path: root/core/testdata/format
diff options
authorAlex Waters <awaters@nextfaze.com>2017-05-01 14:00:31 +0930
committerSimon Ogorodnik <sem-oro@yandex.ru>2017-05-04 14:26:37 +0300
commitc2afb348bb0d3dd60d336aa312b5fcedfb31b966 (patch)
tree7071aebbdb30b82532bcdce545edc27d2d3eb4a5 /core/testdata/format
parent54c3c87acfb31afc22afc5f20229384f755b677f (diff)
Fix Markdown list spacing, ordering, and erroneous new lines
Diffstat (limited to 'core/testdata/format')
5 files changed, 159 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/core/testdata/format/javadocOrderedList.md b/core/testdata/format/javadocOrderedList.md
index 00aa1bc4..f18ee96a 100644
--- a/core/testdata/format/javadocOrderedList.md
+++ b/core/testdata/format/javadocOrderedList.md
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
`open class Bar`
1. Rinse
- 1. Repeat
+ 2. Repeat
### Constructors
| [&lt;init&gt;](test/-bar/-init-) | `Bar()`<br>
1. Rinse
- 1. Repeat
+ 2. Repeat
<br> |
diff --git a/core/testdata/format/nestedLists.kt b/core/testdata/format/nestedLists.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83217f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/testdata/format/nestedLists.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Usage instructions:
+ *
+ * - __Rinse__
+ * 1. Alter any rinse options _(optional)_
+ * - Recommended to [Bar.useSoap]
+ * - Optionally apply [Bar.elbowGrease] for best results
+ * 2. [Bar.rinse] to begin rinse
+ * 1. Thus you should call [Bar.rinse]
+ * 2. *Then* call [Bar.repeat]
+ * - Don't forget to use:
+ * - Soap
+ * - Elbow Grease
+ * 3. Finally, adjust soap usage [Bar.useSoap] as needed
+ * 3. Repeat with [Bar.repeat]
+ *
+ * - __Repeat__
+ * - Will use previously used rinse options
+ * - [Bar.rinse] must have been called once before
+ * - Can be repeated any number of times
+ * - Options include:
+ * - [Bar.useSoap]
+ * - [Bar.useElbowGrease]
+ */
+class Bar {
+ fun rinse() = Unit
+ fun repeat() = Unit
+ var useSoap = false
+ var useElbowGrease = false
diff --git a/core/testdata/format/nestedLists.md b/core/testdata/format/nestedLists.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd151944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/testdata/format/nestedLists.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+[test](test/index) / [Bar](test/-bar/index)
+# Bar
+`class Bar`
+Usage instructions:
+* **Rinse**
+ 1. Alter any rinse options *(optional)*
+ * Recommended to [Bar.useSoap](test/-bar/use-soap)
+ * Optionally apply [Bar.elbowGrease](#) for best results
+ 2. [Bar.rinse](test/-bar/rinse) to begin rinse
+ 1. Thus you should call [Bar.rinse](test/-bar/rinse)
+ 2. *Then* call [Bar.repeat](test/-bar/repeat)
+ * Don't forget to use:
+ * Soap
+ * Elbow Grease
+ 3. Finally, adjust soap usage [Bar.useSoap](test/-bar/use-soap) as needed
+ 3. Repeat with [Bar.repeat](test/-bar/repeat)
+* **Repeat**
+ * Will use previously used rinse options
+ * [Bar.rinse](test/-bar/rinse) must have been called once before
+ * Can be repeated any number of times
+ * Options include:
+ * [Bar.useSoap](test/-bar/use-soap)
+ * [Bar.useElbowGrease](test/-bar/use-elbow-grease)
+### Constructors
+| [&lt;init&gt;](test/-bar/-init-) | `Bar()`<br>Usage instructions: |
+### Properties
+| [useElbowGrease](test/-bar/use-elbow-grease) | `var useElbowGrease: Boolean` |
+| [useSoap](test/-bar/use-soap) | `var useSoap: Boolean` |
+### Functions
+| [repeat](test/-bar/repeat) | `fun repeat(): Unit` |
+| [rinse](test/-bar/rinse) | `fun rinse(): Unit` |
diff --git a/core/testdata/format/unorderedLists.kt b/core/testdata/format/unorderedLists.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a594b89b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/testdata/format/unorderedLists.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Usage summary:
+ *
+ * - Rinse
+ * - Repeat
+ *
+ * Usage instructions:
+ *
+ * - [Bar.rinse] to rinse
+ * - Alter any rinse options _(optional)_
+ * - To repeat; [Bar.repeat]
+ * - Can reconfigure options:
+ * - Soap
+ * - Elbow Grease
+ * - Bleach
+ *
+ * Rinse options:
+ *
+ * - [Bar.useSoap]
+ * - _recommended_
+ *
+ * - [Bar.useElbowGrease]
+ * - _warning: requires effort_
+ *
+ * - [Bar.useBleach]
+ * - __use with caution__
+ *
+ */
+class Bar {
+ fun rinse() = Unit
+ fun repeat() = Unit
+ var useSoap = false
+ var useElbowGrease = false
+ var useBleach = false
diff --git a/core/testdata/format/unorderedLists.md b/core/testdata/format/unorderedLists.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6b00b34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/testdata/format/unorderedLists.md
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+[test](test/index) / [Bar](test/-bar/index)
+# Bar
+`class Bar`
+Usage summary:
+* Rinse
+* Repeat
+Usage instructions:
+* [Bar.rinse](test/-bar/rinse) to rinse
+* Alter any rinse options *(optional)*
+* To repeat; [Bar.repeat](test/-bar/repeat)
+ * Can reconfigure options:
+ * Soap
+ * Elbow Grease
+ * Bleach
+Rinse options:
+* [Bar.useSoap](test/-bar/use-soap)
+ * *recommended*
+* [Bar.useElbowGrease](test/-bar/use-elbow-grease)
+ * *warning: requires effort*
+* [Bar.useBleach](test/-bar/use-bleach)
+ * **use with caution**
+### Constructors
+| [&lt;init&gt;](test/-bar/-init-) | `Bar()`<br>Usage summary: |
+### Properties
+| [useBleach](test/-bar/use-bleach) | `var useBleach: Boolean` |
+| [useElbowGrease](test/-bar/use-elbow-grease) | `var useElbowGrease: Boolean` |
+| [useSoap](test/-bar/use-soap) | `var useSoap: Boolean` |
+### Functions
+| [repeat](test/-bar/repeat) | `fun repeat(): Unit` |
+| [rinse](test/-bar/rinse) | `fun rinse(): Unit` |