diff options
authorEmeraldMerchant <96396730+EmeraldMerchant@users.noreply.github.com>2022-08-11 20:36:05 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-08-11 20:36:05 +0800
commitfd9a1fe37623833e5c90642503ea96e220a14d7f (patch)
parentfe6878c328dca8b78a5e4eeb7af7c85e0649b659 (diff)
bug fixes
+ fixed it sometimes bypasses clearLog when warping frequently + prevent dying/revived in dungeons making it go brrr
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/features/globalSettings/index.js b/features/globalSettings/index.js
index a17cf50..61d2173 100644
--- a/features/globalSettings/index.js
+++ b/features/globalSettings/index.js
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ class GlobalSettings extends Feature {
this.todoPickUpLog = {};
this.clearLog = false;
+ this.maxAmount = 12;
this.registerStep(true, 5, () => {
let old = this.oldMasterStars.getValue();
@@ -199,41 +200,79 @@ class GlobalSettings extends Feature {
let todoText = [];
- if (!this.clearLog) {
- if (pick) {
- Object.keys(this.todoPickUpLog).forEach((i) => {
- if (Math.abs(this.todoPickUpLog[i].timeStamp - now) > 5000 || !this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount || this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount == 0) {
- delete this.todoPickUpLog[i]
- return
- }
- //positive and negative prefix colors
- if (todoText.length < 12) todoText.push((this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount > 0 ? "&r&a+ " : "&r&c- ") + Math.abs(this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount) + "x &r" + i)
- })
- } else {
- this.todoPickUpLog = {};
- }
+ if (pick) {
+ Object.keys(this.todoPickUpLog).forEach((i) => {
+ if (Math.abs(this.todoPickUpLog[i].timeStamp - now) > 5000 || !this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount || this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount == 0) {
+ delete this.todoPickUpLog[i]
+ return
+ }
+ //positive and negative prefix colors
+ if (todoText.length < this.maxAmount) todoText.push((this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount > 0 ? "&r&a+ " : "&r&c- ") + Math.abs(this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount) + "x &r" + i)
+ })
+ } else {
+ this.todoPickUpLog = {};
+ }
+ if (this.guiOpened) {
+ this.todoPickUpLog = {};
// doesn't need to put setText() in if (pick) cuz if (!pick) it clears the todo log list
//2 chat registeries below prevents pickup log to go brrr when warping
+ this.warpedAgain = false
this.registerChat("&eSkyBlock Dungeon Warp${p}", () => {
- this.clearLog = true
- delay(12500, () => { this.clearLog = false })
+ this.maxAmount = 0
+ this.warpedAgain = true
+ delay(8000, () => {
+ if (this.warpedAgain) {
+ this.warpedAgain = false
+ this.maxAmount = 12
+ }
+ })
this.registerChat("&r&7Warping...${island}", () => {
- this.clearLog = true
- delay(12500, () => { this.clearLog = false })
+ this.maxAmount = 0
+ this.warpedAgain = true
+ delay(8000, () => {
+ if (this.warpedAgain) {
+ this.warpedAgain = false
+ this.maxAmount = 12
+ }
+ })
this.registerChat("&r&c ☠ ${info} and became a ghost&r&7.&r", (info, e) => {
if (info.includes("You")) {
- this.clearLog = true
- delay(12500, () => { this.clearLog = false })
+ this.maxAmount = 0
+ this.warpedAgain = true
+ delay(5000, () => {
+ if (this.warpedAgain) {
+ this.warpedAgain = false
+ this.maxAmount = 12
+ }
+ })
+ this.registerChat("${info}You were revived by ${info2}", () => {
+ this.maxAmount = 0
+ this.warpedAgain = true
+ delay(5000, () => {
+ if (this.warpedAgain) {
+ this.warpedAgain = false
+ this.maxAmount = 12
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ this.guiOpened = false;
+ this.registerEvent('guiOpened', () => {
+ this.guiOpened = true
+ })
+ this.registerEvent('guiClosed', () => {
+ this.guiOpened = false
+ })
this.firstPageSettings = [this.darkTheme]
this.firstLoadPageData = JSON.parse(FileLib.read("soopyAddonsData", "soopyv2firstloaddata.json") || "{}") || {}