path: root/features/cosmetics
diff options
authorSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2021-11-06 18:15:47 +0800
committerSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2021-11-06 18:15:47 +0800
commitb33a75b2eba88c60280fcd441a5dd974cf763ab4 (patch)
tree53bd51697f69596fdcc388cdc71cc91b745f8f67 /features/cosmetics
parentbae481562a9186cafebdde2be9ac53b93cb98885 (diff)
Added update notif, cosmetics, and unfinished museum overlay
Diffstat (limited to 'features/cosmetics')
5 files changed, 470 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/features/cosmetics/cosmetic.js b/features/cosmetics/cosmetic.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b52fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/cosmetics/cosmetic.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+class Cosmetic{
+ constructor(player, parent){
+ /**
+ * @type {PlayerMP | Player}
+ */
+ this.player = player
+ this.parent = parent
+ }
+ onRender(){
+ //override
+ }
+ onTick(){
+ //override
+ }
+export default Cosmetic; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/cosmetics/dragonWings.js b/features/cosmetics/dragonWings.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9e8a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/cosmetics/dragonWings.js
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+import Cosmetic from "./cosmetic";
+const ModelDragon = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.model.ModelDragon")
+const ResourceLocation = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation")
+const GlStateManager = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager");
+const FACING = Java.type("net.minecraft.block.BlockDirectional").field_176387_N
+let dragon = new ModelDragon(0) //too lazy to make my own model so i just yoink it from modelDragon lmfao
+let textures = new ResourceLocation("textures/entity/enderdragon/dragon.png")
+let wing = getField(dragon, "field_78225_k")
+let wingTip = getField(dragon, "field_78222_l")
+class DragonWings extends Cosmetic {
+ constructor(player, parent) {
+ super(player, parent);
+ this.settings = this.parent.getPlayerCosmeticSettings(this.player, "dragon_wings")
+ this.animOffset = Math.random()*20*Math.PI
+ this.lastRender = Date.now()
+ this.lastFlapSound = this.animOffset
+ }
+ onRender(ticks){
+ if(this.settings.disableWithNoChestplate && this.player.getPlayer().func_82169_q(2) === null && !(this.player === Player && Client.getMinecraft().field_71474_y.field_74320_O === 0)){
+ return
+ }
+ if(this.player.getPlayer().func_98034_c(Player.getPlayer())){
+ return
+ }
+ if(!this.parent.firstPersonVisable.getValue() && this.player === Player && Client.getMinecraft().field_71474_y.field_74320_O === 0){
+ return
+ }
+ // return;
+ // wing.func_78785_a(1)
+ let timeSince = (Date.now()-this.lastRender)/1000
+ this.lastRender = Date.now()
+ let rotation = this.player.getPlayer().field_70761_aq+(this.player.getPlayer().field_70761_aq-this.player.getPlayer().field_70760_ar)*ticks
+ let horisontalSpeed = Math.sqrt((this.player.getPlayer().field_70165_t-this.player.getPlayer().field_70142_S)**2+(this.player.getPlayer().field_70161_v-this.player.getPlayer().field_70136_U)**2)
+ let verticleSpeed = this.player.getPlayer().field_70163_u-this.player.getPlayer().field_70137_T
+ this.animOffset += Math.min(1, horisontalSpeed)*10*timeSince+1*timeSince
+ let flapAmountMultiplyerNoEnd = 1
+ let flapAmountMultiplyer = 1
+ let wingEndOffsetThing = 0
+ flapAmountMultiplyerNoEnd += Math.min(5, (horisontalSpeed*5))
+ let flapMainOffsetThing = 0
+ let wingBackAmount = 0
+ if(this.player.getPlayer().field_70172_ad > 0){ //damage tick
+ this.animOffset += 5*timeSince
+ }
+ // if((this.player === Player &&this.player.getPlayer().field_71075_bZ.field_75100_b) || (this.player !== Player && Math.abs(verticleSpeed)<0.2 && !this.player.getPlayer().field_70122_E)){//playerCapabilities.isFlying
+ if((verticleSpeed>-0.2) && !this.player.getPlayer().field_70122_E){ //flying
+ if(this.animOffset-this.lastFlapSound > 2*Math.PI){
+ let dist = Math.sqrt((Player.getX()-this.player.getX())**2+(Player.getY()-this.player.getY())**2+(Player.getZ()-this.player.getZ())**2)+1
+ World.playSound("mob.enderdragon.wings", (this.settings.scale*15)*Math.min(1, 50/(dist*dist)), 1)
+ this.lastFlapSound = this.animOffset-this.animOffset%(Math.PI*2)
+ }
+ this.animOffset += 5*timeSince //flap in mid air
+ flapAmountMultiplyer *= 1.75 //flap harder
+ if(this.player === Player && Client.getMinecraft().field_71474_y.field_74320_O === 0){
+ if(!this.parent.lessFirstPersonVisable.getValue()){
+ flapAmountMultiplyerNoEnd += 0.4
+ flapMainOffsetThing = 0.3
+ }
+ }else{
+ flapAmountMultiplyer *= 1.25
+ flapAmountMultiplyer *= 0.9
+ flapMainOffsetThing = 0.1
+ wingEndOffsetThing+= -0.1
+ }
+ wingEndOffsetThing += -0.75
+ if(verticleSpeed > 0){
+ this.animOffset += verticleSpeed*25*timeSince //flap when flying upwards
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(this.lastFlapSound < this.animOffset-this.animOffset%(Math.PI*2)){
+ this.lastFlapSound = this.animOffset-this.animOffset%(Math.PI*2)
+ }
+ }
+ if(verticleSpeed < -0.5){
+ wingBackAmount = Math.min(1, (verticleSpeed+0.5)*-1.5) //lift wings back further ur falling
+ this.animOffset += (verticleSpeed+0.5)*-3*timeSince
+ }
+ GlStateManager.func_179094_E(); // pushMatrix
+ if(this.player !== Player){
+ Tessellator.translate(
+ (this.player.getPlayer().field_70142_S + (this.player.getPlayer().field_70165_t-this.player.getPlayer().field_70142_S) * ticks) - (Player.getPlayer().field_70142_S + (Player.getPlayer().field_70165_t-Player.getPlayer().field_70142_S) * ticks),
+ (this.player.getPlayer().field_70137_T + (this.player.getPlayer().field_70163_u-this.player.getPlayer().field_70137_T) * ticks) - (Player.getPlayer().field_70137_T + (Player.getPlayer().field_70163_u-Player.getPlayer().field_70137_T) * ticks),
+ (this.player.getPlayer().field_70136_U + (this.player.getPlayer().field_70161_v-this.player.getPlayer().field_70136_U) * ticks) - (Player.getPlayer().field_70136_U + (Player.getPlayer().field_70161_v-Player.getPlayer().field_70136_U) * ticks))
+ }
+ Client.getMinecraft().field_71446_o.func_110577_a(textures) //bind texture
+ if(this.player.getPlayer().field_70154_o){
+ rotation = this.player.getPlayer().field_70759_as+(this.player.getPlayer().field_70759_as-this.player.getPlayer().field_70758_at)*ticks
+ }
+ if(!this.player.getPlayer().func_70608_bn()){ //dont rotate when in bed
+ Tessellator.rotate((180-rotation),0,1,0)
+ Tessellator.translate(0,1.2,0.1)
+ if(this.player.getPlayer().func_70093_af()){ //isSneaking
+ Tessellator.translate(0, -0.125,0)
+ Tessellator.rotate(-20, 1,0,0)
+ if(this.player === Player && Client.getMinecraft().field_71474_y.field_74320_O === 0){}else{
+ Tessellator.translate(0, -0.125,0)
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.player === Player && Client.getMinecraft().field_71474_y.field_74320_O === 0){
+ //Make wings less scuffed when in first person looking down/up
+ Tessellator.translate(0, 0.25, 0.003*(this.player.getPitch()))
+ }
+ }
+ //Higher = more elytra like
+ wing.field_78796_g = 0.25; //rotateAngleY
+ let shouldStandingStillWingThing = false
+ let changeStandingStillWingThing = 0
+ if(horisontalSpeed < 0.01){
+ if(!((verticleSpeed>-0.2) && !this.player.getPlayer().field_70122_E)){ //not flying
+ let amt = (this.animOffset+Math.PI/2)%(20*Math.PI)
+ if(amt < 1*Math.PI){
+ if(amt > 0.65*Math.PI && (2*Math.PI+this.animOffset)-this.lastFlapSound > 2*Math.PI){
+ let dist = Math.sqrt((Player.getX()-this.player.getX())**2+(Player.getY()-this.player.getY())**2+(Player.getZ()-this.player.getZ())**2)+1
+ World.playSound("mob.enderdragon.wings", (this.settings.scale*15)*Math.min(1, 50/(dist*dist)), 1)
+ this.lastFlapSound = 2*Math.PI+(this.animOffset)-this.animOffset%(Math.PI*2)
+ }
+ this.animOffset += 2*timeSince*Math.min(1,(amt/(1*Math.PI))*2)
+ flapAmountMultiplyer += (amt/(1*Math.PI))/2
+ }else if(amt < 2*Math.PI){
+ this.animOffset += 2*timeSince*Math.min(1,(1-(amt/(1*Math.PI)-1))*2)
+ flapAmountMultiplyer += (1-(amt/(1*Math.PI)-1))/2
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.player.getPlayer().func_70093_af()){ //isSneaking
+ if(this.player.getPlayer().field_70125_A > 20){
+ shouldStandingStillWingThing = true
+ Tessellator.translate(0, 0,0.1)
+ changeStandingStillWingThing = Math.max(0,this.player.getPlayer().field_70125_A/600)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(shouldStandingStillWingThing){
+ wing.field_78796_g = 0.25+(changeStandingStillWingThing)*3
+ }
+ if(this.player.getPlayer().func_70608_bn()){ //player in bed
+ try{ //try catch incase no bed at that location
+ let facing = World.getWorld().func_180495_p(this.player.getPlayer().field_71081_bT).func_177229_b(FACING).func_176736_b() //0-3 is S-W-N-E
+ let rotation = 0
+ switch(facing){
+ case 0:
+ rotation = 180
+ Tessellator.translate(0, 0,-0.5)
+ break
+ case 1:
+ rotation = 90
+ Tessellator.translate(0.5, 0,0)
+ break
+ case 2:
+ rotation = 0
+ Tessellator.translate(0, 0,0.5)
+ break
+ case 3:
+ rotation = 270
+ Tessellator.translate(-0.5, 0,0)
+ break
+ }
+ // console.log(rotation)
+ // console.log(World.getBlockAt(this.player.getX(), this.player.getY(), this.player.getZ()).getState().func_177229_b(FACING))
+ Tessellator.translate(0, 0.75-this.settings.scale*100,0)
+ Tessellator.rotate(rotation, 0, 1, 0)
+ wing.field_78795_f = 0; //rotateAngleX
+ wing.field_78808_h = (-0.5+Math.sin(this.animOffset/5)*0.1)*this.settings.scale*100; //rotateAngleZ
+ wingTip.field_78808_h = -2.20+Math.sin(this.animOffset/5)*0.1
+ }catch(e){}
+ }else if(wingBackAmount === 0){
+ //tilt
+ let wing_tilt_offset = -Math.min(0.8, horisontalSpeed*3) //When go faster tilt wing back so its in direction of wind
+ if(shouldStandingStillWingThing){
+ wing_tilt_offset += (changeStandingStillWingThing)*4
+ }
+ wing.field_78795_f = 0.75 - Math.cos(this.animOffset) * 0.2+wing_tilt_offset; //rotateAngleX
+ let wing_goback_amount = 0.15/(Math.min(1, horisontalSpeed)*3+0.25)
+ let temp_wing_thing = 1
+ if(shouldStandingStillWingThing){
+ wing_goback_amount /= 1+(changeStandingStillWingThing)/50
+ flapAmountMultiplyer /= 1+(changeStandingStillWingThing)/50
+ temp_wing_thing += changeStandingStillWingThing*50
+ }
+ let temp_horis_wingthing = 0
+ if(shouldStandingStillWingThing){
+ temp_horis_wingthing = -(changeStandingStillWingThing)*0.75
+ }
+ wing.field_78808_h = (Math.sin(this.animOffset)/temp_wing_thing + 0.125) * wing_goback_amount*(1+(flapAmountMultiplyer-1)*1)*flapAmountMultiplyerNoEnd -0.4-wing_tilt_offset/3+temp_horis_wingthing+flapMainOffsetThing; //rotateAngleZ
+ wingTip.field_78808_h = -((Math.sin((this.animOffset+1.5+(1-temp_wing_thing)/8.5))/(1+(temp_wing_thing-1)/3) + 0.5)) * 0.75*(1+(flapAmountMultiplyer-1)*1)/(1+temp_horis_wingthing) - (1-flapAmountMultiplyer)*2-(1-temp_wing_thing)/10+wingEndOffsetThing; //rotateAngleZ
+ }else{
+ //tilt
+ let wing_tilt_offset = -Math.min(0.8, horisontalSpeed*3) //When go faster tilt wing back so its in direction of wind
+ wing.field_78795_f = 0.75 - Math.cos(this.animOffset) * 0.2+wing_tilt_offset-wingBackAmount/2; //rotateAngleX
+ wing.field_78808_h = -wingBackAmount; //rotateAngleZ
+ wingTip.field_78808_h = -((Math.sin((this.animOffset))*0.5 + 0.3))
+ }
+ Tessellator.translate(0.1, 0, 0)
+ wing.func_78791_b(this.settings.scale) //render left wing
+ Tessellator.translate(-0.2, 0, 0)
+ Tessellator.scale(-1, 1, 1)
+ wing.func_78791_b(this.settings.scale) //render right wing
+ GlStateManager.func_179121_F(); // popMatrix
+ }
+ onTick(){
+ // this.scale += 0.001
+ }
+export default DragonWings;
+function getField(e, field){
+ let field2 = e.class.getDeclaredField(field);
+ field2.setAccessible(true)
+ return field2.get(e)
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/cosmetics/hiddenRequirement.js b/features/cosmetics/hiddenRequirement.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e0b57a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/cosmetics/hiddenRequirement.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+let cosmeticsClass = require("./index").class
+export default ()=>{
+ return !!cosmeticsClass?.cosmeticsData?.[Player.getUUID().toString()]
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/cosmetics/index.js b/features/cosmetics/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..593ac7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/cosmetics/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+/// <reference types="../../../CTAutocomplete" />
+/// <reference lib="es2015" />
+import Feature from "../../featureClass/class";
+import DragonWings from "./dragonWings"
+import Toggle from "../settings/settingThings/toggle"
+class Cosmetics extends Feature {
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ }
+ onEnable(){
+ this.initVariables()
+ this.loadedCosmetics = []
+ this.uuidToCosmetic = {}
+ this.cosmeticsData = {}
+ this.firstPersonVisable = new Toggle("Cosmetics visable in first person", "", false, "cosmetics_first_person_visable", this)
+ this.lessFirstPersonVisable = new Toggle("Make cosmetics less visable in first person mode", "", true, "cosmetics_first_person_less_visable", this).requires(this.firstPersonVisable)
+ this.loadCosmeticsData()
+ this.worldLoad()
+ this.registerEvent("tick", this.tick)
+ this.registerEvent("renderWorld", this.renderWorld)
+ this.registerEvent("playerJoined", this.playerJoined)
+ this.registerEvent("playerLeft", this.playerLeft)
+ this.registerEvent("worldLoad", this.worldLoad)
+ this.registerStep(false, 5, this.step)
+ this.registerStep(false, 60*10, ()=>{
+ new Thread(()=>{this.loadCosmeticsData.call(this)}).start()
+ })
+ }
+ loadCosmeticsData(){
+ let data = JSON.parse(FileLib.getUrlContent("http://soopymc.my.to/api/soopyv2/cosmetics.json"))
+ this.cosmeticsData = data
+ this.scanForNewCosmetics()
+ }
+ step(){
+ this.scanForNewCosmetics()
+ }
+ scanForNewCosmetics(){
+ if(!this.uuidToCosmetic[Player.getUUID().toString()] && this.shouldPlayerHaveCosmetic(Player, "dragon_wings")){
+ let cosmetic = new DragonWings(Player, this)
+ this.loadedCosmetics.push(cosmetic)
+ this.uuidToCosmetic[Player.getUUID().toString()] = cosmetic
+ }
+ World.getAllPlayers().forEach(p=>{
+ if(p.getUUID().toString() === Player.getUUID().toString() || this.uuidToCosmetic[p.getUUID().toString()]) return
+ if(this.shouldPlayerHaveCosmetic(p, "dragon_wings")){
+ let cosmetic = new DragonWings(p, this)
+ this.loadedCosmetics.push(cosmetic)
+ this.uuidToCosmetic[p.getUUID().toString()] = cosmetic
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ worldLoad(){
+ this.loadedCosmetics = []
+ this.uuidToCosmetic = {}
+ if(this.shouldPlayerHaveCosmetic(Player, "dragon_wings") && !this.uuidToCosmetic[Player.getUUID().toString()]){
+ let cosmetic = new DragonWings(Player, this)
+ this.loadedCosmetics.push(cosmetic)
+ this.uuidToCosmetic[Player.getUUID().toString()] = cosmetic
+ }
+ World.getAllPlayers().forEach(p=>{
+ if(p.getUUID().toString() === Player.getUUID().toString()) return
+ if(this.shouldPlayerHaveCosmetic(p, "dragon_wings") && !this.uuidToCosmetic[p.getUUID().toString()]){
+ let cosmetic = new DragonWings(p, this)
+ this.loadedCosmetics.push(cosmetic)
+ this.uuidToCosmetic[p.getUUID().toString()] = cosmetic
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ playerJoined(player){
+ if(player.getUUID().toString() === Player.getUUID().toString()) return
+ if(this.shouldPlayerHaveCosmetic(player, "dragon_wings") && !this.uuidToCosmetic[player.getUUID().toString()]){
+ let cosmetic = new DragonWings(player, this)
+ this.loadedCosmetics.push(cosmetic)
+ this.uuidToCosmetic[player.getUUID().toString()] = cosmetic
+ }
+ }
+ playerLeft(playerName){
+ this.loadedCosmetics.filter(cosmetic=>{
+ if(cosmetic.player.getName() === playerName){
+ this.uuidToCosmetic[cosmetic.player.getUUID().toString()] = undefined
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ }
+ shouldPlayerHaveCosmetic(player, cosmetic){
+ return !!this.cosmeticsData[player.getUUID().toString()]?.[cosmetic]
+ }
+ getPlayerCosmeticSettings(player, cosmetic){
+ return this.cosmeticsData[player.getUUID().toString()]?.[cosmetic]
+ }
+ filterUnloadedCosmetics(tick){
+ this.loadedCosmetics = this.loadedCosmetics.filter(cosmetic => {
+ if(tick) cosmetic.onTick()
+ if(cosmetic.player.getPlayer().field_70128_L){ //filter out players that are no longer loaded
+ this.uuidToCosmetic[cosmetic.player.getUUID().toString()] = undefined
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ }
+ tick(){
+ this.filterUnloadedCosmetics(true)
+ }
+ renderWorld(ticks){
+ this.loadedCosmetics.forEach(cosmetic => {
+ cosmetic.onRender(ticks)
+ })
+ }
+ initVariables(){
+ this.loadedCosmetics = undefined
+ this.uuidToCosmetic = undefined
+ }
+ onDisable(){
+ this.initVariables()
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ class: new Cosmetics()
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/cosmetics/metadata.json b/features/cosmetics/metadata.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f198cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/cosmetics/metadata.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "name": "Cosmetics",
+ "description": "Cosmetics settings",
+ "isTogglable": false,
+ "defaultEnabled": true,
+ "isHidden": "hiddenRequirement.js",
+ "sortA": 1
+} \ No newline at end of file