path: root/core/testApi/src/main
diff options
authorKamil Doległo <kamilok1965@interia.pl>2019-09-11 15:34:55 +0200
committerKamil Doległo <kamilok1965@interia.pl>2019-10-10 12:21:16 +0200
commitf4920fc9d067e59a5d843a185e07c5d321c91c6d (patch)
tree9e55f99f5f612cd3e716f07b08aa309206096743 /core/testApi/src/main
parentb536699655e40c62cd603e1f98869786566604bd (diff)
Extract testApi from core
Diffstat (limited to 'core/testApi/src/main')
2 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/testApi/src/main/kotlin/testApi/DokkaConfigurationTestImplementations.kt b/core/testApi/src/main/kotlin/testApi/DokkaConfigurationTestImplementations.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58356e27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/testApi/src/main/kotlin/testApi/DokkaConfigurationTestImplementations.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+package org.jetbrains.dokka.testApi
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.Platform
+import java.io.File
+data class SourceLinkDefinitionImpl(override val path: String,
+ override val url: String,
+ override val lineSuffix: String?) : DokkaConfiguration.SourceLinkDefinition {
+ companion object {
+ fun parseSourceLinkDefinition(srcLink: String): DokkaConfiguration.SourceLinkDefinition {
+ val (path, urlAndLine) = srcLink.split('=')
+ return SourceLinkDefinitionImpl(
+ File(path).canonicalPath,
+ urlAndLine.substringBefore("#"),
+ urlAndLine.substringAfter("#", "").let { if (it.isEmpty()) null else "#$it" })
+ }
+ }
+class SourceRootImpl(path: String) : DokkaConfiguration.SourceRoot {
+ override val path: String = File(path).absolutePath
+ companion object {
+ fun parseSourceRoot(sourceRoot: String): DokkaConfiguration.SourceRoot = SourceRootImpl(sourceRoot)
+ }
+data class PackageOptionsImpl(override val prefix: String,
+ override val includeNonPublic: Boolean = false,
+ override val reportUndocumented: Boolean = true,
+ override val skipDeprecated: Boolean = false,
+ override val suppress: Boolean = false) : DokkaConfiguration.PackageOptions
+ class DokkaConfigurationImpl(
+ override val outputDir: String = "",
+ override val format: String = "html",
+ override val generateIndexPages: Boolean = false,
+ override val cacheRoot: String? = null,
+ override val impliedPlatforms: List<String> = emptyList(),
+ override val passesConfigurations: List<DokkaConfiguration.PassConfiguration> = emptyList()
+) : DokkaConfiguration
+class PassConfigurationImpl (
+ override val classpath: List<String> = emptyList(),
+ override val moduleName: String = "",
+ override val sourceRoots: List<DokkaConfiguration.SourceRoot> = emptyList(),
+ override val samples: List<String> = emptyList(),
+ override val includes: List<String> = emptyList(),
+ override val includeNonPublic: Boolean = false,
+ override val includeRootPackage: Boolean = false,
+ override val reportUndocumented: Boolean = false,
+ override val skipEmptyPackages: Boolean = false,
+ override val skipDeprecated: Boolean = false,
+ override val jdkVersion: Int = 6,
+ override val sourceLinks: List<DokkaConfiguration.SourceLinkDefinition> = emptyList(),
+ override val perPackageOptions: List<DokkaConfiguration.PackageOptions> = emptyList(),
+ externalDocumentationLinks: List<DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink> = emptyList(),
+ override val languageVersion: String? = null,
+ override val apiVersion: String? = null,
+ override val noStdlibLink: Boolean = false,
+ override val noJdkLink: Boolean = false,
+ override val suppressedFiles: List<String> = emptyList(),
+ override val collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries: Boolean = false,
+ override val analysisPlatform: Platform = Platform.DEFAULT,
+ override val targets: List<String> = emptyList(),
+ override val sinceKotlin: String? = null
+): DokkaConfiguration.PassConfiguration {
+ private val defaultLinks = run {
+ val links = mutableListOf<DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink>()
+ if (!noJdkLink)
+ links += DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink.Builder("https://docs.oracle.com/javase/$jdkVersion/docs/api/").build()
+ if (!noStdlibLink)
+ links += DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink.Builder("https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/").build()
+ links
+ }
+ override val externalDocumentationLinks = defaultLinks + externalDocumentationLinks
diff --git a/core/testApi/src/main/kotlin/testApi/TestAPI.kt b/core/testApi/src/main/kotlin/testApi/TestAPI.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7856591c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/testApi/src/main/kotlin/testApi/TestAPI.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+package org.jetbrains.dokka.testApi
+import com.google.inject.Guice
+import com.intellij.openapi.application.PathManager
+import com.intellij.openapi.util.Disposer
+import com.intellij.openapi.util.io.FileUtil
+import com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.FileComparisonFailure
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.Utilities.DokkaAnalysisModule
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.Utilities.DokkaRunModule
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.config.ContentRoot
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.config.KotlinSourceRoot
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.CompilerMessageLocation
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.CompilerMessageSeverity
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.MessageCollector
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.config.JavaSourceRoot
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.DeclarationDescriptor
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.PathUtil
+import org.junit.Assert
+import org.junit.Assert.fail
+import java.io.File
+data class ModelConfig(
+ val roots: Array<ContentRoot> = arrayOf(),
+ val withJdk: Boolean = false,
+ val withKotlinRuntime: Boolean = false,
+ val format: String = "html",
+ val includeNonPublic: Boolean = true,
+ val perPackageOptions: List<DokkaConfiguration.PackageOptions> = emptyList(),
+ val analysisPlatform: Platform = Platform.DEFAULT,
+ val defaultPlatforms: List<String> = emptyList(),
+ val noStdlibLink: Boolean = true,
+ val collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries: Boolean = false,
+ val sourceLinks: List<DokkaConfiguration.SourceLinkDefinition> = emptyList()
+fun verifyModel(
+ modelConfig: ModelConfig,
+ verifier: (DocumentationModule) -> Unit
+) {
+ val documentation = DocumentationModule("test")
+ val passConfiguration = PassConfigurationImpl(
+ includeNonPublic = modelConfig.includeNonPublic,
+ skipEmptyPackages = false,
+ includeRootPackage = true,
+ sourceLinks = modelConfig.sourceLinks,
+ perPackageOptions = modelConfig.perPackageOptions,
+ noStdlibLink = modelConfig.noStdlibLink,
+ noJdkLink = false,
+ languageVersion = null,
+ apiVersion = null,
+ collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries = modelConfig.collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries
+ )
+ val configuration = DokkaConfigurationImpl(
+ outputDir = "",
+ format = modelConfig.format,
+ generateIndexPages = false,
+ cacheRoot = "default",
+ passesConfigurations = listOf(passConfiguration)
+ )
+ appendDocumentation(documentation, configuration, passConfiguration, modelConfig)
+ documentation.prepareForGeneration(configuration)
+ verifier(documentation)
+fun appendDocumentation(
+ documentation: DocumentationModule,
+ dokkaConfiguration: DokkaConfiguration,
+ passConfiguration: DokkaConfiguration.PassConfiguration,
+ modelConfig: ModelConfig
+) {
+ val messageCollector = object : MessageCollector {
+ override fun clear() {
+ }
+ override fun report(severity: CompilerMessageSeverity, message: String, location: CompilerMessageLocation?) {
+ when (severity) {
+ CompilerMessageSeverity.STRONG_WARNING,
+ CompilerMessageSeverity.WARNING,
+ CompilerMessageSeverity.LOGGING,
+ CompilerMessageSeverity.OUTPUT,
+ CompilerMessageSeverity.INFO,
+ CompilerMessageSeverity.ERROR -> {
+ println("$severity: $message at $location")
+ }
+ CompilerMessageSeverity.EXCEPTION -> {
+ fail("$severity: $message at $location")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override fun hasErrors() = false
+ }
+ val environment = AnalysisEnvironment(messageCollector, modelConfig.analysisPlatform)
+ environment.apply {
+ if (modelConfig.withJdk || modelConfig.withKotlinRuntime) {
+ addClasspath(PathUtil.getJdkClassesRootsFromCurrentJre())
+ }
+ if (modelConfig.withKotlinRuntime) {
+ if (analysisPlatform == Platform.jvm) {
+ val kotlinStrictfpRoot = PathManager.getResourceRoot(Strictfp::class.java, "/kotlin/jvm/Strictfp.class")
+ addClasspath(File(kotlinStrictfpRoot))
+ }
+ if (analysisPlatform == Platform.js) {
+ val kotlinStdlibJsRoot = PathManager.getResourceRoot(Any::class.java, "/kotlin/jquery")
+ addClasspath(File(kotlinStdlibJsRoot))
+ }
+ if (analysisPlatform == Platform.common) {
+ // TODO: Feels hacky
+ val kotlinStdlibCommonRoot = ClassLoader.getSystemResource("kotlin/UInt.kotlin_metadata")
+ addClasspath(File(kotlinStdlibCommonRoot.file.replace("file:", "").replaceAfter(".jar", "")))
+ }
+ }
+ addRoots(modelConfig.roots.toList())
+ loadLanguageVersionSettings(passConfiguration.languageVersion, passConfiguration.apiVersion)
+ }
+ val defaultPlatformsProvider = object : DefaultPlatformsProvider {
+ override fun getDefaultPlatforms(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor) = modelConfig.defaultPlatforms
+ }
+ val globalInjector = Guice.createInjector(
+ DokkaRunModule(dokkaConfiguration)
+ )
+ val injector = globalInjector.createChildInjector(
+ DokkaAnalysisModule(
+ environment,
+ dokkaConfiguration,
+ defaultPlatformsProvider,
+ documentation.nodeRefGraph,
+ passConfiguration,
+ DokkaConsoleLogger
+ )
+ )
+ buildDocumentationModule(injector, documentation)
+ Disposer.dispose(environment)
+fun checkSourceExistsAndVerifyModel(
+ source: String,
+ modelConfig: ModelConfig = ModelConfig(),
+ verifier: (DocumentationModule) -> Unit
+) {
+ require(File(source).exists()) {
+ "Cannot find test data file $source"
+ }
+ verifyModel(
+ ModelConfig(
+ roots = arrayOf(contentRootFromPath(source)),
+ withJdk = modelConfig.withJdk,
+ withKotlinRuntime = modelConfig.withKotlinRuntime,
+ format = modelConfig.format,
+ includeNonPublic = modelConfig.includeNonPublic,
+ sourceLinks = modelConfig.sourceLinks,
+ analysisPlatform = modelConfig.analysisPlatform
+ ),
+ verifier = verifier
+ )
+fun verifyPackageMember(
+ source: String,
+ modelConfig: ModelConfig = ModelConfig(),
+ verifier: (DocumentationNode) -> Unit
+) {
+ checkSourceExistsAndVerifyModel(
+ source,
+ modelConfig = ModelConfig(
+ withJdk = modelConfig.withJdk,
+ withKotlinRuntime = modelConfig.withKotlinRuntime,
+ analysisPlatform = modelConfig.analysisPlatform
+ )
+ ) { model ->
+ val pkg = model.members.single()
+ verifier(pkg.members.single())
+ }
+fun verifyJavaModel(
+ source: String,
+ modelConfig: ModelConfig = ModelConfig(),
+ verifier: (DocumentationModule) -> Unit
+) {
+ val tempDir = FileUtil.createTempDirectory("dokka", "")
+ try {
+ val sourceFile = File(source)
+ FileUtil.copy(sourceFile, File(tempDir, sourceFile.name))
+ verifyModel(
+ ModelConfig(
+ roots = arrayOf(JavaSourceRoot(tempDir, null)),
+ withJdk = true,
+ withKotlinRuntime = modelConfig.withKotlinRuntime,
+ analysisPlatform = modelConfig.analysisPlatform
+ ),
+ verifier = verifier
+ )
+ } finally {
+ FileUtil.delete(tempDir)
+ }
+fun verifyJavaPackageMember(
+ source: String,
+ modelConfig: ModelConfig = ModelConfig(),
+ verifier: (DocumentationNode) -> Unit
+) {
+ verifyJavaModel(source, modelConfig) { model ->
+ val pkg = model.members.single()
+ verifier(pkg.members.single())
+ }
+fun verifyOutput(
+ modelConfig: ModelConfig = ModelConfig(),
+ outputExtension: String,
+ outputGenerator: (DocumentationModule, StringBuilder) -> Unit
+) {
+ verifyModel(modelConfig) {
+ verifyModelOutput(it, outputExtension, modelConfig.roots.first().path, outputGenerator)
+ }
+fun verifyOutput(
+ path: String,
+ outputExtension: String,
+ modelConfig: ModelConfig = ModelConfig(),
+ outputGenerator: (DocumentationModule, StringBuilder) -> Unit
+) {
+ verifyOutput(
+ ModelConfig(
+ roots = arrayOf(contentRootFromPath(path)) + modelConfig.roots,
+ withJdk = modelConfig.withJdk,
+ withKotlinRuntime = modelConfig.withKotlinRuntime,
+ format = modelConfig.format,
+ includeNonPublic = modelConfig.includeNonPublic,
+ analysisPlatform = modelConfig.analysisPlatform,
+ noStdlibLink = modelConfig.noStdlibLink,
+ collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries = modelConfig.collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries
+ ),
+ outputExtension,
+ outputGenerator
+ )
+fun verifyModelOutput(
+ it: DocumentationModule,
+ outputExtension: String,
+ sourcePath: String,
+ outputGenerator: (DocumentationModule, StringBuilder) -> Unit
+) {
+ val output = StringBuilder()
+ outputGenerator(it, output)
+ val ext = outputExtension.removePrefix(".")
+ val expectedFile = File(sourcePath.replaceAfterLast(".", ext, sourcePath + "." + ext))
+ assertEqualsIgnoringSeparators(expectedFile, output.toString())
+fun verifyJavaOutput(
+ path: String,
+ outputExtension: String,
+ modelConfig: ModelConfig = ModelConfig(),
+ outputGenerator: (DocumentationModule, StringBuilder) -> Unit
+) {
+ verifyJavaModel(path, modelConfig) { model ->
+ verifyModelOutput(model, outputExtension, path, outputGenerator)
+ }
+fun assertEqualsIgnoringSeparators(expectedFile: File, output: String) {
+ if (!expectedFile.exists()) expectedFile.createNewFile()
+ val expectedText = expectedFile.readText().replace("\r\n", "\n")
+ val actualText = output.replace("\r\n", "\n")
+ if (expectedText != actualText)
+ throw FileComparisonFailure("", expectedText, actualText, expectedFile.canonicalPath)
+fun assertEqualsIgnoringSeparators(expectedOutput: String, output: String) {
+ Assert.assertEquals(expectedOutput.replace("\r\n", "\n"), output.replace("\r\n", "\n"))
+fun StringBuilder.appendChildren(node: ContentBlock): StringBuilder {
+ for (child in node.children) {
+ val childText = child.toTestString()
+ append(childText)
+ }
+ return this
+fun StringBuilder.appendNode(node: ContentNode): StringBuilder {
+ when (node) {
+ is ContentText -> {
+ append(node.text)
+ }
+ is ContentEmphasis -> append("*").appendChildren(node).append("*")
+ is ContentBlockCode -> {
+ if (node.language.isNotBlank())
+ appendln("[code lang=${node.language}]")
+ else
+ appendln("[code]")
+ appendChildren(node)
+ appendln()
+ appendln("[/code]")
+ }
+ is ContentNodeLink -> {
+ append("[")
+ appendChildren(node)
+ append(" -> ")
+ append(node.node.toString())
+ append("]")
+ }
+ is ContentBlock -> {
+ appendChildren(node)
+ }
+ is NodeRenderContent -> {
+ append("render(")
+ append(node.node)
+ append(",")
+ append(node.mode)
+ append(")")
+ }
+ is ContentSymbol -> {
+ append(node.text)
+ }
+ is ContentEmpty -> { /* nothing */
+ }
+ else -> throw IllegalStateException("Don't know how to format node $node")
+ }
+ return this
+fun ContentNode.toTestString(): String {
+ val node = this
+ return StringBuilder().apply {
+ appendNode(node)
+ }.toString()
+val ContentRoot.path: String
+ get() = when (this) {
+ is KotlinSourceRoot -> path
+ is JavaSourceRoot -> file.path
+ else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException()
+ }