path: root/features
diff options
authorSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-07-09 22:40:15 +0800
committerSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-07-09 22:40:15 +0800
commitf8cef8855971383314f475829958bcdea2d49c96 (patch)
tree72735a23f5ff597f6e270795914c69ae0c2d69af /features
parent4acbd7b109bb22b07a0f13502a3173cb9e8bf63d (diff)
+ option to show secrets in rooms (syncs across soopyv2 users)
+ meta
Diffstat (limited to 'features')
3 files changed, 152 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/features/dungeonMap/index.js b/features/dungeonMap/index.js
index 7a9b7cb..c675a43 100644
--- a/features/dungeonMap/index.js
+++ b/features/dungeonMap/index.js
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
this.mapBackground = new ToggleSetting("Map Background And Border", "Puts a grey background behind the map + Black border", true, "dmap_background", this)
this.showMapInBoss = new ToggleSetting("Keep showing the map in the dungeon boss room", "This will center the map when in boss to still be usefull", true, "dmap_enable_boss", this)
this.borderedHeads = new ToggleSetting("Add a black border around heads on map", "", false, "dmap_border_head", this)
+ this.roomsecrets = new ToggleSetting("Shows secretscompleted/total secrets in room", "(works best when all of party is using soopy map)", false, "roomsecrets", this)
this.brBox = new ToggleSetting("Box around doors in br", "In map category because it uses map to find location (no esp)", true, "dmap_door", this)
this.spiritLeapOverlay = new ToggleSetting("Spirit leap overlay", "Cool overlay for the spirit leap menu", true, "spirit_leap_overlay", this)
// this.spiritLeapOverlay = new ToggleSetting("Spirit leap overlay", "Cool overlay for the spirit leap menu", true, "spirit_leap_overlay", this).requires(this.spiritLeapOverlay)
@@ -61,6 +62,8 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
this.mortLocationOnMap = undefined
this.brBoxLoc = undefined
this.keys = 0
+ this.roomDataStuff = new Map()
// this.invMapImage = new BufferedImage(128, 128, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
// this.renderImage = new BufferedImage(this.IMAGE_SIZE, this.IMAGE_SIZE, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
this.mapData = undefined
@@ -177,8 +180,28 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
this.registerChat("&r&r&r &r&cThe Catacombs &r&8- &r&eFloor ${*} Stats&r", () => {
this.puzzles = {}
+ let lastXY = ""
+ let registerActionBar = this.registerCustom("actionbar", (curr, max) => {
+ let loc = this.getRoomXYWorld()
+ if (lastXY !== loc.join(",")) {
+ lastXY = loc.join(",")
+ return
+ }
+ if (this.roomDataStuff.get(loc.join(",")) !== curr + " " + max) {
+ this.roomDataStuff.set(loc.join(","), curr + " " + max)
+ socketConnection.sendDungeonData2(this.people, [loc.join(","), curr + " " + max])
+ }
+ })
+ registerActionBar.trigger.setCriteria('&7${curr}/${max} Secrets').setParameter('contains');
+ updateDungeonMapData2(data) {
+ // console.log("Recieved: " + JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2))
+ this.roomDataStuff.set(data[0], data[1])
+ }
worldLoad() {
this.mortLocation = undefined
@@ -192,6 +215,7 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
this.bloodOpened = false
this.keys = 0
this.idToPlayer = {}
+ this.roomDataStuff.clear()
renderOverlay() {
@@ -285,11 +309,14 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
Client.getMinecraft().field_71460_t.func_147701_i().func_148250_a(this.mapData, true);
GlStateManager.func_179121_F(); //GlStateManager.pop()
+ try {
+ this.drawOtherMisc(x + xOff, y + yOff, size, scale)
- this.drawOtherMisc(x + xOff, y + yOff, size, scale)
- this.drawPlayersLocations(x + xOff, y + yOff, size, scale)
+ this.drawPlayersLocations(x + xOff, y + yOff, size, scale)
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e)
+ console.error(e.stack)
+ }
if (this.mapBackground.getValue()) Renderer.drawRect(Renderer.color(0, 0, 0), x, y, size, 2)
@@ -300,7 +327,7 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
- drawOtherMisc(x2, y2, size2, scale) {
+ drawOtherMisc(x2, y2, size, scale) {
if (this.currDungeonBossImage) return
if (this.mapIcons.getValue()) {
Object.keys(this.puzzles).forEach(loc => {
@@ -318,6 +345,26 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
item.draw(x * scale * 2 + x2 - this.roomWidth / 4 * scale * 2, y * scale * 2 + y2 - this.roomWidth / 4 * scale * 2, 1.5 * scale)
+ if (this.roomsecrets.getValue()) {
+ for (let ent of this.roomDataStuff.entries()) {
+ let [loc, val] = ent
+ let [x, y] = loc.split(",")
+ let renderX = (parseInt(x) + 16) / this.mapScale / 128 * size + this.offset[0] / 128 * size
+ let renderY = (parseInt(y) + 16) / this.mapScale / 128 * size + this.offset[1] / 128 * size
+ Renderer.translate(0, 0, 100)
+ renderLibs.drawStringCentered("§0" + val, x2 + renderX + scale * 1.25, y2 + renderY - 2 * scale * 1.25, scale * 1.25)
+ Renderer.translate(0, 0, 100)
+ renderLibs.drawStringCentered("§0" + val, x2 + renderX - scale * 1.25, y2 + renderY - 2 * scale * 1.25, scale * 1.25)
+ Renderer.translate(0, 0, 100)
+ renderLibs.drawStringCentered("§0" + val, x2 + renderX, y2 + renderY + scale * 1.25 - 2 * scale * 1.25, scale * 1.25)
+ Renderer.translate(0, 0, 100)
+ renderLibs.drawStringCentered("§0" + val, x2 + renderX, y2 + renderY - scale * 1.25 - 2 * scale * 1.25, scale * 1.25)
+ Renderer.translate(0, 0, 100)
+ renderLibs.drawStringCentered("§f" + val, x2 + renderX, y2 + renderY - 2 * scale * 1.25, scale * 1.25)
+ }
+ }
drawPlayersLocations(x, y, size, scale) {
@@ -381,6 +428,95 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
this.getImageForPlayer(uuid).draw(-5, -5, 10, 10)
+ getRoomXYWorld() {
+ let roomData = this.getRoomWorldData()
+ if (roomData.rotation === 4) {
+ return [roomData.x, roomData.y + 32]
+ }
+ return [roomData.x, roomData.y]
+ }
+ getRotation(x, y, width, height, roofY) {
+ let one = this.getTopBlockAt(x + width / 2 + 1, y + height / 2, roofY)
+ let two = this.getTopBlockAt(x + width / 2 - 1, y + height / 2, roofY)
+ let three = this.getTopBlockAt(x + width / 2, y + height / 2 + 1, roofY)
+ let four = this.getTopBlockAt(x + width / 2, y + height / 2 - 1, roofY)
+ if (one === 0 && three === 0) return 1
+ if (two === 0 && three === 0) return 2
+ if (one === 0 && four === 0) return 3
+ if (two === 0 && four === 0) return 4 //4 IS SO TOXIK HGOLY HEL I HATE L SHAPE ROOMS WHY DO THIS TO ME
+ return -1
+ }
+ getRoomWorldData() {
+ let x = Math.floor((Player.getX() + 8) / 32) * 32 - 8
+ let y = Math.floor((Player.getZ() + 8) / 32) * 32 - 8
+ let width = 30
+ let height = 30
+ let roofY = this.getRoofAt(x, y)
+ while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x - 1, roofY, y)).getBlockId() !== 0) {
+ x -= 32
+ width += 32
+ }
+ while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x, roofY, y - 1)).getBlockId() !== 0) {
+ y -= 32
+ height += 32
+ }
+ while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x - 1, roofY, y)).getBlockId() !== 0) { //second iteration incase of L shape
+ x -= 32
+ width += 32
+ }
+ while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x + width + 1, roofY, y)).getBlockId() !== 0) {
+ width += 32
+ }
+ while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x, roofY, y + height + 1)).getBlockId() !== 0) {
+ height += 32
+ }
+ while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x + width, roofY, y + height + 1)).getBlockId() !== 0) { //second iteration incase of L shape
+ height += 32
+ }
+ while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x + width + 1, roofY, y + height)).getBlockId() !== 0) { //second iteration incase of L shape
+ width += 32
+ }
+ while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x + width, roofY, y - 1)).getBlockId() !== 0) {//second iteration incase of L shape
+ y -= 32
+ height += 32
+ }
+ while (World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x - 1, roofY, y + height)).getBlockId() !== 0) { //third iteration incase of L shape
+ x -= 32
+ width += 32
+ }
+ return {
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height,
+ cx: x + width / 2,
+ cy: y + height / 2,
+ rotation: this.getRotation(x, y, width, height, roofY)
+ }
+ }
+ getRoofAt(x, z) {
+ let y = 255
+ while (y > 0 && World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x, y, z)).getBlockId() === 0) y--
+ return y
+ }
+ getTopBlockAt(x, z, y) {
+ if (!y) y = this.getHeightAt(x, z)
+ return World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x, y, z)).getBlockId()
+ }
step() {
if (!World.getWorld()) return
if (!this.isInDungeon()) return
@@ -776,6 +912,7 @@ class DungeonMap extends Feature {
this.running = false
+ this.roomDataStuff.clear()
diff --git a/features/dungeonRoutes/index.js b/features/dungeonRoutes/index.js
index b7e2d6a..3327aac 100644
--- a/features/dungeonRoutes/index.js
+++ b/features/dungeonRoutes/index.js
@@ -225,10 +225,10 @@ Client.getMinecraft().field_71438_f.func_174974_b(
if (this.getTopBlockAt(x + width, y + height, roofY) === 11) return 3
if (this.getTopBlockAt(x, y + height, roofY) === 11) return 4
} else {
- let one = this.getTopBlockAt(x + width / 2 + 1, y + height / 2, roofY)
- let two = this.getTopBlockAt(x + width / 2 - 1, y + height / 2, roofY)
- let three = this.getTopBlockAt(x + width / 2, y + height / 2 + 1, roofY)
- let four = this.getTopBlockAt(x + width / 2, y + height / 2 - 1, roofY)
+ let one = this.getTopBlockAt2(x + width / 2 + 1, y + height / 2, roofY)
+ let two = this.getTopBlockAt2(x + width / 2 - 1, y + height / 2, roofY)
+ let three = this.getTopBlockAt2(x + width / 2, y + height / 2 + 1, roofY)
+ let four = this.getTopBlockAt2(x + width / 2, y + height / 2 - 1, roofY)
if (one === 0 && three === 0) return 1
if (two === 0 && three === 0) return 2
@@ -293,6 +293,11 @@ Client.getMinecraft().field_71438_f.func_174974_b(
return World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x, y, z)).getMetadata()
+ getTopBlockAt2(x, z, y) {
+ if (!y) y = this.getHeightAt(x, z)
+ return World.getBlockStateAt(new BlockPos(x, y, z)).getBlockId()
+ }
getCurrentRoomData() {
let roomId = this.idMap.get(this.getCurrentRoomId())
diff --git a/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js b/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
index 53d1d2d..0fc2bb0 100644
--- a/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
+++ b/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import { fetch } from "../../utils/networkUtils";
import { delay } from "../../utils/delayUtils";
import { Waypoint } from "../../utils/renderJavaUtils";
import { calculateDistanceQuick } from "../../utils/utils";
+import { drawLinePoints } from "../../utils/renderUtils";
const EntityBlaze = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityBlaze");
let translate;