path: root/src/plugins/emoteCloner.tsx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/emoteCloner.tsx')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/emoteCloner.tsx b/src/plugins/emoteCloner.tsx
index 0d65148..521ed86 100644
--- a/src/plugins/emoteCloner.tsx
+++ b/src/plugins/emoteCloner.tsx
@@ -21,17 +21,102 @@ import { CheckedTextInput } from "@components/CheckedTextInput";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import { Logger } from "@utils/Logger";
import { Margins } from "@utils/margins";
-import { ModalContent, ModalHeader, ModalRoot, openModal } from "@utils/modal";
+import { ModalContent, ModalHeader, ModalRoot, openModalLazy } from "@utils/modal";
import definePlugin from "@utils/types";
-import { findByCodeLazy, findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack";
-import { Forms, GuildStore, Menu, PermissionStore, React, Toasts, Tooltip, UserStore } from "@webpack/common";
+import { findByCodeLazy, findStoreLazy } from "@webpack";
+import { FluxDispatcher, Forms, GuildStore, Menu, PermissionStore, React, RestAPI, Toasts, Tooltip, UserStore } from "@webpack/common";
+import { Promisable } from "type-fest";
-const GuildEmojiStore = findByPropsLazy("getGuilds", "getGuildEmoji");
+const GuildEmojiStore = findStoreLazy("EmojiStore");
+const StickersStore = findStoreLazy("StickersStore");
const uploadEmoji = findByCodeLazy('"EMOJI_UPLOAD_START"', "GUILD_EMOJIS(");
-function getGuildCandidates(isAnimated: boolean) {
+interface Sticker {
+ t: "Sticker";
+ description: string;
+ format_type: number;
+ guild_id: string;
+ id: string;
+ name: string;
+ tags: string;
+ type: number;
+interface Emoji {
+ t: "Emoji";
+ id: string;
+ name: string;
+ isAnimated: boolean;
+type Data = Emoji | Sticker;
+const StickerExt = [, "png", "png", "json", "gif"] as const;
+function getUrl(data: Data) {
+ if (data.t === "Emoji")
+ return `${location.protocol}//${window.GLOBAL_ENV.CDN_HOST}/emojis/${data.id}.${data.isAnimated ? "gif" : "png"}`;
+ return `${location.origin}/stickers/${data.id}.${StickerExt[data.format_type]}`;
+async function fetchSticker(id: string) {
+ const cached = StickersStore.getStickerById(id);
+ if (cached) return cached;
+ const { body } = await RestAPI.get({
+ url: `/stickers/${id}`
+ });
+ FluxDispatcher.dispatch({
+ sticker: body
+ });
+ return body as Sticker;
+async function cloneSticker(guildId: string, sticker: Sticker) {
+ const data = new FormData();
+ data.append("name", sticker.name);
+ data.append("tags", sticker.tags);
+ data.append("description", sticker.description);
+ data.append("file", await fetchBlob(getUrl(sticker)));
+ const { body } = await RestAPI.post({
+ url: `/guilds/${guildId}/stickers`,
+ body: data,
+ });
+ FluxDispatcher.dispatch({
+ guildId,
+ sticker: {
+ ...body,
+ user: UserStore.getCurrentUser()
+ }
+ });
+async function cloneEmoji(guildId: string, emoji: Emoji) {
+ const data = await fetchBlob(getUrl(emoji));
+ const dataUrl = await new Promise<string>(resolve => {
+ const reader = new FileReader();
+ reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result as string);
+ reader.readAsDataURL(data);
+ });
+ return uploadEmoji({
+ guildId,
+ name: emoji.name.split("~")[0],
+ image: dataUrl
+ });
+function getGuildCandidates(data: Data) {
const meId = UserStore.getCurrentUser().id;
return Object.values(GuildStore.getGuilds()).filter(g => {
@@ -39,6 +124,10 @@ function getGuildCandidates(isAnimated: boolean) {
BigInt(PermissionStore.getGuildPermissions({ id: g.id }) & MANAGE_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS) === MANAGE_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS;
if (!canCreate) return false;
+ if (data.t === "Sticker") return true;
+ const { isAnimated } = data as Emoji;
const emojiSlots = g.getMaxEmojiSlots();
const { emojis } = GuildEmojiStore.getGuilds()[g.id];
@@ -49,33 +138,34 @@ function getGuildCandidates(isAnimated: boolean) {
}).sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
-async function doClone(guildId: string, id: string, name: string, isAnimated: boolean) {
- const data = await fetch(`${location.protocol}//${window.GLOBAL_ENV.CDN_HOST}/emojis/${id}.${isAnimated ? "gif" : "png"}`)
- .then(r => r.blob());
- const reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onload = () => {
- uploadEmoji({
- guildId,
- name: name.split("~")[0],
- image: reader.result
- }).then(() => {
- Toasts.show({
- message: `Successfully cloned ${name}!`,
- type: Toasts.Type.SUCCESS,
- id: Toasts.genId()
- });
- }).catch((e: any) => {
- new Logger("EmoteCloner").error("Failed to upload emoji", e);
- Toasts.show({
- message: "Oopsie something went wrong :( Check console!!!",
- type: Toasts.Type.FAILURE,
- id: Toasts.genId()
- });
- });
- };
+async function fetchBlob(url: string) {
+ const res = await fetch(url);
+ if (!res.ok)
+ throw new Error(`Failed to fetch ${url} - ${res.status}`);
- reader.readAsDataURL(data);
+ return res.blob();
+async function doClone(guildId: string, data: Sticker | Emoji) {
+ try {
+ if (data.t === "Sticker")
+ await cloneSticker(guildId, data);
+ else
+ await cloneEmoji(guildId, data);
+ Toasts.show({
+ message: `Successfully cloned ${data.name} to ${GuildStore.getGuild(guildId)?.name ?? "your server"}!`,
+ type: Toasts.Type.SUCCESS,
+ id: Toasts.genId()
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ new Logger("EmoteCloner").error("Failed to clone", data.name, "to", guildId, e);
+ Toasts.show({
+ message: "Oopsie something went wrong :( Check console!!!",
+ type: Toasts.Type.FAILURE,
+ id: Toasts.genId()
+ });
+ }
const getFontSize = (s: string) => {
@@ -86,20 +176,23 @@ const getFontSize = (s: string) => {
const nameValidator = /^\w+$/i;
-function CloneModal({ id, name: emojiName, isAnimated }: { id: string; name: string; isAnimated: boolean; }) {
+function CloneModal({ data }: { data: Sticker | Emoji; }) {
const [isCloning, setIsCloning] = React.useState(false);
- const [name, setName] = React.useState(emojiName);
+ const [name, setName] = React.useState(data.name);
const [x, invalidateMemo] = React.useReducer(x => x + 1, 0);
- const guilds = React.useMemo(() => getGuildCandidates(isAnimated), [isAnimated, x]);
+ const guilds = React.useMemo(() => getGuildCandidates(data), [data.id, x]);
return (
<Forms.FormTitle className={Margins.top20}>Custom Name</Forms.FormTitle>
- onChange={setName}
+ onChange={v => {
+ data.name = v;
+ setName(v);
+ }}
validate={v =>
(v.length > 1 && v.length < 32 && nameValidator.test(v))
|| "Name must be between 2 and 32 characters and only contain alphanumeric characters"
@@ -135,7 +228,7 @@ function CloneModal({ id, name: emojiName, isAnimated }: { id: string; name: str
onClick={isCloning ? void 0 : async () => {
- doClone(g.id, id, name, isAnimated).finally(() => {
+ doClone(g.id, data).finally(() => {
@@ -175,32 +268,38 @@ function CloneModal({ id, name: emojiName, isAnimated }: { id: string; name: str
-function buildMenuItem(id: string, name: string, isAnimated: boolean) {
+function buildMenuItem(type: "Emoji" | "Sticker", fetchData: () => Promisable<Omit<Sticker | Emoji, "t">>) {
return (
- label="Clone Emote"
+ label={`Clone ${type}`}
action={() =>
- openModal(modalProps => (
- <ModalRoot {...modalProps}>
- <ModalHeader>
- <img
- role="presentation"
- aria-hidden
- src={`${location.protocol}//${window.GLOBAL_ENV.CDN_HOST}/emojis/${id}.${isAnimated ? "gif" : "png"}`}
- alt=""
- height={24}
- width={24}
- style={{ marginRight: "0.5em" }}
- />
- <Forms.FormText>Clone {name}</Forms.FormText>
- </ModalHeader>
- <ModalContent>
- <CloneModal id={id} name={name} isAnimated={isAnimated} />
- </ModalContent>
- </ModalRoot>
- ))
+ openModalLazy(async () => {
+ const res = await fetchData();
+ const data = { t: type, ...res } as Sticker | Emoji;
+ const url = getUrl(data);
+ return modalProps => (
+ <ModalRoot {...modalProps}>
+ <ModalHeader>
+ <img
+ role="presentation"
+ aria-hidden
+ src={url}
+ alt=""
+ height={24}
+ width={24}
+ style={{ marginRight: "0.5em" }}
+ />
+ <Forms.FormText>Clone {data.name}</Forms.FormText>
+ </ModalHeader>
+ <ModalContent>
+ <CloneModal data={data} />
+ </ModalContent>
+ </ModalRoot>
+ );
+ })
@@ -213,28 +312,53 @@ function isGifUrl(url: string) {
const messageContextMenuPatch: NavContextMenuPatchCallback = (children, props) => () => {
const { favoriteableId, itemHref, itemSrc, favoriteableType } = props ?? {};
- if (!favoriteableId || favoriteableType !== "emoji") return;
+ if (!favoriteableId) return;
+ const menuItem = (() => {
+ switch (favoriteableType) {
+ case "emoji":
+ const match = props.message.content.match(RegExp(`<a?:(\\w+)(?:~\\d+)?:${favoriteableId}>|https://cdn\\.discordapp\\.com/emojis/${favoriteableId}\\.`));
+ if (!match) return;
+ const name = match[1] ?? "FakeNitroEmoji";
- const match = props.message.content.match(RegExp(`<a?:(\\w+)(?:~\\d+)?:${favoriteableId}>|https://cdn\\.discordapp\\.com/emojis/${favoriteableId}\\.`));
- if (!match) return;
- const name = match[1] ?? "FakeNitroEmoji";
+ return buildMenuItem("Emoji", () => ({
+ id: favoriteableId,
+ name,
+ isAnimated: isGifUrl(itemHref ?? itemSrc)
+ }));
+ case "sticker":
+ const sticker = props.message.stickerItems.find(s => s.id === favoriteableId);
+ if (sticker?.format_type === 3 /* LOTTIE */) return;
- const group = findGroupChildrenByChildId("copy-link", children);
- if (group) group.push(buildMenuItem(favoriteableId, name, isGifUrl(itemHref ?? itemSrc)));
+ return buildMenuItem("Sticker", () => fetchSticker(favoriteableId));
+ }
+ })();
+ if (menuItem)
+ findGroupChildrenByChildId("copy-link", children)?.push(menuItem);
const expressionPickerPatch: NavContextMenuPatchCallback = (children, props: { target: HTMLElement; }) => () => {
const { id, name, type } = props?.target?.dataset ?? {};
- if (!id || !name || type !== "emoji") return;
+ if (!id) return;
- const firstChild = props.target.firstChild as HTMLImageElement;
+ if (type === "emoji" && name) {
+ const firstChild = props.target.firstChild as HTMLImageElement;
- children.push(buildMenuItem(id, name, firstChild && isGifUrl(firstChild.src)));
+ children.push(buildMenuItem("Emoji", () => ({
+ id,
+ name,
+ isAnimated: firstChild && isGifUrl(firstChild.src)
+ })));
+ } else if (type === "sticker" && !props.target.className?.includes("lottieCanvas")) {
+ children.push(buildMenuItem("Sticker", () => fetchSticker(id)));
+ }
export default definePlugin({
name: "EmoteCloner",
- description: "Adds a Clone context menu item to emotes to clone them your own server",
+ description: "Allows you to clone Emotes & Stickers to your own server (right click them)",
+ tags: ["StickerCloner"],
authors: [Devs.Ven, Devs.Nuckyz],
start() {