path: root/src/main
diff options
authorXander <xander@isxander.dev>2022-12-09 16:31:25 +0000
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-12-09 16:31:25 +0000
commite4856a17133b0567d09cb6db3821674491d57e64 (patch)
tree0c59597708b3ea9f402ba119490537b5c18fdb93 /src/main
parente1f6d190d862dd86c251fdd5726efe99f8ec1baf (diff)
parent49ff470de36e719d5b963de405de891eca2b69d1 (diff)
Merge pull request #38 from isXander/update/1.19.3
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main')
54 files changed, 13 insertions, 4943 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/Binding.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/Binding.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 395beb2..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/Binding.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.api;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.impl.GenericBindingImpl;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.mixin.SimpleOptionAccessor;
-import net.minecraft.client.option.SimpleOption;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
-import java.util.function.Consumer;
-import java.util.function.Supplier;
- * Controls modifying the bound option.
- * Provides the default value, a setter and a getter.
- */
-public interface Binding<T> {
- void setValue(T value);
- T getValue();
- T defaultValue();
- /**
- * Creates a generic binding.
- *
- * @param def default value of the option, used to reset
- * @param getter should return the current value of the option
- * @param setter should set the option to the supplied value
- */
- static <T> Binding<T> generic(T def, Supplier<T> getter, Consumer<T> setter) {
- Validate.notNull(def, "`def` must not be null");
- Validate.notNull(getter, "`getter` must not be null");
- Validate.notNull(setter, "`setter` must not be null");
- return new GenericBindingImpl<>(def, getter, setter);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a {@link Binding} for Minecraft's {@link SimpleOption}
- */
- static <T> Binding<T> minecraft(SimpleOption<T> minecraftOption) {
- Validate.notNull(minecraftOption, "`minecraftOption` must not be null");
- return new GenericBindingImpl<>(
- ((SimpleOptionAccessor<T>) (Object) minecraftOption).getDefaultValue(),
- minecraftOption::getValue,
- minecraftOption::setValue
- );
- }
- /**
- * Creates an immutable binding that has no default and cannot be modified.
- *
- * @param value the value for the binding
- */
- static <T> Binding<T> immutable(T value) {
- Validate.notNull(value, "`value` must not be null");
- return new GenericBindingImpl<>(
- value,
- () -> value,
- changed -> {}
- );
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/ButtonOption.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/ButtonOption.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1124a9a..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/ButtonOption.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.api;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.impl.ButtonOptionImpl;
-import net.minecraft.text.MutableText;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
-import java.util.function.Consumer;
-import java.util.function.Function;
-public interface ButtonOption extends Option<BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption>> {
- /**
- * Action to be executed upon button press
- */
- BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption> action();
- static Builder createBuilder() {
- return new Builder();
- }
- class Builder {
- private Text name;
- private final List<Text> tooltipLines = new ArrayList<>();
- private boolean available = true;
- private Function<ButtonOption, Controller<BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption>>> controlGetter;
- private BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption> action;
- private Builder() {
- }
- /**
- * Sets the name to be used by the option.
- *
- * @see Option#name()
- */
- public Builder name(@NotNull Text name) {
- Validate.notNull(name, "`name` cannot be null");
- this.name = name;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the tooltip to be used by the option.
- * Can be invoked twice to append more lines.
- * No need to wrap the text yourself, the gui does this itself.
- *
- * @param tooltips text lines - merged with a new-line on {@link Option.Builder#build()}.
- */
- public Builder tooltip(@NotNull Text... tooltips) {
- Validate.notNull(tooltips, "`tooltips` cannot be empty");
- tooltipLines.addAll(List.of(tooltips));
- return this;
- }
- public Builder action(@NotNull BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption> action) {
- Validate.notNull(action, "`action` cannot be null");
- this.action = action;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Action to be executed upon button press
- *
- * @see ButtonOption#action()
- */
- @Deprecated
- public Builder action(@NotNull Consumer<YACLScreen> action) {
- Validate.notNull(action, "`action` cannot be null");
- this.action = (screen, button) -> action.accept(screen);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Sets if the option can be configured
- *
- * @see Option#available()
- */
- public Builder available(boolean available) {
- this.available = available;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the controller for the option.
- * This is how you interact and change the options.
- *
- * @see dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers
- */
- public Builder controller(@NotNull Function<ButtonOption, Controller<BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption>>> control) {
- Validate.notNull(control, "`control` cannot be null");
- this.controlGetter = control;
- return this;
- }
- public ButtonOption build() {
- Validate.notNull(name, "`name` must not be null when building `Option`");
- Validate.notNull(controlGetter, "`control` must not be null when building `Option`");
- Validate.notNull(action, "`action` must not be null when building `Option`");
- MutableText concatenatedTooltip = Text.empty();
- boolean first = true;
- for (Text line : tooltipLines) {
- if (!first) concatenatedTooltip.append("\n");
- first = false;
- concatenatedTooltip.append(line);
- }
- return new ButtonOptionImpl(name, concatenatedTooltip, action, available, controlGetter);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/ConfigCategory.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/ConfigCategory.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 27c3e95..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/ConfigCategory.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.api;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.impl.ConfigCategoryImpl;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.impl.OptionGroupImpl;
-import net.minecraft.text.MutableText;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.function.Function;
- * Separates {@link Option}s or {@link OptionGroup}s into multiple distinct sections.
- * Served to a user as a button in the left column,
- * upon pressing, the options list is filled with options contained within this category.
- */
-public interface ConfigCategory {
- /**
- * Name of category, displayed as a button on the left column.
- */
- @NotNull Text name();
- /**
- * Gets every {@link OptionGroup} in this category.
- */
- @NotNull ImmutableList<OptionGroup> groups();
- /**
- * Tooltip (or description) of the category.
- * Rendered on hover.
- */
- @NotNull Text tooltip();
- /**
- * Creates a builder to construct a {@link ConfigCategory}
- */
- static Builder createBuilder() {
- return new Builder();
- }
- class Builder {
- private Text name;
- private final List<Option<?>> rootOptions = new ArrayList<>();
- private final List<OptionGroup> groups = new ArrayList<>();
- private final List<Text> tooltipLines = new ArrayList<>();
- private Builder() {
- }
- /**
- * Sets name of the category
- *
- * @see ConfigCategory#name()
- */
- public Builder name(@NotNull Text name) {
- Validate.notNull(name, "`name` cannot be null");
- this.name = name;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Adds an option to the root group of the category.
- * To add to another group, use {@link Builder#group(OptionGroup)}.
- * To construct an option, use {@link Option#createBuilder(Class)}
- *
- * @see ConfigCategory#groups()
- * @see OptionGroup#isRoot()
- */
- public Builder option(@NotNull Option<?> option) {
- Validate.notNull(option, "`option` must not be null");
- this.rootOptions.add(option);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Adds multiple options to the root group of the category.
- * To add to another group, use {@link Builder#groups(Collection)}.
- * To construct an option, use {@link Option#createBuilder(Class)}
- *
- * @see ConfigCategory#groups()
- * @see OptionGroup#isRoot()
- */
- public Builder options(@NotNull Collection<Option<?>> options) {
- Validate.notNull(options, "`options` must not be null");
- this.rootOptions.addAll(options);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Adds an option group.
- * To add an option to the root group, use {@link Builder#option(Option)}
- * To construct a group, use {@link OptionGroup#createBuilder()}
- */
- public Builder group(@NotNull OptionGroup group) {
- Validate.notNull(group, "`group` must not be null");
- this.groups.add(group);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Adds multiple option groups.
- * To add multiple options to the root group, use {@link Builder#options(Collection)}
- * To construct a group, use {@link OptionGroup#createBuilder()}
- */
- public Builder groups(@NotNull Collection<OptionGroup> groups) {
- Validate.notEmpty(groups, "`groups` must not be empty");
- this.groups.addAll(groups);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the tooltip to be used by the category.
- * Can be invoked twice to append more lines.
- * No need to wrap the text yourself, the gui does this itself.
- *
- * @param tooltips text lines - merged with a new-line on {@link Builder#build()}.
- */
- public Builder tooltip(@NotNull Text... tooltips) {
- Validate.notEmpty(tooltips, "`tooltips` cannot be empty");
- tooltipLines.addAll(List.of(tooltips));
- return this;
- }
- public ConfigCategory build() {
- Validate.notNull(name, "`name` must not be null to build `ConfigCategory`");
- List<OptionGroup> combinedGroups = new ArrayList<>();
- combinedGroups.add(new OptionGroupImpl(Text.empty(), Text.empty(), ImmutableList.copyOf(rootOptions), false, true));
- combinedGroups.addAll(groups);
- Validate.notEmpty(combinedGroups, "at least one option must be added to build `ConfigCategory`");
- MutableText concatenatedTooltip = Text.empty();
- boolean first = true;
- for (Text line : tooltipLines) {
- if (!first) concatenatedTooltip.append("\n");
- first = false;
- concatenatedTooltip.append(line);
- }
- return new ConfigCategoryImpl(name, ImmutableList.copyOf(combinedGroups), concatenatedTooltip);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/Controller.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/Controller.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bf7e7f..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/Controller.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.api;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.AbstractWidget;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
- * Provides a widget to control the option.
- */
-public interface Controller<T> {
- /**
- * Gets the dedicated {@link Option} for this controller
- */
- Option<T> option();
- /**
- * Gets the formatted value based on {@link Option#pendingValue()}
- */
- Text formatValue();
- /**
- * Provides a widget to display
- *
- * @param screen parent screen
- */
- AbstractWidget provideWidget(YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> widgetDimension);
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/NameableEnum.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/NameableEnum.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 793b230..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/NameableEnum.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.api;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
- * Used for the default value formatter of {@link dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.cycling.EnumController}
- */
-public interface NameableEnum {
- Text getDisplayName();
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/Option.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/Option.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 772c816..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/Option.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.api;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.impl.OptionImpl;
-import net.minecraft.text.MutableText;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import net.minecraft.util.Formatting;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
-import java.util.function.Consumer;
-import java.util.function.Function;
-import java.util.function.Supplier;
-import java.util.stream.Stream;
-public interface Option<T> {
- /**
- * Name of the option
- */
- @NotNull Text name();
- /**
- * Tooltip (or description) of the option.
- * Rendered on hover.
- */
- @NotNull Text tooltip();
- /**
- * Widget provider for a type of option.
- *
- * @see dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers
- */
- @NotNull Controller<T> controller();
- /**
- * Binding for the option.
- * Controls setting, getting and default value.
- *
- * @see Binding
- */
- @NotNull Binding<T> binding();
- /**
- * If the option can be configured
- */
- boolean available();
- /**
- * Sets if the option can be configured after being built
- *
- * @see Option#available()
- */
- void setAvailable(boolean available);
- /**
- * Class of the option type.
- * Used by some controllers.
- */
- @NotNull Class<T> typeClass();
- /**
- * Tasks that needs to be executed upon applying changes.
- */
- @NotNull ImmutableSet<OptionFlag> flags();
- /**
- * Checks if the pending value is not equal to the current set value
- */
- boolean changed();
- /**
- * If true, modifying this option recommends a restart.
- */
- @Deprecated
- boolean requiresRestart();
- /**
- * Value in the GUI, ready to set the actual bound value or be undone.
- */
- @NotNull T pendingValue();
- /**
- * Sets the pending value
- */
- void requestSet(T value);
- /**
- * Applies the pending value to the bound value.
- * Cannot be undone.
- *
- * @return if there were changes to apply {@link Option#changed()}
- */
- boolean applyValue();
- /**
- * Sets the pending value to the bound value.
- */
- void forgetPendingValue();
- /**
- * Sets the pending value to the default bound value.
- */
- void requestSetDefault();
- /**
- * Checks if the current pending value is equal to its default value
- */
- boolean isPendingValueDefault();
- /**
- * Adds a listener for when the pending value changes
- */
- void addListener(BiConsumer<Option<T>, T> changedListener);
- /**
- * Creates a builder to construct an {@link Option}
- *
- * @param <T> type of the option's value
- * @param typeClass used to capture the type
- */
- static <T> Builder<T> createBuilder(Class<T> typeClass) {
- return new Builder<>(typeClass);
- }
- class Builder<T> {
- private Text name = Text.literal("Name not specified!").formatted(Formatting.RED);
- private final List<Function<T, Text>> tooltipGetters = new ArrayList<>();
- private Function<Option<T>, Controller<T>> controlGetter;
- private Binding<T> binding;
- private boolean available = true;
- private boolean instant = false;
- private final Set<OptionFlag> flags = new HashSet<>();
- private final Class<T> typeClass;
- private final List<BiConsumer<Option<T>, T>> listeners = new ArrayList<>();
- private Builder(Class<T> typeClass) {
- this.typeClass = typeClass;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the name to be used by the option.
- *
- * @see Option#name()
- */
- public Builder<T> name(@NotNull Text name) {
- Validate.notNull(name, "`name` cannot be null");
- this.name = name;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the tooltip to be used by the option.
- * No need to wrap the text yourself, the gui does this itself.
- *
- * @param tooltipGetter function to get tooltip depending on value {@link Builder#build()}.
- */
- @SafeVarargs
- public final Builder<T> tooltip(@NotNull Function<T, Text>... tooltipGetter) {
- Validate.notNull(tooltipGetter, "`tooltipGetter` cannot be null");
- this.tooltipGetters.addAll(List.of(tooltipGetter));
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the tooltip to be used by the option.
- * Can be invoked twice to append more lines.
- * No need to wrap the text yourself, the gui does this itself.
- *
- * @param tooltips text lines - merged with a new-line on {@link Builder#build()}.
- */
- public Builder<T> tooltip(@NotNull Text... tooltips) {
- Validate.notNull(tooltips, "`tooltips` cannot be empty");
- this.tooltipGetters.addAll(Stream.of(tooltips).map(text -> (Function<T, Text>) t -> text).toList());
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the controller for the option.
- * This is how you interact and change the options.
- *
- * @see dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers
- */
- public Builder<T> controller(@NotNull Function<Option<T>, Controller<T>> control) {
- Validate.notNull(control, "`control` cannot be null");
- this.controlGetter = control;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the binding for the option.
- * Used for default, getter and setter.
- *
- * @see Binding
- */
- public Builder<T> binding(@NotNull Binding<T> binding) {
- Validate.notNull(binding, "`binding` cannot be null");
- this.binding = binding;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the binding for the option.
- * Shorthand of {@link Binding#generic(Object, Supplier, Consumer)}
- *
- * @param def default value of the option, used to reset
- * @param getter should return the current value of the option
- * @param setter should set the option to the supplied value
- * @see Binding
- */
- public Builder<T> binding(@NotNull T def, @NotNull Supplier<@NotNull T> getter, @NotNull Consumer<@NotNull T> setter) {
- Validate.notNull(def, "`def` must not be null");
- Validate.notNull(getter, "`getter` must not be null");
- Validate.notNull(setter, "`setter` must not be null");
- this.binding = Binding.generic(def, getter, setter);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Sets if the option can be configured
- *
- * @see Option#available()
- */
- public Builder<T> available(boolean available) {
- this.available = available;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a flag to the option.
- * Upon applying changes, all flags are executed.
- * {@link Option#flags()}
- */
- public Builder<T> flag(@NotNull OptionFlag... flag) {
- Validate.notNull(flag, "`flag` must not be null");
- this.flags.addAll(Arrays.asList(flag));
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a flag to the option.
- * Upon applying changes, all flags are executed.
- * {@link Option#flags()}
- */
- public Builder<T> flags(@NotNull Collection<OptionFlag> flags) {
- Validate.notNull(flags, "`flags` must not be null");
- this.flags.addAll(flags);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Instantly invokes the binder's setter when modified in the GUI.
- * Prevents the user from undoing the change
- * <p>
- * Does not support {@link Option#flags()}!
- */
- public Builder<T> instant(boolean instant) {
- this.instant = instant;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a listener to the option. Invoked upon changing the pending value.
- *
- * @see Option#addListener(BiConsumer)
- */
- public Builder<T> listener(@NotNull BiConsumer<Option<T>, T> listener) {
- this.listeners.add(listener);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Adds multiple listeners to the option. Invoked upon changing the pending value.
- *
- * @see Option#addListener(BiConsumer)
- */
- public Builder<T> listeners(@NotNull Collection<BiConsumer<Option<T>, T>> listeners) {
- this.listeners.addAll(listeners);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Dictates whether the option should require a restart.
- * {@link Option#requiresRestart()}
- */
- @Deprecated
- public Builder<T> requiresRestart(boolean requiresRestart) {
- if (requiresRestart) flag(OptionFlag.GAME_RESTART);
- else flags.remove(OptionFlag.GAME_RESTART);
- return this;
- }
- public Option<T> build() {
- Validate.notNull(controlGetter, "`control` must not be null when building `Option`");
- Validate.notNull(binding, "`binding` must not be null when building `Option`");
- Validate.isTrue(!instant || flags.isEmpty(), "instant application does not support option flags");
- Function<T, Text> concatenatedTooltipGetter = value -> {
- MutableText concatenatedTooltip = Text.empty();
- boolean first = true;
- for (Function<T, Text> line : tooltipGetters) {
- if (!first) concatenatedTooltip.append("\n");
- first = false;
- concatenatedTooltip.append(line.apply(value));
- }
- return concatenatedTooltip;
- };
- if (instant) {
- listeners.add((opt, pendingValue) -> opt.applyValue());
- }
- return new OptionImpl<>(name, concatenatedTooltipGetter, controlGetter, binding, available, ImmutableSet.copyOf(flags), typeClass, listeners);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/OptionFlag.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/OptionFlag.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 203a674..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/OptionFlag.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.api;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.RequireRestartScreen;
-import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
-import java.util.function.Consumer;
- * Code that is executed upon certain options being applied.
- * Each flag is executed only once per save, no matter the amount of options with the flag.
- */
-public interface OptionFlag extends Consumer<MinecraftClient> {
- /**
- * Warns the user that a game restart is required for the changes to take effect
- */
- OptionFlag GAME_RESTART = client -> client.setScreen(new RequireRestartScreen(client.currentScreen));
- /**
- * Reloads chunks upon applying (F3+A)
- */
- OptionFlag RELOAD_CHUNKS = client -> client.worldRenderer.reload();
- OptionFlag WORLD_RENDER_UPDATE = client -> client.worldRenderer.scheduleTerrainUpdate();
- OptionFlag ASSET_RELOAD = MinecraftClient::reloadResourcesConcurrently;
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/OptionGroup.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/OptionGroup.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3364bdf..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/OptionGroup.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.api;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.impl.OptionGroupImpl;
-import net.minecraft.text.MutableText;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
- * Serves as a separator between multiple chunks of options
- * that may be too similar or too few to be placed in a separate {@link ConfigCategory}.
- * Or maybe you just want your config to feel less dense.
- */
-public interface OptionGroup {
- /**
- * Name of the option group, displayed as a separator in the option lists.
- * Can be empty.
- */
- Text name();
- /**
- * Tooltip displayed on hover.
- */
- Text tooltip();
- /**
- * List of all options in the group
- */
- @NotNull ImmutableList<Option<?>> options();
- /**
- * Dictates if the group should be collapsed by default.
- */
- boolean collapsed();
- /**
- * Always false when using the {@link Builder}
- * used to not render the separator if true
- */
- boolean isRoot();
- /**
- * Creates a builder to construct a {@link OptionGroup}
- */
- static Builder createBuilder() {
- return new Builder();
- }
- class Builder {
- private Text name = Text.empty();
- private final List<Text> tooltipLines = new ArrayList<>();
- private final List<Option<?>> options = new ArrayList<>();
- private boolean collapsed = false;
- private Builder() {
- }
- /**
- * Sets name of the group, can be {@link Text#empty()} to just separate options, like sodium.
- *
- * @see OptionGroup#name()
- */
- public Builder name(@NotNull Text name) {
- Validate.notNull(name, "`name` must not be null");
- this.name = name;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the tooltip to be used by the option group.
- * Can be invoked twice to append more lines.
- * No need to wrap the text yourself, the gui does this itself.
- *
- * @param tooltips text lines - merged with a new-line on {@link Builder#build()}.
- */
- public Builder tooltip(@NotNull Text... tooltips) {
- Validate.notEmpty(tooltips, "`tooltips` cannot be empty");
- tooltipLines.addAll(List.of(tooltips));
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Adds an option to group.
- * To construct an option, use {@link Option#createBuilder(Class)}
- *
- * @see OptionGroup#options()
- */
- public Builder option(@NotNull Option<?> option) {
- Validate.notNull(option, "`option` must not be null");
- this.options.add(option);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Adds multiple options to group.
- * To construct an option, use {@link Option#createBuilder(Class)}
- *
- * @see OptionGroup#options()
- */
- public Builder options(@NotNull Collection<? extends Option<?>> options) {
- Validate.notEmpty(options, "`options` must not be empty");
- this.options.addAll(options);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Dictates if the group should be collapsed by default
- *
- * @see OptionGroup#collapsed()
- */
- public Builder collapsed(boolean collapsible) {
- this.collapsed = collapsible;
- return this;
- }
- public OptionGroup build() {
- Validate.notEmpty(options, "`options` must not be empty to build `OptionGroup`");
- MutableText concatenatedTooltip = Text.empty();
- boolean first = true;
- for (Text line : tooltipLines) {
- if (!first) concatenatedTooltip.append("\n");
- first = false;
- concatenatedTooltip.append(line);
- }
- return new OptionGroupImpl(name, concatenatedTooltip, ImmutableList.copyOf(options), collapsed, false);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/PlaceholderCategory.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/PlaceholderCategory.java
deleted file mode 100644
index de7441c..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/PlaceholderCategory.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.api;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.impl.PlaceholderCategoryImpl;
-import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
-import net.minecraft.text.MutableText;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.function.BiFunction;
- * A placeholder category that actually just opens another screen,
- * instead of displaying options
- */
-public interface PlaceholderCategory extends ConfigCategory {
- /**
- * Function to create a screen to open upon changing to this category
- */
- BiFunction<MinecraftClient, YACLScreen, Screen> screen();
- static Builder createBuilder() {
- return new Builder();
- }
- class Builder {
- private Text name;
- private final List<Text> tooltipLines = new ArrayList<>();
- private BiFunction<MinecraftClient, YACLScreen, Screen> screenFunction;
- private Builder() {
- }
- /**
- * Sets name of the category
- *
- * @see ConfigCategory#name()
- */
- public Builder name(@NotNull Text name) {
- Validate.notNull(name, "`name` cannot be null");
- this.name = name;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the tooltip to be used by the category.
- * Can be invoked twice to append more lines.
- * No need to wrap the text yourself, the gui does this itself.
- *
- * @param tooltips text lines - merged with a new-line on {@link Builder#build()}.
- */
- public Builder tooltip(@NotNull Text... tooltips) {
- Validate.notEmpty(tooltips, "`tooltips` cannot be empty");
- tooltipLines.addAll(List.of(tooltips));
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Screen to open upon selecting this category
- *
- * @see PlaceholderCategory#screen()
- */
- public Builder screen(@NotNull BiFunction<MinecraftClient, YACLScreen, Screen> screenFunction) {
- Validate.notNull(screenFunction, "`screenFunction` cannot be null");
- this.screenFunction = screenFunction;
- return this;
- }
- public PlaceholderCategory build() {
- Validate.notNull(name, "`name` must not be null to build `ConfigCategory`");
- MutableText concatenatedTooltip = Text.empty();
- boolean first = true;
- for (Text line : tooltipLines) {
- if (!first) concatenatedTooltip.append("\n");
- first = false;
- concatenatedTooltip.append(line);
- }
- return new PlaceholderCategoryImpl(name, screenFunction, concatenatedTooltip);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/YetAnotherConfigLib.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/YetAnotherConfigLib.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a69ae4e..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/YetAnotherConfigLib.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.api;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.impl.YetAnotherConfigLibImpl;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.function.Consumer;
- * Main class of the mod.
- * Contains all data and used to provide a {@link Screen}
- */
-public interface YetAnotherConfigLib {
- /**
- * Title of the GUI. Only used for Minecraft narration.
- */
- Text title();
- /**
- * Gets all config categories.
- */
- ImmutableList<ConfigCategory> categories();
- /**
- * Ran when changes are saved. Can be used to save config to a file etc.
- */
- Runnable saveFunction();
- /**
- * Ran every time the YACL screen initialises. Can be paired with FAPI to add custom widgets.
- */
- Consumer<YACLScreen> initConsumer();
- /**
- * Generates a Screen to display based on this instance.
- *
- * @param parent parent screen to open once closed
- */
- Screen generateScreen(@Nullable Screen parent);
- /**
- * Creates a builder to construct YACL
- */
- static Builder createBuilder() {
- return new Builder();
- }
- class Builder {
- private Text title;
- private final List<ConfigCategory> categories = new ArrayList<>();
- private Runnable saveFunction = () -> {};
- private Consumer<YACLScreen> initConsumer = screen -> {};
- private Builder() {
- }
- /**
- * Sets title of GUI for Minecraft narration
- *
- * @see YetAnotherConfigLib#title()
- */
- public Builder title(@NotNull Text title) {
- Validate.notNull(title, "`title` cannot be null");
- this.title = title;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a new category.
- * To create a category you need to use {@link ConfigCategory#createBuilder()}
- *
- * @see YetAnotherConfigLib#categories()
- */
- public Builder category(@NotNull ConfigCategory category) {
- Validate.notNull(category, "`category` cannot be null");
- this.categories.add(category);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Adds multiple categories at once.
- * To create a category you need to use {@link ConfigCategory#createBuilder()}
- *
- * @see YetAnotherConfigLib#categories()
- */
- public Builder categories(@NotNull Collection<? extends ConfigCategory> categories) {
- Validate.notNull(categories, "`categories` cannot be null");
- this.categories.addAll(categories);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Used to define a save function for when user clicks the Save Changes button
- *
- * @see YetAnotherConfigLib#saveFunction()
- */
- public Builder save(@NotNull Runnable saveFunction) {
- Validate.notNull(saveFunction, "`saveFunction` cannot be null");
- this.saveFunction = saveFunction;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Defines a consumer that is accepted every time the YACL screen initialises
- *
- * @see YetAnotherConfigLib#initConsumer()
- */
- public Builder screenInit(@NotNull Consumer<YACLScreen> initConsumer) {
- Validate.notNull(initConsumer, "`initConsumer` cannot be null");
- this.initConsumer = initConsumer;
- return this;
- }
- public YetAnotherConfigLib build() {
- Validate.notNull(title, "`title must not be null to build `YetAnotherConfigLib`");
- Validate.notEmpty(categories, "`categories` must not be empty to build `YetAnotherConfigLib`");
- Validate.isTrue(!categories.stream().allMatch(category -> category instanceof PlaceholderCategory), "At least one regular category is required to build `YetAnotherConfigLib`");
- return new YetAnotherConfigLibImpl(title, ImmutableList.copyOf(categories), saveFunction, initConsumer);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/utils/OptionUtils.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/utils/OptionUtils.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ab46b5b..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/api/utils/OptionUtils.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.ConfigCategory;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.OptionGroup;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.YetAnotherConfigLib;
-import java.util.function.Consumer;
-import java.util.function.Function;
-public class OptionUtils {
- /**
- * Consumes all options, ignoring groups and categories.
- * When consumer returns true, this function stops iterating.
- */
- public static void consumeOptions(YetAnotherConfigLib yacl, Function<Option<?>, Boolean> consumer) {
- for (ConfigCategory category : yacl.categories()) {
- for (OptionGroup group : category.groups()) {
- for (Option<?> option : group.options()) {
- if (consumer.apply(option)) return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Consumes all options, ignoring groups and categories.
- *
- * @see OptionUtils#consumeOptions(YetAnotherConfigLib, Function)
- */
- public static void forEachOptions(YetAnotherConfigLib yacl, Consumer<Option<?>> consumer) {
- consumeOptions(yacl, (opt) -> {
- consumer.accept(opt);
- return false;
- });
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/config/ConfigInstance.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/config/ConfigInstance.java
index a7c013c..aa67865 100644
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/config/ConfigInstance.java
+++ b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/config/ConfigInstance.java
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
package dev.isxander.yacl.config;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.YetAnotherConfigLib;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.function.BiFunction;
* Responsible for handing the actual config data type.
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ public abstract class ConfigInstance<T> {
+ public abstract void save();
+ public abstract void load();
public T getConfig() {
return this.instance;
@@ -45,11 +48,4 @@ public abstract class ConfigInstance<T> {
public Class<T> getConfigClass() {
return this.configClass;
- public YetAnotherConfigLib buildConfig(BiFunction<ConfigInstance<T>, YetAnotherConfigLib.Builder, YetAnotherConfigLib.Builder> builder) {
- return builder.apply(this, YetAnotherConfigLib.createBuilder().save(this::save)).build();
- }
- public abstract void save();
- public abstract void load();
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/AbstractWidget.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/AbstractWidget.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 03dc9b9..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/AbstractWidget.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui;
-import com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
-import net.minecraft.client.font.TextRenderer;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.Drawable;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawableHelper;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.Element;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.Selectable;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.narration.NarrationMessageBuilder;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ClickableWidget;
-import net.minecraft.client.render.GameRenderer;
-import net.minecraft.client.sound.PositionedSoundInstance;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.sound.SoundEvents;
-import java.awt.*;
-public abstract class AbstractWidget implements Element, Drawable, Selectable {
- protected final MinecraftClient client = MinecraftClient.getInstance();
- protected final TextRenderer textRenderer = client.textRenderer;
- protected final int inactiveColor = 0xFFA0A0A0;
- private Dimension<Integer> dim;
- public AbstractWidget(Dimension<Integer> dim) {
- this.dim = dim;
- }
- public void postRender(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- }
- public boolean canReset() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isMouseOver(double mouseX, double mouseY) {
- if (dim == null) return false;
- return this.dim.isPointInside((int) mouseX, (int) mouseY);
- }
- public void setDimension(Dimension<Integer> dim) {
- this.dim = dim;
- }
- public Dimension<Integer> getDimension() {
- return dim;
- }
- @Override
- public SelectionType getType() {
- return SelectionType.NONE;
- }
- public void unfocus() {
- }
- public boolean matchesSearch(String query) {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public void appendNarrations(NarrationMessageBuilder builder) {
- }
- protected void drawButtonRect(MatrixStack matrices, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, boolean hovered, boolean enabled) {
- if (x1 > x2) {
- int xx1 = x1;
- x1 = x2;
- x2 = xx1;
- }
- if (y1 > y2) {
- int yy1 = y1;
- y1 = y2;
- y2 = yy1;
- }
- int width = x2 - x1;
- int height = y2 - y1;
- RenderSystem.setShader(GameRenderer::getPositionTexShader);
- RenderSystem.setShaderTexture(0, ClickableWidget.WIDGETS_TEXTURE);
- RenderSystem.setShaderColor(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
- int i = !enabled ? 0 : hovered ? 2 : 1;
- RenderSystem.enableBlend();
- RenderSystem.defaultBlendFunc();
- RenderSystem.enableDepthTest();
- DrawableHelper.drawTexture(matrices, x1, y1, 0, 0, 46 + i * 20, width / 2, height, 256, 256);
- DrawableHelper.drawTexture(matrices, x1 + width / 2, y1, 0, 200 - width / 2f, 46 + i * 20, width / 2, height, 256, 256);
- }
- protected int multiplyColor(int hex, float amount) {
- Color color = new Color(hex, true);
- return new Color(Math.max((int)(color.getRed() *amount), 0),
- Math.max((int)(color.getGreen()*amount), 0),
- Math.max((int)(color.getBlue() *amount), 0),
- color.getAlpha()).getRGB();
- }
- public void playDownSound() {
- MinecraftClient.getInstance().getSoundManager().play(PositionedSoundInstance.master(SoundEvents.UI_BUTTON_CLICK, 1.0F));
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/CategoryListWidget.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/CategoryListWidget.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cb6bb6..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/CategoryListWidget.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
-import com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.ConfigCategory;
-import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.Element;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.Selectable;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ElementListWidget;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import java.util.List;
-public class CategoryListWidget extends ElementListWidget<CategoryListWidget.CategoryEntry> {
- private final YACLScreen yaclScreen;
- public CategoryListWidget(MinecraftClient client, YACLScreen yaclScreen, int screenWidth, int screenHeight) {
- super(client, screenWidth / 3, yaclScreen.searchFieldWidget.y - 5, 0, yaclScreen.searchFieldWidget.y - 5, 21);
- this.yaclScreen = yaclScreen;
- setRenderBackground(false);
- setRenderHorizontalShadows(false);
- for (ConfigCategory category : yaclScreen.config.categories()) {
- addEntry(new CategoryEntry(category));
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected void renderList(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- double d = this.client.getWindow().getScaleFactor();
- RenderSystem.enableScissor(0, (int)((yaclScreen.height - bottom) * d), (int)(width * d), (int)(height * d));
- super.renderList(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- RenderSystem.disableScissor();
- }
- public void postRender(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- for (CategoryEntry entry : children()) {
- entry.postRender(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public int getRowWidth() {
- return Math.min(width - width / 10, 396);
- }
- @Override
- public int getRowLeft() {
- return super.getRowLeft() - 2;
- }
- @Override
- protected int getScrollbarPositionX() {
- return width - 2;
- }
- public class CategoryEntry extends Entry<CategoryEntry> {
- private final CategoryWidget categoryButton;
- public final int categoryIndex;
- public CategoryEntry(ConfigCategory category) {
- this.categoryIndex = yaclScreen.config.categories().indexOf(category);
- categoryButton = new CategoryWidget(
- yaclScreen,
- category,
- categoryIndex,
- getRowLeft(), 0,
- getRowWidth(), 20
- );
- }
- @Override
- public void render(MatrixStack matrices, int index, int y, int x, int entryWidth, int entryHeight, int mouseX, int mouseY, boolean hovered, float tickDelta) {
- if (mouseY > bottom) {
- mouseY = -20;
- }
- categoryButton.y = y;
- categoryButton.render(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, tickDelta);
- }
- private void postRender(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float tickDelta) {
- categoryButton.renderHoveredTooltip(matrices);
- }
- @Override
- public List<? extends Element> children() {
- return ImmutableList.of(categoryButton);
- }
- @Override
- public List<? extends Selectable> selectableChildren() {
- return ImmutableList.of(categoryButton);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/CategoryWidget.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/CategoryWidget.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c5d8d2..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/CategoryWidget.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.ConfigCategory;
-import net.minecraft.client.sound.SoundManager;
-public class CategoryWidget extends TooltipButtonWidget {
- private final int categoryIndex;
- public CategoryWidget(YACLScreen screen, ConfigCategory category, int categoryIndex, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- super(screen, x, y, width, height, category.name(), category.tooltip(), btn -> {
- screen.searchFieldWidget.setText("");
- screen.changeCategory(categoryIndex);
- });
- this.categoryIndex = categoryIndex;
- }
- private boolean isCurrentCategory() {
- return ((YACLScreen) screen).getCurrentCategoryIdx() == categoryIndex;
- }
- @Override
- protected int getYImage(boolean hovered) {
- return super.getYImage(hovered || isCurrentCategory());
- }
- @Override
- public void playDownSound(SoundManager soundManager) {
- if (!isCurrentCategory())
- super.playDownSound(soundManager);
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/LowProfileButtonWidget.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/LowProfileButtonWidget.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 240cfb2..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/LowProfileButtonWidget.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui;
-import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
-public class LowProfileButtonWidget extends ButtonWidget {
- public LowProfileButtonWidget(int x, int y, int width, int height, Text message, PressAction onPress) {
- super(x, y, width, height, message, onPress);
- }
- public LowProfileButtonWidget(int x, int y, int width, int height, Text message, PressAction onPress, TooltipSupplier tooltipSupplier) {
- super(x, y, width, height, message, onPress, tooltipSupplier);
- }
- @Override
- public void renderButton(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- if (!isHovered()) {
- int j = this.active ? 0xFFFFFF : 0xA0A0A0;
- drawCenteredText(matrices, MinecraftClient.getInstance().textRenderer, this.getMessage(), this.x + this.width / 2, this.y + (this.height - 8) / 2, j | MathHelper.ceil(this.alpha * 255.0F) << 24);
- } else {
- super.renderButton(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/OptionListWidget.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/OptionListWidget.java
deleted file mode 100644
index cf50a58..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/OptionListWidget.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.ConfigCategory;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.OptionGroup;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
-import net.minecraft.client.font.MultilineText;
-import net.minecraft.client.font.TextRenderer;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.Element;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.Selectable;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.narration.NarrationMessageBuilder;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.narration.NarrationPart;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ElementListWidget;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.function.Supplier;
-public class OptionListWidget extends ElementListWidget<OptionListWidget.Entry> {
- private final YACLScreen yaclScreen;
- private boolean singleCategory = false;
- private ImmutableList<Entry> viewableChildren;
- private double smoothScrollAmount = getScrollAmount();
- private boolean returnSmoothAmount = false;
- public OptionListWidget(YACLScreen screen, MinecraftClient client, int width, int height) {
- super(client, width / 3 * 2, height, 0, height, 22);
- this.yaclScreen = screen;
- left = width - this.width;
- right = width;
- refreshOptions();
- }
- public void refreshOptions() {
- clearEntries();
- List<ConfigCategory> categories = new ArrayList<>();
- if (yaclScreen.getCurrentCategoryIdx() == -1) {
- categories.addAll(yaclScreen.config.categories());
- } else {
- categories.add(yaclScreen.config.categories().get(yaclScreen.getCurrentCategoryIdx()));
- }
- singleCategory = categories.size() == 1;
- for (ConfigCategory category : categories) {
- for (OptionGroup group : category.groups()) {
- Supplier<Boolean> viewableSupplier;
- GroupSeparatorEntry groupSeparatorEntry = null;
- if (!group.isRoot()) {
- groupSeparatorEntry = new GroupSeparatorEntry(group, yaclScreen);
- viewableSupplier = groupSeparatorEntry::isExpanded;
- addEntry(groupSeparatorEntry);
- } else {
- viewableSupplier = () -> true;
- }
- List<OptionEntry> optionEntries = new ArrayList<>();
- for (Option<?> option : group.options()) {
- OptionEntry entry = new OptionEntry(option, category, group, option.controller().provideWidget(yaclScreen, Dimension.ofInt(getRowLeft(), 0, getRowWidth(), 20)), viewableSupplier);
- addEntry(entry);
- optionEntries.add(entry);
- }
- if (groupSeparatorEntry != null) {
- groupSeparatorEntry.setOptionEntries(optionEntries);
- }
- }
- }
- recacheViewableChildren();
- setScrollAmount(0);
- }
- public void expandAllGroups() {
- for (Entry entry : super.children()) {
- if (entry instanceof GroupSeparatorEntry groupSeparatorEntry) {
- groupSeparatorEntry.setExpanded(true);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- below code is licensed from cloth-config under LGPL3
- modified to inherit vanilla's EntryListWidget and use yarn mappings
- */
- @Nullable
- @Override
- protected Entry getEntryAtPosition(double x, double y) {
- int listMiddleX = this.left + this.width / 2;
- int minX = listMiddleX - this.getRowWidth() / 2;
- int maxX = listMiddleX + this.getRowWidth() / 2;
- int currentY = MathHelper.floor(y - (double) this.top) - this.headerHeight + (int) this.getScrollAmount() - 4;
- int itemY = 0;
- int itemIndex = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < children().size(); i++) {
- Entry item = children().get(i);
- itemY += item.getItemHeight();
- if (itemY > currentY) {
- itemIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- return x < (double) this.getScrollbarPositionX() && x >= minX && y <= maxX && itemIndex >= 0 && currentY >= 0 && itemIndex < this.getEntryCount() ? this.children().get(itemIndex) : null;
- }
- @Override
- protected int getMaxPosition() {
- return children().stream().map(Entry::getItemHeight).reduce(0, Integer::sum) + headerHeight;
- }
- @Override
- protected void centerScrollOn(Entry entry) {
- double d = (this.bottom - this.top) / -2d;
- for (int i = 0; i < this.children().indexOf(entry) && i < this.getEntryCount(); i++)
- d += children().get(i).getItemHeight();
- this.setScrollAmount(d);
- }
- @Override
- protected int getRowTop(int index) {
- int integer = top + 4 - (int) this.getScrollAmount() + headerHeight;
- for (int i = 0; i < children().size() && i < index; i++)
- integer += children().get(i).getItemHeight();
- return integer;
- }
- @Override
- protected void renderList(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- int left = this.getRowLeft();
- int right = this.getRowWidth();
- int count = this.getEntryCount();
- for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- Entry entry = children().get(i);
- int top = this.getRowTop(i);
- int bottom = top + entry.getItemHeight();
- int entryHeight = entry.getItemHeight() - 4;
- if (bottom >= this.top && top <= this.bottom) {
- this.renderEntry(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta, i, left, top, right, entryHeight);
- }
- }
- }
- /* END cloth config code */
- @Override
- public void render(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- smoothScrollAmount = MathHelper.lerp(MinecraftClient.getInstance().getLastFrameDuration() * 0.5, smoothScrollAmount, getScrollAmount());
- returnSmoothAmount = true;
- super.render(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- returnSmoothAmount = false;
- }
- /**
- * awful code to only use smooth scroll state when rendering,
- * not other code that needs target scroll amount
- */
- @Override
- public double getScrollAmount() {
- if (returnSmoothAmount)
- return smoothScrollAmount;
- return super.getScrollAmount();
- }
- public void postRender(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- for (Entry entry : children()) {
- entry.postRender(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public int getRowWidth() {
- return Math.min(396, (int)(width / 1.3f));
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseClicked(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button) {
- for (Entry child : children()) {
- if (child != getEntryAtPosition(mouseX, mouseY) && child instanceof OptionEntry optionEntry)
- optionEntry.widget.unfocus();
- }
- return super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, button);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseScrolled(double mouseX, double mouseY, double amount) {
- for (Entry child : children()) {
- if (child.mouseScrolled(mouseX, mouseY, amount))
- return true;
- }
- this.setScrollAmount(this.getScrollAmount() - amount * 20 /* * (double) (getMaxScroll() / getEntryCount()) / 2.0D */);
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean keyPressed(int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers) {
- for (Entry child : children()) {
- if (child.keyPressed(keyCode, scanCode, modifiers))
- return true;
- }
- return super.keyPressed(keyCode, scanCode, modifiers);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean charTyped(char chr, int modifiers) {
- for (Entry child : children()) {
- if (child.charTyped(chr, modifiers))
- return true;
- }
- return super.charTyped(chr, modifiers);
- }
- @Override
- protected int getScrollbarPositionX() {
- return left + width - (int)(width * 0.05f);
- }
- @Override
- protected void renderBackground(MatrixStack matrices) {
- setRenderBackground(client.world == null);
- if (client.world != null)
- fill(matrices, left, top, right, bottom, 0x6B000000);
- }
- public void recacheViewableChildren() {
- this.viewableChildren = ImmutableList.copyOf(super.children().stream().filter(Entry::isViewable).toList());
- // update y positions before they need to be rendered are rendered
- int i = 0;
- for (Entry entry : viewableChildren) {
- if (entry instanceof OptionEntry optionEntry)
- optionEntry.widget.setDimension(optionEntry.widget.getDimension().withY(getRowTop(i)));
- i++;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public List<Entry> children() {
- return viewableChildren;
- }
- public abstract class Entry extends ElementListWidget.Entry<Entry> {
- public void postRender(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- }
- public boolean isViewable() {
- return true;
- }
- public int getItemHeight() {
- return 22;
- }
- protected boolean isHovered() {
- return Objects.equals(getHoveredEntry(), this);
- }
- }
- public class OptionEntry extends Entry {
- public final Option<?> option;
- public final ConfigCategory category;
- public final OptionGroup group;
- public final AbstractWidget widget;
- private final Supplier<Boolean> viewableSupplier;
- private final TextScaledButtonWidget resetButton;
- private final String categoryName;
- private final String groupName;
- private OptionEntry(Option<?> option, ConfigCategory category, OptionGroup group, AbstractWidget widget, Supplier<Boolean> viewableSupplier) {
- this.option = option;
- this.category = category;
- this.group = group;
- this.widget = widget;
- this.viewableSupplier = viewableSupplier;
- this.categoryName = category.name().getString().toLowerCase();
- this.groupName = group.name().getString().toLowerCase();
- if (this.widget.canReset()) {
- this.widget.setDimension(this.widget.getDimension().expanded(-21, 0));
- this.resetButton = new TextScaledButtonWidget(widget.getDimension().xLimit() + 1, -50, 20, 20, 2f, Text.of("\u21BB"), button -> {
- option.requestSetDefault();
- });
- option.addListener((opt, val) -> this.resetButton.active = !opt.isPendingValueDefault() && opt.available());
- this.resetButton.active = !option.isPendingValueDefault() && option.available();
- } else {
- this.resetButton = null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void render(MatrixStack matrices, int index, int y, int x, int entryWidth, int entryHeight, int mouseX, int mouseY, boolean hovered, float tickDelta) {
- widget.setDimension(widget.getDimension().withY(y));
- widget.render(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, tickDelta);
- if (resetButton != null) {
- resetButton.y = y;
- resetButton.render(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, tickDelta);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void postRender(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- widget.postRender(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseScrolled(double mouseX, double mouseY, double amount) {
- return widget.mouseScrolled(mouseX, mouseY, amount);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean keyPressed(int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers) {
- return widget.keyPressed(keyCode, scanCode, modifiers);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean charTyped(char chr, int modifiers) {
- return widget.charTyped(chr, modifiers);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isViewable() {
- String query = yaclScreen.searchFieldWidget.getText();
- return viewableSupplier.get()
- && (yaclScreen.searchFieldWidget.isEmpty()
- || (!singleCategory && categoryName.contains(query))
- || groupName.contains(query)
- || widget.matchesSearch(query));
- }
- @Override
- public int getItemHeight() {
- return widget.getDimension().height() + 2;
- }
- @Override
- public List<? extends Selectable> selectableChildren() {
- if (resetButton == null)
- return ImmutableList.of(widget);
- return ImmutableList.of(widget, resetButton);
- }
- @Override
- public List<? extends Element> children() {
- if (resetButton == null)
- return ImmutableList.of(widget);
- return ImmutableList.of(widget, resetButton);
- }
- }
- public class GroupSeparatorEntry extends Entry {
- private final OptionGroup group;
- private final MultilineText wrappedName;
- private final MultilineText wrappedTooltip;
- private final LowProfileButtonWidget expandMinimizeButton;
- private final Screen screen;
- private final TextRenderer textRenderer = MinecraftClient.getInstance().textRenderer;
- private boolean groupExpanded;
- private List<OptionEntry> optionEntries;
- private int y;
- private GroupSeparatorEntry(OptionGroup group, Screen screen) {
- this.group = group;
- this.screen = screen;
- this.wrappedName = MultilineText.create(textRenderer, group.name(), getRowWidth() - 45);
- this.wrappedTooltip = MultilineText.create(textRenderer, group.tooltip(), screen.width / 3 * 2 - 10);
- this.groupExpanded = !group.collapsed();
- this.expandMinimizeButton = new LowProfileButtonWidget(0, 0, 20, 20, Text.empty(), btn -> {
- setExpanded(!isExpanded());
- recacheViewableChildren();
- });
- updateExpandMinimizeText();
- }
- @Override
- public void render(MatrixStack matrices, int index, int y, int x, int entryWidth, int entryHeight, int mouseX, int mouseY, boolean hovered, float tickDelta) {
- this.y = y;
- expandMinimizeButton.x = x;
- expandMinimizeButton.y = y + entryHeight / 2 - expandMinimizeButton.getHeight() / 2;
- expandMinimizeButton.render(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, tickDelta);
- wrappedName.drawCenterWithShadow(matrices, x + entryWidth / 2, y + getYPadding());
- }
- @Override
- public void postRender(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- if (isHovered() && !expandMinimizeButton.isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY)) {
- YACLScreen.renderMultilineTooltip(matrices, textRenderer, wrappedTooltip, getRowLeft() + getRowWidth() / 2, y - 3, y + getItemHeight() + 3, screen.width, screen.height);
- }
- }
- public boolean isExpanded() {
- return groupExpanded;
- }
- public void setExpanded(boolean expanded) {
- this.groupExpanded = expanded;
- updateExpandMinimizeText();
- }
- private void updateExpandMinimizeText() {
- expandMinimizeButton.setMessage(Text.of(isExpanded() ? "\u25BC" : "\u25B6"));
- }
- public void setOptionEntries(List<OptionEntry> optionEntries) {
- this.optionEntries = optionEntries;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isViewable() {
- return yaclScreen.searchFieldWidget.isEmpty() || optionEntries.stream().anyMatch(OptionEntry::isViewable);
- }
- @Override
- public int getItemHeight() {
- return Math.max(wrappedName.count(), 1) * textRenderer.fontHeight + getYPadding() * 2;
- }
- private int getYPadding() {
- return 6;
- }
- @Override
- public List<? extends Selectable> selectableChildren() {
- return ImmutableList.of(new Selectable() {
- @Override
- public Selectable.SelectionType getType() {
- return Selectable.SelectionType.HOVERED;
- }
- @Override
- public void appendNarrations(NarrationMessageBuilder builder) {
- builder.put(NarrationPart.TITLE, group.name());
- }
- });
- }
- @Override
- public List<? extends Element> children() {
- return ImmutableList.of(expandMinimizeButton);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/RequireRestartScreen.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/RequireRestartScreen.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c46738..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/RequireRestartScreen.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui;
-import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ConfirmScreen;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import net.minecraft.util.Formatting;
-public class RequireRestartScreen extends ConfirmScreen {
- public RequireRestartScreen(Screen parent) {
- super(option -> {
- if (option) MinecraftClient.getInstance().scheduleStop();
- else MinecraftClient.getInstance().setScreen(parent);
- }, Text.translatable("yacl.restart.title").formatted(Formatting.RED, Formatting.BOLD), Text.translatable("yacl.restart.message"), Text.translatable("yacl.restart.yes"), Text.translatable("yacl.restart.no"));
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/SearchFieldWidget.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/SearchFieldWidget.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6184405..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/SearchFieldWidget.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui;
-import net.minecraft.client.font.TextRenderer;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.TextFieldWidget;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-public class SearchFieldWidget extends TextFieldWidget {
- private Text emptyText;
- private final YACLScreen yaclScreen;
- private final TextRenderer textRenderer;
- private boolean isEmpty = true;
- public SearchFieldWidget(YACLScreen yaclScreen, TextRenderer textRenderer, int x, int y, int width, int height, Text text, Text emptyText) {
- super(textRenderer, x, y, width, height, text);
- setChangedListener(string -> update());
- setTextPredicate(string -> !string.endsWith(" ") && !string.startsWith(" "));
- this.yaclScreen = yaclScreen;
- this.textRenderer = textRenderer;
- this.emptyText = emptyText;
- }
- @Override
- public void renderButton(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- super.renderButton(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- if (isVisible() && isEmpty()) {
- textRenderer.drawWithShadow(matrices, emptyText, x + 4, this.y + (this.height - 8) / 2f, 0x707070);
- }
- }
- private void update() {
- boolean wasEmpty = isEmpty;
- isEmpty = getText().isEmpty();
- if (isEmpty && wasEmpty)
- return;
- if (!isEmpty && yaclScreen.getCurrentCategoryIdx() != -1)
- yaclScreen.changeCategory(-1);
- if (isEmpty && yaclScreen.getCurrentCategoryIdx() == -1)
- yaclScreen.changeCategory(0);
- yaclScreen.optionList.expandAllGroups();
- yaclScreen.optionList.recacheViewableChildren();
- yaclScreen.optionList.setScrollAmount(0);
- yaclScreen.categoryList.setScrollAmount(0);
- }
- public boolean isEmpty() {
- return isEmpty;
- }
- public Text getEmptyText() {
- return emptyText;
- }
- public void setEmptyText(Text emptyText) {
- this.emptyText = emptyText;
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/TextScaledButtonWidget.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/TextScaledButtonWidget.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d588d52..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/TextScaledButtonWidget.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui;
-import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
-import net.minecraft.client.font.TextRenderer;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.text.OrderedText;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
-public class TextScaledButtonWidget extends ButtonWidget {
- public float textScale;
- public TextScaledButtonWidget(int x, int y, int width, int height, float textScale, Text message, PressAction onPress) {
- super(x, y, width, height, message, onPress);
- this.textScale = textScale;
- }
- public TextScaledButtonWidget(int x, int y, int width, int height, float textScale, Text message, PressAction onPress, TooltipSupplier tooltipSupplier) {
- super(x, y, width, height, message, onPress, tooltipSupplier);
- this.textScale = textScale;
- }
- @Override
- public void renderButton(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- // prevents super from rendering text
- Text message = getMessage();
- setMessage(Text.empty());
- super.renderButton(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- setMessage(message);
- int j = this.active ? 16777215 : 10526880;
- OrderedText orderedText = getMessage().asOrderedText();
- TextRenderer textRenderer = MinecraftClient.getInstance().textRenderer;
- matrices.push();
- matrices.translate(((this.x + this.width / 2f) - textRenderer.getWidth(orderedText) * textScale / 2), (float)this.y + (this.height - 8 * textScale) / 2f / textScale, 0);
- matrices.scale(textScale, textScale, 1);
- textRenderer.drawWithShadow(matrices, orderedText, 0, 0, j | MathHelper.ceil(this.alpha * 255.0F) << 24);
- matrices.pop();
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/TooltipButtonWidget.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/TooltipButtonWidget.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d105f7b..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/TooltipButtonWidget.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui;
-import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
-import net.minecraft.client.font.MultilineText;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-public class TooltipButtonWidget extends ButtonWidget {
- protected final Screen screen;
- protected MultilineText wrappedDescription;
- public TooltipButtonWidget(Screen screen, int x, int y, int width, int height, Text message, Text tooltip, PressAction onPress) {
- super(x, y, width, height, message, onPress);
- this.screen = screen;
- setTooltip(tooltip);
- }
- public void renderHoveredTooltip(MatrixStack matrices) {
- if (isHovered()) {
- YACLScreen.renderMultilineTooltip(matrices, MinecraftClient.getInstance().textRenderer, wrappedDescription, x + width / 2, y - 4, y + height + 4, screen.width, screen.height);
- }
- }
- public void setTooltip(Text tooltip) {
- wrappedDescription = MultilineText.create(MinecraftClient.getInstance().textRenderer, tooltip, screen.width / 3 - 5);
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/YACLScreen.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/YACLScreen.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 629fd4c..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/YACLScreen.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui;
-import com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.*;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.MutableDimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.OptionUtils;
-import net.minecraft.client.font.MultilineText;
-import net.minecraft.client.font.TextRenderer;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.Element;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
-import net.minecraft.client.render.*;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import net.minecraft.util.Formatting;
-import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
-import net.minecraft.util.math.Matrix4f;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
-public class YACLScreen extends Screen {
- public final YetAnotherConfigLib config;
- private int currentCategoryIdx;
- private final Screen parent;
- public OptionListWidget optionList;
- public CategoryListWidget categoryList;
- public TooltipButtonWidget finishedSaveButton, cancelResetButton, undoButton;
- public SearchFieldWidget searchFieldWidget;
- public Text saveButtonMessage, saveButtonTooltipMessage;
- private int saveButtonMessageTime;
- public YACLScreen(YetAnotherConfigLib config, Screen parent) {
- super(config.title());
- this.config = config;
- this.parent = parent;
- this.currentCategoryIdx = 0;
- }
- @Override
- protected void init() {
- int columnWidth = width / 3;
- int padding = columnWidth / 20;
- columnWidth = Math.min(columnWidth, 400);
- int paddedWidth = columnWidth - padding * 2;
- MutableDimension<Integer> actionDim = Dimension.ofInt(width / 3 / 2, height - padding - 20, paddedWidth, 20);
- finishedSaveButton = new TooltipButtonWidget(this, actionDim.x() - actionDim.width() / 2, actionDim.y(), actionDim.width(), actionDim.height(), Text.empty(), Text.empty(), (btn) -> {
- saveButtonMessage = null;
- if (pendingChanges()) {
- Set<OptionFlag> flags = new HashSet<>();
- OptionUtils.forEachOptions(config, option -> {
- if (option.applyValue()) {
- flags.addAll(option.flags());
- }
- });
- OptionUtils.forEachOptions(config, option -> {
- if (option.changed()) {
- option.forgetPendingValue();
- }
- });
- config.saveFunction().run();
- flags.forEach(flag -> flag.accept(client));
- } else close();
- });
- actionDim.expand(-actionDim.width() / 2 - 2, 0).move(-actionDim.width() / 2 - 2, -22);
- cancelResetButton = new TooltipButtonWidget(this, actionDim.x() - actionDim.width() / 2, actionDim.y(), actionDim.width(), actionDim.height(), Text.empty(), Text.empty(), (btn) -> {
- if (pendingChanges()) {
- OptionUtils.forEachOptions(config, Option::forgetPendingValue);
- close();
- } else {
- OptionUtils.forEachOptions(config, Option::requestSetDefault);
- }
- });
- actionDim.move(actionDim.width() + 4, 0);
- undoButton = new TooltipButtonWidget(this, actionDim.x() - actionDim.width() / 2, actionDim.y(), actionDim.width(), actionDim.height(), Text.translatable("yacl.gui.undo"), Text.translatable("yacl.gui.undo.tooltip"), (btn) -> {
- OptionUtils.forEachOptions(config, Option::forgetPendingValue);
- });
- searchFieldWidget = new SearchFieldWidget(this, textRenderer, width / 3 / 2 - paddedWidth / 2 + 1, undoButton.y - 22, paddedWidth - 2, 18, Text.translatable("gui.recipebook.search_hint"), Text.translatable("gui.recipebook.search_hint"));
- categoryList = new CategoryListWidget(client, this, width, height);
- addSelectableChild(categoryList);
- updateActionAvailability();
- addDrawableChild(searchFieldWidget);
- addDrawableChild(cancelResetButton);
- addDrawableChild(undoButton);
- addDrawableChild(finishedSaveButton);
- optionList = new OptionListWidget(this, client, width, height);
- addSelectableChild(optionList);
- config.initConsumer().accept(this);
- }
- @Override
- public void render(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- renderBackground(matrices);
- super.render(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- categoryList.render(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- searchFieldWidget.render(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- optionList.render(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- categoryList.postRender(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- optionList.postRender(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- for (Element child : children()) {
- if (child instanceof TooltipButtonWidget tooltipButtonWidget) {
- tooltipButtonWidget.renderHoveredTooltip(matrices);
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public boolean keyPressed(int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers) {
- if (optionList.keyPressed(keyCode, scanCode, modifiers)) {
- return true;
- }
- return super.keyPressed(keyCode, scanCode, modifiers);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean charTyped(char chr, int modifiers) {
- if (optionList.charTyped(chr, modifiers)) {
- return true;
- }
- return super.charTyped(chr, modifiers);
- }
- public void changeCategory(int idx) {
- if (idx == currentCategoryIdx)
- return;
- if (idx != -1 && config.categories().get(idx) instanceof PlaceholderCategory placeholderCategory) {
- client.setScreen(placeholderCategory.screen().apply(client, this));
- } else {
- currentCategoryIdx = idx;
- optionList.refreshOptions();
- }
- }
- public int getCurrentCategoryIdx() {
- return currentCategoryIdx;
- }
- private void updateActionAvailability() {
- boolean pendingChanges = pendingChanges();
- undoButton.active = pendingChanges;
- finishedSaveButton.setMessage(pendingChanges ? Text.translatable("yacl.gui.save") : Text.translatable("gui.done"));
- finishedSaveButton.setTooltip(pendingChanges ? Text.translatable("yacl.gui.save.tooltip") : Text.translatable("yacl.gui.finished.tooltip"));
- cancelResetButton.setMessage(pendingChanges ? Text.translatable("gui.cancel") : Text.translatable("controls.reset"));
- cancelResetButton.setTooltip(pendingChanges ? Text.translatable("yacl.gui.cancel.tooltip") : Text.translatable("yacl.gui.reset.tooltip"));
- }
- @Override
- public void tick() {
- searchFieldWidget.tick();
- updateActionAvailability();
- if (saveButtonMessage != null) {
- if (saveButtonMessageTime > 140) {
- saveButtonMessage = null;
- saveButtonTooltipMessage = null;
- saveButtonMessageTime = 0;
- } else {
- saveButtonMessageTime++;
- finishedSaveButton.setMessage(saveButtonMessage);
- if (saveButtonTooltipMessage != null) {
- finishedSaveButton.setTooltip(saveButtonTooltipMessage);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void setSaveButtonMessage(Text message, Text tooltip) {
- saveButtonMessage = message;
- saveButtonTooltipMessage = tooltip;
- saveButtonMessageTime = 0;
- }
- private boolean pendingChanges() {
- AtomicBoolean pendingChanges = new AtomicBoolean(false);
- OptionUtils.consumeOptions(config, (option) -> {
- if (option.changed()) {
- pendingChanges.set(true);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- });
- return pendingChanges.get();
- }
- @Override
- public boolean shouldCloseOnEsc() {
- if (pendingChanges()) {
- setSaveButtonMessage(Text.translatable("yacl.gui.save_before_exit").formatted(Formatting.RED), Text.translatable("yacl.gui.save_before_exit.tooltip"));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public void close() {
- client.setScreen(parent);
- }
- public static void renderMultilineTooltip(MatrixStack matrices, TextRenderer textRenderer, MultilineText text, int centerX, int yAbove, int yBelow, int screenWidth, int screenHeight) {
- if (text.count() > 0) {
- int maxWidth = text.getMaxWidth();
- int lineHeight = textRenderer.fontHeight + 1;
- int height = text.count() * lineHeight - 1;
- int belowY = yBelow + 12;
- int aboveY = yAbove - height + 12;
- int maxBelow = screenHeight - (belowY + height);
- int minAbove = aboveY - height;
- int y = belowY;
- if (maxBelow < -8)
- y = maxBelow > minAbove ? belowY : aboveY;
- int x = Math.max(centerX - text.getMaxWidth() / 2 - 12, -6);
- int drawX = x + 12;
- int drawY = y - 12;
- matrices.push();
- Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
- BufferBuilder bufferBuilder = tessellator.getBuffer();
- RenderSystem.setShader(GameRenderer::getPositionColorShader);
- bufferBuilder.begin(VertexFormat.DrawMode.QUADS, VertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR);
- Matrix4f matrix4f = matrices.peek().getPositionMatrix();
- fillGradient(matrix4f, bufferBuilder, drawX - 3, drawY - 4, drawX + maxWidth + 3, drawY - 3, 400, -267386864, -267386864);
- fillGradient(matrix4f, bufferBuilder, drawX - 3, drawY + height + 3, drawX + maxWidth + 3, drawY + height + 4, 400, -267386864, -267386864);
- fillGradient(matrix4f, bufferBuilder, drawX - 3, drawY - 3, drawX + maxWidth + 3, drawY + height + 3, 400, -267386864, -267386864);
- fillGradient(matrix4f, bufferBuilder, drawX - 4, drawY - 3, drawX - 3, drawY + height + 3, 400, -267386864, -267386864);
- fillGradient(matrix4f, bufferBuilder, drawX + maxWidth + 3, drawY - 3, drawX + maxWidth + 4, drawY + height + 3, 400, -267386864, -267386864);
- fillGradient(matrix4f, bufferBuilder, drawX - 3, drawY - 3 + 1, drawX - 3 + 1, drawY + height + 3 - 1, 400, 1347420415, 1344798847);
- fillGradient(matrix4f, bufferBuilder, drawX + maxWidth + 2, drawY - 3 + 1, drawX + maxWidth + 3, drawY + height + 3 - 1, 400, 1347420415, 1344798847);
- fillGradient(matrix4f, bufferBuilder, drawX - 3, drawY - 3, drawX + maxWidth + 3, drawY - 3 + 1, 400, 1347420415, 1347420415);
- fillGradient(matrix4f, bufferBuilder, drawX - 3, drawY + height + 2, drawX + maxWidth + 3, drawY + height + 3, 400, 1344798847, 1344798847);
- RenderSystem.enableDepthTest();
- RenderSystem.disableTexture();
- RenderSystem.enableBlend();
- RenderSystem.defaultBlendFunc();
- BufferRenderer.drawWithShader(bufferBuilder.end());
- RenderSystem.disableBlend();
- RenderSystem.enableTexture();
- matrices.translate(0.0, 0.0, 400.0);
- text.drawWithShadow(matrices, drawX, drawY, lineHeight, -1);
- matrices.pop();
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/ActionController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/ActionController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b8e2cd1..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/ActionController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.ButtonOption;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Controller;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.AbstractWidget;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW;
-import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
- * Simple controller that simply runs the button action on press
- * and renders a {@link} Text on the right.
- */
-public class ActionController implements Controller<BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption>> {
- public static final Text DEFAULT_TEXT = Text.translatable("yacl.control.action.execute");
- private final ButtonOption option;
- private final Text text;
- /**
- * Constructs an action controller
- * with the default formatter of {@link ActionController#DEFAULT_TEXT}
- *
- * @param option bound option
- */
- public ActionController(ButtonOption option) {
- this(option, DEFAULT_TEXT);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs an action controller
- *
- * @param option bound option
- * @param text text to display
- */
- public ActionController(ButtonOption option, Text text) {
- this.option = option;
- this.text = text;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public ButtonOption option() {
- return option;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Text formatValue() {
- return text;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public AbstractWidget provideWidget(YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> widgetDimension) {
- return new ActionControllerElement(this, screen, widgetDimension);
- }
- public static class ActionControllerElement extends ControllerWidget<ActionController> {
- private final String buttonString;
- public ActionControllerElement(ActionController control, YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> dim) {
- super(control, screen, dim);
- buttonString = control.formatValue().getString().toLowerCase();
- }
- public void executeAction() {
- playDownSound();
- control.option().action().accept(screen, control.option());
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseClicked(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button) {
- if (isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY) && isAvailable()) {
- executeAction();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean keyPressed(int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers) {
- if (!focused) {
- return false;
- }
- if (keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_ENTER || keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_SPACE || keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_KP_ENTER) {
- executeAction();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- protected int getHoveredControlWidth() {
- return getUnhoveredControlWidth();
- }
- @Override
- public boolean canReset() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean matchesSearch(String query) {
- return super.matchesSearch(query) || buttonString.contains(query);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/BooleanController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/BooleanController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b7a77dd..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/BooleanController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Controller;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.AbstractWidget;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import net.minecraft.util.Formatting;
-import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW;
-import java.util.function.Function;
- * This controller renders a simple formatted {@link Text}
- */
-public class BooleanController implements Controller<Boolean> {
- public static final Function<Boolean, Text> ON_OFF_FORMATTER = (state) ->
- state
- ? Text.translatable("options.on")
- : Text.translatable("options.off");
- public static final Function<Boolean, Text> TRUE_FALSE_FORMATTER = (state) ->
- state
- ? Text.translatable("yacl.control.boolean.true")
- : Text.translatable("yacl.control.boolean.false");
- public static final Function<Boolean, Text> YES_NO_FORMATTER = (state) ->
- state
- ? Text.translatable("gui.yes")
- : Text.translatable("gui.no");
- private final Option<Boolean> option;
- private final Function<Boolean, Text> valueFormatter;
- private final boolean coloured;
- /**
- * Constructs a tickbox controller
- * with the default value formatter of {@link BooleanController#ON_OFF_FORMATTER}
- *
- * @param option bound option
- */
- public BooleanController(Option<Boolean> option) {
- this(option, ON_OFF_FORMATTER, false);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a tickbox controller
- * with the default value formatter of {@link BooleanController#ON_OFF_FORMATTER}
- *
- * @param option bound option
- * @param coloured value format is green or red depending on the state
- */
- public BooleanController(Option<Boolean> option, boolean coloured) {
- this(option, ON_OFF_FORMATTER, coloured);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a tickbox controller
- *
- * @param option bound option
- * @param valueFormatter format value into any {@link Text}
- * @param coloured value format is green or red depending on the state
- */
- public BooleanController(Option<Boolean> option, Function<Boolean, Text> valueFormatter, boolean coloured) {
- this.option = option;
- this.valueFormatter = valueFormatter;
- this.coloured = coloured;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Option<Boolean> option() {
- return option;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Text formatValue() {
- return valueFormatter.apply(option().pendingValue());
- }
- /**
- * Value format is green or red depending on the state
- */
- public boolean coloured() {
- return coloured;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public AbstractWidget provideWidget(YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> widgetDimension) {
- return new BooleanControllerElement(this, screen, widgetDimension);
- }
- public static class BooleanControllerElement extends ControllerWidget<BooleanController> {
- private BooleanControllerElement(BooleanController control, YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> dim) {
- super(control, screen, dim);
- }
- @Override
- protected void drawHoveredControl(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseClicked(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button) {
- if (!isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY) || !isAvailable())
- return false;
- toggleSetting();
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- protected int getHoveredControlWidth() {
- return getUnhoveredControlWidth();
- }
- public void toggleSetting() {
- control.option().requestSet(!control.option().pendingValue());
- playDownSound();
- }
- @Override
- protected Text getValueText() {
- if (control.coloured()) {
- return super.getValueText().copy().formatted(control.option().pendingValue() ? Formatting.GREEN : Formatting.RED);
- }
- return super.getValueText();
- }
- @Override
- public boolean keyPressed(int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers) {
- if (!focused) {
- return false;
- }
- if (keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_ENTER || keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_SPACE || keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_KP_ENTER) {
- toggleSetting();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/ColorController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/ColorController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a83fbe..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/ColorController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.MutableDimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.AbstractWidget;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.string.IStringController;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.string.StringControllerElement;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawableHelper;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.text.MutableText;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import net.minecraft.util.Formatting;
-import java.awt.*;
-import java.util.List;
- * A color controller that uses a hex color field as input.
- */
-public class ColorController implements IStringController<Color> {
- private final Option<Color> option;
- private final boolean allowAlpha;
- /**
- * Constructs a color controller with {@link ColorController#allowAlpha()} defaulting to false
- *
- * @param option bound option
- */
- public ColorController(Option<Color> option) {
- this(option, false);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a color controller
- *
- * @param option bound option
- * @param allowAlpha allows the color input to accept alpha values
- */
- public ColorController(Option<Color> option, boolean allowAlpha) {
- this.option = option;
- this.allowAlpha = allowAlpha;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Option<Color> option() {
- return option;
- }
- public boolean allowAlpha() {
- return allowAlpha;
- }
- @Override
- public String getString() {
- return formatValue().getString();
- }
- @Override
- public Text formatValue() {
- MutableText text = Text.literal("#");
- text.append(Text.literal(toHex(option().pendingValue().getRed())).formatted(Formatting.RED));
- text.append(Text.literal(toHex(option().pendingValue().getGreen())).formatted(Formatting.GREEN));
- text.append(Text.literal(toHex(option().pendingValue().getBlue())).formatted(Formatting.BLUE));
- if (allowAlpha()) text.append(toHex(option().pendingValue().getAlpha()));
- return text;
- }
- private String toHex(int value) {
- String hex = Integer.toString(value, 16).toUpperCase();
- if (hex.length() == 1)
- hex = "0" + hex;
- return hex;
- }
- @Override
- public void setFromString(String value) {
- if (value.startsWith("#"))
- value = value.substring(1);
- int red = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0, 2), 16);
- int green = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(2, 4), 16);
- int blue = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(4, 6), 16);
- if (allowAlpha()) {
- int alpha = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(6, 8), 16);
- option().requestSet(new Color(red, green, blue, alpha));
- } else {
- option().requestSet(new Color(red, green, blue));
- }
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractWidget provideWidget(YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> widgetDimension) {
- return new ColorControllerElement(this, screen, widgetDimension);
- }
- public static class ColorControllerElement extends StringControllerElement {
- private final ColorController colorController;
- protected MutableDimension<Integer> colorPreviewDim;
- private final List<Character> allowedChars;
- public ColorControllerElement(ColorController control, YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> dim) {
- super(control, screen, dim);
- this.colorController = control;
- this.allowedChars = ImmutableList.of('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f');
- }
- @Override
- protected void drawValueText(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- if (isHovered()) {
- colorPreviewDim.move(-inputFieldBounds.width() - 5, 0);
- super.drawValueText(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- }
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, colorPreviewDim.x(), colorPreviewDim.y(), colorPreviewDim.xLimit(), colorPreviewDim.yLimit(), colorController.option().pendingValue().getRGB());
- drawOutline(matrices, colorPreviewDim.x(), colorPreviewDim.y(), colorPreviewDim.xLimit(), colorPreviewDim.yLimit(), 1, 0xFF000000);
- }
- @Override
- public void write(String string) {
- for (char chr : string.toCharArray()) {
- if (!allowedChars.contains(Character.toLowerCase(chr))) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (caretPos == 0)
- return;
- string = string.substring(0, Math.min(inputField.length() - caretPos, string.length()));
- inputField.replace(caretPos, caretPos + string.length(), string);
- caretPos += string.length();
- setSelectionLength();
- updateControl();
- }
- @Override
- protected void doBackspace() {
- if (caretPos > 1) {
- inputField.setCharAt(caretPos - 1, '0');
- caretPos--;
- updateControl();
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected void doDelete() {
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean canUseShortcuts() {
- return false;
- }
- protected void setSelectionLength() {
- selectionLength = caretPos < inputField.length() && caretPos > 0 ? 1 : 0;
- }
- @Override
- protected int getDefaultCarotPos() {
- return colorController.allowAlpha() ? 3 : 1;
- }
- @Override
- public void setDimension(Dimension<Integer> dim) {
- super.setDimension(dim);
- int previewSize = (dim.height() - getYPadding() * 2) / 2;
- colorPreviewDim = Dimension.ofInt(dim.xLimit() - getXPadding() - previewSize, dim.centerY() - previewSize / 2, previewSize, previewSize);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean keyPressed(int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers) {
- if (super.keyPressed(keyCode, scanCode, modifiers)) {
- caretPos = Math.max(1, caretPos);
- setSelectionLength();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseClicked(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button) {
- if (super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, button)) {
- caretPos = Math.max(1, caretPos);
- setSelectionLength();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/ControllerWidget.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/ControllerWidget.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c7f9e97..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/ControllerWidget.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Controller;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.AbstractWidget;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import net.minecraft.client.font.MultilineText;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawableHelper;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.narration.NarrationMessageBuilder;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import net.minecraft.util.Formatting;
-public abstract class ControllerWidget<T extends Controller<?>> extends AbstractWidget {
- protected final T control;
- protected MultilineText wrappedTooltip;
- protected final YACLScreen screen;
- protected boolean focused = false;
- protected boolean hovered = false;
- protected final Text modifiedOptionName;
- protected final String optionNameString;
- public ControllerWidget(T control, YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> dim) {
- super(dim);
- this.control = control;
- this.screen = screen;
- control.option().addListener((opt, pending) -> updateTooltip());
- updateTooltip();
- this.modifiedOptionName = control.option().name().copy().formatted(Formatting.ITALIC);
- this.optionNameString = control.option().name().getString().toLowerCase();
- }
- @Override
- public void render(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- hovered = isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY);
- Text name = control.option().changed() ? modifiedOptionName : control.option().name();
- String nameString = name.getString();
- boolean firstIter = true;
- while (textRenderer.getWidth(nameString) > getDimension().width() - getControlWidth() - getXPadding() - 7) {
- nameString = nameString.substring(0, Math.max(nameString.length() - (firstIter ? 2 : 5), 0)).trim();
- nameString += "...";
- firstIter = false;
- }
- Text shortenedName = Text.literal(nameString).fillStyle(name.getStyle());
- drawButtonRect(matrices, getDimension().x(), getDimension().y(), getDimension().xLimit(), getDimension().yLimit(), isHovered(), isAvailable());
- matrices.push();
- matrices.translate(getDimension().x() + getXPadding(), getTextY(), 0);
- textRenderer.drawWithShadow(matrices, shortenedName, 0, 0, getValueColor());
- matrices.pop();
- drawValueText(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- if (isHovered()) {
- drawHoveredControl(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void postRender(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- if (hovered) {
- YACLScreen.renderMultilineTooltip(matrices, textRenderer, wrappedTooltip, getDimension().centerX(), getDimension().y() - 5, getDimension().yLimit() + 5, screen.width, screen.height);
- }
- }
- protected void drawHoveredControl(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- }
- protected void drawValueText(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- Text valueText = getValueText();
- matrices.push();
- matrices.translate(getDimension().xLimit() - textRenderer.getWidth(valueText) - getXPadding(), getTextY(), 0);
- textRenderer.drawWithShadow(matrices, valueText, 0, 0, getValueColor());
- matrices.pop();
- }
- private void updateTooltip() {
- this.wrappedTooltip = MultilineText.create(textRenderer, control.option().tooltip(), screen.width / 3 * 2 - 10);
- }
- protected int getControlWidth() {
- return isHovered() ? getHoveredControlWidth() : getUnhoveredControlWidth();
- }
- public boolean isHovered() {
- return isAvailable() && (hovered || focused);
- }
- protected abstract int getHoveredControlWidth();
- protected int getUnhoveredControlWidth() {
- return textRenderer.getWidth(getValueText());
- }
- protected int getXPadding() {
- return 5;
- }
- protected int getYPadding() {
- return 2;
- }
- protected Text getValueText() {
- return control.formatValue();
- }
- protected boolean isAvailable() {
- return control.option().available();
- }
- protected int getValueColor() {
- return isAvailable() ? -1 : inactiveColor;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean canReset() {
- return true;
- }
- protected void drawOutline(MatrixStack matrices, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int width, int color) {
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, x1, y1, x2, y1 + width, color);
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, x2, y1, x2 - width, y2, color);
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, x1, y2, x2, y2 - width, color);
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, x1, y1, x1 + width, y2, color);
- }
- protected float getTextY() {
- return getDimension().y() + getDimension().height() / 2f - textRenderer.fontHeight / 2f;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean changeFocus(boolean lookForwards) {
- if (!isAvailable())
- return false;
- this.focused = !this.focused;
- return this.focused;
- }
- @Override
- public void unfocus() {
- this.focused = false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean matchesSearch(String query) {
- return optionNameString.contains(query.toLowerCase());
- }
- @Override
- public SelectionType getType() {
- return focused ? SelectionType.FOCUSED : isHovered() ? SelectionType.HOVERED : SelectionType.NONE;
- }
- @Override
- public void appendNarrations(NarrationMessageBuilder builder) {
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/EnumController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/EnumController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ebad4ae..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/EnumController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.NameableEnum;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.cycling.CyclingListController;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import net.minecraft.util.TranslatableOption;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.function.Function;
-public class EnumController<T extends Enum<T>> extends CyclingListController<T> {
- public static <T extends Enum<T>> Function<T, Text> getDefaultFormatter() {
- return value -> {
- if (value instanceof NameableEnum nameableEnum)
- return nameableEnum.getDisplayName();
- if (value instanceof TranslatableOption translatableOption)
- return translatableOption.getText();
- return Text.of(value.toString());
- };
- }
- public EnumController(Option<T> option) {
- this(option, getDefaultFormatter());
- }
- public EnumController(Option<T> option, Function<T, Text> valueFormatter) {
- this(option, valueFormatter, option.typeClass().getEnumConstants());
- }
- public EnumController(Option<T> option, Function<T, Text> valueFormatter, T[] availableValues) {
- super(option, Arrays.asList(availableValues), valueFormatter);
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/LabelController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/LabelController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8369680..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/LabelController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Controller;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.AbstractWidget;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import net.minecraft.client.font.MultilineText;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
-import net.minecraft.text.*;
-import java.util.List;
- * Simply renders some text as a label.
- */
-public class LabelController implements Controller<Text> {
- private final Option<Text> option;
- /**
- * Constructs a label controller
- *
- * @param option bound option
- */
- public LabelController(Option<Text> option) {
- this.option = option;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Option<Text> option() {
- return option;
- }
- @Override
- public Text formatValue() {
- return option().pendingValue();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractWidget provideWidget(YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> widgetDimension) {
- return new LabelControllerElement(screen, widgetDimension);
- }
- public class LabelControllerElement extends AbstractWidget {
- private List<OrderedText> wrappedText;
- protected MultilineText wrappedTooltip;
- protected final YACLScreen screen;
- public LabelControllerElement(YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> dim) {
- super(dim);
- this.screen = screen;
- option().addListener((opt, pending) -> updateTooltip());
- updateTooltip();
- updateText();
- }
- @Override
- public void render(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- updateText();
- float y = getDimension().y();
- for (OrderedText text : wrappedText) {
- textRenderer.drawWithShadow(matrices, text, getDimension().x(), y + getYPadding(), option().available() ? -1 : 0xFFA0A0A0);
- y += textRenderer.fontHeight;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void postRender(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- if (isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY)) {
- YACLScreen.renderMultilineTooltip(matrices, textRenderer, wrappedTooltip, getDimension().centerX(), getDimension().y() - 5, getDimension().yLimit() + 5, screen.width, screen.height);
- Style style = getStyle(mouseX, mouseY);
- if (style != null && style.getHoverEvent() != null) {
- HoverEvent hoverEvent = style.getHoverEvent();
- HoverEvent.ItemStackContent itemStackContent = hoverEvent.getValue(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_ITEM);
- if (itemStackContent != null) {
- ItemStack stack = itemStackContent.asStack();
- screen.renderTooltip(matrices, screen.getTooltipFromItem(stack), stack.getTooltipData(), mouseX, mouseY);
- } else {
- HoverEvent.EntityContent entityContent = hoverEvent.getValue(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_ENTITY);
- if (entityContent != null) {
- if (this.client.options.advancedItemTooltips) {
- screen.renderTooltip(matrices, entityContent.asTooltip(), mouseX, mouseY);
- }
- } else {
- Text text = hoverEvent.getValue(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT);
- if (text != null) {
- MultilineText multilineText = MultilineText.create(textRenderer, text, getDimension().width());
- YACLScreen.renderMultilineTooltip(matrices, textRenderer, multilineText, getDimension().centerX(), getDimension().y(), getDimension().yLimit(), screen.width, screen.height);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseClicked(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button) {
- if (!isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY))
- return false;
- Style style = getStyle((int) mouseX, (int) mouseY);
- return screen.handleTextClick(style);
- }
- protected Style getStyle(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
- if (!getDimension().isPointInside(mouseX, mouseY))
- return null;
- int x = mouseX - getDimension().x();
- int y = mouseY - getDimension().y() - getYPadding();
- int line = y / textRenderer.fontHeight;
- if (x < 0 || x > getDimension().xLimit()) return null;
- if (y < 0 || y > getDimension().yLimit()) return null;
- if (line < 0 || line >= wrappedText.size()) return null;
- return textRenderer.getTextHandler().getStyleAt(wrappedText.get(line), x);
- }
- private int getYPadding() {
- return 3;
- }
- private void updateText() {
- wrappedText = textRenderer.wrapLines(formatValue(), getDimension().width());
- setDimension(getDimension().withHeight(wrappedText.size() * textRenderer.fontHeight + getYPadding() * 2));
- }
- private void updateTooltip() {
- this.wrappedTooltip = MultilineText.create(textRenderer, option().tooltip(), screen.width / 3 * 2 - 10);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean matchesSearch(String query) {
- return formatValue().getString().toLowerCase().contains(query.toLowerCase());
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/TickBoxController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/TickBoxController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ff693a9..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/TickBoxController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Controller;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.AbstractWidget;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawableHelper;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW;
- * This controller renders a tickbox
- */
-public class TickBoxController implements Controller<Boolean> {
- private final Option<Boolean> option;
- /**
- * Constructs a tickbox controller
- *
- * @param option bound option
- */
- public TickBoxController(Option<Boolean> option) {
- this.option = option;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Option<Boolean> option() {
- return option;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Text formatValue() {
- return Text.empty();
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public AbstractWidget provideWidget(YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> widgetDimension) {
- return new TickBoxControllerElement(this, screen, widgetDimension);
- }
- public static class TickBoxControllerElement extends ControllerWidget<TickBoxController> {
- private TickBoxControllerElement(TickBoxController control, YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> dim) {
- super(control, screen, dim);
- }
- @Override
- protected void drawHoveredControl(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- int outlineSize = 10;
- int outlineX1 = getDimension().xLimit() - getXPadding() - outlineSize;
- int outlineY1 = getDimension().centerY() - outlineSize / 2;
- int outlineX2 = getDimension().xLimit() - getXPadding();
- int outlineY2 = getDimension().centerY() + outlineSize / 2;
- int color = getValueColor();
- int shadowColor = multiplyColor(color, 0.25f);
- drawOutline(matrices, outlineX1 + 1, outlineY1 + 1, outlineX2 + 1, outlineY2 + 1, 1, shadowColor);
- drawOutline(matrices, outlineX1, outlineY1, outlineX2, outlineY2, 1, color);
- if (control.option().pendingValue()) {
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, outlineX1 + 3, outlineY1 + 3, outlineX2 - 1, outlineY2 - 1, shadowColor);
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, outlineX1 + 2, outlineY1 + 2, outlineX2 - 2, outlineY2 - 2, color);
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected void drawValueText(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- if (!isHovered())
- drawHoveredControl(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseClicked(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button) {
- if (!isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY) || !isAvailable())
- return false;
- toggleSetting();
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- protected int getHoveredControlWidth() {
- return 10;
- }
- public void toggleSetting() {
- control.option().requestSet(!control.option().pendingValue());
- playDownSound();
- }
- @Override
- public boolean keyPressed(int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers) {
- if (!focused) {
- return false;
- }
- if (keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_ENTER || keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_SPACE || keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_KP_ENTER) {
- toggleSetting();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/cycling/CyclingControllerElement.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/cycling/CyclingControllerElement.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ab0a9c3..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/cycling/CyclingControllerElement.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.cycling;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.ControllerWidget;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
-import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW;
-public class CyclingControllerElement extends ControllerWidget<ICyclingController<?>> {
- public CyclingControllerElement(ICyclingController<?> control, YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> dim) {
- super(control, screen, dim);
- }
- public void cycleValue(int increment) {
- int targetIdx = control.getPendingValue() + increment;
- if (targetIdx >= control.getCycleLength()) {
- targetIdx -= control.getCycleLength();
- } else if (targetIdx < 0) {
- targetIdx += control.getCycleLength();
- }
- control.setPendingValue(targetIdx);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseClicked(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button) {
- if (!isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY) || (button != 0 && button != 1) || !isAvailable())
- return false;
- playDownSound();
- cycleValue(button == 1 || Screen.hasShiftDown() || Screen.hasControlDown() ? -1 : 1);
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean keyPressed(int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers) {
- if (!focused)
- return false;
- switch (keyCode) {
- cycleValue(-1);
- cycleValue(1);
- cycleValue(Screen.hasControlDown() || Screen.hasShiftDown() ? -1 : 1);
- default -> {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- protected int getHoveredControlWidth() {
- return getUnhoveredControlWidth();
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/cycling/CyclingListController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/cycling/CyclingListController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b14066..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/cycling/CyclingListController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.cycling;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import java.util.function.Function;
- * A controller where once clicked, cycles through elements
- * in the provided list.
- */
-public class CyclingListController<T> implements ICyclingController<T> {
- private final Option<T> option;
- private final Function<T, Text> valueFormatter;
- private final ImmutableList<T> values;
- /**
- * Constructs a {@link CyclingListController}, with a default
- * value formatter of {@link Object#toString()}.
- * @param option option of which to bind the controller to
- * @param values the values to cycle through
- */
- public CyclingListController(Option<T> option, Iterable<T> values) {
- this(option, values, value -> Text.of(value.toString()));
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a {@link CyclingListController}
- * @param option option of which to bind the controller to
- * @param values the values to cycle through
- * @param valueFormatter function of how to convert each value to a string to display
- */
- public CyclingListController(Option<T> option, Iterable<T> values, Function<T, Text> valueFormatter) {
- this.option = option;
- this.valueFormatter = valueFormatter;
- this.values = ImmutableList.copyOf(values);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Option<T> option() {
- return option;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Text formatValue() {
- return valueFormatter.apply(option().pendingValue());
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void setPendingValue(int ordinal) {
- option().requestSet(values.get(ordinal));
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public int getPendingValue() {
- return values.indexOf(option().pendingValue());
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public int getCycleLength() {
- return values.size();
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/cycling/EnumController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/cycling/EnumController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index bc9f46d..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/cycling/EnumController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.cycling;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.NameableEnum;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import net.minecraft.util.TranslatableOption;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.function.Function;
- * Simple controller type that displays the enum on the right.
- * <p>
- * Cycles forward with left click, cycles backward with right click or when shift is held
- *
- * @param <T> enum type
- */
-public class EnumController<T extends Enum<T>> extends CyclingListController<T> {
- public static <T extends Enum<T>> Function<T, Text> getDefaultFormatter() {
- return value -> {
- if (value instanceof NameableEnum nameableEnum)
- return nameableEnum.getDisplayName();
- if (value instanceof TranslatableOption translatableOption)
- return translatableOption.getText();
- return Text.of(value.toString());
- };
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a cycling enum controller with a default value formatter and all values being available.
- * The default value formatter first searches if the
- * enum is a {@link NameableEnum} or {@link TranslatableOption} else, just uses {@link Enum#toString()}
- *
- * @param option bound option
- */
- public EnumController(Option<T> option) {
- this(option, getDefaultFormatter());
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a cycling enum controller with all values being available.
- *
- * @param option bound option
- * @param valueFormatter format the enum into any {@link Text}
- */
- public EnumController(Option<T> option, Function<T, Text> valueFormatter) {
- this(option, valueFormatter, option.typeClass().getEnumConstants());
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a cycling enum controller.
- *
- * @param option bound option
- * @param valueFormatter format the enum into any {@link Text}
- * @param availableValues all enum constants that can be cycled through
- */
- public EnumController(Option<T> option, Function<T, Text> valueFormatter, T[] availableValues) {
- super(option, Arrays.asList(availableValues), valueFormatter);
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/cycling/ICyclingController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/cycling/ICyclingController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 081b572..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/cycling/ICyclingController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.cycling;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Controller;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.AbstractWidget;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
- * This interface simply generifies setting and getting of
- * the pending value, using an ordinal so elements can cycle through
- * without knowing the content.
- */
-public interface ICyclingController<T> extends Controller<T> {
- /**
- * Sets the pending value to whatever corresponds to the ordinal
- * @param ordinal index of element to set
- */
- void setPendingValue(int ordinal);
- /**
- * Gets the pending ordinal that corresponds to the actual value
- * @return ordinal
- */
- int getPendingValue();
- /**
- * Allows the element when it should wrap-around back to zeroth ordinal
- */
- int getCycleLength();
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- default AbstractWidget provideWidget(YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> widgetDimension) {
- return new CyclingControllerElement(this, screen, widgetDimension);
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/package-info.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/package-info.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 12ce86b..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/package-info.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- * This package contains all {@link dev.isxander.yacl.api.Controller} implementations
- *
- * <ul>
- * <li>For numbers: {@link dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.slider}</li>
- * <li>For booleans: {@link dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.TickBoxController}</li>
- * <li>For lists/enums: {@link dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.cycling}</li>
- * <li>For strings: {@link dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.string.StringController}</li>
- * <li>For {@link dev.isxander.yacl.api.ButtonOption}: {@link dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.ActionController}</li>
- * </ul>
- */
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers;
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/DoubleSliderController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/DoubleSliderController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b530e8c..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/DoubleSliderController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.slider;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
-import java.util.function.Function;
- * {@link ISliderController} for doubles.
- */
-public class DoubleSliderController implements ISliderController<Double> {
- /**
- * Formats doubles to two decimal places
- */
- public static final Function<Double, Text> DEFAULT_FORMATTER = value -> Text.of(String.format("%,.2f", value));
- private final Option<Double> option;
- private final double min, max, interval;
- private final Function<Double, Text> valueFormatter;
- /**
- * Constructs a {@link ISliderController} for doubles
- * using the default value formatter {@link DoubleSliderController#DEFAULT_FORMATTER}.
- *
- * @param option bound option
- * @param min minimum slider value
- * @param max maximum slider value
- * @param interval step size (or increments) for the slider
- */
- public DoubleSliderController(Option<Double> option, double min, double max, double interval) {
- this(option, min, max, interval, DEFAULT_FORMATTER);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a {@link ISliderController} for doubles.
- *
- * @param option bound option
- * @param min minimum slider value
- * @param max maximum slider value
- * @param interval step size (or increments) for the slider
- * @param valueFormatter format the value into any {@link Text}
- */
- public DoubleSliderController(Option<Double> option, double min, double max, double interval, Function<Double, Text> valueFormatter) {
- Validate.isTrue(max > min, "`max` cannot be smaller than `min`");
- Validate.isTrue(interval > 0, "`interval` must be more than 0");
- Validate.notNull(valueFormatter, "`valueFormatter` must not be null");
- this.option = option;
- this.min = min;
- this.max = max;
- this.interval = interval;
- this.valueFormatter = valueFormatter;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Option<Double> option() {
- return option;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Text formatValue() {
- return valueFormatter.apply(option().pendingValue());
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double min() {
- return min;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double max() {
- return max;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double interval() {
- return interval;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void setPendingValue(double value) {
- option().requestSet(value);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double pendingValue() {
- return option().pendingValue();
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/FloatSliderController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/FloatSliderController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d7c203e..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/FloatSliderController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.slider;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
-import java.util.function.Function;
- * {@link ISliderController} for floats.
- */
-public class FloatSliderController implements ISliderController<Float> {
- /**
- * Formats floats to one decimal place
- */
- public static final Function<Float, Text> DEFAULT_FORMATTER = value -> Text.of(String.format("%,.1f", value));
- private final Option<Float> option;
- private final float min, max, interval;
- private final Function<Float, Text> valueFormatter;
- /**
- * Constructs a {@link ISliderController} for floats
- * using the default value formatter {@link FloatSliderController#DEFAULT_FORMATTER}.
- *
- * @param option bound option
- * @param min minimum slider value
- * @param max maximum slider value
- * @param interval step size (or increments) for the slider
- */
- public FloatSliderController(Option<Float> option, float min, float max, float interval) {
- this(option, min, max, interval, DEFAULT_FORMATTER);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a {@link ISliderController} for floats.
- *
- * @param option bound option
- * @param min minimum slider value
- * @param max maximum slider value
- * @param interval step size (or increments) for the slider
- * @param valueFormatter format the value into any {@link Text}
- */
- public FloatSliderController(Option<Float> option, float min, float max, float interval, Function<Float, Text> valueFormatter) {
- Validate.isTrue(max > min, "`max` cannot be smaller than `min`");
- Validate.isTrue(interval > 0, "`interval` must be more than 0");
- Validate.notNull(valueFormatter, "`valueFormatter` must not be null");
- this.option = option;
- this.min = min;
- this.max = max;
- this.interval = interval;
- this.valueFormatter = valueFormatter;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Option<Float> option() {
- return option;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Text formatValue() {
- return valueFormatter.apply(option().pendingValue());
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double min() {
- return min;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double max() {
- return max;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double interval() {
- return interval;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void setPendingValue(double value) {
- option().requestSet((float) value);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double pendingValue() {
- return option().pendingValue();
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/ISliderController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/ISliderController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index aa3c18f..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/ISliderController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.slider;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Controller;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.AbstractWidget;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
- * Simple custom slider implementation that shifts the current value across when shown.
- * <p>
- * For simplicity, {@link SliderControllerElement} works in doubles so each
- * {@link ISliderController} must cast to double. This is to get around re-writing the element for every type.
- */
-public interface ISliderController<T extends Number> extends Controller<T> {
- /**
- * Gets the minimum value for the slider
- */
- double min();
- /**
- * Gets the maximum value for the slider
- */
- double max();
- /**
- * Gets the interval (or step size) for the slider.
- */
- double interval();
- /**
- * Gets the range of the slider.
- */
- default double range() {
- return max() - min();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the {@link dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option}'s pending value
- */
- void setPendingValue(double value);
- /**
- * Gets the {@link dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option}'s pending value
- */
- double pendingValue();
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- default AbstractWidget provideWidget(YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> widgetDimension) {
- return new SliderControllerElement(this, screen, widgetDimension, min(), max(), interval());
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/IntegerSliderController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/IntegerSliderController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a8bca7c..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/IntegerSliderController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.slider;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
-import java.util.function.Function;
- * {@link ISliderController} for integers.
- */
-public class IntegerSliderController implements ISliderController<Integer> {
- public static final Function<Integer, Text> DEFAULT_FORMATTER = value -> Text.of(String.format("%,d", value));
- private final Option<Integer> option;
- private final int min, max, interval;
- private final Function<Integer, Text> valueFormatter;
- /**
- * Constructs a {@link ISliderController} for integers
- * using the default value formatter {@link IntegerSliderController#DEFAULT_FORMATTER}.
- *
- * @param option bound option
- * @param min minimum slider value
- * @param max maximum slider value
- * @param interval step size (or increments) for the slider
- */
- public IntegerSliderController(Option<Integer> option, int min, int max, int interval) {
- this(option, min, max, interval, DEFAULT_FORMATTER);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a {@link ISliderController} for integers.
- *
- * @param option bound option
- * @param min minimum slider value
- * @param max maximum slider value
- * @param interval step size (or increments) for the slider
- * @param valueFormatter format the value into any {@link Text}
- */
- public IntegerSliderController(Option<Integer> option, int min, int max, int interval, Function<Integer, Text> valueFormatter) {
- Validate.isTrue(max > min, "`max` cannot be smaller than `min`");
- Validate.isTrue(interval > 0, "`interval` must be more than 0");
- Validate.notNull(valueFormatter, "`valueFormatter` must not be null");
- this.option = option;
- this.min = min;
- this.max = max;
- this.interval = interval;
- this.valueFormatter = valueFormatter;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Option<Integer> option() {
- return option;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Text formatValue() {
- return valueFormatter.apply(option().pendingValue());
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double min() {
- return min;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double max() {
- return max;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double interval() {
- return interval;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void setPendingValue(double value) {
- option().requestSet((int) value);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double pendingValue() {
- return option().pendingValue();
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/LongSliderController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/LongSliderController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 50559d5..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/LongSliderController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.slider;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
-import java.util.function.Function;
- * {@link ISliderController} for longs.
- */
-public class LongSliderController implements ISliderController<Long> {
- public static final Function<Long, Text> DEFAULT_FORMATTER = value -> Text.of(String.format("%,d", value));
- private final Option<Long> option;
- private final long min, max, interval;
- private final Function<Long, Text> valueFormatter;
- /**
- * Constructs a {@link ISliderController} for longs
- * using the default value formatter {@link LongSliderController#DEFAULT_FORMATTER}.
- *
- * @param option bound option
- * @param min minimum slider value
- * @param max maximum slider value
- * @param interval step size (or increments) for the slider
- */
- public LongSliderController(Option<Long> option, long min, long max, long interval) {
- this(option, min, max, interval, DEFAULT_FORMATTER);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a {@link ISliderController} for longs.
- *
- * @param option bound option
- * @param min minimum slider value
- * @param max maximum slider value
- * @param interval step size (or increments) for the slider
- * @param valueFormatter format the value into any {@link Text}
- */
- public LongSliderController(Option<Long> option, long min, long max, long interval, Function<Long, Text> valueFormatter) {
- Validate.isTrue(max > min, "`max` cannot be smaller than `min`");
- Validate.isTrue(interval > 0, "`interval` must be more than 0");
- Validate.notNull(valueFormatter, "`valueFormatter` must not be null");
- this.option = option;
- this.min = min;
- this.max = max;
- this.interval = interval;
- this.valueFormatter = valueFormatter;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Option<Long> option() {
- return option;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Text formatValue() {
- return valueFormatter.apply(option().pendingValue());
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double min() {
- return min;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double max() {
- return max;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double interval() {
- return interval;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void setPendingValue(double value) {
- option().requestSet((long) value);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public double pendingValue() {
- return option().pendingValue();
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/SliderControllerElement.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/SliderControllerElement.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 913cc00..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/SliderControllerElement.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.slider;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.ControllerWidget;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawableHelper;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
-import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW;
-public class SliderControllerElement extends ControllerWidget<ISliderController<?>> {
- private final double min, max, interval;
- private float interpolation;
- private Dimension<Integer> sliderBounds;
- private boolean mouseDown = false;
- public SliderControllerElement(ISliderController<?> option, YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> dim, double min, double max, double interval) {
- super(option, screen, dim);
- this.min = min;
- this.max = max;
- this.interval = interval;
- setDimension(dim);
- }
- @Override
- public void render(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- super.render(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- calculateInterpolation();
- }
- @Override
- protected void drawHoveredControl(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- // track
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, sliderBounds.x(), sliderBounds.centerY() - 1, sliderBounds.xLimit(), sliderBounds.centerY(), -1);
- // track shadow
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, sliderBounds.x() + 1, sliderBounds.centerY(), sliderBounds.xLimit() + 1, sliderBounds.centerY() + 1, 0xFF404040);
- // thumb shadow
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, getThumbX() - getThumbWidth() / 2 + 1, sliderBounds.y() + 1, getThumbX() + getThumbWidth() / 2 + 1, sliderBounds.yLimit() + 1, 0xFF404040);
- // thumb
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, getThumbX() - getThumbWidth() / 2, sliderBounds.y(), getThumbX() + getThumbWidth() / 2, sliderBounds.yLimit(), -1);
- }
- @Override
- protected void drawValueText(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- matrices.push();
- if (isHovered())
- matrices.translate(-(sliderBounds.width() + 6 + getThumbWidth() / 2f), 0, 0);
- super.drawValueText(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- matrices.pop();
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseClicked(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button) {
- if (!isAvailable() || button != 0 || !sliderBounds.isPointInside((int) mouseX, (int) mouseY))
- return false;
- mouseDown = true;
- setValueFromMouse(mouseX);
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseDragged(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button, double deltaX, double deltaY) {
- if (!isAvailable() || button != 0 || !mouseDown)
- return false;
- setValueFromMouse(mouseX);
- return true;
- }
- public void incrementValue(double amount) {
- control.setPendingValue(MathHelper.clamp(control.pendingValue() + interval * amount, min, max));
- calculateInterpolation();
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseScrolled(double mouseX, double mouseY, double amount) {
- if (!isAvailable() || (!isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY)) || (!Screen.hasShiftDown() && !Screen.hasControlDown()))
- return false;
- incrementValue(amount);
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseReleased(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button) {
- if (isAvailable() && mouseDown)
- playDownSound();
- mouseDown = false;
- return super.mouseReleased(mouseX, mouseY, button);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean keyPressed(int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers) {
- if (!focused)
- return false;
- switch (keyCode) {
- case GLFW.GLFW_KEY_LEFT, GLFW.GLFW_KEY_DOWN -> incrementValue(-1);
- case GLFW.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT, GLFW.GLFW_KEY_UP -> incrementValue(1);
- default -> {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isMouseOver(double mouseX, double mouseY) {
- return super.isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY) || mouseDown;
- }
- protected void setValueFromMouse(double mouseX) {
- double value = (mouseX - sliderBounds.x()) / sliderBounds.width() * control.range();
- control.setPendingValue(roundToInterval(value));
- calculateInterpolation();
- }
- protected double roundToInterval(double value) {
- return MathHelper.clamp(min + (interval * Math.round(value / interval)), min, max); // extremely imprecise, requires clamping
- }
- @Override
- protected int getHoveredControlWidth() {
- return sliderBounds.width() + getUnhoveredControlWidth() + 6 + getThumbWidth() / 2;
- }
- protected void calculateInterpolation() {
- interpolation = MathHelper.clamp((float) ((control.pendingValue() - control.min()) * 1 / control.range()), 0f, 1f);
- }
- @Override
- public void setDimension(Dimension<Integer> dim) {
- super.setDimension(dim);
- sliderBounds = Dimension.ofInt(dim.xLimit() - getXPadding() - getThumbWidth() / 2 - dim.width() / 3, dim.centerY() - 5, dim.width() / 3, 10);
- }
- protected int getThumbX() {
- return (int) (sliderBounds.x() + sliderBounds.width() * interpolation);
- }
- protected int getThumbWidth() {
- return 4;
- }
- @Override
- public void postRender(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- if (super.isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY))
- super.postRender(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/package-info.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/package-info.java
deleted file mode 100644
index bff0d57..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/slider/package-info.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- * This package contains implementations of sliders for different number types
- * <ul>
- * <li>For doubles: {@link dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.slider.DoubleSliderController}</li>
- * <li>For floats: {@link dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.slider.FloatSliderController}</li>
- * <li>For integers: {@link dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.slider.IntegerSliderController}</li>
- * <li>For longs: {@link dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.slider.LongSliderController}</li>
- * </ul>
- */
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.slider;
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/string/IStringController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/string/IStringController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 41843b8..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/string/IStringController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.string;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Controller;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
- * A controller that can be any type but can input and output a string.
- */
-public interface IStringController<T> extends Controller<T> {
- /**
- * Gets the option's pending value as a string.
- *
- * @see Option#pendingValue()
- */
- String getString();
- /**
- * Sets the option's pending value from a string.
- *
- * @see Option#requestSet(Object)
- */
- void setFromString(String value);
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- default Text formatValue() {
- return Text.of(getString());
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/string/StringController.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/string/StringController.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0caaa93..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/string/StringController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.string;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.AbstractWidget;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
- * A custom text field implementation for strings.
- */
-public class StringController implements IStringController<String> {
- private final Option<String> option;
- /**
- * Constructs a string controller
- *
- * @param option bound option
- */
- public StringController(Option<String> option) {
- this.option = option;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Option<String> option() {
- return option;
- }
- @Override
- public String getString() {
- return option().pendingValue();
- }
- @Override
- public void setFromString(String value) {
- option().requestSet(value);
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractWidget provideWidget(YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> widgetDimension) {
- return new StringControllerElement(this, screen, widgetDimension);
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/string/StringControllerElement.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/string/StringControllerElement.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c3b7c9..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/gui/controllers/string/StringControllerElement.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.string;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.utils.Dimension;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers.ControllerWidget;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawableHelper;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
-import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import net.minecraft.util.Formatting;
-import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW;
-public class StringControllerElement extends ControllerWidget<IStringController<?>> {
- protected StringBuilder inputField;
- protected Dimension<Integer> inputFieldBounds;
- protected boolean inputFieldFocused;
- protected int caretPos;
- protected int selectionLength;
- protected float ticks;
- private final Text emptyText;
- public StringControllerElement(IStringController<?> control, YACLScreen screen, Dimension<Integer> dim) {
- super(control, screen, dim);
- inputField = new StringBuilder(control.getString());
- inputFieldFocused = false;
- selectionLength = 0;
- emptyText = Text.literal("Click to type...").formatted(Formatting.GRAY);
- setDimension(dim);
- }
- @Override
- protected void drawHoveredControl(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
- ticks += delta;
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, inputFieldBounds.x(), inputFieldBounds.yLimit(), inputFieldBounds.xLimit(), inputFieldBounds.yLimit() + 1, -1);
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, inputFieldBounds.x() + 1, inputFieldBounds.yLimit() + 1, inputFieldBounds.xLimit() + 1, inputFieldBounds.yLimit() + 2, 0xFF404040);
- if (inputFieldFocused || focused) {
- int caretX = inputFieldBounds.x() + textRenderer.getWidth(control.getString().substring(0, caretPos)) - 1;
- if (inputField.isEmpty())
- caretX += inputFieldBounds.width() / 2;
- if (ticks % 20 <= 10) {
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, caretX, inputFieldBounds.y(), caretX + 1, inputFieldBounds.yLimit(), -1);
- }
- if (selectionLength != 0) {
- int selectionX = inputFieldBounds.x() + textRenderer.getWidth(control.getString().substring(0, caretPos + selectionLength));
- DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, caretX, inputFieldBounds.y() - 1, selectionX, inputFieldBounds.yLimit(), 0x803030FF);
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseClicked(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button) {
- if (isAvailable() && inputFieldBounds.isPointInside((int) mouseX, (int) mouseY)) {
- if (!inputFieldFocused) {
- inputFieldFocused = true;
- caretPos = getDefaultCarotPos();
- } else {
- int textWidth = (int) mouseX - inputFieldBounds.x();
- caretPos = textRenderer.trimToWidth(control.getString(), textWidth).length();
- selectionLength = 0;
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- inputFieldFocused = false;
- }
- return false;
- }
- protected int getDefaultCarotPos() {
- return inputField.length();
- }
- @Override
- public boolean keyPressed(int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers) {
- if (!inputFieldFocused)
- return false;
- switch (keyCode) {
- inputFieldFocused = false;
- return true;
- }
- case GLFW.GLFW_KEY_LEFT -> {
- if (Screen.hasShiftDown()) {
- if (Screen.hasControlDown()) {
- int spaceChar = findSpaceIndex(true);
- selectionLength += caretPos - spaceChar;
- caretPos = spaceChar;
- } else if (caretPos > 0) {
- caretPos--;
- selectionLength += 1;
- }
- } else {
- if (caretPos > 0)
- caretPos--;
- selectionLength = 0;
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (Screen.hasShiftDown()) {
- if (Screen.hasControlDown()) {
- int spaceChar = findSpaceIndex(false);
- selectionLength -= spaceChar - caretPos;
- caretPos = spaceChar;
- } else if (caretPos < inputField.length()) {
- caretPos++;
- selectionLength -= 1;
- }
- } else {
- if (caretPos < inputField.length())
- caretPos++;
- selectionLength = 0;
- }
- return true;
- }
- doBackspace();
- return true;
- }
- doDelete();
- return true;
- }
- }
- if (canUseShortcuts()) {
- if (Screen.isPaste(keyCode)) {
- this.write(client.keyboard.getClipboard());
- return true;
- } else if (Screen.isCopy(keyCode) && selectionLength != 0) {
- client.keyboard.setClipboard(getSelection());
- return true;
- } else if (Screen.isCut(keyCode) && selectionLength != 0) {
- client.keyboard.setClipboard(getSelection());
- this.write("");
- return true;
- } else if (Screen.isSelectAll(keyCode)) {
- caretPos = inputField.length();
- selectionLength = -caretPos;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean charTyped(char chr, int modifiers) {
- if (!inputFieldFocused)
- return false;
- write(Character.toString(chr));
- return true;
- }
- protected boolean canUseShortcuts() {
- return true;
- }
- protected void doBackspace() {
- if (selectionLength != 0) {
- write("");
- } else if (caretPos > 0) {
- inputField.deleteCharAt(caretPos - 1);
- caretPos--;
- updateControl();
- }
- }
- protected void doDelete() {
- if (caretPos < inputField.length()) {
- inputField.deleteCharAt(caretPos);
- updateControl();
- }
- }
- public void write(String string) {
- if (selectionLength == 0) {
- string = textRenderer.trimToWidth(string, getMaxLength() - textRenderer.getWidth(inputField.toString()));
- inputField.insert(caretPos, string);
- caretPos += string.length();
- } else {
- int start = getSelectionStart();
- int end = getSelectionEnd();
- string = textRenderer.trimToWidth(string, getMaxLength() - textRenderer.getWidth(inputField.toString()) + textRenderer.getWidth(inputField.substring(start, end)));
- inputField.replace(start, end, string);
- caretPos = start + string.length();
- selectionLength = 0;
- }
- updateControl();
- }
- public int getMaxLength() {
- return getDimension().width() / 8 * 7;
- }
- public int getSelectionStart() {
- return Math.min(caretPos, caretPos + selectionLength);
- }
- public int getSelectionEnd() {
- return Math.max(caretPos, caretPos + selectionLength);
- }
- protected String getSelection() {
- return inputField.substring(getSelectionStart(), getSelectionEnd());
- }
- protected int findSpaceIndex(boolean reverse) {
- int i;
- int fromIndex = caretPos;
- if (reverse) {
- if (caretPos > 0)
- fromIndex -= 1;
- i = this.inputField.lastIndexOf(" ", fromIndex);
- if (i == -1) i = 0;
- } else {
- if (caretPos < inputField.length())
- fromIndex += 1;
- i = this.inputField.indexOf(" ", fromIndex);
- if (i == -1) i = inputField.length();
- }
- return i;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean changeFocus(boolean lookForwards) {
- return inputFieldFocused = super.changeFocus(lookForwards);
- }
- @Override
- public void unfocus() {
- super.unfocus();
- inputFieldFocused = false;
- }
- @Override
- public void setDimension(Dimension<Integer> dim) {
- super.setDimension(dim);
- int width = Math.max(6, textRenderer.getWidth(getValueText()));
- inputFieldBounds = Dimension.ofInt(dim.xLimit() - getXPadding() - width, dim.centerY() - textRenderer.fontHeight / 2, width, textRenderer.fontHeight);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isHovered() {
- return super.isHovered() || inputFieldFocused;
- }
- protected void updateControl() {
- control.setFromString(inputField.toString());
- }
- @Override
- protected int getHoveredControlWidth() {
- return getUnhoveredControlWidth();
- }
- @Override
- protected Text getValueText() {
- if (!inputFieldFocused && inputField.isEmpty())
- return emptyText;
- return super.getValueText();
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/ButtonOptionImpl.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/ButtonOptionImpl.java
deleted file mode 100644
index dcb9c7a..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/ButtonOptionImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.impl;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.*;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
-import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
-import java.util.function.Function;
-public class ButtonOptionImpl implements ButtonOption {
- private final Text name;
- private final Text tooltip;
- private final BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption> action;
- private boolean available;
- private final Controller<BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption>> controller;
- private final Binding<BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption>> binding;
- public ButtonOptionImpl(
- @NotNull Text name,
- @Nullable Text tooltip,
- @NotNull BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption> action,
- boolean available,
- @NotNull Function<ButtonOption, Controller<BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption>>> controlGetter
- ) {
- this.name = name;
- this.tooltip = tooltip;
- this.action = action;
- this.available = available;
- this.controller = controlGetter.apply(this);
- this.binding = new EmptyBinderImpl();
- }
- @Override
- public @NotNull Text name() {
- return name;
- }
- @Override
- public @NotNull Text tooltip() {
- return tooltip;
- }
- @Override
- public BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption> action() {
- return action;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean available() {
- return available;
- }
- @Override
- public void setAvailable(boolean available) {
- this.available = available;
- }
- @Override
- public @NotNull Controller<BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption>> controller() {
- return controller;
- }
- @Override
- public @NotNull Binding<BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption>> binding() {
- return binding;
- }
- @Override
- public @NotNull Class<BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption>> typeClass() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- @Override
- public @NotNull ImmutableSet<OptionFlag> flags() {
- return ImmutableSet.of();
- }
- @Override
- public boolean requiresRestart() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean changed() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public @NotNull BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption> pendingValue() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- @Override
- public void requestSet(BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption> value) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- @Override
- public boolean applyValue() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public void forgetPendingValue() {
- }
- @Override
- public void requestSetDefault() {
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isPendingValueDefault() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- @Override
- public void addListener(BiConsumer<Option<BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption>>, BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption>> changedListener) {
- }
- private static class EmptyBinderImpl implements Binding<BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption>> {
- @Override
- public void setValue(BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption> value) {
- }
- @Override
- public BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption> getValue() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- @Override
- public BiConsumer<YACLScreen, ButtonOption> defaultValue() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/ConfigCategoryImpl.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/ConfigCategoryImpl.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 971fecf..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/ConfigCategoryImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.impl;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.ConfigCategory;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.OptionGroup;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-public record ConfigCategoryImpl(Text name, ImmutableList<OptionGroup> groups, Text tooltip) implements ConfigCategory {
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/GenericBindingImpl.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/GenericBindingImpl.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1867bb6..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/GenericBindingImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.impl;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Binding;
-import java.util.function.Consumer;
-import java.util.function.Supplier;
-public class GenericBindingImpl<T> implements Binding<T> {
- private final T def;
- private final Supplier<T> getter;
- private final Consumer<T> setter;
- public GenericBindingImpl(T def, Supplier<T> getter, Consumer<T> setting) {
- this.def = def;
- this.getter = getter;
- this.setter = setting;
- }
- @Override
- public void setValue(T value) {
- setter.accept(value);
- }
- @Override
- public T getValue() {
- return getter.get();
- }
- @Override
- public T defaultValue() {
- return def;
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/OptionGroupImpl.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/OptionGroupImpl.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 58bc96b..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/OptionGroupImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.impl;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.OptionGroup;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
-public record OptionGroupImpl(@NotNull Text name, @NotNull Text tooltip, ImmutableList<Option<?>> options, boolean collapsed, boolean isRoot) implements OptionGroup {
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/OptionImpl.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/OptionImpl.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c76f115..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/OptionImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.impl;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Binding;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Controller;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.Option;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.OptionFlag;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
-import java.util.function.Function;
-public class OptionImpl<T> implements Option<T> {
- private final Text name;
- private Text tooltip;
- private final Controller<T> controller;
- private final Binding<T> binding;
- private boolean available;
- private final ImmutableSet<OptionFlag> flags;
- private final Class<T> typeClass;
- private T pendingValue;
- private final List<BiConsumer<Option<T>, T>> listeners;
- public OptionImpl(
- @NotNull Text name,
- @Nullable Function<T, Text> tooltipGetter,
- @NotNull Function<Option<T>, Controller<T>> controlGetter,
- @NotNull Binding<T> binding,
- boolean available,
- ImmutableSet<OptionFlag> flags,
- @NotNull Class<T> typeClass,
- @NotNull Collection<BiConsumer<Option<T>, T>> listeners
- ) {
- this.name = name;
- this.binding = binding;
- this.available = available;
- this.flags = flags;
- this.typeClass = typeClass;
- this.listeners = new ArrayList<>(listeners);
- this.controller = controlGetter.apply(this);
- addListener((opt, pending) -> tooltip = tooltipGetter.apply(pending));
- requestSet(binding().getValue());
- }
- @Override
- public @NotNull Text name() {
- return name;
- }
- @Override
- public @NotNull Text tooltip() {
- return tooltip;
- }
- @Override
- public @NotNull Controller<T> controller() {
- return controller;
- }
- @Override
- public @NotNull Binding<T> binding() {
- return binding;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean available() {
- return available;
- }
- @Override
- public void setAvailable(boolean available) {
- this.available = available;
- }
- @Override
- public @NotNull Class<T> typeClass() {
- return typeClass;
- }
- @Override
- public @NotNull ImmutableSet<OptionFlag> flags() {
- return flags;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean requiresRestart() {
- return flags.contains(OptionFlag.GAME_RESTART);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean changed() {
- return !binding().getValue().equals(pendingValue);
- }
- @Override
- public @NotNull T pendingValue() {
- return pendingValue;
- }
- @Override
- public void requestSet(T value) {
- pendingValue = value;
- listeners.forEach(listener -> listener.accept(this, pendingValue));
- }
- @Override
- public boolean applyValue() {
- if (changed()) {
- binding().setValue(pendingValue);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public void forgetPendingValue() {
- requestSet(binding().getValue());
- }
- @Override
- public void requestSetDefault() {
- requestSet(binding().defaultValue());
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isPendingValueDefault() {
- return binding().defaultValue().equals(pendingValue());
- }
- @Override
- public void addListener(BiConsumer<Option<T>, T> changedListener) {
- this.listeners.add(changedListener);
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/PlaceholderCategoryImpl.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/PlaceholderCategoryImpl.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a5180ad..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/PlaceholderCategoryImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.impl;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.OptionGroup;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.PlaceholderCategory;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
-import java.util.function.BiFunction;
-public record PlaceholderCategoryImpl(Text name, BiFunction<MinecraftClient, YACLScreen, Screen> screen, Text tooltip) implements PlaceholderCategory {
- @Override
- public @NotNull ImmutableList<OptionGroup> groups() {
- return ImmutableList.of();
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/YetAnotherConfigLibImpl.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/YetAnotherConfigLibImpl.java
deleted file mode 100644
index eb23eac..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/impl/YetAnotherConfigLibImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.impl;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.ConfigCategory;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.api.YetAnotherConfigLib;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen;
-import dev.isxander.yacl.impl.utils.YACLConstants;
-import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
-import net.minecraft.text.Text;
-import java.util.function.Consumer;
-public record YetAnotherConfigLibImpl(Text title, ImmutableList<ConfigCategory> categories, Runnable saveFunction, Consumer<YACLScreen> initConsumer) implements YetAnotherConfigLib {
- @Override
- public Screen generateScreen(Screen parent) {
- YACLConstants.LOGGER.info("Generating YACL screen");
- return new YACLScreen(this, parent);
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/mixin/SimpleOptionAccessor.java b/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/mixin/SimpleOptionAccessor.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9207225..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl/mixin/SimpleOptionAccessor.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package dev.isxander.yacl.mixin;
-import net.minecraft.client.option.SimpleOption;
-import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin;
-import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.gen.Accessor;
-public interface SimpleOptionAccessor<T> {
- @Accessor
- T getDefaultValue();
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fabric.mod.json b/src/main/resources/fabric.mod.json
index fc5a14f..90889a0 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/fabric.mod.json
+++ b/src/main/resources/fabric.mod.json
@@ -14,17 +14,21 @@
"icon": "yacl-128x.png",
"license": "LGPL-3.0-or-later",
- "environment": "client",
+ "environment": "*",
"entrypoints": {
"depends": {
"fabricloader": ">=0.14.0",
- "minecraft": "1.19.x",
- "java": ">=17"
+ "minecraft": "~1.19.3-beta.1",
+ "java": ">=17",
+ "fabric-resource-loader-v0": "*"
"mixins": [
- "yet-another-config-lib.mixins.json"
+ {
+ "config": "yet-another-config-lib.client.mixins.json",
+ "environment": "client"
+ }
"accessWidener": "yacl.accesswidener",
"custom": {
diff --git a/src/main/resources/yet-another-config-lib.mixins.json b/src/main/resources/yet-another-config-lib.mixins.json
deleted file mode 100644
index cb96c48..0000000
--- a/src/main/resources/yet-another-config-lib.mixins.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- "required": true,
- "package": "dev.isxander.yacl.mixin",
- "compatibilityLevel": "JAVA_17",
- "injectors": {
- "defaultRequire": 1
- },
- "client": [
- "SimpleOptionAccessor"
- ]