path: root/features
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1 files changed, 198 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/features/globalSettings/index.js b/features/globalSettings/index.js
index 5429401..5454039 100644
--- a/features/globalSettings/index.js
+++ b/features/globalSettings/index.js
@@ -58,6 +58,14 @@ class GlobalSettings extends Feature {
this.showHecatomb = new ToggleSetting("Show hecatomb enchant info in lore", "", true, "show_hecatomb", this)
this.showChampion = new ToggleSetting("Show champion enchant info in lore", "", true, "show_champion", this)
+ this.thunderBottle = new ToggleSetting("Thunder Bottle Progress Display", "shows you the progress of thunder bottle in your inventory", false, "thunder_bottle", this);
+ this.thunderBottleElement = new HudTextElement()
+ .setText("")
+ .setToggleSetting(this.thunderBottle)
+ .setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Thunder Bottle Progress location", "Allows you to change location of this display", "thunder_bottle_location", this, [20, 100, 1, 1]).requires(this.thunderBottle).editTempText(`&5Thunder Bottle &7Charge: &e49,999&6/&e50,000`));
+ this.hudElements.push(this.thunderBottleElement);
+ this.thunderBottleFull = new ToggleSetting("Thunder Bottle Full Alert", "Alert when your thunder bottle is fully charged", false, "thunder_bottle_full", this);
this.oldMasterStars = new ToggleSetting("Use Old Master Stars", "replaces the ugly new master star on item name with the old fashion one", false, "old_master_star", this)
this.sbaItemPickUpLog = new ToggleSetting("Sba Item Pick Up Log", "Same as sba item pick up log, but fixes old master stars making it go brrr", false, "sba_item_log", this);
this.sbaItemPickUpLogElement = new HudTextElement()
@@ -66,6 +74,11 @@ class GlobalSettings extends Feature {
.setLocationSetting(new LocationSetting("Sba Item Pick Up Log location", "Allows you to change location of this display", "sba_item_log_location", this, [10, 100, 1, 1]).requires(this.sbaItemPickUpLog).editTempText(`&a+ 1x &dHeroic Hyperion &c✪✪✪✪✪\n&c- 1x &dHeroic Hyperion &6✪✪✪✪✪`));
+ this.fancyVanquisherAlert = new ToggleSetting("Fancy Vanquisher Alert", "Alert when a Vanquisher spawned", false, "fancy_vanquisher_alert", this);
+ this.fancySeaCreaturesAlert = new ToggleSetting("Fancy Sea Creatures Alert", "Alert when you caught x creature (this is the main toggle)", false, "fancy_sc_alert", this);
+ this.fancySeaCreaturesAlertThunder = new ToggleSetting("Fancy Thunder Alert", "Alert when you caught Thunder creature", false, "fancy_thunder_alert", this).requires(this.fancySeaCreaturesAlert);
+ this.fancySeaCreaturesAlertJawbus = new ToggleSetting("Fancy Jawbus Alert", "Alert when you caught Lord Jawbus creature", false, "fancy_jawbus_alert", this).requires(this.fancySeaCreaturesAlert);
this.registerEvent('itemTooltip', (lore, i, e) => {
if (!this.oldMasterStars.getValue()) return
if (!i) return
@@ -103,47 +116,7 @@ class GlobalSettings extends Feature {
- this.registerEvent('worldLoad', () => {
- if (!this.oldMasterStars.getValue()) return
- let j = 0;
- [...Player.getInventory().getItems()].forEach(i => {
- j++;
- if (j > 8) return //only do the 1-8 hot bar slots
- if (!i) return
- let itemName = i.getName()
- let itemNameReformat = itemName.removeFormatting()
- if (itemNameReformat.endsWith("➊")) {
- let newItemName = itemName.replace("§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§c➊", "§c✪§6✪✪✪✪")
- i.setName(newItemName)
- this.saveItemData(getSBUUID(i), newItemName)
- return
- }
- if (itemNameReformat.endsWith("➋")) {
- let newItemName = itemName.replace("§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§c➋", "§c✪✪§6✪✪✪")
- i.setName(newItemName)
- this.saveItemData(getSBUUID(i), newItemName)
- return
- }
- if (itemNameReformat.endsWith("➌")) {
- let newItemName = itemName.replace("§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§c➌", "§c✪✪✪§6✪✪")
- i.setName(newItemName)
- this.saveItemData(getSBUUID(i), newItemName)
- return
- }
- if (itemNameReformat.endsWith("➍")) {
- let newItemName = itemName.replace("§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§c➍", "§c✪✪✪✪§6✪")
- i.setName(newItemName)
- this.saveItemData(getSBUUID(i), newItemName)
- return
- }
- if (itemNameReformat.endsWith("➎")) {
- let newItemName = itemName.replace("§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§c➎", "§c✪✪✪✪✪")
- i.setName(newItemName)
- this.saveItemData(getSBUUID(i), newItemName)
- return
- }
- })
- })
+ this.registerEvent('worldLoad', this.worldLoad)
this.itemData = {};
this.oldItemData = {};
@@ -152,120 +125,23 @@ class GlobalSettings extends Feature {
this.clearLog = false;
this.maxAmount = 12;
- this.registerStep(true, 5, () => {
- let old = this.oldMasterStars.getValue();
- let pick = this.sbaItemPickUpLog.getValue();
- if (!old && !pick) return
- let j = 0;
- let now = Date.now();
- [...Player.getInventory().getItems()].forEach(i => {
- j++;
- if (i) {
- let uuid = getSBUUID(i)
- if (old) {
- if (uuid && this.itemData.hasOwnProperty(uuid)) {
- let newName = this.itemData[uuid]
- if (i.getName() != newName) {
- i.setName(newName)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (pick) {
- let oldItem = this.oldItemData[j]
- let newItem = i
- if (!oldItem && !newItem) return //they both are air
- if (j > 36 || j == 9) return //sbmenu and armors (when switching wardrobe it goes brrr w/o this)
- let oldItemAmount = oldItem ? oldItem.getNBT().toObject()?.Count : undefined
- let oldItemName = oldItem ? oldItem.getName() : ""
- let newItemAmount = newItem ? newItem.getNBT().toObject()?.Count : undefined
- let newItemName = newItem ? newItem.getName() : ""
- this.oldItemData[j] = newItem
- if (oldItemName === newItemName) { //only amount is changed
- if (oldItemAmount === newItemAmount || !newItemAmount || !oldItemAmount) return
- this.addToTodoPickUpLog(now, oldItemName, newItemAmount - oldItemAmount)
- return //so it doesn't provide duplicate message
- }
- let olduuid = getSBUUID(oldItem)
- let newuuid = getSBUUID(newItem)
- if (oldItemAmount == 1 && olduuid == newuuid) return // fixes using old master star making sba go brrr
- if (oldItemName) { //thing removed from that inventory slot
- if (!oldItemAmount) return
- this.addToTodoPickUpLog(now, oldItemName, (-1) * oldItemAmount)
- }
- if (newItemName) { //thing being placed into that inventory slot
- if (!newItemAmount) return
- this.addToTodoPickUpLog(now, newItemName, newItemAmount)
- }
- }
- })
- let todoText = [];
- let inGui = Client.isInGui();
- if (inGui || this.warpedAgain) {
- this.todoPickUpLog = {};
- }
- if (pick) {
- Object.keys(this.todoPickUpLog).forEach((i) => {
- if (Math.abs(this.todoPickUpLog[i].timeStamp - now) > 5000 || !this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount || this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount == 0) {
- delete this.todoPickUpLog[i]
- return
- }
- //positive and negative prefix colors
- if (todoText.length < this.maxAmount) todoText.push((this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount > 0 ? "&r&a+ " : "&r&c- ") + Math.abs(this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount) + "x &r" + i)
- })
- } else {
- this.todoPickUpLog = {};
- }
- // doesn't need to put setText() in if (pick) cuz if (!pick) it clears the todo log list
- this.sbaItemPickUpLogElement.setText(inGui ? "" : (todoText.join("\n")))
- })
- //2 chat registeries below prevents pickup log to go brrr when warping
+ this.registerStep(true, 5, this.step5Fps)
+ //4 chat registeries below prevents pickup log to go brrr when warping
this.warpedAgain = false
- this.registerChat("&eSkyBlock Dungeon Warp${p}", () => {
- this.maxAmount = 0
- this.warpedAgain = true
- delay(8000, () => {
- if (this.warpedAgain) {
- this.warpedAgain = false
- this.maxAmount = 12
- }
- })
- })
- this.registerChat("&r&7Warping...${island}", () => {
- this.maxAmount = 0
- this.warpedAgain = true
- delay(8000, () => {
- if (this.warpedAgain) {
- this.warpedAgain = false
- this.maxAmount = 12
- }
- })
- })
+ this.registerChat("&eSkyBlock Dungeon Warp${p}", this.warpCap)
+ this.registerChat("&r&7Warping...${island}", this.warpCap)
this.registerChat("&r&c ☠ ${info} and became a ghost&r&7.&r", (info, e) => {
- if (info.includes("You")) {
- this.maxAmount = 0
- this.warpedAgain = true
- delay(5000, () => {
- if (this.warpedAgain) {
- this.warpedAgain = false
- this.maxAmount = 12
- }
- })
- }
+ if (info.includes("You")) this.warpCap();
+ this.registerChat("${info}You were revived by ${info2}", this.warpCap);
+ this.registerChat("&r&e> Your bottle of thunder has fully charged!&r", () => {
+ if (this.thunderBottleFull.getValue()) {
+ Client.showTitle("&6Bottle of Thunder Fully Charged", "", 0, 100, 10);
+ }
+ })
- this.registerChat("${info}You were revived by ${info2}", () => {
- this.maxAmount = 0
- this.warpedAgain = true
- delay(5000, () => {
- if (this.warpedAgain) {
- this.warpedAgain = false
- this.maxAmount = 12
- }
- })
- });
+ this.registerStep(true, 4, this.mobThings)
this.firstPageSettings = [this.darkTheme]
@@ -384,6 +260,177 @@ class GlobalSettings extends Feature {
+ worldLoad() {
+ if (!this.oldMasterStars.getValue()) return
+ let j = 0;
+ [...Player.getInventory().getItems()].forEach(i => {
+ j++;
+ if (j > 8) return //only do the 1-8 hot bar slots
+ if (!i) return
+ let itemName = i.getName()
+ let itemNameReformat = itemName.removeFormatting()
+ if (itemNameReformat.endsWith("➊")) {
+ let newItemName = itemName.replace("§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§c➊", "§c✪§6✪✪✪✪")
+ i.setName(newItemName)
+ this.saveItemData(getSBUUID(i), newItemName)
+ return
+ }
+ if (itemNameReformat.endsWith("➋")) {
+ let newItemName = itemName.replace("§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§c➋", "§c✪✪§6✪✪✪")
+ i.setName(newItemName)
+ this.saveItemData(getSBUUID(i), newItemName)
+ return
+ }
+ if (itemNameReformat.endsWith("➌")) {
+ let newItemName = itemName.replace("§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§c➌", "§c✪✪✪§6✪✪")
+ i.setName(newItemName)
+ this.saveItemData(getSBUUID(i), newItemName)
+ return
+ }
+ if (itemNameReformat.endsWith("➍")) {
+ let newItemName = itemName.replace("§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§c➍", "§c✪✪✪✪§6✪")
+ i.setName(newItemName)
+ this.saveItemData(getSBUUID(i), newItemName)
+ return
+ }
+ if (itemNameReformat.endsWith("➎")) {
+ let newItemName = itemName.replace("§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§6✪§c➎", "§c✪✪✪✪✪")
+ i.setName(newItemName)
+ this.saveItemData(getSBUUID(i), newItemName)
+ return
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ step5Fps() {
+ let old = this.oldMasterStars.getValue();
+ let pick = this.sbaItemPickUpLog.getValue();
+ let thunder = this.thunderBottle.getValue();
+ if (!old && !pick && !thunder) return
+ let j = 0;
+ let now = Date.now();
+ let thunderText = [];
+ [...Player.getInventory().getItems()].forEach(i => {
+ j++;
+ if (i) {
+ let uuid = getSBUUID(i)
+ let ItemName = i.getName()
+ if (old) {
+ if (uuid && this.itemData.hasOwnProperty(uuid)) {
+ let newName = this.itemData[uuid]
+ if (ItemName != newName) {
+ i.setName(newName)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (thunder) {
+ if (ItemName.removeFormatting().includes("Empty Thunder Bottle")) {
+ i.getLore().forEach(Line => {
+ if (Line.includes("Charge:")) {
+ thunderText.push("&5Thunder Bottle " + Line)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pick) {
+ let oldItem = this.oldItemData[j]
+ let newItem = i
+ if (!oldItem && !newItem) return //they both are air
+ if (j > 36 || j == 9) return //sbmenu and armors (when switching wardrobe it goes brrr w/o this)
+ let oldItemAmount = oldItem ? oldItem.getNBT().toObject()?.Count : undefined
+ let oldItemName = oldItem ? oldItem.getName() : ""
+ let newItemAmount = newItem ? newItem.getNBT().toObject()?.Count : undefined
+ let newItemName = newItem ? newItem.getName() : ""
+ this.oldItemData[j] = newItem
+ if (oldItemName === newItemName) { //only amount is changed
+ if (oldItemAmount === newItemAmount || !newItemAmount || !oldItemAmount) return
+ this.addToTodoPickUpLog(now, oldItemName, newItemAmount - oldItemAmount)
+ return //so it doesn't provide duplicate message
+ }
+ let olduuid = getSBUUID(oldItem)
+ let newuuid = getSBUUID(newItem)
+ if (oldItemAmount == 1 && olduuid == newuuid) return // fixes using old master star making sba go brrr
+ if (oldItemName) { //thing removed from that inventory slot
+ if (!oldItemAmount) return
+ this.addToTodoPickUpLog(now, oldItemName, (-1) * oldItemAmount)
+ }
+ if (newItemName) { //thing being placed into that inventory slot
+ if (!newItemAmount) return
+ this.addToTodoPickUpLog(now, newItemName, newItemAmount)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ if (thunder) {
+ if (thunderText.length > 0) {
+ this.thunderBottleElement.setText(thunderText.join("\n"))
+ } else {
+ this.thunderBottleElement.setText("")
+ }
+ }
+ let todoText = [];
+ let inGui = Client.isInGui();
+ if (inGui || this.warpedAgain) {
+ this.todoPickUpLog = {};
+ }
+ if (pick) {
+ Object.keys(this.todoPickUpLog).forEach((i) => {
+ if (Math.abs(this.todoPickUpLog[i].timeStamp - now) > 5000 || !this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount || this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount == 0) {
+ delete this.todoPickUpLog[i]
+ return
+ }
+ //positive and negative prefix colors
+ if (todoText.length < this.maxAmount) todoText.push((this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount > 0 ? "&r&a+ " : "&r&c- ") + Math.abs(this.todoPickUpLog[i].Amount) + "x &r" + i)
+ })
+ } else {
+ this.todoPickUpLog = {};
+ }
+ // doesn't need to put setText() in if (pick) cuz if (!pick) it clears the todo log list
+ this.sbaItemPickUpLogElement.setText(inGui ? "" : (todoText.join("\n")))
+ }
+ mobThings() {
+ if (!this.fancyVanquisherAlert.getValue()) return
+ World.getAllEntitiesOfType(net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityArmorStand).forEach(entity => {
+ let name = entity.getName()
+ if (name.includes("'s")) return
+ let LowerName = name.removeFormatting().toLowerCase()
+ let existedTicks = entity.getTicksExisted()
+ if (this.fancyVanquisherAlert.getValue()) {
+ if (LowerName.includes("vanq")) {
+ if (existedTicks <= 20) {
+ Client.showTitle("&r&5&l[&b&l&kO&5&l] VANQUISHER &5[&b&l&kO&5&l]", "", 0, 50, 10);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.fancySeaCreaturesAlertThunder.getValue()) {
+ if (LowerName.includes("thunder")) {
+ if (existedTicks <= 20) {
+ Client.showTitle("&r&6&l[&b&l&kO&6&l] THUNDER [&b&l&kO&6&l]", "", 0, 50, 10)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.fancySeaCreaturesAlertJawbus.getValue()) {
+ if (LowerName.includes("jawbus")) {
+ if (existedTicks <= 20) {
+ Client.showTitle("&r&6&l[&b&l&kO&6&l] LORD JAWBUS [&b&l&kO&6&l]", "", 0, 50, 10)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ warpCap() {
+ this.maxAmount = 0
+ this.warpedAgain = true
+ delay(8000, () => {
+ if (this.warpedAgain) {
+ this.warpedAgain = false
+ this.maxAmount = 12
+ }
+ })
+ }
updateItemLores() {
if (!this.itemWorth.getValue() && !this.showChampion.getValue() && !this.showHecatomb.getValue()) return;