path: root/features/settings/settingThings/imageLocation.js
diff options
authorSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-09-17 23:47:59 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-09-17 23:47:59 +0800
commit364caae9b6e47b8d5e1bab950aebc5b35bc4baad (patch)
treee554b5859e0135b8f644986768306d5f3ee5683e /features/settings/settingThings/imageLocation.js
parenteb8bc77bf2d790e97fe793eb96ad77e1b4d2bbbf (diff)
parent12f3a81cf12c6ffc24a7f2a0e8102dfba3fddf82 (diff)
Merge pull request #71 from Soopyboo32/Babel
Diffstat (limited to 'features/settings/settingThings/imageLocation.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 321 deletions
diff --git a/features/settings/settingThings/imageLocation.js b/features/settings/settingThings/imageLocation.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c459c82..0000000
--- a/features/settings/settingThings/imageLocation.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-import { SoopyGui } from "../../../../guimanager"
-import SoopyBoxElement from "../../../../guimanager/GuiElement/SoopyBoxElement"
-import SoopyTextElement from "../../../../guimanager/GuiElement/SoopyTextElement"
-import ButtonSetting from "./button"
-import BoxWithText from "../../../../guimanager/GuiElement/BoxWithText"
-import ButtonWithArrow from "../../../../guimanager/GuiElement/ButtonWithArrow"
-import SoopyMouseClickEvent from "../../../../guimanager/EventListener/SoopyMouseClickEvent"
-import NumberTextBox from "../../../../guimanager/GuiElement/NumberTextBox"
-import SoopyContentChangeEvent from "../../../../guimanager/EventListener/SoopyContentChangeEvent"
-import locationSettingHolder from "../locationSettingHolder"
-class ImageLocationSetting extends ButtonSetting {
- constructor(name, description, settingId, module, defaultLocation, image, imageWBase, imageHBase) {
- super(name, description, settingId, module, "Edit Position", this.editPosition, defaultLocation)
- this.x = this.getValue()[0]
- this.y = this.getValue()[1]
- this.scale = this.getValue()[2]
- this.image = image
- this.imageWBase = imageWBase
- this.imageHBase = imageHBase
- this.dragging = false
- this.dragOffset = [0, 0]
- this.resisizing = false
- this.resizePoint = 0
- this.resizeInitialPos = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- this.soopyGui = new SoopyGui()
- this.soopyGui._renderBackground = () => { } //remove background darkening
- this.elmSettings = new SoopyBoxElement().setLocation(0, 0, 0.25, 0.25)
- let scaleText = new SoopyTextElement().setText("&0Scale: ").setLocation(3, 0.025, 1, 0.15)
- scaleText.location.location.setRelative(false, true)
- scaleText.centeredX = false
- this.elmSettings.addChild(scaleText)
- this.scaleInput = new NumberTextBox().setText(this.scale.toFixed(2)).setLocation(Renderer.getStringWidth("Scale: ") + 3, 0.025, -(Renderer.getStringWidth("Scale: ") + 6), 0.15)
- this.scaleInput.location.location.setRelative(false, true)
- this.scaleInput.location.size.setRelative(false, true)
- this.elmSettings.addChild(this.scaleInput)
- this.scaleInput.text.addEvent(new SoopyContentChangeEvent().setHandler((newVal, oldVal, resetFun) => {
- try {
- newVal = parseFloat(newVal)
- if (!isNaN(newVal)) {
- this.scale = newVal
- this._updateValue()
- }
- } catch (e) { }
- }))
- this.lastScaleRender = this.scale.toFixed(2)
- let xText = new SoopyTextElement().setText("&0X: ").setLocation(3, 0.225, 1, 0.15)
- xText.location.location.setRelative(false, true)
- xText.centeredX = false
- this.elmSettings.addChild(xText)
- this.xInput = new NumberTextBox().setText(this.x.toFixed(0)).setLocation(Renderer.getStringWidth("X: ") + 3, 0.225, -(Renderer.getStringWidth("X: ") + 6), 0.15)
- this.xInput.location.location.setRelative(false, true)
- this.xInput.location.size.setRelative(false, true)
- this.elmSettings.addChild(this.xInput)
- this.xInput.text.addEvent(new SoopyContentChangeEvent().setHandler((newVal, oldVal, resetFun) => {
- try {
- newVal = parseFloat(newVal)
- if (!isNaN(newVal)) {
- this.x = newVal
- this._updateValue()
- }
- } catch (e) { }
- }))
- this.lastXRender = this.x.toFixed(0)
- let yText = new SoopyTextElement().setText("&0Y: ").setLocation(3, 0.425, 1, 0.15)
- yText.location.location.setRelative(false, true)
- yText.centeredX = false
- this.elmSettings.addChild(yText)
- this.yInput = new NumberTextBox().setText(this.y.toFixed(0)).setLocation(Renderer.getStringWidth("Y: ") + 3, 0.425, -(Renderer.getStringWidth("Y: ") + 6), 0.15)
- this.yInput.location.location.setRelative(false, true)
- this.yInput.location.size.setRelative(false, true)
- this.elmSettings.addChild(this.yInput)
- this.yInput.text.addEvent(new SoopyContentChangeEvent().setHandler((newVal, oldVal, resetFun) => {
- try {
- newVal = parseFloat(newVal)
- if (!isNaN(newVal)) {
- this.y = newVal
- this._updateValue()
- }
- } catch (e) { }
- }))
- this.lastYRender = this.y.toFixed(0)
- this.soopyGui.element.addChild(this.elmSettings)
- let button = new ButtonWithArrow().setText("&0Reset").setLocation(0.125, 0.625, 0.75, 0.15)
- button.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() => {
- this.x = defaultLocation[0]
- this.y = defaultLocation[1]
- this.scale = defaultLocation[2]
- this.shadowType = defaultLocation[3]
- }))
- this.elmSettings.addChild(button)
- let button2 = new ButtonWithArrow().setText("&0Back").setLocation(0.125, 0.825, 0.75, 0.15)
- button2.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() => {
- this.soopyGui.close()
- this.guiObject.main.ctGui.open()
- }))
- this.elmSettings.addChild(button2)
- this.editGui = this.soopyGui.ctGui
- this.editGui.registerDraw((mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks) => {
- this.renderGui(mouseX, mouseY)
- this.soopyGui._render(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks)
- })
- this.editGui.registerClicked((mouseX, mouseY, button) => {
- this.clicked(mouseX, mouseY)
- this.soopyGui._onClick(mouseX, mouseY, button)
- })
- this.editGui.registerMouseReleased((mouseX, mouseY) => {
- this.released(mouseX, mouseY)
- })
- locationSettingHolder.addLocationSetting(this)
- }
- requires(toggleSetting) {
- this.requiresO = toggleSetting
- toggleSetting.toggleObject.addEvent(new SoopyContentChangeEvent().setHandler((newVal, oldVal, resetFun) => {
- if (newVal) {
- this.guiObject.location.size.y.set(0.15, 500)
- } else {
- this.guiObject.location.size.y.set(0, 500)
- }
- }))
- let newVal = this.requiresO.getValue()
- if (!newVal) {
- this.guiObject.location.size.y.set(0, 0)
- }
- return this
- }
- _updateValue() {
- this.setValue([this.x, this.y, this.scale, this.shadowType])
- }
- editPosition() {
- this.guiObject.main.ctGui.close()
- this.soopyGui.open()
- }
- clicked(mouseX, mouseY) {
- let width = this.getWidth()
- let height = this.getHeight()
- let locations = [[this.x, this.y], [this.x + width * this.scale, this.y], [this.x, this.y + height * this.scale], [this.x + width * this.scale, this.y + height * this.scale]]
- locations.forEach((loc, i) => {
- if (mouseX >= loc[0] - 1 * Math.max(1, this.scale) && mouseX <= loc[0] + 1 * Math.max(1, this.scale)
- && mouseY >= loc[1] - 1 * Math.max(1, this.scale) && mouseY <= loc[1] + 1 * Math.max(1, this.scale)) {
- this.resisizing = true
- this.resizePoint = i
- this.resizeInitialPos = [mouseX, mouseY, this.x, this.y, width * this.scale, height * this.scale]
- }
- })
- if (this.resisizing) return;
- if (mouseX > this.x && mouseX < this.x + width * this.scale
- && mouseY > this.y && mouseY < this.y + height * this.scale) {
- this.dragging = true;
- this.dragOffset = [this.x - mouseX, this.y - mouseY]
- return true
- }
- return false
- }
- released(mouseX, mouseY) {
- this.updateLocation(mouseX, mouseY)
- this.dragging = false
- this.resisizing = false
- this._updateValue()
- }
- getWidth() {
- return this.imageWBase
- }
- getHeight() {
- return this.imageHBase
- }
- updateLocation(mouseX, mouseY, drawCollidingBox) {
- let width = this.getWidth()
- let height = this.getHeight()
- if (this.dragging) {
- this.x = mouseX + this.dragOffset[0]
- this.y = mouseY + this.dragOffset[1]
- let snapPoints = []
- locationSettingHolder.getData().forEach(loc => {
- if (loc === this) return;
- snapPoints.push([loc.x, loc.y])
- snapPoints.push([loc.x + loc.getWidth() * loc.scale, loc.y])
- snapPoints.push([loc.x + loc.getWidth() * loc.scale, loc.y + height * loc.scale])
- snapPoints.push([loc.x, loc.y + height * loc.scale])
- })
- snapPoints.forEach(point => {
- //top left
- if (Math.abs(this.x - point[0]) < 5 && Math.abs(this.y - point[1]) < 5) {
- this.x = point[0]
- this.y = point[1]
- }
- //top right
- if (Math.abs(this.x + width * this.scale - point[0]) < 5 && Math.abs(this.y - point[1]) < 5) {
- this.x = point[0] - width * this.scale
- this.y = point[1]
- }
- //bottom left
- if (Math.abs(this.x - point[0]) < 5 && Math.abs(this.y + height * this.scale - point[1]) < 5) {
- this.x = point[0]
- this.y = point[1] - height * this.scale
- }
- //bottom right
- if (Math.abs(this.x + width * this.scale - point[0]) < 5 && Math.abs(this.y + height * this.scale - point[1]) < 5) {
- this.x = point[0] - width * this.scale
- this.y = point[1] - height * this.scale
- }
- })
- }
- if (this.resisizing) {
- if (this.resizePoint === 3) {
- this.scale = (mouseX - this.x) / width
- this.scale = Math.max(0.25, this.scale)
- }
- if (this.resizePoint === 1) {
- let [oMouseX, oMouseY, oX, oY, ow, oh] = this.resizeInitialPos
- this.scale = (mouseX - this.x) / width
- this.scale = Math.max(0.25, this.scale)
- this.y = oY + oh - height * this.scale
- }
- if (this.resizePoint === 0) {
- let [oMouseX, oMouseY, oX, oY, ow, oh] = this.resizeInitialPos
- this.scale = (oX + ow - mouseX) / width
- this.scale = Math.max(0.25, this.scale)
- this.x = oX + ow - width * this.scale
- this.y = oY + oh - height * this.scale
- }
- if (this.resizePoint === 2) {
- let [oMouseX, oMouseY, oX, oY, ow, oh] = this.resizeInitialPos
- this.scale = (oX + ow - mouseX) / width
- this.scale = Math.max(0.25, this.scale)
- this.x = oX + ow - width * this.scale
- }
- }
- }
- renderGui(mouseX, mouseY) {
- let width = this.getWidth()
- let height = this.getHeight()
- this.image.draw(this.x, this.y, width * this.scale, height * this.scale)
- this.updateLocation(mouseX, mouseY, true)
- this.renderBox(true)
- if (this.x + width * this.scale / 2 > Renderer.screen.getWidth() / 2) {
- this.elmSettings.location.location.x.set(Math.min(Math.max(this.x / Renderer.screen.getWidth() - 0.25 - 0.03, 0.02), 0.73))
- } else {
- this.elmSettings.location.location.x.set(Math.min(Math.max((this.x + width * this.scale) / Renderer.screen.getWidth() + 0.03, 0.02), 0.73))
- }
- this.elmSettings.location.location.y.set(Math.min(Math.max((this.y + height * this.scale / 2) / Renderer.screen.getHeight() - this.elmSettings.location.size.y.get() / 2, 0.02), 0.73))
- if (this.lastScaleRender !== this.scale.toFixed(2) && !this.scaleInput.text.selected) {
- this.lastScaleRender = this.scale.toFixed(2)
- this.scaleInput.setText(this.scale.toFixed(2))
- }
- if (this.lastXRender !== this.x.toFixed(0) && !this.xInput.text.selected) {
- this.lastXRender = this.x.toFixed(0)
- this.xInput.setText(this.x.toFixed(0))
- }
- if (this.lastYRender !== this.y.toFixed(0) && !this.yInput.text.selected) {
- this.lastYRender = this.y.toFixed(0)
- this.yInput.setText(this.y.toFixed(0))
- }
- }
- renderBox(drawHandles) {
- let width = this.getWidth()
- let height = this.getHeight()
- Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(255, 255, 255), this.x, this.y, width * this.scale, 1)
- Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(255, 255, 255), this.x, this.y, 1, height * this.scale)
- Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(255, 255, 255), this.x, this.y + height * this.scale, width * this.scale, 1)
- Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(255, 255, 255), this.x + width * this.scale, this.y, 1, height * this.scale)
- if (drawHandles) {
- Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(255, 255, 255), this.x - 1 * Math.max(1, this.scale) + width * this.scale, this.y - 1 * Math.max(1, this.scale), 2 * Math.max(1, this.scale) + 1, 2 * Math.max(1, this.scale) + 1)
- Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(255, 255, 255), this.x - 1 * Math.max(1, this.scale), this.y - 1 * Math.max(1, this.scale) + height * this.scale, 2 * Math.max(1, this.scale) + 1, 2 * Math.max(1, this.scale) + 1)
- Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(255, 255, 255), this.x - 1 * Math.max(1, this.scale) + width * this.scale, this.y - 1 * Math.max(1, this.scale) + height * this.scale, 2 * Math.max(1, this.scale) + 1, 2 * Math.max(1, this.scale) + 1)
- Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(255, 255, 255), this.x - 1 * Math.max(1, this.scale), this.y - 1 * Math.max(1, this.scale), 2 * Math.max(1, this.scale) + 1, 2 * Math.max(1, this.scale) + 1)
- }
- }
-export default ImageLocationSetting \ No newline at end of file