path: root/forge/build.gradle.kts
diff options
authorisXander <xandersmith2008@gmail.com>2023-12-07 18:34:17 +0000
committerisXander <xandersmith2008@gmail.com>2023-12-07 18:34:17 +0000
commita694321b8952a64d43134961d58fb60e1adc0cf5 (patch)
tree5c870d853cc796771c5a1bda0c3ebdd2885a585f /forge/build.gradle.kts
parent7c8661265e7116be46467b4f37f1bbcb31569ecc (diff)
1.20.4 + Migrate from Forge platform to NeoForge platform
Diffstat (limited to 'forge/build.gradle.kts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/forge/build.gradle.kts b/forge/build.gradle.kts
deleted file mode 100644
index d4f4c0e..0000000
--- a/forge/build.gradle.kts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-import org.gradle.api.component.AdhocComponentWithVariants
-import org.gradle.jvm.tasks.Jar
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.get
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.libs
-plugins {
- alias(libs.plugins.architectury.loom)
- alias(libs.plugins.shadow)
- alias(libs.plugins.minotaur)
- alias(libs.plugins.cursegradle)
-architectury {
- platformSetupLoomIde()
- forge()
-loom {
- silentMojangMappingsLicense()
- accessWidenerPath.set(project(":common").loom.accessWidenerPath)
- forge {
- mixinConfig("yacl.mixins.json")
- convertAccessWideners.set(true)
- extraAccessWideners.add(loom.accessWidenerPath.get().asFile.name)
- }
-val common by configurations.registering
-val shadowCommon by configurations.registering
-val minecraftVersion: String = libs.versions.minecraft.get()
-dependencies {
- minecraft(libs.minecraft)
- mappings(loom.layered {
- val qm = libs.versions.quilt.mappings.get()
- if (qm != "0")
- mappings("org.quiltmc:quilt-mappings:${libs.versions.minecraft.get()}+build.${libs.versions.quilt.mappings.get()}:intermediary-v2")
- officialMojangMappings()
- })
- forge(libs.forge)
- libs.bundles.twelvemonkeys.imageio.let {
- implementation(it)
- include(it)
- forgeRuntimeLibrary(it)
- }
- libs.bundles.quilt.parsers.let {
- implementation(it)
- include(it)
- forgeRuntimeLibrary(it)
- }
- "common"(project(path = ":common", configuration = "namedElements")) { isTransitive = false }
- "shadowCommon"(project(path = ":common", configuration = "transformProductionForge")) { isTransitive = false }
-java {
- withSourcesJar()
-tasks {
- processResources {
- val modId: String by rootProject
- val modName: String by rootProject
- val modDescription: String by rootProject
- val githubProject: String by rootProject
- val majorForge = libs.versions.forge.get().substringAfter('-').split('.').first()
- inputs.property("id", modId)
- inputs.property("group", project.group)
- inputs.property("name", modName)
- inputs.property("description", modDescription)
- inputs.property("version", project.version)
- inputs.property("github", githubProject)
- inputs.property("major_forge", majorForge)
- filesMatching(listOf("META-INF/mods.toml", "pack.mcmeta")) {
- expand(
- "id" to modId,
- "group" to project.group,
- "name" to modName,
- "description" to modDescription,
- "version" to project.version,
- "github" to githubProject,
- "major_forge" to majorForge,
- )
- }
- }
- shadowJar {
- exclude("fabric.mod.json")
- exclude("architectury.common.json")
- configurations = listOf(shadowCommon.get())
- archiveClassifier.set("dev-shadow")
- }
- remapJar {
- injectAccessWidener.set(true)
- inputFile.set(shadowJar.get().archiveFile)
- dependsOn(shadowJar)
- archiveClassifier.set(null as String?)
- from(rootProject.file("LICENSE"))
- }
- named<Jar>("sourcesJar") {
- archiveClassifier.set("dev-sources")
- val commonSources = project(":common").tasks.named<Jar>("sourcesJar")
- dependsOn(commonSources)
- from(commonSources.get().archiveFile.map { zipTree(it) })
- }
- remapSourcesJar {
- archiveClassifier.set("sources")
- }
- jar {
- archiveClassifier.set("dev")
- }
-components["java"].run {
- if (this is AdhocComponentWithVariants) {
- withVariantsFromConfiguration(configurations["shadowRuntimeElements"]) {
- skip()
- }
- }
-val changelogText: String by ext
-val isBeta: Boolean by ext
-val modrinthId: String by project
-if (modrinthId.isNotEmpty()) {
- modrinth {
- token.set(findProperty("modrinth.token")?.toString())
- projectId.set(modrinthId)
- versionName.set("${project.version} (Forge)")
- versionNumber.set("${project.version}-forge")
- versionType.set(if (isBeta) "beta" else "release")
- uploadFile.set(tasks["remapJar"])
- gameVersions.set(listOf("1.20.2"))
- loaders.set(listOf("forge", "neoforge"))
- changelog.set(changelogText)
- syncBodyFrom.set(rootProject.file("README.md").readText())
- }
-val curseforgeId: String by project
-if (hasProperty("curseforge.token") && curseforgeId.isNotEmpty()) {
- curseforge {
- apiKey = findProperty("curseforge.token")
- project(closureOf<me.hypherionmc.cursegradle.CurseProject> {
- mainArtifact(tasks["remapJar"], closureOf<me.hypherionmc.cursegradle.CurseArtifact> {
- displayName = "[Forge] ${project.version}"
- })
- id = curseforgeId
- releaseType = if (isBeta) "beta" else "release"
- addGameVersion("1.20.2")
- addGameVersion("Forge")
- addGameVersion("NeoForge")
- addGameVersion("Java 17")
- changelog = changelogText
- changelogType = "markdown"
- })
- options(closureOf<me.hypherionmc.cursegradle.Options> {
- forgeGradleIntegration = false
- fabricIntegration = false
- })
- }
-publishing {
- publications {
- create<MavenPublication>("forge") {
- groupId = "dev.isxander.yacl"
- artifactId = "yet-another-config-lib-forge"
- from(components["java"])
- }
- }
-tasks.findByPath("publishForgePublicationToReleasesRepository")?.let {
- rootProject.tasks["releaseMod"].dependsOn(it)