path: root/plugins/base
diff options
authorPaweł Marks <pmarks@virtuslab.com>2020-03-26 13:17:38 +0100
committerPaweł Marks <Kordyjan@users.noreply.github.com>2020-03-31 16:02:09 +0200
commit810f3c922fb4f11dc3fbdddee82d919189ed8526 (patch)
treeb35f93c953e3af06e4f904412cab19445ae23b12 /plugins/base
parent136a835671ef0cdf09c3475db1b61e15aee1be48 (diff)
Adds simple tests for parameter rendering
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/base')
3 files changed, 464 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/base/build.gradle.kts b/plugins/base/build.gradle.kts
index 08f8601e..1a3d6c1d 100644
--- a/plugins/base/build.gradle.kts
+++ b/plugins/base/build.gradle.kts
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ plugins {
dependencies {
+ testImplementation(project(":test-tools"))
publishing {
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/content/params/ContentForParamsTest.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/content/params/ContentForParamsTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f8ebb00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/content/params/ContentForParamsTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+package content.params
+import matchers.content.*
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ContentPage
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.testApi.testRunner.AbstractCoreTest
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
+import utils.pWrapped
+import utils.signature
+import utils.signatureWithReceiver
+class ContentForParamsTest : AbstractCoreTest() {
+ private val testConfiguration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ passes {
+ pass {
+ sourceRoots = listOf("src/")
+ analysisPlatform = "jvm"
+ targets = listOf("jvm")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `undocumented function`() {
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt
+ |package test
+ |
+ |fun function(abc: String) {
+ | println(abc)
+ |}
+ """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration
+ ) {
+ pagesTransformationStage = { module ->
+ val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" }
+ .children.single { it.name == "function" } as ContentPage
+ page.content.assertNode {
+ header(1) { +"function" }
+ signature("function", null, "abc" to "String")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `undocumented parameter`() {
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt
+ |package test
+ | /**
+ | * comment to function
+ | */
+ |fun function(abc: String) {
+ | println(abc)
+ |}
+ """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration
+ ) {
+ pagesTransformationStage = { module ->
+ val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" }
+ .children.single { it.name == "function" } as ContentPage
+ page.content.assertNode {
+ header(1) { +"function" }
+ signature("function", null, "abc" to "String")
+ header(3) { +"Description" }
+ platformHinted {
+ pWrapped("comment to function")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `undocumented parameter and other tags without function comment`() {
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt
+ |package test
+ | /**
+ | * @author Kordyjan
+ | * @since 0.11
+ | */
+ |fun function(abc: String) {
+ | println(abc)
+ |}
+ """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration
+ ) {
+ pagesTransformationStage = { module ->
+ val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" }
+ .children.single { it.name == "function" } as ContentPage
+ page.content.assertNode {
+ header(1) { +"function" }
+ signature("function", null, "abc" to "String")
+ header(3) { +"Description" }
+ platformHinted {
+ header(4) { +"Author" }
+ +"Kordyjan"
+ header(4) { +"Since" }
+ +"0.11"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `undocumented parameter and other tags`() {
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt
+ |package test
+ | /**
+ | * comment to function
+ | * @author Kordyjan
+ | * @since 0.11
+ | */
+ |fun function(abc: String) {
+ | println(abc)
+ |}
+ """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration
+ ) {
+ pagesTransformationStage = { module ->
+ val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" }
+ .children.single { it.name == "function" } as ContentPage
+ page.content.assertNode {
+ header(1) { +"function" }
+ signature("function", null, "abc" to "String")
+ header(3) { +"Description" }
+ platformHinted {
+ pWrapped("comment to function")
+ header(4) { +"Author" }
+ +"Kordyjan"
+ header(4) { +"Since" }
+ +"0.11"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `single parameter`() {
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt
+ |package test
+ | /**
+ | * comment to function
+ | * @param abc comment to param
+ | */
+ |fun function(abc: String) {
+ | println(abc)
+ |}
+ """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration
+ ) {
+ pagesTransformationStage = { module ->
+ val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" }
+ .children.single { it.name == "function" } as ContentPage
+ page.content.assertNode {
+ header(1) { +"function" }
+ signature("function", null, "abc" to "String")
+ header(3) { +"Description" }
+ platformHinted {
+ pWrapped("comment to function")
+ header(4) { +"Parameters" }
+ table {
+ group {
+ +"abc"
+ +"comment to param"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `multiple parameters`() {
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt
+ |package test
+ | /**
+ | * comment to function
+ | * @param first comment to first param
+ | * @param second comment to second param
+ | * @param[third] comment to third param
+ | */
+ |fun function(first: String, second: Int, third: Double) {
+ | println(abc)
+ |}
+ """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration
+ ) {
+ pagesTransformationStage = { module ->
+ val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" }
+ .children.single { it.name == "function" } as ContentPage
+ page.content.assertNode {
+ header(1) { +"function" }
+ signature("function", null, "first" to "String", "second" to "Int", "third" to "Double")
+ header(3) { +"Description" }
+ platformHinted {
+ pWrapped("comment to function")
+ header(4) { +"Parameters" }
+ table {
+ group {
+ +"first"
+ +"comment to first param"
+ }
+ group {
+ +"second"
+ +"comment to second param"
+ }
+ group {
+ +"third"
+ +"comment to third param"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `multiple parameters without function description`() {
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt
+ |package test
+ | /**
+ | * @param first comment to first param
+ | * @param second comment to second param
+ | * @param[third] comment to third param
+ | */
+ |fun function(first: String, second: Int, third: Double) {
+ | println(abc)
+ |}
+ """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration
+ ) {
+ pagesTransformationStage = { module ->
+ val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" }
+ .children.single { it.name == "function" } as ContentPage
+ page.content.assertNode {
+ header(1) { +"function" }
+ signature("function", null, "first" to "String", "second" to "Int", "third" to "Double")
+ header(3) { +"Description" }
+ platformHinted {
+ header(4) { +"Parameters" }
+ table {
+ group {
+ +"first"
+ +"comment to first param"
+ }
+ group {
+ +"second"
+ +"comment to second param"
+ }
+ group {
+ +"third"
+ +"comment to third param"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `function with receiver`() {
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt
+ |package test
+ | /**
+ | * comment to function
+ | * @param abc comment to param
+ | * @receiver comment to receiver
+ | */
+ |fun String.function(abc: String) {
+ | println(abc)
+ |}
+ """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration
+ ) {
+ pagesTransformationStage = { module ->
+ val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" }
+ .children.single { it.name == "function" } as ContentPage
+ page.content.assertNode {
+ header(1) { +"function" }
+ signatureWithReceiver("String", "function", null, "abc" to "String")
+ header(3) { +"Description" }
+ platformHinted {
+ pWrapped("comment to function")
+ header(4) { +"Parameters" }
+ table {
+ group {
+ +"<receiver>"
+ +"comment to receiver"
+ }
+ group {
+ +"abc"
+ +"comment to param"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `missing parameter documentation`() {
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt
+ |package test
+ | /**
+ | * comment to function
+ | * @param first comment to first param
+ | * @param[third] comment to third param
+ | */
+ |fun function(first: String, second: Int, third: Double) {
+ | println(abc)
+ |}
+ """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration
+ ) {
+ pagesTransformationStage = { module ->
+ val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" }
+ .children.single { it.name == "function" } as ContentPage
+ page.content.assertNode {
+ header(1) { +"function" }
+ signature("function", null, "first" to "String", "second" to "Int", "third" to "Double")
+ header(3) { +"Description" }
+ platformHinted {
+ pWrapped("comment to function")
+ header(4) { +"Parameters" }
+ table {
+ group {
+ +"first"
+ +"comment to first param"
+ }
+ group {
+ +"third"
+ +"comment to third param"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `parameters mixed with other tags`() {
+ testInline(
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/test/source.kt
+ |package test
+ | /**
+ | * comment to function
+ | * @param first comment to first param
+ | * @author Kordyjan
+ | * @param second comment to second param
+ | * @since 0.11
+ | * @param[third] comment to third param
+ | */
+ |fun function(first: String, second: Int, third: Double) {
+ | println(abc)
+ |}
+ """.trimIndent(), testConfiguration
+ ) {
+ pagesTransformationStage = { module ->
+ val page = module.children.single { it.name == "test" }
+ .children.single { it.name == "function" } as ContentPage
+ page.content.assertNode {
+ header(1) { +"function" }
+ signature("function", null, "first" to "String", "second" to "Int", "third" to "Double")
+ header(3) { +"Description" }
+ platformHinted {
+ pWrapped("comment to function")
+ header(4) { +"Parameters" }
+ table {
+ group {
+ +"first"
+ +"comment to first param"
+ }
+ group {
+ +"second"
+ +"comment to second param"
+ }
+ group {
+ +"third"
+ +"comment to third param"
+ }
+ }
+ header(4) { +"Author" }
+ +"Kordyjan"
+ header(4) { +"Since" }
+ +"0.11"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/utils/contentUtils.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/utils/contentUtils.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4bb36553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/utils/contentUtils.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package utils
+import matchers.content.*
+//TODO: Try to unify those functions after update to 1.4
+fun ContentMatcherBuilder<*>.signature(
+ name: String,
+ returnType: String? = null,
+ vararg params: Pair<String, String>
+) =
+ platformHinted {
+ group { // TODO: remove it when double wrapping for signatures will be resolved
+ +"final fun"
+ link { +name }
+ +"("
+ params.forEachIndexed { id, (n, t) ->
+ +"$n:"
+ group { link { +t } }
+ if (id != params.lastIndex)
+ +", "
+ }
+ +")"
+ returnType?.let { +": $it" }
+ }
+ }
+fun ContentMatcherBuilder<*>.signatureWithReceiver(
+ receiver: String,
+ name: String,
+ returnType: String? = null,
+ vararg params: Pair<String, String>
+) =
+ platformHinted {
+ group { // TODO: remove it when double wrapping for signatures will be resolved
+ +"final fun"
+ group {
+ link { +receiver }
+ }
+ +"."
+ link { +name }
+ +"("
+ params.forEach { (n, t) ->
+ +"$n:"
+ group { link { +t } }
+ }
+ +")"
+ returnType?.let { +": $it" }
+ }
+ }
+fun ContentMatcherBuilder<*>.pWrapped(text: String) =
+ group {// TODO: remove it when double wrapping for descriptions will be resolved
+ group { +text }
+ br()
+ } \ No newline at end of file