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1 files changed, 37 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js b/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
index 4dc4a9b..5a400a6 100644
--- a/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
+++ b/features/dungeonSolvers/index.js
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
"Doctor": "&7",
"Frog": "&2",
"Smile": "&a",
- "Scream": "&1",
+ "Scream": "&9",
"Purple": "&5",
"Arcade": "&e"
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
.editTempText("§r§e﴾ §c§lLivid§r §a7M§c❤ §e﴿§r"))
- this.lividFindChat = new ToggleSetting("Say correct livid in chat", "Sends the correct livid in chat", false, "livid_chat_enabled", this).requires(this.lividFindEnabled)
+ this.hudElements.push(this.lividHpElement)
this.lividFindBox = new ToggleSetting("Put a box around the correct livid", "This helps to locate it in the group", true, "livid_box_enabled", this).requires(this.lividFindEnabled)
this.lividFindNametags = new ToggleSetting("Hide the nametags of incorrect livids", "This helps to locate it in the group", true, "livid_nametags_enabled", this).requires(this.lividFindEnabled)
@@ -60,6 +61,8 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
.editTempText("&6Run speed&7> &f4:30\n&6Exp/hour&7> &f1,234,567\n&6Runs/hour&7> &f17"))
+ this.hudElements.push(this.runSpeedRatesElement)
this.lastDungFinishes = []
this.lastDungExps = []
this.registerChat("&r&r&r &r&8+&r&3${exp} Catacombs Experience&r", (exp)=>{
@@ -73,7 +76,15 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
+ this.forgorEnabled = new ToggleSetting("Change withermancer death message to forgor ", "", true, "withermancer_forgor", this)
+ this.registerChat("&r&c ☠ &r${player} were killed by Withermancer&r&7 and became a ghost&r&7.&r", (player, e)=>{
+ if(this.forgorEnabled.getValue()){
+ cancel(e)
+ ChatLib.chat(player + " forgor ☠")
+ }
+ })
this.spiritBowPickUps = []
this.registerChat("&r&aYou picked up the &r&5Spirit Bow&r&a! Use it to attack &r&cThorn&r&a!&r", ()=>{
@@ -223,8 +234,6 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
for(let element of this.hudElements){
- this.runSpeedRatesElement.render()
@@ -273,54 +282,32 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
step(){ //2fps
- if(this.lividFindEnabled.getValue() && (this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor === "F5")){ //TODO: fix on M5 (detect correct livid based on roof color)
+ if(this.lividFindEnabled.getValue() && (this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor === "F5" || this.FeatureManager.features["dataLoader"].class.dungeonFloor === "M5")){
+ let type = World.getBlockAt(208,108,245).getMetadata()
+ let typeReplace = {
+ 0: "Vendetta",
+ 2: "Crossed",
+ 4: "Arcade",
+ 5: "Smile",
+ 6: "Crossed",
+ 7: "Doctor",
+ 8: "Doctor",
+ 10: "Purple",
+ 11: "Scream",
+ 13: "Frog",
+ 14: "Hockey"
+ }
World.getAllEntities().forEach(entity => {
let entityName = entity.getName()
- if (/(?:Vendetta|Crossed|Hockey|Doctor|Frog|Smile|Scream|Purple|Arcade) Livid/g.test(entityName)) {
- let lividName = entityName.replace(" Livid", "")
- if (!this.lividData.sayLividColors2.includes(lividName)) {
- this.lividData.sayLividColors2.push(lividName)
- if (this.lividData.sayLividColors2.length === 1) {
- this.lividData.correctLividColor = lividName
- }
- if (this.lividData.sayLividColors2.length === 9) {
- if(this.lividFindChat.getValue()){
- ChatLib.chat(this.FeatureManager.messagePrefix + "Correct livid is: " + this.lividData.lividColor[lividName] + lividName)
- }
- this.lividData.correctLividColor = lividName
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- if (entityName.includes("Livid") && entityName.includes("❤")) {
- if (!this.lividData.sayLividColors.includes(entityName.substr(0, 3))) {
- this.lividData.sayLividColors.push(entityName.substr(0, 3))
- if (this.lividData.sayLividColors.length === 9) {
- this.lividData.correctLividColorHP = entityName.substr(0, 3)
- }
- if (this.lividData.sayLividColors.length === 1) {
- this.lividData.correctLividColorHP = entityName.substr(0, 3)
- }
- }
- if (this.lividData.sayLividColors.length === 1) {
- if (entityName.includes("Livid") && entityName.includes("❤")) {
- this.lividHpElement.setText(entityName)
- }
- } else {
- if (this.lividData.correctLividColorHP !== undefined) {
- // if (this.lividData.correctLividColor === "Arcade") {
- // this.lividHpElement.setText("Unknown Health (Yellow Livid)")
- // } else {
- if (entityName.includes(this.lividData.correctLividColorHP)) {
- this.lividHpElement.setText(entityName)
- this.lividData.correctLividEntity = entity
- }
- // }
- }
+ if (entityName.includes("Livid") && entityName.includes("❤")) {
+ // ChatLib.chat("D: " + entityName.substr(1, 1) + " asd " + this.lividData.lividColor[typeReplace[type]].split("").pop())
+ if (entityName.substr(1, 1) === this.lividData.lividColor[typeReplace[type]].split("").pop()) {
+ this.lividHpElement.setText(entityName)
+ this.lividData.correctLividEntity = entity
@@ -332,6 +319,7 @@ class DungeonSolvers extends Feature {
+ this.renderEntityEvent = undefined