path: root/plugins/base
diff options
authorIgnat Beresnev <ignat.beresnev@jetbrains.com>2023-10-27 13:11:41 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-10-27 13:11:41 +0200
commitedcd1fb24d01e11b5a8185328255f2005aadf037 (patch)
tree8156df7d2d29d8fd9d0fdaccad0fbb92b26e895f /plugins/base
parentb1ccc2b346ea858762653933f9dd304b91c18505 (diff)
Implement analysis test API (#3184)
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/base')
5 files changed, 14 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/base/api/base.api b/plugins/base/api/base.api
index 788444b9..ae872558 100644
--- a/plugins/base/api/base.api
+++ b/plugins/base/api/base.api
@@ -1102,24 +1102,6 @@ public final class org/jetbrains/dokka/base/transformers/documentables/CallableE
public fun mergeStrategyFor (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/base/transformers/documentables/CallableExtensions;Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/base/transformers/documentables/CallableExtensions;)Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/model/properties/MergeStrategy;
-public final class org/jetbrains/dokka/base/transformers/documentables/ClashingDriIdentifier : org/jetbrains/dokka/model/properties/ExtraProperty {
- public static final field Companion Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/base/transformers/documentables/ClashingDriIdentifier$Companion;
- public fun <init> (Ljava/util/Set;)V
- public final fun component1 ()Ljava/util/Set;
- public final fun copy (Ljava/util/Set;)Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/base/transformers/documentables/ClashingDriIdentifier;
- public static synthetic fun copy$default (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/base/transformers/documentables/ClashingDriIdentifier;Ljava/util/Set;ILjava/lang/Object;)Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/base/transformers/documentables/ClashingDriIdentifier;
- public fun equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
- public fun getKey ()Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/model/properties/ExtraProperty$Key;
- public final fun getValue ()Ljava/util/Set;
- public fun hashCode ()I
- public fun toString ()Ljava/lang/String;
-public final class org/jetbrains/dokka/base/transformers/documentables/ClashingDriIdentifier$Companion : org/jetbrains/dokka/model/properties/ExtraProperty$Key {
- public synthetic fun mergeStrategyFor (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/model/properties/MergeStrategy;
- public fun mergeStrategyFor (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/base/transformers/documentables/ClashingDriIdentifier;Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/base/transformers/documentables/ClashingDriIdentifier;)Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/model/properties/MergeStrategy;
public final class org/jetbrains/dokka/base/transformers/documentables/DeprecatedDocumentableFilterTransformer : org/jetbrains/dokka/base/transformers/documentables/SuppressedByConditionDocumentableFilterTransformer {
public fun <init> (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/plugability/DokkaContext;)V
public fun shouldBeSuppressed (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/model/Documentable;)Z
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/DokkaBase.kt b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/DokkaBase.kt
index dfec2c15..ca86d4d5 100644
--- a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/DokkaBase.kt
+++ b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/DokkaBase.kt
@@ -33,10 +33,7 @@ import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.translators.documentables.DefaultDocumentableToP
import org.jetbrains.dokka.generation.Generation
import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.*
import org.jetbrains.dokka.renderers.Renderer
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.DocumentableMerger
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.DocumentableToPageTranslator
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.DocumentableTransformer
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.PreMergeDocumentableTransformer
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.*
import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.pages.PageTransformer
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/transformers/documentables/ClashingDriIdentifier.kt b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/transformers/documentables/ClashingDriIdentifier.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9c7342e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/transformers/documentables/ClashingDriIdentifier.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
+ */
+package org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.documentables
+ message = "Declaration was moved to dokka-core",
+ replaceWith = ReplaceWith("org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.ClashingDriIdentifier"),
+ level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING // TODO change to error after Kotlin 1.9.20
+public typealias ClashingDriIdentifier = org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.ClashingDriIdentifier
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/transformers/documentables/DefaultDocumentableMerger.kt b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/transformers/documentables/DefaultDocumentableMerger.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index ec53df78..00000000
--- a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/transformers/documentables/DefaultDocumentableMerger.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.documentables
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.utils.firstNotNullOfOrNull
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.*
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.properties.ExtraProperty
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.properties.MergeStrategy
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.properties.mergeExtras
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaContext
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.DocumentableMerger
-internal class DefaultDocumentableMerger(val context: DokkaContext) : DocumentableMerger {
- private val dependencyInfo = context.getDependencyInfo()
- override fun invoke(modules: Collection<DModule>): DModule? =
- modules.reduceOrNull { left, right ->
- val list = listOf(left, right)
- DModule(
- name = modules.map { it.name }.distinct().joinToString("|"),
- packages = merge(
- list.flatMap { it.packages }
- ) { pck1, pck2 -> pck1.mergeWith(pck2) },
- documentation = list.map { it.documentation }.flatMap { it.entries }.associate { (k, v) -> k to v },
- expectPresentInSet = list.firstNotNullOfOrNull { it.expectPresentInSet },
- sourceSets = list.flatMap { it.sourceSets }.toSet()
- ).mergeExtras(left, right)
- }
- private fun DokkaContext.getDependencyInfo()
- : Map<DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet, List<DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet>> {
- fun getDependencies(sourceSet: DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet): List<DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet> =
- listOf(sourceSet) + configuration.sourceSets.filter {
- it.sourceSetID in sourceSet.dependentSourceSets
- }.flatMap { getDependencies(it) }
- return configuration.sourceSets.associateWith { getDependencies(it) }
- }
- private fun <T : Documentable> merge(elements: List<T>, reducer: (T, T) -> T): List<T> =
- elements.groupingBy { it.dri }
- .reduce { _, left, right -> reducer(left, right) }
- .values.toList()
- private fun <T> mergeExpectActual(
- elements: List<T>,
- reducer: (T, T) -> T
- ): List<T> where T : Documentable, T : WithSources {
- fun mergeClashingElements(elements: List<Pair<T, Set<DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet>>>): List<T> =
- elements.groupBy { it.first.name }.values.flatMap { listOfDocumentableToSSIds ->
- val merged = listOfDocumentableToSSIds.map { (documentable, sourceSets) ->
- when (documentable) {
- is DClass -> documentable.copy(
- extra = documentable.extra + ClashingDriIdentifier(
- sourceSets + (documentable.extra[ClashingDriIdentifier]?.value ?: emptySet())
- )
- )
- is DObject -> documentable.copy(
- extra = documentable.extra + ClashingDriIdentifier(
- sourceSets + (documentable.extra[ClashingDriIdentifier]?.value ?: emptySet())
- )
- )
- is DAnnotation -> documentable.copy(
- extra = documentable.extra + ClashingDriIdentifier(
- sourceSets + (documentable.extra[ClashingDriIdentifier]?.value ?: emptySet())
- )
- )
- is DInterface -> documentable.copy(
- extra = documentable.extra + ClashingDriIdentifier(
- sourceSets + (documentable.extra[ClashingDriIdentifier]?.value ?: emptySet())
- )
- )
- is DEnum -> documentable.copy(
- extra = documentable.extra + ClashingDriIdentifier(
- sourceSets + (documentable.extra[ClashingDriIdentifier]?.value ?: emptySet())
- )
- )
- is DFunction -> documentable.copy(
- extra = documentable.extra + ClashingDriIdentifier(
- sourceSets + (documentable.extra[ClashingDriIdentifier]?.value ?: emptySet())
- )
- )
- is DProperty -> documentable.copy(
- extra = documentable.extra + ClashingDriIdentifier(
- sourceSets + (documentable.extra[ClashingDriIdentifier]?.value ?: emptySet())
- )
- )
- else -> documentable
- }
- }
- @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
- merged as List<T>
- }
- fun analyzeExpectActual(sameDriElements: List<T>): List<T> {
- val (expects, actuals) = sameDriElements.partition { it.expectPresentInSet != null }
- val groupedByOwnExpectWithActualSourceSetIds = expects.map { expect ->
- val actualsForGivenExpect = actuals.filter { actual ->
- dependencyInfo[actual.sourceSets.single()]
- ?.contains(expect.expectPresentInSet!!)
- ?: throw IllegalStateException("Cannot resolve expect/actual relation for ${actual.name}")
- }
- (listOf(expect) + actualsForGivenExpect) to actualsForGivenExpect.flatMap { it.sourceSets }.toSet()
- }
- val reducedToOneDocumentableWithActualSourceSetIds =
- groupedByOwnExpectWithActualSourceSetIds.map { it.first.reduce(reducer) to it.second }
- return reducedToOneDocumentableWithActualSourceSetIds.let(::mergeClashingElements)
- }
- return elements.partition {
- (it as? WithIsExpectActual)?.isExpectActual ?: false
- }.let { (expectActuals, notExpectActuals) ->
- notExpectActuals.map { it to it.sourceSets }
- .groupBy { it.first.dri }.values.flatMap(::mergeClashingElements) +
- expectActuals.groupBy { it.dri }.values.flatMap(::analyzeExpectActual)
- }
- }
- fun DPackage.mergeWith(other: DPackage): DPackage = copy(
- functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions) { f1, f2 -> f1.mergeWith(f2) },
- properties = mergeExpectActual(properties + other.properties) { p1, p2 -> p1.mergeWith(p2) },
- classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes) { c1, c2 -> c1.mergeWith(c2) },
- documentation = documentation + other.documentation,
- expectPresentInSet = expectPresentInSet ?: other.expectPresentInSet,
- typealiases = merge(typealiases + other.typealiases) { ta1, ta2 -> ta1.mergeWith(ta2) },
- sourceSets = sourceSets + other.sourceSets
- ).mergeExtras(this, other)
- fun DFunction.mergeWith(other: DFunction): DFunction = copy(
- parameters = merge(this.parameters + other.parameters) { p1, p2 -> p1.mergeWith(p2) },
- receiver = receiver?.let { r -> other.receiver?.let { r.mergeWith(it) } ?: r } ?: other.receiver,
- documentation = documentation + other.documentation,
- expectPresentInSet = expectPresentInSet ?: other.expectPresentInSet,
- sources = sources + other.sources,
- visibility = visibility + other.visibility,
- modifier = modifier + other.modifier,
- sourceSets = sourceSets + other.sourceSets,
- generics = merge(generics + other.generics) { tp1, tp2 -> tp1.mergeWith(tp2) },
- ).mergeExtras(this, other)
- fun DProperty.mergeWith(other: DProperty): DProperty = copy(
- receiver = receiver?.let { r -> other.receiver?.let { r.mergeWith(it) } ?: r } ?: other.receiver,
- documentation = documentation + other.documentation,
- expectPresentInSet = expectPresentInSet ?: other.expectPresentInSet,
- sources = sources + other.sources,
- visibility = visibility + other.visibility,
- modifier = modifier + other.modifier,
- sourceSets = sourceSets + other.sourceSets,
- getter = getter?.let { g -> other.getter?.let { g.mergeWith(it) } ?: g } ?: other.getter,
- setter = setter?.let { s -> other.setter?.let { s.mergeWith(it) } ?: s } ?: other.setter,
- generics = merge(generics + other.generics) { tp1, tp2 -> tp1.mergeWith(tp2) },
- ).mergeExtras(this, other)
- fun DClasslike.mergeWith(other: DClasslike): DClasslike = when {
- this is DClass && other is DClass -> mergeWith(other)
- this is DEnum && other is DEnum -> mergeWith(other)
- this is DInterface && other is DInterface -> mergeWith(other)
- this is DObject && other is DObject -> mergeWith(other)
- this is DAnnotation && other is DAnnotation -> mergeWith(other)
- else -> throw IllegalStateException("${this::class.qualifiedName} ${this.name} cannot be merged with ${other::class.qualifiedName} ${other.name}")
- }
- fun DClass.mergeWith(other: DClass): DClass = copy(
- constructors = mergeExpectActual(
- constructors + other.constructors
- ) { f1, f2 -> f1.mergeWith(f2) },
- functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions) { f1, f2 -> f1.mergeWith(f2) },
- properties = mergeExpectActual(properties + other.properties) { p1, p2 -> p1.mergeWith(p2) },
- classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes) { c1, c2 -> c1.mergeWith(c2) },
- companion = companion?.let { c -> other.companion?.let { c.mergeWith(it) } ?: c } ?: other.companion,
- generics = merge(generics + other.generics) { tp1, tp2 -> tp1.mergeWith(tp2) },
- modifier = modifier + other.modifier,
- supertypes = supertypes + other.supertypes,
- documentation = documentation + other.documentation,
- expectPresentInSet = expectPresentInSet ?: other.expectPresentInSet,
- sources = sources + other.sources,
- visibility = visibility + other.visibility,
- sourceSets = sourceSets + other.sourceSets
- ).mergeExtras(this, other)
- fun DEnum.mergeWith(other: DEnum): DEnum = copy(
- entries = merge(entries + other.entries) { ee1, ee2 -> ee1.mergeWith(ee2) },
- constructors = mergeExpectActual(
- constructors + other.constructors
- ) { f1, f2 -> f1.mergeWith(f2) },
- functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions) { f1, f2 -> f1.mergeWith(f2) },
- properties = mergeExpectActual(properties + other.properties) { p1, p2 -> p1.mergeWith(p2) },
- classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes) { c1, c2 -> c1.mergeWith(c2) },
- companion = companion?.let { c -> other.companion?.let { c.mergeWith(it) } ?: c } ?: other.companion,
- supertypes = supertypes + other.supertypes,
- documentation = documentation + other.documentation,
- expectPresentInSet = expectPresentInSet ?: other.expectPresentInSet,
- sources = sources + other.sources,
- visibility = visibility + other.visibility,
- sourceSets = sourceSets + other.sourceSets
- ).mergeExtras(this, other)
- fun DEnumEntry.mergeWith(other: DEnumEntry): DEnumEntry = copy(
- functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions) { f1, f2 -> f1.mergeWith(f2) },
- properties = mergeExpectActual(properties + other.properties) { p1, p2 -> p1.mergeWith(p2) },
- classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes) { c1, c2 -> c1.mergeWith(c2) },
- documentation = documentation + other.documentation,
- expectPresentInSet = expectPresentInSet ?: other.expectPresentInSet,
- sourceSets = sourceSets + other.sourceSets
- ).mergeExtras(this, other)
- fun DObject.mergeWith(other: DObject): DObject = copy(
- functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions) { f1, f2 -> f1.mergeWith(f2) },
- properties = mergeExpectActual(properties + other.properties) { p1, p2 -> p1.mergeWith(p2) },
- classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes) { c1, c2 -> c1.mergeWith(c2) },
- supertypes = supertypes + other.supertypes,
- documentation = documentation + other.documentation,
- expectPresentInSet = expectPresentInSet ?: other.expectPresentInSet,
- sources = sources + other.sources,
- visibility = visibility + other.visibility,
- sourceSets = sourceSets + other.sourceSets
- ).mergeExtras(this, other)
- fun DInterface.mergeWith(other: DInterface): DInterface = copy(
- functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions) { f1, f2 -> f1.mergeWith(f2) },
- properties = mergeExpectActual(properties + other.properties) { p1, p2 -> p1.mergeWith(p2) },
- classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes) { c1, c2 -> c1.mergeWith(c2) },
- companion = companion?.let { c -> other.companion?.let { c.mergeWith(it) } ?: c } ?: other.companion,
- generics = merge(generics + other.generics) { tp1, tp2 -> tp1.mergeWith(tp2) },
- supertypes = supertypes + other.supertypes,
- documentation = documentation + other.documentation,
- expectPresentInSet = expectPresentInSet ?: other.expectPresentInSet,
- sources = sources + other.sources,
- visibility = visibility + other.visibility,
- sourceSets = sourceSets + other.sourceSets
- ).mergeExtras(this, other)
- fun DAnnotation.mergeWith(other: DAnnotation): DAnnotation = copy(
- constructors = mergeExpectActual(
- constructors + other.constructors
- ) { f1, f2 -> f1.mergeWith(f2) },
- functions = mergeExpectActual(functions + other.functions) { f1, f2 -> f1.mergeWith(f2) },
- properties = mergeExpectActual(properties + other.properties) { p1, p2 -> p1.mergeWith(p2) },
- classlikes = mergeExpectActual(classlikes + other.classlikes) { c1, c2 -> c1.mergeWith(c2) },
- companion = companion?.let { c -> other.companion?.let { c.mergeWith(it) } ?: c } ?: other.companion,
- documentation = documentation + other.documentation,
- expectPresentInSet = expectPresentInSet ?: other.expectPresentInSet,
- sources = sources + other.sources,
- visibility = visibility + other.visibility,
- sourceSets = sourceSets + other.sourceSets,
- generics = merge(generics + other.generics) { tp1, tp2 -> tp1.mergeWith(tp2) }
- ).mergeExtras(this, other)
- fun DParameter.mergeWith(other: DParameter): DParameter = copy(
- documentation = documentation + other.documentation,
- expectPresentInSet = expectPresentInSet ?: other.expectPresentInSet,
- sourceSets = sourceSets + other.sourceSets
- ).mergeExtras(this, other)
- fun DTypeParameter.mergeWith(other: DTypeParameter): DTypeParameter = copy(
- documentation = documentation + other.documentation,
- expectPresentInSet = expectPresentInSet ?: other.expectPresentInSet,
- sourceSets = sourceSets + other.sourceSets
- ).mergeExtras(this, other)
- fun DTypeAlias.mergeWith(other: DTypeAlias): DTypeAlias = copy(
- documentation = documentation + other.documentation,
- expectPresentInSet = expectPresentInSet ?: other.expectPresentInSet,
- underlyingType = underlyingType + other.underlyingType,
- visibility = visibility + other.visibility,
- sourceSets = sourceSets + other.sourceSets
- ).mergeExtras(this, other)
-public data class ClashingDriIdentifier(val value: Set<DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet>) : ExtraProperty<Documentable> {
- public companion object : ExtraProperty.Key<Documentable, ClashingDriIdentifier> {
- override fun mergeStrategyFor(
- left: ClashingDriIdentifier,
- right: ClashingDriIdentifier
- ): MergeStrategy<Documentable> =
- MergeStrategy.Replace(ClashingDriIdentifier(left.value + right.value))
- }
- override val key: ExtraProperty.Key<Documentable, *> = ClashingDriIdentifier
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/translators/documentables/DefaultPageCreator.kt b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/translators/documentables/DefaultPageCreator.kt
index 58abee56..5c8ac512 100644
--- a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/translators/documentables/DefaultPageCreator.kt
+++ b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/translators/documentables/DefaultPageCreator.kt
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBaseConfiguration
import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.resolvers.anchors.SymbolAnchorHint
import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.signatures.SignatureProvider
import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.documentables.CallableExtensions
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.documentables.ClashingDriIdentifier
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.documentation.ClashingDriIdentifier
import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.pages.comments.CommentsToContentConverter
import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.pages.tags.CustomTagContentProvider
import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.translators.documentables.PageContentBuilder.DocumentableContentBuilder