path: root/features/dungeonMap2
diff options
authorSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-09-17 23:47:59 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-09-17 23:47:59 +0800
commit364caae9b6e47b8d5e1bab950aebc5b35bc4baad (patch)
treee554b5859e0135b8f644986768306d5f3ee5683e /features/dungeonMap2
parenteb8bc77bf2d790e97fe793eb96ad77e1b4d2bbbf (diff)
parent12f3a81cf12c6ffc24a7f2a0e8102dfba3fddf82 (diff)
Merge pull request #71 from Soopyboo32/Babel
Diffstat (limited to 'features/dungeonMap2')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 1108 deletions
diff --git a/features/dungeonMap2/DungeonMapData.js b/features/dungeonMap2/DungeonMapData.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b50c67..0000000
--- a/features/dungeonMap2/DungeonMapData.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-import { f, m } from "../../../mappings/mappings"
-import DungeonMapRoom from "./DungeonMapRoom"
-import DungeonRoomStaticData from "./DungeonRoomStaticData"
-const Color = Java.type("java.awt.Color")
-const BufferedImage = Java.type("java.awt.image.BufferedImage")
-let DEFAULT_DOOR_COLOR = new Color(Renderer.color(114, 67, 27, 255))
-let PUZZLE_DOOR_COLOR = new Color(Renderer.color(178, 76, 216, 255))
-let MINIBOSS_DOOR_COLOR = new Color(Renderer.color(229, 229, 51, 255))
-let BLOOD_DOOR_COLOR = new Color(Renderer.color(255, 0, 0, 255))
-let TRAP_DOOR_COLOR = new Color(Renderer.color(216, 127, 51, 255))
-let WITHER_DOOR_COLOR = new Color(Renderer.color(0, 0, 0, 255))
-let mapDataScale = {
- "E": 22,
- "1": 22,
- "2": 22,
- "3": 22,
- "4": 20,
- "5": 20,
- "6": 20,
- "7": 20
-// let TabOverlayListField = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiPlayerTabOverlay").class.getDeclaredField("field_175252_a")
-// TabOverlayListField.setAccessible(true)
-// let TabOverlayList = TabOverlayListField.get(null)
-let PlayerComparator = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiPlayerTabOverlay").PlayerComparator
-let c = PlayerComparator.class.getDeclaredConstructor()
-let sorter = c.newInstance()
-let nethandlerplayclient = Player.getPlayer()[f.sendQueue.EntityPlayerSP]
-class DungeonMapData {
- constructor(floor) {
- this.floor = floor
- this.roomScaleMap = mapDataScale[floor[floor.length - 1]] //how many pixels on the map is 32 blocks
- this.roomOffsetMap = [0, 0] //How offset is the map
- /**
- * @type {Map<String,DungeonMapRoom>}
- */
- this.rooms = new Map()
- /**
- * @type {Map<String,Number>}
- */
- this.doors = new Map()
- this.greenRoomCoords = undefined
- this.image = undefined
- this.oldImage = undefined
- this.renderTicks = false
- this.players = []
- this.playersNameToId = {}
- }
- updatePlayers() {
- let pl = nethandlerplayclient[m.getPlayerInfoMap]().sort((a, b) => sorter.compare(a, b))
- let i = 0
- for (let p of pl) {
- if (!p[m.getDisplayName.NetworkPlayerInfo]()) continue
- let line = p[m.getDisplayName.NetworkPlayerInfo]()[m.getUnformattedText]().trim().replace("♲ ", "") //TODO: Remove bingo symbol
- if (line.endsWith(")") && line.includes(" (") && line.split(" (").length === 2 && line.split(" (")[0].split(" ").length === 1 && line.split(" (")[1].length > 5) {
- let name = line.split(" ")[0]
- if (!this.players[i]) {
- this.players[i] = {
- name: "",
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- rotate: 0,
- skin: undefined
- }
- }
- this.players[i].name = name
- this.players[i].skin = p[m.getLocationSkin.NetworkPlayerInfo]()
- this.playersNameToId[name] = i
- i++
- }
- }
- }
- updatePlayersFast() {
- World.getAllPlayers().forEach(player => {
- let p = this.players[this.playersNameToId[ChatLib.removeFormatting(player.getName()).trim()]]
- if (!p) return
- p.x = player.getX()
- p.y = player.getZ()
- p.rotate = player.getYaw() + 180
- })
- }
- loadPlayersFromDecoration(deco) {
- let i = 0
- deco.forEach((icon, vec4b) => {
- if (!this.players[i]) return
- let x = vec4b.func_176112_b()
- let y = vec4b.func_176113_c()
- let rot = vec4b.func_176111_d()
- x = x / 2 + this.roomScaleMap
- y = y / 2 + this.roomScaleMap
- rot = rot * 360 / 16 + 180
- this.players[i].rotate = rot
- this.players[i].x = (x) / this.roomScaleMap * 32 - this.roomOffsetMap[0]
- this.players[i].y = (y) / this.roomScaleMap * 32 - this.roomOffsetMap[1]
- i++
- });
- }
- updateHotbarData() {
- let mapData
- try {
- let item = Player.getInventory().getStackInSlot(8)
- mapData = item.getItem()[m.getMapData](item.getItemStack(), World.getWorld()); // ItemStack.getItem().getMapData()
- } catch (error) {
- }
- if (mapData) {
- this.loadPlayersFromDecoration(mapData[f.mapDecorations])
- let bytes = mapData[f.colors.MapData]
- if (!this.greenRoomCoords) return
- //30 = green
- //0 = transparent
- //66 = puzzle
- //34 = white
- let rx = 0
- let ry = 0
- for (let x = 0; x < 128; x += 5) {
- for (let y = 0; y < 128; y += 5) {
- if (bytes[x + y * 128] === 30
- && bytes[x + 1 + y * 128] === 30
- && bytes[x + 2 + y * 128] === 30
- && bytes[x + 3 + y * 128] === 30) {
- rx = x
- ry = y
- while (bytes[(rx - 1) + ry * 128] === 30) {
- rx--
- }
- while (bytes[(rx) + (ry - 1) * 128] === 30) {
- ry--
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (rx) break;
- }
- rx += (this.roomScaleMap / 4 * 5) / 2 - this.roomScaleMap
- ry += (this.roomScaleMap / 4 * 5) / 2 - this.roomScaleMap
- this.roomOffsetMap[0] = -((this.greenRoomCoords[0]) / 32 * this.roomScaleMap + 2 * this.roomScaleMap - rx) / this.roomScaleMap * 32
- this.roomOffsetMap[1] = -((this.greenRoomCoords[1]) / 32 * this.roomScaleMap + 2 * this.roomScaleMap - ry) / this.roomScaleMap * 32
- console.log(this.roomOffsetMap.join(","))
- let toMap = (x2, y2) => {
- return Math.round(((x2 + this.roomOffsetMap[0]) / 32 * this.roomScaleMap + 2 * this.roomScaleMap)) + Math.round(((y2 + this.roomOffsetMap[1]) / 32 * this.roomScaleMap + 2 * this.roomScaleMap)) * 128
- }
- console.log(bytes[toMap(Player.getX(), Player.getZ())])
- let loadRoomAt = (x, y) => {
- x = Math.floor((x + 8) / 32) * 32 - 8
- y = Math.floor((y + 8) / 32) * 32 - 8
- if (bytes[toMap(x + 16, y + 16)] === 30) {
- this.setRoomFull(x, y, 0, DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_SPAWN, DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1, 0)
- }
- if (bytes[toMap(x + 16, y + 16)] === 66) {
- this.setRoomFull(x, y, 0, DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_PUZZLE, DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1, 0)
- }
- if (bytes[toMap(x + 16, y + 16)] === 82) {
- this.setRoomFull(x, y, 0, DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_FAIRY, DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1, 0)
- }
- if (bytes[toMap(x + 16, y + 16)] === 18) {
- this.setRoomFull(x, y, 0, DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_BLOOD, DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1, 0)
- }
- if (bytes[toMap(x + 16, y + 16)] === 64) {
- this.setRoomFull(x, y, 0, DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_TRAP, DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1, 0)
- }
- if (bytes[toMap(x + 16, y + 16)] === 63) {
- let width = 32
- let height = 32
- while (bytes[toMap(x, y + 5)] === 63) {
- x -= 32
- width += 32
- }
- while (bytes[toMap(x + 5, y)] === 63) {
- y -= 32
- height += 32
- }
- while (bytes[toMap(x + width, y + 5)] === 63) {
- width += 32
- }
- while (bytes[toMap(x + 5, y + height)] === 63) {
- height += 32
- }
- let shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1
- let rotation = 0
- if (width === height) {
- if (width === 64) {
- shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_2X2
- }
- }
- if (width > height) {
- if (width === 64) {
- shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X2
- }
- if (width === 96) {
- shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X3
- }
- if (width === 128) {
- shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X4
- }
- }
- if (width < height) {
- rotation = 1
- if (height === 64) {
- shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X2
- }
- if (height === 96) {
- shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X3
- }
- if (height === 128) {
- shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X4
- }
- }
- this.setRoomFull(x, y, rotation, DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_NORMAL, shape, 0)
- }
- }
- for (let x = -200; x < 100; x += 32) {
- for (let y = -200; y < 100; y += 32) {
- loadRoomAt(x, y)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- setRenderTicks(val) {
- if (this.renderTicks !== val) {
- this.mapChanged()
- }
- this.renderTicks = val
- }
- setDoor(x, y, doorType, rotation) {//doorType 0=normal, 1=wither, 2=blood
- if (doorType === -1) {
- let id = World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x, 69, y)).getBlockId()
- if (id === 0) doorType = 0
- else if (id === 97) doorType = 0
- else if (id === 173) doorType = 1
- else if (id === 159) doorType = 2
- else return
- }
- if (this.doors.get(x + "," + y)?.join(",") !== doorType + "," + rotation) {
- this.doors.set(x + "," + y, [doorType, rotation])
- this.mapChanged()
- }
- }
- setRoomFull(x, y, rotation, roomType, shape, checkedState) {
- let locstr = x + "," + y
- if (shape === DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_L && rotation === 2) {
- locstr = x + "," + (y + 32)
- }
- if (this.rooms.get(locstr) && this.rooms.get(locstr).type !== roomType) {
- this.rooms.get(locstr).type = roomType
- this.mapChanged()
- return
- }
- if (this.rooms.get(locstr) && this.rooms.get(locstr).checkedState !== checkedState) {
- this.rooms.get(locstr).setCheckedState(checkedState)
- this.mapChanged()
- return
- }
- if (this.rooms.get(locstr) && this.rooms.get(locstr).shape !== shape) {
- this.rooms.get(locstr).shape = shape
- this.mapChanged()
- return
- }
- if (this.rooms.get(locstr) && this.rooms.get(locstr).rotation !== rotation) {
- this.rooms.get(locstr).rotation = rotation
- this.mapChanged()
- return
- }
- if (this.rooms.get(locstr)) {
- return
- }
- let room = new DungeonMapRoom(roomType, shape, rotation, x, y, undefined)
- this.rooms.set(locstr, room)
- this.mapChanged()
- }
- setRoom(x, y, rotation, id) {
- let locstr = x + "," + y
- if (DungeonRoomStaticData.getDataFromId(id).shape === 'L' && rotation === 2) {
- locstr = x + "," + (y + 32)
- }
- if (this.rooms.get(locstr) && this.rooms.get(locstr).roomId !== id) {
- this.rooms.get(locstr).setId(id)
- this.mapChanged()
- return
- }
- if (this.rooms.get(locstr)) {
- return
- }
- let room = DungeonMapRoom.fromId(id, x, y, rotation)
- if (room.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_SPAWN) {
- this.greenRoomCoords = [x, y]
- }
- this.rooms.set(locstr, room)
- this.mapChanged()
- }
- getPlayers() {
- return this.players
- }
- roomSecrets(x, y, rotation, id, curr, max) {
- let locstr = x + "," + y
- if (DungeonRoomStaticData.getDataFromId(id).shape === 'L' && rotation === 2) {
- locstr = x + "," + (y - 32)
- }
- if (this.rooms.get(locstr)) {
- this.rooms.get(locstr).setSecrets(curr, max)
- }
- }
- destroy() {
- this.oldImage.getTexture()[m.deleteGlTexture]()
- this.image.getTexture()[m.deleteGlTexture]()
- this.oldImage = undefined
- this.image = undefined
- }
- mapChanged() {
- if (this.image) {
- if (this.oldImage) this.oldImage.getTexture()[m.deleteGlTexture]()
- this.oldImage = this.image
- this.image = undefined
- }
- }
- /**
- * @returns {Image}
- */
- getImage() {
- if (!this.image) {
- this.image = new Image(this.render())
- this.image.draw(0, 0, 0, 0)
- if (this.oldImage) return this.oldImage
- }
- return this.image
- }
- renderSecrets(size) {
- for (let data of this.rooms.entries()) {
- let room = data[1]
- if (room.maxSecrets === 0) continue
- let text = room.getSecrets()
- let text2 = "&0" + ChatLib.removeFormatting(text)
- let width = Renderer.getStringWidth(text) - 6
- let location = room.getIconLocation()
- Renderer.drawString(text2, this.toImageX(location[0]) * size - width / 2 - 1, this.toImageY(location[1]) * size)
- Renderer.drawString(text2, this.toImageX(location[0]) * size - width / 2 + 1, this.toImageY(location[1]) * size)
- Renderer.drawString(text2, this.toImageX(location[0]) * size - width / 2, this.toImageY(location[1]) * size - 1)
- Renderer.drawString(text2, this.toImageX(location[0]) * size - width / 2, this.toImageY(location[1]) * size + 1)
- Renderer.drawString(text, this.toImageX(location[0]) * size - width / 2, this.toImageY(location[1]) * size)
- }
- }
- /**
- * @returns {BufferedImage}
- */
- render() {
- //create 256x256 image
- let image = new BufferedImage(256, 256, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
- //create graphics rendering context
- let graphics = image.createGraphics()
- graphics.translate(256 - 32, 256 - 32)
- //render doors
- for (let data of this.doors.entries()) {
- let [location, [type, rotation]] = data
- location = location.split(",")
- let x = parseInt(location[0])
- let y = parseInt(location[1])
- let doorColor = type === 0 ? DEFAULT_DOOR_COLOR : (type === 1 ? WITHER_DOOR_COLOR : BLOOD_DOOR_COLOR)
- if (rotation === 0) {
- if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y + 1))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_BLOOD) {
- doorColor = BLOOD_DOOR_COLOR
- }
- if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y + 1))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_PUZZLE) {
- }
- if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y + 1))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_TRAP) {
- doorColor = TRAP_DOOR_COLOR
- }
- if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y + 1))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_MINIBOSS) {
- }
- if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y - 31))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_BLOOD) {
- doorColor = BLOOD_DOOR_COLOR
- }
- if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y - 31))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_PUZZLE) {
- }
- if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y - 31))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_TRAP) {
- doorColor = TRAP_DOOR_COLOR
- }
- if (this.rooms.get((x - 15) + "," + (y - 31))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_MINIBOSS) {
- }
- }
- if (rotation === 1) {
- if (this.rooms.get((x - 31) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_BLOOD) {
- doorColor = BLOOD_DOOR_COLOR
- }
- if (this.rooms.get((x - 31) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_PUZZLE) {
- }
- if (this.rooms.get((x - 31) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_TRAP) {
- doorColor = TRAP_DOOR_COLOR
- }
- if (this.rooms.get((x - 31) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_MINIBOSS) {
- }
- if (this.rooms.get((x + 1) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_BLOOD) {
- doorColor = BLOOD_DOOR_COLOR
- }
- if (this.rooms.get((x + 1) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_PUZZLE) {
- }
- if (this.rooms.get((x + 1) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_TRAP) {
- doorColor = TRAP_DOOR_COLOR
- }
- if (this.rooms.get((x + 1) + "," + (y - 15))?.type === DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_MINIBOSS) {
- }
- }
- graphics.setColor(doorColor)
- graphics.fillRect(x + (rotation === 0 ? 0 : 1), y + (rotation === 1 ? 0 : 1), rotation === 0 ? 8 : 6, rotation === 1 ? 8 : 6)
- if (rotation === 0) {
- DungeonMapRoom.drawUnknownRoom(graphics, x - 15, y + 1)
- DungeonMapRoom.drawUnknownRoom(graphics, x - 15, y - 31)
- }
- if (rotation === 1) {
- DungeonMapRoom.drawUnknownRoom(graphics, x - 31, y - 15)
- DungeonMapRoom.drawUnknownRoom(graphics, x + 1, y - 15)
- }
- }
- //render rooms
- for (let data of this.rooms.entries()) {
- let room = data[1]
- room.draw(graphics, this.renderTicks)
- }
- graphics.translate(-256 + 32, -256 + 32)
- return image
- }
- toImageX(x) {
- return (x + 255 - 32) / 256
- }
- toImageY(y) {
- return (y + 255 - 32) / 256
- }
-export default DungeonMapData \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/dungeonMap2/DungeonMapRoom.js b/features/dungeonMap2/DungeonMapRoom.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d6ee014..0000000
--- a/features/dungeonMap2/DungeonMapRoom.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-import DungeonRoomStaticData from "./DungeonRoomStaticData"
-const Color = Java.type("java.awt.Color")
-class DungeonMapRoom {
- static TYPE_SPAWN = 0
- static TYPE_NORMAL = 1
- static TYPE_PUZZLE = 2
- static TYPE_MINIBOSS = 3
- static TYPE_FAIRY = 4
- static TYPE_BLOOD = 5
- static TYPE_TRAP = 7
- static TYPE_UNKNOWN = 6
- static SHAPE_1X1 = 0
- static SHAPE_1X2 = 1
- static SHAPE_1X3 = 2
- static SHAPE_1X4 = 3
- static SHAPE_2X2 = 4
- static SHAPE_L = 5
- static fromId(roomId, x, y, rotation) {
- let data = DungeonRoomStaticData.getDataFromId(roomId)
- let type = DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_NORMAL
- switch (data.type) {
- case "mobs":
- type = DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_NORMAL
- break
- case "miniboss":
- type = DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_NORMAL
- break
- case "spawn":
- type = DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_SPAWN
- break
- case "puzzle":
- type = DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_PUZZLE
- break
- case "gold":
- type = DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_MINIBOSS
- break
- case "fairy":
- type = DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_FAIRY
- break
- case "blood":
- type = DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_BLOOD
- break
- case "trap":
- type = DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_TRAP
- break
- }
- let shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1
- switch (data.shape) {
- case "1x1":
- shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1
- break
- case "1x2":
- shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X2
- break
- case "1x3":
- shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X3
- break
- case "1x4":
- shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X4
- break
- case "2x2":
- shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_2X2
- break
- case "L":
- shape = DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_L
- break
- }
- return new DungeonMapRoom(type, shape, rotation, x, y, roomId)
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param {Number} type
- * @param {Number} shape
- * @param {Number} rotation 0-3
- * @param {Number} x
- * @param {Number} y
- * @param {String} roomId
- */
- constructor(type, shape, rotation, x, y, roomId) {
- this.type = type
- this.shape = shape
- this.rotation = rotation
- this.roomId = roomId
- this.maxSecrets = roomId ? DungeonRoomStaticData.getDataFromId(roomId).secrets : 0
- this.secrets = 0
- this.checkedState = 0
- this.location = [x, y]
- }
- setSecrets(curr, max) {
- if (this.maxSecrets === 0) return
- this.maxSecrets = max
- this.secrets = curr
- }
- getSecrets() {
- let checkColor = "&8"
- if (this.checkedState === 1) checkColor = "&f"
- if (this.checkedState === 2) checkColor = "&a"
- return checkColor + this.secrets + "/" + this.maxSecrets
- }
- setId(id) {
- if (this.roomId !== id) {
- this.roomId = id
- let newRoomData = DungeonMapRoom.fromId(id)
- this.type = newRoomData.type
- this.shape = newRoomData.shape
- this.maxSecrets = newRoomData.maxSecrets
- }
- }
- setCheckedState(state) { }
- /**
- * Renders this room onto the given Graphics2D
- * @param {Graphics2D} graphics
- */
- draw(graphics, renderTicks) {
- let [roomWidth, roomHeight] = this.getRoomWidthHeight()
- let translateX = this.location[0] + 3 + roomWidth / 2
- let translateY = this.location[1] + 3 + roomHeight / 2
- graphics.translate(translateX, translateY)
- graphics.setColor(this.getRoomRenderColor())
- switch (this.shape) {
- case DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X1:
- case DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X2:
- case DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X3:
- case DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X4:
- case DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_2X2:
- graphics.fillRect(-roomWidth / 2 + 3, -roomHeight / 2 + 3, roomWidth - 6, roomHeight - 6)
- break;
- case DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_L:
- graphics.rotate(this.rotation * Math.PI / 2)
- graphics.fillRect(-(26 + 32) / 2, -(26 + 32) / 2, 26, 26 + 32)
- graphics.fillRect(-(26 + 32) / 2, -(26 + 32) / 2, 26 + 32, 26)
- graphics.rotate(-this.rotation * Math.PI / 2)
- break;
- }
- graphics.translate(-translateX, -translateY)
- if (renderTicks || this.maxSecrets === 0) {
- if (this.checkedState === 1) {
- let loc = this.getIconLocation()
- graphics.drawImage(whiteCheck, loc[0] - 2, loc[1] - 2, 10, 10, null)
- }
- if (this.checkedState === 2) {
- let loc = this.getIconLocation()
- graphics.drawImage(greenCheck, loc[0] - 2, loc[1] - 2, 10, 10, null)
- }
- }
- }
- getRoomWidthHeight() {
- let roomWidth = 32
- let roomHeight = 32
- switch (this.shape) {
- case DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X2:
- roomWidth = 64
- break;
- case DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X3:
- roomWidth = 96
- break;
- case DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_1X4:
- roomWidth = 128
- break;
- case DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_2X2:
- case DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_L:
- roomWidth = 64
- roomHeight = 64
- break;
- }
- if (this.rotation === 1 || this.rotation === 3) {
- let tmp = roomWidth
- roomWidth = roomHeight
- roomHeight = tmp
- }
- return [roomWidth, roomHeight]
- }
- getRoomRenderColor() {
- return roomColorMap.get(this.type)
- }
- getIconLocation() {
- let [width, height] = this.getRoomWidthHeight()
- if (this.shape === DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_L && this.rotation === 0) {
- return [this.location[0] + 16, this.location[1] + 16]
- }
- if (this.shape === DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_L && this.rotation === 1) {
- return [this.location[0] + 16 + 32, this.location[1] + 16]
- }
- if (this.shape === DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_L && this.rotation === 2) {
- return [this.location[0] + 16 + 31, this.location[1] + 16 + 31]
- }
- if (this.shape === DungeonMapRoom.SHAPE_L && this.rotation === 2) {
- return [this.location[0] + 16, this.location[1] + 16 + 32]
- }
- return [this.location[0] + width / 2, this.location[1] + height / 2]
- }
- static drawUnknownRoom(graphics, x, y) {
- let roomWidth = 32
- let roomHeight = 32
- let translateX = x + 3 + roomWidth / 2
- let translateY = y + 3 + roomHeight / 2
- graphics.translate(translateX, translateY)
- graphics.setColor(roomColorMap.get(DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_UNKNOWN))
- graphics.fillRect(-13, -13, 26, 26)
- graphics.drawImage(questionMark, -4, -7, 8, 14, null)
- graphics.translate(-translateX, -translateY)
- }
-let roomColorMap = new Map()
-roomColorMap.set(DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_SPAWN, new Color(Renderer.color(0, 124, 0, 255)))
-roomColorMap.set(DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_NORMAL, new Color(Renderer.color(114, 67, 27, 255)))
-roomColorMap.set(DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_PUZZLE, new Color(Renderer.color(178, 76, 216, 255)))
-roomColorMap.set(DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_MINIBOSS, new Color(Renderer.color(229, 229, 51, 255)))
-roomColorMap.set(DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_FAIRY, new Color(Renderer.color(242, 127, 165, 255)))
-roomColorMap.set(DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_BLOOD, new Color(Renderer.color(255, 0, 0, 255)))
-roomColorMap.set(DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_TRAP, new Color(Renderer.color(216, 127, 51, 255)))
-roomColorMap.set(DungeonMapRoom.TYPE_UNKNOWN, new Color(Renderer.color(65, 65, 65, 255)))
-const greenCheck = new Image("greenCheckVanilla.png", "https://i.imgur.com/h2WM1LO.png").image
-const whiteCheck = new Image("whiteCheckVanilla.png", "https://i.imgur.com/hwEAcnI.png").image
-const failedRoom = new Image("failedRoomVanilla.png", "https://i.imgur.com/WqW69z3.png").image
-const questionMark = new Image("questionMarkVanilla.png", "https://i.imgur.com/1jyxH9I.png").image
-export default DungeonMapRoom \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/dungeonMap2/DungeonRoomStaticData.js b/features/dungeonMap2/DungeonRoomStaticData.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 75d5b1e..0000000
--- a/features/dungeonMap2/DungeonRoomStaticData.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-class DungeonRoomStaticData {
- constructor() {
- this.fullRoomData = JSON.parse(FileLib.read("SoopyV2", "data/roomdata.json"))
- this.idMap = new Map()
- this.fullRoomData.forEach((d, i) => {
- d.id.forEach(id => {
- this.idMap.set(id, i)
- })
- this.idMap.set(d.index, i)
- })
- }
- getDataFromId(id) {
- return this.fullRoomData[this.idMap.get(id)]
- }
-export default new DungeonRoomStaticData() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/dungeonMap2/index.js b/features/dungeonMap2/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 61909a0..0000000
--- a/features/dungeonMap2/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-/// <reference types="../../../CTAutocomplete" />
-/// <reference lib="es2015" />
-import Feature from "../../featureClass/class";
-import renderLibs from "../../../guimanager/renderLibs";
-import DungeonMapData from "./DungeonMapData";
-import DungeonRoomStaticData from "./DungeonRoomStaticData";
-import ImageLocationSetting from "../settings/settingThings/imageLocation";
-import ToggleSetting from "../settings/settingThings/toggle";
-import { f, m } from "../../../mappings/mappings";
-const DefaultVertexFormats = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats")
-const MCTessellator = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator")
-class DungeonMap extends Feature {
- constructor() {
- super()
- }
- onEnable() {
- if (Player.getUUID().toString() !== "dc8c3964-7b29-4e03-ae9e-d13ebd65dd29") {
- new SettingBase("not Coming soontm", "maby", undefined, "coming_soontm", this)
- return
- }
- this.mapLocation = new ImageLocationSetting("Map Location", "Sets the location of the map on the hud", "dmap_location", this, [10, 10, 1], new Image(javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(new java.io.File("./config/ChatTriggers/modules/SoopyV2/features/dungeonMap/map.png"))), 150, 150)
- this.mapSecrets = new ToggleSetting("Show secret count instead of tick", "Syncs between soopyv2 users", true, "dmap_secrets", this)
- this.lastRoomId = undefined
- /**@type {DungeonMapData} */
- this.currentDungeon = undefined
- this.lastChange = 0
- this.roomXY = this.getRoomXYWorld().join(",")
- this.lastXY = undefined
- let registerActionBar = this.registerCustom("actionbar", (curr, max) => {
- let roomid = this.getCurrentRoomId()
- let roomWorldData = this.getRoomWorldData()
- let rotation = roomWorldData.width > roomWorldData.height ? 0 : 1
- if (this.getCurrentRoomData().shape === "L") rotation = roomWorldData.rotation
- if (this.getCurrentRoomData().type === "spawn") {
- roomWorldData.x = x + 1
- roomWorldData.y = y + 1
- }
- this.currentDungeon.roomSecrets(roomWorldData.x, roomWorldData.y, rotation, roomid, curr, max)
- })
- registerActionBar.trigger.setCriteria('&7${curr}/${max} Secrets').setParameter('contains');
- this.registerStep(true, 5, this.update)
- this.registerEvent("renderOverlay", this.renderOverlay)
- this.registerEvent("worldLoad", this.worldLoad)
- }
- update() {
- if (!this.isInDungeon()) {
- if (this.currentDungeon) {
- this.currentDungeon.destroy()
- this.lastRoomId = undefined
- this.currentDungeon = undefined
- }
- return
- }
- if (!this.currentDungeon) {
- this.currentDungeon = new DungeonMapData(this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor)
- }
- this.currentDungeon.setRenderTicks(!this.mapSecrets.getValue())
- this.currentDungeon.updatePlayers()
- this.currentDungeon.updateHotbarData()
- let roomid = this.getCurrentRoomId()
- if (!roomid.includes(",")) return
- if (this.roomXY !== this.getRoomXYWorld().join(",")) {
- this.roomXY = this.getRoomXYWorld().join(",")
- this.lastChange = Date.now()
- }
- let x = Math.floor((Player.getX() + 8) / 32) * 32 - 9
- let y = Math.floor((Player.getZ() + 8) / 32) * 32 - 9
- if (roomid !== this.lastRoomId && Date.now() - this.lastChange > 500) {
- this.lastRoomId = roomid
- let roomWorldData = this.getRoomWorldData()
- let rotation = roomWorldData.width > roomWorldData.height ? 0 : 1
- if (this.getCurrentRoomData().shape === "L") rotation = roomWorldData.rotation
- if (this.getCurrentRoomData().type === "spawn") {
- roomWorldData.x = x + 1
- roomWorldData.y = y + 1
- }
- this.currentDungeon.setRoom(roomWorldData.x, roomWorldData.y, rotation, roomid)
- }
- if (this.lastXY !== x + "," + y) {
- this.lastXY = x + "," + y
- if (this.getBlockAt(x + 16, 73, y) !== 0) {
- this.currentDungeon.setDoor(x + 16, y, -1, 0)
- }
- if (this.getBlockAt(x, 73, y + 16) !== 0) {
- this.currentDungeon.setDoor(x, y + 16, -1, 1)
- }
- if (this.getBlockAt(x + 16, 73, y + 32) !== 0) {
- this.currentDungeon.setDoor(x + 16, y + 32, -1, 0)
- }
- if (this.getBlockAt(x + 32, 73, y + 16) !== 0) {
- this.currentDungeon.setDoor(x + 32, y + 16, -1, 1)
- }
- }
- }
- renderOverlay() {
- if (this.currentDungeon) {
- this.currentDungeon.updatePlayersFast()
- let x = this.mapLocation.getValue()[0]
- let y = this.mapLocation.getValue()[1]
- let size = 150 * this.mapLocation.getValue()[2]
- Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0, 0, 0, 100), x, y, size, size)
- this.currentDungeon.getImage().draw(x, y, size, size)
- Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0, 0, 0), x, y, size, 2)
- Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0, 0, 0), x, y, 2, size)
- Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0, 0, 0), x + size - 2, y, 2, size)
- Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0, 0, 0), x, y + size - 2, size, 2)
- for (let player of this.currentDungeon.getPlayers()) {
- let x2 = this.currentDungeon.toImageX(player.x) * size + x
- let y2 = this.currentDungeon.toImageY(player.y) * size + y
- let rx = -6
- let ry = -6
- let rw = 12
- let rh = 12
- Renderer.translate(x2, y2)
- Renderer.rotate(player.rotate)
- GlStateManager[m.enableBlend]()
- GlStateManager[m.scale](1, 1, 50)
- Client.getMinecraft()[m.getTextureManager]()[m.bindTexture.TextureManager](player.skin)
- GlStateManager[m.enableTexture2D]()
- let tessellator = MCTessellator[m.getInstance.Tessellator]()
- let worldRenderer = tessellator[m.getWorldRenderer]()
- worldRenderer[m.begin](7, DefaultVertexFormats[f.POSITION_TEX])
- worldRenderer[m.pos](rx, ry + rh, 0.0)[m.tex](8 / 64, 16 / 64)[m.endVertex]()
- worldRenderer[m.pos](rx + rw, ry + rh, 0.0)[m.tex](16 / 64, 16 / 64)[m.endVertex]()
- worldRenderer[m.pos](rx + rw, ry, 0.0)[m.tex](16 / 64, 8 / 64)[m.endVertex]()
- worldRenderer[m.pos](rx, ry, 0.0)[m.tex](8 / 64, 8 / 64)[m.endVertex]()
- tessellator[m.draw.Tessellator]()
- Tessellator.popMatrix()
- Tessellator.pushMatrix()
- }
- if (this.mapSecrets.getValue()) {
- Renderer.retainTransforms(true)
- Renderer.translate(x, y)
- this.currentDungeon.renderSecrets(size)
- Renderer.translate(-x, -y)
- Renderer.retainTransforms(false)
- }
- }
- }
- worldLoad() {
- if (this.currentDungeon) this.currentDungeon.destroy()
- this.lastRoomId = undefined
- this.currentDungeon = undefined
- }
- getCurrentRoomId() {
- if (Scoreboard.getLines().length === 0) return undefined
- let id = Scoreboard.getLineByIndex(Scoreboard.getLines().length - 1).getName().trim().split(" ").pop()
- return id
- }
- isInDungeon() {
- if (!this.FeatureManager || !this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"]) return false
- return this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.isInDungeon
- }
- getRoomXYWorld() {
- let roomData = this.getRoomWorldData()
- if (roomData.rotation === 4) {
- return [roomData.x, roomData.y + 32]
- }
- return [roomData.x, roomData.y]
- }
- getCurrentRoomData() {
- return DungeonRoomStaticData.getDataFromId(this.getCurrentRoomId())
- }
- getRotation(x, y, width, height, roofY) {
- let currRoomData = this.getCurrentRoomData()
- if (!currRoomData) return -1
- if (currRoomData.shape !== "L") {
- if (this.getTopBlockAt(x, y, roofY) === 11) return 0
- if (this.getTopBlockAt(x + width, y, roofY) === 11) return 1
- if (this.getTopBlockAt(x + width, y + height, roofY) === 11) return 2
- if (this.getTopBlockAt(x, y + height, roofY) === 11) return 3
- } else {
- let one = this.getTopBlockAt2(x + width / 2 + 1, y + height / 2, roofY)
- let two = this.getTopBlockAt2(x + width / 2 - 1, y + height / 2, roofY)
- let three = this.getTopBlockAt2(x + width / 2, y + height / 2 + 1, roofY)
- let four = this.getTopBlockAt2(x + width / 2, y + height / 2 - 1, roofY)
- if (one === 0 && three === 0) return 0
- if (two === 0 && three === 0) return 1
- if (one === 0 && four === 0) return 3
- if (two === 0 && four === 0) return 2//3 IS SO TOXIK HGOLY HEL I HATE L SHAPE ROOMS WHY DO THIS TO ME
- }
- return -1
- }
- getRoomWorldData() {
- let x = Math.floor((Player.getX() + 8) / 32) * 32 - 8
- let y = Math.floor((Player.getZ() + 8) / 32) * 32 - 8
- let width = 30
- let height = 30
- let roofY = this.getRoofAt(x, y)
- while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x - 1, roofY, y)).getBlockId() !== 0) {
- x -= 32
- width += 32
- }
- while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x, roofY, y - 1)).getBlockId() !== 0) {
- y -= 32
- height += 32
- }
- while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x - 1, roofY, y)).getBlockId() !== 0) { //second iteration incase of L shape
- x -= 32
- width += 32
- }
- while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x + width + 1, roofY, y)).getBlockId() !== 0) {
- width += 32
- }
- while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x, roofY, y + height + 1)).getBlockId() !== 0) {
- height += 32
- }
- while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x + width, roofY, y + height + 1)).getBlockId() !== 0) { //second iteration incase of L shape
- height += 32
- }
- while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x + width + 1, roofY, y + height)).getBlockId() !== 0) { //second iteration incase of L shape
- width += 32
- }
- while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x + width, roofY, y - 1)).getBlockId() !== 0) {//second iteration incase of L shape
- y -= 32
- height += 32
- }
- while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x - 1, roofY, y + height)).getBlockId() !== 0) { //third iteration incase of L shape
- x -= 32
- width += 32
- }
- return {
- x,
- y,
- width,
- height,
- cx: x + width / 2,
- cy: y + height / 2,
- rotation: this.getRotation(x, y, width, height, roofY)
- }
- }
- getRoofAt(x, z) {
- let y = 255
- while (y > 0 && World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x, y, z)).getBlockId() === 0) y--
- return y
- }
- getTopBlockAt(x, z, y) {
- if (!y) y = this.getHeightAt(x, z)
- return World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x, y, z)).getMetadata()
- }
- getBlockAt(x, y, z) {
- return World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x, y, z)).getBlockId()
- }
- getTopBlockAt2(x, z, y) {
- if (!y) y = this.getHeightAt(x, z)
- return World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x, y, z)).getBlockId()
- }
- onDisable() {
- }
-module.exports = {
- class: new DungeonMap()
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/dungeonMap2/metadata.json b/features/dungeonMap2/metadata.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 53e7e03..0000000
--- a/features/dungeonMap2/metadata.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "name": "Dungeon Map 2",
- "description": "WIP",
- "isHidden": true,
- "isTogglable": true,
- "defaultEnabled": false,
- "sortA": 1
-} \ No newline at end of file