &r&c&lBLOOD DOOR&r&c has been opened!&r", ()=>{
+ this.registerChat("&r&cThe &r&c&lBLOOD DOOR&r&c has been opened!&r", () => {
this.bloodOpened = true
this.lastDoorOpener = undefined
- this.registerChat("&r&a${player}&r&a opened a &r&8&lWITHER &r&adoor!&r", (player)=>{
+ this.registerChat("&r&a${player}&r&a opened a &r&8&lWITHER &r&adoor!&r", (player) => {
this.lastDoorOpener = ChatLib.removeFormatting(player)
@@ -100,56 +100,48 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
// this.registerEvent("tick", this.tick)
this.registerStep(true, 3, this.step)
- this.registerStep(true, 10, ()=>{
+ this.registerStep(true, 10, () => {
this.registerStep(false, 5, this.step5s)
this.registerEvent("renderOverlay", this.renderOverlay)
this.registerEvent("renderWorld", this.renderWorld)
this.registerEvent("worldLoad", this.worldLoad)
- this.registerEvent("guiOpened", (event)=>{
- if(this.spiritLeapOverlay.getValue()) this.spiritLeapOverlayGui.guiOpened.call(this.spiritLeapOverlayGui, event)
+ this.registerEvent("guiOpened", (event) => {
+ if (this.spiritLeapOverlay.getValue()) this.spiritLeapOverlayGui.guiOpened.call(this.spiritLeapOverlayGui, event)
this.boringMap = false
- this.registerChat("&r&r&r ${*}&r&cThe Catacombs &r&8- &r&eFloor ${*}&r", ()=>{
+ this.registerChat("&r&r&r ${*}&r&cThe Catacombs &r&8- &r&eFloor ${*}&r", () => {
this.boringMap = true
- this.registerChat("&r&r&r ${*}&r&cMaster Mode Catacombs &r&8- &r&eFloor ${*}&r", ()=>{
+ this.registerChat("&r&r&r ${*}&r&cMaster Mode Catacombs &r&8- &r&eFloor ${*}&r", () => {
this.boringMap = true
- this.registerChat("&r&aDungeon starts in 1 second.&r", ()=>{
+ this.registerChat("&r&aDungeon starts in 1 second.&r", () => {
this.boringMap = false
this.running = true
- this.registerEvent("gameUnload", ()=>{
+ this.registerEvent("gameUnload", () => {
this.running = false
- new Thread(()=>{
- while(this.running){
- if(this.isInDungeon()){
- let startedUpdatingTime = Date.now()
- // console.log("Updating map...")
- this.updateMapImage()
- // console.log("Finished updating map")
- let time = Date.now()-startedUpdatingTime
- if(time< 300)Thread.sleep(300-time)
- }else{
- Thread.sleep(1000)
- }
- }
- }).start()
+ this.registerStep(true, 3, () => {
+ if (!this.isInDungeon()) return
- this.registerChat("&r&r&r &r&cThe Catacombs &r&8- &r&eFloor ${*} Stats&r", ()=>{
+ new Thread(() => {
+ this.updateMapImage()
+ }).start()
+ })
+ this.registerChat("&r&r&r &r&cThe Catacombs &r&8- &r&eFloor ${*} Stats&r", () => {
this.puzzles = {}
- worldLoad(){
+ worldLoad() {
this.mortLocation = undefined
this.mapDataPlayers = {}
this.offset = []
@@ -161,37 +153,37 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
this.bloodOpened = false
- renderWorld(){
- if(this.isInDungeon() && this.brBox.getValue()){
- if(this.brBoxLoc && (!this.bloodOpened || this.brBoxDisableWhenBloodOpened.getValue())){
- drawBoxAtBlock(this.brBoxLoc[0]-1.5, 69, this.brBoxLoc[1]-1.5, 255,0,0, 3, 4)
+ renderWorld() {
+ if (this.isInDungeon() && this.brBox.getValue()) {
+ if (this.brBoxLoc && (!this.bloodOpened || this.brBoxDisableWhenBloodOpened.getValue())) {
+ drawBoxAtBlock(this.brBoxLoc[0] - 1.5, 69, this.brBoxLoc[1] - 1.5, 255, 0, 0, 3, 4)
- renderOverlay(){
- if(this.isInDungeon() && this.renderMap.getValue() && !this.spiritLeapOverlayGui.soopyGui.ctGui.isOpen()){
- this.drawMap(this.mapLocation.getValue()[0], this.mapLocation.getValue()[1],100*this.mapLocation.getValue()[2], 0.5*this.mapLocation.getValue()[2])
+ renderOverlay() {
+ if (this.isInDungeon() && this.renderMap.getValue() && !this.spiritLeapOverlayGui.soopyGui.ctGui.isOpen()) {
+ this.drawMap(this.mapLocation.getValue()[0], this.mapLocation.getValue()[1], 100 * this.mapLocation.getValue()[2], 0.5 * this.mapLocation.getValue()[2])
- drawMap(x, y, size, scale){
- if(this.mapImage){
- if(this.mapBackground.getValue()) Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0,0,0,100), x, y, size, size)
+ drawMap(x, y, size, scale) {
+ if (this.mapImage) {
+ if (this.mapBackground.getValue()) Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0, 0, 0, 100), x, y, size, size)
- if(this.boringMap){
+ if (this.boringMap) {
this.mapImage.draw(x, y, size, size)
renderLibs.scizzor(x, y, size, size)
- World.getAllPlayers().forEach(player=>{
- if(player.getPing()===-1)return
- if(!this.people.includes(player.getName())) return
+ World.getAllPlayers().forEach(player => {
+ if (player.getPing() === -1) return
+ if (!this.people.includes(player.getName())) return
this.mapDataPlayers[player.getUUID().toString()] = {
x: player.getX(),
y: player.getZ(),
- rot: player.getYaw()+180,
+ rot: player.getYaw() + 180,
username: player.getName(),
uuid: player.getUUID().toString()
@@ -202,46 +194,46 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
let renderY
let xOff = 0
let yOff = 0
- if(this.mapDataPlayers[uuid]){
- if(this.currDungeonBossImage){
- renderX = (this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x-this.currDungeonBossImage.topLeftLocation[0])/this.currDungeonBossImage.widthInWorld*size
- renderY = (this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y-this.currDungeonBossImage.topLeftLocation[1])/this.currDungeonBossImage.heightInWorld*size
- }else{
- renderX = this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x/this.mapScale/128*size+this.offset[0]/128*size//*16/this.roomWidth
- renderY = this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y/this.mapScale/128*size+this.offset[1]/128*size//*16/this.roomWidth
+ if (this.mapDataPlayers[uuid]) {
+ if (this.currDungeonBossImage) {
+ renderX = (this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x - this.currDungeonBossImage.topLeftLocation[0]) / this.currDungeonBossImage.widthInWorld * size
+ renderY = (this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y - this.currDungeonBossImage.topLeftLocation[1]) / this.currDungeonBossImage.heightInWorld * size
+ } else {
+ renderX = this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x / this.mapScale / 128 * size + this.offset[0] / 128 * size//*16/this.roomWidth
+ renderY = this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y / this.mapScale / 128 * size + this.offset[1] / 128 * size//*16/this.roomWidth
- if(renderX < 0 || renderX>size
- || renderY < 0 || renderY > size){
- xOff = size/2-renderX
- yOff = size/2-renderY
+ if (renderX < 0 || renderX > size
+ || renderY < 0 || renderY > size) {
+ xOff = size / 2 - renderX
+ yOff = size / 2 - renderY
- this.mapImage.draw(x+xOff, y+yOff, size, size)
- this.drawOtherMisc(x+xOff, y+yOff, size, scale)
- this.drawPlayersLocations(x+xOff, y+yOff, size, scale)
+ this.mapImage.draw(x + xOff, y + yOff, size, size)
+ this.drawOtherMisc(x + xOff, y + yOff, size, scale)
+ this.drawPlayersLocations(x + xOff, y + yOff, size, scale)
- if(this.mapBackground.getValue()) Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0,0,0), x, y, size, 2)
- if(this.mapBackground.getValue()) Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0,0,0), x, y, 2, size)
- if(this.mapBackground.getValue()) Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0,0,0), x+size-2, y, 2, size)
- if(this.mapBackground.getValue()) Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0,0,0), x, y+size-2, size, 2)
+ if (this.mapBackground.getValue()) Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0, 0, 0), x, y, size, 2)
+ if (this.mapBackground.getValue()) Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0, 0, 0), x, y, 2, size)
+ if (this.mapBackground.getValue()) Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0, 0, 0), x + size - 2, y, 2, size)
+ if (this.mapBackground.getValue()) Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0, 0, 0), x, y + size - 2, size, 2)
- drawOtherMisc(x2, y2, size2, scale){
- if(this.currDungeonBossImage) return
- Object.keys(this.puzzles).forEach(loc=>{
- if(!this.puzzles[loc]) return
- if(this.puzzles[loc][1]) return
- let y = (loc%128)/128*100
- let x = (Math.floor(loc/128))/128*100
+ drawOtherMisc(x2, y2, size2, scale) {
+ if (this.currDungeonBossImage) return
+ Object.keys(this.puzzles).forEach(loc => {
+ if (!this.puzzles[loc]) return
+ if (this.puzzles[loc][1]) return
+ let y = (loc % 128) / 128 * 100
+ let x = (Math.floor(loc / 128)) / 128 * 100
let item = this.puzzleItems[this.puzzles[loc][0]] || this.barrier_block_item
@@ -249,85 +241,85 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
// renderLibs.drawStringCentered("&0&l" + l, x*scale*2+x2-l.length/2*scale*2, y*scale*2+y2-this.roomWidth/3*scale*2+this.roomWidth/3*scale*2+i*6*scale*2-((lines.length-1)*3+4)*scale*2, scale*2)
// })
- item.draw(x*scale*2+x2-this.roomWidth/4*scale*2, y*scale*2+y2-this.roomWidth/4*scale*2,1.5*scale)
+ item.draw(x * scale * 2 + x2 - this.roomWidth / 4 * scale * 2, y * scale * 2 + y2 - this.roomWidth / 4 * scale * 2, 1.5 * scale)
- drawPlayersLocations(x, y, size, scale){
+ drawPlayersLocations(x, y, size, scale) {
let uuidToPlayer = {}
- World.getAllPlayers().forEach(player=>{
- if(player.getPing()===-1)return
- if(!this.people.includes(player.getName())) return
+ World.getAllPlayers().forEach(player => {
+ if (player.getPing() === -1) return
+ if (!this.people.includes(player.getName())) return
uuidToPlayer[player.getUUID().toString()] = player
- Object.keys(this.mapDataPlayers).forEach((uuid)=>{
- if(uuid===Player.getUUID().toString()) return
+ Object.keys(this.mapDataPlayers).forEach((uuid) => {
+ if (uuid === Player.getUUID().toString()) return
let renderX
let renderY
- if(this.currDungeonBossImage){
- renderX = (this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x-this.currDungeonBossImage.topLeftLocation[0])/this.currDungeonBossImage.widthInWorld*size
- renderY = (this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y-this.currDungeonBossImage.topLeftLocation[1])/this.currDungeonBossImage.heightInWorld*size
- }else{
- renderX = this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x/this.mapScale/128*size+this.offset[0]/128*size//*16/this.roomWidth
- renderY = this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y/this.mapScale/128*size+this.offset[1]/128*size//*16/this.roomWidth
+ if (this.currDungeonBossImage) {
+ renderX = (this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x - this.currDungeonBossImage.topLeftLocation[0]) / this.currDungeonBossImage.widthInWorld * size
+ renderY = (this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y - this.currDungeonBossImage.topLeftLocation[1]) / this.currDungeonBossImage.heightInWorld * size
+ } else {
+ renderX = this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x / this.mapScale / 128 * size + this.offset[0] / 128 * size//*16/this.roomWidth
+ renderY = this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y / this.mapScale / 128 * size + this.offset[1] / 128 * size//*16/this.roomWidth
- Renderer.translate(renderX+x, renderY+y, 1000)
- Renderer.scale(scale*1.5, scale*1.5)
+ Renderer.translate(renderX + x, renderY + y, 1000)
+ Renderer.scale(scale * 1.5, scale * 1.5)
- this.getImageForPlayer(uuid).draw(-5,-5, 10, 10)
+ this.getImageForPlayer(uuid).draw(-5, -5, 10, 10)
let uuid = Player.getUUID().toString()
- if(!this.mapDataPlayers[uuid]) return
+ if (!this.mapDataPlayers[uuid]) return
let renderX
let renderY
- if(this.currDungeonBossImage){
- renderX = (this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x-this.currDungeonBossImage.topLeftLocation[0])/this.currDungeonBossImage.widthInWorld*size
- renderY = (this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y-this.currDungeonBossImage.topLeftLocation[1])/this.currDungeonBossImage.heightInWorld*size
- }else{
- renderX = this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x/this.mapScale/128*size+this.offset[0]/128*size//*16/this.roomWidth
- renderY = this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y/this.mapScale/128*size+this.offset[1]/128*size//*16/this.roomWidth
+ if (this.currDungeonBossImage) {
+ renderX = (this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x - this.currDungeonBossImage.topLeftLocation[0]) / this.currDungeonBossImage.widthInWorld * size
+ renderY = (this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y - this.currDungeonBossImage.topLeftLocation[1]) / this.currDungeonBossImage.heightInWorld * size
+ } else {
+ renderX = this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x / this.mapScale / 128 * size + this.offset[0] / 128 * size//*16/this.roomWidth
+ renderY = this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y / this.mapScale / 128 * size + this.offset[1] / 128 * size//*16/this.roomWidth
- Renderer.translate(renderX+x, renderY+y, 1000)
- Renderer.scale(scale*1.5, scale*1.5)
+ Renderer.translate(renderX + x, renderY + y, 1000)
+ Renderer.scale(scale * 1.5, scale * 1.5)
- this.getImageForPlayer(uuid).draw(-5,-5, 10, 10)
+ this.getImageForPlayer(uuid).draw(-5, -5, 10, 10)
- step(){
- if(!World.getWorld()) return
+ step() {
+ if (!World.getWorld()) return
// console.log("asjbfoasbgp")
this.people = []
this.puzzlesTab = []
- TabList.getNames().forEach(nameo=>{
+ TabList.getNames().forEach(nameo => {
-// Party (2) | Soopyboo32 (Mage XXXVI) | Ultimate: Ready | Revive Stones: 1 | | zZzJAKE ♲ (DEAD) | Ultimate: 00m 45s | Revive Stones: 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Player Stats | Downed: zZzJAKE | Time: 00m 47s | Revive: 01m 40s | | Deaths: (2) | Damage Dealt: 4.7M❤ | Healing Done: 718❤ | Milestone: ☠❸ | | Discoveries: (0) | Secrets Found: 0 | Crypts: 0 | | | | | | | | Dungeon Stats | Dungeon: Catacombs | Opened Rooms: 13 | Completed Rooms: 12 | Secrets Found: 0% | Time: 01m 51s | | Puzzles: (3) | ???: [✦] | ???: [✦] | ???: [✦] | | | | | | | | | | Account Info | Profile: Pomegranate | Pet Sitter: N/A | Bank: 57M/11M | Interest: 04h 19m 10s | | Skills: Combat 60: MAX | Speed: ✦457 | Strength: ❁859 | Crit Chance: ☣62 | Crit Damage: ☠1479 | Attack Speed: ⚔92 | | Event: Election Over! | Starts In: 2h 39m 10s | | Election: 0d 2h 39m 10s | Aatrox: |||||||||| (79%) | Marina: |||||||||| (7%) | Cole: |||||||||| (6%) | Soopyboo32
- let line = ChatLib.removeFormatting(nameo).trim().replace("♲ ","") //TODO: Remove bingo symbol
- if(line.endsWith(")") && line.includes(" (") && line.split(" (").length === 2 && line.split(" (")[0].split(" ").length === 1 && line.split(" (")[1].length>5){
+ // Party (2) | Soopyboo32 (Mage XXXVI) | Ultimate: Ready | Revive Stones: 1 | | zZzJAKE ♲ (DEAD) | Ultimate: 00m 45s | Revive Stones: 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Player Stats | Downed: zZzJAKE | Time: 00m 47s | Revive: 01m 40s | | Deaths: (2) | Damage Dealt: 4.7M❤ | Healing Done: 718❤ | Milestone: ☠❸ | | Discoveries: (0) | Secrets Found: 0 | Crypts: 0 | | | | | | | | Dungeon Stats | Dungeon: Catacombs | Opened Rooms: 13 | Completed Rooms: 12 | Secrets Found: 0% | Time: 01m 51s | | Puzzles: (3) | ???: [✦] | ???: [✦] | ???: [✦] | | | | | | | | | | Account Info | Profile: Pomegranate | Pet Sitter: N/A | Bank: 57M/11M | Interest: 04h 19m 10s | | Skills: Combat 60: MAX | Speed: ✦457 | Strength: ❁859 | Crit Chance: ☣62 | Crit Damage: ☠1479 | Attack Speed: ⚔92 | | Event: Election Over! | Starts In: 2h 39m 10s | | Election: 0d 2h 39m 10s | Aatrox: |||||||||| (79%) | Marina: |||||||||| (7%) | Cole: |||||||||| (6%) | Soopyboo32
+ let line = ChatLib.removeFormatting(nameo).trim().replace("♲ ", "") //TODO: Remove bingo symbol
+ if (line.endsWith(")") && line.includes(" (") && line.split(" (").length === 2 && line.split(" (")[0].split(" ").length === 1 && line.split(" (")[1].length > 5) {
this.people.push(line.split(" ")[0])
name = ChatLib.removeFormatting(nameo).trim().split(" ")
let end = name.pop()
// console.log(end) Water Board: [✔]
- if(end !== "[✦]" && end !== "[✔]") return
+ if (end !== "[✦]" && end !== "[✔]") return
name = name.join(" ").trim().replace(":", "")
- if(name.length > 1 && !name.includes("?")){
+ if (name.length > 1 && !name.includes("?")) {
this.puzzlesTab.push([name, end === "[✔]"])
// console.log(name)
- let puzzlesTab2 = this.puzzlesTab.map(a=>a)
+ let puzzlesTab2 = this.puzzlesTab.map(a => a)
// console.log(this.puzzlesTab.length)
// Object.keys(this.puzzles).forEach(key=>{
// let y = (key%128)
@@ -337,7 +329,7 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
// this.puzzles[key] = puzzlesTab2.shift()
// }
// })
- Object.keys(this.puzzles).forEach(key=>{
+ Object.keys(this.puzzles).forEach(key => {
// let y = (key%128)
// let x = (Math.floor(key/128))
@@ -349,39 +341,39 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
- updateMapImage(){
- try{
- World.getAllPlayers().forEach(player=>{
- if(player.getPing()===-1)return
- if(!this.people.includes(player.getName())) return
- this.mapDataPlayers[Player.getUUID().toString()] = {
- x: player.getX(),
- y: player.getZ(),
- rot: player.getYaw()+180,
- username: player.getName(),
- uuid: player.getUUID().toString()
- }
- this.nameToUUID[player.getName().toLowerCase()] = player.getUUID().toString()
- })
- }catch(_){}//cocurrent modification
- if(!this.mortLocation){
- try{
- World.getAllEntities().forEach(entity=>{
- if(ChatLib.removeFormatting(entity.getName()) === ("Mort")){
- this.mortLocation = [
- entity.getX(),
- entity.getZ()
- ]
+ updateMapImage() {
+ try {
+ World.getAllPlayers().forEach(player => {
+ if (player.getPing() === -1) return
+ if (!this.people.includes(player.getName())) return
+ this.mapDataPlayers[Player.getUUID().toString()] = {
+ x: player.getX(),
+ y: player.getZ(),
+ rot: player.getYaw() + 180,
+ username: player.getName(),
+ uuid: player.getUUID().toString()
+ this.nameToUUID[player.getName().toLowerCase()] = player.getUUID().toString()
- }catch(e){}
+ } catch (_) { }//cocurrent modification
+ if (!this.mortLocation) {
+ try {
+ World.getAllEntities().forEach(entity => {
+ if (ChatLib.removeFormatting(entity.getName()) === ("Mort")) {
+ this.mortLocation = [
+ entity.getX(),
+ entity.getZ()
+ ]
+ }
+ })
+ } catch (e) { }
let graphics = this.renderImage.getGraphics()
- graphics.fillRect(0,0,this.IMAGE_SIZE,this.IMAGE_SIZE)
+ graphics.fillRect(0, 0, this.IMAGE_SIZE, this.IMAGE_SIZE)
let mapData
@@ -390,29 +382,29 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
mapData = item.getItem()[m.getMapData](item.getItemStack(), World.getWorld()); // ItemStack.getItem().getMapData()
} catch (error) {
- if(mapData){
+ if (mapData) {
// console.log("has map data poggies")
let bytes = mapData[f.colors.MapData]
let x = 0
let y = 0
- for(let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++){
+ for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
// console.log(bytes[i]/4)
- if(bytes[i] !== 0){
- let j = bytes[i]&255
- let color = new Color(net.minecraft.block.material.MapColor[f.mapColorArray][j>>2][m.getMapColor.MapColor](j & 3))
+ if (bytes[i] !== 0) {
+ let j = bytes[i] & 255
+ let color = new Color(net.minecraft.block.material.MapColor[f.mapColorArray][j >> 2][m.getMapColor.MapColor](j & 3))
// this.invMapImage.setRGB(x, y, color)
+ graphics.fillRect(x * this.MAP_QUALITY_SCALE, y * this.MAP_QUALITY_SCALE, this.MAP_QUALITY_SCALE, this.MAP_QUALITY_SCALE)
- if(x >= 128){
- x=0
+ if (x >= 128) {
+ x = 0
- if(y>128) break
+ if (y > 128) break
// mapImage.getRGB()
@@ -429,60 +421,60 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
let roomOffsets
let roomWidth1 = 0
let roomWidth2 = 0
- for(let x = 0;x<128;x++){
- for(let y = 0;y<128;y++){
- if(bytes[x+y*128] === 30 && bytes[(x-1)+(y)*128] === 0){
+ for (let x = 0; x < 128; x++) {
+ for (let y = 0; y < 128; y++) {
+ if (bytes[x + y * 128] === 30 && bytes[(x - 1) + (y) * 128] === 0) {
- if(roomWidth1 > 0) break;
+ if (roomWidth1 > 0) break;
- for(let x = 0;x<128;x++){
- for(let y = 0;y<128;y++){
- if(bytes[y+x*128] === 30 && bytes[(y)+(x-1)*128] === 0){
+ for (let x = 0; x < 128; x++) {
+ for (let y = 0; y < 128; y++) {
+ if (bytes[y + x * 128] === 30 && bytes[(y) + (x - 1) * 128] === 0) {
- if(roomWidth2 > 0) break;
+ if (roomWidth2 > 0) break;
- let roomWidth = Math.floor(Math.max(roomWidth1, roomWidth2)*5/4)
- this.mapScale = 32/roomWidth
+ let roomWidth = Math.floor(Math.max(roomWidth1, roomWidth2) * 5 / 4)
+ this.mapScale = 32 / roomWidth
let mortLocationOnMap
- for(let x = 0;x<128;x++){
- for(let y = 0;y<128;y++){
- if(bytes[x+y*128] === 30 && bytes[(x-1)+(y-1)*128] === 0){
- if(roomOffsets) break;
- roomOffsets = [x%roomWidth-3, y%roomWidth-3]
+ for (let x = 0; x < 128; x++) {
+ for (let y = 0; y < 128; y++) {
+ if (bytes[x + y * 128] === 30 && bytes[(x - 1) + (y - 1) * 128] === 0) {
+ if (roomOffsets) break;
+ roomOffsets = [x % roomWidth - 3, y % roomWidth - 3]
- let dir = roomWidth/2-5/this.mapScale
+ let dir = roomWidth / 2 - 5 / this.mapScale
- for(let i = 0;i<roomWidth;i++){
- if(bytes[(i+x-3)+(y-3)*128] !== 0){
- mortLocationOnMap = [x-2+roomWidth/2, y-2+roomWidth/2-dir]
+ for (let i = 0; i < roomWidth; i++) {
+ if (bytes[(i + x - 3) + (y - 3) * 128] !== 0) {
+ mortLocationOnMap = [x - 2 + roomWidth / 2, y - 2 + roomWidth / 2 - dir]
// if(mortLocationOnMap) break
- for(let i = 0;i<roomWidth;i++){
- if(bytes[(i+x-3)+(y+roomWidth-3)*128] !== 0){
- mortLocationOnMap = [x-2+roomWidth/2, y-2+roomWidth/2+dir]
+ for (let i = 0; i < roomWidth; i++) {
+ if (bytes[(i + x - 3) + (y + roomWidth - 3) * 128] !== 0) {
+ mortLocationOnMap = [x - 2 + roomWidth / 2, y - 2 + roomWidth / 2 + dir]
- for(let i = 0;i<roomWidth;i++){
- if(bytes[(x-3)+(i+y-3)*128] !== 0){
- mortLocationOnMap = [x-2+roomWidth/2-dir, y-2+roomWidth/2]
+ for (let i = 0; i < roomWidth; i++) {
+ if (bytes[(x - 3) + (i + y - 3) * 128] !== 0) {
+ mortLocationOnMap = [x - 2 + roomWidth / 2 - dir, y - 2 + roomWidth / 2]
- for(let i = 0;i<roomWidth;i++){
- if(bytes[(x+roomWidth-3)+(i+y-3)*128] !== 0){
- mortLocationOnMap = [x-2+roomWidth/2+dir, y-2+roomWidth/2]
+ for (let i = 0; i < roomWidth; i++) {
+ if (bytes[(x + roomWidth - 3) + (i + y - 3) * 128] !== 0) {
+ mortLocationOnMap = [x - 2 + roomWidth / 2 + dir, y - 2 + roomWidth / 2]
@@ -492,42 +484,42 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
- if(mortLocationOnMap && this.mortLocation){
- for(let x = roomOffsets[0];x<128;x+=roomWidth){
- for(let y = roomOffsets[1];y<128;y+=roomWidth){
- let testLocs = [[x, y+roomWidth/2, false],[x+roomWidth/2, y, true]]
- testLocs.forEach(([ux, uy, isX])=>{
+ if (mortLocationOnMap && this.mortLocation) {
+ for (let x = roomOffsets[0]; x < 128; x += roomWidth) {
+ for (let y = roomOffsets[1]; y < 128; y += roomWidth) {
+ let testLocs = [[x, y + roomWidth / 2, false], [x + roomWidth / 2, y, true]]
+ testLocs.forEach(([ux, uy, isX]) => {
// console.log(bytes[~~ux+~~uy*128])
- if(bytes[~~ux+~~uy*128] === 119 || bytes[~~ux+~~uy*128] === 18){
+ if (bytes[~~ux + ~~uy * 128] === 119 || bytes[~~ux + ~~uy * 128] === 18) {
brBoxTemp = [
- (ux-mortLocationOnMap[0])/roomWidth*32+this.mortLocation[0],
- (uy-mortLocationOnMap[1])/roomWidth*32+this.mortLocation[1]
+ (ux - mortLocationOnMap[0]) / roomWidth * 32 + this.mortLocation[0],
+ (uy - mortLocationOnMap[1]) / roomWidth * 32 + this.mortLocation[1]
- if(isX){
- brBoxTemp[0] = Math.floor(brBoxTemp[0]/32+0.5)*32+16
- brBoxTemp[1] = Math.floor(brBoxTemp[1]/32+0.5)*32
- }else{
- brBoxTemp[0] = Math.floor(brBoxTemp[0]/32+0.5)*32
- brBoxTemp[1] = Math.floor(brBoxTemp[1]/32+0.5)*32+16
+ if (isX) {
+ brBoxTemp[0] = Math.floor(brBoxTemp[0] / 32 + 0.5) * 32 + 16
+ brBoxTemp[1] = Math.floor(brBoxTemp[1] / 32 + 0.5) * 32
+ } else {
+ brBoxTemp[0] = Math.floor(brBoxTemp[0] / 32 + 0.5) * 32
+ brBoxTemp[1] = Math.floor(brBoxTemp[1] / 32 + 0.5) * 32 + 16
brBoxTemp = [
- (~~brBoxTemp[0])-8.5,
- (~~brBoxTemp[1])-8.5
+ (~~brBoxTemp[0]) - 8.5,
+ (~~brBoxTemp[1]) - 8.5
- let [tx, ty] = [~~(x+roomWidth/2), ~~(y+roomWidth/2)]
+ let [tx, ty] = [~~(x + roomWidth / 2), ~~(y + roomWidth / 2)]
+ if (bytes[tx + ty * 128] === 66) {
- if(bytes[tx+ty*128] === 66){
- if(!this.puzzles[(tx)*128+ty]){
- this.puzzles[(tx)*128+ty] = ["Loading", false]
+ if (!this.puzzles[(tx) * 128 + ty]) {
+ this.puzzles[(tx) * 128 + ty] = ["Loading", false]
@@ -537,7 +529,7 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
this.brBoxLoc = brBoxTemp
- if(roomOffsets && this.renderImage){
+ if (roomOffsets && this.renderImage) {
// for(let x = 0;x<128;x++){
// for(let y = 0;y<128;y++){
// if((x-roomOffsets[0])%roomWidth===0 || (y-roomOffsets[1])%roomWidth===0){
@@ -545,14 +537,14 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
// }
// }
// }
// for(let x = roomOffsets[0];x<128;x+=roomWidth){
// for(let y = roomOffsets[1];y<128;y+=roomWidth){
// let testLocs = [[x, y+roomWidth/2],[x+roomWidth/2, y]]
// testLocs.forEach(([ux, uy])=>{
// ux = ~~ux
// uy = ~~uy
// try{
// this.renderImage.setRGB(ux*this.MAP_QUALITY_SCALE, uy*this.MAP_QUALITY_SCALE, Renderer.color(255,0,0))
// }catch(e){}
@@ -561,66 +553,66 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
// }
- if(mortLocationOnMap && this.mortLocation){
- this.offset = [mortLocationOnMap[0]-this.mortLocation[0]/this.mapScale, mortLocationOnMap[1]-this.mortLocation[1]/this.mapScale]
+ if (mortLocationOnMap && this.mortLocation) {
+ this.offset = [mortLocationOnMap[0] - this.mortLocation[0] / this.mapScale, mortLocationOnMap[1] - this.mortLocation[1] / this.mapScale]
// this.renderImage.setRGB(mortLocationOnMap[0], mortLocationOnMap[1], Renderer.color(255, 0, 0))
// console.log(bytes[Math.floor(Player.getX()/this.mapScale+this.offset[0])+Math.floor(Player.getZ()/this.mapScale + this.offset[1])*128])
this.roomWidth = roomWidth
this.mortLocationOnMap = this.mortLocationOnMap
- if(this.mortLocation && mortLocationOnMap && roomWidth){
+ if (this.mortLocation && mortLocationOnMap && roomWidth) {
let deco = mapData[f.mapDecorations]
this.extraDeco = []
- try{
- deco.forEach((icon, vec4b) => {
- let x = vec4b.func_176112_b()
- let y = vec4b.func_176113_c()
- let rot = vec4b.func_176111_d()
- x = x/2+64
- y = y/2+64
- rot=rot*360/16+180
- x= (x-mortLocationOnMap[0])/roomWidth*32+this.mortLocation[0]
- y= (y-mortLocationOnMap[1])/roomWidth*32+this.mortLocation[1]
- //wtf is this
- //vec4b.func_176110_a()
- let closestP = undefined
- let closestDistance = Infinity
- Object.keys(this.mapDataPlayers).forEach((uuid)=>{
- if((x-this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x)**2+(y-this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y)**2 < closestDistance){
- closestDistance = (x-this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x)**2+(y-this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y)**2
- closestP = uuid
+ try {
+ deco.forEach((icon, vec4b) => {
+ let x = vec4b.func_176112_b()
+ let y = vec4b.func_176113_c()
+ let rot = vec4b.func_176111_d()
+ x = x / 2 + 64
+ y = y / 2 + 64
+ rot = rot * 360 / 16 + 180
+ x = (x - mortLocationOnMap[0]) / roomWidth * 32 + this.mortLocation[0]
+ y = (y - mortLocationOnMap[1]) / roomWidth * 32 + this.mortLocation[1]
+ //wtf is this
+ //vec4b.func_176110_a()
+ let closestP = undefined
+ let closestDistance = Infinity
+ Object.keys(this.mapDataPlayers).forEach((uuid) => {
+ if ((x - this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x) ** 2 + (y - this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y) ** 2 < closestDistance) {
+ closestDistance = (x - this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x) ** 2 + (y - this.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y) ** 2
+ closestP = uuid
+ }
+ })
+ if (closestP) {
+ // console.log(closestP, x, y)
+ this.mapDataPlayers[closestP].x = x
+ this.mapDataPlayers[closestP].y = y
+ this.mapDataPlayers[closestP].rot = rot
- })
- if(closestP){
- // console.log(closestP, x, y)
- this.mapDataPlayers[closestP].x = x
- this.mapDataPlayers[closestP].y = y
- this.mapDataPlayers[closestP].rot = rot
- }
- });
- }catch(e){}
+ });
+ } catch (e) { }
- if(!this.renderImage) return
+ if (!this.renderImage) return
let newMapImageThing = new Image(this.renderImage)
this.mapImage = newMapImageThing
this.currDungeonBossImage = undefined
- }else{
+ } else {
//no map data, check to see if should render boss image
- if(this.dungeonBossImages[this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor])this.dungeonBossImages[this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor].forEach(data=>{
- if(data.bounds[0][0] <= Player.getX() && data.bounds[0][1] <= Player.getY() && data.bounds[0][2] <= Player.getZ() && data.bounds[1][0] >= Player.getX() && data.bounds[1][1] >= Player.getY() && data.bounds[1][2] >= Player.getZ()){
+ if (this.dungeonBossImages[this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor]) this.dungeonBossImages[this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor].forEach(data => {
+ if (data.bounds[0][0] <= Player.getX() && data.bounds[0][1] <= Player.getY() && data.bounds[0][2] <= Player.getZ() && data.bounds[1][0] >= Player.getX() && data.bounds[1][1] >= Player.getY() && data.bounds[1][2] >= Player.getZ()) {
this.currDungeonBossImage = data
this.mapImage = data.image
@@ -631,19 +623,19 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
// this.mapImage.setImage(this.renderImage)
- step5s(){
- if(!this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.isInDungeon) return
- if(this.people.length < 1) return
+ step5s() {
+ if (!this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.isInDungeon) return
+ if (this.people.length < 1) return
let data = []
- World.getAllPlayers().forEach(player=>{
- if(player.getPing()===-1)return
- if(!this.people.includes(player.getName())) return
+ World.getAllPlayers().forEach(player => {
+ if (player.getPing() === -1) return
+ if (!this.people.includes(player.getName())) return
x: player.getX(),
y: player.getZ(),
- rot: player.getYaw()+180,
+ rot: player.getYaw() + 180,
username: player.getName(),
uuid: player.getUUID().toString()
@@ -651,18 +643,18 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
// console.log("Sending: " + JSON.stringify(this.people, undefined, 2)+JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2))
socketConnection.sendDungeonData(this.people, data)
- updateDungeonMapData(data){
+ updateDungeonMapData(data) {
// console.log("Recieved: " + JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2))
- data.forEach(p=>{
+ data.forEach(p => {
this.mapDataPlayers[p.uuid] = p
- getImageForPlayer(uuid){
- return renderLibs.getImage("https://crafatar.com/avatars/" + uuid.replace(/-/g, "")+"?size=8") || this.defaultPlayerImage
+ getImageForPlayer(uuid) {
+ return renderLibs.getImage("https://crafatar.com/avatars/" + uuid.replace(/-/g, "") + "?size=8") || this.defaultPlayerImage
- initVariables(){
+ initVariables() {
this.mapImage = undefined
this.defaultPlayerImage = undefined
this.mortLocation = undefined
@@ -674,7 +666,7 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
this.renderImage = undefined
- onDisable(){
+ onDisable() {
this.running = false
@@ -686,80 +678,80 @@ module.exports = {
const ContainerChest = Java.type("net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerChest")
class SpiritLeapOverlay {
- constructor(parent){
+ constructor(parent) {
this.parent = parent
this.soopyGui = new SoopyGui()
- this.buttonsContainer = new SoopyGuiElement().setLocation(0.2,0.2, 0.6, 0.3)
+ this.buttonsContainer = new SoopyGuiElement().setLocation(0.2, 0.2, 0.6, 0.3)
- let renderThing = new soopyGuiMapRendererThing(this).setLocation(0,0,1,1)
+ let renderThing = new soopyGuiMapRendererThing(this).setLocation(0, 0, 1, 1)
- this.soopyGui.element.addEvent(new SoopyKeyPressEvent().setHandler((key, keyId)=>{
- if(keyId === 18){
+ this.soopyGui.element.addEvent(new SoopyKeyPressEvent().setHandler((key, keyId) => {
+ if (keyId === 18) {
this.items = {}
this.players = {}
- guiOpened(event){
- if(event.gui && event.gui.field_147002_h instanceof ContainerChest){
+ guiOpened(event) {
+ if (event.gui && event.gui.field_147002_h instanceof ContainerChest) {
name = event.gui.field_147002_h.func_85151_d().func_145748_c_().func_150260_c()
- if(name === "Spirit Leap"){
+ if (name === "Spirit Leap") {
- tick(){
+ tick() {
let itemsNew = {}
- if(Player.getContainer()?.getName() === "Spirit Leap"){
+ if (Player.getContainer()?.getName() === "Spirit Leap") {
this.players = {}
- Scoreboard.getLines().forEach(line=>{
+ Scoreboard.getLines().forEach(line => {
let name = ChatLib.removeFormatting(line.getName()).replace(/[^A-z0-9 \:\(\)\.\[\]]/g, "")
- if(name.startsWith("[M] ")) this.players[name.split(" ")[1]] = "M"
- if(name.startsWith("[A] ")) this.players[name.split(" ")[1]] = "A"
- if(name.startsWith("[B] ")) this.players[name.split(" ")[1]] = "B"
- if(name.startsWith("[H] ")) this.players[name.split(" ")[1]] = "H"
- if(name.startsWith("[T] ")) this.players[name.split(" ")[1]] = "T"
+ if (name.startsWith("[M] ")) this.players[name.split(" ")[1]] = "M"
+ if (name.startsWith("[A] ")) this.players[name.split(" ")[1]] = "A"
+ if (name.startsWith("[B] ")) this.players[name.split(" ")[1]] = "B"
+ if (name.startsWith("[H] ")) this.players[name.split(" ")[1]] = "H"
+ if (name.startsWith("[T] ")) this.players[name.split(" ")[1]] = "T"
- for(let i = 1;i<9*3;i++){
+ for (let i = 1; i < 9 * 3; i++) {
let item = Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(i)
- if(item && item.getID()!==160){
+ if (item && item.getID() !== 160) {
itemsNew[item.getName()] = i
- if(JSON.stringify(this.items) !== JSON.stringify(itemsNew)){
+ if (JSON.stringify(this.items) !== JSON.stringify(itemsNew)) {
this.items = itemsNew
- Object.keys(this.items).forEach((name, i)=>{
- let button = new ButtonWithArrow().setText((ChatLib.removeFormatting(name)===this.parent.lastDoorOpener?"&4":"&2")+"["+this.players[ChatLib.removeFormatting(name)]+"] "+ChatLib.removeFormatting(name)).addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(()=>{
+ Object.keys(this.items).forEach((name, i) => {
+ let button = new ButtonWithArrow().setText((ChatLib.removeFormatting(name) === this.parent.lastDoorOpener ? "&4" : "&2") + "[" + this.players[ChatLib.removeFormatting(name)] + "] " + ChatLib.removeFormatting(name)).addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() => {
ChatLib.chat("Leaping to " + name)
- })).setLocation((i%2)*0.5,Math.floor(i/2)*0.5,0.5,0.5)
+ })).setLocation((i % 2) * 0.5, Math.floor(i / 2) * 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
button.text.setLocation(0.5, 0, 0.4, 1)
- button.addEvent(new SoopyRenderEvent().setHandler(()=>{
- if(!this.parent.nameToUUID[ChatLib.removeFormatting(name).toLowerCase()]) return
+ button.addEvent(new SoopyRenderEvent().setHandler(() => {
+ if (!this.parent.nameToUUID[ChatLib.removeFormatting(name).toLowerCase()]) return
let img = this.parent.getImageForPlayer(this.parent.nameToUUID[ChatLib.removeFormatting(name).toLowerCase()])
- if(!img) return
+ if (!img) return
let x = button.location.getXExact()
let y = button.location.getYExact()
let h = button.location.getHeightExact()
- img.draw(x+h/5,y+h/10,8*h/10,8*h/10)
+ img.draw(x + h / 5, y + h / 10, 8 * h / 10, 8 * h / 10)
@@ -770,40 +762,40 @@ class SpiritLeapOverlay {
class soopyGuiMapRendererThing extends SoopyGuiElement {
- constructor(parent){
+ constructor(parent) {
this.parentE = parent
- this.addEvent(new SoopyRenderEvent().setHandler((mouseX, mouseY)=>{
- let size2 = Math.min(Renderer.screen.getWidth()/2, Renderer.screen.getHeight()/2)
+ this.addEvent(new SoopyRenderEvent().setHandler((mouseX, mouseY) => {
+ let size2 = Math.min(Renderer.screen.getWidth() / 2, Renderer.screen.getHeight() / 2)
- let [x, y, size, scale] = [Renderer.screen.getWidth()/2-size2/2,2*Renderer.screen.getHeight()/3-size2/3, size2, size2/this.parentE.parent.IMAGE_SIZE]
+ let [x, y, size, scale] = [Renderer.screen.getWidth() / 2 - size2 / 2, 2 * Renderer.screen.getHeight() / 3 - size2 / 3, size2, size2 / this.parentE.parent.IMAGE_SIZE]
this.parentE.parent.drawMap(x, y, size, scale)
let closestPlayer
- if(mouseY>y){
+ if (mouseY > y) {
closestPlayer = this.getClosestPlayerTo(x, y, size, scale, mouseX, mouseY)
- if(closestPlayer){
- let renderX = closestPlayer.x/this.parentE.parent.mapScale/128*size//*16/this.roomWidth
- let renderY = closestPlayer.y/this.parentE.parent.mapScale/128*size//*16/this.roomWidth
- Renderer.translate(renderX+x+this.parentE.parent.offset[0]/128*size, renderY+y+this.parentE.parent.offset[1]/128*size, 1000)
- Renderer.scale(scale*3, scale*3)
+ if (closestPlayer) {
+ let renderX = closestPlayer.x / this.parentE.parent.mapScale / 128 * size//*16/this.roomWidth
+ let renderY = closestPlayer.y / this.parentE.parent.mapScale / 128 * size//*16/this.roomWidth
+ Renderer.translate(renderX + x + this.parentE.parent.offset[0] / 128 * size, renderY + y + this.parentE.parent.offset[1] / 128 * size, 1000)
+ Renderer.scale(scale * 3, scale * 3)
- this.parentE.parent.getImageForPlayer(closestPlayer.uuid).draw(-5,-5, 10, 10)
+ this.parentE.parent.getImageForPlayer(closestPlayer.uuid).draw(-5, -5, 10, 10)
- Object.keys(this.parentE.parent.mapDataPlayers).forEach(uuid=>{
+ Object.keys(this.parentE.parent.mapDataPlayers).forEach(uuid => {
let player = this.parentE.parent.mapDataPlayers[uuid]
- let renderX = player.x/this.parentE.parent.mapScale/128*size//*16/this.roomWidth
- let renderY = player.y/this.parentE.parent.mapScale/128*size//*16/this.roomWidth
- Renderer.translate(renderX+x+this.parentE.parent.offset[0]/128*size, renderY+y+this.parentE.parent.offset[1]/128*size,1000)
- renderLibs.drawStringCenteredShadow((player.uuid===closestPlayer?.uuid?"&c":"&a") + "["+this.parentE.players[player.username]+"] "+player.username, 0,-7*scale*3, 2)
+ let renderX = player.x / this.parentE.parent.mapScale / 128 * size//*16/this.roomWidth
+ let renderY = player.y / this.parentE.parent.mapScale / 128 * size//*16/this.roomWidth
+ Renderer.translate(renderX + x + this.parentE.parent.offset[0] / 128 * size, renderY + y + this.parentE.parent.offset[1] / 128 * size, 1000)
+ renderLibs.drawStringCenteredShadow((player.uuid === closestPlayer?.uuid ? "&c" : "&a") + "[" + this.parentE.players[player.username] + "] " + player.username, 0, -7 * scale * 3, 2)
x: player.getX(),
@@ -814,30 +806,30 @@ class soopyGuiMapRendererThing extends SoopyGuiElement {
- if(closestPlayer){
- let renderX = closestPlayer.x/this.parentE.parent.mapScale/128*size//*16/this.roomWidth
- let renderY = closestPlayer.y/this.parentE.parent.mapScale/128*size//*16/this.roomWidth
- Renderer.translate(renderX+x+this.parentE.parent.offset[0]/128*size, renderY+y+this.parentE.parent.offset[1]/128*size)
- renderLibs.drawStringCenteredShadow("&c" + "["+this.parentE.players[closestPlayer.username]+"] "+closestPlayer.username, 0,-7*scale*3, 2)
+ if (closestPlayer) {
+ let renderX = closestPlayer.x / this.parentE.parent.mapScale / 128 * size//*16/this.roomWidth
+ let renderY = closestPlayer.y / this.parentE.parent.mapScale / 128 * size//*16/this.roomWidth
+ Renderer.translate(renderX + x + this.parentE.parent.offset[0] / 128 * size, renderY + y + this.parentE.parent.offset[1] / 128 * size)
+ renderLibs.drawStringCenteredShadow("&c" + "[" + this.parentE.players[closestPlayer.username] + "] " + closestPlayer.username, 0, -7 * scale * 3, 2)
- this.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler((mouseX, mouseY)=>{
- let size2 = Math.min(Renderer.screen.getWidth()/2, Renderer.screen.getHeight()/2)
+ this.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler((mouseX, mouseY) => {
+ let size2 = Math.min(Renderer.screen.getWidth() / 2, Renderer.screen.getHeight() / 2)
- let [x, y, size, scale] = [Renderer.screen.getWidth()/2-size2/2,2*Renderer.screen.getHeight()/3-size2/3, size2, size2/this.parentE.parent.IMAGE_SIZE]
+ let [x, y, size, scale] = [Renderer.screen.getWidth() / 2 - size2 / 2, 2 * Renderer.screen.getHeight() / 3 - size2 / 3, size2, size2 / this.parentE.parent.IMAGE_SIZE]
- if(mouseY<y) return
+ if (mouseY < y) return
let closestPlayer = this.getClosestPlayerTo(x, y, size, scale, mouseX, mouseY)
- if(closestPlayer){
- if(Player.getContainer()?.getName() === "Spirit Leap"){
- for(let i = 1;i<9*3;i++){
+ if (closestPlayer) {
+ if (Player.getContainer()?.getName() === "Spirit Leap") {
+ for (let i = 1; i < 9 * 3; i++) {
let item = Player.getContainer().getStackInSlot(i)
- if(item && item.getID()!==160){
- if(ChatLib.removeFormatting(item.getName()) === closestPlayer.username){
+ if (item && item.getID() !== 160) {
+ if (ChatLib.removeFormatting(item.getName()) === closestPlayer.username) {
ChatLib.chat("Leaping to " + closestPlayer.username)
@@ -848,20 +840,20 @@ class soopyGuiMapRendererThing extends SoopyGuiElement {
- getClosestPlayerTo(x, y, size, scale, scanX, scanY){
+ getClosestPlayerTo(x, y, size, scale, scanX, scanY) {
let closest = null
let closestD = Infinity
- Object.keys(this.parentE.parent.mapDataPlayers).forEach((uuid)=>{
+ Object.keys(this.parentE.parent.mapDataPlayers).forEach((uuid) => {
+ if (uuid === Player.getUUID()) return
- if(uuid === Player.getUUID()) return
- let renderX = this.parentE.parent.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x/this.parentE.parent.mapScale/128*size//*16/this.roomWidth
- let renderY = this.parentE.parent.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y/this.parentE.parent.mapScale/128*size//*16/this.roomWidth
+ let renderX = this.parentE.parent.mapDataPlayers[uuid].x / this.parentE.parent.mapScale / 128 * size//*16/this.roomWidth
+ let renderY = this.parentE.parent.mapDataPlayers[uuid].y / this.parentE.parent.mapScale / 128 * size//*16/this.roomWidth
- let distance = (renderX+x+this.parentE.parent.offset[0]/128*size-scanX)**2+ (renderY+y+this.parentE.parent.offset[1]/128*size-scanY)**2
+ let distance = (renderX + x + this.parentE.parent.offset[0] / 128 * size - scanX) ** 2 + (renderY + y + this.parentE.parent.offset[1] / 128 * size - scanY) ** 2
- if(distance < closestD){
+ if (distance < closestD) {
closestD = distance
closest = this.parentE.parent.mapDataPlayers[uuid]
diff --git a/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js b/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
index 51a9ce4..c45df32 100644
--- a/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
+++ b/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
.setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Run speed and exp rates location", "Allows you to edit the location of the information", "run_speed_rates_location", this, [10, 100, 1, 1]).requires(this.runSpeedRates).editTempText("&6Run speed&7> &f4:30\n&6Exp/hour&7> &f1,234,567\n&6Runs/hour&7> &f17"));
- this.scoreCalculation = new ToggleSetting("Show score calculation", "", true, "run_score_calc", this);
+ this.scoreCalculation = new ToggleSetting("Show score calculation", "NOTE: doesent include mimic or spirit pet yet", true, "run_score_calc", this);
this.scoreElement = new HudTextElement().setToggleSetting(this.scoreCalculation).setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Score calculation location", "Allows you to edit the location of the score calc", "score_calc_location", this, [10, 130, 1, 1]).requires(this.scoreCalculation).editTempText("Editing temp text here"));
diff --git a/features/hud/index.js b/features/hud/index.js
index 27d12e5..b580908 100644
--- a/features/hud/index.js
+++ b/features/hud/index.js
@@ -253,12 +253,13 @@ class Hud extends Feature {
this.apiLoad(this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.lastApiData.skyblock_raw, "skyblock", false, true)
- new Thread(() => { //TODO: dont create this thread if you have the feature disabled
- while (this.enabled) {
+ this.registerStep(false, 5, () => {
+ if (!this.showSpotifyPlaying.getValue()) return
+ new Thread(() => {
- Thread.sleep(5000)
- }
- }).start()
+ }).start()
+ })
this.registerActionBar("${m}", this.actionbarMessage)
diff --git a/logger.js b/logger.js
index 9c27a93..7081ceb 100644
--- a/logger.js
+++ b/logger.js
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
/// <reference types="../CTAutocomplete" />
/// <reference lib="es2015" />
-class Logger{
- constructor(){
+class Logger {
+ constructor() {
this.isDev = isDev()
- this.loglevel = this.isDev?4:2 //0=none, 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4=debug
+ this.loglevel = this.isDev ? 4 : 2 //0=none, 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4=debug
this.logToMcChat = false
this.logPrefixes = [
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ class Logger{
this.logMessage("Logger initialised", 3)
- logMessage(message, level){
- if(level <= this.loglevel){
+ logMessage(message, level) {
+ if (level <= this.loglevel) {
console.log(this.logPrefixes[level] + message)
- if(this.logToMcChat){
+ if (this.logToMcChat) {
ChatLib.chat(this.logPrefixes[level] + message)
@@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ class Logger{
let devs = ["dc8c39647b294e03ae9ed13ebd65dd29"]
-function isDev(){
+function isDev() {
return devs.includes(Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g, ""))
+if (!global.soopyv2loggerthing) {
global.soopyv2loggerthing = new Logger()
- register("command", ()=>{
+ register("command", () => {
devs.push(Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g, ""))
}).setName("pleasegivemeaccesstosoopyv2devconsolelogs") //yep
- register("gameUnload", ()=>{
+ register("gameUnload", () => {
global.soopyv2loggerthing = undefined
diff --git a/utils/networkUtils.js b/utils/networkUtils.js
index 46ac47b..fa2cec2 100644
--- a/utils/networkUtils.js
+++ b/utils/networkUtils.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+if (!global.networkUtilsThingSoopy) {
let jURL = Java.type("java.net.URL")
let jStandardCharsets = Java.type("java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets")
@@ -6,60 +6,60 @@ if(!global.networkUtilsThingSoopy){
let jBufferedReader = Java.type("java.io.BufferedReader")
let jInputStreamReader = Java.type("java.io.InputStreamReader")
- function getUrlContent(theUrl, {userAgent="Mozilla/5.0", includeConnection=false}={}){
- if(global.soopyv2loggerthing){
+ function getUrlContent(theUrl, { userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0", includeConnection = false } = {}) {
+ if (global.soopyv2loggerthing) {
global.soopyv2loggerthing.logMessage("Loading API: " + theUrl, 4)
// if(theUrl.includes("soopymc.my.to")){
// throw new Error("Testing to ensure the module works when my server is down")
// }
let conn = new jURL(theUrl).openConnection()
conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", userAgent)
- let stringData
- if(conn.getResponseCode() < 400){
+ let stringData
+ if (conn.getResponseCode() < 400) {
stringData = new jBufferedReader(
new jInputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), jStandardCharsets.UTF_8))
- .lines()
- .collect(jCollectors.joining("\n"));
+ .lines()
+ .collect(jCollectors.joining("\n"));
- }else{
+ } else {
stringData = new jBufferedReader(
new jInputStreamReader(conn.getErrorStream(), jStandardCharsets.UTF_8))
- .lines()
- .collect(jCollectors.joining("\n"));
+ .lines()
+ .collect(jCollectors.joining("\n"));
- if(includeConnection){
- return {stringData, connection: conn}
+ if (includeConnection) {
+ return { stringData, connection: conn }
return stringData
- function fetch(url, options={userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0"}){
+ function fetch(url, options = { userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0" }) {
let loadedConnection = undefined
let loadedString = undefined
let loadedJSON = undefined
let errorData = undefined
let ret = {
- sync(){
- if(loadedString === undefined){
+ sync() {
+ if (loadedString === undefined) {
options.includeConnection = true
- try{
+ try {
let data = getUrlContent(url, options)
loadedString = data.stringData
loadedConnection = data.connection
- }catch(e){
+ } catch (e) {
errorData = e
loadedString = null
@@ -67,90 +67,90 @@ if(!global.networkUtilsThingSoopy){
return ret
- async(callback, _ifError=false){
- if(!callback){
- callback = ()=>{}
+ async(callback, _ifError = false) {
+ if (!callback) {
+ callback = () => { }
- if(loadedString === undefined){
+ if (loadedString === undefined) {
options.includeConnection = true
- callback: (data)=>{
+ callback: (data) => {
loadedString = data.stringData
loadedConnection = data.connection
- errcallback: (e)=>{
+ errcallback: (e) => {
loadedString = null
errorData = e
- if(_ifError){
+ if (_ifError) {
url: url,
options: options
- }else{
+ } else {
return ret
- text: (callback)=>{
- if(!callback){
+ text: (callback) => {
+ if (!callback) {
return loadedString
- ret.async(()=>{
+ ret.async(() => {
return ret
- json: (callback)=>{
- if(!callback){
- if(loadedJSON === undefined){
- try{
+ json: (callback) => {
+ if (!callback) {
+ if (loadedJSON === undefined) {
+ try {
loadedJSON = JSON.parse(ret.text())
- }catch(e){}
+ } catch (e) { }
return loadedJSON
- ret.text(data=>{
- try{
- callback(JSON.parse(data))
- }catch(e){}
+ ret.text(data => {
+ try {
+ callback(JSON.parse(data))
+ } catch (e) { }
return ret
- responseCode: (callback)=>{
- if(!callback){
+ responseCode: (callback) => {
+ if (!callback) {
return loadedConnection?.getResponseCode() || -1
- ret.async(data=>{
+ ret.async(data => {
callback(loadedConnection?.getResponseCode() || -1)
return ret
- error: (callback)=>{
- if(!callback){
+ error: (callback) => {
+ if (!callback) {
return errorData
- ret.async(data=>{
- if(errorData){
+ ret.async(data => {
+ if (errorData) {
}, true)
@@ -163,37 +163,31 @@ if(!global.networkUtilsThingSoopy){
let pendingRequests = []
let pendingResolves = []
- let running = true
- new Thread(()=>{
- while(running){
- while(pendingRequests.length > 0){
- let req = pendingRequests.shift()
+ register("tick", () => {
+ if (pendingRequests.length > 0) {
+ new Thread(() => {
+ while (pendingRequests.length > 0) {
+ let req = pendingRequests.shift()
- try{
- let data = getUrlContent(req.url, req.options)
+ try {
+ let data = getUrlContent(req.url, req.options)
- pendingResolves.push([req.callback, data])
- }catch(e){
- pendingResolves.push([req.errcallback, e])
+ pendingResolves.push([req.callback, data])
+ } catch (e) {
+ pendingResolves.push([req.errcallback, e])
+ }
- }
- Thread.sleep(100)
+ }).start()
- }).start()
- register("gameUnload", ()=>{
- running = false
- })
- register("tick", ()=>{
- try{
- while(pendingResolves.length > 0){
+ try {
+ while (pendingResolves.length > 0) {
let [callback, data] = pendingResolves.shift()
- }catch(e){
+ } catch (e) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(e, undefined, 2))