path: root/utils
diff options
authorSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-09-17 19:39:05 +0800
committerSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-09-17 19:39:05 +0800
commit431e4fc9d1657a50ebc34b8ac24f9bfaea06417f (patch)
tree5987bb14f38d2999c682970429f34b41eb3e5826 /utils
parente73f2efdf0f50aa775c540317394d46428e9704f (diff)
Initial move to babel + change fetch to use async/await
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 2722 deletions
diff --git a/utils/delayUtils.js b/utils/delayUtils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ec6d95..0000000
--- a/utils/delayUtils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-const { default: FlatQueue } = require("../datastructures/flatqueue")
-if (!global.delayThingSoopy) {
- let functionQueue = new FlatQueue()
- let functions = new Map()
- let functionId = 0
- function delay(time, callback) {
- let id = functionId++
- functions.set(id, callback)
- functionQueue.push(id, Date.now() + time)
- }
- register("tick", () => {
- while (functionQueue.length > 0 && Date.now() > functionQueue.peekValue()) {
- let id = functionQueue.pop()
- functions.get(id)()
- functions.delete(id)
- }
- })
- global.delayThingSoopy = {
- delay: delay
- }
-module.exports = global.delayThingSoopy
diff --git a/utils/networkUtils.js b/utils/networkUtils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d2d05c..0000000
--- a/utils/networkUtils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-if (!global.networkUtilsThingSoopy) {
- let jURL = Java.type("java.net.URL")
- let jStandardCharsets = Java.type("java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets")
- let jCollectors = Java.type("java.util.stream.Collectors")
- let jBufferedReader = Java.type("java.io.BufferedReader")
- let jInputStreamReader = Java.type("java.io.InputStreamReader")
- let jString = Java.type("java.lang.String")
- function getUrlContent(theUrl, { userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0", includeConnection = false, postData = undefined } = {}) {
- if (global.soopyv2loggerthing) {
- global.soopyv2loggerthing.logMessage("Loading API: " + theUrl, 4)
- }
- // if(theUrl.includes("soopy.dev")){
- // throw new Error("Testing to ensure the module works when my server is down")
- // }
- // Thread.sleep(1000) //simulating high ping
- let conn = new jURL(theUrl).openConnection()
- conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", userAgent)
- if (postData) {
- conn.setRequestMethod("POST");
- conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
- conn.setDoOutput(true);
- let jsonInputString = new jString(JSON.stringify(postData))
- let os
- try {
- os = conn.getOutputStream()
- input = jsonInputString.getBytes("utf-8");
- os.write(input, 0, input.length);
- } finally {
- os.close()
- }
- }
- let stringData
- if (conn.getResponseCode() < 400) {
- stringData = new jBufferedReader(
- new jInputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), jStandardCharsets.UTF_8))
- .lines()
- .collect(jCollectors.joining("\n"));
- conn.getInputStream().close()
- } else {
- stringData = new jBufferedReader(
- new jInputStreamReader(conn.getErrorStream(), jStandardCharsets.UTF_8))
- .lines()
- .collect(jCollectors.joining("\n"));
- conn.getErrorStream().close()
- }
- if (includeConnection) {
- return { stringData, connection: conn }
- }
- return stringData
- }
- function fetch(url, options = { userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0" }) {
- let loadedConnection = undefined
- let loadedString = undefined
- let loadedJSON = undefined
- let errorData = undefined
- let ret = {
- sync() {
- if (loadedString === undefined) {
- options.includeConnection = true
- try {
- let data = getUrlContent(url, options)
- loadedString = data.stringData
- loadedConnection = data.connection
- } catch (e) {
- errorData = e
- loadedString = null
- }
- }
- return ret
- },
- async(callback, _ifError = false) {
- if (!callback) {
- callback = () => { }
- }
- if (loadedString === undefined) {
- options.includeConnection = true
- pendingRequests.push({
- callback: (data) => {
- loadedString = data.stringData
- loadedConnection = data.connection
- callback()
- },
- errcallback: (e) => {
- loadedString = null
- errorData = e
- if (_ifError) {
- callback()
- }
- },
- url: url,
- options: options
- })
- } else {
- callback()
- }
- return ret
- },
- text: (callback) => {
- if (!callback) {
- ret.sync()
- return loadedString
- }
- ret.async(() => {
- callback(loadedString)
- })
- return ret
- },
- json: (callback) => {
- if (!callback) {
- if (loadedJSON === undefined) {
- try {
- loadedJSON = JSON.parse(ret.text())
- } catch (e) { }
- }
- return loadedJSON
- }
- ret.text(data => {
- try {
- callback(JSON.parse(data))
- } catch (e) { }
- })
- return ret
- },
- responseCode: (callback) => {
- if (!callback) {
- ret.sync()
- return loadedConnection?.getResponseCode() || -1
- }
- ret.async(data => {
- callback(loadedConnection?.getResponseCode() || -1)
- })
- return ret
- },
- error: (callback) => {
- if (!callback) {
- ret.sync()
- return errorData
- }
- ret.async(data => {
- if (errorData) {
- callback(errorData)
- }
- }, true)
- return ret
- }
- }
- return ret
- }
- let pendingRequests = []
- let pendingResolves = []
- let runningThread = false
- register("tick", () => {
- try {
- while (pendingResolves.length > 0) {
- let [callback, data] = pendingResolves.shift()
- callback(data)
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.log(JSON.stringify(e, undefined, 2))
- console.log(e.stack)
- }
- if (pendingRequests.length > 0 && !runningThread) {
- runningThread = true
- new Thread(() => {
- while (pendingRequests.length > 0) {
- let req = pendingRequests.shift()
- try {
- let data = getUrlContent(req.url, req.options)
- pendingResolves.push([req.callback, data])
- } catch (e) {
- pendingResolves.push([req.errcallback, e])
- }
- }
- runningThread = false
- }).start()
- }
- })
- global.networkUtilsThingSoopy = {
- getUrlContent: getUrlContent,
- fetch: fetch
- }
-module.exports = global.networkUtilsThingSoopy
diff --git a/utils/nonPooledThread.js b/utils/nonPooledThread.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4720700..0000000
--- a/utils/nonPooledThread.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-let Executors = Java.type("java.util.concurrent.Executors")
-class NonPooledThread {
- constructor(fun) {
- this.fun = fun
- this.executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
- }
- start() {
- this.executor.execute(this.fun)
- }
-export default NonPooledThread \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/numberUtils.js b/utils/numberUtils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d5e7c3..0000000
--- a/utils/numberUtils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-let utils = {
- numberWithCommas: function (x) {
- if (x === undefined) { return "" }
- var parts = x.toString().split(".");
- parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
- return parts.join(".");
- },
- addNotation: function (type, value, joiner = "") {
- let returnVal = value;
- let notList = [];
- if (type === "shortScale") {
- //notation type
- //do notation stuff here
- notList = [
- " Thousand",
- " Million",
- " Billion",
- " Trillion",
- " Quadrillion",
- " Quintillion"
- ];
- }
- if (type === "oneLetters") {
- notList = [" K", " M", " B", " T"];
- }
- let checkNum = 1000;
- if (type !== "none" && type !== "commas") {
- let notValue = notList[notList.length - 1];
- for (let u = notList.length; u >= 1; u--) {
- notValue = notList.shift();
- for (let o = 3; o >= 1; o--) {
- if (value >= checkNum) {
- returnVal = value / (checkNum / 100);
- returnVal = Math.floor(returnVal);
- returnVal = (returnVal / Math.pow(10, o)) * 10;
- returnVal = +returnVal.toFixed(o - 1) + joiner + notValue;
- }
- checkNum *= 10;
- }
- }
- } else {
- returnVal = this.numberWithCommas(value.toFixed(0));
- }
- return returnVal;
- },
- timeSince: function (date) {
- if (typeof date !== 'object') {
- date = new Date(date);
- }
- var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - date) / 1000);
- var intervalType;
- var interval = Math.floor(seconds / 31536000);
- interval = Math.floor(seconds / 86400);
- if (interval >= 1) {
- intervalType = 'd';
- } else {
- interval = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
- if (interval >= 1) {
- intervalType = "h";
- } else {
- interval = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
- if (interval >= 1) {
- intervalType = "m";
- } else {
- interval = seconds;
- intervalType = "s";
- }
- }
- }
- return interval + '' + intervalType;
- },
- timeSince2: (date) => {
- let time = Date.now() - date
- if (time > 30 * 60000) {
- return utils.timeNumber2(time)
- }
- return utils.timeNumber(time)
- },
- timeNumber: (time, secondDecimals = 0) => {
- let mins = Math.floor(time / 1000 / 60)
- let secs = (time / 1000) % 60
- if (mins === 0) return `${secs.toFixed(secondDecimals)}s`
- return `${mins}m ${secs.toFixed(secondDecimals)}s`
- },
- timeNumber2: (time) => {
- let hours = Math.floor(time / 1000 / 60 / 60)
- let mins = Math.floor(time / 1000 / 60) % 60
- if (hours === 0) return mins + "m"
- return `${hours}h ${mins}m`
- }
-module.exports = utils
diff --git a/utils/renderJavaUtils.js b/utils/renderJavaUtils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a16cda..0000000
--- a/utils/renderJavaUtils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-import { m } from "../../mappings/mappings"
-import { numberWithCommas } from "./numberUtils"
-let SoopyV2Forge = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.SoopyV2Forge").INSTANCE
-let LASTEST_SOOPYFORGE_VER = "1.1" // uncomment out on new soopyv2forge version
-let canUseForgeRendering = net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.isModLoaded("soopyv2forge")// && SoopyV2Forge.getVersion() === LASTEST_SOOPYFORGE_VER
-let ArrayList = Java.type("java.util.ArrayList")
-let Vec3 = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.Vec3")
-let Vector2f = Java.type("javax.vecmath.Vector2f")
-let RenderPointsC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.Points")
-let RenderWorldTextC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.WorldText")
-let RenderBeaconC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.Beacon")
-let HudPointsC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.HudPoints")
-let HudTextC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.HudText")
-let addFix = false
-if (!global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings) {
- global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings = new Set()
- addFix = true
-if (!global.soopyv2RenderHudThings) global.soopyv2RenderHudThings = new Set()
-register("gameUnload", () => {
- global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings.clear()
- SoopyV2Forge.setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList([]))
- global.soopyv2RenderHudThings.clear()
- SoopyV2Forge.setRenderHudList(new ArrayList([]))
-let currentlyRendering = true
-export function setRendering(rendering) {
- if (!rendering) {
- setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList([]))
- setRenderHudList(new ArrayList([]))
- }
- currentlyRendering = rendering
- if (rendering) {
- setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList([...global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings]))
- setRenderHudList(new ArrayList([...global.soopyv2RenderHudThings]))
- }
-function setRenderWorldList(data) {
- if (currentlyRendering) SoopyV2Forge.setRenderWorldList(data)
-function setRenderHudList(data) {
- if (currentlyRendering) SoopyV2Forge.setRenderHudList(data)
-class RenderWorldAble {
- startRender(isBatched) {
- if (!canUseForgeRendering) return
- if (global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings.has(this.javaObj)) return this
- global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings.add(this.javaObj)
- if (!isBatched) setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList([...global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings]))
- return this
- }
- stopRender(isBatched) {
- if (!canUseForgeRendering) return
- if (!global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings.has(this.javaObj)) return this
- global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings.delete(this.javaObj)
- if (!isBatched) setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList([...global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings]))
- return this
- }
-class RenderHudAble {
- startRender() {
- if (!canUseForgeRendering) return
- if (global.soopyv2RenderHudThings.has(this.javaObj)) return this
- global.soopyv2RenderHudThings.add(this.javaObj)
- setRenderHudList(new ArrayList([...global.soopyv2RenderHudThings]))
- return this
- }
- stopRender() {
- if (!canUseForgeRendering) return
- if (!global.soopyv2RenderHudThings.has(this.javaObj)) return this
- global.soopyv2RenderHudThings.delete(this.javaObj)
- setRenderHudList(new ArrayList([...global.soopyv2RenderHudThings]))
- return this
- }
-export class Points extends RenderWorldAble {
- constructor(points, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) {
- this.javaObj = new RenderPointsC(new ArrayList(points.map(a => new Vec3(...a))), r, g, b, a, thickness, depth)
- }
- setPoints(points) {
- this.javaObj.points = new ArrayList(points.map(a => new Vec3(...a)))
- return this
- }
- setRGBA(r, g, b, a) {
- this.javaObj.red = r
- this.javaObj.green = g
- this.javaObj.blue = b
- this.javaObj.alpha = a
- return this
- }
- setThickness(thickness) {
- this.javaObj.thickness = thickness
- return this
- }
- setDepth(depth) {
- this.javaObj.depthtest = depth
- return this
- }
- setDisableCullFace(disable) {
- this.javaObj.disableCullFace = disable
- return this
- }
- setGLMode(glMode) {
- this.javaObj.glmode = glMode
- return this
- }
-export class FilledPoints extends Points {
- constructor(points, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) {
- super(points, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth)
- this.setGLMode(GL11.GL_QUADS)
- this.setDisableCullFace(true)
- }
-export class Box extends Points {
- constructor(location, size, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) {
- super(Box.getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size), r, g, b, a, thickness, depth)
- }
- setLocationSize(location, size) {
- this.setPoints(Box.getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size))
- return this
- }
- static getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size) {
- let [x, y, z] = location
- let [width, height, width2] = size
- return [[x + width, y + height, z + width2],
- [x + width, y + height, z],
- [x, y + height, z],
- [x, y + height, z + width2],
- [x + width, y + height, z + width2],
- [x + width, y, z + width2],
- [x + width, y, z],
- [x, y, z],
- [x, y, z + width2],
- [x, y, z],
- [x, y + height, z],
- [x, y, z],
- [x + width, y, z],
- [x + width, y + height, z],
- [x + width, y, z],
- [x + width, y, z + width2],
- [x, y, z + width2],
- [x, y + height, z + width2],
- [x + width, y + height, z + width2]]
- }
-export class FilledBox extends FilledPoints {
- constructor(location, size, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) {
- super(FilledBox.getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size), r, g, b, a, thickness, depth)
- }
- setLocationSize(location, size) {
- this.setPoints(FilledBox.getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size))
- return this
- }
- static getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size) {
- let [x, y, z] = location
- let [w, h, w2] = size
- return [
- [x + w, y + 0, z + w2],
- [x + w, y + 0, z],
- [x, y + 0, z],
- [x, y + 0, z + w2],
- [x + w, y + h, z + w2],
- [x + w, y + h, z],
- [x, y + h, z],
- [x, y + h, z + w2],
- [x, y + h, z + w2],
- [x, y + h, z],
- [x, y + 0, z],
- [x, y + 0, z + w2],
- [x + w, y + h, z + w2],
- [x + w, y + h, z],
- [x + w, y + 0, z],
- [x + w, y + 0, z + w2],
- [x + w, y + h, z],
- [x, y + h, z],
- [x, y + 0, z],
- [x + w, y + 0, z],
- [x, y + h, z + w2],
- [x + w, y + h, z + w2],
- [x + w, y + 0, z + w2],
- [x, y + 0, z + w2]
- ]
- }
-export class WorldText extends RenderWorldAble {
- constructor(location, text, depth, scale) {
- this.javaObj = new RenderWorldTextC(new Vec3(...location), text, depth, scale)
- }
- setLocation(location) {
- this.javaObj.location = new Vec3(...location)
- return this
- }
- setText(text) {
- this.javaObj.text = text
- return this
- }
- setDepthtest(depthtest) {
- this.javaObj.depthtest = depthtest
- return this
- }
- setScale(scale) {
- this.javaObj.scale = scale
- return this
- }
- setShadow(shadow) {
- this.javaObj.shadow = shadow
- return this
- }
-export class Beacon extends RenderWorldAble {
- constructor(location, r, g, b, a, depth) {
- this.javaObj = new RenderBeaconC(new Vec3(...location), r, g, b, a, depth)
- }
- setLocation(location) {
- this.javaObj.location = new Vec3(...location)
- return this
- }
- setRGBA(r, g, b, a) {
- this.javaObj.red = r
- this.javaObj.green = g
- this.javaObj.blue = b
- this.javaObj.alpha = a
- return this
- }
- setDepthtest(depthtest) {
- this.javaObj.depthtest = depthtest
- return this
- }
-export class HudPoints extends RenderHudAble {
- constructor(points, r, g, b, a, thickness) {
- this.javaObj = new HudPointsC(new ArrayList(points.map(a => new Vector2f(...a))), r, g, b, a, thickness)
- }
- setPoints(points) {
- this.javaObj.points = new ArrayList(points.map(a => new Vec3(...a)))
- return this
- }
- setRGBA(r, g, b, a) {
- this.javaObj.colorR = r
- this.javaObj.colorG = g
- this.javaObj.colorB = b
- this.javaObj.colorA = a
- return this
- }
- setThickness(thickness) {
- this.javaObj.thickness = thickness
- return this
- }
- setGlmode(glmode) {
- this.javaObj.glmode = glmode
- return this
- }
-export class HudText extends RenderHudAble {
- constructor(text, x, y, shadow) {
- this.javaObj = new HudTextC(text, x, y, shadow)
- }
- setText(text) {
- this.javaObj.textLines = text
- return this
- }
- setX(x) {
- this.javaObj.x = x
- return this
- }
- setY(y) {
- this.javaObj.y = y
- return this
- }
- setScale(scale) {
- this.javaObj.scale = scale
- return this
- }
- setShadow(shadow) {
- this.javaObj.shadow = shadow
- return this
- }
-export class Waypoint extends FilledBox {
- constructor(x, y, z, r, g, b, { name = "", showDist = !!name, phase = false }) {
- this.rendering = false
- let distToPlayerSq = (x - Player.getRenderX()) ** 2 + (y - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) ** 2 + (z - Player.getRenderZ()) ** 2
- let alpha = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, 1 - (distToPlayerSq - 10000) / 12500))
- super([x - 0.001, y - 0.001, z - 0.001], [1.002, 1.002, 1.002], r, g, b, 0.25 * alpha, 1, !phase)
- this.params = { x, y, z, r, g, b, name, showDist, phase }
- this.outLine = new Box([x - 0.002, y - 0.002, z - 0.002], [1.004, 1.004, 1.004], r, g, b, alpha, 3, !phase)
- this.beam = new Beacon([x, y + 1, z], r, g, b, Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (distToPlayerSq - 25) / 100)) * alpha, true)
- let distToPlayer = Math.sqrt(distToPlayerSq)
- let distRender = Math.min(distToPlayer, 50)
- let loc5 = [Player.getRenderX() + (x + 0.5 - Player.getRenderX()) / (distToPlayer / distRender), (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]()) + (y + 2 + 20 * distToPlayer / 300 - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) / (distToPlayer / distRender), Player.getRenderZ() + (z + 0.5 - Player.getRenderZ()) / (distToPlayer / distRender)]
- let loc6 = [Player.getRenderX() + (x + 0.5 - Player.getRenderX()) / (distToPlayer / distRender), (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]()) + (y + 2 + 20 * distToPlayer / 300 - 10 * distToPlayer / 300 - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) / (distToPlayer / distRender), Player.getRenderZ() + (z + 0.5 - Player.getRenderZ()) / (distToPlayer / distRender)]
- this.textLine1 = new WorldText([loc5[0], loc5[1], loc5[2]], "§a" + name, false, distRender / 12)
- this.textLine2 = new WorldText([(name ? loc6[0] : loc5[0]), (name ? loc6[1] : loc5[1]), (name ? loc6[2] : loc5[2])], "§b(" + numberWithCommas(Math.round(distToPlayer)) + "m)", false, distRender / 12)
- }
- update() {
- let { x, y, z, r, g, b, name, showDist } = this.params
- let distToPlayerSq = (x - Player.getRenderX()) ** 2 + (y - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) ** 2 + (z - Player.getRenderZ()) ** 2
- let alpha = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, 1 - (distToPlayerSq - 10000) / 12500))
- this.setRGBA(r, g, b, 0.25 * alpha)
- this.outLine.setRGBA(r, g, b, alpha)
- this.beam.setRGBA(r, g, b, Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (distToPlayerSq - 25) / 100)) * alpha)
- if (name || showDist) {
- let distToPlayer = Math.sqrt(distToPlayerSq)
- let distRender = Math.min(distToPlayer, 100)
- let loc5 = [Player.getRenderX() + (x + 0.5 - Player.getRenderX()) / (distToPlayer / distRender), (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]()) + (y + 2 + 20 * distToPlayer / 300 - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) / (distToPlayer / distRender), Player.getRenderZ() + (z + 0.5 - Player.getRenderZ()) / (distToPlayer / distRender)]
- let loc6 = [Player.getRenderX() + (x + 0.5 - Player.getRenderX()) / (distToPlayer / distRender), (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]()) + (y + 2 + 20 * distToPlayer / 300 - 10 * distToPlayer / 300 - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) / (distToPlayer / distRender), Player.getRenderZ() + (z + 0.5 - Player.getRenderZ()) / (distToPlayer / distRender)]
- this.textLine1.setLocation([loc5[0], loc5[1], loc5[2]]).setScale(distRender / 12)
- this.textLine2.setLocation([(name ? loc6[0] : loc5[0]), (name ? loc6[1] : loc5[1]), (name ? loc6[2] : loc5[2])]).setScale(distRender / 12).setText("§b(" + numberWithCommas(Math.round(distToPlayer)) + "m)")
- }
- }
- startRender(isBatched) {
- if (this.rendering) return this
- this.rendering = true
- super.startRender(true)
- this.outLine.startRender(true)
- this.beam.startRender(true)
- if (this.params.name) this.textLine1.startRender(true)
- if (this.params.showDist) this.textLine2.startRender(true)
- if (!isBatched) setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList([...global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings]))
- return this
- }
- stopRender(isBatched) {
- if (!this.rendering) return this
- this.rendering = false
- super.stopRender(true)
- this.outLine.stopRender(true)
- this.beam.stopRender(true)
- this.textLine1.stopRender(true)
- this.textLine2.stopRender(true)
- if (!isBatched) setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList([...global.soopyv2RenderWorldThings]))
- return this
- }
-register("worldLoad", () => {
- if (!net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.isModLoaded("soopyv2forge")) {
- ChatLib.chat("&1" + ChatLib.getChatBreak("-").trim())
- ChatLib.chat("§cWARNING: You dont have the forge mod for soopyv2 installed")
- ChatLib.chat("§cWARNING: -> almost nothing can be rendered")
- new TextComponent(" &e[CLICK] &7- Download").setHover("show_text", "&2Download").setClick("open_url", "https://github.com/Soopyboo32/SoopyV2Forge/releases").chat()
- ChatLib.chat("Or if u want to remove soopyv2 run /ct delete soopyv2")
- ChatLib.chat("&1" + ChatLib.getChatBreak("-").trim())
- }
- if (SoopyV2Forge.getVersion() !== LASTEST_SOOPYFORGE_VER) {
- ChatLib.chat("&1" + ChatLib.getChatBreak("-").trim())
- ChatLib.chat("§cWARNING: Your forge version of soopyv2 is outdated")
- if (LASTEST_SOOPYFORGE_VER === "1.1") {
- ChatLib.chat("§cWARNING: this does not affect much at the moment, but has an incorect download url")
- } else {
- ChatLib.chat("§cWARNING: -> almost nothing can be rendered")
- }
- new TextComponent(" &e[CLICK] &7- Download").setHover("show_text", "&2Download update").setClick("open_url", "https://github.com/Soopyboo32/SoopyV2Forge/releases").chat()
- ChatLib.chat("&1" + ChatLib.getChatBreak("-").trim())
- }
-if (addFix) {
- new Box([-1000000000, 0, 0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, false).startRender()
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/renderLib2d.js b/utils/renderLib2d.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 30ac28f..0000000
--- a/utils/renderLib2d.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-// CODE BY DJtheRedstoner
-// CT 2.0.0 ONLY
-// Edit: iv added some features to this so might keep as is
-import { f, m } from "../../mappings/mappings";
-const BufferUtils = org.lwjgl.BufferUtils;
-const Project = org.lwjgl.util.glu.Project;
-const modelViewMatrix = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(16);
-const projectionMatrix = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(16);
-const viewportDims = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(16);
- var GL11 = Java.type("org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11"); //using var so it goes to global scope
- var GlStateManager = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager");
-const ScaledResolution = net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution;
-const AxisAlignedBB = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB")
-register('renderWorld', () => {
- GlStateManager[m.pushMatrix]();
- let x = Player.getX();
- let y = Player.getY();
- let z = Player.getZ();
- Tessellator.translate(-x, -y, -z);
- GL11.glGetFloat(GL11.GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelViewMatrix);
- GL11.glGetFloat(GL11.GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projectionMatrix);
- GlStateManager[m.popMatrix]();
- GL11.glGetInteger(GL11.GL_VIEWPORT, viewportDims);
-export default class RenderLib2D {
- // Utils
- // Original made by DJtheRedstoner
- static projectPoint = (posX, posY, posZ) => {
- const coords = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(3);
- const success = Project.gluProject(
- posX,
- posY,
- posZ,
- modelViewMatrix,
- projectionMatrix,
- viewportDims,
- coords
- );
- const z = coords.get(2);
- if (!success || !(z > 0 && z < 1)) return null;
- const sr = new ScaledResolution(Client.getMinecraft());
- const x = coords.get(0) / sr[m.getScaleFactor](); // getScaleFactor
- let y = coords.get(1) / sr[m.getScaleFactor](); // getScaleFactor
- // OpenGL starts at bottom left, mc starts at top left
- y = sr[m.getScaledHeight]() - y; // getScaledHeight
- return { x, y, z };
- }
- static drawLine(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, color, thickness=1) {
- let pos1 = RenderLib2D.projectPoint(x1, y1, z1);
- let pos2 = RenderLib2D.projectPoint(x2, y2, z2);
- if(!pos1 || !pos2) return;
- let {x, y} = pos1
- let {x:ox, y:oy} = pos2
- // console.log(x, y, ox, oy, thickness)
- Renderer.drawLine(color, x, y, ox, oy, thickness);
- }
- // Original made by DJtheRedstoner
- static calculateBoundingBox = (box) => {
- let vertices = RenderLib2D.getVertices(box);
- let x1 = java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE;
- let x2 = 0;
- let y1 = java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE;
- let y2 = 0;
- vertices.forEach(vertex => {
- let vec = RenderLib2D.projectPoint(vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z);
- if (vec == null) return null;
- let x = vec.x;
- let y = vec.y;
- if (x < x1) x1 = x;
- if (x > x2) x2 = x;
- if (y < y1) y1 = y;
- if (y > y2) y2 = y;
- });
- return { x1, y1, x2, y2 };
- }
- static getVertices = (box) => {
- let list = [];
- list.push({ x: box[f.minX.AxisAlignedBB], y: box[f.minY.AxisAlignedBB], z: box[f.minZ.AxisAlignedBB] });
- list.push({ x: box[f.maxX.AxisAlignedBB], y: box[f.minY.AxisAlignedBB], z: box[f.minZ.AxisAlignedBB] });
- list.push({ x: box[f.maxX.AxisAlignedBB], y: box[f.maxY.AxisAlignedBB], z: box[f.minZ.AxisAlignedBB] });
- list.push({ x: box[f.minX.AxisAlignedBB], y: box[f.maxY.AxisAlignedBB], z: box[f.minZ.AxisAlignedBB] });
- list.push({ x: box[f.minX.AxisAlignedBB], y: box[f.minY.AxisAlignedBB], z: box[f.maxZ.AxisAlignedBB] });
- list.push({ x: box[f.maxX.AxisAlignedBB], y: box[f.minY.AxisAlignedBB], z: box[f.maxZ.AxisAlignedBB] });
- list.push({ x: box[f.maxX.AxisAlignedBB], y: box[f.maxY.AxisAlignedBB], z: box[f.maxZ.AxisAlignedBB] });
- list.push({ x: box[f.minX.AxisAlignedBB], y: box[f.maxY.AxisAlignedBB], z: box[f.maxZ.AxisAlignedBB] });
- return list;
- }
- // Rendering Functions
- static drawNameTag = (vec, string) => {
- if (vec === null) return;
- Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(string, vec.x - Renderer.getStringWidth(string) / 2, vec.y);
- }
- static draw2DESP = (aabb, color, thickness) => {
- let bb = RenderLib2D.calculateBoundingBox(aabb);
- Renderer.drawLine(color, bb.x1, bb.y1, bb.x1, bb.y2, thickness);
- Renderer.drawLine(color, bb.x1, bb.y1, bb.x2, bb.y1, thickness);
- Renderer.drawLine(color, bb.x2, bb.y2, bb.x2, bb.y1, thickness);
- Renderer.drawLine(color, bb.x2, bb.y2, bb.x1, bb.y2, thickness);
- }
- static draw3DESP = (aabb, color, thickness) => {
- let vertices = RenderLib2D.getVertices(aabb);
- let projected = [];
- vertices.forEach(vertex => {
- let vec = RenderLib2D.projectPoint(vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z);
- if (vec == null) return null;
- projected.push(vec);
- });
- if (projected[0] && projected[1]) Renderer.drawLine(color, projected[0].x, projected[0].y, projected[1].x, projected[1].y, thickness);
- if (projected[0] && projected[4]) Renderer.drawLine(color, projected[0].x, projected[0].y, projected[4].x, projected[4].y, thickness);
- if (projected[5] && projected[1]) Renderer.drawLine(color, projected[5].x, projected[5].y, projected[1].x, projected[1].y, thickness);
- if (projected[5] && projected[4]) Renderer.drawLine(color, projected[5].x, projected[5].y, projected[4].x, projected[4].y, thickness);
- if (projected[3] && projected[2]) Renderer.drawLine(color, projected[3].x, projected[3].y, projected[2].x, projected[2].y, thickness);
- if (projected[3] && projected[7]) Renderer.drawLine(color, projected[3].x, projected[3].y, projected[7].x, projected[7].y, thickness);
- if (projected[6] && projected[2]) Renderer.drawLine(color, projected[6].x, projected[6].y, projected[2].x, projected[2].y, thickness);
- if (projected[6] && projected[7]) Renderer.drawLine(color, projected[6].x, projected[6].y, projected[7].x, projected[7].y, thickness);
- if (projected[1] && projected[2]) Renderer.drawLine(color, projected[1].x, projected[1].y, projected[2].x, projected[2].y, thickness);
- if (projected[0] && projected[3]) Renderer.drawLine(color, projected[0].x, projected[0].y, projected[3].x, projected[3].y, thickness);
- if (projected[4] && projected[7]) Renderer.drawLine(color, projected[4].x, projected[4].y, projected[7].x, projected[7].y, thickness);
- if (projected[5] && projected[6]) Renderer.drawLine(color, projected[5].x, projected[5].y, projected[6].x, projected[6].y, thickness);
- }
- static getBlockAABB = (x, y, z) => {
- return new AxisAlignedBB(x, y, z, x + 1, y + 1, z + 1);
- }
diff --git a/utils/renderUtils.js b/utils/renderUtils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 321e821..0000000
--- a/utils/renderUtils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
-const { f, m } = require("../../mappings/mappings");
-const { default: renderBeaconBeam2 } = require("../../BeaconBeam/index");
-const numberUtils = require("./numberUtils");
-const { default: RenderLib2D } = require("./renderLib2d");
-if (!GlStateManager) {
- var GL11 = Java.type("org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11"); //using var so it goes to global scope
- var GlStateManager = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager");
-let ret = {
- /* accepts parameters
- * h Object = {h:x, s:y, v:z}
- * OR
- * h, s, v
- */
- HSVtoRGB: function (h, s, v) {
- var r, g, b, i, f, p, q, t;
- if (arguments.length === 1) {
- s = h.s, v = h.v, h = h.h;
- }
- i = Math.floor(h * 6);
- f = h * 6 - i;
- p = v * (1 - s);
- q = v * (1 - f * s);
- t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
- switch (i % 6) {
- case 0: r = v, g = t, b = p; break;
- case 1: r = q, g = v, b = p; break;
- case 2: r = p, g = v, b = t; break;
- case 3: r = p, g = q, b = v; break;
- case 4: r = t, g = p, b = v; break;
- case 5: r = v, g = p, b = q; break;
- }
- return {
- r: r * 255,
- g: g * 255,
- b: b * 255
- };
- },
- drawLine: function (x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, r, g, b, thickness = 1) {
- GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 771);
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- GL11.glLineWidth(thickness);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- GL11.glDepthMask(false);
- GlStateManager.func_179094_E();
- Tessellator.begin(GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP).colorize(r, g, b);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x2, y2, z2);
- Tessellator.draw();
- GlStateManager.func_179121_F();
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- GL11.glDepthMask(true);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- },
- drawLineWithDepth: function (x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, r, g, b, t = 1) {
- GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 771);
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- GL11.glLineWidth(t);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glDepthMask(false);
- GlStateManager.func_179094_E();
- Tessellator.begin(GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP).colorize(r, g, b);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x2, y2, z2);
- Tessellator.draw();
- GlStateManager.func_179121_F();
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glDepthMask(true);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- },
- setupLineSmall: function (width) {
- GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 771);
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- GL11.glLineWidth(width);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glDepthMask(false);
- GlStateManager.func_179094_E();
- },
- endLineSmall: function () {
- GlStateManager.func_179121_F();
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glDepthMask(true);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- },
- drawLineSmall: function (x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, r, g, b) {
- Tessellator.begin(GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP).colorize(r, g, b);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x2, y2, z2);
- Tessellator.draw();
- },
- drawLinePoints: function (locations, r, g, b, thickness = 1, phase = false) {
- GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 771);
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- GL11.glLineWidth(thickness);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- if (phase) GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- GL11.glDepthMask(false);
- GlStateManager.func_179094_E();
- Tessellator.begin(GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP).colorize(r, g, b);
- locations.forEach(loc => {
- Tessellator.pos(...loc);
- });
- Tessellator.draw();
- GlStateManager.func_179121_F();
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glDepthMask(true);
- if (phase) GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- },
- drawBoxAtBlockNotVisThruWalls: function (x, y, z, colorR, colorG, colorB, w = 1, h = 1, a = 1) {
- GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 771);
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- GL11.glLineWidth(3);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GlStateManager.func_179094_E();
- x -= 0.005
- y -= 0.005
- z -= 0.005
- w += 0.01
- h += 0.01
- Tessellator.begin(GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP).colorize(colorR, colorG, colorB, a);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y + h, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y + h, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.draw();
- GlStateManager.func_179121_F();
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- },
- drawBoxAtBlock: function (x, y, z, colorR, colorG, colorB, w = 1, h = 1, a = 1) {
- GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 771);
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- GL11.glLineWidth(3);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- GL11.glDepthMask(false);
- GlStateManager[m.pushMatrix]()
- Tessellator.begin(GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP).colorize(colorR, colorG, colorB, a);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y + h, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y + h, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.draw();
- GlStateManager[m.popMatrix]()
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- GL11.glDepthMask(true);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- },
- drawBoxAtBlock2: function (x, y, z, colorR, colorG, colorB, w = 1, h = 1, a = 1) {
- GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 771);
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- GL11.glLineWidth(3);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- GL11.glDepthMask(false);
- GlStateManager[m.pushMatrix]()
- Tessellator.begin(GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP).colorize(colorR, colorG, colorB, a);
- x -= w / 2
- z -= w / 2
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y + h, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y + h, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.pos(x + w, y + h, z + w);
- Tessellator.draw();
- GlStateManager[m.popMatrix]()
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- GL11.glDepthMask(true);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- },
- drawBoxAtEntity: function (entity, colorR, colorG, colorB, width, height, partialTicks, lineWidth = 2, phase = false) {
- let x = entity.getX() + ((entity.getX() - entity.getLastX()) * partialTicks)
- let y = entity.getY() + ((entity.getY() - entity.getLastY()) * partialTicks)
- let z = entity.getZ() + ((entity.getZ() - entity.getLastZ()) * partialTicks)
- if (width === null) {
- width = entity.getWidth() / 2
- height = entity.getHeight()
- } else {
- width = width / 2
- }
- GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 771);
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- GL11.glLineWidth(lineWidth);
- if (phase) GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GlStateManager.func_179094_E();
- Tessellator.begin(GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP).colorize(colorR, colorG, colorB, 1);
- Tessellator.pos(x + width, y + height, z + width);
- Tessellator.pos(x + width, y + height, z - width);
- Tessellator.pos(x - width, y + height, z - width);
- Tessellator.pos(x - width, y + height, z + width);
- Tessellator.pos(x + width, y + height, z + width);
- Tessellator.pos(x + width, y, z + width);
- Tessellator.pos(x + width, y, z - width);
- Tessellator.pos(x - width, y, z - width);
- Tessellator.pos(x - width, y, z + width);
- Tessellator.pos(x - width, y, z - width);
- Tessellator.pos(x - width, y + height, z - width);
- Tessellator.pos(x - width, y, z - width);
- Tessellator.pos(x + width, y, z - width);
- Tessellator.pos(x + width, y + height, z - width);
- Tessellator.pos(x + width, y, z - width);
- Tessellator.pos(x + width, y, z + width);
- Tessellator.pos(x - width, y, z + width);
- Tessellator.pos(x - width, y + height, z + width);
- Tessellator.pos(x + width, y + height, z + width);
- Tessellator.draw();
- GlStateManager.func_179121_F();
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- if (phase) GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- },
- drawFilledBox: function (x, y, z, w, h, red, green, blue, alpha, phase) { //FROM RENDERUTILS
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE);
- if (phase) {
- GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 771);
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- GL11.glLineWidth(2.0);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- GL11.glDepthMask(false);
- GlStateManager.func_179094_E();
- } else {
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 771);
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- GL11.glLineWidth(2.0);
- GL11.glDepthMask(false);
- GlStateManager.func_179094_E();
- }
- w /= 2;
- Tessellator.begin(GL11.GL_QUADS, false);
- Tessellator.colorize(red, green, blue, alpha);
- Tessellator.translate(x, y, z)
- .pos(w, 0, w)
- .pos(w, 0, -w)
- .pos(-w, 0, -w)
- .pos(-w, 0, w)
- .pos(w, h, w)
- .pos(w, h, -w)
- .pos(-w, h, -w)
- .pos(-w, h, w)
- .pos(-w, h, w)
- .pos(-w, h, -w)
- .pos(-w, 0, -w)
- .pos(-w, 0, w)
- .pos(w, h, w)
- .pos(w, h, -w)
- .pos(w, 0, -w)
- .pos(w, 0, w)
- .pos(w, h, -w)
- .pos(-w, h, -w)
- .pos(-w, 0, -w)
- .pos(w, 0, -w)
- .pos(-w, h, w)
- .pos(w, h, w)
- .pos(w, 0, w)
- .pos(-w, 0, w)
- .draw();
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE);
- if (phase) {
- GlStateManager.func_179121_F();
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- GL11.glDepthMask(true);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- } else {
- GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- GlStateManager.func_179121_F();
- GL11.glDepthMask(true);
- GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
- }
- },
- renderBeaconBeam(x, y, z, r, g, b, alpha, phase) {
- renderBeaconBeam2(x, y, z, r, g, b, alpha, !phase)
- },
- drawCoolWaypoint(x, y, z, r, g, b, { name = "", showDist = !!name, phase = false }) {
- let distToPlayerSq = (x - Player.getRenderX()) ** 2 + (y - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) ** 2 + (z - Player.getRenderZ()) ** 2
- let alpha = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, 1 - (distToPlayerSq - 10000) / 12500))
- ret[phase ? "drawBoxAtBlock" : "drawBoxAtBlockNotVisThruWalls"](x - 0.005, y - 0.005, z - 0.005, r, g, b, 1.01, 1.01, alpha)
- ret.drawFilledBox(x + 0.5, y, z + 0.5, 1.02, 1.01, r, g, b, 0.25 * alpha, phase)
- renderBeaconBeam2(x, y + 1, z, r, g, b, Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (distToPlayerSq - 25) / 100)) * alpha, !phase)
- if (name || showDist) {
- let distToPlayer = Math.sqrt(distToPlayerSq)
- let distRender = Math.min(distToPlayer, 50)
- let loc5 = [Player.getRenderX() + (x + 0.5 - Player.getRenderX()) / (distToPlayer / distRender), (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]()) + (y + 2 + 20 * distToPlayer / 300 - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) / (distToPlayer / distRender), Player.getRenderZ() + (z + 0.5 - Player.getRenderZ()) / (distToPlayer / distRender)]
- let loc6 = [Player.getRenderX() + (x + 0.5 - Player.getRenderX()) / (distToPlayer / distRender), (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]()) + (y + 2 + 20 * distToPlayer / 300 - 10 * distToPlayer / 300 - (Player.getRenderY() + Player.getPlayer()[m.getEyeHeight]())) / (distToPlayer / distRender), Player.getRenderZ() + (z + 0.5 - Player.getRenderZ()) / (distToPlayer / distRender)]
- if (name) Tessellator.drawString("§a" + name, loc5[0], loc5[1], loc5[2], 0, true, distRender / 300, false)
- if (showDist) Tessellator.drawString("§b(" + numberUtils.numberWithCommas(Math.round(distToPlayer)) + "m)", (name ? loc6[0] : loc5[0]), (name ? loc6[1] : loc5[1]), (name ? loc6[2] : loc5[2]), 0, false, distRender / 300, false)
- }
- }
-module.exports = ret \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/statUtils.js b/utils/statUtils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 89b467d..0000000
--- a/utils/statUtils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1204 +0,0 @@
-let utils = {
- getHotmLevel: getHotmLevel,
- getDungeoneeringLevel: getDungeoneeringLevel,
- getPetLevel: getPetLevel,
- getLevelByXp: getLevelByXp,
-module.exports = utils
-let someData = {
- leveling_xp: {
- 1: 50,
- 2: 125,
- 3: 200,
- 4: 300,
- 5: 500,
- 6: 750,
- 7: 1000,
- 8: 1500,
- 9: 2000,
- 10: 3500,
- 11: 5000,
- 12: 7500,
- 13: 10000,
- 14: 15000,
- 15: 20000,
- 16: 30000,
- 17: 50000,
- 18: 75000,
- 19: 100000,
- 20: 200000,
- 21: 300000,
- 22: 400000,
- 23: 500000,
- 24: 600000,
- 25: 700000,
- 26: 800000,
- 27: 900000,
- 28: 1000000,
- 29: 1100000,
- 30: 1200000,
- 31: 1300000,
- 32: 1400000,
- 33: 1500000,
- 34: 1600000,
- 35: 1700000,
- 36: 1800000,
- 37: 1900000,
- 38: 2000000,
- 39: 2100000,
- 40: 2200000,
- 41: 2300000,
- 42: 2400000,
- 43: 2500000,
- 44: 2600000,
- 45: 2750000,
- 46: 2900000,
- 47: 3100000,
- 48: 3400000,
- 49: 3700000,
- 50: 4000000,
- 51: 4300000,
- 52: 4600000,
- 53: 4900000,
- 54: 5200000,
- 55: 5500000,
- 56: 5800000,
- 57: 6100000,
- 58: 6400000,
- 59: 6700000,
- 60: 7000000
- },
- // XP required for each level of Runecrafting
- runecrafting_xp: {
- 1: 50,
- 2: 100,
- 3: 125,
- 4: 160,
- 5: 200,
- 6: 250,
- 7: 315,
- 8: 400,
- 9: 500,
- 10: 625,
- 11: 785,
- 12: 1000,
- 13: 1250,
- 14: 1600,
- 15: 2000,
- 16: 2465,
- 17: 3125,
- 18: 4000,
- 19: 5000,
- 20: 6200,
- 21: 7800,
- 22: 9800,
- 23: 12200,
- 24: 15300,
- 25: 19050,
- },
- dungeoneering_xp: {
- 1: 50,
- 2: 75,
- 3: 110,
- 4: 160,
- 5: 230,
- 6: 330,
- 7: 470,
- 8: 670,
- 9: 950,
- 10: 1340,
- 11: 1890,
- 12: 2665,
- 13: 3760,
- 14: 5260,
- 15: 7380,
- 16: 10300,
- 17: 14400,
- 18: 20000,
- 19: 27600,
- 20: 38000,
- 21: 52500,
- 22: 71500,
- 23: 97000,
- 24: 132000,
- 25: 180000,
- 26: 243000,
- 27: 328000,
- 28: 445000,
- 29: 600000,
- 30: 800000,
- 31: 1065000,
- 32: 1410000,
- 33: 1900000,
- 34: 2500000,
- 35: 3300000,
- 36: 4300000,
- 37: 5600000,
- 38: 7200000,
- 39: 9200000,
- 40: 12000000,
- 41: 15000000,
- 42: 19000000,
- 43: 24000000,
- 44: 30000000,
- 45: 38000000,
- 46: 48000000,
- 47: 60000000,
- 48: 75000000,
- 49: 93000000,
- 50: 116250000,
- },
- guild_xp: [
- 100000,
- 150000,
- 250000,
- 500000,
- 750000,
- 1000000,
- 1250000,
- 1500000,
- 2000000,
- 2500000,
- 2500000,
- 2500000,
- 2500000,
- 2500000,
- 3000000,
- ],
- // total XP required for level of Slayer
- slayer_xp: {
- zombie: {
- 1: 5,
- 2: 15,
- 3: 200,
- 4: 1000,
- 5: 5000,
- 6: 20000,
- 7: 100000,
- 8: 400000,
- 9: 1000000,
- },
- spider: {
- 1: 5,
- 2: 15,
- 3: 200,
- 4: 1000,
- 5: 5000,
- 6: 20000,
- 7: 100000,
- 8: 400000,
- 9: 1000000,
- },
- wolf: {
- 1: 5,
- 2: 15,
- 3: 200,
- 4: 1500,
- 5: 5000,
- 6: 20000,
- 7: 100000,
- 8: 400000,
- 9: 1000000,
- },
- enderman: {
- 1: 5,
- 2: 15,
- 3: 200,
- 4: 1500,
- 5: 5000,
- 6: 20000,
- 7: 100000,
- 8: 400000,
- 9: 1000000,
- }
- },
- slayer_boss_xp: {
- 1: 5,
- 2: 25,
- 3: 100,
- 4: 500,
- },
-function getLevelByXp(xp, type, levelCap) {
- let xp_table =
- type == 1 ?
- someData.runecrafting_xp :
- type == 2 ?
- someData.dungeoneering_xp :
- someData.leveling_xp;
- if (isNaN(xp)) {
- return {
- xp: 0,
- level: 0,
- xpCurrent: 0,
- xpForNext: xp_table[1],
- progress: 0,
- };
- }
- let xpTotal = 0;
- let level = 0;
- let xpForNext = Infinity;
- let maxLevel = Math.min(levelCap, Object.keys(xp_table)
- .sort((a, b) => Number(a) - Number(b))
- .map((a) => Number(a))
- .pop())
- for (let x = 1; x <= maxLevel; x++) {
- xpTotal += xp_table[x];
- if (xpTotal > xp) {
- xpTotal -= xp_table[x];
- break;
- } else {
- level = x;
- }
- }
- let xpCurrent = Math.floor(xp - xpTotal);
- if (level < maxLevel) xpForNext = Math.ceil(xp_table[level + 1]);
- let progress = Math.max(0, Math.min(xpCurrent / xpForNext, 1));
- if (type === 2 && level === 50) {
- while (level < levelCap && xpCurrent > 200000000) {
- level++
- xpCurrent -= 200000000
- }
- if (level < levelCap) {
- progress = xpCurrent / 200000000
- xpForNext = 200000000
- } else {
- progress = 0
- xpForNext = NaN
- }
- }
- if (type === 0 && level === 60 && levelCap === Infinity) {
- maxLevel = Infinity
- let slope = 600000
- let xpForCurr = 7000000 + slope
- while (xpCurrent > xpForCurr) {
- level++
- xpCurrent -= xpForCurr
- xpForCurr += slope
- if (level % 10 === 0) slope *= 2
- }
- progress = xpCurrent / xpForCurr
- xpForNext = xpForCurr
- }
- return {
- xp,
- level,
- maxLevel,
- xpCurrent,
- xpForNext,
- progress,
- };
-function getSlayerLevel(xp) {
- let levelR = 0;
- Object.keys(someData.slayer_xp.zombie).forEach(level => {
- if (someData.slayer_xp.zombie[level] < xp && parseInt(level) > levelR) {
- levelR = parseInt(level)
- }
- })
- return levelR;
-function getSlayerLevelClaimed(slayer) {
- let {
- claimed_levels
- } = slayer;
- let level = 0;
- for (let level_name in claimed_levels) {
- let _level = parseInt(level_name.split("_").pop());
- if (_level > level) level = _level;
- }
- return level;
-function getDungeoneeringLevel(xp, isCata) {
- let a = getLevelByXp(xp, 2, isCata ? Infinity : 50);
- return a.level + a.progress;
-function firstLetterCapital(string) {
- return string.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + string.substr(1)
-function firstLetterWordCapital(string) {
- return string.split(" ").map(firstLetterCapital).join(" ")
-function getPetLevel(pet) {
- let maxLevel = (pet.type === "GOLDEN_DRAGON") ? 200 : 100
- const rarityOffset = constants.pet_rarity_offset[pet.tier.toLowerCase()];
- const levels = constants.pet_levels.slice(rarityOffset, rarityOffset + maxLevel - 1);
- const xpMaxLevel = levels.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
- let xpTotal = 0;
- let level = 1;
- let xpForNext = Infinity;
- for (let i = 0; i < maxLevel; i++) {
- xpTotal += levels[i];
- if (xpTotal > pet.exp) {
- xpTotal -= levels[i];
- break;
- } else {
- level++;
- }
- }
- let xpCurrent = Math.floor(pet.exp - xpTotal);
- let progress;
- if (level < maxLevel) {
- xpForNext = Math.ceil(levels[level - 1]);
- progress = Math.max(0, Math.min(xpCurrent / xpForNext, 1));
- } else {
- level = maxLevel;
- xpCurrent = pet.exp - levels[maxLevel - 1];
- xpForNext = 0;
- progress = 1;
- }
- return {
- level,
- xpCurrent,
- xpForNext,
- progress,
- xpMaxLevel,
- };
-let constants = {
- pet_rarity_offset: {
- common: 0,
- uncommon: 6,
- rare: 11,
- epic: 16,
- legendary: 20,
- mythic: 20,
- },
- pet_levels: [
- 100, 110, 120, 130, 145, 160, 175, 190, 210, 230, 250, 275, 300, 330, 360, 400, 440, 490, 540, 600, 660, 730, 800,
- 880, 960, 1050, 1150, 1260, 1380, 1510, 1650, 1800, 1960, 2130, 2310, 2500, 2700, 2920, 3160, 3420, 3700, 4000, 4350,
- 4750, 5200, 5700, 6300, 7000, 7800, 8700, 9700, 10800, 12000, 13300, 14700, 16200, 17800, 19500, 21300, 23200, 25200,
- 27400, 29800, 32400, 35200, 38200, 41400, 44800, 48400, 52200, 56200, 60400, 64800, 69400, 74200, 79200, 84700, 90700,
- 97200, 104200, 111700, 119700, 128200, 137200, 146700, 156700, 167700, 179700, 192700, 206700, 221700, 237700, 254700,
- 272700, 291700, 311700, 333700, 357700, 383700, 411700, 441700, 476700, 516700, 561700, 611700, 666700, 726700,
- 791700, 861700, 936700, 1016700, 1101700, 1191700, 1286700, 1386700, 1496700, 1616700, 1746700, 1886700,
- // Values below for above level 100 (legendary) are just guessed
- 0, 1, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700,
- 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700,
- 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700,
- 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700,
- 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700,
- 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700,
- 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700,
- 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700, 1886700,
- ],
- pet_levels_accum: [
- 100,
- 110,
- 120,
- 130,
- 145,
- 160,
- 175,
- 190,
- 210,
- 230,
- 250,
- 275,
- 300,
- 330,
- 360,
- 400,
- 440,
- 490,
- 540,
- 600,
- 660,
- 730,
- 800,
- 880,
- 960,
- 1050,
- 1150,
- 1260,
- 1380,
- 1510,
- 1650,
- 1800,
- 1960,
- 2130,
- 2310,
- 2500,
- 2700,
- 2920,
- 3160,
- 3420,
- 3700,
- 4000,
- 4350,
- 4750,
- 5200,
- 5700,
- 6300,
- 7000,
- 7800,
- 8700,
- 9700,
- 10800,
- 12000,
- 13300,
- 14700,
- 16200,
- 17800,
- 19500,
- 21300,
- 23200,
- 25200,
- 27400,
- 29800,
- 32400,
- 35200,
- 38200,
- 41400,
- 44800,
- 48400,
- 52200,
- 56200,
- 60400,
- 64800,
- 69400,
- 74200,
- 79200,
- 84700,
- 90700,
- 97200,
- 104200,
- 111700,
- 119700,
- 128200,
- 137200,
- 146700,
- 156700,
- 167700,
- 179700,
- 192700,
- 206700,
- 221700,
- 237700,
- 254700,
- 272700,
- 291700,
- 311700,
- 333700,
- 357700,
- 383700,
- 411700,
- 441700,
- 476700,
- 516700,
- 561700,
- 611700,
- 666700,
- 726700,
- 791700,
- 861700,
- 936700,
- 1016700,
- 1101700,
- 1191700,
- 1286700,
- 1386700,
- 1496700,
- 1616700,
- 1746700,
- 1886700
- ],
- pet_data: {
- "BAT": {
- head: "/head/382fc3f71b41769376a9e92fe3adbaac3772b999b219c9d6b4680ba9983e527",
- type: "mining",
- emoji: "🦇"
- },
- "BLAZE": {
- head: "/head/b78ef2e4cf2c41a2d14bfde9caff10219f5b1bf5b35a49eb51c6467882cb5f0",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🔥"
- },
- "CHICKEN": {
- head: "/head/7f37d524c3eed171ce149887ea1dee4ed399904727d521865688ece3bac75e",
- type: "farming",
- emoji: "🐔"
- },
- "HORSE": {
- head: "/head/36fcd3ec3bc84bafb4123ea479471f9d2f42d8fb9c5f11cf5f4e0d93226",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🐴"
- },
- "JERRY": {
- head: "/head/822d8e751c8f2fd4c8942c44bdb2f5ca4d8ae8e575ed3eb34c18a86e93b",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🧑"
- },
- "OCELOT": {
- head: "/head/5657cd5c2989ff97570fec4ddcdc6926a68a3393250c1be1f0b114a1db1",
- type: "foraging",
- emoji: "🐈"
- },
- "PIGMAN": {
- head: "/head/63d9cb6513f2072e5d4e426d70a5557bc398554c880d4e7b7ec8ef4945eb02f2",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🐷"
- },
- "RABBIT": {
- head: "/head/117bffc1972acd7f3b4a8f43b5b6c7534695b8fd62677e0306b2831574b",
- type: "farming",
- emoji: "🐇"
- },
- "SHEEP": {
- head: "/head/64e22a46047d272e89a1cfa13e9734b7e12827e235c2012c1a95962874da0",
- type: "alchemy",
- emoji: "🐑"
- },
- head: "/head/da91dab8391af5fda54acd2c0b18fbd819b865e1a8f1d623813fa761e924540",
- type: "mining",
- emoji: "🐛"
- },
- head: "/head/f5ec964645a8efac76be2f160d7c9956362f32b6517390c59c3085034f050cff",
- type: "mining",
- emoji: "💀"
- },
- head: "/head/47effce35132c86ff72bcae77dfbb1d22587e94df3cbc2570ed17cf8973a",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🐴"
- },
- "WOLF": {
- head: "/head/dc3dd984bb659849bd52994046964c22725f717e986b12d548fd169367d494",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🐺"
- },
- head: "/head/6eab75eaa5c9f2c43a0d23cfdce35f4df632e9815001850377385f7b2f039ce1",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🔮"
- },
- "PHOENIX": {
- head: "/head/23aaf7b1a778949696cb99d4f04ad1aa518ceee256c72e5ed65bfa5c2d88d9e",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🐦"
- },
- head: "/head/38957d5023c937c4c41aa2412d43410bda23cf79a9f6ab36b76fef2d7c429",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🌋"
- },
- head: "/head/40cd71fbbbbb66c7baf7881f415c64fa84f6504958a57ccdb8589252647ea",
- type: "fishing",
- emoji: "🐟"
- },
- head: "/head/dab779bbccc849f88273d844e8ca2f3a67a1699cb216c0a11b44326ce2cc20",
- type: "fishing",
- emoji: "🐋"
- },
- "TIGER": {
- head: "/head/fc42638744922b5fcf62cd9bf27eeab91b2e72d6c70e86cc5aa3883993e9d84",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🐯"
- },
- "LION": {
- head: "/head/38ff473bd52b4db2c06f1ac87fe1367bce7574fac330ffac7956229f82efba1",
- type: "foraging",
- emoji: "🦁"
- },
- "PARROT": {
- head: "/head/5df4b3401a4d06ad66ac8b5c4d189618ae617f9c143071c8ac39a563cf4e4208",
- type: "alchemy",
- emoji: "🦜"
- },
- "SNOWMAN": {
- head: "/head/11136616d8c4a87a54ce78a97b551610c2b2c8f6d410bc38b858f974b113b208",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "⛄"
- },
- "TURTLE": {
- head: "/head/212b58c841b394863dbcc54de1c2ad2648af8f03e648988c1f9cef0bc20ee23c",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🐢"
- },
- "BEE": {
- head: "/head/7e941987e825a24ea7baafab9819344b6c247c75c54a691987cd296bc163c263",
- type: "farming",
- emoji: "🐝"
- },
- head: "/head/aec3ff563290b13ff3bcc36898af7eaa988b6cc18dc254147f58374afe9b21b9",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🐲"
- },
- head: "/head/221025434045bda7025b3e514b316a4b770c6faa4ba9adb4be3809526db77f9d",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🐡"
- },
- "SQUID": {
- head: "/head/01433be242366af126da434b8735df1eb5b3cb2cede39145974e9c483607bac",
- type: "fishing",
- emoji: "🦑"
- },
- "GIRAFFE": {
- head: "/head/176b4e390f2ecdb8a78dc611789ca0af1e7e09229319c3a7aa8209b63b9",
- type: "foraging",
- emoji: "🦒"
- },
- head: "/head/7071a76f669db5ed6d32b48bb2dba55d5317d7f45225cb3267ec435cfa514",
- type: "farming",
- emoji: "🐘"
- },
- "MONKEY": {
- head: "/head/13cf8db84807c471d7c6922302261ac1b5a179f96d1191156ecf3e1b1d3ca",
- type: "foraging",
- emoji: "🐒"
- },
- "SPIDER": {
- head: "/head/cd541541daaff50896cd258bdbdd4cf80c3ba816735726078bfe393927e57f1",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🕷️"
- },
- head: "/head/5a1a0831aa03afb4212adcbb24e5dfaa7f476a1173fce259ef75a85855",
- type: "mining",
- emoji: "🐛"
- },
- "GHOUL": {
- head: "/head/87934565bf522f6f4726cdfe127137be11d37c310db34d8c70253392b5ff5b",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🧟"
- },
- head: "/head/913f086ccb56323f238ba3489ff2a1a34c0fdceeafc483acff0e5488cfd6c2f1",
- type: "alchemy",
- emoji: "🎐"
- },
- "PIG": {
- head: "/head/621668ef7cb79dd9c22ce3d1f3f4cb6e2559893b6df4a469514e667c16aa4",
- type: "farming",
- emoji: "🐷"
- },
- "ROCK": {
- head: "/head/cb2b5d48e57577563aca31735519cb622219bc058b1f34648b67b8e71bc0fa",
- type: "mining",
- emoji: "🗿"
- },
- head: "/head/fca445749251bdd898fb83f667844e38a1dff79a1529f79a42447a0599310ea4",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "💀"
- },
- "ZOMBIE": {
- head: "/head/56fc854bb84cf4b7697297973e02b79bc10698460b51a639c60e5e417734e11",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🧟"
- },
- "DOLPHIN": {
- head: "/head/cefe7d803a45aa2af1993df2544a28df849a762663719bfefc58bf389ab7f5",
- type: "fishing",
- emoji: "🐬"
- },
- "BABY_YETI": {
- head: "/head/ab126814fc3fa846dad934c349628a7a1de5b415021a03ef4211d62514d5",
- type: "fishing",
- emoji: "❄️"
- },
- "GOLEM": {
- head: "/head/89091d79ea0f59ef7ef94d7bba6e5f17f2f7d4572c44f90f76c4819a714",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🗿"
- },
- "HOUND": {
- head: "/head/b7c8bef6beb77e29af8627ecdc38d86aa2fea7ccd163dc73c00f9f258f9a1457",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "👹"
- },
- head: "/head/8300986ed0a04ea79904f6ae53f49ed3a0ff5b1df62bba622ecbd3777f156df8",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🕸️"
- },
- "BLACK_CAT": {
- head: "/head/e4b45cbaa19fe3d68c856cd3846c03b5f59de81a480eec921ab4fa3cd81317",
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🐱"
- },
- head: null,
- type: "combat",
- emoji: "🐬"
- }
- },
- pet_value: {
- "common": 1,
- "uncommon": 2,
- "rare": 3,
- "epic": 4,
- "legendary": 5
- },
- pet_rewards: {
- 0: {
- magic_find: 0
- },
- 10: {
- magic_find: 1
- },
- 25: {
- magic_find: 2
- },
- 50: {
- magic_find: 3
- },
- 75: {
- magic_find: 4
- },
- 100: {
- magic_find: 5
- },
- 130: {
- magic_find: 6
- },
- 175: {
- magic_find: 7
- }
- },
- pet_items: {
- description: "§7Gives +§a10% §7pet exp for all skills",
- xpBoost: 0.1,
- xpBoostType: "all"
- },
- description: "§7Increases §9Crit Chance §7by §a5%",
- stats: {
- crit_chance: 5
- },
- xpBoost: 0,
- xpBoostType: "all"
- },
- description: "§7Increases the pet's §9Crit Damage §7by §a40% §7and §9Crit Chance §7by §a40%",
- xpBoost: 0,
- xpBoostType: "all"
- },
- description: "§7Increases §9Crit Damage §7by §a15%",
- stats: {
- crit_damage: 15
- },
- xpBoost: 0,
- xpBoostType: "all"
- },
- description: "§7Increases §aDefense §7by §a25",
- stats: {
- defense: 25
- },
- xpBoost: 0,
- xpBoostType: "all"
- },
- description: "§7Your pet fuses its power with placed §aOrbs §7to give them §a2x §7duration",
- xpBoost: 0,
- xpBoostType: "all"
- },
- description: "§7Increases §bMagic Find §7by §a7",
- stats: {
- magic_find: 7
- },
- xpBoost: 0,
- xpBoostType: "all"
- },
- description: "§7Increases the pet's §bIntelligence §7by §a100%",
- xpBoost: 0,
- xpBoostType: "all"
- },
- description: "§7Increase horse speed by §a50% §7 and jump boost by §a100%",
- xpBoost: 0,
- xpBoostType: "all"
- },
- description: "§7While unequipped this pet gains §a25% §7of the equipped pet's xp, this is §7split between all pets holding the item.",
- xpBoost: 0,
- xpBoostType: "all"
- },
- description: "§7Boosts the §ararity §7of your pet by 1 tier!",
- xpBoost: 0,
- xpBoostType: "all"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a20% §7pet exp for Combat",
- xpBoost: 0.2,
- xpBoostType: "combat"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a30% §7pet exp for Combat",
- xpBoost: 0.3,
- xpBoostType: "combat"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a40% §7pet exp for Combat",
- xpBoost: 0.4,
- xpBoostType: "combat"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a50% §7pet exp for Combat",
- xpBoost: 0.5,
- xpBoostType: "combat"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a20% §7pet exp for Fishing",
- xpBoost: 0.2,
- xpBoostType: "fishing"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a30% §7pet exp for Fishing",
- xpBoost: 0.3,
- xpBoostType: "fishing"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a40% §7pet exp for Fishing",
- xpBoost: 0.4,
- xpBoostType: "fishing"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a50% §7pet exp for Fishing",
- xpBoost: 0.5,
- xpBoostType: "fishing"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a20% §7pet exp for Foraging",
- xpBoost: 0.2,
- xpBoostType: "foraging"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a30% §7pet exp for Foraging",
- xpBoost: 0.3,
- xpBoostType: "foraging"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a40% §7pet exp for Foraging",
- xpBoost: 0.4,
- xpBoostType: "foraging"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a50% §7pet exp for Foraging",
- xpBoost: 0.5,
- xpBoostType: "foraging"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a20% §7pet exp for Mining",
- xpBoost: 0.2,
- xpBoostType: "mining"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a30% §7pet exp for Mining",
- xpBoost: 0.3,
- xpBoostType: "mining"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a40% §7pet exp for Mining",
- xpBoost: 0.4,
- xpBoostType: "mining"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a50% §7pet exp for Mining",
- xpBoost: 0.5,
- xpBoostType: "mining"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a20% §7pet exp for Farming",
- xpBoost: 0.2,
- xpBoostType: "farming"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a30% §7pet exp for Farming",
- xpBoost: 0.3,
- xpBoostType: "farming"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a40% §7pet exp for Farming",
- xpBoost: 0.4,
- xpBoostType: "farming"
- },
- description: "§7Gives +§a50% §7pet exp for Farming",
- xpBoost: 0.5,
- xpBoostType: "farming"
- }
- }
-let weightData = {
- /*
- All weight calculations are provided by Senither(https://github.com/Senither/)
- */
- skillWeight: {
- // Maxes out mining at 1,750 points at 60.
- mining: {
- exponent: 1.18207448,
- divider: 259634,
- maxLevel: 60,
- },
- // Maxes out foraging at 850 points at level 50.
- foraging: {
- exponent: 1.232826,
- divider: 259634,
- maxLevel: 50,
- },
- // Maxes out enchanting at 450 points at level 60.
- enchanting: {
- exponent: 0.96976583,
- divider: 882758,
- maxLevel: 60,
- },
- // Maxes out farming at 2,200 points at level 60.
- farming: {
- exponent: 1.217848139,
- divider: 220689,
- maxLevel: 60,
- },
- // Maxes out combat at 1,500 points at level 60.
- combat: {
- exponent: 1.15797687265,
- divider: 275862,
- maxLevel: 60,
- },
- // Maxes out fishing at 2,500 points at level 50.
- fishing: {
- exponent: 1.406418,
- divider: 88274,
- maxLevel: 50,
- },
- // Maxes out alchemy at 200 points at level 50.
- alchemy: {
- exponent: 1.0,
- divider: 1103448,
- maxLevel: 50,
- },
- // Maxes out taming at 500 points at level 50.
- taming: {
- exponent: 1.14744,
- divider: 441379,
- maxLevel: 50,
- },
- // Sets up carpentry and runecrafting without any weight components.
- carpentry: {
- maxLevel: 50,
- },
- runecrafting: {
- maxLevel: 25,
- },
- },
- dungeonsWeight: {
- catacombs: 0.0002149604615,
- healer: 0.0000045254834,
- mage: 0.0000045254834,
- berserk: 0.0000045254834,
- archer: 0.0000045254834,
- tank: 0.0000045254834,
- },
- slayerWeight: {
- zombie: {
- divider: 2208,
- modifier: 0.15,
- },
- spider: {
- divider: 2118,
- modifier: 0.08,
- },
- wolf: {
- divider: 1962,
- modifier: 0.015,
- },
- enderman: {
- divider: 1430,
- modifier: 0.017,
- },
- },
-const level50SkillExp = 55172425;
-const level60SkillExp = 111672425;
-function calcSkillWeight(skillGroup, level, experience) {
- if (skillGroup.exponent == undefined || skillGroup.divider == undefined) {
- return {
- weight: 0,
- weight_overflow: 0,
- };
- }
- let maxSkillLevelXP = skillGroup.maxLevel == 60 ? level60SkillExp : level50SkillExp;
- let base = Math.pow(level * 10, 0.5 + skillGroup.exponent + level / 100) / 1250;
- if (experience > maxSkillLevelXP) {
- base = Math.round(base);
- }
- if (experience <= maxSkillLevelXP) {
- return {
- weight: base,
- weight_overflow: 0,
- };
- }
- return {
- weight: base,
- weight_overflow: Math.pow((experience - maxSkillLevelXP) / skillGroup.divider, 0.968),
- };
-function calcSlayerWeight(type, experience) {
- const slayerWeight = weightData.slayerWeight[type];
- if (!experience || experience <= 1000000) {
- return {
- weight: !experience ? 0 : experience / slayerWeight.divider, // for some reason experience can be undefined
- weight_overflow: 0,
- };
- }
- let base = 1000000 / slayerWeight.divider;
- let remaining = experience - 1000000;
- let modifier = slayerWeight.modifier;
- let overflow = 0;
- while (remaining > 0) {
- let left = Math.min(remaining, 1000000);
- overflow += Math.pow(left / (slayerWeight.divider * (1.5 + modifier)), 0.942);
- modifier += slayerWeight.modifier;
- remaining -= left;
- }
- return {
- weight: base,
- weight_overflow: overflow,
- };
-function calcDungeonsWeight(type, level, experience) {
- if (type.startsWith("master_")) {
- return {
- weight: 0,
- weight_overflow: 0,
- };
- }
- let percentageModifier = weightData.dungeonsWeight[type];
- let level50Experience = 569809640;
- let base = Math.pow(level, 4.5) * percentageModifier;
- if (experience <= level50Experience) {
- return {
- weight: base,
- weight_overflow: 0,
- };
- }
- let remaining = experience - level50Experience;
- let splitter = (4 * level50Experience) / base;
- return {
- weight: Math.floor(base),
- weight_overflow: Math.pow(remaining / splitter, 0.968),
- };
-let hotmExps = [
- 0,
- 3000,
- 9000,
- 25000,
- 60000,
- 100000,
- 150000
-function getHotmLevel(exp) {
- let level = 0
- let expLeft = exp
- let res = undefined
- hotmExps.forEach((needed) => {
- if (expLeft > needed) {
- expLeft -= needed
- level++
- } else if (!res) {
- res = {
- level: level,
- expLeft: expLeft,
- expToNext: needed - expLeft,
- progress: expLeft / needed,
- totalExp: exp
- }
- }
- })
- if (!res) {
- res = {
- level: level,
- expLeft: undefined,
- expToNext: undefined,
- progress: 0,
- totalExp: exp
- }
- }
- return res
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/stringUtils.js b/utils/stringUtils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f28841c..0000000
--- a/utils/stringUtils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = {
- firstLetterCapital: firstLetterCapital,
- firstLetterWordCapital: firstLetterWordCapital
-function firstLetterCapital(string) {
- return string.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + string.substr(1)
-function firstLetterWordCapital(string) {
- return string.split(" ").map(firstLetterCapital).join(" ")
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/utils.js b/utils/utils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f6cd6e..0000000
--- a/utils/utils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-const NBTTagString = Java.type('net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString');
-let utils = {
- addLore: function (item, prefix, value) {
- const list = item
- .getNBT()
- .getCompoundTag("tag")
- .getCompoundTag("display")
- .getTagMap()
- .get("Lore")
- let done = false
- // Gets the current lore lines
- for (let i = 0; i < list.func_74745_c(); i++) {
- if (String(list.func_150307_f(i)).startsWith(prefix)) {
- list.func_150304_a(i, new NBTTagString(prefix + value));
- done = true
- }
- }
- if (!done) {
- list.func_74742_a(new NBTTagString(prefix + value))
- }
- item
- .getNBT()
- .getCompoundTag("tag")
- .getCompoundTag("display")
- .getRawNBT()
- .func_74782_a("Lore", list);
- },
- getSBID: function (item) {
- return item?.getNBT()?.getCompoundTag("tag")?.getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes")?.getString("id") || null
- },
- getSBUUID: function (item) {
- return item?.getNBT()?.getCompoundTag("tag")?.getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes")?.getString("uuid") || null
- },
- getSBEnchant: function (item, enchant) {
- return item?.getNBT()?.getCompoundTag("tag")?.getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes")?.getCompoundTag("enchantments")?.getInteger(enchant) || null
- },
- calculateDistance: function (p1, p2) {
- var a = p2[0] - p1[0];
- var b = p2[1] - p1[1];
- var c = p2[2] - p1[2];
- let ret = Math.hypot(a, b, c)
- if (ret < 0) {
- ret *= -1
- }
- return ret;
- },
- calculateDistanceQuick: function (p1, p2) {
- var a = p2[0] - p1[0];
- var b = p2[1] - p1[1];
- var c = p2[2] - p1[2];
- let ret = a * a + b * b + c * c
- if (ret < 0) {
- ret *= -1
- }
- return ret;
- },
- /**
- * Please try not to use this
- * it has O(n!)
- * only use if points < 10 or something
- * D:
- * @param {*} startPoint
- * @param {*} points
- * @returns
- */
- fastestPathThrough: function (startPoint, points) {
- let ret = []
- while (ret.length < points.length) {
- ret.push(ret.length)
- }
- let allOrders = utils.permutation(ret)
- let lastOrder = []
- let lastOrderLength = Infinity
- for (let i = 0; i < allOrders.length; i++) {
- let order = allOrders[i]
- let lastPoint = startPoint
- let positions = order.map((a) => {
- return points[a]
- })
- let len = 0
- for (let i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {
- len += utils.calculateDistance(lastPoint, positions[i])
- lastPoint = positions[i]
- }
- if (len < lastOrderLength) {
- lastOrder = order
- lastOrderLength = len
- }
- }
- return lastOrder;
- },
- permutation: function (array) {
- function p(array, temp) {
- var i, x;
- if (!array.length) {
- result.push(temp);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
- x = array.splice(i, 1)[0];
- p(array, temp.concat(x));
- array.splice(i, 0, x);
- }
- }
- var result = [];
- p(array, []);
- return result;
- },
- toMessageWithLinks: function (text, color = "f") {
- return text.split(" ").reduce((c, curr) => {
- if (curr.match(/(?:(?:https?|ftp|file):\/\/|www\.|ftp\.)(?:\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.])*(?:\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$])/igm)) {
- c.push(curr)
- c.push("&" + color)
- } else {
- c[c.length - 1] += (c[c.length - 1].length === 2 ? "" : " ") + curr
- }
- return c
- }, ["&" + color]).map(a => {
- if (a.match(/(?:(?:https?|ftp|file):\/\/|www\.|ftp\.)(?:\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.])*(?:\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$])/igm)) {
- return new TextComponent("&" + color + "&n" + a + "&" + color + ' ').setHover("show_text", "Click to open " + a.trim().replace(/^(?:[&§][0-9a-fmn])+|(?:[&§][0-9a-fmn])+$/g, "")).setClick("open_url", a.trim())
- } else {
- return new TextComponent(a + ' ')
- }
- }).reduce((c, curr) => c.addTextComponent(curr), new Message())
- }
-module.exports = utils \ No newline at end of file