path: root/features
diff options
authorSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-05-18 20:11:20 +0800
committerSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-05-18 20:11:20 +0800
commit8b5f483487ac7c2b82950481c1d5034d8929174c (patch)
tree3d23f8f4f484e94ac22890003e960c34cb9e9676 /features
parent57749d30af521f10b4c94ac056145642a35622d7 (diff)
clean up rcmDaeAxeSupport a bit
Diffstat (limited to 'features')
2 files changed, 20 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/features/settings/settingThings/settingBase.js b/features/settings/settingThings/settingBase.js
index 3108308..d9f7246 100644
--- a/features/settings/settingThings/settingBase.js
+++ b/features/settings/settingThings/settingBase.js
@@ -141,6 +141,10 @@ class SettingBase {
return this
+ contributor(name) {
+ //TODO: this entire function
+ }
delete() {
settingsCommunicator.removeSetting(this.module, this.settingId)
diff --git a/features/slayers/index.js b/features/slayers/index.js
index 3c5095a..26fa1ab 100644
--- a/features/slayers/index.js
+++ b/features/slayers/index.js
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ class Slayers extends Feature {
this.emanHpElement = new HudTextElement().setToggleSetting(this.emanHpGuiElement).setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Eman Hp Location", "Allows you to edit the location of the enderman hp", "eman_location", this, [10, 50, 1, 1]).requires(this.emanHpGuiElement).editTempText("&6Enderman&7> &f&l30 Hits"));
- this.rcmDaeAxeSupport = new ToggleSetting("Hyp hits before Dae axe swapping", "This will tell u how many clicks with hyp is needed before swapping to dae axe", true, "eman_rcm_support", this);
- this.rcmDamagePerHit = new TextSetting("Hyperion damage", "Your hyp's single hit damage w/o thunderlord/thunderbolt", "", "hyp_dmg", this, "Enter your hyp dmg (Unit: M)", false);
+ this.rcmDaeAxeSupport = new ToggleSetting("Eman Hyp hits before Dae axe swapping", "This will tell u how many clicks with hyp is needed before swapping to dae axe", true, "eman_rcm_support", this).requires(this.emanHpGuiElement).contributor("EmeraldMerchant");
+ this.rcmDamagePerHit = new TextSetting("Hyperion damage", "Your hyp's single hit damage w/o thunderlord/thunderbolt", "", "hyp_dmg", this, "Enter your hyp dmg (Unit: M)", false).requires(this.rcmDaeAxeSupport).contributor("EmeraldMerchant");
this.emanLazerTimer = new ToggleSetting("Adds a timer for the boss lazer phase", "The timer will be inside the boss's body during the phase", true, "eman_lazer_timer", this);
@@ -383,14 +383,21 @@ class Slayers extends Feature {
if (this.emanBoss) {
- if (this.rcmDaeAxeSupport && this.emanBoss.getName().split("Voidgloom Seraph")[1].split("").includes("k")) {
- this.emanHpElement.setText("&6Enderman&7> " + (this.emanBoss.getName().split("Voidgloom Seraph")[1] || "").trim() + " &c0 Hits");
- } else if (this.rcmDaeAxeSupport && this.emanBoss.getName().split("Voidgloom Seraph")[1].split("").includes("M") && parseInt(this.emanBoss.getName().removeFormatting().split("Voidgloom Seraph")[1]) <= 50) {
- let hits = parseInt(this.emanBoss.getName().removeFormatting().split("Voidgloom Seraph")[1]) / (this.rcmDamagePerHit.getValue() * 1.6);
- this.emanHpElement.setText("&6Enderman&7> " + (this.emanBoss.getName().split("Voidgloom Seraph")[1] || "").trim() + " &c" + parseInt(hits - 0.5) + " Hits");
- } else {
- this.emanHpElement.setText("&6Enderman&7> " + (this.emanBoss.getName().split("Voidgloom Seraph")[1] || "").trim());
+ let emanText = "&6Enderman&7> " + (this.emanBoss.getName().split("Voidgloom Seraph")[1] || "").trim()
+ if (this.rcmDaeAxeSupport.getValue()) {
+ let emanHealth = ChatLib.removeFormatting(this.emanBoss.getName().split("Voidgloom Seraph")[1])
+ if (emanHealth.includes("k")) {
+ emanText += " &c0 Hits"
+ } else if (emanHealth.includes("M")) {
+ let hits = parseInt(emanHealth) / (this.rcmDamagePerHit.getValue() * 1.6); //1.6 is factoring in thunderlord + fire veil
+ emanText += ` &c${Math.floor(hits - 0.5)} Hits`
+ }
+ this.emanHpElement.setText("&6Enderman&7> " + emanText);
} else {