path: root/src/testmod/java/dev/isxander
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-12-03number fields + StringControllerElement improvementsisXander
2022-11-27replacement of ConfigInstance#buildConfig in YetAnotherConfigLib.javaisXander
2022-11-27split sourcesetsisXander
2022-11-25pre2 mapping changes + bug fixisXander
2022-11-22bump to pre1isXander
2022-11-22Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.19' into 1.19.3isXander
2022-11-22annotate test config with ConfigEntryXander
2022-11-13changelog & remove YACLConfigManager.java as it was actually pretty useless, ...isXander
2022-11-12REAL config libraryisXander
2022-10-19fix label styles appearing at first position before they are renderedisXander
2022-09-30labels now support style eventsxander
2022-09-18instant application propertyisXander
2022-09-15available property + fix category tooltips not showingxander
2022-09-10improve expand minimize button in option groupsxander
2022-09-05require restart attributexander
2022-09-05wrap labels and group namesxander
2022-09-04ColorController, javadoc and further improvements to StringControllerxander
2022-09-04collapsible groups, string controllerxander
2022-09-03re-organising testmodxander
2022-09-03render current category as hovered not disabledxander
2022-09-03pass through type class to option for controllers to usexander
2022-09-02implement keyboard-operation for all controllersxander
2022-09-02button options now consume YACLScreenxander
2022-09-02allow slider dragging to continue outside of boundsxander
2022-09-02fix group validation & icon & wiki test stuffxander
2022-09-01category tooltipsxander
2022-09-01make tickbox separate controller from on off textxander
2022-09-01make YACL builder not require title to constructxander
2022-09-01GUI Implementationxander