path: root/dokka-runners/dokkatoo/modules/dokkatoo-plugin-integration-tests/src/testExamples/kotlin/KotlinMultiplatformExampleTest.kt
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authorAdam <897017+aSemy@users.noreply.github.com>2023-10-20 00:39:12 +1300
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-10-19 13:39:12 +0200
commit35d15601f2d129a7d3db67dd9e2f4c41c87ef083 (patch)
treef9098cb5b79fc31b4a393347f5cebcf9d87dd139 /dokka-runners/dokkatoo/modules/dokkatoo-plugin-integration-tests/src/testExamples/kotlin/KotlinMultiplatformExampleTest.kt
parent8016c1face1283952e228aee348487bf0421ab90 (diff)
Contribute Dokkatoo (#3188)
Diffstat (limited to 'dokka-runners/dokkatoo/modules/dokkatoo-plugin-integration-tests/src/testExamples/kotlin/KotlinMultiplatformExampleTest.kt')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dokka-runners/dokkatoo/modules/dokkatoo-plugin-integration-tests/src/testExamples/kotlin/KotlinMultiplatformExampleTest.kt b/dokka-runners/dokkatoo/modules/dokkatoo-plugin-integration-tests/src/testExamples/kotlin/KotlinMultiplatformExampleTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a9efaac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dokka-runners/dokkatoo/modules/dokkatoo-plugin-integration-tests/src/testExamples/kotlin/KotlinMultiplatformExampleTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+package org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.tests.examples
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.utils.*
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.dokkatoo.utils.GradleProjectTest.Companion.projectTestTempDir
+import io.kotest.assertions.withClue
+import io.kotest.core.spec.style.FunSpec
+import io.kotest.matchers.file.shouldBeAFile
+import io.kotest.matchers.file.shouldHaveSameStructureAndContentAs
+import io.kotest.matchers.file.shouldHaveSameStructureAs
+import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
+import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain
+import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldNotContain
+import java.io.File
+class KotlinMultiplatformExampleTest : FunSpec({
+ val dokkaProject = initDokkaProject(
+ projectTestTempDir.resolve("it/examples/multiplatform-example/dokka").toFile()
+ )
+ val dokkatooProject = initDokkatooProject(
+ projectTestTempDir.resolve("it/examples/multiplatform-example/dokkatoo").toFile()
+ )
+ context("compare dokka and dokkatoo HTML generators") {
+ test("expect dokka can generate HTML") {
+ dokkaProject.runner
+ .addArguments(
+ "clean",
+ "dokkaHtml",
+ "--stacktrace",
+ "--info",
+ )
+ .forwardOutput()
+ .build {
+ output shouldContain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL"
+ output shouldContain "Generation completed successfully"
+ }
+ }
+ context("when Dokkatoo generates HTML") {
+ dokkatooProject.runner
+ .addArguments(
+ "clean",
+ ":dokkatooGeneratePublicationHtml",
+ "--stacktrace",
+ "--info",
+ )
+ .forwardOutput()
+ .build {
+ test("expect build is successful") {
+ output shouldContain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL"
+ }
+ test("expect all dokka workers are successful") {
+ dokkatooProject
+ .findFiles { it.name == "dokka-worker.log" }
+ .shouldBeSingleton { dokkaWorkerLog ->
+ dokkaWorkerLog.shouldBeAFile()
+ dokkaWorkerLog.readText().shouldNotContainAnyOf(
+ "[ERROR]",
+ "[WARN]",
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ context("expect dokka and dokkatoo HTML is the same") {
+ val dokkaHtmlDir =
+ dokkaProject.projectDir.resolve("build/dokka/html")
+ val dokkatooHtmlDir = dokkatooProject.projectDir.resolve("build/dokka/html")
+ test("expect file trees are the same") {
+ val expectedFileTree = dokkaHtmlDir.toTreeString()
+ val actualFileTree = dokkatooHtmlDir.toTreeString()
+ println((actualFileTree to expectedFileTree).sideBySide())
+ expectedFileTree shouldBe actualFileTree
+ }
+ test("expect directories are the same") {
+ dokkatooHtmlDir.toFile().shouldHaveSameStructureAs(dokkaHtmlDir.toFile())
+ dokkatooHtmlDir.toFile().shouldHaveSameStructureAndContentAs(dokkaHtmlDir.toFile())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ context("Gradle caching") {
+ context("expect Dokkatoo is compatible with Gradle Build Cache") {
+ dokkatooProject.runner
+ .addArguments(
+ "clean",
+ ":dokkatooGeneratePublicationHtml",
+ "--stacktrace",
+ )
+ .forwardOutput()
+ .build {
+ test("expect build is successful") {
+ output shouldContain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL"
+ }
+ test("expect all dokka workers are successful") {
+ dokkatooProject
+ .findFiles { it.name == "dokka-worker.log" }
+ .shouldBeSingleton { dokkaWorkerLog ->
+ dokkaWorkerLog.shouldBeAFile()
+ dokkaWorkerLog.readText().shouldNotContainAnyOf(
+ "[ERROR]",
+ "[WARN]",
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ test("expect tasks are UP-TO-DATE") {
+ dokkatooProject.runner
+ .addArguments(
+ ":dokkatooGeneratePublicationHtml",
+ "--stacktrace",
+ "--info",
+ "--build-cache",
+ )
+ .forwardOutput()
+ .build {
+ output shouldContainAll listOf(
+ "> Task :dokkatooGeneratePublicationHtml UP-TO-DATE",
+ "2 actionable tasks: 2 up-to-date",
+ )
+ withClue("Dokka Generator should not be triggered, so check it doesn't log anything") {
+ output shouldNotContain "Generation completed successfully"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ context("expect Dokkatoo is compatible with Gradle Configuration Cache") {
+ dokkatooProject.file(".gradle/configuration-cache").toFile().deleteRecursively()
+ dokkatooProject.file("build/reports/configuration-cache").toFile().deleteRecursively()
+ val configCacheRunner =
+ dokkatooProject.runner
+ .addArguments(
+ "clean",
+ ":dokkatooGeneratePublicationHtml",
+ "--stacktrace",
+ "--no-build-cache",
+ "--configuration-cache",
+ )
+ .forwardOutput()
+ test("first build should store the configuration cache") {
+ configCacheRunner.build {
+ output shouldContain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL"
+ output shouldContain "Configuration cache entry stored"
+ output shouldNotContain "problems were found storing the configuration cache"
+ }
+ }
+ test("second build should reuse the configuration cache") {
+ configCacheRunner.build {
+ output shouldContain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL"
+ output shouldContain "Configuration cache entry reused"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+private fun initDokkaProject(
+ destinationDir: File,
+): GradleProjectTest {
+ return GradleProjectTest(destinationDir.toPath()).apply {
+ copyExampleProject("multiplatform-example/dokka")
+ settingsGradleKts = settingsGradleKts
+ .replace(
+ """pluginManagement {""",
+ """
+ |
+ |pluginManagement {
+ | repositories {
+ | gradlePluginPortal()
+ | mavenCentral()
+ | mavenLocal()
+ | }
+ |
+ """.trimMargin()
+ ) + """
+ |
+ |dependencyResolutionManagement {
+ | repositories {
+ | mavenCentral()
+ | mavenLocal()
+ | }
+ |}
+ |
+ """.trimMargin()
+ buildGradleKts += """
+ |
+ |val hackDokkaHtmlDir by tasks.registering(Sync::class) {
+ | // sync directories so the dirs in both dokka and dokkatoo are the same
+ | from(layout.buildDirectory.dir("dokka/htmlMultiModule"))
+ | into(layout.buildDirectory.dir("dokka/html"))
+ |}
+ |
+ |tasks.matching { "dokka" in it.name.toLowerCase() && it.name != hackDokkaHtmlDir.name }.configureEach {
+ | finalizedBy(hackDokkaHtmlDir)
+ |}
+ |
+ """.trimMargin()
+ }
+private fun initDokkatooProject(
+ destinationDir: File,
+): GradleProjectTest {
+ return GradleProjectTest(destinationDir.toPath()).apply {
+ copyExampleProject("multiplatform-example/dokkatoo")
+ }