path: root/settings.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'settings.js')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/settings.js b/settings.js
index b8a6959..c49b803 100644
--- a/settings.js
+++ b/settings.js
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
-import { @Vigilant, @ButtonProperty, @SwitchProperty, @SelectorProperty, @SliderProperty } from 'Vigilance'
+import { @Vigilant, @ButtonProperty, @SwitchProperty, @SelectorProperty, @SliderProperty, @TextProperty } from 'Vigilance'
+@Vigilant("Coleweight/config", "Coleweight Settings", {
+ getCategoryComparator: () => (a, b) => {
+ const categories = ["General", "Powdertracker", "Naturals", "Gui", "Stats", "Foraging"];
+ return categories.indexOf(a.name) - categories.indexOf(b.name);
+ }
class Settings {
name: "Coleweight tracker",
- description: "Enables the Coleweight tracker.",
+ description: "Enables the Coleweight tracker. (gain coleweight for a few mins for it to show up)",
subcategory: "Coleweight Tracker",
- category: "General"
+ category: "Gui"
cwToggle = false;
@@ -14,7 +20,7 @@ class Settings {
name: "Change Coleweight tracker position",
description: "Move the location of the coleweight tracker.",
subcategory: "Coleweight Tracker",
- category: "General",
+ category: "Gui",
placeholder: "Open"
moveCwLocation() {
@@ -31,7 +37,7 @@ class Settings {
name: "Rank everywhere",
- description: "Enables showing Coleweight rank everywhere. (instead of just in crystal hollows)",
+ description: "Enables showing Coleweight rank everywhere. (instead of just in Crystal Hollows/Dwarven Mines)",
subcategory: "Ranked Chat",
category: "General"
@@ -39,7 +45,7 @@ class Settings {
name: "Track griefers",
- description: "Check lobbies for griefers (on join and when new players join.)",
+ description: "Check lobbies for griefers (on join and when new players join.) Mining cult does not encourage the harrasment of people on this list.",
subcategory: "Random Features",
category: "General"
@@ -54,12 +60,12 @@ class Settings {
claiming = true;
- name: "Gemstone mining stats",
- description: "Shows gemstone mining speed/fortune on player profile. (includes professional and jungle amulet)",
+ name: "Dwarven notifier",
+ description: "Notifies you every day when not in Dwarven Mines.",
subcategory: "Random Features",
category: "General"
- gemstoneMiningStats = true;
+ dwarvenNotifier = false;
name: "Debug",
@@ -73,7 +79,7 @@ class Settings {
name: "Downtime tracker",
description: "Tracks downtime.",
subcategory: "Downtime",
- category: "General"
+ category: "Gui"
downtimeTracker = false;
@@ -81,7 +87,7 @@ class Settings {
name: "Change downtime tracker position",
description: "Move the location of the downtime tracker.",
subcategory: "Downtime",
- category: "General",
+ category: "Gui",
placeholder: "Open"
moveDowntimeLocation() {
@@ -90,9 +96,9 @@ class Settings {
name: "Collection tracker",
- description: "Tracks collections ('/cw trackcollection (collection)' to set).",
+ description: "Tracks collections ('/cw track (collection)' to set).",
subcategory: "Collection",
- category: "General"
+ category: "Gui"
collectionTracker = false;
@@ -100,7 +106,7 @@ class Settings {
name: "Collection notation",
description: "Changes collection to be abbrivated like '45K' or '2M'.",
subcategory: "Collection",
- category: "General"
+ category: "Gui"
collectionNotation = true;
@@ -108,7 +114,7 @@ class Settings {
name: "Change collection tracker position",
description: "Move the location of the collection tracker.",
subcategory: "Collection",
- category: "General",
+ category: "Gui",
placeholder: "Open"
moveCollectionLocation() {
@@ -134,11 +140,11 @@ class Settings {
ChatLib.command("cw clearlobbies", true);
- @SwitchProperty({
+ @SwitchProperty({ // Gui
name: "Timer",
description: "Toggles visibility of CHollows timer",
subcategory: "Timer",
- category: "General"
+ category: "Gui"
timerVisible = false;
@@ -146,33 +152,69 @@ class Settings {
name: "Change timer position",
description: "Move the location of the timer.",
subcategory: "Timer",
- category: "General",
+ category: "Gui",
placeholder: "Open"
moveTimerLocation() {
ChatLib.command("cw move timer", true);
+ @SwitchProperty({ // Mining abilities
+ name: "Mining abilities",
+ description: "Toggles title notification of mining abilities.",
+ subcategory: "Mining Abilities",
+ category: "Gui"
+ })
+ miningAbilities = false;
+ name: "Mining abilities gui",
+ description: "Toggles mining abilities gui.",
+ subcategory: "Mining Abilities",
+ category: "Gui"
+ })
+ miningAbilitiesGui = false;
+ @SelectorProperty({
+ name: "Mining abilities alignment",
+ description: "Sets the alignment of the tracker.",
+ subcategory: "Mining Abilities",
+ category: "Gui",
+ options: ["Left", "Center", "Right"]
+ })
+ miningAbilitiesAlignment = 0;
+ @ButtonProperty({
+ name: "Change mining abilities position",
+ description: "Move the location of the mining abilities gui.",
+ subcategory: "Mining Abilities",
+ category: "Gui",
+ placeholder: "Open"
+ })
+ moveAbilitiesLocation() {
+ ChatLib.command("cw move miningabilities", true);
+ }
+ @SwitchProperty({ // Powdertracker
name: "Show powdertracker",
description: "If the tracker overlay should be visible.",
category: "Powdertracker"
- trackerVisible = false;
+ trackerVisible = false;
name: "Show totals",
description: "If the tracker should show the total amount.",
category: "Powdertracker"
- showTotals = true;
+ showTotals = true;
name: "Show rates",
description: "If the tracker should show the estimated rates per hour.",
category: "Powdertracker"
- showRates = true;
+ showRates = true;
name: "Alignment",
@@ -180,7 +222,7 @@ class Settings {
category: "Powdertracker",
options: ["Left", "Right", "Center"]
- trackerAlignment = 0;
+ trackerAlignment = 0;
name: "Change Powdertracker position",
@@ -197,7 +239,7 @@ class Settings {
description: "If natural veins should show.",
category: "Naturals"
- showNaturals = false
+ showNaturals = false;
name: "Natural range",
@@ -206,7 +248,36 @@ class Settings {
min: 16,
max: 64
- naturalRange = 32
+ naturalRange = 32;
+ @SwitchProperty({ // Stats
+ name: "Gemstone mining stats",
+ description: "Shows gemstone mining speed/fortune on player profile. Also shows tick that you're mining at. (set block below)",
+ category: "Stats"
+ })
+ gemstoneMiningStats = true;
+ @SwitchProperty({ // Stats
+ name: "Show powder sum",
+ description: "Shows powder sum in HOTM menu.",
+ category: "Stats"
+ })
+ showPowderSum = false;
+ @SelectorProperty({
+ name: "Tick speed block",
+ description: "Sets the tick speed block on player profile.",
+ category: "Stats",
+ options: ["Green Mithril", "Blue Mithril", "Ruby", "Normal gemstone (jade, amethyst, etc)", "Topaz/Opal", "Jasper"]
+ })
+ tickSpeedBlock = 3;
+ @SwitchProperty({ // Foraging
+ name: "Treecap timer",
+ description: "Shows a timer over crosshair that shows time to next treecapitator proc.",
+ category: "Foraging"
+ })
+ treecapTimer = false;
constructor() {
@@ -222,8 +293,8 @@ class Settings {
this.registerListener("Claiming", value => {
this.claiming = value;
- this.registerListener("Gemstone mining stats", value => {
- this.gemstoneMiningStats = value;
+ this.registerListener("Dwarven notifier", value => {
+ this.dwarvenNotifier = value;
this.registerListener("Debug", value => {
this.debug = value;
@@ -234,6 +305,15 @@ class Settings {
this.registerListener("Timer", value => {
this.timerVisible = value;
+ this.registerListener("Mining abilities", value => {
+ this.miningAbilities = value;
+ })
+ this.registerListener("Mining abilities gui", value => {
+ this.miningAbilitiesGui = value;
+ })
+ this.registerListener("Mining abilities alignment", value => {
+ this.miningAbilitiesAlignment = value;
+ })
this.registerListener("Downtime tracker", value => {
this.downtimeTracker = value;
@@ -261,6 +341,18 @@ class Settings {
this.registerListener("Natural range", value => {
this.naturalRange = value;
+ this.registerListener("Gemstone mining stats", value => {
+ this.gemstoneMiningStats = value;
+ })
+ this.registerListener("Show powder sum", value => {
+ this.showPowderSum = value;
+ })
+ this.registerListener("Tick speed block", value => {
+ this.tickSpeedBlock = value;
+ })
+ this.registerListener("Tick speed block", value => {
+ this.tickSpeedBlock = value;
+ })