path: root/features/slayers
diff options
authorjakeQT <96396730+jakeQT@users.noreply.github.com>2022-06-11 14:27:29 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-06-11 14:27:29 +0800
commitb6322f21b382b04333e7528978e9820cb9f0e83d (patch)
tree30a9d0de7e83c22956cee8bcddabc828e85d2040 /features/slayers
parenteedf2e6b47ea57d87065af4a71a1ab61c088d7a2 (diff)
Yep im smort
just ignore the 1st request
Diffstat (limited to 'features/slayers')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/features/slayers/index.js b/features/slayers/index.js
index ee399f4..ee29c92 100644
--- a/features/slayers/index.js
+++ b/features/slayers/index.js
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ class Slayers extends Feature {
.setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Slayer Xp Location", "Allows you to edit the location of you current slayer xp", "slayer_xp_location", this, [10, 50, 1, 1]).requires(this.slayerXpGuiElement).editTempText("&6Enderman&7> &d&l2,147,483,647 XP").contributor("EmeraldMerchant"));
+ this.betterHideDeadEntity = new ToggleSetting("Also hides mob nametag when it's dead.", "An improvement for Patcher's hide dead entity", false, "hide_dead_mob_nametag", this);
this.rcmDaeAxeSupport = new ToggleSetting("Eman Hyp hits before Dae axe swapping", "This will tell u how many clicks with hyp is needed before swapping to dae axe", true, "eman_rcm_support", this).requires(this.emanHpGuiElement).contributor("EmeraldMerchant");
this.rcmDamagePerHit = new TextSetting("Hyperion damage", "Your hyp's single hit damage w/o thunderlord/thunderbolt", "", "hyp_dmg", this, "Your hyp dmg (Unit: M)", false).requires(this.rcmDaeAxeSupport).contributor("EmeraldMerchant");
this.whenToShowHitsLeft = new TextSetting("Show hits left timing", "At how much hp should the hits left thing be visible", "", "eman_hp_left", this, "How much hp (Unit: M, enter a valid value 0-300)", false).requires(this.rcmDaeAxeSupport).contributor("EmeraldMerchant");
@@ -229,6 +231,18 @@ class Slayers extends Feature {
tick() {
+ if (this.betterHideDeadEntity.getValue()) {
+ World.getAllEntitiesOfType(net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityArmorStand).forEach(name => {
+ if (name.getName().removeFormatting().split(" ")[name.getName().removeFormatting().split(" ").length - 1] === "0❤" ||
+ (
+ name.getName().removeFormatting().split(" ")[name.getName().removeFormatting().split(" ").length - 1].split("/")[0] === "0"
+ && name.getName().removeFormatting().includes("❤"))
+ ) {
+ name.getEntity()[m.setAlwaysRenderNameTag](false)
+ }
+ });
+ }
if (this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.isInSkyblock) {
if (!this.entityAttackEventLoaded) {
this.entityAttackEventLoaded = true;