path: root/CI
diff options
authorSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2021-12-25 02:03:26 +0800
committerSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2021-12-25 02:03:26 +0800
commitd1d0dc3d76be997467c3f0511a41fb5771a1a11f (patch)
tree91711ba387bbf2025c5f3233bb2d880eaf3ed5f2 /CI
parent7c3f3d49243896f35ac11209466d9e017cff92b0 (diff)
finish first version of CI
Diffstat (limited to 'CI')
2 files changed, 252 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/CI/supporttest.js b/CI/supporttest.js
index 8076637..a1279ec 100644
--- a/CI/supporttest.js
+++ b/CI/supporttest.js
@@ -1,7 +1,214 @@
-let errored = false
+(async ()=>{
-console.log("This is running nodejs code rn")
-console.error("This is an error!")
-errored = true
+ // This will test for basic support issues with chattriggers 1 and 2
-process.exit(errored?1:0) \ No newline at end of file
+ let { walkP } = require("./utils/walk")
+ let fs = require("fs")
+ let errors = []
+ let dirName = __dirname.split("\\")
+ dirName.pop()
+ dirName = dirName.join("\\")
+ console.log("Reading directory... ")
+ let dirs = await walkP(dirName)
+ console.log("Analizing files...")
+ for(let dir of dirs){
+ if(!dir.includes("\\CI\\")){
+ if(dir.endsWith(".js")){
+ let file = await fs.promises.readFile(dir, "utf8")
+ if(file.includes("GL11.") || file.includes("GL11[")
+ || file.includes("GlStateManager.") || file.includes("GlStateManager[")){
+ //Ensure that they are defined
+ let defined = ((file.includes("GL11.") || file.includes("GL11[")) && file.includes("org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11")) && ((file.includes("GlStateManager.") || file.includes("GlStateManager[")) && file.includes("net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager"))
+ //Ensure it checks if they are
+ let definedTestsExists = file.includes("if(!GlStateManager){") || file.includes("if(!GL11){")
+ if(!defined){
+ errors.push([
+ "GL11 or GlStateManager NOT DEFINED IN FILE, this will cause the code to error on chattriggers 1.3 as it is not defined globally",
+ dir,
+ "This is an easy fix, just add this to the top of the file somewhere:",
+ "if(!GlStateManager){",
+ " var GL11 = Java.type(\"org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11\"); //using var so it goes to global scope",
+ " var GlStateManager = Java.type(\"net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager\");",
+ "}"
+ ])
+ }else{
+ if(!definedTestsExists){
+ errors.push([
+ "GL11 or GlStateManager NOT TESTED IN FILE, this will cause the code to error on chattriggers 2 as it is already a global const",
+ dir,
+ "This is an easy fix, just replace the existing GL defenitions with this",
+ "if(!GlStateManager){",
+ " var GL11 = Java.type(\"org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11\"); //using var so it goes to global scope",
+ " var GlStateManager = Java.type(\"net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager\");",
+ "}"
+ ])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //test for World.getBlockAt(x, y, z).getID() and World.getBlockAt(x, y, z).getType().getID()
+ if(file.includes("World.getBlockAt") && (file.includes("getID()"))){
+ let includesTest = file.replace(/ /g, "").includes("if(World.getBlockAt(0,0,0).getID){")
+ let actuallyHasUsage = false
+ let supportsV1 = false
+ let supportsV2 = false
+ let instances = file.split("World.getBlockAt")
+ instances.shift()
+ instances.forEach(instance =>{
+ let newArr = instance.split("(").map(x =>{
+ x = x.split(")")
+ let start = x.shift()
+ x = x.map(z=>")" + z)
+ return [start, ...x]
+ })
+ newArr.shift()
+ // newArr = newArr.map(z=>"("+z)
+ // newArr = newArr.flat()
+ let newArr2 = []
+ newArr.forEach(x =>{
+ newArr2.push("(" + (x.shift() || ""))
+ // console.log(x)
+ x.forEach(z=>newArr2.push(z))
+ })
+ // console.log(newArr2)
+ let bracketCount = 0
+ let timesReached0 = 0
+ newArr2.forEach((section, i)=>{
+ if(section.startsWith("(")){
+ bracketCount++
+ }
+ if(section.startsWith(")")){
+ bracketCount--
+ if(bracketCount < 0){
+ timesReached0 = 1000
+ }
+ }
+ if(bracketCount == 0){
+ // console.log(section, newArr2[i+1])
+ if(section === ").getID" && newArr2[i+1].startsWith("(")){
+ if(timesReached0 == 0){
+ supportsV1 = true
+ actuallyHasUsage = true
+ }else if(timesReached0 == 1){
+ supportsV2 = true
+ actuallyHasUsage = true
+ }
+ }
+ timesReached0++
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ if(actuallyHasUsage){
+ if(!includesTest){
+ errors.push([
+ "Block.getID NOT TESTED FOR EXISTANCE IN FILE, this will cause the code to not work on both ct 1 and 2 as syntax in v1 is Block.getID() and in v2 its Block.getType().getID()",
+ dir,
+ "This is an easy fix, just run the block id check twice, one for v1 and one for v2",
+ "surround it with \"if(World.getBlockAt(0,0,0).getID){\", this will be true if you should use v1 syntax and false if u should use v2",
+ "EG the code",
+ "if(World.getBlockAt(50,100,50).getID() === 100){",
+ " is100 = true",
+ "}",
+ "Should be changed into",
+ "if(World.getBlockAt(0,0,0).getID){",
+ " if(World.getBlockAt(50,100,50).getID() === 100){",
+ " is100 = true",
+ " }",
+ "}else{",
+ " if(World.getBlockAt(50,100,50).getType().getID() === 100){",
+ " is100 = true",
+ " }",
+ "}"
+ ])
+ }else{
+ if(!supportsV1){
+ errors.push([
+ "Block.getID() NOT SUPPORTED IN FILE, this will cause the code to not work on ct 1 as syntax is Block.getID()",
+ dir,
+ "This is an easy fix, just run the block id check twice, one for v1 and one for v2",
+ "surround it with \"if(World.getBlockAt(0,0,0).getID){\", this will be true if you should use v1 syntax and false if u should use v2",
+ "EG the code",
+ "if(World.getBlockAt(50,100,50).getType().getID() === 100){",
+ " is100 = true",
+ "}",
+ "Should be changed into",
+ "if(World.getBlockAt(0,0,0).getID){",
+ " if(World.getBlockAt(50,100,50).getID() === 100){",
+ " is100 = true",
+ " }",
+ "}else{",
+ " if(World.getBlockAt(50,100,50).getType().getID() === 100){",
+ " is100 = true",
+ " }",
+ "}"
+ ])
+ }else if(!supportsV2){
+ errors.push([
+ "Block.getType().getID() NOT SUPPORTED IN FILE, this will cause the code to not work on ct 2 as syntax is Block.getType().getID()",
+ dir,
+ "This is an easy fix, just run the block id check twice, one for v1 and one for v2",
+ "surround it with \"if(World.getBlockAt(0,0,0).getID){\", this will be true if you should use v1 syntax and false if u should use v2",
+ "EG the code",
+ "if(World.getBlockAt(50,100,50).getID() === 100){",
+ " is100 = true",
+ "}",
+ "Should be changed into",
+ "if(World.getBlockAt(0,0,0).getID){",
+ " if(World.getBlockAt(50,100,50).getID() === 100){",
+ " is100 = true",
+ " }",
+ "}else{",
+ " if(World.getBlockAt(50,100,50).getType().getID() === 100){",
+ " is100 = true",
+ " }",
+ "}"
+ ])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(errors.length === 0){
+ console.log("All tests passed!")
+ process.exit(0)
+ }else{
+ console.log("Tests failed!")
+ console.log("ERRORS: \n")
+ errors.forEach(e=>{
+ if(typeof(e) === "string"){
+ console.error(e)
+ }else{
+ e.forEach(a=>console.error(a))
+ }
+ console.log("")
+ })
+ process.exit(1)
+ }
+})() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CI/utils/walk.js b/CI/utils/walk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..101c1cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CI/utils/walk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+var fs = require('fs');
+var path = require('path');
+var walk = function(dir, done) {
+ var results = [];
+ fs.readdir(dir, function(err, list) {
+ if (err) return done(err);
+ var pending = list.length;
+ if (!pending) return done(null, results);
+ list.forEach(function(file) {
+ file = path.resolve(dir, file);
+ fs.stat(file, function(err, stat) {
+ if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
+ walk(file, function(err, res) {
+ results = results.concat(res);
+ if (!--pending) done(null, results);
+ });
+ } else {
+ results.push(file);
+ if (!--pending) done(null, results);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+async function walkP(dir){
+ return new Promise((res, rej)=>{
+ walk(dir, (err, resu)=>{
+ if(err){
+ rej(err)
+ return
+ }
+ res(resu)
+ });
+ })
+module.exports = {walk, walkP} //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5827612/node-js-fs-readdir-recursive-directory-search
+//i was just too lazy to code this myself OMEGALUL \ No newline at end of file