diff options
authorNinjune <enderknight537@gmail.com>2023-01-14 18:51:28 -0600
committerNinjune <enderknight537@gmail.com>2023-01-14 18:51:28 -0600
commit8fa7fe39d9edbdd8b00ec238c4e40b6ecd0808cc (patch)
parent329dccf50ed5e9f87531580f679522238b6a019b (diff)
23 files changed, 598 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/chat/apiNew.js b/chat/apiNew.js
index 76a2418..36025e3 100644
--- a/chat/apiNew.js
+++ b/chat/apiNew.js
@@ -7,13 +7,11 @@ register("chat", (key) => {
.then(res => {
if(res.data.success == true)
- {
- constants.data.api_key = key
- constants.data.save()
ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&aSuccsessfully set api key!`)
- }
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eKey is not valid!`)
+ ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eKey might not be valid!`)
+ constants.data.api_key = key
+ constants.data.save()
.catch(err => {
ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eKey is not valid! if this is a mistake report: ${err}`)
diff --git a/chat/grieferTrack.js b/chat/grieferTrack.js
index a939b45..157696b 100644
--- a/chat/grieferTrack.js
+++ b/chat/grieferTrack.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import axios from "../../axios"
import settings from "../settings"
import constants from "../util/constants"
+import { checkInDwarven, checkInHollows } from "../util/helperFunctions"
const PREFIX = constants.PREFIX
let checkedPlayers = [],
griefers = []
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ register("worldLoad", () => {
function checkMMiners()
- if (!settings.trackGriefers) return
+ if (!settings.trackGriefers || (!settings.grieferEverywhere && !(checkInDwarven() || checkInHollows()))) return
const NetHandlerPlayClient = Client.getConnection(),
@@ -36,14 +37,13 @@ function checkMMiners()
- griefers.forEach(griefer => {
- let dateObj = new Date(0)
- dateObj.setUTCMilliseconds(griefer.timestamp)
- if(griefer.name == player)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&e'${player}' has griefed &e&l${griefer.offences} &etime(s). Their last grief was on ${dateObj.toString().slice(4, 15)}.`)
- })
- checkedPlayers.push(player)
+ let griefer = findGriefer(player)
+ if(griefer.found)
+ {
+ ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&e'${player}' has griefed &e&l${griefer.offences} &etime(s). Their last grief was on ${griefer.dateObj.toString().slice(4, 15)}.`)
+ checkedPlayers.push(player)
+ }
} catch(err) { if(settings.debug) console.log("grieferTrack trycatch: " + err) }
@@ -64,4 +64,20 @@ register("gameLoad", () => {
+export function findGriefer(player)
+ let grieferReturnObj = {}
+ grieferReturnObj.found = false
+ griefers.forEach(griefer => {
+ griefer.dateObj = new Date(0)
+ griefer.dateObj.setUTCMilliseconds(griefer.timestamp)
+ if(griefer.name.toLowerCase() == player.toLowerCase())
+ {
+ grieferReturnObj = griefer
+ grieferReturnObj.found = true
+ }
+ })
+ return grieferReturnObj
export default "" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commandManager.js b/commandManager.js
index f1b6dee..35ccb7a 100644
--- a/commandManager.js
+++ b/commandManager.js
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import { leaderboard } from "./commands/leaderboard"
import { update } from "./commands/update"
import { fetchDiscord } from "./commands/fetchDiscord"
import { findColeweight } from "./commands/findColeweight"
-import { claim } from "./commands/claim"
import { time } from "./commands/time"
import { info } from "./commands/info"
import { credits } from "./commands/credits"
@@ -24,7 +23,8 @@ import { throne } from "./commands/coords/throne"
import { divans } from "./commands/coords/divans"
import { yog } from "./commands/coords/yog"
import { automatons } from "./commands/coords/automatons"
-import { drawLine } from "./commands/drawline.js"
+import { temple } from "./commands/coords/temple.js"
+import { drawLine } from "./commands/drawLine.js"
register("command", (...args) => {
@@ -97,9 +97,6 @@ register("command", (...args) => {
case "settings":
- case "claim":
- claim(args[1])
- break
case "powdertrackersync":
@@ -123,6 +120,9 @@ register("command", (...args) => {
case "automatons":
+ case "temple":
+ temple(args[1])
+ break
case "coord":
case "coords":
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ register("command", (...args) => {
reloadOptions = ["coleweight", "collection"],
calculateOptions = ["tick", "ms2toprofessional", "hotm", "calchotm"],
commands = ["setkey", "help", "move", "toggle", "throne", "spiral", "reload", "leaderboard",
- "settings", "claim", "time", "info", "clearlobbies", "yog", "divan", "automatons", "coords", "credits", "track", "calculate", "drawline"]
+ "settings", "time", "info", "clearlobbies", "yog", "divan", "automatons", "temple", "coords", "credits", "track", "calculate", "drawline"]
if(args[0].length == 0 || args[0] == undefined)
return output = commands
diff --git a/commands/calculate/hotmCalc.js b/commands/calculate/hotmCalc.js
index 7fa947c..1b449d4 100644
--- a/commands/calculate/hotmCalc.js
+++ b/commands/calculate/hotmCalc.js
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export function hotmCalc(hotmName, minLevel, maxLevel)
if(maxLevel == undefined)
maxLevel = minLevel
- minLevel = 1
+ minLevel = 2
if(minLevel != parseInt(minLevel) || maxLevel != parseInt(maxLevel)) return ChatLib.chat(constants.CALCULATEERRORMESSAGE)
@@ -74,5 +74,5 @@ export function findCost(costFormula, minLevel, maxLevel, fortunate = false)
export function findReward(rewardFormula, minLevel, maxLevel)
- return eval(rewardFormula.replace("Level", 1+maxLevel-minLevel))
+ return eval(rewardFormula.replace("Level", 2+maxLevel-minLevel))
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commands/claim.js b/commands/claim.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a8c51c6..0000000
--- a/commands/claim.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-import axios from "../../axios"
-import settings from "../settings"
-import constants from "../util/constants"
-const PREFIX = constants.PREFIX
-const path = `https://ninjune.dev`
-const serverId = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "")
-let claimedServers = []
-export function claim(structure)
- if(!settings.claiming)
- {
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&cPlease turn on the &3Claiming&c setting in /cw settings!`)
- return
- }
- if (constants.serverData.map != "Crystal Hollows")
- {
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&cThis command is only available in the crystal hollows!`)
- return
- }
- if (structure == undefined || !(structure.toLowerCase() == "throne" || structure.toLowerCase() == "spiral"))
- {
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&cPlease enter the structure you wish to claim! (&3throne&c or &3spiral&c)`)
- return
- }
- axios.get(`${path}/api/claim?type=${structure}&lobby=${constants.serverData.server}&username=${Player.getName()}&serverID=${serverId}`)
- .then(res => {
- if(res.data.success)
- {
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&aSuccessfully claimed ${constants.serverData.server} as your server!`)
- claimedServers.push({player: Player.getName(), server: constants.serverData.server, structure: structure})
- return
- }
- else
- {
- if(res.data.code == 501)
- {
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&cError: Not logged into the auth server. Try running the command again.`)
- return Client.getMinecraft().func_152347_ac().joinServer(Client.getMinecraft().func_110432_I().func_148256_e(), Client.getMinecraft().func_110432_I().func_148254_d(), serverId)
- }
- else
- return ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&cError: ${res.data.reason}.`)
- }
- })
- .catch(err => {
- return ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&cError: ${err}`)
- })
-register('gameLoad', (event) => {
- try
- {
- Client.getMinecraft().func_152347_ac().joinServer(Client.getMinecraft().func_110432_I().func_148256_e(), Client.getMinecraft().func_110432_I().func_148254_d(), serverId)
- }
- catch(e) {}
- getClaimed()
-register('worldLoad', () => {
- if(!settings.claiming) return
- setTimeout(() => {
- const NetHandlerPlayClient = Client.getConnection(),
- PlayerMap = NetHandlerPlayClient.func_175106_d() // getPlayerInfoMap
- let player
- if(settings.debug) console.log(constants.serverData.server)
- claimedServers.forEach((claimedServer) => {
- PlayerMap.filter(player => player.func_178853_c() > 0 && !player.func_178845_a().name.startsWith("!")).forEach((PlayerMP) => {
- player = PlayerMP.func_178845_a().name
- if (player == claimedServer.player && claimedServer.server == constants.serverData.server)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&cThe ${claimedServer.structure} in ${claimedServer.server} is claimed by ${claimedServer.player}.`)
- })
- if (Player.getName() == claimedServer.player)
- {
- axios.get(`${path}/api/unclaim?username=${Player.getName()}&serverID=${serverId}`)
- .then(res => {
- if(settings.debug && !res.data.success)
- ChatLib.chat("Unclaim: " + res.data.reason)
- if(res.data.code == 501)
- Client.getMinecraft().func_152347_ac().joinServer(Client.getMinecraft().func_110432_I().func_148256_e(), Client.getMinecraft().func_110432_I().func_148254_d(), serverId)
- })
- .catch(err => {
- if(settings.debug)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&cError: ${err}`)
- })
- }
- })
- }, 2000)
-function getClaimed()
- axios.get(`${path}/api/claimed?authServer=${serverId}&passedName=${Player.getName()}`)
- .then(res => {
- if(res.data.code == 501)
- {
- Client.getMinecraft().func_152347_ac().joinServer(Client.getMinecraft().func_110432_I().func_148256_e(), Client.getMinecraft().func_110432_I().func_148254_d(), serverId)
- return
- }
- claimedServers = []
- res.data.forEach(server => {
- claimedServers.push(server)
- })
- })
diff --git a/commands/coords/automatons.js b/commands/coords/automatons.js
index 4114eec..3284edf 100644
--- a/commands/coords/automatons.js
+++ b/commands/coords/automatons.js
@@ -24,10 +24,9 @@ export function automatons(arg)
y = startPos[1],
z = startPos[2]
- let coordsRows = FileLib.read("Coleweight", "data/automatons.txt").split("\r\n")
+ let coordsRows = FileLib.read("Coleweight", "data/automatons.txt").split("\n")
coordsRows.forEach(unsplitRow => {
let row = unsplitRow.split(" ")
waypoints.push([x + parseInt(row[0]), y + parseInt(row[1]), z + parseInt(row[2])])
diff --git a/commands/coords/temple.js b/commands/coords/temple.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f60e724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/commands/coords/temple.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import constants from "../../util/constants"
+import { waypointRender } from "../../util/helperFunctions"
+const PREFIX = constants.PREFIX
+let waypoints = []
+export function temple(arg)
+ const WAYPOINTNAME = "Temple"
+ if(arg != "toggle")
+ {
+ new TextComponent(`${PREFIX}&bStand on the leftmost key guardian and do /cw ${WAYPOINTNAME} toggle`)
+ .chat()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(waypoints[0] == undefined)
+ {
+ let startPos = [Player.getX(), Player.getY(), Player.getZ()],
+ x = startPos[0],
+ y = startPos[1],
+ z = startPos[2]
+ waypoints.push([x + 61, y + -44, z + 18])
+ ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b${WAYPOINTNAME} waypoints turned on!`)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ waypoints = []
+ ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b${WAYPOINTNAME} waypoints turned off!`)
+ }
+ }
+register("renderWorld", () => {
+ waypointRender(waypoints)
+register("worldLoad", () => {
+ waypoints = []
+export default "" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commands/drawLine.js b/commands/drawLine.js
index 7fd9742..1374dea 100644
--- a/commands/drawLine.js
+++ b/commands/drawLine.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import constants from "../util/constants"
-import { trace } from "../util/renderUtil"
+import { trace, drawEspBox } from "../util/renderUtil"
const PREFIX = constants.PREFIX
let x = 0,
@@ -39,4 +39,5 @@ register("renderWorld", () => {
if(x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0) return
trace(x, y, z, 0, 0, 1, 0.86)
+ drawEspBox(x, y, z, 0, 0, 1, 0.86) // y no work
}) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commands/findColeweight.js b/commands/findColeweight.js
index ace0ec6..a2c5156 100644
--- a/commands/findColeweight.js
+++ b/commands/findColeweight.js
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import axios from "../../axios"
+import { findGriefer } from "../chat/grieferTrack"
+import settings from "../settings"
import constants from "../util/constants"
const PREFIX = constants.PREFIX
@@ -12,11 +14,17 @@ export function findColeweight(arg)
username = arg
.then(res => {
- let coleweightMessage = new TextComponent(`${PREFIX}&b${res.data.rank}. ${res.data.name}&b's Coleweight: ${res.data.coleweight} (Top &l${res.data.percentile}&b%)`)
- .setHoverValue(`&fExperience&f: &a${Math.round(res.data.experience.total*100) / 100}\n&fPowder&f: &a${Math.round(res.data.powder.total*100) / 100}\n&fCollection&f: &a${Math.round(res.data.experience.total*100) / 100}\n&fMiscellaneous&f: &a${Math.round(res.data.miscellaneous.total*100) / 100}`)
+ let griefer = findGriefer(username), coleweightMessage
+ console.log(griefer.offenses)
+ if(griefer.found)
+ coleweightMessage = new TextComponent(`${PREFIX}&b${res.data.rank}. ${res.data.name}&b's Coleweight: ${res.data.coleweight} (Top &l${res.data.percentile}&b%) &c&lGriefed ${griefer.offences} time(s) &c(last grief: &a${griefer.dateObj.toString().slice(4, 15)}&c)`)
+ else
+ coleweightMessage = new TextComponent(`${PREFIX}&b${res.data.rank}. ${res.data.name}&b's Coleweight: ${res.data.coleweight} (Top &l${res.data.percentile}&b%)`)
+ coleweightMessage.setHoverValue(`&fExperience&f: &a${Math.round(res.data.experience.total*100) / 100}\n&fPowder&f: &a${Math.round(res.data.powder.total*100) / 100}\n&fCollection&f: &a${Math.round(res.data.collection.total*100) / 100}\n&fMiscellaneous&f: &a${Math.round(res.data.miscellaneous.total*100) / 100}`)
.catch(err => {
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eError. (api may be down)`)
+ if(settings.debug) ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eError. (api may be down) ${err}`)
+ else ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eError. (api may be down)`)
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commands/help.js b/commands/help.js
index f46cc2c..69abcee 100644
--- a/commands/help.js
+++ b/commands/help.js
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ export function help()
helpCommand("info", "Prints coleweight info.", "")
helpCommand("settings", "Opens settings.", "")
- helpCommand("claim", "Claims a chollows sapphire structure in a lobby.", "(throne || spiral)")
helpCommand("setkey", "Sets API key (can also use /api new)", "(key)")
helpCommand("reload", "Reloads the gui.", "")
helpCommand("track", "Sets tracked collection for collection tracker.", "(collection)")
@@ -23,6 +22,7 @@ export function help()
helpCommand("spiral", "Guide for setting up waypoints for spiral", "[toggle]")
helpCommand("yog", "Shows instructions for yog waypoints.", "[toggle]")
helpCommand("divans", "Guide for setting up waypoints for Mines of Divan treasures.", "[toggle]")
+ helpCommand("jungle", "Guide for setting up temple clip waypoint (nuc runs).", "[toggle]")
helpCommand("drawline", "Draws a line to coords. (y defaults to the player's y)", "(x) [y] (z)")
ChatLib.chat(`&a${PREFIX} /fetchdiscord (username) => &bGets discord of username (if linked)`)
diff --git a/data/collections.json b/data/collections.json
index e61a942..db90b8f 100644
--- a/data/collections.json
+++ b/data/collections.json
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"collectionToTrack": "EMERALD",
"collectionStringed": "Emerald"
- "endstone":
+ "end":
"collectionToTrack": "ENDER_STONE",
"collectionStringed": "Endstone"
@@ -77,11 +77,31 @@
"collectionToTrack": "QUARTZ",
- "collectionStringed": "Endstone"
+ "collectionStringed": "Quartz"
"collectionToTrack": "COBBLESTONE",
"collectionStringed": "Cobblestone"
- }
+ },
+ "hard":
+ {
+ "collectionToTrack": "HARD_STONE",
+ "collectionStringed": "Hard Stone"
+ },
+ "red":
+ {
+ "collectionToTrack": "SAND:1",
+ "collectionStringed": "Red Sand"
+ },
+ "sand":
+ {
+ "collectionToTrack": "SAND",
+ "collectionStringed": "Sand"
+ },
+ "gravel":
+ {
+ "collectionToTrack": "GRAVEL",
+ "collectionStringed": "Gravel"
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/hotm.json b/data/hotm.json
index 8d27a20..d0c31e8 100644
--- a/data/hotm.json
+++ b/data/hotm.json
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
"powderType": "mithril"
- "costFormula": "200+((currentLevel-1)*18)",
- "rewardFormula": "(200+((Level-1)*18))*2",
+ "costFormula": "Math.pow((currentLevel+1), 3.1)",
+ "rewardFormula": "2+(Level*0.1)",
"nameStringed": "Titanium Insanium",
"names": ["titaniuminsanium", "titanium", "tita"],
"maxLevel": 50,
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"costFormula": "200+((currentLevel-1)*18)",
"rewardFormula": "(200+((Level-1)*18))*2",
- "nameStringed": "Titanium Insanium",
+ "nameStringed": "Daily powder",
"names": ["dailypowder"],
"maxLevel": 100,
"powderType": "mithril"
diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index 3da32df..8e4d17f 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import './render/naturals'
import './render/tabList'
+import './render/efficientMinerOverlay'
import './render/gemstoneMiningStats'
import './render/dwarvenNotifier'
import './render/treecapTimer'
diff --git a/metadata.json b/metadata.json
index e87d02a..84a02ed 100644
--- a/metadata.json
+++ b/metadata.json
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
"creator": "Ninjune",
"entry": "index.js",
"description": "Mining utilities.",
- "version": "1.8.3",
+ "version": "1.8.7",
"requires": ["axios", "PogData", "Vigilance", "Elementa"]
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/render/efficientMinerOverlay.js b/render/efficientMinerOverlay.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd6468d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/render/efficientMinerOverlay.js
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+import { drawEspBox, trace } from "../util/renderUtil"
+import settings from "../settings"
+let blockStatesToFind = [
+ {name: "minecraft:wool[color=light_blue]", prio: 2},
+ {name: "minecraft:obsidian", prio: 0},
+ {name: "minecraft:prismarine[variant=prismarine_bricks]", prio: 0},
+ {name: "minecraft:prismarine[variant=prismarine_bricks]", prio: 0},
+ {name: "minecraft:prismarine[variant=prismarine]", prio: 0}]
+let threadActive = false,
+ maxPrio = -10000000,
+ drawBlocks = [],
+ lookingAt
+let thread = new Thread(() => {
+ threadActive = true
+ let tempPrio, tempMax = { prio: -100000 }, tempSecondMax = { prio: -100000 }, block, blockState, tempBlocks = []
+ const playerX = Player.getX(),
+ playerY = Player.getY(),
+ playerZ = Player.getZ(),
+ playerReach = 4
+ if(playerX == undefined || playerY == undefined || playerZ == undefined || !World.isLoaded()) { threadActive = false; return thread.stop() }
+ for(let x = Math.round(playerX-playerReach); x < Math.ceil(playerX+playerReach); x++)
+ {
+ for(let y = Math.round(playerY-playerReach); y < Math.ceil(playerY+playerReach); y++)
+ {
+ for(let z = Math.round(playerZ-playerReach); z < Math.ceil(playerZ+playerReach); z++)
+ {
+ block = World.getBlockAt(x, y, z)
+ blockState = block.getState().toString()
+ if(blockStatesToFind.some(obj => obj.name === blockState) && isVisible(x, y, z))
+ {
+ tempPrio = findPrio(x, y, z, blockState, blockStatesToFind[blockStatesToFind.findIndex(obj => obj.name === blockState)].prio)
+ tempBlocks.push({x: Math.round(x) + 0.5, y: y, z: Math.round(z) + 0.5, prio: tempPrio})
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(let i = 0; i < tempBlocks.length; i++)
+ {
+ if(tempBlocks[i].prio > tempMax.prio)
+ {
+ tempMax = tempBlocks[i]
+ }
+ if(tempBlocks[i].prio > tempSecondMax.prio && tempBlocks[i].prio < tempMax.prio)
+ {
+ tempSecondMax = tempBlocks[i]
+ }
+ }
+ if(tempMax == undefined || tempSecondMax == undefined) drawBlocks = []
+ else if(drawBlocks[0] != undefined && drawBlocks[1] != undefined && drawBlocks[0].x != undefined && drawBlocks[1].x != undefined &&
+ World.getBlockAt(drawBlocks[0].x, drawBlocks[0].y, drawBlocks[0].z).type.getRegistryName() === "minecraft:bedrock") // if player just mined block
+ {
+ drawBlocks[0] = drawBlocks[1]
+ threadActive = false
+ drawBlocks[1] = tempSecondMax
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ drawBlocks[0] = tempMax
+ drawBlocks[1] = tempSecondMax
+ maxPrio = tempMax.prio
+ }
+ threadActive = false
+register("renderWorld", () => {
+ if(!settings.efficientMinerOverlay || drawBlocks.length < 2 || drawBlocks[0] == undefined || drawBlocks[1] == undefined
+ || drawBlocks[0].x == undefined || drawBlocks[1].x == undefined) return
+ try{
+ trace(drawBlocks[0].x, drawBlocks[0].y + 5/10, drawBlocks[0].z, 1, 0, 0.3, 0.7, true)
+ drawEspBox(drawBlocks[0].x, drawBlocks[0].y, drawBlocks[0].z, 1, 0, 0.3, 0.7, true)
+ drawEspBox(drawBlocks[1].x, drawBlocks[1].y, drawBlocks[1].z, 1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.7, true)
+ } catch(err) {if(settings.debug) console.log(err)}
+/*register("step", () => { // debug, comment when done
+register("step", () => {
+ if(!threadActive)
+ thread.start()
+register("gameUnload", () => {
+ thread.stop()
+function findPrio(originX, originY, originZ, blockStateToFind, prio)
+ let radius = 2 + 1/2,
+ blockCount = 0,
+ rayTraceX, rayTraceY, rayTraceZ
+ if(Player.lookingAt() != undefined && Player.lookingAt()?.getRegistryName() != "minecraft:air")
+ lookingAt = Player.lookingAt()
+ if(lookingAt != undefined)
+ {
+ rayTraceX = lookingAt.getX()
+ rayTraceY = lookingAt.getY()
+ rayTraceZ = lookingAt.getZ()
+ }
+ for(let x = Math.round(originX-radius); x < Math.round(originX+radius); x++) // second cube
+ {
+ for(let y = Math.round(originY-radius); y < Math.round(originY+radius); y++)
+ {
+ for(let z = Math.round(originZ-radius); z < Math.round(originZ+radius); z++)
+ {
+ if(World.getBlockAt(x, y, z)?.getState()?.toString() === blockStateToFind)
+ {
+ if(checkConnectedBlocks(x, y, z, originX, originY, originZ, blockStateToFind, 2.5))
+ blockCount++
+ }
+ else if (World.getBlockAt(x, y, z)?.getState()?.toString() === "minecraft:stone[variant=smooth_diorite]")
+ {
+ if(prio > 0)
+ prio = 0
+ else
+ prio += 2/10
+ }
+ if(lookingAt != undefined)
+ {
+ prio -= Math.abs(rayTraceX - x)/100 // = 0.01 per block of distance
+ prio -= Math.abs(rayTraceY - y)/100
+ prio -= Math.abs(rayTraceZ - z)/100
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(blockCount > 6)
+ blockCount = 6
+ prio += blockCount*3/10
+ return Math.round(prio*100)/100
+function isVisible(x, y, z)
+ if(World.getBlockAt(x, y, z).type.getRegistryName() === "minecraft:bedrock") return false
+ if (World.getBlockAt(x, y+1, z).type.getRegistryName() === "minecraft:air") return true // above
+ if (World.getBlockAt(x, y-1, z).type.getRegistryName() === "minecraft:air") return true // below
+ if (World.getBlockAt(x+1, y, z).type.getRegistryName() === "minecraft:air") return true // east
+ if (World.getBlockAt(x-1, y, z).type.getRegistryName() === "minecraft:air") return true // west
+ if (World.getBlockAt(x, y, z+1).type.getRegistryName() === "minecraft:air") return true // north
+ if (World.getBlockAt(x, y, z-1).type.getRegistryName() === "minecraft:air") return true // south
+ return false
+function checkConnectedBlocks(x, y, z, originX, originY, originZ, blockStateToFind, distance) {
+ if (World.getBlockAt(x, y, z).getState().toString() !== blockStateToFind) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (Math.abs(x - originX) + Math.abs(y - originY) + Math.abs(z - originZ) > distance) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (let dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
+ for (let dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
+ for (let dz = -1; dz <= 1; dz++) {
+ if (dx === 0 && dy === 0 && dz === 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!checkConnectedBlocks(x + dx, y + dy, z + dz, distance)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/render/gemstoneMiningStats.js b/render/gemstoneMiningStats.js
index b0bf4b8..40eed1a 100644
--- a/render/gemstoneMiningStats.js
+++ b/render/gemstoneMiningStats.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { addCommas, getSelectedProfile } from "../util/helperFunctions"
import axios from "../../axios"
import { findCost, findHotmObject } from "../commands/calculate/hotmCalc"
const NBTTagString = Java.type("net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString")
+let powderTotals = {}
register("itemTooltip", (lore, item) => { // this is so bad 💀
if(!item.getLore()[0].startsWith("§o§aYour SkyBlock Profile") || !settings.gemstoneMiningStats) return
@@ -62,8 +62,17 @@ register("itemTooltip", (lore, item) => { // this is so bad 💀
register("gameLoad", () => {
.then(res => {
- let professional = getSelectedProfile(res)?.members[Player.getUUID().replace(/-/g, "")]?.mining_core?.nodes?.professional,
- fortunate = getSelectedProfile(res)?.members[Player.getUUID().replace(/-/g, "")]?.mining_core?.nodes?.fortunate
+ let
+ selected = getSelectedProfile(res)?.members[Player.getUUID().replace(/-/g, "")]
+ professional = selected?.mining_core?.nodes?.professional,
+ fortunate = selected?.mining_core?.nodes?.fortunate
+ powderTotals = {
+ gemstone: (selected?.mining_core?.powder_gemstone_total ?? 0)
+ + (selected?.mining_core?.powder_spent_gemstone ?? 0),
+ mithril: (selected?.mining_core?.powder_mithril_total ?? 0)
+ + (selected?.mining_core?.powder_spent_mithril ?? 0)
+ }
if(professional != undefined)
constants.data.professional = professional
@@ -106,16 +115,16 @@ register("itemTooltip", (lore, item) => { // powder put into each perk
let perk = item.getLore()[0].replace(/§.|\(.+\)/g, "").replace(/ /g, "")
let level = /Level (\d+)/g.exec(item.getLore()[1])[1]
let hotmObjectToFind = findHotmObject(perk)
- if(hotmObjectToFind == undefined) return
+ if(hotmObjectToFind == undefined || (hotmObjectToFind.costFormula == undefined && perk != "Fortunate")) return
let powderSum
if(perk == "Fortunate")
- powderSum = findCost(undefined, 1, parseInt(level), true)
+ powderSum = findCost(undefined, 2, parseInt(level), true)
- powderSum = findCost(hotmObjectToFind.costFormula, 1, parseInt(level))
+ powderSum = findCost(hotmObjectToFind.costFormula, 2, parseInt(level))
if(item.getLore()[1].includes("💀")) return
- list.set(0, new NBTTagString(item.getLore()[1] + ` §7(§b${addCommas(Math.round(powderSum))}§7)💀`)) // this is a perfect solution no cap
+ list.set(0, new NBTTagString(item.getLore()[1] + ` §7(§b${addCommas(Math.round(powderSum))} §l${Math.round(powderSum/powderTotals[hotmObjectToFind.powderType]*100)}%§7)💀`)) // this is a perfect solution no cap
}) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/render/guis/collectionGui.js b/render/guis/collectionGui.js
index 8f96d4a..3764fcf 100644
--- a/render/guis/collectionGui.js
+++ b/render/guis/collectionGui.js
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import constants from "../../util/constants"
import settings from "../../settings"
import { trackerGui } from "../../util/helperFunctions"
const PREFIX = constants.PREFIX
-const collectionMoveGui = new Gui()
const collectionGui = new trackerGui("", "Collection Not set! /cw track", settings.collectionNotation)
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ register("dragged", (dx, dy, x, y) => {
register("renderOverlay", () => {
- collectionGui.renderGui(constants.collectiondata.x, constants.collectiondata.y, settings.collectionNotation, settings.collectionTracker)
+ collectionGui.renderGui(constants.collectiondata.x, constants.collectiondata.y, settings.collectionTracker, settings.collectionNotation, settings.showCollectionTrackerAlways)
register("step", () => {
diff --git a/render/guis/efficientMinerOverlayGui.js b/render/guis/efficientMinerOverlayGui.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c2f609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/render/guis/efficientMinerOverlayGui.js
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/*import { // after careful consideration I have decided not to make this with elementa, if anyone wants to make it for me (be it with elementa or Renderer) make https://imgur.com/a/D0XpIUx, dm Ninjune#0670 if need help
+ AdditiveConstraint,
+ CenterConstraint,
+ ConstantColorConstraint,
+ UIBlock,
+ UIImage,
+ UIWrappedText,
+ UIText,
+ WindowScreen,
+ } from "../../../Elementa"
+const Color = Java.type("java.awt.Color"),
+ URL = Java.type("java.net.URL"),
+ COORDS_WIDTH = 3.5, // not actually width more like reverse of width lmao, bigger = smaller
+ COORDS_HEIGHT = 2.877 // ^
+ ITEM_WIDTH = 3.5,
+ ITEM_HEIGHT = 2.877
+let ScreenW = Renderer.screen.getWidth(),
+ ScreenH = Renderer.screen.getHeight(),
+ itemCount = 0
+ class itemGui
+ {
+ constructor(item)
+ {
+ this.item = item
+ itemCount++
+ const textWindow = new UIBlock(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5)) // 320 960
+ .setX(new CenterConstraint())
+ .setY((ScreenH/2*itemCount + ScreenH/10.8).pixels())
+ .setWidth((ScreenW/ITEM_WIDTH).pixels())
+ .setHeight((ScreenH/ITEM_HEIGHT).pixels())
+ .onMouseClick(() => {
+ ChatLib.command(command, true)
+ })
+ new UIText(this.item, false)
+ .setX(new RelativeConstraint())
+ .setY((2).pixels())
+ .setTextScale((1).pixels())
+ .setColor(new ConstantColorConstraint(Color.WHITE))
+ .setChildOf(textWindow)
+ }
+function coordsWindow(row, column, title, command, desc, image=false, alternateText="")
+ const coordWindow = new UIBlock(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5)) // 320 960
+ .setX(((ScreenW/3*(column))-ScreenW/3.25).pixels())
+ .setY((ScreenH/2*(row-1)+ScreenH/10.8).pixels())
+ .setWidth((ScreenW/COORDS_WIDTH).pixels())
+ .setHeight((ScreenH/COORDS_HEIGHT).pixels())
+ .onMouseClick(() => {
+ ChatLib.command(command, true)
+ })
+ new UIText(title, false)
+ .setX(new CenterConstraint())
+ .setY((2).pixels())
+ .setTextScale((2).pixels())
+ .setColor(new ConstantColorConstraint(Color.GREEN.darker()))
+ .setChildOf(coordWindow)
+ if(image == true)
+ {
+ new UIWrappedText(alternateText)
+ .setX((12).pixels())
+ .setY((25).pixels())
+ .setWidth((ScreenW/5).pixels())
+ .setTextScale((1).pixels())
+ .setColor(new ConstantColorConstraint(Color.WHITE))
+ .setChildOf(coordWindow)
+ new UIImage.ofURL(new URL(desc))
+ .setX(new CenterConstraint())
+ .setY(new AdditiveConstraint(new CenterConstraint(), (4).pixels()))
+ .setWidth((ScreenW/3.7).pixels())
+ .setHeight((ScreenH/3.7).pixels())
+ .setChildOf(coordWindow)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new UIWrappedText(desc)
+ .setX((2).pixels())
+ .setY((25).pixels())
+ .setWidth((ScreenW/3.7).pixels())
+ .setTextScale((1).pixels())
+ .setColor(new ConstantColorConstraint(Color.WHITE))
+ .setChildOf(coordWindow)
+ }
+ return coordWindow
+export function openCoordsGui()
+ ScreenW = Renderer.screen.getWidth()
+ ScreenH = Renderer.screen.getHeight()
+ const CoordsGui = new JavaAdapter(WindowScreen, {
+ init() {
+ coordsWindow(1, 1, "Spiral", "cw spiral toggle", "https://i.imgur.com/dyL30GD.png", true, "Do /cw spiral to see image. (image isn't loading.)").setChildOf(this.getWindow())
+ coordsWindow(1, 2, "Throne", "cw throne toggle", "https://i.imgur.com/7BWzO1c.jpg", true, "Go back of throne. (image isn't loading)").setChildOf(this.getWindow())
+ coordsWindow(1, 3, "Yog", "cw yog toggle", "https://i.imgur.com/DojoypL.jpg", true, "Go to the leftmost corner of the topaz crystal facing bal close to bal. (image isn't loading)").setChildOf(this.getWindow())
+ coordsWindow(2, 1, "Divans", "cw divans toggle", "https://i.imgur.com/bkC6yp3.jpg", true, "Go to the middle of jade crystal. (image isn't loading)").setChildOf(this.getWindow())
+ coordsWindow(2, 2, "Automatons", "cw automatons toggle", "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1049475464667856926/1052749218055475210/image.png", true, "Sit in pot somewhere (check image in command) (image isn't loading)").setChildOf(this.getWindow())
+ new UIText("Click box to enable/disable.")
+ .setX(new CenterConstraint())
+ .setY((ScreenH-ScreenH/12).pixels())
+ .setTextScale((2).pixels())
+ .setColor(Color.WHITE)
+ .setChildOf(this.getWindow())
+ },
+ })
+ CoordsGui.init()
+ GuiHandler.openGui(CoordsGui)
+}*/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/render/miningAbilities.js b/render/miningAbilities.js
index 4663327..41113ed 100644
--- a/render/miningAbilities.js
+++ b/render/miningAbilities.js
@@ -68,6 +68,19 @@ register("step", () => {
register("chat", (abilityName, event) => {
let found = false
+ let timer
+ switch(capitalizeFirst(abilityName))
+ {
+ case "Pickobulus":
+ timer = 110
+ break
+ case "Vein seeker":
+ timer = 60
+ break
+ default:
+ timer = 120
+ }
activeAbilities.forEach(ability => {
if(ability.name == capitalizeFirst(abilityName))
@@ -75,16 +88,13 @@ register("chat", (abilityName, event) => {
found = true
drawTimestamp = undefined
ability.drawTitle = 0
- if (capitalizeFirst(abilityName) === "Pickobulus")
- ability.timer = 110
- else
- ability.timer = 120
+ ability.timer = timer
if (!found)
- let object = {timer: capitalizeFirst(abilityName) === "Pickobulus" ? 110 : 120, name: capitalizeFirst(abilityName), drawTitle: 0, drawTimestamp: undefined}
+ let object = {timer: timer, name: capitalizeFirst(abilityName), drawTitle: 0, drawTimestamp: undefined}
diff --git a/render/treecapTimer.js b/render/treecapTimer.js
index 3d9ecef..51352ef 100644
--- a/render/treecapTimer.js
+++ b/render/treecapTimer.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ monkeyLevel = 0
register("renderOverlay", () => {
if(!settings.treecapTimer || !checkInPark()) return
// ChatLib.chat(Player.getHeldItem().getItemNBT().getTag('tag').getTag('ExtraAttributes').getTag("id").toString())
- let itemId = Player?.getHeldItem()?.getItemNBT()?.getTag('tag')?.getTag('ExtraAttributes')?.getTag("id")?.toString()
+ let itemId = Player.getHeldItem()?.getItemNBT()?.getTag('tag')?.getTag('ExtraAttributes')?.getTag("id")?.toString()
if(!(itemId == `"TREECAPITATOR_AXE"` || itemId == `"ASPECT_OF_THE_VOID"` || Player?.getHeldItem()?.getRegistryName() == "minecraft:fishing_rod")) return
let txt = Math.ceil(treecapCooldown*10)/10
Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(txt, Renderer.screen.getWidth()/2 - Renderer.getStringWidth(txt)/2, Renderer.screen.getHeight()/2 - Renderer.screen.getHeight()/25)
diff --git a/settings.js b/settings.js
index c49b803..5928ae6 100644
--- a/settings.js
+++ b/settings.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { @Vigilant, @ButtonProperty, @SwitchProperty, @SelectorProperty, @Slider
@Vigilant("Coleweight/config", "Coleweight Settings", {
getCategoryComparator: () => (a, b) => {
- const categories = ["General", "Powdertracker", "Naturals", "Gui", "Stats", "Foraging"];
+ const categories = ["General", "Naturals", "Gui", "Stats", "Foraging"];
return categories.indexOf(a.name) - categories.indexOf(b.name);
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ class Settings {
trackGriefers = true;
- name: "Claiming",
- description: "Enables lobby claiming (/claim).",
+ name: "Griefer messages everywhere",
+ description: "Makes griefer messages appear in all lobbies (not just CH/DM)",
subcategory: "Random Features",
category: "General"
- claiming = true;
+ grieferEverywhere = false;
name: "Dwarven notifier",
@@ -95,6 +95,14 @@ class Settings {
+ name: "Efficient Miner Overlay",
+ description: "Points towards the best block to break with efficient miner. (Also dwarven mines mithril overlay)",
+ subcategory: "Efficient Miner Overlay",
+ category: "Gui"
+ })
+ efficientMinerOverlay = false;
+ @SwitchProperty({
name: "Collection tracker",
description: "Tracks collections ('/cw track (collection)' to set).",
subcategory: "Collection",
@@ -110,6 +118,14 @@ class Settings {
collectionNotation = true;
+ @SwitchProperty({
+ name: "Collection show always",
+ description: "Changes collection tracker to show always.",
+ subcategory: "Collection",
+ category: "Gui"
+ })
+ showCollectionTrackerAlways = false;
name: "Change collection tracker position",
description: "Move the location of the collection tracker.",
@@ -120,7 +136,7 @@ class Settings {
moveCollectionLocation() {
ChatLib.command("cw move collection", true);
name: "Marked lobbies",
description: "Enables lobby marking (automatic).",
@@ -198,28 +214,32 @@ class Settings {
@SwitchProperty({ // Powdertracker
name: "Show powdertracker",
description: "If the tracker overlay should be visible.",
- category: "Powdertracker"
+ subcategory: "Powdertracker",
+ category: "Gui"
trackerVisible = false;
name: "Show totals",
description: "If the tracker should show the total amount.",
- category: "Powdertracker"
+ subcategory: "Powdertracker",
+ category: "Gui"
showTotals = true;
name: "Show rates",
description: "If the tracker should show the estimated rates per hour.",
- category: "Powdertracker"
+ subcategory: "Powdertracker",
+ category: "Gui"
showRates = true;
name: "Alignment",
description: "Sets the alignment of the tracker.",
- category: "Powdertracker",
+ subcategory: "Powdertracker",
+ category: "Gui",
options: ["Left", "Right", "Center"]
trackerAlignment = 0;
@@ -227,7 +247,8 @@ class Settings {
name: "Change Powdertracker position",
description: "Move the location of the powdertracker.",
- category: "Powdertracker",
+ subcategory: "Powdertracker",
+ category: "Gui",
placeholder: "Open"
movePowderLocation() {
@@ -290,8 +311,8 @@ class Settings {
this.registerListener("Track griefers", value => {
this.trackGriefers = value;
- this.registerListener("Claiming", value => {
- this.claiming = value;
+ this.registerListener("Griefer messages everywhere", value => {
+ this.grieferEverywhere = value;
this.registerListener("Dwarven notifier", value => {
this.dwarvenNotifier = value;
@@ -317,12 +338,18 @@ class Settings {
this.registerListener("Downtime tracker", value => {
this.downtimeTracker = value;
+ this.registerListener("Efficient Miner Overlay", value => {
+ this.efficientMinerOverlay = value;
+ })
this.registerListener("Collection tracker", value => {
this.collectionTracker = value;
this.registerListener("Collection notation", value => {
this.collectionNotation = value;
+ this.registerListener("Collection show always", value => {
+ this.showCollectionTrackerAlways = value;
+ })
this.registerListener("Show powdertracker", value => {
this.trackerVisible = value;
diff --git a/util/helperFunctions.js b/util/helperFunctions.js
index ea91b68..b731e10 100644
--- a/util/helperFunctions.js
+++ b/util/helperFunctions.js
@@ -172,8 +172,9 @@ export class trackerGui
this.collectionMoveGui = new Gui()
- renderGui(x, y, notation = false, renderGui = true) // can only be called in renderOverlay
+ renderGui(x, y, toggle = true, notation = false, alwaysShow = false) // can only be called in renderOverlay
+ if(!toggle) return
let leftValues = [`${this.itemStringed}`, `${this.itemStringed}/hr`, `${this.itemStringed} gained`, "Uptime"]
this.itemGui.x = x
this.itemGui.y = y
@@ -189,8 +190,8 @@ export class trackerGui
return this.itemGui.renderGui()
- if(!renderGui) return
- if(this.itemValues[0] != undefined && /*this.trackingItem && */this.calcItemPerHour)
+ if(!toggle || !(alwaysShow || this.trackingItem || this.trackedItem == "")) return
+ if(this.itemValues[0] != undefined && this.calcItemPerHour)
this.itemValuesSum = 0
for(let i = 0; i < this.itemValues.length; i++)
@@ -385,7 +386,8 @@ export function checkInDwarven()
return false
-const foragingLocations = ["Dark", "Birch", "Spruce", "Savanna", "Jungle", "Forest"]
+const foragingLocations = ["§aDark Thic🐍§aket", "§aBirch Par🐍§ak", "§aSpruce Wo🐍§aods", "§aSavanna W🐍§aoodland", "§aJungle Is🐍§aland", "§bForest"]
+// pov: hypixel making a working game (i do the same thing)
export function checkInPark()
const scoreboard = Scoreboard.getLines()
diff --git a/util/renderUtil.js b/util/renderUtil.js
index f989cde..f3dce1d 100644
--- a/util/renderUtil.js
+++ b/util/renderUtil.js
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
export function trace(x, y, z, red, green, blue, alpha)
+ GlStateManager.func_179129_p() // disableCullFace
+ GlStateManager.func_179147_l() // enableBlend
+ GlStateManager.func_179112_b(770, 771) // blendFunc
+ GlStateManager.func_179132_a(false) // depthMask
GlStateManager.func_179090_x() // disableTexture2D
Tessellator.begin(1).colorize(red, green, blue, alpha)
@@ -10,6 +15,94 @@ export function trace(x, y, z, red, green, blue, alpha)
Tessellator.pos(Player.getRenderX(), Player.getRenderY()+1.6203, Player.getRenderZ()).tex(0, 0)
Tessellator.pos(x, y, z).tex(0, 0)
+ GlStateManager.func_179089_o() // enableCull
+ GlStateManager.func_179084_k() // disableBlend
+ GlStateManager.func_179132_a(true) // depthMask
+ GlStateManager.func_179098_w() // enableTexture2D
+export function drawEspBox (x, y, z, red, green, blue, alpha, phase = true) // thanks to renderlib, don't need the whole module so I'm not adding it.
+ Tessellator.pushMatrix()
+ GL11.glLineWidth(2.0)
+ GlStateManager.func_179129_p() // disableCullFace
+ GlStateManager.func_179147_l() // enableBlend
+ GlStateManager.func_179112_b(770, 771) // blendFunc
+ GlStateManager.func_179132_a(false) // depthMask
+ GlStateManager.func_179090_x() // disableTexture2D
+ if(phase)
+ GlStateManager.func_179097_i() // disableDepth
+ const locations = [
+ // x, y, z x, y, z
+ [
+ [0, 0, 0],
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ ],
+ [
+ [0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 1],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 0, 1],
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 0, 1],
+ [0, 0, 1],
+ ],
+ [
+ [0, 1, 0],
+ [1, 1, 0],
+ ],
+ [
+ [0, 1, 0],
+ [0, 1, 1],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 1, 1],
+ [1, 1, 0],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 1, 1],
+ [0, 1, 1],
+ ],
+ [
+ [0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 1, 0],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ [1, 1, 0],
+ ],
+ [
+ [0, 0, 1],
+ [0, 1, 1],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 0, 1],
+ [1, 1, 1],
+ ],
+ ]
+ locations.forEach((loc) => {
+ Tessellator.begin(3).colorize(red, green, blue, alpha);
+ Tessellator.pos(x + loc[0][0] - 1 / 2, y + loc[0][1], z + loc[0][2] - 1 / 2).tex(0, 0)
+ Tessellator.pos(x + loc[1][0] - 1 / 2, y + loc[1][1], z + loc[1][2] - 1 / 2).tex(0, 0)
+ Tessellator.draw()
+ })
+ GlStateManager.func_179089_o() // enableCull
+ GlStateManager.func_179084_k() // disableBlend
+ GlStateManager.func_179132_a(true) // depthMask
GlStateManager.func_179098_w() // enableTexture2D
+ if(phase)
+ GlStateManager.func_179126_j() // enableDepth
+ Tessellator.popMatrix()
} \ No newline at end of file