path: root/features/hud
diff options
authorSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-01-11 05:03:00 +0800
committerSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-01-11 05:03:00 +0800
commit1ecfecc53f68a9ee371bf105eb8a656e0a98c5b3 (patch)
tree1c8436eda071169a5bb89d902bee091985edfa49 /features/hud
parent5a018f398d2de5351778af35306f387eadcceb68 (diff)
+ Warning message when cannot connect to soopy server
+ Museum gui performance improvements + HUD api stat thingo + Settings for slayer features actually toggle things + Stat next to name loading time optimisations (should help if you are in a party)
Diffstat (limited to 'features/hud')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/features/hud/index.js b/features/hud/index.js
index 777783e..a4e594e 100644
--- a/features/hud/index.js
+++ b/features/hud/index.js
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ import { m } from "../../../mappings/mappings";
import LocationSetting from "../settings/settingThings/location";
import ToggleSetting from "../settings/settingThings/toggle";
import HudTextElement from "./HudTextElement";
+import DropdownSetting from "../settings/settingThings/dropdownSetting";
+import { getLevelByXp } from "../../utils/statUtils";
+import { firstLetterCapital } from "../../utils/stringUtils";
class Hud extends Feature {
constructor() {
@@ -103,6 +106,54 @@ class Hud extends Feature {
this.guidedSheepCooldownSetting = new ToggleSetting("Show Guided Sheep / Explosive Shot Cooldown", "This will render a small cooldown below your crosshair", true, "guided_sheep_cooldown_enabled", this)
+ let hudStatTypes = {
+ "cata": "Catacombs level + Exp",
+ "totaldeaths": "Total deaths"
+ }
+ this.skillLevelCaps = {
+ "experience_skill_combat": 60,
+ "experience_skill_foraging": 50,
+ "experience_skill_farming": 60,
+ "experience_skill_fishing": 50,
+ "experience_skill_alchemy": 50,
+ "experience_skill_enchanting": 60,
+ "experience_skill_mining": 60,
+ "experience_skill_taming": 50,
+ };
+ Object.keys(this.skillLevelCaps).forEach(skill => {
+ hudStatTypes[skill] = firstLetterCapital(skill.split("_").pop()) + " level + Exp"
+ })
+ hudStatTypes.completions_enterance = "Enterance completions"
+ for(let i = 1;i<8;i++){
+ hudStatTypes["completions_floor_"+i] = "Floor " + i + " completions"
+ }
+ for(let i = 1;i<7;i++){
+ hudStatTypes["completions_master_"+i] = "Master " + i + " completions"
+ }
+ for(let i = 1;i<8;i++){
+ hudStatTypes["completions_dungeon_"+i] = "Dungeon " + i + " completions"
+ }
+ this.hudStat = []
+ for(let i = 0;i<5;i++){
+ this.hudStat[i] = {}
+ this.hudStat[i].enabled = new ToggleSetting("Hud Stat Slot #"+(i+1), "Allows you to render a custom stat on your hud", false, "hud_stat_"+i, this)
+ this.hudStat[i].type = new DropdownSetting("Hud Stat Slot #" + (i + 1) + " Type", "The type of stat to render", "weight" , "hud_stat_" + i + "_type", this, hudStatTypes)
+ this.hudStat[i].location = new LocationSetting("Hud Stat Slot #"+(i+1)+" Location", "Allows you to edit the location of the hud stat", "hud_stat_"+i+"_location", this, [10, 50+i*10, 1, 1]).editTempText("&6Hud Stat&7> &f12,345")
+ this.hudStat[i].textElement = new HudTextElement().setToggleSetting(this.hudStat[i].enabled).setLocationSetting(this.hudStat[i].location).setText("&6Hud Stat&7> &fLoading...")
+ this.hudStat[i].onlySb = new ToggleSetting("Hud Stat Slot #"+(i+1)+" Only SB", "Only render this stat when you are in skyblock", true, "hud_stat_"+i+"_only_sb", this).requires(this.hudStat[i].enabled)
+ this.hudStat[i].location.requires(this.hudStat[i].enabled)
+ this.hudStat[i].type.requires(this.hudStat[i].enabled)
+ if(this.hudStat[i-1]){
+ this.hudStat[i].enabled.requires(this.hudStat[i-1].enabled)
+ }
+ }
// this.showDragonDamages = new ToggleSetting("Show dragon damages", "This will render the top 3 damages + your damage during a dragon fight", true, "dragon_dmg_enable", this).requires(this.soulflowEnabledSetting)
// this.dragonDamageElement = new HudTextElement()
// .setToggleSetting(this.showDragonDamages)
@@ -126,6 +177,10 @@ class Hud extends Feature {
this.lastAbsorbtion = 0
this.impactTest = false
+ this.lastUpdatedStatData = 0
+ this.lastStatData = undefined
this.lastFrameRates = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
this.lastFrameRatesS = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
@@ -138,6 +193,7 @@ class Hud extends Feature {
this.registerStep(true, 5, this.step)
this.registerStep(false, 5, this.step_5second)
this.registerEvent("renderWorld", this.renderWorld)
+ this.registerEvent("worldLoad", this.worldLoad)
this.petLevels = {}
this.petText = ""
@@ -172,6 +228,9 @@ class Hud extends Feature {
this.lastSwappedPet = Date.now()
+ if(this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.lastApiData.skyblock_raw){
+ this.apiLoad(this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.lastApiData.skyblock_raw, "skyblock", false, true)
+ }
this.registerActionBar("${m}", this.actionbarMessage)
@@ -203,6 +262,10 @@ class Hud extends Feature {
Renderer.drawString(Math.max(0,Math.ceil((5000-(Date.now()-this.lastWitherImpact))/1000)) + "s", Renderer.screen.getWidth() / 2 - Renderer.getStringWidth(Math.max(0,Math.ceil((5000-(Date.now()-this.lastWitherImpact))/1000)) + "s") / 2, Renderer.screen.getHeight() / 2 - 15)
+ this.hudStat.forEach(stat=>{
+ stat.textElement.render()
+ })
@@ -233,6 +296,7 @@ class Hud extends Feature {
+ this.updateHudThingos()
let fps = 0
if(this.fpsEnabledSetting.getValue() && this.fpsFastSetting.getValue()){
@@ -305,6 +369,7 @@ class Hud extends Feature {
if(!this.soulflowEnabledSetting.getValue()) return
if(!Player.getPlayer()) return
if(!Player.getInventory()) return
@@ -352,7 +417,82 @@ class Hud extends Feature {
this.soulflowElement.setText("&6Soulflow&7> &f" + this.numberUtils.numberWithCommas(soulflowCount))
+ statApiLoadThingo(data){
+ data.profiles.forEach(p=>{
+ if(!this.lastStatData || (p.members[Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g,"")] && p.members[Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g,"")].last_save > this.lastStatData.last_save)){
+ this.lastStatData = p.members[Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g,"")]
+ }
+ })
+ this.updateHudThingos()
+ }
+ updateHudThingos(){
+ let insb = this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.isInSkyblock
+ if(Date.now()-this.lastUpdatedStatData > 5*60000 && this.hudStat[0].enabled.getValue() && (insb || this.hudStat.map(a=>a.onlySb.getValue()).includes(false))){
+ new Thread(()=>{
+ this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.loadApiData("skyblock", false)
+ }).start()
+ this.lastUpdatedStatData = Date.now()
+ return
+ }
+ this.hudStat.forEach(stat=>{
+ if(stat.enabled.getValue()){
+ this.updateHudThing(stat, insb)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ updateHudThing(thing, insb){
+ if(!this.lastStatData) return
+ if(!insb && thing.onlySb.getValue()){
+ thing.textElement.setText("")
+ return
+ }
+ let type = thing.type.getValue()
+ let string = "Unknown stat"
+ if(type === "totaldeaths"){
+ string = "&6Deaths&7> &f" + this.numberUtils.numberWithCommas(this.lastStatData.death_count)
+ }
+ if(type === "cata"){
+ let cataData = getLevelByXp(this.lastStatData.dungeons.dungeon_types.catacombs.experience, 2, 50)
+ string = "&6Cata&7> &f" + (cataData.level+cataData.progress).toFixed(2) + " &7(" + this.numberUtils.numberWithCommas(cataData.xpCurrent) + (cataData.level===50?"":"/" + this.numberUtils.numberWithCommas(cataData.xpForNext)) + ")"
+ }
+ Object.keys(this.skillLevelCaps).forEach(skill => {
+ if(type === skill){
+ let skillData = getLevelByXp(this.lastStatData[skill], 0, this.skillLevelCaps[skill])
+ string = "&6" + firstLetterCapital(skill.split("_").pop()) + "&7> &f" + (skillData.level+skillData.progress).toFixed(2) + " &7(" + this.numberUtils.numberWithCommas(skillData.xpCurrent) + (skillData.level===this.skillLevelCaps[skill]?"":"/" + this.numberUtils.numberWithCommas(skillData.xpForNext)) + ")"
+ }
+ })
+ if(type === "completions_enterance"){
+ string = "&6E Comps&7> &f" + this.numberUtils.numberWithCommas((this.lastStatData.dungeons?.dungeon_types?.catacombs?.tier_completions?.[0]||0))
+ }
+ if(type.startsWith("completions_floor_")){
+ let floor = parseInt(type.split("_").pop())
+ string = "&6F" + floor +" Comps&7> &f" + this.numberUtils.numberWithCommas((this.lastStatData.dungeons?.dungeon_types?.catacombs?.tier_completions?.[floor]||0))
+ }
+ if(type.startsWith("completions_master_")){
+ let floor = parseInt(type.split("_").pop())
+ string = "&6F" + floor +" Comps&7> &f" + this.numberUtils.numberWithCommas((this.lastStatData.dungeons?.dungeon_types?.master_catacombs?.tier_completions?.[floor]||0))
+ }
+ if(type.startsWith("completions_dungeon_")){
+ let floor = parseInt(type.split("_").pop())
+ string = "&6Dungeon " + floor +" Comps&7> &f" + this.numberUtils.numberWithCommas((this.lastStatData.dungeons?.dungeon_types?.catacombs?.tier_completions?.[floor]||0)+(this.lastStatData.dungeons?.dungeon_types?.master_catacombs?.tier_completions?.[floor]||0))
+ }
+ thing.textElement.setText(string)
+ }
apiLoad(data, dataType, isSoopyServer, isLatest){
+ if(dataType === "skyblock" && !isSoopyServer){
+ this.statApiLoadThingo(data)
+ }
if(!isSoopyServer || !isLatest) return
if(dataType !== "skyblock") return
@@ -376,6 +516,10 @@ class Hud extends Feature {
this.petElement.setText("&6Pet&7> &7[Lvl " + pet.level.level + "] " + petTierColor[pet.tier] + pet.name)
this.petText = "&6Pet&7> &7[Lvl " + pet.level.level + "] " + petTierColor[pet.tier] + pet.name
+ worldLoad(){
+ this.lastUpdatedStatData = 0
+ }
module.exports = {