path: root/utils
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authorSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-05-29 12:04:52 +0800
committerSoopyboo32 <49228220+Soopyboo32@users.noreply.github.com>2022-05-29 12:04:52 +0800
commita6593709b0e1e99e241b6c163fe66623685b6efc (patch)
tree9714e82716caf9edd6be05a1822fa492eb6756ed /utils
parenta7dcf231cc43c9ef73d6a969203c2dafd2ce8caf (diff)
first part of supporting java side rendering
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/renderJavaUtils.js b/utils/renderJavaUtils.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9a3f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/renderJavaUtils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+let SoopyV2Forge = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.SoopyV2Forge").INSTANCE
+let ArrayList = Java.type("java.util.ArrayList")
+let Vec3 = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.Vec3")
+let Vector2f = Java.type("javax.vecmath.Vector2f")
+let RenderPointsC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.Points")
+let RenderWorldTextC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.WorldText")
+let RenderBeaconC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.Beacon")
+let HudPointsC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.HudPoints")
+let HudTextC = Java.type("me.soopyboo32.soopyv2forge.RenderTypes.HudText")
+let RenderWorldThings = new Set()
+let RenderHudThings = new Set()
+class RenderWorldAble {
+ startRender() {
+ RenderWorldThings.add(this.javaObj)
+ SoopyV2Forge.setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList([...RenderWorldThings]))
+ return this
+ }
+ stopRender() {
+ RenderWorldThings.delete(this.javaObj)
+ SoopyV2Forge.setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList([...RenderWorldThings]))
+ return this
+ }
+class RenderHudAble {
+ startRender() {
+ RenderHudThings.add(this.javaObj)
+ SoopyV2Forge.setRenderHudList(new ArrayList([...RenderHudThings]))
+ return this
+ }
+ stopRender() {
+ RenderHudThings.delete(this.javaObj)
+ SoopyV2Forge.setRenderHudList(new ArrayList([...RenderHudThings]))
+ return this
+ }
+export class Points extends RenderWorldAble {
+ constructor(points, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) {
+ this.javaObj = new RenderPointsC(new ArrayList(points.map(a => new Vec3(...a))), r, g, b, a, thickness, depth)
+ }
+ setPoints(points) {
+ this.javaObj.points = new ArrayList(points.map(a => new Vec3(...a)))
+ return this
+ }
+ setRGBA(r, g, b, a) {
+ this.javaObj.red = r
+ this.javaObj.green = g
+ this.javaObj.blue = b
+ this.javaObj.alpha = a
+ return this
+ }
+ setThickness(thickness) {
+ this.javaObj.thickness = thickness
+ return this
+ }
+ setDepth(depth) {
+ this.javaObj.depthtest = depth
+ return this
+ }
+ setDisableCullFace(disable) {
+ this.javaObj.disableCullFace = disable
+ return this
+ }
+ setGLMode(glMode) {
+ this.javaObj.glmode = glMode
+ return this
+ }
+export class FilledPoints extends Points {
+ constructor(points, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) {
+ super(points, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth)
+ this.setGLMode(GL11.GL_QUADS)
+ this.setDisableCullFace(true)
+ }
+export class Box extends Points {
+ constructor(location, size, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) {
+ super(Box.getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size), r, g, b, a, thickness, depth)
+ }
+ setLocationSize(location, size) {
+ this.setPoints(Box.getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size))
+ return this
+ }
+ static getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size) {
+ let [x, y, z] = location
+ let [width, height, width2] = size
+ return [[x + width, y + height, z + width2],
+ [x + width, y + height, z],
+ [x, y + height, z],
+ [x, y + height, z + width2],
+ [x + width, y + height, z + width2],
+ [x + width, y, z + width2],
+ [x + width, y, z],
+ [x, y, z],
+ [x, y, z + width2],
+ [x, y, z],
+ [x, y + height, z],
+ [x, y, z],
+ [x + width, y, z],
+ [x + width, y + height, z],
+ [x + width, y, z],
+ [x + width, y, z + width2],
+ [x, y, z + width2],
+ [x, y + height, z + width2],
+ [x + width, y + height, z + width2]]
+ }
+export class FilledBox extends FilledPoints {
+ constructor(location, size, r, g, b, a, thickness, depth) {
+ super(FilledBox.getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size), r, g, b, a, thickness, depth)
+ }
+ setLocationSize(location, size) {
+ this.setPoints(FilledBox.getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size))
+ return this
+ }
+ static getPointsFromLocationSize(location, size) {
+ let [x, y, z] = location
+ let [w, h, w2] = size
+ return [
+ [x + w, y + 0, z + w2],
+ [x + w, y + 0, z],
+ [x, y + 0, z],
+ [x, y + 0, z + w2],
+ [x + w, y + h, z + w2],
+ [x + w, y + h, z],
+ [x, y + h, z],
+ [x, y + h, z + w2],
+ [x, y + h, z + w2],
+ [x, y + h, z],
+ [x, y + 0, z],
+ [x, y + 0, z + w2],
+ [x + w, y + h, z + w2],
+ [x + w, y + h, z],
+ [x + w, y + 0, z],
+ [x + w, y + 0, z + w2],
+ [x + w, y + h, z],
+ [x, y + h, z],
+ [x, y + 0, z],
+ [x + w, y + 0, z],
+ [x, y + h, z + w2],
+ [x + w, y + h, z + w2],
+ [x + w, y + 0, z + w2],
+ [x, y + 0, z + w2]
+ ]
+ }
+export class WorldText extends RenderWorldAble {
+ constructor(location, text, depth, scale) {
+ this.javaObj = new RenderWorldTextC(new Vec3(...location), text, depth, scale)
+ }
+ setLocation(location) {
+ this.javaObj.location = location
+ return this
+ }
+ setText(text) {
+ this.javaObj.text = text
+ return this
+ }
+ setDepthtest(depthtest) {
+ this.javaObj.depthtest = depthtest
+ return this
+ }
+ setScale(scale) {
+ this.javaObj.scale = scale
+ return this
+ }
+ setShadow(shadow) {
+ this.javaObj.shadow = shadow
+ return this
+ }
+export class Beacon extends RenderWorldAble {
+ constructor(location, r, g, b, a, depth) {
+ this.javaObj = new RenderBeaconC(new Vec3(...location), r, g, b, a, depth)
+ }
+ setLocation(location) {
+ this.javaObj.location = location
+ return this
+ }
+ setRGBA(r, g, b, a) {
+ this.javaObj.red = r
+ this.javaObj.green = g
+ this.javaObj.blue = b
+ this.javaObj.alpha = a
+ return this
+ }
+ setDepthtest(depthtest) {
+ this.javaObj.depthtest = depthtest
+ return this
+ }
+export class HudPoints extends RenderHudAble {
+ constructor(points, r, g, b, a, thickness) {
+ this.javaObj = new HudPointsC(new ArrayList(points.map(a => new Vector2f(...a))), r, g, b, a, thickness)
+ }
+ setPoints(points) {
+ this.javaObj.points = new ArrayList(points.map(a => new Vec3(...a)))
+ return this
+ }
+ setRGBA(r, g, b, a) {
+ this.javaObj.colorR = r
+ this.javaObj.colorG = g
+ this.javaObj.colorB = b
+ this.javaObj.colorA = a
+ return this
+ }
+ setThickness(thickness) {
+ this.javaObj.thickness = thickness
+ return this
+ }
+ setGlmode(glmode) {
+ this.javaObj.glmode = glmode
+ return this
+ }
+export class HudText extends RenderHudAble {
+ constructor(text, x, y, shadow) {
+ this.javaObj = new HudTextC(text, x, y, shadow)
+ }
+ setText(text) {
+ this.javaObj.textLines = text
+ return this
+ }
+ setX(x) {
+ this.javaObj.x = x
+ return this
+ }
+ setY(y) {
+ this.javaObj.y = y
+ return this
+ }
+ setScale(scale) {
+ this.javaObj.scale = scale
+ return this
+ }
+ setShadow(shadow) {
+ this.javaObj.shadow = shadow
+ return this
+ }
+new Box([128, 72, 58], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, true).startRender()
+new FilledBox([128, 72, 58], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0, 0, 0.25, 1, true).startRender()
+// let data = []
+// data.push(createPoints([[108, 70, 63], [108, 71, 63], [108, 70, 67], [108, 70, 63]], 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, true))
+// data.push(createWorldText([115, 73, 63], "Text §dWOW §6YEP", true, 1))
+// data.push(createBeacon([115, 75, 63], 0, 1, 0, 1, true))
+// SoopyV2Forge.setRenderWorldList(new ArrayList(data))
+// let data2 = []
+// data2.push(createHudPoints([[10, 10], [50, 10], [50, 20], [10, 10]], 0, 0, 1, 1, 5))
+// data2[data2.length - 1].glmode = 5
+// data2.push(createHudText("Text §dWOW §6YEP", 10, 30, true))
+// SoopyV2Forge.setRenderHudList(new ArrayList(data2))
+register("worldLoad", () => {
+ if (!net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.isModLoaded("soopyv2forge")) {
+ ChatLib.chat("&1" + ChatLib.getChatBreak("-").trim())
+ ChatLib.chat("§cWARNING: You dont have the forge mod for soopyv2 installed")
+ ChatLib.chat("§cWARNING: If you have the mod installed it will take over rendering")
+ ChatLib.chat("§cWARNING: And improve performance quite a bit")
+ new TextComponent(" &e[CLICK] &7- Download").setHover("show_text", "&2Download").setClick("open_url", "https://github.com/Soopyboo32/SoopyV2Forge/releases").chat()
+ ChatLib.chat("&1" + ChatLib.getChatBreak("-").trim())
+ }
+ if (SoopyV2Forge.getVersion() !== LASTEST_SOOPYFORGE_VER) {
+ ChatLib.chat("&1" + ChatLib.getChatBreak("-").trim())
+ ChatLib.chat("§cWARNING: Your forge version of soopyv2 is outdated")
+ ChatLib.chat("§cWARNING: Chattriggers will take over rendering")
+ ChatLib.chat("§cWARNING: This will hurt performance quite a bit")
+ new TextComponent(" &e[CLICK] &7- Download").setHover("show_text", "&2Download update").setClick("open_url", "https://github.com/Soopyboo32/SoopyV2Forge/releases").chat()
+ ChatLib.chat("&1" + ChatLib.getChatBreak("-").trim())
+ }
+let renderWorldList
+let renderHudList
+let shouldUseForgeRendering = net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.isModLoaded("soopyv2forge") && SoopyV2Forge.getVersion() === LASTEST_SOOPYFORGE_VER
+if (!shouldUseForgeRendering) {
+ renderWorldList = []
+ renderHudList = []
+ register("renderOverlay", (ticks) => {
+ })
+ register("renderWorld", (ticks) => {
+ })
+} \ No newline at end of file