path: root/plugins/base/src
diff options
authorPaweł Marks <pmarks@virtuslab.com>2020-02-25 11:40:02 +0100
committerPaweł Marks <Kordyjan@users.noreply.github.com>2020-02-27 10:51:51 +0100
commit1ff50691f11876101b53ba02ba6c344ab688d5df (patch)
treeb2edc43d8fce72931569e963f8c9a9b81fce46b9 /plugins/base/src
parent9864b6188e202b023f5365ca8c875772db03a2cb (diff)
Crude Documentable merger
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/base/src')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/transformers/documentables/DefaultDocumentableMerger.kt b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/transformers/documentables/DefaultDocumentableMerger.kt
index 6b612733..485aca4c 100644
--- a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/transformers/documentables/DefaultDocumentableMerger.kt
+++ b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/transformers/documentables/DefaultDocumentableMerger.kt
@@ -3,20 +3,34 @@ package org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.documentables
import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.*
import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.Enum
import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.Function
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.Package
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.Annotation
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.properties.mergeExtras
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.PlatformData
import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaContext
import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.DocumentableMerger
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.firstNotNullResult
internal object DefaultDocumentableMerger : DocumentableMerger {
override fun invoke(modules: Collection<Module>, context: DokkaContext): Module {
- if (!modules.all { it.name == modules.first().name })
+ val name = modules.map { it.name }.distinct().singleOrNull() ?: run {
context.logger.error("All module names need to be the same")
- return Module(
- modules.first().name,
- merge(
- modules.flatMap { it.packages },
- Package::mergeWith
- )
- )
+ modules.first().name
+ }
+ return modules.reduce { left, right ->
+ val list = listOf(left, right)
+ Module(
+ name = name,
+ packages = merge(
+ list.flatMap { it.packages },
+ Package::mergeWith
+ ),
+ documentation = list.platformDependentFor { documentation },
+ platformData = list.flatMap { it.platformData }.distinct()
+ ).mergeExtras(left, right)
+ }
@@ -25,91 +39,181 @@ private fun <T : Documentable> merge(elements: List<T>, reducer: (T, T) -> T): L
.reduce { _, left, right -> reducer(left, right) }
-fun PlatformInfo.mergeWith(other: PlatformInfo?) = BasePlatformInfo(
- documentationNode,
- (platformData + (other?.platformData ?: emptyList())).distinct()
+private fun <T : Any, D : Documentable> Iterable<D>.platformDependentFor(
+ selector: D.() -> PlatformDependent<T>
+): PlatformDependent<T> {
+ val actuals = map { it.selector().map }
+ .flatMap { it.entries }
+ .associate { (k, v) -> k to v }
-fun ClassPlatformInfo.mergeWith(other: ClassPlatformInfo?) = ClassPlatformInfo(
- info.mergeWith(other?.info),
- (inherited + (other?.inherited ?: emptyList())).distinct()
+ val expected = firstNotNullResult { it.selector().expect }
-fun List<ClassPlatformInfo>.mergeClassPlatformInfo(): List<ClassPlatformInfo> =
- groupingBy { it.documentationNode.children + it.inherited }.reduce { _, left, right ->
- left.mergeWith(right)
- }.values.toList()
-fun List<PlatformInfo>.merge(): List<PlatformInfo> =
- groupingBy { it.documentationNode }.reduce { _, left, right ->
- left.mergeWith(right)
- }.values.toList()
-fun Function.mergeWith(other: Function): Function = Function(
- dri,
- name,
- returnType,
- isConstructor,
- other.receiver?.let { receiver?.mergeWith(it) },
- merge(parameters + other.parameters, Parameter::mergeWith),
- expected?.mergeWith(other.expected),
- (actual + other.actual).merge(),
- visibility = (visibility + other.visibility)
+ return PlatformDependent(actuals, expected)
-fun Property.mergeWith(other: Property) = Property(
- dri,
- name,
- other.receiver?.let { receiver?.mergeWith(it) },
- expected?.mergeWith(other.expected),
- (actual + other.actual).merge(),
- accessors = (this.accessors + other.accessors).distinct(),
- visibility = (visibility + other.visibility)
+private fun <T: Any> PlatformDependent<T>.mergeWith(other: PlatformDependent<T>) = PlatformDependent(
+ map = this + other,
+ expect = expect ?: other.expect
+private fun <T> mergeExpectActual(
+ elements: List<T>,
+ reducer: (T, T) -> T,
+ platformSetter: T.(List<PlatformData>) -> T
+): List<T> where T : Documentable, T : WithExpectActual {
+ fun findExpect(actual: T, expects: List<T>): Expect<T> =
+ expects.find { it.platformData.containsAll(actual.platformData) }.let { Expect.from(it) }
+ fun reduceExpectActual(entry: Map.Entry<Expect<T>, List<T>>): List<T> = when (val expect = entry.key) {
+ Expect.NotFound -> entry.value
+ is Expect.Found -> entry.value.plus(expect.expect).reduce(reducer).let(::listOf)
+ }
+ fun analyzeExpectActual(sameDriElements: List<T>): List<T> {
+ val (expect, actual) = sameDriElements.partition { it.actual.expect != null }
+ val mergedExpect = expect.groupBy { it.actual.expect?.path }.values.map { e ->
+ e.first().platformSetter(e.flatMap { it.platformData }.distinct())
+ }
+ return actual.groupBy { findExpect(it, mergedExpect) }.flatMap { reduceExpectActual(it) }
+ }
+ return elements.groupBy { it.dri }.values.flatMap(::analyzeExpectActual)
+private sealed class Expect<out T : Any> {
+ object NotFound : Expect<Nothing>()
+ data class Found<T : Any>(val expect: T) : Expect<T>()
+ companion object {
+ fun <T : Any> from(t: T?) = t?.let(::Found) ?: NotFound
+ }
+fun Package.mergeWith(other: Package) : Package = copy(
+ functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions, Function::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ properties = mergeExpectActual(properties + other.properties, Property::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes, Classlike::mergeWith, Classlike::setPlatformData),
+ packages = merge(packages + other.packages, Package::mergeWith),
+ documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation),
+ platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct()
+).mergeExtras(this, other)
+fun Function.mergeWith(other: Function) : Function = copy(
+ parameters = merge(this.parameters + other.parameters, Parameter::mergeWith),
+ receiver = receiver?.let { r -> other.receiver?.let { r.mergeWith(it) } ?: r } ?: other.receiver,
+ documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation),
+ actual = actual.mergeWith(other.actual),
+ visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility),
+ platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct(),
+ generics = merge(generics + other.generics, TypeParameter::mergeWith)
+).mergeExtras(this, other)
+fun Property.mergeWith(other: Property): Property = copy(
+ receiver = receiver?.let { r -> other.receiver?.let { r.mergeWith(it) } ?: r } ?: other.receiver,
+ documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation),
+ actual = actual.mergeWith(other.actual),
+ visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility),
+ platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct(),
+ getter = getter.mergeWith(other.getter),
+ setter = setter?.let { s -> other.setter?.let { s.mergeWith(it) } ?: s } ?: other.setter
+).mergeExtras(this, other)
+fun Classlike.setPlatformData(platformData: List<PlatformData>): Classlike = when(this) {
+ is Class -> copy(platformData = platformData)
+ is Enum -> copy(platformData = platformData)
+ is Interface -> copy(platformData = platformData)
+ is Object -> copy(platformData = platformData)
+ else -> throw IllegalStateException("${this::class.qualifiedName} ${this.name} cannot have platform set")
fun Classlike.mergeWith(other: Classlike): Classlike = when {
this is Class && other is Class -> mergeWith(other)
this is Enum && other is Enum -> mergeWith(other)
- else -> throw IllegalStateException("${this::class.qualifiedName} ${this.name} cannot be merged with ${other::class.qualifiedName} ${other.name}")
+ this is Interface && other is Interface -> mergeWith(other)
+ this is Object && other is Object -> mergeWith(other)
+ this is Annotation && other is Annotation -> mergeWith(other)
+ else -> throw IllegalStateException("${this::class.qualifiedName} ${this.name} cannot be mergesd with ${other::class.qualifiedName} ${other.name}")
-fun Class.mergeWith(other: Class) = Class(
- dri = dri,
- name = name,
- kind = kind,
- constructors = merge(constructors + other.constructors, Function::mergeWith),
- functions = merge(functions + other.functions, Function::mergeWith),
- properties = merge(properties + other.properties, Property::mergeWith),
- classlikes = merge(classlikes + other.classlikes, Classlike::mergeWith),
- expected = expected?.mergeWith(other.expected),
- actual = (actual + other.actual).mergeClassPlatformInfo(),
- visibility = (visibility + other.visibility)
+fun Class.mergeWith(other: Class): Class = copy(
+ constructors = mergeExpectActual(constructors + other.constructors, Function::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions, Function::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ properties = mergeExpectActual(properties + other.properties, Property::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes, Classlike::mergeWith, Classlike::setPlatformData),
+ companion = companion?.let { c -> other.companion?.let { c.mergeWith(it) } ?: c } ?: other.companion,
+ generics = merge(generics + other.generics, TypeParameter::mergeWith),
+ supertypes = supertypes.mergeWith(other.supertypes),
+ documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation),
+ actual = actual.mergeWith(other.actual),
+ visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility),
+ platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct()
+).mergeExtras(this, other)
-fun Enum.mergeWith(other: Enum) = Enum(
- dri = dri,
- name = name,
- functions = merge(functions + other.functions, Function::mergeWith),
- properties = merge(properties + other.properties, Property::mergeWith),
- classlikes = merge(classlikes + other.classlikes, Classlike::mergeWith),
- expected = expected?.mergeWith(other.expected),
- actual = (actual + other.actual).mergeClassPlatformInfo(),
- entries = (this.entries + other.entries.distinctBy { it.dri }.toList()),
- constructors = merge(constructors + other.constructors, Function::mergeWith),
- visibility = visibility
+fun Enum.mergeWith(other: Enum): Enum = copy(
+ entries = merge(entries + other.entries, EnumEntry::mergeWith),
+ constructors = mergeExpectActual(constructors + other.constructors, Function::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions, Function::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ properties = mergeExpectActual(properties + other.properties, Property::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes, Classlike::mergeWith, Classlike::setPlatformData),
+ companion = companion?.let { c -> other.companion?.let { c.mergeWith(it) } ?: c } ?: other.companion,
+ supertypes = supertypes.mergeWith(other.supertypes),
+ documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation),
+ actual = actual.mergeWith(other.actual),
+ visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility),
+ platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct()
+).mergeExtras(this, other)
-fun Parameter.mergeWith(other: Parameter) = Parameter(
- dri,
- name,
- type,
- expected?.mergeWith(other.expected),
- (actual + other.actual).merge()
+fun EnumEntry.mergeWith(other: EnumEntry): EnumEntry = copy(
+ functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions, Function::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ properties = mergeExpectActual(properties + other.properties, Property::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes, Classlike::mergeWith, Classlike::setPlatformData),
+ documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation),
+ platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct()
+).mergeExtras(this, other)
+fun Object.mergeWith(other: Object): Object = copy(
+ functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions, Function::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ properties = mergeExpectActual(properties + other.properties, Property::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes, Classlike::mergeWith, Classlike::setPlatformData),
+ supertypes = supertypes.mergeWith(other.supertypes),
+ documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation),
+ actual = actual.mergeWith(other.actual),
+ visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility),
+ platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct()
+).mergeExtras(this, other)
+fun Interface.mergeWith(other: Interface): Interface = copy(
+ functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions, Function::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ properties = mergeExpectActual(properties + other.properties, Property::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes, Classlike::mergeWith, Classlike::setPlatformData),
+ companion = companion?.let { c -> other.companion?.let { c.mergeWith(it) } ?: c } ?: other.companion,
+ generics = merge(generics + other.generics, TypeParameter::mergeWith),
+ supertypes = supertypes.mergeWith(other.supertypes),
+ documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation),
+ actual = actual.mergeWith(other.actual),
+ visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility),
+ platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct()
+).mergeExtras(this, other)
+fun Annotation.mergeWith(other: Annotation): Annotation = copy(
+ constructors = mergeExpectActual(constructors + other.constructors, Function::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions, Function::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ properties = mergeExpectActual(properties + other.properties, Property::mergeWith) { copy(platformData = it) },
+ classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes, Classlike::mergeWith, Classlike::setPlatformData),
+ companion = companion?.let { c -> other.companion?.let { c.mergeWith(it) } ?: c } ?: other.companion,
+ documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation),
+ actual = actual.mergeWith(other.actual),
+ visibility = visibility.mergeWith(other.visibility),
+ platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct()
+).mergeExtras(this, other)
+fun Parameter.mergeWith(other: Parameter): Parameter = copy(
+ documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation),
+ platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct()
+).mergeExtras(this, other)
-fun Package.mergeWith(other: Package): Package = Package(
- dri,
- merge(functions + other.functions, Function::mergeWith),
- merge(properties + other.properties, Property::mergeWith),
- merge(classlikes + other.classlikes, Classlike::mergeWith)
-) \ No newline at end of file
+fun TypeParameter.mergeWith(other: TypeParameter): TypeParameter = copy(
+ documentation = documentation.mergeWith(other.documentation),
+ platformData = (platformData + other.platformData).distinct()
+).mergeExtras(this, other) \ No newline at end of file