path: root/render/cwGui.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'render/cwGui.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/render/cwGui.js b/render/cwGui.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0695e1c..0000000
--- a/render/cwGui.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-import settings from "../settings";
-import constants from "../util/constants";
-import axios from "../../axios"
-const cwGui = new Gui()
-let txt = "Please set your api key with /cw setkey (key)!"
-let cwValues = [],
- calcCwPerHr = false,
- upTimeTrack = false,
- uptime = 0,
- baseColeweight = 0,
- stepsSinceLast = 0,
- coleweightHr = 0,
- cwValuesSum = 0,
- cwInfo
-export function openCwGui()
- cwGui.open()
-export function reloadColeweight()
- upTimeTrack = false
- stepsSinceLast = 0
- cwValues = []
- uptime = 0
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}Reloaded!`)
-register("dragged", (dx, dy, x, y) => {
- if (!cwGui.isOpen()) return
- constants.data.x = x
- constants.data.y = y
- constants.data.save()
-register("renderOverlay", () => {
- if (cwGui.isOpen())
- {
- if (constants.data.api_key != undefined)
- txt = "Click anywhere to move!"
- Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(txt, Renderer.screen.getWidth()/2 - Renderer.getStringWidth(txt)/2, Renderer.screen.getHeight()/2)
- Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(txt, Renderer.screen.getWidth()/2 - Renderer.getStringWidth(txt)/2, Renderer.screen.getHeight()/2)
- Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(`&aCW: &b0\n&aCW/hr: &b0\n&aUptime: &b0m\n&aColeweight Gained: &b0`, constants.data.x, constants.data.y)
- }
- if(!settings.cwToggle || constants.data.api_key == undefined) return
- let coleweight = constants.data.coleweight || 0,
- coleweightMessage = "",
- uptimeHr = Math.floor(uptime/60/60)
- coleweight > 1000 ?coleweightMessage = `&b${coleweight.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',')}`: coleweightMessage = `&b${coleweight.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',')}`
- if(cwValues[0] != undefined && upTimeTrack && calcCwPerHr)
- {
- cwValuesSum = 0
- for(let i = 0; i < cwValues.length; i++)
- {
- cwValuesSum += cwValues[i]
- }
- let eq = Math.ceil((cwValuesSum*(3600/uptime)) * 100) / 100
- eq != Infinity ? coleweightHr = eq : coleweightHr = "Calculating..."
- calcCwPerHr = false
- }
- if (cwGui.isOpen() || !upTimeTrack) return
- if(uptimeHr >= 1)
- Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(`&aCW: &b${coleweightMessage}\n&aCW/hr: &b${coleweightHr}\n&aUptime: &b${uptimeHr}h ${Math.floor(uptime/60) - uptimeHr*60}m\n&aColeweight Gained: &b${Math.ceil(cwValuesSum*100) / 100}`, data.x, data.y)
- else
- Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(`&aCW: &b${coleweightMessage}\n&aCW/hr: &b${coleweightHr}\n&aUptime: &b${Math.floor(uptime/60)}m ${Math.floor(uptime%60)}s\n&aColeweight Gained: &b${Math.ceil(cwValuesSum*100) / 100}`, data.x, data.y)
-register("gameLoad", () => {
- axios.get(`https://ninjune.dev/api/cwinfo`)
- .then(cwInfoRes => {
- cwInfo = cwInfoRes.data
- })
-register("step", () => {
- // updates coleweight for gui
- let date_ob = new Date(),
- seconds = date_ob.getSeconds()
- if(upTimeTrack == true)
- uptime += 1
- if(seconds == 0 || seconds == 15 || seconds == 30 || seconds == 45)
- {
- try
- {
- let tempUuid = Player.getUUID(),
- profileData = "",
- coleweight = 0,
- uuid = ""
- for(let i = 0; i < tempUuid.length; i++)
- {
- if(tempUuid[i] != "-")
- {
- uuid = uuid + tempUuid[i]
- }
- }
- axios.get(`https://api.hypixel.net/skyblock/profiles?key=${constants.data.api_key}&uuid=${uuid}`)
- .then(res => {
- let eq = 0
- for(let i=0; i < res.data.profiles.length; i+=1)
- {
- if(res.data.profiles[i].selected == true)
- profileData = res.data.profiles[i]
- }
- coleweight += Math.ceil((profileData.members[uuid][cwInfo.experience.name]/cwInfo.experience.req)*100) / 100
- for(let i = 0; i < cwInfo.powder.length; i++)
- {
- let sourceToSearch = cwInfo.powder[i].name,
- source = profileData.members[uuid].mining_core[sourceToSearch]
- if(source != undefined)
- {
- eq = Math.ceil(source/cwInfo.powder[i].req*100) / 100
- if(i == 0)
- {
- let powder2 = profileData.members[uuid].mining_core['powder_spent_mithril']
- if(powder2 != undefined)
- eq = Math.ceil((source+powder2)/cwInfo.powder[i].req*100) / 100
- }
- else
- {
- let powder2 = profileData.members[uuid].mining_core['powder_spent_gemstone']
- if(powder2 != undefined)
- eq = Math.ceil((source+powder2)/cwInfo.powder[i].req*100) / 100
- }
- coleweight += eq
- }
- }
- for(let i = 0; i < cwInfo.collection.length; i++)
- {
- let sourceToSearch = cwInfo.collection[i].name,
- source = profileData.members[uuid].collection[sourceToSearch]
- if(source != undefined)
- {
- eq = Math.ceil(source/cwInfo.collection[i].req*100) / 100
- coleweight += eq
- }
- }
- for(let i = 0; i < cwInfo.miscellaneous.length; i++)
- {
- let sourceToSearch = cwInfo.miscellaneous[i].name
- if(i == 0 || i == 1)
- source = profileData.members[uuid].bestiary[sourceToSearch]
- else
- source = profileData.members[uuid].mining_core.crystals.jade_crystal[sourceToSearch]
- if (source != undefined)
- {
- eq = Math.ceil(source/cwInfo.miscellaneous[i].req*100) / 100
- coleweight += eq
- }
- }
- if(baseColeweight == 0)
- {
- baseColeweight = coleweight
- }
- else if((coleweight - baseColeweight) > 0)
- {
- cwValues.push(coleweight - baseColeweight)
- calcCwPerHr = true
- upTimeTrack = true
- stepsSinceLast = 0
- baseColeweight = coleweight
- }
- else if(stepsSinceLast > 20)
- {
- uptime = 0
- upTimeTrack = false
- stepsSinceLast = 0
- cwValues = []
- }
- else
- {
- stepsSinceLast += 1
- }
- data.coleweight = Math.ceil(coleweight*100)/100
- data.save()
- })
- }
- catch(e) {}
- }
-}).setFps(1) \ No newline at end of file