path: root/core/testdata/markdown
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authorSimon Ogorodnik <Simon.Ogorodnik@jetbrains.com>2019-02-19 16:08:12 +0300
committerSimon Ogorodnik <Simon.Ogorodnik@jetbrains.com>2019-02-19 16:08:12 +0300
commit9e2ca870881823498c8f65afda7bd9b77e575a2d (patch)
treea0f0448318d193b7713f9c15cd08e1e38f876e88 /core/testdata/markdown
parent5afb808f984542bb550d124f87c65c71a9148b83 (diff)
Cleanup http
Diffstat (limited to 'core/testdata/markdown')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/core/testdata/markdown/spec.txt b/core/testdata/markdown/spec.txt
index fce87924..916bdd89 100644
--- a/core/testdata/markdown/spec.txt
+++ b/core/testdata/markdown/spec.txt
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ HTML but in LaTeX and many other formats.
## Why is a spec needed?
John Gruber's [canonical description of Markdown's
does not specify the syntax unambiguously. Here are some examples of
questions it does not answer:
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ questions it does not answer:
not require that. This is hardly a "corner case," and divergences
between implementations on this issue often lead to surprises for
users in real documents. (See [this comment by John
- Gruber](http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.markdown.general/1997).)
+ Gruber](https://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.markdown.general/1997).)
2. Is a blank line needed before a block quote or header?
Most implementations do not require the blank line. However,
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ questions it does not answer:
also to ambiguities in parsing (note that some implementations
put the header inside the blockquote, while others do not).
(John Gruber has also spoken [in favor of requiring the blank
- lines](http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.markdown.general/2146).)
+ lines](https://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.markdown.general/2146).)
3. Is a blank line needed before an indented code block?
(`Markdown.pl` requires it, but this is not mentioned in the
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ questions it does not answer:
(There are some relevant comments by John Gruber
- [here](http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.markdown.general/2554).)
+ [here](https://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.markdown.general/2554).)
5. Can list markers be indented? Can ordered list markers be right-aligned?
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ More than six `#` characters is not a header:
A space is required between the `#` characters and the header's
contents. Note that many implementations currently do not require
the space. However, the space was required by the [original ATX
-implementation](http://www.aaronsw.com/2002/atx/atx.py), and it helps
+implementation](https://www.aaronsw.com/2002/atx/atx.py), and it helps
prevent things like the following from being parsed as headers:
@@ -3686,9 +3686,9 @@ raw HTML:
-<p><a href="http://google.com?find=%5C*">http://google.com?find=\*</a></p>
+<p><a href="https://google.com?find=%5C*">https://google.com?find=\*</a></p>
@@ -3736,7 +3736,7 @@ and simplifies the job of implementations targetting other languages, as these w
UTF8 chars and need not be HTML-entity aware.
[Named entities](#name-entities) <a id="named-entities"></a> consist of `&`
-+ any of the valid HTML5 entity names + `;`. The [following document](http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/entities.json)
++ any of the valid HTML5 entity names + `;`. The [following document](https://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/entities.json)
is used as an authoritative source of the valid entity names and their corresponding codepoints.
Conforming implementations that target Markdown don't need to generate entities for all the valid
@@ -3955,9 +3955,9 @@ And this is not parsed as a link:
But this is a link:
-<p><a href="http://foo.bar.%60baz">http://foo.bar.`baz</a>`</p>
+<p><a href="https://foo.bar.%60baz">https://foo.bar.`baz</a>`</p>
And this is an HTML tag:
@@ -3986,7 +3986,7 @@ we just have literal backticks:
## Emphasis and strong emphasis
John Gruber's original [Markdown syntax
-description](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#em) says:
+description](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#em) says:
> Markdown treats asterisks (`*`) and underscores (`_`) as indicators of
> emphasis. Text wrapped with one `*` or `_` will be wrapped with an HTML
@@ -4229,15 +4229,15 @@ _a `_`_
-<p>**a<a href="http://foo.bar?q=**">http://foo.bar?q=**</a></p>
+<p>**a<a href="https://foo.bar?q=**">https://foo.bar?q=**</a></p>
-<p>__a<a href="http://foo.bar?q=__">http://foo.bar?q=__</a></p>
+<p>__a<a href="https://foo.bar?q=__">https://foo.bar?q=__</a></p>
This is not emphasis, because the opening delimiter is
@@ -5455,15 +5455,15 @@ soap.beep`, `soap.beeps`, `tag`, `tel`, `telnet`, `tftp`, `thismessage`,
Here are some valid autolinks:
-<p><a href="http://foo.bar.baz">http://foo.bar.baz</a></p>
+<p><a href="https://foo.bar.baz">https://foo.bar.baz</a></p>
-<p><a href="http://foo.bar.baz?q=hello&amp;id=22&amp;boolean">http://foo.bar.baz?q=hello&amp;id=22&amp;boolean</a></p>
+<p><a href="https://foo.bar.baz?q=hello&amp;id=22&amp;boolean">https://foo.bar.baz?q=hello&amp;id=22&amp;boolean</a></p>
@@ -5483,9 +5483,9 @@ Uppercase is also fine:
Spaces are not allowed in autolinks:
-<http://foo.bar/baz bim>
+<https://foo.bar/baz bim>
-<p>&lt;http://foo.bar/baz bim&gt;</p>
+<p>&lt;https://foo.bar/baz bim&gt;</p>
An [email autolink](#email-autolink) <a id="email-autolink"></a>
@@ -5496,7 +5496,7 @@ and the URL is `mailto:` followed by the email address.
An [email address](#email-address), <a id="email-address"></a>
for these purposes, is anything that matches
the [non-normative regex from the HTML5
@@ -5530,9 +5530,9 @@ These are not autolinks:
-< http://foo.bar >
+< https://foo.bar >
-<p>&lt; http://foo.bar &gt;</p>
+<p>&lt; https://foo.bar &gt;</p>
@@ -5548,9 +5548,9 @@ These are not autolinks: