path: root/features/suggestionsGui
diff options
authorSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-09-17 23:47:59 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-09-17 23:47:59 +0800
commit364caae9b6e47b8d5e1bab950aebc5b35bc4baad (patch)
treee554b5859e0135b8f644986768306d5f3ee5683e /features/suggestionsGui
parenteb8bc77bf2d790e97fe793eb96ad77e1b4d2bbbf (diff)
parent12f3a81cf12c6ffc24a7f2a0e8102dfba3fddf82 (diff)
Merge pull request #71 from Soopyboo32/Babel
Diffstat (limited to 'features/suggestionsGui')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/features/suggestionsGui/index.js b/features/suggestionsGui/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 919d76c..0000000
--- a/features/suggestionsGui/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-/// <reference types="../../../CTAutocomplete" />
-/// <reference lib="es2015" />
-import SoopyTextElement from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/SoopyTextElement";
-import Feature from "../../featureClass/class";
-import GuiPage from "../soopyGui/GuiPage";
-import BoxWithLoading from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/BoxWithLoading";
-import BoxWithTextAndDescription from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/BoxWithTextAndDescription";
-import SoopyGuiElement from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/SoopyGuiElement";
-import PasswordInput from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/PasswordInput";
-import SoopyKeyPressEvent from "../../../guimanager/EventListener/SoopyKeyPressEvent";
-import { numberWithCommas } from "../../utils/numberUtils";
-import { firstLetterWordCapital } from "../../utils/stringUtils";
-import SoopyBoxElement from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/SoopyBoxElement";
-import SoopyMarkdownElement from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/SoopyMarkdownElement";
-import SoopyMouseClickEvent from "../../../guimanager/EventListener/SoopyMouseClickEvent";
-import ButtonWithArrow from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/ButtonWithArrow";
-import Dropdown from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/Dropdown";
-import SoopyContentChangeEvent from "../../../guimanager/EventListener/SoopyContentChangeEvent";
-import { fetch } from "../../utils/networkUtils";
-let allowed = new Set(["dc8c39647b294e03ae9ed13ebd65dd29", "83c5626ede2d4754b86064d558809615"])
-class SuggestionGui extends Feature {
- constructor() {
- super()
- }
- onEnable() {
- this.initVariables()
- this.GuiPage = new SuggestionPage()
- }
- initVariables() {
- this.GuiPage = undefined
- }
- onDisable() {
- this.initVariables()
- }
-class SuggestionPage extends GuiPage {
- constructor() {
- super(7)
- this.name = "Suggestions"
- this.pages = [this.newPage()]
- this.password = ""
- if (allowed.has(Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g, ""))) {
- let elm = new PasswordInput().setPlaceholder("Suggestions").setLocation(0.125, 0.05, 0.3, 0.1)
- this.pages[0].addChild(elm)
- elm.addEvent(new SoopyKeyPressEvent().setHandler((key, keyId) => {
- if (elm.text.selected && keyId === 28) {
- this.password = elm.text.text
- elm.setText("")
- elm.text.selected = false
- }
- }))
- } else {
- this.pages[0].addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0Suggestions").setMaxTextScale(3).setLocation(0.125, 0.05, 0.3, 0.1))
- }
- let button = new ButtonWithArrow().setText("§0Suggest feature (Opens in browser)").setLocation(0.45, 0.05, 0.5, 0.1)
- this.pages[0].addChild(button)
- button.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() => {
- java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop().browse(
- new java.net.URI("https://soopy.dev/soopyv2suggestion?uuid=" + Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g, ""))
- );
- }))
- this.suggestionElements = {}
- this.suggestionsArea = new SoopyGuiElement().setLocation(0.05, 0.2, 0.9, 0.8).setScrollable(true)
- this.pages[0].addChild(this.suggestionsArea)
- fetch("http://soopy.dev/api/soopyv2/suggestionTags.json").json(data => {
- this.tags = data
- })
- this.finaliseLoading()
- }
- loadSuggestionPage() {
- fetch("http://soopy.dev/api/soopyv2/suggestion/new").json(data => {
- this.suggestionElements = {}
- this.suggestionsArea.clearChildren()
- let i = 0
- data.suggestions.forEach((suggestion) => {
- if (suggestion.status === "pending_review" || suggestion.status === "closed") {
- if (suggestion.uuid !== Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g, "") && !allowed.has(Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g, ""))) return
- }
- let box = new SoopyBoxElement().setLocation(0, 0.175 * i, 1, 0.15).setLore(["Click for more information + vote buttons"])
- this.suggestionsArea.addChild(box)
- let title = new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0" + suggestion.title + " §7(" + this.tags.suggestionTags[suggestion.tag] + ")").setMaxTextScale(2).setLocation(0, 0, 0.8, 1)
- box.addChild(title)
- let popularity = new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0Opinion: " + numberWithCommas(suggestion.likes - suggestion.dislikes)).setMaxTextScale(2).setLocation(0.85, 0, 0.1, 1)
- box.addChild(popularity)
- this.suggestionElements[suggestion._id] = {
- title: title,
- popularity: popularity
- }
- box.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() => {
- this.loadSuggestion(suggestion._id)
- }))
- i++
- });
- })
- }
- loadSuggestion(id) {
- fetch("http://soopy.dev/api/soopyv2/suggestion/" + id + "/user/" + Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g, "")).json(data => {
- let sideBarElm = new SoopyGuiElement().setLocation(0, 0, 1, 1).setScrollable(true)
- if (!data.success) {
- sideBarElm.addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§cError loading suggestion").setMaxTextScale(3).setLocation(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
- this.openSidebarPage(sideBarElm)
- return
- }
- this.suggestionElements[id].title.setText("§0" + data.suggestion.title + " §7(" + this.tags.suggestionTags[data.suggestion.tag] + ")")
- this.suggestionElements[id].popularity.setText("§0Opinion: " + numberWithCommas(data.suggestion.likes - data.suggestion.dislikes))
- let title = new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0" + data.suggestion.title + " §7(" + this.tags.suggestionTags[data.suggestion.tag] + ")").setMaxTextScale(2).setLocation(0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.1)
- sideBarElm.addChild(title)
- if (!allowed.has(Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g, ""))) {
- let suggestor = new SoopyTextElement().setText("§7Suggested by " + data.suggestion.username + " | Status: " + this.tags.statusTags[data.suggestion.status]).setMaxTextScale(1).setLocation(0.05, 0.15, 0.9, 0.05)
- sideBarElm.addChild(suggestor)
- } else {
- let suggestor = new SoopyTextElement().setText("§7Suggested by " + data.suggestion.username + " | Status: ").setMaxTextScale(1).setLocation(0.05, 0.15, 0.6, 0.05)
- sideBarElm.addChild(suggestor)
- let drop = new Dropdown().setLocation(0.65, 0.13, 0.3, 0.09).setOptions({ ...this.tags.statusTags, "delete": "Delete" }).setSelectedOption(data.suggestion.status)
- sideBarElm.addChild(drop)
- drop.addEvent(new SoopyContentChangeEvent().setHandler((newVal) => {
- if (newVal === "delete") {
- fetch("http://soopy.dev/api/soopyv2/suggestion/" + id + "/delete/" + this.password).async()
- this.loadSuggestionPage()
- this.closeSidebarPage()
- return
- }
- fetch("http://soopy.dev/api/soopyv2/suggestion/" + id + "/status/" + newVal + "/" + this.password).async()
- this.loadSuggestion(id)
- }))
- }
- let likesText = new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0Dislikes: " + numberWithCommas(data.suggestion.dislikes) + " Likes: " + numberWithCommas(data.suggestion.likes)).setMaxTextScale(1).setLocation(0.35, 0.225, 0.3, 0.1)
- sideBarElm.addChild(likesText)
- if (!data.suggestion.hasDisliked) {
- let dislikeButton = new ButtonWithArrow().setDirectionRight(false).setText("§cDislike").setLocation(0.05, 0.225, 0.275, 0.1)
- sideBarElm.addChild(dislikeButton)
- dislikeButton.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() => {
- this.voteSuggestion(id, "dislike")
- }))
- } else {
- let dislikeButton = new ButtonWithArrow().setDirectionRight(false).setText("§cUndislike").setLocation(0.05, 0.225, 0.275, 0.1)
- sideBarElm.addChild(dislikeButton)
- dislikeButton.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() => {
- this.voteSuggestion(id, "clear")
- }))
- }
- if (!data.suggestion.hasLiked) {
- let likeButton = new ButtonWithArrow().setText("§aLike").setLocation(0.675, 0.225, 0.275, 0.1)
- sideBarElm.addChild(likeButton)
- likeButton.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() => {
- this.voteSuggestion(id, "like")
- }))
- } else {
- let likeButton = new ButtonWithArrow().setText("§aUnlike").setLocation(0.675, 0.225, 0.275, 0.1)
- sideBarElm.addChild(likeButton)
- likeButton.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() => {
- this.voteSuggestion(id, "clear")
- }))
- }
- let description = new SoopyMarkdownElement().setText(data.suggestion.description).setLocation(0.05, 0.325, 0.9, 0.6)
- sideBarElm.addChild(description)
- this.openSidebarPage(sideBarElm)
- })
- }
- voteSuggestion(id, type) {
- fetch("http://soopy.dev/api/soopyv2/suggestion/" + id + "/vote/" + (type) + "/" + Player.getUUID().toString().replace(/-/g, "")).async()
- this.loadSuggestion(id)
- }
- onOpen() {
- this.loadSuggestionPage()
- }
-module.exports = {
- class: new SuggestionGui()
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/suggestionsGui/metadata.json b/features/suggestionsGui/metadata.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 818b1c8..0000000
--- a/features/suggestionsGui/metadata.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "name": "Suggestions gui",
- "description": "Gui for voting on SoopyV2 suggestions",
- "isHidden": true,
- "isTogglable": false,
- "defaultEnabled": true,
- "sortA": 0
-} \ No newline at end of file