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1 files changed, 91 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js b/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
index 26bbc1b..ea1838e 100644
--- a/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
+++ b/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
@@ -50,6 +50,12 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
Arcade: "&e",
+ this.bonzoMaskTimer = 0;
+ this.fraggedBonzoMaskTimer = 0;
+ this.spiritMaskTimer = 0;
+ this.eraseBonzoTimer = true;
+ this.bonzoMaskCooldown = 0;
this.lastWorldload = Date.now()
this.lividFindEnabled = new ToggleSetting("Correct livid finder", "Finds the real livid to kill in the f5 boss fight", true, "livid_find_enabled", this);
this.lividFindHud = new ToggleSetting("Show Livid Hp", "Shows the nametag of the correct livid", true, "livid_hud_enabled", this).requires(this.lividFindEnabled);
@@ -103,7 +109,92 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
if (this.lastDungFinishes.length > 5) {
+ this.bonzoMaskTimer = 0;
+ this.fraggedBonzoMaskTimer = 0;
+ this.spiritMaskTimer = 0;
+ this.eraseBonzoTimer = true;
+ this.registerChat("${prefix}\"mode\":\"dungeon\",\"map\":\"Dungeon\"}&r", () => {
+ [...Player.getInventory().getItems()].forEach(i => {
+ if (!i) return
+ let itemName = i.getName()
+ if (itemName.removeFormatting().includes("Bonzo's Mask")) {
+ i.getLore().forEach(line => {
+ if (line.includes("Cooldown:")) {
+ this.bonzoMaskCooldown = Number(line.removeFormatting().split("n: ")[1].replace("s", ""))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ this.bonzoSpiritMaskTimer = new ToggleSetting("Timer for when bonzo/spirit mask will be ready", "works for both bonzo masks, hides bonzo masks' timers after you leave the run", false, "bonzo_mask_timer", this);
+ this.bonzoSpiritMaskTimerElement = new HudTextElement().setToggleSetting(this.bonzoSpiritMaskTimer).setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Bonzo/Spirit Mask timer location", "Allows you to edit the location of the timer", "bonzo_mask_timer_location", this, [10, 100, 1, 1]).requires(this.bonzoSpiritMaskTimer).editTempText("&9Bonzo's Mask: &c157s"));
+ this.hudElements.push(this.bonzoSpiritMaskTimerElement);
+ this.spiritMaskOutsideDungeon = new ToggleSetting("Spirit Mask Timer Outside Dungeons", "should spirit mask timer be shown outside dungeon?", false, "spirit_mask_timer", this).requires(this.bonzoSpiritMaskTimer);
+ this.normalBonzoMask = new ToggleSetting("Bonzo Mask Proc'ed Alert", "Enable this to change the message", true, "bonzo_mask_alert", this).requires(this.bonzoSpiritMaskTimer);
+ this.normalBonzoMaskMessage = new TextSetting("Bonzo Mask Proc'ed Message", "change bonzo mask proc message here", "&cBonzo Mask Used", "bonzo_mask_alert_message", this, "&cBonzo Mask Used", false).requires(this.normalBonzoMask);
+ this.fraggedBonzoMask = new ToggleSetting("⚚ Bonzo Mask Proc'ed Alert", "Enable this to change the message", true, "fragged_bonzo_mask_alert", this).requires(this.bonzoSpiritMaskTimer);
+ this.fraggedBonzoMaskMessage = new TextSetting("⚚ Bonzo Mask Proc'ed Message", "change bonzo mask proc message here", "&c⚚ Bonzo Mask Used", "fragged_bonzo_mask_alert_message", this, "&c⚚ Bonzo Mask Used", false).requires(this.fraggedBonzoMask);
+ this.spiritMask = new ToggleSetting("Spirit Mask Proc'ed Alert", "Enable this to change the message", true, "spirit_mask_alert", this).requires(this.bonzoSpiritMaskTimer);
+ this.spiritMaskMessage = new TextSetting("Spirit Mask Proc'ed Message", "change spirit mask proc message here", "&cSpirit Mask Used", "spirit_mask_alert_message", this, "&cSpirit Mask Used", false).requires(this.spiritMask);
+ this.registerChat("&r&aYour &r&9Bonzo's Mask &r&asaved your life!&r", () => {
+ this.eraseBonzoTimer = false;
+ if (this.bonzoSpiritMaskTimer.getValue()) {
+ this.bonzoMaskTimer = Date.now() + this.bonzoMaskCooldown * 1000;
+ }
+ if (this.normalBonzoMask.getValue()) {
+ let m = this.normalBonzoMaskMessage.getValue()
+ Client.showTitle(m ? m : "&cBonzo Mask Used", "", 0, 60, 10)
+ }
+ })
+ this.registerChat("&r&aYour &r&9⚚ Bonzo's Mask &r&asaved your life!&r", () => {
+ this.eraseBonzoTimer = false;
+ if (this.bonzoSpiritMaskTimer.getValue()) {
+ this.fraggedBonzoMaskTimer = Date.now() + this.bonzoMaskCooldown * 1000;
+ }
+ if (this.fraggedBonzoMask.getValue()) {
+ let m = this.fraggedBonzoMaskMessage.getValue()
+ Client.showTitle(m ? m : "&c⚚ Bonzo Mask Used", "", 0, 60, 10)
+ }
+ })
+ this.registerChat("&r&6Second Wind Activated&r&a! &r&aYour Spirit Mask saved your life!&r", () => {
+ if (this.bonzoSpiritMaskTimer.getValue()) {
+ if (this.spiritMaskOutsideDungeon.getValue() ? true : !this.eraseBonzoTimer) {
+ this.spiritMaskTimer = Date.now() + 30 * 1000;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.fraggedBonzoMask.getValue()) {
+ let m = this.spiritMaskMessage.getValue()
+ Client.showTitle((m ? m : "&cSpirit Mask Used"), "", 0, 60, 10)
+ }
+ })
+ this.registerStep(true, 10, () => {
+ if (!this.bonzoSpiritMaskTimer.getValue()) return
+ let timerText = ""
+ if (this.spiritMaskOutsideDungeon.getValue() ? true : !this.eraseBonzoTimer) {
+ if (this.spiritMask.getValue()) {
+ let timer1 = Math.round((this.spiritMaskTimer - Date.now())/100)/10
+ timerText += "&5Spirit Mask: " + (timer1 > 0 ? "&c" + timer1 + "&6s" : "&6READY") + "\n"
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this.eraseBonzoTimer) {
+ if (this.normalBonzoMask.getValue()) {
+ let timer2 = Math.round((this.bonzoMaskTimer - Date.now())/100)/10
+ timerText += "&9Bonzo's Mask: " + (timer2 > 0 ? "&c" + timer2 + "&6s" : "&6READY") + "\n"
+ }
+ if (this.fraggedBonzoMask.getValue()) {
+ let timer3 = Math.round((this.fraggedBonzoMaskTimer - Date.now())/100)/10
+ timerText += "&9⚚ Bonzo's Mask: " + (timer3 > 0 ? "&c" + timer3 + "&6s" : "&6READY")
+ }
+ }
+ this.bonzoSpiritMaskTimerElement.setText(timerText)
+ })
this.forgorEnabled = new ToggleSetting("Change withermancer death message to forgor ", "", true, "withermancer_forgor", this);
this.f7waypoints = new ToggleSetting("Waypoints for P3 F7/M7", "(Only shows unfinished ones)", true, "f7_waypoints", this);