diff options
authorKamil Doległo <kamilok1965@interia.pl>2020-02-21 12:10:33 +0100
committerPaweł Marks <Kordyjan@users.noreply.github.com>2020-02-27 10:51:51 +0100
commit48077e9575ba6133b897ceb5794ade1ea0d8d84f (patch)
parent971ca471fbca2d382557e8609706eb683a3ada96 (diff)
Refactor Documentable model
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/model/Documentable.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/model/Documentable.kt
index f0820256..8b059795 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/model/Documentable.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/model/Documentable.kt
@@ -5,10 +5,97 @@ import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.doc.DocumentationNode
import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.PlatformData
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Visibility
-class Module(override val name: String, val packages: List<Package>) : Documentable() {
+abstract class Documentable {
+ abstract val name: String?
+ abstract val dri: DRI
+ abstract val children: List<Documentable>
+ abstract val documentation: PlatformDependent<DocumentationNode>
+ abstract val original: PlatformDependent<Documentable>
+ override fun toString(): String =
+ "${javaClass.simpleName}($dri)" //+ briefDocTagString.takeIf { it.isNotBlank() }?.let { " [$it]" }.orEmpty()
+ override fun equals(other: Any?) = other is Documentable && this.dri == other.dri // TODO: https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/pull/667#discussion_r382555806
+ override fun hashCode() = dri.hashCode()
+ val briefDocTagString: String by lazy { // TODO > utils
+ documentation.values
+ .firstOrNull()
+ ?.children
+ ?.firstOrNull()
+ ?.root
+ ?.docTagSummary()
+ ?.shorten(40) ?: ""
+ }
+data class PlatformDependent<out T>(val map: Map<PlatformData, T>) : Map<PlatformData, T> by map {
+ val prevalentValue: T?
+ get() = if (map.all { values.first() == it.value }) values.first() else null
+interface WithExpectActual {
+ val expect: Documentable?
+ val actual: PlatformDependent<Documentable>
+interface WithScope {
+ val functions: List<Function>
+ val properties: List<Property>
+ val classlikes: List<Classlike>
+interface WithPackages {
+ val packages: List<Package>
+interface WithVisibility {
+ val visibility: PlatformDependent<Visibility> // TODO custom visibility
+interface WithType {
+ val type: PlatformDependent<TypeWrapper>
+interface WithAbstraction {
+ val modifier: PlatformDependent<Modifier>
+ enum class Modifier {
+ Abstract, Open, Final
+ }
+interface WithCompanion {
+ val companion: Object?
+interface WithConstructors {
+ val constructors: List<Function>
+interface WithGenerics {
+ val generics: PlatformDependent<TypeWrapper> // TODO: fix the generics
+interface Callable : WithVisibility, WithType, WithAbstraction, WithExpectActual {
+ val receiver: PlatformDependent<Parameter>
+interface CanBeSupertype
+interface Classlike : WithScope, WithVisibility, WithExpectActual, CanBeSupertype {
+ val supertypes: PlatformDependent<CanBeSupertype>
+class Module(
+ override val name: String,
+ override val packages: List<Package>,
+ override val documentation: PlatformDependent<DocumentationNode>,
+ override val original: PlatformDependent<Module>
+) : Documentable(), WithPackages {
override val dri: DRI = DRI.topLevel
- override val children: List<Package> = packages
- override val extra: MutableSet<Extra> = mutableSetOf()
+ override val children: List<Documentable>
+ get() = packages
class Package(
@@ -16,220 +103,170 @@ class Package(
override val functions: List<Function>,
override val properties: List<Property>,
override val classlikes: List<Classlike>,
- override val extra: MutableSet<Extra> = mutableSetOf()
-) : ScopeNode() {
+ override val packages: List<Package>,
+ override val documentation: PlatformDependent<DocumentationNode>,
+ override val original: PlatformDependent<Package>
+) : Documentable(), WithScope, WithPackages {
override val name = dri.packageName.orEmpty()
+ override val children: List<Documentable>
+ get() = (functions + properties + classlikes + packages) as List<Documentable>
class Class(
override val dri: DRI,
override val name: String,
- override val kind: ClassKind,
- val constructors: List<Function>,
+ override val constructors: List<Function>,
override val functions: List<Function>,
override val properties: List<Property>,
override val classlikes: List<Classlike>,
- override val expected: ClassPlatformInfo?,
- override val actual: List<ClassPlatformInfo>,
- override val extra: MutableSet<Extra> = mutableSetOf(),
- override val visibility: Map<PlatformData, Visibility>
-) : Classlike(
- name = name,
- dri = dri,
- kind = kind,
- functions = functions,
- properties = properties,
- classlikes = classlikes,
- expected = expected,
- actual = actual,
- extra = extra
-), WithVisibility
+ override val expect: Class?,
+ override val actual: PlatformDependent<Class>,
+ override val visibility: PlatformDependent<Visibility>,
+ override val companion: Object,
+ override val generics: PlatformDependent<TypeWrapper>,
+ override val supertypes: PlatformDependent<Classlike>,
+ override val documentation: PlatformDependent<DocumentationNode>,
+ override val original: PlatformDependent<Class>,
+ override val modifier: PlatformDependent<WithAbstraction.Modifier>
+) : Documentable(), Classlike, WithAbstraction, WithCompanion, WithConstructors, WithGenerics {
+ override val children: List<Documentable>
+ get() = (functions + properties + classlikes + companion + constructors) as List<Documentable>
class Enum(
override val dri: DRI,
override val name: String,
val entries: List<EnumEntry>,
- val constructors: List<Function>,
- override val functions: List<Function> = emptyList(),
- override val properties: List<Property> = emptyList(),
- override val classlikes: List<Classlike> = emptyList(),
- override val expected: ClassPlatformInfo? = null,
- override val actual: List<ClassPlatformInfo>,
- override val extra: MutableSet<Extra> = mutableSetOf(),
- override val visibility: Map<PlatformData, Visibility>
-) : Classlike(dri = dri, name = name, kind = KotlinClassKindTypes.ENUM_CLASS, actual = actual), WithVisibility {
- constructor(c: Classlike, entries: List<EnumEntry>, ctors: List<Function>) : this(
- dri = c.dri,
- name = c.name,
- entries = entries,
- constructors = ctors,
- functions = c.functions,
- properties = c.properties,
- classlikes = c.classlikes,
- expected = c.expected,
- actual = c.actual,
- extra = c.extra,
- visibility = c.visibility
- )
+ override val documentation: PlatformDependent<DocumentationNode>,
+ override val expect: Enum?,
+ override val actual: PlatformDependent<Enum>,
+ override val functions: List<Function>,
+ override val properties: List<Property>,
+ override val classlikes: List<Classlike>,
+ override val visibility: PlatformDependent<Visibility>,
+ override val companion: Object,
+ override val constructors: List<Function>,
+ override val supertypes: PlatformDependent<Classlike>,
+ override val original: PlatformDependent<Enum>
+) : Documentable(), Classlike, WithCompanion, WithConstructors {
override val children: List<Documentable>
- get() = entries
+ get() = (entries + functions + properties + classlikes + listOf(companion) + constructors) as List<Documentable>
class EnumEntry(
+ override val name: String?,
override val dri: DRI,
- override val name: String,
- override val expected: ClassPlatformInfo? = null,
- override val actual: List<ClassPlatformInfo>,
- override val extra: MutableSet<Extra> = mutableSetOf(),
- override val visibility: Map<PlatformData, Visibility>
-) : Classlike(
- dri = dri,
- name = name,
- actual = actual,
- expected = expected,
- extra = extra,
- kind = KotlinClassKindTypes.ENUM_ENTRY
-) {
- constructor(c: Classlike) : this(
- dri = c.dri,
- name = c.name,
- actual = c.actual,
- expected = c.expected,
- extra = c.extra,
- visibility = c.visibility
- )
- override val children: List<Parameter>
- get() = emptyList()
+ override val documentation: PlatformDependent<DocumentationNode>,
+ override val functions: List<Function>,
+ override val properties: List<Property>,
+ override val classlikes: List<Classlike>,
+ override val original: PlatformDependent<EnumEntry>
+) : Documentable(), WithScope {
+ override val children: List<Documentable>
+ get() = (functions + properties + classlikes) as List<Documentable>
class Function(
override val dri: DRI,
override val name: String,
- val returnType: TypeWrapper?,
val isConstructor: Boolean,
- override val receiver: Parameter?,
+ val returnType: TypeWrapper?,
val parameters: List<Parameter>,
- override val expected: PlatformInfo?,
- override val actual: List<PlatformInfo>,
- override val extra: MutableSet<Extra> = mutableSetOf(),
- override val visibility: Map<PlatformData, Visibility>
-) : CallableNode(), WithVisibility {
- override val children: List<Parameter>
- get() = listOfNotNull(receiver) + parameters
+ override val documentation: PlatformDependent<DocumentationNode>,
+ override val expect: Function?,
+ override val actual: PlatformDependent<Function>,
+ override val visibility: PlatformDependent<Visibility>,
+ override val type: PlatformDependent<TypeWrapper>,
+ override val generics: PlatformDependent<TypeWrapper>,
+ override val receiver: PlatformDependent<Parameter>,
+ override val original: PlatformDependent<Function>,
+ override val modifier: PlatformDependent<WithAbstraction.Modifier>
+ ) : Documentable(), Callable, WithGenerics {
+ override val children: List<Documentable>
+ get() = parameters
-class Property(
+class Interface(
+ override val name: String?,
override val dri: DRI,
- override val name: String,
- override val receiver: Parameter?,
- override val expected: PlatformInfo?,
- override val actual: List<PlatformInfo>,
- override val extra: MutableSet<Extra> = mutableSetOf(),
- val accessors: List<Function>,
- override val visibility: Map<PlatformData, Visibility>
-) : CallableNode(), WithVisibility {
- override val children: List<Parameter>
- get() = listOfNotNull(receiver)
+ override val documentation: PlatformDependent<DocumentationNode>,
+ override val original: PlatformDependent<Interface>,
+ override val expect: Interface?,
+ override val actual: PlatformDependent<Interface>,
+ override val functions: List<Function>,
+ override val properties: List<Property>,
+ override val classlikes: List<Classlike>,
+ override val visibility: PlatformDependent<Visibility>,
+ override val companion: Object,
+ override val generics: PlatformDependent<TypeWrapper>,
+ override val supertypes: PlatformDependent<Classlike>
+) : Documentable(), Classlike, WithCompanion, WithGenerics {
+ override val children: List<Documentable>
+ get() = (functions + properties + classlikes + companion) as List<Documentable>
-// TODO: treat named Parameters and receivers differently
-class Parameter(
- override val dri: DRI,
+class Object(
override val name: String?,
- val type: TypeWrapper,
- override val expected: PlatformInfo?,
- override val actual: List<PlatformInfo>,
- override val extra: MutableSet<Extra> = mutableSetOf()
-) : Documentable() {
+ override val dri: DRI,
+ override val documentation: PlatformDependent<DocumentationNode>,
+ override val original: PlatformDependent<Object>,
+ override val expect: Object?,
+ override val actual: PlatformDependent<Object>,
+ override val functions: List<Function>,
+ override val properties: List<Property>,
+ override val classlikes: List<Classlike>,
+ override val visibility: PlatformDependent<Visibility>,
+ override val supertypes: PlatformDependent<Classlike>
+) : Documentable(), Classlike {
override val children: List<Documentable>
- get() = emptyList()
+ get() = (functions + properties + classlikes) as List<Documentable>
-interface PlatformInfo {
- val documentationNode: DocumentationNode
- val platformData: List<PlatformData>
-class BasePlatformInfo(
- override val documentationNode: DocumentationNode,
- override val platformData: List<PlatformData>
-) : PlatformInfo {
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
- other is PlatformInfo && documentationNode == other.documentationNode
- override fun hashCode(): Int =
- documentationNode.hashCode()
-class ClassPlatformInfo(
- val info: PlatformInfo,
- val inherited: List<DRI>
-) : PlatformInfo by info
-abstract class Documentable {
- open val expected: PlatformInfo? = null
- open val actual: List<PlatformInfo> = emptyList()
- open val name: String? = null
- val platformInfo by lazy { listOfNotNull(expected) + actual }
- val platformData by lazy { platformInfo.flatMap { it.platformData }.toSet() }
- abstract val dri: DRI
- abstract val children: List<Documentable>
- override fun toString(): String {
- return "${javaClass.simpleName}($dri)" + briefDocTagString.takeIf { it.isNotBlank() }?.let { " [$it]" }.orEmpty()
- }
- override fun equals(other: Any?) = other is Documentable && this.dri == other.dri
- override fun hashCode() = dri.hashCode()
- val briefDocTagString: String by lazy {
- platformInfo
- .firstOrNull()
- ?.documentationNode
- ?.children
- ?.firstOrNull()
- ?.root
- ?.docTagSummary()
- ?.shorten(40) ?: ""
- }
- open val extra: MutableSet<Extra> = mutableSetOf()
+class Annotation(
+ override val name: String?,
+ override val dri: DRI,
+ override val documentation: PlatformDependent<DocumentationNode>,
+ override val original: PlatformDependent<Annotation>,
+ override val expect: Annotation?,
+ override val actual: PlatformDependent<Annotation>,
+ override val functions: List<Function>,
+ override val properties: List<Property>,
+ override val classlikes: List<Classlike>,
+ override val visibility: PlatformDependent<Visibility>,
+ override val companion: Object,
+ override val constructors: List<Function>
+) : Documentable(), WithScope, WithVisibility, WithCompanion, WithConstructors, WithExpectActual, CanBeSupertype {
+ override val children: List<Documentable>
+ get() = (functions + properties + classlikes + constructors + companion) as List<Documentable>
-abstract class Classlike(
+class Property(
override val dri: DRI,
override val name: String,
- open val kind: ClassKind,
- override val functions: List<Function> = emptyList(),
- override val properties: List<Property> = emptyList(),
- override val classlikes: List<Classlike> = emptyList(),
- override val expected: ClassPlatformInfo? = null,
- override val actual: List<ClassPlatformInfo>,
- override val extra: MutableSet<Extra> = mutableSetOf()
-) : ScopeNode(), WithVisibility {
- val inherited by lazy { platformInfo.mapNotNull { (it as? ClassPlatformInfo)?.inherited }.flatten() }
-abstract class ScopeNode : Documentable() {
- abstract val functions: List<Function>
- abstract val properties: List<Property>
- abstract val classlikes: List<Classlike>
- override val children: List<Documentable> // It is written so awkwardly because of type inference being lost here
- get() = mutableListOf<Documentable>().apply {
- addAll(functions)
- addAll(properties)
- addAll(classlikes)
- }
+ override val documentation: PlatformDependent<DocumentationNode>,
+ override val expect: Property?,
+ override val actual: PlatformDependent<Property>,
+ override val visibility: PlatformDependent<Visibility>,
+ override val type: PlatformDependent<TypeWrapper>,
+ override val receiver: PlatformDependent<Parameter>,
+ val accessors: PlatformDependent<Function>, // TODO > extra
+ override val original: PlatformDependent<Property>,
+ override val modifier: PlatformDependent<WithAbstraction.Modifier>
+) : Documentable(), Callable {
+ override val children: List<Documentable>
+ get() = emptyList()
-abstract class CallableNode : Documentable() {
- abstract val receiver: Parameter?
+// TODO: treat named Parameters and receivers differently
+class Parameter(
+ override val dri: DRI,
+ override val name: String?,
+ override val documentation: PlatformDependent<DocumentationNode>,
+ val type: TypeWrapper,
+ override val original: PlatformDependent<Parameter>
+) : Documentable() {
+ override val children: List<Documentable>
+ get() = emptyList()
private fun String.shorten(maxLength: Int) = lineSequence().first().let {
@@ -245,7 +282,3 @@ fun Documentable.dfs(predicate: (Documentable) -> Boolean): Documentable? =
interface Extra
object STATIC : Extra
-interface WithVisibility {
- val visibility: Map<PlatformData, Visibility>
-} \ No newline at end of file