path: root/src/features/statHistoryGui/index.js
diff options
authorSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-09-17 23:47:59 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-09-17 23:47:59 +0800
commit364caae9b6e47b8d5e1bab950aebc5b35bc4baad (patch)
treee554b5859e0135b8f644986768306d5f3ee5683e /src/features/statHistoryGui/index.js
parenteb8bc77bf2d790e97fe793eb96ad77e1b4d2bbbf (diff)
parent12f3a81cf12c6ffc24a7f2a0e8102dfba3fddf82 (diff)
Merge pull request #71 from Soopyboo32/Babel
Diffstat (limited to 'src/features/statHistoryGui/index.js')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/features/statHistoryGui/index.js b/src/features/statHistoryGui/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0390772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/features/statHistoryGui/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+/// <reference types="../../../../CTAutocomplete" />
+/// <reference lib="es2015" />
+import SoopyTextElement from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/SoopyTextElement";
+import Feature from "../../featureClass/class";
+import GuiPage from "../soopyGui/GuiPage";
+import BoxWithLoading from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/BoxWithLoading";
+import BoxWithTextAndDescription from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/BoxWithTextAndDescription";
+import SoopyGuiElement from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/SoopyGuiElement";
+import TextBox from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/TextBox";
+import SoopyKeyPressEvent from "../../../guimanager/EventListener/SoopyKeyPressEvent";
+import { firstLetterWordCapital } from "../../utils/stringUtils";
+import SoopyMouseClickEvent from "../../../guimanager/EventListener/SoopyMouseClickEvent";
+import ButtonWithArrow from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/ButtonWithArrow";
+import { fetch } from "../../utils/networkUtils";
+import SoopyImageElement from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/SoopyImageElement";
+import renderLibs from "../../../guimanager/renderLibs";
+import SoopyBoxElement from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/SoopyBoxElement";
+import Dropdown from "../../../guimanager/GuiElement/Dropdown";
+import SoopyContentChangeEvent from "../../../guimanager/EventListener/SoopyContentChangeEvent";
+class StatHistoryGUI extends Feature {
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ }
+ onEnable() {
+ this.initVariables()
+ this.GuiPage = new StatGraphPage()
+ }
+ initVariables() {
+ this.GuiPage = undefined
+ }
+ onDisable() {
+ this.initVariables()
+ }
+class StatGraphPage extends GuiPage {
+ constructor() {
+ super(7)
+ this.name = "Stat Graphs"
+ this.pages = [this.newPage()]
+ this.pages[0].addChild(new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0Stat Graphs").setMaxTextScale(3).setLocation(0.1, 0.05, 0.6, 0.1))
+ let button = new ButtonWithArrow().setText("§0Open in browser").setLocation(0.7, 0.05, 0.2, 0.1)
+ this.pages[0].addChild(button)
+ button.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() => {
+ java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop().browse(
+ new java.net.URI("https://soopy.dev/stathistory")
+ );
+ }))
+ this.nameInput = new TextBox().setPlaceholder("Click to search").setLocation(0.1, 0.225, 0.8, 0.1)
+ this.pages[0].addChild(this.nameInput)
+ this.nameInput.addEvent(new SoopyKeyPressEvent().setHandler((key, keyId) => {
+ if (this.nameInput.text.selected && keyId === 28) {
+ this.playerLoad = this.nameInput.text.text
+ this.nameInput.setText("")
+ this.updateData(this.playerLoad)
+ }
+ }))
+ this.statArea = new SoopyGuiElement().setLocation(0.05, 0.325, 0.9, 0.675).setScrollable(true)
+ this.pages[0].addChild(this.statArea)
+ this.loadingElm = new BoxWithLoading().setLocation(0.35, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2)
+ this.errorElm = new BoxWithTextAndDescription().setLocation(0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 0.4).setText("Error!").setDesc("An error occured while loading the data!")
+ this.statArea.addChild(this.loadingElm)
+ this.playerLoad = undefined
+ this.finaliseLoading()
+ }
+ async updateData(player, profIn) {
+ this.closeSidebarPage()
+ this.playerLoad = player
+ this.statArea._scrollAmount = 0
+ this.statArea.location.scroll.y.set(0, 100)
+ this.statArea.clearChildren()
+ this.statArea.addChild(this.loadingElm)
+ let playerData = await fetch("http://soopy.dev/api/v2/player/" + player).json()
+ if (player !== this.playerLoad) return
+ if (!playerData.success) {
+ this.statArea.clearChildren()
+ this.statArea.addChild(this.errorElm)
+ this.errorElm.setText("§0" + playerData.error.name)
+ this.errorElm.setDesc("§0" + playerData.error.description)
+ return
+ }
+ this.statArea.clearChildren()
+ let nameElm = new SoopyTextElement().setText(playerData.data.stats.nameWithPrefix.replace(/§f/g, "§7")).setMaxTextScale(2).setLocation(0.1, 0.05, 0.5, 0.1)
+ this.statArea.addChild(nameElm)
+ this.statArea.addChild(this.loadingElm)
+ let skyblockData = await fetch("http://soopy.dev/api/v2/player_skyblock/" + playerData.data.uuid).json()
+ if (player !== this.playerLoad) return
+ if (!skyblockData.success) {
+ this.statArea.clearChildren()
+ this.statArea.addChild(this.errorElm)
+ this.errorElm.setText("§0" + skyblockData.error.name)
+ this.errorElm.setDesc("§0" + skyblockData.error.description)
+ return
+ }
+ let selectedProf = profIn || skyblockData.data.stats.bestProfileId
+ let profOptions = {}
+ Object.keys(skyblockData.data.profiles).forEach(p => {
+ profOptions[p] = skyblockData.data.profiles[p].stats.cute_name
+ })
+ let profileSelect = new Dropdown().setOptions(profOptions).setSelectedOption(selectedProf).setLocation(0.6, 0.05, 0.3, 0.1).addEvent(new SoopyContentChangeEvent().setHandler(newval => {
+ this.updateData(player, newval)
+ }))
+ this.statArea.addChild(profileSelect)
+ fetch("http://soopy.dev/statgraphgenerations/" + playerData.data.uuid + "/" + selectedProf).json().then(graphData => {
+ if (player !== this.playerLoad) return
+ new Thread(() => {
+ let y = 0.2
+ Object.keys(graphData).forEach(type => {
+ let typeElm = new SoopyTextElement().setText("§0" + firstLetterWordCapital(type.replace("total", ""))).setMaxTextScale(2).setLocation(0.1, y, 0.8, 0.1)
+ this.statArea.addChild(typeElm)
+ y += 0.15
+ let graph = Object.keys(graphData[type])[0]
+ renderLibs.getImage(graphData[type][graph], true) //load image synchronously into cache so it knows the height
+ let graphElm = new SoopyImageElement()
+ this.statArea.addChild(graphElm)
+ graphElm.setImage(graphData[type][graph])
+ graphElm.setLocation(0.1, y, 0.8, 0.25)
+ graphElm.loadHeightFromImage()
+ y += graphElm.location.size.y.get() + 0.05
+ if (Object.keys(graphData[type]).length > 1) {
+ graphElm.setLore(["Click to show more graphs"])
+ graphElm.addEvent(new SoopyMouseClickEvent().setHandler(() => {
+ let sideBarElm = new SoopyGuiElement().setLocation(0, 0, 1, 1)
+ sideBarElm.scrollable = true
+ this.openSidebarPage(sideBarElm)
+ let y2 = 0.05
+ new Thread(() => {
+ Object.keys(graphData[type]).forEach((graph, i) => {
+ if (i === 0) return
+ renderLibs.getImage(graphData[type][graph], true) //load image synchronously into cache so it knows the height
+ let graphElm = new SoopyImageElement()
+ sideBarElm.addChild(graphElm)
+ graphElm.setImage(graphData[type][graph])
+ graphElm.setLocation(0.1, y2, 0.8, 0.25)
+ graphElm.loadHeightFromImage()
+ y2 += graphElm.location.size.y.get() + 0.05
+ })
+ }).start()
+ }))
+ }
+ })
+ }).start()
+ })
+ }
+ onOpen() {
+ this.playerLoad = Player.getName()
+ this.updateData(Player.getName())
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ class: new StatHistoryGUI()
+} \ No newline at end of file