diff options
12 files changed, 0 insertions, 1238 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/reviewDB/auth.tsx b/src/plugins/reviewDB/auth.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d95e47..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/reviewDB/auth.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- * Vencord, a Discord client mod
- * Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and contributors
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
- */
-import { DataStore } from "@api/index";
-import { Logger } from "@utils/Logger";
-import { openModal } from "@utils/modal";
-import { findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack";
-import { showToast, Toasts, UserStore } from "@webpack/common";
-import { ReviewDBAuth } from "./entities";
-const DATA_STORE_KEY = "rdb-auth";
-const OAuth = findByPropsLazy("OAuth2AuthorizeModal");
-export let Auth: ReviewDBAuth = {};
-export async function initAuth() {
- Auth = await getAuth() ?? {};
-export async function getAuth(): Promise<ReviewDBAuth | undefined> {
- const auth = await DataStore.get(DATA_STORE_KEY);
- return auth?.[UserStore.getCurrentUser()?.id];
-export async function getToken() {
- const auth = await getAuth();
- return auth?.token;
-export async function updateAuth(newAuth: ReviewDBAuth) {
- return DataStore.update(DATA_STORE_KEY, auth => {
- auth ??= {};
- Auth = auth[UserStore.getCurrentUser().id] ??= {};
- if (newAuth.token) Auth.token = newAuth.token;
- if (newAuth.user) Auth.user = newAuth.user;
- return auth;
- });
-export function authorize(callback?: any) {
- openModal(props =>
- <OAuth.OAuth2AuthorizeModal
- {...props}
- scopes={["identify"]}
- responseType="code"
- redirectUri="https://manti.vendicated.dev/api/reviewdb/auth"
- permissions={0n}
- clientId="915703782174752809"
- cancelCompletesFlow={false}
- callback={async (response: any) => {
- try {
- const url = new URL(response.location);
- url.searchParams.append("clientMod", "vencord");
- const res = await fetch(url, {
- headers: new Headers({ Accept: "application/json" })
- });
- const { token, success } = await res.json();
- if (success) {
- updateAuth({ token });
- showToast("Successfully logged in!");
- callback?.();
- } else if (res.status === 1) {
- showToast("An Error occurred while logging in.", Toasts.Type.FAILURE);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- new Logger("ReviewDB").error("Failed to authorize", e);
- }
- }}
- />
- );
diff --git a/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/MessageButton.tsx b/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/MessageButton.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 965fd1c..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/MessageButton.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
- * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import { DeleteIcon } from "@components/Icons";
-import { classes } from "@utils/misc";
-import { findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack";
-import { Tooltip } from "@webpack/common";
-const iconClasses = findByPropsLazy("button", "wrapper", "disabled", "separator");
-export function DeleteButton({ onClick }: { onClick(): void; }) {
- return (
- <Tooltip text="Delete Review">
- {props => (
- <div
- {...props}
- className={classes(iconClasses.button, iconClasses.dangerous)}
- onClick={onClick}
- >
- <DeleteIcon width="20" height="20" />
- </div>
- )}
- </Tooltip>
- );
-export function ReportButton({ onClick }: { onClick(): void; }) {
- return (
- <Tooltip text="Report Review">
- {props => (
- <div
- {...props}
- className={iconClasses.button}
- onClick={onClick}
- >
- <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
- <path
- fill="currentColor"
- d="M20,6.002H14V3.002C14,2.45 13.553,2.002 13,2.002H4C3.447,2.002 3,2.45 3,3.002V22.002H5V14.002H10.586L8.293,16.295C8.007,16.581 7.922,17.011 8.076,17.385C8.23,17.759 8.596,18.002 9,18.002H20C20.553,18.002 21,17.554 21,17.002V7.002C21,6.45 20.553,6.002 20,6.002Z"
- />
- </svg>
- </div>
- )}
- </Tooltip>
- );
diff --git a/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/ReviewBadge.tsx b/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/ReviewBadge.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c02c35..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/ReviewBadge.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
- * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import { MaskedLinkStore, Tooltip } from "@webpack/common";
-import { Badge } from "../entities";
-import { cl } from "../utils";
-export default function ReviewBadge(badge: Badge) {
- return (
- <Tooltip
- text={badge.name}>
- {({ onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave }) => (
- <img
- className={cl("badge")}
- width="22px"
- height="22px"
- onMouseEnter={onMouseEnter}
- onMouseLeave={onMouseLeave}
- src={badge.icon}
- alt={badge.description}
- onClick={() =>
- MaskedLinkStore.openUntrustedLink({
- href: badge.redirectURL,
- })
- }
- />
- )}
- </Tooltip>
- );
diff --git a/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/ReviewComponent.tsx b/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/ReviewComponent.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1865917..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/ReviewComponent.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
- * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
- * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import { openUserProfile } from "@utils/discord";
-import { classes } from "@utils/misc";
-import { LazyComponent } from "@utils/react";
-import { filters, findBulk } from "@webpack";
-import { Alerts, moment, Parser, showToast, Timestamp } from "@webpack/common";
-import { Review, ReviewType } from "../entities";
-import { deleteReview, reportReview } from "../reviewDbApi";
-import { settings } from "../settings";
-import { canDeleteReview, cl } from "../utils";
-import { DeleteButton, ReportButton } from "./MessageButton";
-import ReviewBadge from "./ReviewBadge";
-export default LazyComponent(() => {
- // this is terrible, blame mantika
- const p = filters.byProps;
- const [
- { cozyMessage, buttons, message, buttonsInner, groupStart },
- { container, isHeader },
- { avatar, clickable, username, wrapper, cozy },
- buttonClasses,
- botTag
- ] = findBulk(
- p("cozyMessage"),
- p("container", "isHeader"),
- p("avatar", "zalgo"),
- p("button", "wrapper", "selected"),
- p("botTag", "botTagRegular")
- );
- const dateFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat();
- return function ReviewComponent({ review, refetch, profileId }: { review: Review; refetch(): void; profileId: string; }) {
- function openModal() {
- openUserProfile(review.sender.discordID);
- }
- function delReview() {
- Alerts.show({
- title: "Are you sure?",
- body: "Do you really want to delete this review?",
- confirmText: "Delete",
- cancelText: "Nevermind",
- onConfirm: () => {
- deleteReview(review.id).then(res => {
- if (res.success) {
- refetch();
- }
- showToast(res.message);
- });
- }
- });
- }
- function reportRev() {
- Alerts.show({
- title: "Are you sure?",
- body: "Do you really you want to report this review?",
- confirmText: "Report",
- cancelText: "Nevermind",
- // confirmColor: "red", this just adds a class name and breaks the submit button guh
- onConfirm: () => reportReview(review.id)
- });
- }
- return (
- <div className={classes(cozyMessage, wrapper, message, groupStart, cozy, cl("review"))} style={
- {
- marginLeft: "0px",
- paddingLeft: "52px", // wth is this
- paddingRight: "16px"
- }
- }>
- <img
- className={classes(avatar, clickable)}
- onClick={openModal}
- src={review.sender.profilePhoto || "/assets/1f0bfc0865d324c2587920a7d80c609b.png?size=128"}
- style={{ left: "0px", zIndex: 0 }}
- />
- <div style={{ display: "inline-flex", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }}>
- <span
- className={classes(clickable, username)}
- style={{ color: "var(--channels-default)", fontSize: "14px" }}
- onClick={() => openModal()}
- >
- {review.sender.username}
- </span>
- {review.type === ReviewType.System && (
- <span
- className={classes(botTag.botTagVerified, botTag.botTagRegular, botTag.botTag, botTag.px, botTag.rem)}
- style={{ marginLeft: "4px" }}>
- <span className={botTag.botText}>
- System
- </span>
- </span>
- )}
- </div>
- {review.sender.badges.map(badge => <ReviewBadge {...badge} />)}
- {
- !settings.store.hideTimestamps && review.type !== ReviewType.System && (
- <Timestamp timestamp={moment(review.timestamp * 1000)} >
- {dateFormat.format(review.timestamp * 1000)}
- </Timestamp>)
- }
- <div className={cl("review-comment")}>
- {Parser.parseGuildEventDescription(review.comment)}
- </div>
- {review.id !== 0 && (
- <div className={classes(container, isHeader, buttons)} style={{
- padding: "0px",
- }}>
- <div className={classes(buttonClasses.wrapper, buttonsInner)} >
- <ReportButton onClick={reportRev} />
- {canDeleteReview(profileId, review) && (
- <DeleteButton onClick={delReview} />
- )}
- </div>
- </div>
- )}
- </div>
- );
- };
diff --git a/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/ReviewModal.tsx b/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/ReviewModal.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9669a2b..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/ReviewModal.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
- * Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and contributors
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary";
-import { ModalCloseButton, ModalContent, ModalFooter, ModalHeader, ModalRoot, ModalSize, openModal } from "@utils/modal";
-import { useForceUpdater } from "@utils/react";
-import { Paginator, Text, useRef, useState } from "@webpack/common";
-import { Auth } from "../auth";
-import { Response, REVIEWS_PER_PAGE } from "../reviewDbApi";
-import { cl } from "../utils";
-import ReviewComponent from "./ReviewComponent";
-import ReviewsView, { ReviewsInputComponent } from "./ReviewsView";
-function Modal({ modalProps, discordId, name }: { modalProps: any; discordId: string; name: string; }) {
- const [data, setData] = useState<Response>();
- const [signal, refetch] = useForceUpdater(true);
- const [page, setPage] = useState(1);
- const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
- const reviewCount = data?.reviewCount;
- const ownReview = data?.reviews.find(r => r.sender.discordID === Auth.user?.discordID);
- return (
- <ErrorBoundary>
- <ModalRoot {...modalProps} size={ModalSize.MEDIUM}>
- <ModalHeader>
- <Text variant="heading-lg/semibold" className={cl("modal-header")}>
- {name}'s Reviews
- {!!reviewCount && <span> ({reviewCount} Reviews)</span>}
- </Text>
- <ModalCloseButton onClick={modalProps.onClose} />
- </ModalHeader>
- <ModalContent scrollerRef={ref}>
- <div className={cl("modal-reviews")}>
- <ReviewsView
- discordId={discordId}
- name={name}
- page={page}
- refetchSignal={signal}
- onFetchReviews={setData}
- scrollToTop={() => ref.current?.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" })}
- hideOwnReview
- />
- </div>
- </ModalContent>
- <ModalFooter className={cl("modal-footer")}>
- <div>
- {ownReview && (
- <ReviewComponent
- refetch={refetch}
- review={ownReview}
- profileId={discordId}
- />
- )}
- <ReviewsInputComponent
- isAuthor={ownReview != null}
- discordId={discordId}
- name={name}
- refetch={refetch}
- />
- {!!reviewCount && (
- <Paginator
- currentPage={page}
- maxVisiblePages={5}
- totalCount={reviewCount}
- onPageChange={setPage}
- />
- )}
- </div>
- </ModalFooter>
- </ModalRoot>
- </ErrorBoundary>
- );
-export function openReviewsModal(discordId: string, name: string) {
- openModal(props => (
- <Modal
- modalProps={props}
- discordId={discordId}
- name={name}
- />
- ));
diff --git a/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/ReviewsView.tsx b/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/ReviewsView.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index a87598b..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/reviewDB/components/ReviewsView.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
- * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
- * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import { LazyComponent, useAwaiter, useForceUpdater } from "@utils/react";
-import { find, findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack";
-import { Forms, React, RelationshipStore, showToast, useRef, UserStore } from "@webpack/common";
-import { Auth, authorize } from "../auth";
-import { Review } from "../entities";
-import { addReview, getReviews, Response, REVIEWS_PER_PAGE } from "../reviewDbApi";
-import { settings } from "../settings";
-import { cl } from "../utils";
-import ReviewComponent from "./ReviewComponent";
-const Editor = findByPropsLazy("start", "end", "addMark");
-const Transform = findByPropsLazy("unwrapNodes");
-const InputTypes = findByPropsLazy("VOICE_CHANNEL_STATUS", "SIDEBAR");
-const InputComponent = LazyComponent(() => find(m => m?.type?.render?.toString().includes("CHANNEL_TEXT_AREA).AnalyticsLocationProvider")));
-interface UserProps {
- discordId: string;
- name: string;
-interface Props extends UserProps {
- onFetchReviews(data: Response): void;
- refetchSignal?: unknown;
- showInput?: boolean;
- page?: number;
- scrollToTop?(): void;
- hideOwnReview?: boolean;
-export default function ReviewsView({
- discordId,
- name,
- onFetchReviews,
- refetchSignal,
- scrollToTop,
- page = 1,
- showInput = false,
- hideOwnReview = false,
-}: Props) {
- const [signal, refetch] = useForceUpdater(true);
- const [reviewData] = useAwaiter(() => getReviews(discordId, (page - 1) * REVIEWS_PER_PAGE), {
- fallbackValue: null,
- deps: [refetchSignal, signal, page],
- onSuccess: data => {
- if (settings.store.hideBlockedUsers)
- data!.reviews = data!.reviews?.filter(r => !RelationshipStore.isBlocked(r.sender.discordID));
- scrollToTop?.();
- onFetchReviews(data!);
- }
- });
- if (!reviewData) return null;
- return (
- <>
- <ReviewList
- refetch={refetch}
- reviews={reviewData!.reviews}
- hideOwnReview={hideOwnReview}
- profileId={discordId}
- />
- {showInput && (
- <ReviewsInputComponent
- name={name}
- discordId={discordId}
- refetch={refetch}
- isAuthor={reviewData!.reviews?.some(r => r.sender.discordID === UserStore.getCurrentUser().id)}
- />
- )}
- </>
- );
-function ReviewList({ refetch, reviews, hideOwnReview, profileId }: { refetch(): void; reviews: Review[]; hideOwnReview: boolean; profileId: string; }) {
- const myId = UserStore.getCurrentUser().id;
- return (
- <div className={cl("view")}>
- {reviews?.map(review =>
- (review.sender.discordID !== myId || !hideOwnReview) &&
- <ReviewComponent
- key={review.id}
- review={review}
- refetch={refetch}
- profileId={profileId}
- />
- )}
- {reviews?.length === 0 && (
- <Forms.FormText className={cl("placeholder")}>
- Looks like nobody reviewed this user yet. You could be the first!
- </Forms.FormText>
- )}
- </div>
- );
-export function ReviewsInputComponent({ discordId, isAuthor, refetch, name }: { discordId: string, name: string; isAuthor: boolean; refetch(): void; }) {
- const { token } = Auth;
- const editorRef = useRef<any>(null);
- const inputType = InputTypes.FORM;
- inputType.disableAutoFocus = true;
- const channel = {
- flags_: 256,
- guild_id_: null,
- id: "0",
- getGuildId: () => null,
- isPrivate: () => true,
- isActiveThread: () => false,
- isArchivedLockedThread: () => false,
- isDM: () => true,
- roles: { "0": { permissions: 0n } },
- getRecipientId: () => "0",
- hasFlag: () => false,
- };
- return (
- <>
- <div onClick={() => {
- if (!token) {
- showToast("Opening authorization window...");
- authorize();
- }
- }}>
- <InputComponent
- className={cl("input")}
- channel={channel}
- placeholder={
- !token
- ? "You need to authorize to review users!"
- : isAuthor
- ? `Update review for @${name}`
- : `Review @${name}`
- }
- type={inputType}
- disableThemedBackground={true}
- setEditorRef={ref => editorRef.current = ref}
- textValue=""
- onSubmit={
- async res => {
- const response = await addReview({
- userid: discordId,
- comment: res.value,
- });
- if (response?.success) {
- refetch();
- const slateEditor = editorRef.current.ref.current.getSlateEditor();
- // clear editor
- Transform.delete(slateEditor, {
- at: {
- anchor: Editor.start(slateEditor, []),
- focus: Editor.end(slateEditor, []),
- }
- });
- } else if (response?.message) {
- showToast(response.message);
- }
- // even tho we need to return this, it doesnt do anything
- return {
- shouldClear: false,
- shouldRefocus: true,
- };
- }
- }
- />
- </div>
- </>
- );
diff --git a/src/plugins/reviewDB/entities.ts b/src/plugins/reviewDB/entities.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a77fef..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/reviewDB/entities.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
- * Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and contributors
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-export const enum UserType {
- Banned = -1,
- Normal = 0,
- Admin = 1
-export const enum ReviewType {
- User = 0,
- Server = 1,
- Support = 2,
- System = 3
-export const enum NotificationType {
- Info = 0,
- Ban = 1,
- Unban = 2,
- Warning = 3
-export interface ReviewDBAuth {
- token?: string;
- user?: ReviewDBUser;
-export interface Badge {
- name: string;
- description: string;
- icon: string;
- redirectURL: string;
- type: number;
-export interface BanInfo {
- id: string;
- discordID: string;
- reviewID: number;
- reviewContent: string;
- banEndDate: number;
-export interface Notification {
- id: number;
- title: string;
- content: string;
- type: NotificationType;
-export interface ReviewDBUser {
- ID: number;
- discordID: string;
- username: string;
- profilePhoto: string;
- clientMod: string;
- warningCount: number;
- badges: any[];
- banInfo: BanInfo | null;
- notification: Notification | null;
- lastReviewID: number;
- type: UserType;
-export interface ReviewAuthor {
- id: number,
- discordID: string,
- username: string,
- profilePhoto: string,
- badges: Badge[];
-export interface Review {
- comment: string,
- id: number,
- star: number,
- sender: ReviewAuthor,
- timestamp: number;
- type?: ReviewType;
diff --git a/src/plugins/reviewDB/index.tsx b/src/plugins/reviewDB/index.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index b9350ba..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/reviewDB/index.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
- * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
- * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import "./style.css";
-import { addContextMenuPatch, NavContextMenuPatchCallback, removeContextMenuPatch } from "@api/ContextMenu";
-import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary";
-import ExpandableHeader from "@components/ExpandableHeader";
-import { OpenExternalIcon } from "@components/Icons";
-import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
-import { Logger } from "@utils/Logger";
-import definePlugin from "@utils/types";
-import { Alerts, Menu, Parser, showToast, useState } from "@webpack/common";
-import { Guild, User } from "discord-types/general";
-import { Auth, initAuth, updateAuth } from "./auth";
-import { openReviewsModal } from "./components/ReviewModal";
-import ReviewsView from "./components/ReviewsView";
-import { NotificationType } from "./entities";
-import { getCurrentUserInfo, readNotification } from "./reviewDbApi";
-import { settings } from "./settings";
-const guildPopoutPatch: NavContextMenuPatchCallback = (children, props: { guild: Guild, onClose(): void; }) => () => {
- children.push(
- <Menu.MenuItem
- label="View Reviews"
- id="vc-rdb-server-reviews"
- icon={OpenExternalIcon}
- action={() => openReviewsModal(props.guild.id, props.guild.name)}
- />
- );
-export default definePlugin({
- name: "ReviewDB",
- description: "Review other users (Adds a new settings to profiles)",
- authors: [Devs.mantikafasi, Devs.Ven],
- settings,
- patches: [
- {
- find: "disableBorderColor:!0",
- replacement: {
- match: /\(.{0,10}\{user:(.),setNote:.,canDM:.,.+?\}\)/,
- replace: "$&,$self.getReviewsComponent($1)"
- }
- }
- ],
- flux: {
- },
- async start() {
- addContextMenuPatch("guild-header-popout", guildPopoutPatch);
- const s = settings.store;
- const { lastReviewId, notifyReviews } = s;
- const legacy = s as any as { token?: string; };
- if (legacy.token) {
- await updateAuth({ token: legacy.token });
- legacy.token = undefined;
- new Logger("ReviewDB").info("Migrated legacy settings");
- }
- await initAuth();
- setTimeout(async () => {
- if (!Auth.token) return;
- const user = await getCurrentUserInfo(Auth.token);
- updateAuth({ user });
- if (notifyReviews) {
- if (lastReviewId && lastReviewId < user.lastReviewID) {
- s.lastReviewId = user.lastReviewID;
- if (user.lastReviewID !== 0)
- showToast("You have new reviews on your profile!");
- }
- }
- if (user.notification) {
- const props = user.notification.type === NotificationType.Ban ? {
- cancelText: "Appeal",
- confirmText: "Ok",
- onCancel: async () =>
- VencordNative.native.openExternal(
- "https://reviewdb.mantikafasi.dev/api/redirect?"
- + new URLSearchParams({
- token: Auth.token!,
- page: "dashboard/appeal"
- })
- )
- } : {};
- Alerts.show({
- title: user.notification.title,
- body: (
- Parser.parse(
- user.notification.content,
- false
- )
- ),
- ...props
- });
- readNotification(user.notification.id);
- }
- }, 4000);
- },
- stop() {
- removeContextMenuPatch("guild-header-popout", guildPopoutPatch);
- },
- getReviewsComponent: ErrorBoundary.wrap((user: User) => {
- const [reviewCount, setReviewCount] = useState<number>();
- return (
- <ExpandableHeader
- headerText="User Reviews"
- onMoreClick={() => openReviewsModal(user.id, user.username)}
- moreTooltipText={
- reviewCount && reviewCount > 50
- ? `View all ${reviewCount} reviews`
- : "Open Review Modal"
- }
- onDropDownClick={state => settings.store.reviewsDropdownState = !state}
- defaultState={settings.store.reviewsDropdownState}
- >
- <ReviewsView
- discordId={user.id}
- name={user.username}
- onFetchReviews={r => setReviewCount(r.reviewCount)}
- showInput
- />
- </ExpandableHeader>
- );
- }, { message: "Failed to render Reviews" })
diff --git a/src/plugins/reviewDB/reviewDbApi.ts b/src/plugins/reviewDB/reviewDbApi.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index add16dd..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/reviewDB/reviewDbApi.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
- * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import { showToast, Toasts } from "@webpack/common";
-import { authorize, getToken } from "./auth";
-import { Review, ReviewDBUser } from "./entities";
-import { settings } from "./settings";
-const API_URL = "https://manti.vendicated.dev";
-export const REVIEWS_PER_PAGE = 50;
-export interface Response {
- success: boolean,
- message: string;
- reviews: Review[];
- updated: boolean;
- hasNextPage: boolean;
- reviewCount: number;
-const WarningFlag = 0b00000010;
-export async function getReviews(id: string, offset = 0): Promise<Response> {
- let flags = 0;
- if (!settings.store.showWarning) flags |= WarningFlag;
- const params = new URLSearchParams({
- flags: String(flags),
- offset: String(offset)
- });
- const req = await fetch(`${API_URL}/api/reviewdb/users/${id}/reviews?${params}`);
- const res = (req.status === 200)
- ? await req.json() as Response
- : {
- success: false,
- message: "An Error occured while fetching reviews. Please try again later.",
- reviews: [],
- updated: false,
- hasNextPage: false,
- reviewCount: 0
- };
- if (!res.success) {
- showToast(res.message, Toasts.Type.FAILURE);
- return {
- ...res,
- reviews: [
- {
- id: 0,
- comment: "An Error occured while fetching reviews. Please try again later.",
- star: 0,
- timestamp: 0,
- sender: {
- id: 0,
- username: "Error",
- profilePhoto: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1045394533384462377/1084900598035513447/646808599204593683.png?size=128",
- discordID: "0",
- badges: []
- }
- }
- ]
- };
- }
- return res;
-export async function addReview(review: any): Promise<Response | null> {
- review.token = await getToken();
- if (!review.token) {
- showToast("Please authorize to add a review.");
- authorize();
- return null;
- }
- return fetch(API_URL + `/api/reviewdb/users/${review.userid}/reviews`, {
- method: "PUT",
- body: JSON.stringify(review),
- headers: {
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- }
- })
- .then(r => r.json())
- .then(res => {
- showToast(res.message);
- return res ?? null;
- });
-export async function deleteReview(id: number): Promise<Response> {
- return fetch(API_URL + `/api/reviewdb/users/${id}/reviews`, {
- method: "DELETE",
- headers: new Headers({
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- Accept: "application/json",
- }),
- body: JSON.stringify({
- token: await getToken(),
- reviewid: id
- })
- }).then(r => r.json());
-export async function reportReview(id: number) {
- const res = await fetch(API_URL + "/api/reviewdb/reports", {
- method: "PUT",
- headers: new Headers({
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- Accept: "application/json",
- }),
- body: JSON.stringify({
- reviewid: id,
- token: await getToken()
- })
- }).then(r => r.json()) as Response;
- showToast(res.message);
-export function getCurrentUserInfo(token: string): Promise<ReviewDBUser> {
- return fetch(API_URL + "/api/reviewdb/users", {
- body: JSON.stringify({ token }),
- method: "POST",
- }).then(r => r.json());
-export async function readNotification(id: number) {
- return fetch(API_URL + `/api/reviewdb/notifications?id=${id}`, {
- method: "PATCH",
- headers: {
- "Authorization": await getToken() || "",
- },
- });
diff --git a/src/plugins/reviewDB/settings.tsx b/src/plugins/reviewDB/settings.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index cf61a38..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/reviewDB/settings.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
- * Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and contributors
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/Settings";
-import { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
-import { Button } from "@webpack/common";
-import { authorize, getToken } from "./auth";
-export const settings = definePluginSettings({
- authorize: {
- type: OptionType.COMPONENT,
- description: "Authorize with ReviewDB",
- component: () => (
- <Button onClick={authorize}>
- Authorize with ReviewDB
- </Button>
- )
- },
- notifyReviews: {
- type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
- description: "Notify about new reviews on startup",
- default: true,
- },
- showWarning: {
- type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
- description: "Display warning to be respectful at the top of the reviews list",
- default: true,
- },
- hideTimestamps: {
- type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
- description: "Hide timestamps on reviews",
- default: false,
- },
- hideBlockedUsers: {
- type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
- description: "Hide reviews from blocked users",
- default: true,
- },
- website: {
- type: OptionType.COMPONENT,
- description: "ReviewDB website",
- component: () => (
- <Button onClick={async () => {
- let url = "https://reviewdb.mantikafasi.dev/";
- const token = await getToken();
- if (token)
- url += "/api/redirect?token=" + encodeURIComponent(token);
- VencordNative.native.openExternal(url);
- }}>
- ReviewDB website
- </Button>
- )
- },
- supportServer: {
- type: OptionType.COMPONENT,
- description: "ReviewDB Support Server",
- component: () => (
- <Button onClick={() => {
- VencordNative.native.openExternal("https://discord.gg/eWPBSbvznt");
- }}>
- ReviewDB Support Server
- </Button>
- )
- }
- lastReviewId?: number;
- reviewsDropdownState?: boolean;
diff --git a/src/plugins/reviewDB/style.css b/src/plugins/reviewDB/style.css
deleted file mode 100644
index f4d890f..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/reviewDB/style.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-[class|="section"]:not([class|="lastSection"]) + .vc-rdb-view {
- margin-top: 12px;
-.vc-rdb-badge {
- vertical-align: middle;
- margin-left: 4px;
-.vc-rdb-input {
- margin-top: 6px;
- margin-bottom: 12px;
- resize: none;
- overflow: hidden;
- background: transparent;
- border: 1px solid var(--profile-message-input-border-color);
-.vc-rdb-modal-footer > div {
- width: 100%;
- margin: 6px 16px;
-/* When input becomes disabled(while sending review), input adds unneccesary padding to left, this prevents it */
-.vc-rdb-input > div > div {
- padding-left: 0 !important;
-.vc-rdb-placeholder {
- margin-bottom: 4px;
- font-weight: bold;
- font-style: italic;
- color: var(--text-muted);
-.vc-rdb-input * {
- font-size: 14px;
-.vc-rdb-modal-footer {
- padding: 0;
-.vc-rdb-modal-footer .vc-rdb-input {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- background: var(--input-background);
-.vc-rdb-modal-footer [class|="pageControlContainer"] {
- margin-top: 0;
-.vc-rdb-modal-header {
- flex-grow: 1;
-.vc-rdb-modal-reviews {
- margin-top: 16px;
-.vc-rdb-review {
- margin-top: 8px;
- margin-bottom: 8px;
-.vc-rdb-review-comment img {
- vertical-align: text-top;
-.vc-rdb-review-comment {
- overflow-y: hidden;
- margin-top: 1px;
- margin-bottom: 8px;
- color: var(--text-normal);
- font-size: 15px;
diff --git a/src/plugins/reviewDB/utils.tsx b/src/plugins/reviewDB/utils.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index ab66d53..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/reviewDB/utils.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
- * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import { classNameFactory } from "@api/Styles";
-import { UserStore } from "@webpack/common";
-import { Auth } from "./auth";
-import { Review, UserType } from "./entities";
-export const cl = classNameFactory("vc-rdb-");
-export function canDeleteReview(profileId: string, review: Review) {
- const myId = UserStore.getCurrentUser().id;
- return (
- myId === profileId
- || review.sender.discordID === profileId
- || Auth.user?.type === UserType.Admin
- );