path: root/plugins/base/src
diff options
authorPaweł Marks <pmarks@virtuslab.com>2020-02-12 18:05:24 +0100
committerPaweł Marks <Kordyjan@users.noreply.github.com>2020-02-18 13:28:23 +0100
commit46b4bbb68ce1285a1aea700cc0d0000c6b7ed97b (patch)
tree862f5283fd2db16b973422dc60491760fa556262 /plugins/base/src
parentc4c6a165d968fefbf8caa52b9c9763b58fc39803 (diff)
Moves all core tests to base plugin
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/base/src')
14 files changed, 1575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/basic/DRITest.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/basic/DRITest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7dc85fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/basic/DRITest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+package basic
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.*
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ContentPage
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.asSequence
+import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
+import org.junit.Test
+import testApi.testRunner.AbstractCoreTest
+class DRITest : AbstractCoreTest() {
+ @Test
+ fun `#634`() {
+ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ passes {
+ pass {
+ sourceRoots = listOf("src/")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/basic/Test.kt
+ |package toplevel
+ |
+ |inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Array<out T>.mySortBy(
+ | crossinline selector: (T) -> R?): Array<out T> = TODO()
+ |}
+ """.trimMargin(),
+ configuration
+ ) {
+ documentablesMergingStage = { module ->
+ val expected = TypeConstructor(
+ "kotlin.Function1", listOf(
+ TypeParam(listOf(Nullable(TypeConstructor("kotlin.Any", emptyList())))),
+ Nullable(TypeParam(listOf(TypeConstructor("kotlin.Comparable", listOf(SelfType)))))
+ )
+ )
+ val actual = module.packages.single()
+ .functions.single()
+ .dri.callable?.params?.single()
+ assertEquals(expected, actual)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `#634 with immediate nullable self`() {
+ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ passes {
+ pass {
+ sourceRoots = listOf("src/")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/basic/Test.kt
+ |package toplevel
+ |
+ |fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<T>.doSomething(t: T?): Array<T> = TODO()
+ |}
+ """.trimMargin(),
+ configuration
+ ) {
+ documentablesMergingStage = { module ->
+ val expected = Nullable(TypeParam(listOf(TypeConstructor("kotlin.Comparable", listOf(SelfType)))))
+ val actual = module.packages.single()
+ .functions.single()
+ .dri.callable?.params?.single()
+ assertEquals(expected, actual)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `#634 with generic nullable receiver`() {
+ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ passes {
+ pass {
+ sourceRoots = listOf("src/")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/basic/Test.kt
+ |package toplevel
+ |
+ |fun <T : Comparable<T>> T?.doSomethingWithNullable() = TODO()
+ |}
+ """.trimMargin(),
+ configuration
+ ) {
+ documentablesMergingStage = { module ->
+ val expected = Nullable(TypeParam(listOf(TypeConstructor("kotlin.Comparable", listOf(SelfType)))))
+ val actual = module.packages.single()
+ .functions.single()
+ .dri.callable?.receiver
+ assertEquals(expected, actual)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `#642 with * and Any?`() {
+ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ passes {
+ pass {
+ analysisPlatform = "js"
+ sourceRoots = listOf("src/")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/Test.kt
+ |
+ |open class Bar<Z>
+ |class ReBarBar : Bar<StringBuilder>()
+ |class Foo<out T : Comparable<*>, R : List<Bar<*>>>
+ |
+ |fun <T : Comparable<Any?>> Foo<T, *>.qux(): String = TODO()
+ |fun <T : Comparable<*>> Foo<T, *>.qux(): String = TODO()
+ |
+ """.trimMargin(),
+ configuration
+ ) {
+ pagesGenerationStage = { module ->
+ // DRI(//qux/Foo[TypeParam(bounds=[kotlin.Comparable[kotlin.Any?]]),kotlin.Any?]#//)
+ val expectedDRI = DRI(
+ "",
+ null,
+ Callable(
+ "qux",
+ TypeConstructor(
+ "Foo",
+ listOf(
+ TypeParam(
+ listOf(
+ TypeConstructor(
+ "kotlin.Comparable",
+ listOf(
+ Nullable(TypeConstructor("kotlin.Any", emptyList()))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ Nullable(TypeConstructor("kotlin.Any", emptyList()))
+ )
+ ),
+ emptyList()
+ )
+ )
+ val driCount = module
+ .asSequence()
+ .filterIsInstance<ContentPage>()
+ .sumBy { it.dri.count { dri -> dri == expectedDRI } }
+ assertEquals(1, driCount)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/basic/DokkaBasicTests.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/basic/DokkaBasicTests.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..021f110c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/basic/DokkaBasicTests.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package basic
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ClasslikePageNode
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ModulePageNode
+import org.junit.Test
+import testApi.testRunner.AbstractCoreTest
+class DokkaBasicTests : AbstractCoreTest() {
+ @Test
+ fun basic1() {
+ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ passes {
+ pass {
+ sourceRoots = listOf("src/main/kotlin/basic/Test.kt")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/basic/Test.kt
+ |package basic
+ |
+ |class Test {
+ | val tI = 1
+ | fun tF() = 2
+ |}
+ """.trimMargin(),
+ configuration
+ ) {
+ pagesGenerationStage = {
+ println(it.dri)
+ assert(it.getClasslikeToMemberMap().filterKeys { it.name == "Test" }.entries.firstOrNull()?.value?.size == 5)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fun ModulePageNode.getClasslikeToMemberMap() =
+ this.parentMap.filterValues { it is ClasslikePageNode }.entries.groupBy ({it.value}){it.key}
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/enums/EnumsTest.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/enums/EnumsTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efc46595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/enums/EnumsTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+package enums
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ClasslikePageNode
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ModulePageNode
+import org.junit.Test
+import testApi.testRunner.AbstractCoreTest
+class EnumsTest : AbstractCoreTest() {
+ @Test
+ fun basicEnums() {
+ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ passes {
+ pass {
+ sourceRoots = listOf("src/")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/basic/Test.kt
+ |package enums
+ |
+ |enum class Test {
+ | E1,
+ | E2
+ |}
+ """.trimMargin(),
+ configuration
+ ) {
+ pagesGenerationStage = {
+ val map = it.getClasslikeToMemberMap()
+ val test = map.filterKeys { it.name == "Test" }.values.firstOrNull()
+ assert(test != null) { "Test not found" }
+ assert(test!!.any { it.name == "E1" } && test.any { it.name == "E2" }) { "Enum entries missing in parent" }
+ assert(map.keys.any { it.name == "E1" } && map.keys.any { it.name == "E2" }) { "Enum entries missing" }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fun ModulePageNode.getClasslikeToMemberMap() =
+ this.parentMap.filterValues { it is ClasslikePageNode }.entries.groupBy({ it.value }) { it.key }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/markdown/KDocTest.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/markdown/KDocTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c58c4e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/markdown/KDocTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package markdown
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.Package
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.doc.DocumentationNode
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ModulePageNode
+import org.junit.Assert
+import testApi.testRunner.AbstractCoreTest
+open class KDocTest : AbstractCoreTest() {
+ private val configuration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ passes {
+ pass {
+ sourceRoots = listOf("src/main/kotlin/example/Test.kt")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun interpolateKdoc(kdoc: String) = """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/example/Test.kt
+ |package example
+ | /**
+ ${kdoc.split("\n").joinToString("") { "| *$it\n" } }
+ | */
+ |class Test
+ """.trimMargin()
+ private fun actualDocumentationNode(modulePageNode: ModulePageNode) =
+ (modulePageNode.documentable?.children?.first() as Package)
+ .classlikes.first()
+ .platformInfo.first()
+ .documentationNode
+ protected fun executeTest(kdoc: String, expectedDocumentationNode: DocumentationNode) {
+ testInline(
+ interpolateKdoc(kdoc),
+ configuration
+ ) {
+ pagesGenerationStage = {
+ Assert.assertEquals(
+ expectedDocumentationNode,
+ actualDocumentationNode(it)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/markdown/ParserTest.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/markdown/ParserTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dee8e907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/markdown/ParserTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,940 @@
+package org.jetbrains.dokka.tests
+import markdown.KDocTest
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.doc.*
+import org.junit.Ignore
+import org.junit.Test
+class ParserTest : KDocTest() {
+ @Test fun `Simple text`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | This is simple test of string
+ | Next line
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(Text("This is simple test of string Next line")))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Simple text with new line`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | This is simple test of string\
+ | Next line
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ Text("This is simple test of string"),
+ Br,
+ Text("Next line")
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Text with Bold and Emphasis decorators`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | This is **simple** test of _string_
+ | Next **_line_**
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(
+ listOf(
+ Text("This is "),
+ B(listOf(Text("simple"))),
+ Text(" test of "),
+ I(listOf(Text("string"))),
+ Text(" Next "),
+ B(listOf(I(listOf(Text("line")))))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Text with Colon`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | This is simple text with: colon!
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(Text("This is simple text with: colon!")))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Multilined text`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | Text
+ | and
+ | String
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(Text("Text and String")))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Paragraphs`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | Paragraph number
+ | one
+ |
+ | Paragraph\
+ | number two
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(
+ listOf(
+ P(listOf(Text("Paragraph number one"))),
+ P(listOf(Text("Paragraph"), Br, Text("number two")))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Emphasis with star`() {
+ val kdoc = " *text*"
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(I(listOf(Text("text")))))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Underscores that are not Emphasis`() {
+ val kdoc = "text_with_underscores"
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(Text("text_with_underscores")))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Emphasis with underscores`() {
+ val kdoc = "_text_"
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(I(listOf(Text("text")))))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Embedded star`() {
+ val kdoc = "Embedded*Star"
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(Text("Embedded*Star")))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Unordered list`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | * list item 1
+ | * list item 2
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ Ul(
+ listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("list item 1"))))),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("list item 2")))))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Unordered list with multilines`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | * list item 1
+ | continue 1
+ | * list item 2\
+ | continue 2
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ Ul(
+ listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("list item 1 continue 1"))))),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("list item 2"), Br, Text("continue 2")))))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Unordered list with Bold`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | * list **item** 1
+ | continue 1
+ | * list __item__ 2
+ | continue 2
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ Ul(listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(
+ Text("list "),
+ B(listOf(Text("item"))),
+ Text(" 1 continue 1")
+ )))),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(
+ Text("list "),
+ B(listOf(Text("item"))),
+ Text(" 2 continue 2")
+ ))))
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Unordered list with nested bullets`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | * Outer first
+ | Outer next line
+ | * Outer second
+ | - Middle first
+ | Middle next line
+ | - Middle second
+ | + Inner first
+ | Inner next line
+ | - Middle third
+ | * Outer third
+ |
+ | New paragraph""".trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ Ul(listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer first Outer next line"))))),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer second"))))),
+ Ul(listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle first Middle next line"))))),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle second"))))),
+ Ul(listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Inner first Inner next line")))))
+ )),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle third")))))
+ )),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer third")))))
+ )),
+ P(listOf(Text("New paragraph")))
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Ordered list`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | 1. list item 1
+ | 2. list item 2
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ Ol(
+ listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("list item 1"))))),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("list item 2")))))
+ ),
+ mapOf("start" to "1")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Ordered list beginning from other number`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | 9. list item 1
+ | 12. list item 2
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ Ol(
+ listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("list item 1"))))),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("list item 2")))))
+ ),
+ mapOf("start" to "9")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Ordered list with multilines`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | 2. list item 1
+ | continue 1
+ | 3. list item 2
+ | continue 2
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ Ol(
+ listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("list item 1 continue 1"))))),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("list item 2 continue 2")))))
+ ),
+ mapOf("start" to "2")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Ordered list with Bold`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | 1. list **item** 1
+ | continue 1
+ | 2. list __item__ 2
+ | continue 2
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ Ol(listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(
+ Text("list "),
+ B(listOf(Text("item"))),
+ Text(" 1 continue 1")
+ )))),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(
+ Text("list "),
+ B(listOf(Text("item"))),
+ Text(" 2 continue 2")
+ ))))
+ ),
+ mapOf("start" to "1")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Ordered list with nested bullets`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | 1. Outer first
+ | Outer next line
+ | 2. Outer second
+ | 1. Middle first
+ | Middle next line
+ | 2. Middle second
+ | 1. Inner first
+ | Inner next line
+ | 5. Middle third
+ | 4. Outer third
+ |
+ | New paragraph""".trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ Ol(listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer first Outer next line"))))),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer second"))))),
+ Ol(listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle first Middle next line"))))),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle second"))))),
+ Ol(listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Inner first Inner next line")))))
+ ),
+ mapOf("start" to "1")
+ ),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle third")))))
+ ),
+ mapOf("start" to "1")
+ ),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer third")))))
+ ),
+ mapOf("start" to "1")
+ ),
+ P(listOf(Text("New paragraph")))
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Ordered nested in Unordered nested in Ordered list`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | 1. Outer first
+ | Outer next line
+ | 2. Outer second
+ | + Middle first
+ | Middle next line
+ | + Middle second
+ | 1. Inner first
+ | Inner next line
+ | + Middle third
+ | 4. Outer third
+ |
+ | New paragraph""".trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ Ol(listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer first Outer next line"))))),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer second"))))),
+ Ul(listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle first Middle next line"))))),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle second"))))),
+ Ol(listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Inner first Inner next line")))))
+ ),
+ mapOf("start" to "1")
+ ),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Middle third")))))
+ )),
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("Outer third")))))
+ ),
+ mapOf("start" to "1")
+ ),
+ P(listOf(Text("New paragraph")))
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Header and two paragraphs`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | # Header 1
+ | Following text
+ |
+ | New paragraph
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ H1(listOf(Text("Header 1"))),
+ P(listOf(Text("Following text"))),
+ P(listOf(Text("New paragraph")))
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Ignore //TODO: ATX_2 to ATX_6 and sometimes ATX_1 from jetbrains parser consumes white space. Need to handle it in their library
+ @Test fun `All headers`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | # Header 1
+ | Text 1
+ | ## Header 2
+ | Text 2
+ | ### Header 3
+ | Text 3
+ | #### Header 4
+ | Text 4
+ | ##### Header 5
+ | Text 5
+ | ###### Header 6
+ | Text 6
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ H1(listOf(Text("Header 1"))),
+ P(listOf(Text("Text 1"))),
+ H2(listOf(Text("Header 2"))),
+ P(listOf(Text("Text 2"))),
+ H3(listOf(Text("Header 3"))),
+ P(listOf(Text("Text 3"))),
+ H4(listOf(Text("Header 4"))),
+ P(listOf(Text("Text 4"))),
+ H5(listOf(Text("Header 5"))),
+ P(listOf(Text("Text 5"))),
+ H6(listOf(Text("Header 6"))),
+ P(listOf(Text("Text 6")))
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Bold New Line Bold`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | **line 1**\
+ | **line 2**
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ B(listOf(Text("line 1"))),
+ Br,
+ B(listOf(Text("line 2")))
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Horizontal rule`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | ***
+ | text 1
+ | ___
+ | text 2
+ | ***
+ | text 3
+ | ___
+ | text 4
+ | ***
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ HorizontalRule,
+ P(listOf(Text("text 1"))),
+ HorizontalRule,
+ P(listOf(Text("text 2"))),
+ HorizontalRule,
+ P(listOf(Text("text 3"))),
+ HorizontalRule,
+ P(listOf(Text("text 4"))),
+ HorizontalRule
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Blockquote`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | > Blockquotes are very handy in email to emulate reply text.
+ | > This line is part of the same quote.
+ |
+ | Quote break.
+ |
+ | > Quote
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ BlockQuote(listOf(
+ P(listOf(
+ Text("Blockquotes are very handy in email to emulate reply text. This line is part of the same quote.")
+ ))
+ )),
+ P(listOf(Text("Quote break."))),
+ BlockQuote(listOf(
+ P(listOf(Text("Quote")))
+ ))
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Blockquote nested`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | > text 1
+ | > text 2
+ | >> text 3
+ | >> text 4
+ | >
+ | > text 5
+ |
+ | Quote break.
+ |
+ | > Quote
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ BlockQuote(listOf(
+ P(listOf(Text("text 1 text 2"))),
+ BlockQuote(listOf(
+ P(listOf(Text("text 3 text 4")))
+ )),
+ P(listOf(Text("text 5")))
+ )),
+ P(listOf(Text("Quote break."))),
+ BlockQuote(listOf(
+ P(listOf(Text("Quote")))
+ ))
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Ignore //TODO: Again ATX_1 consumes white space
+ @Test fun `Blockquote nested with fancy text enhancement`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | > text **1**
+ | > text 2
+ | >> # text 3
+ | >> * text 4
+ | >> * text 5
+ | >
+ | > text 6
+ |
+ | Quote break.
+ |
+ | > Quote
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ BlockQuote(listOf(
+ P(listOf(
+ Text("text "),
+ B(listOf(Text("1"))),
+ Text("\ntext 2")
+ )),
+ BlockQuote(listOf(
+ H1(listOf(Text("text 3"))),
+ Ul(listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("text 4"))))),
+ Ul(listOf(
+ Li(listOf(P(listOf(Text("text 5")))))
+ )
+ )))
+ )),
+ P(listOf(Text("text 6")))
+ )),
+ P(listOf(Text("Quote break."))),
+ BlockQuote(listOf(
+ P(listOf(Text("Quote")))
+ ))
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Simple Code Block`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | `Some code`
+ | Sample text
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ Code(listOf(Text("Some code"))),
+ Text(" Sample text")
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Multilined Code Block`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | ```kotlin
+ | val x: Int = 0
+ | val y: String = "Text"
+ |
+ | val z: Boolean = true
+ | for(i in 0..10) {
+ | println(i)
+ | }
+ | ```
+ | Sample text
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ Code(
+ listOf(
+ Text("val x: Int = 0"), Br,
+ Text("val y: String = \"Text\""), Br, Br,
+ Text(" val z: Boolean = true"), Br,
+ Text("for(i in 0..10) {"), Br,
+ Text(" println(i)"), Br,
+ Text("}")
+ ),
+ mapOf("lang" to "kotlin")
+ ),
+ P(listOf(Text("Sample text")))
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Inline link`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | [I'm an inline-style link](https://www.google.com)
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(A(
+ listOf(Text("I'm an inline-style link")),
+ mapOf("href" to "https://www.google.com")
+ )))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Inline link with title`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | [I'm an inline-style link with title](https://www.google.com "Google's Homepage")
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(A(
+ listOf(Text("I'm an inline-style link with title")),
+ mapOf("href" to "https://www.google.com", "title" to "Google's Homepage")
+ )))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Full reference link`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | [I'm a reference-style link][Arbitrary case-insensitive reference text]
+ |
+ | [arbitrary case-insensitive reference text]: https://www.mozilla.org
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(P(listOf(A(
+ listOf(Text("I'm a reference-style link")),
+ mapOf("href" to "https://www.mozilla.org")
+ )))))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Full reference link with number`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | [You can use numbers for reference-style link definitions][1]
+ |
+ | [1]: http://slashdot.org
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(P(listOf(A(
+ listOf(Text("You can use numbers for reference-style link definitions")),
+ mapOf("href" to "http://slashdot.org")
+ )))))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Short reference link`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | Or leave it empty and use the [link text itself].
+ |
+ | [link text itself]: http://www.reddit.com
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(P(listOf(
+ Text("Or leave it empty and use the "),
+ A(
+ listOf(Text("link text itself")),
+ mapOf("href" to "http://www.reddit.com")
+ ),
+ Text(".")
+ ))))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Autolink`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | URLs and URLs in angle brackets will automatically get turned into links.
+ | http://www.example.com or <http://www.example.com> and sometimes
+ | example.com (but not on Github, for example).
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ Text("URLs and URLs in angle brackets will automatically get turned into links. http://www.example.com or "),
+ A(
+ listOf(Text("http://www.example.com")),
+ mapOf("href" to "http://www.example.com")
+ ),
+ Text(" and sometimes example.com (but not on Github, for example).")
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Various links`() {
+ val kdoc = """
+ | [I'm an inline-style link](https://www.google.com)
+ |
+ | [I'm an inline-style link with title](https://www.google.com "Google's Homepage")
+ |
+ | [I'm a reference-style link][Arbitrary case-insensitive reference text]
+ |
+ | [You can use numbers for reference-style link definitions][1]
+ |
+ | Or leave it empty and use the [link text itself].
+ |
+ | URLs and URLs in angle brackets will automatically get turned into links.
+ | http://www.example.com or <http://www.example.com> and sometimes
+ | example.com (but not on Github, for example).
+ |
+ | Some text to show that the reference links can follow later.
+ |
+ | [arbitrary case-insensitive reference text]: https://www.mozilla.org
+ | [1]: http://slashdot.org
+ | [link text itself]: http://www.reddit.com
+ """.trimMargin()
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ P(listOf(A(
+ listOf(Text("I'm an inline-style link")),
+ mapOf("href" to "https://www.google.com")
+ ))),
+ P(listOf(A(
+ listOf(Text("I'm an inline-style link with title")),
+ mapOf("href" to "https://www.google.com", "title" to "Google's Homepage")
+ ))),
+ P(listOf(A(
+ listOf(Text("I'm a reference-style link")),
+ mapOf("href" to "https://www.mozilla.org")
+ ))),
+ P(listOf(A(
+ listOf(Text("You can use numbers for reference-style link definitions")),
+ mapOf("href" to "http://slashdot.org")
+ ))),
+ P(listOf(
+ Text("Or leave it empty and use the "),
+ A(
+ listOf(Text("link text itself")),
+ mapOf("href" to "http://www.reddit.com")
+ ),
+ Text(".")
+ )),
+ P(listOf(
+ Text("URLs and URLs in angle brackets will automatically get turned into links. http://www.example.com or "),
+ A(
+ listOf(Text("http://www.example.com")),
+ mapOf("href" to "http://www.example.com")
+ ),
+ Text(" and sometimes example.com (but not on Github, for example).")
+ )),
+ P(listOf(Text("Some text to show that the reference links can follow later.")))
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
+ @Test fun `Windows Carriage Return Line Feed`() {
+ val kdoc = "text\r\ntext"
+ val expectedDocumentationNode = DocumentationNode(
+ listOf(
+ Description(
+ P(listOf(
+ Text("text text")
+ ))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ executeTest(kdoc, expectedDocumentationNode)
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/multiplatform/BasicMultiplatformTest.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/multiplatform/BasicMultiplatformTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9431bbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/multiplatform/BasicMultiplatformTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+package multiplatform
+import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
+import org.junit.Test
+import testApi.testRunner.AbstractCoreTest
+class BasicMultiplatformTest : AbstractCoreTest() {
+ @Test
+ fun dataTestExample() {
+ val testDataDir = getTestDataDir("multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest").toAbsolutePath()
+ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ passes {
+ pass {
+ sourceRoots = listOf("$testDataDir/jvmMain/")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ testFromData(configuration) {
+ pagesTransformationStage = {
+ assertEquals(6, it.children.firstOrNull()?.children?.count() ?: 0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun inlineTestExample() {
+ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ passes {
+ pass {
+ sourceRoots = listOf("src/main/kotlin/multiplatform/Test.kt")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/multiplatform/Test.kt
+ |package multiplatform
+ |
+ |object Test {
+ | fun test2(str: String): Unit {println(str)}
+ |}
+ """.trimMargin(),
+ configuration
+ ) {
+ pagesGenerationStage = {
+ println(it.dri)
+ assertEquals(7, it.parentMap.size)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/pageMerger/PageNodeMergerTest.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/pageMerger/PageNodeMergerTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88e57ddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/pageMerger/PageNodeMergerTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+package pageMerger
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.CoreExtensions
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ContentPage
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.PageNode
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaPlugin
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.pages.DefaultPageMergerStrategy
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.pages.SameMethodNamePageMergerStrategy
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.utilities.DokkaLogger
+import org.junit.Test
+import testApi.testRunner.AbstractCoreTest
+class PageNodeMergerTest : AbstractCoreTest() {
+ object SameNameStrategy : DokkaPlugin() {
+ val strategy by extending { CoreExtensions.pageMergerStrategy with SameMethodNamePageMergerStrategy }
+ }
+ class DefaultStrategy(val strList: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()) : DokkaPlugin(), DokkaLogger {
+ val strategy by extending { CoreExtensions.pageMergerStrategy with DefaultPageMergerStrategy(this@DefaultStrategy) }
+ override var warningsCount: Int = 0
+ override var errorsCount: Int = 0
+ override fun debug(message: String) = TODO()
+ override fun info(message: String) = TODO()
+ override fun progress(message: String) = TODO()
+ override fun warn(message: String) {
+ strList += message
+ }
+ override fun error(message: String) = TODO()
+ override fun report() = TODO()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun sameNameStrategyTest() {
+ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ passes {
+ pass {
+ sourceRoots = listOf("src/main/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt
+ |package pageMerger
+ |
+ |fun testT(): Int = 1
+ |fun testT(i: Int): Int = i
+ |
+ |object Test {
+ | fun test(): String = ""
+ | fun test(str: String): String = str
+ |}
+ """.trimMargin(),
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(SameNameStrategy)
+ ) {
+ pagesTransformationStage = {
+ val allChildren = it.childrenRec().filterIsInstance<ContentPage>()
+ val testT = allChildren.filter { it.name == "testT" }
+ val test = allChildren.filter { it.name == "test" }
+ assert(testT.size == 1) { "There can be only one testT page" }
+ assert(testT.first().dri.size == 2) { "testT page should have 2 DRI, but has ${testT.first().dri.size}" }
+ assert(test.size == 1) { "There can be only one test page" }
+ assert(test.first().dri.size == 2) { "test page should have 2 DRI, but has ${test.first().dri.size}" }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun defaultStrategyTest() {
+ val strList: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
+ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ passes {
+ pass {
+ sourceRoots = listOf("src/main/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/pageMerger/Test.kt
+ |package pageMerger
+ |
+ |fun testT(): Int = 1
+ |fun testT(i: Int): Int = i
+ |
+ |object Test {
+ | fun test(): String = ""
+ | fun test(str: String): String = str
+ |}
+ """.trimMargin(),
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(DefaultStrategy(strList))
+ ) {
+ pagesTransformationStage = { root ->
+ val allChildren = root.childrenRec().filterIsInstance<ContentPage>()
+ val testT = allChildren.filter { it.name == "testT" }
+ val test = allChildren.filter { it.name == "test" }
+ assert(testT.size == 1) { "There can be only one testT page" }
+ assert(testT.first().dri.size == 1) { "testT page should have single DRI, but has ${testT.first().dri.size}" }
+ assert(test.size == 1) { "There can be only one test page" }
+ assert(test.first().dri.size == 1) { "test page should have single DRI, but has ${test.first().dri.size}" }
+ assert(strList.count() == 2) { "Expected 2 warnings, got ${strList.count()}" }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fun PageNode.childrenRec(): List<PageNode> = listOf(this) + children.flatMap { it.childrenRec() }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/commonMain/kotlin/Clock.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/commonMain/kotlin/Clock.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4753cb32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/commonMain/kotlin/Clock.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package example
+ * Documentation for expected class Clock
+ * in common module
+ */
+expect open class Clock() {
+ fun getTime(): String
+ /**
+ * Time in minis
+ */
+ fun getTimesInMillis(): String
+ fun getYear(): String
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/commonMain/kotlin/House.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/commonMain/kotlin/House.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c879dee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/commonMain/kotlin/House.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+package example
+class House(val street: String, val number: Int) {
+ /**
+ * The owner of the house
+ */
+ var owner: String = ""
+ /**
+ * The owner of the house
+ */
+ val differentOwner: String = ""
+ fun addFloor() {}
+ class Basement {
+ val pickles : List<Any> = mutableListOf()
+ }
+ companion object {
+ val DEFAULT = House("",0)
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jsMain/kotlin/Clock.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jsMain/kotlin/Clock.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..967cffcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jsMain/kotlin/Clock.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+package example
+import greeteer.Greeter
+import kotlin.js.Date
+ * Documentation for actual class Clock in JS
+ */
+actual open class Clock {
+ actual fun getTime() = Date.now().toString()
+ fun onlyJsFunction(): Int = 42
+ actual fun getTimesInMillis(): String = Date.now().toString()
+ actual fun getYear(): String {
+ TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
+ }
+fun main() {
+ Greeter().greet().also { println(it) }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jvmAndJsSecondCommonMain/kotlin/Greeter.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jvmAndJsSecondCommonMain/kotlin/Greeter.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a52e2f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jvmAndJsSecondCommonMain/kotlin/Greeter.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+package greeteer
+import example.Clock
+class Greeter {
+ /**
+ * Some docs for the [greet] function
+ */
+ fun greet() = Clock().let{ "Hello there! THe time is ${it.getTime()}" }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jvmMain/kotlin/example/Clock.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jvmMain/kotlin/example/Clock.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ec01fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jvmMain/kotlin/example/Clock.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package example
+import greeteer.Greeter
+actual open class Clock {
+ actual fun getTime(): String = System.currentTimeMillis().toString()
+ actual fun getTimesInMillis(): String = System.currentTimeMillis().toString()
+ /**
+ * Documentation for onlyJVMFunction on...
+ * wait for it...
+ * ...JVM!
+ */
+ fun onlyJVMFunction(): Double = 2.5
+ /**
+ * Custom equals function
+ */
+ override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
+ return super.equals(other)
+ }
+ open fun getDayOfTheWeek(): String {
+ TODO("not implemented")
+ }
+ actual fun getYear(): String {
+ TODO("not implemented")
+ }
+fun clockList() = listOf(Clock())
+fun main() {
+ Greeter().greet().also { println(it) }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jvmMain/kotlin/example/ClockDays.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jvmMain/kotlin/example/ClockDays.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..136ae5c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jvmMain/kotlin/example/ClockDays.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package example
+ * frgergergrthe
+ * */
+enum class ClockDays {
+ /**
+ * dfsdfsdfds
+ * */
+ SECOND, // test2
+ THIRD, // test3
+ FOURTH, // test4
+ FIFTH // test5
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jvmMain/kotlin/example/ParticularClock.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jvmMain/kotlin/example/ParticularClock.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40813b50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/resources/multiplatform/basicMultiplatformTest/jvmMain/kotlin/example/ParticularClock.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package example
+import greeteer.Greeter
+class ParticularClock(private val clockDay: ClockDays) : Clock() {
+ /**
+ * Rings bell [times]
+ */
+ fun ringBell(times: Int) {}
+ /**
+ * Uses provider [greeter]
+ */
+ fun useGreeter(greeter: Greeter) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Day of the week
+ */
+ override fun getDayOfTheWeek() = clockDay.name
+ * A sample extension function
+ * When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are $$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$
+ * @usesMathJax
+ */
+fun Clock.extensionFun() {
+} \ No newline at end of file