path: root/plugins/kotlin-as-java/src/main/kotlin/KotlinToJVMResolver.kt
diff options
authorSzymon Świstun <sswistun@virtuslab.com>2020-01-20 14:55:42 +0100
committerPaweł Marks <Kordyjan@users.noreply.github.com>2020-02-12 13:13:18 +0100
commit50e711d24b517bc93c37d89f258c9dafaa038ad1 (patch)
tree201c27b6860ac14b6ddc673ff099d74f53b4e15c /plugins/kotlin-as-java/src/main/kotlin/KotlinToJVMResolver.kt
parent5a432c9c62ff95779a495fb354c83f5f7c481a1d (diff)
kotlin-as-java plugin
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/kotlin-as-java/src/main/kotlin/KotlinToJVMResolver.kt')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/kotlin-as-java/src/main/kotlin/KotlinToJVMResolver.kt b/plugins/kotlin-as-java/src/main/kotlin/KotlinToJVMResolver.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87a173f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/kotlin-as-java/src/main/kotlin/KotlinToJVMResolver.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+package org.jetbrains.dokka.kotlinAsJava.conversions
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.kotlinAsJava.DescriptorCache
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.*
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.*
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.Function
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.Enum
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.psi.JavaTypeWrapper
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.jvm.JavaToKotlinClassMap
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.FunctionDescriptor
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.PropertyDescriptor
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.name.ClassId
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.name.FqName
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.JvmPrimitiveType
+fun String.getAsPrimitive(): JvmPrimitiveType? = org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.PrimitiveType.values()
+ .find { it.typeFqName.asString() == this }
+ ?.let { JvmPrimitiveType.get(it) }
+fun TypeWrapper.getAsType(classId: ClassId, fqName: String, top: Boolean): TypeWrapper {
+ val fqNameSplitted = fqName.takeIf { top }?.getAsPrimitive()?.name?.toLowerCase()
+ ?.let { listOf(it) } ?: classId.asString().split("/")
+ return JavaTypeWrapper(
+ fqNameSplitted,
+ arguments.mapNotNull { it.asJava(false) },
+ classId.toDRI(dri),
+ fqNameSplitted.last()[0].isLowerCase()
+ )
+fun TypeWrapper?.asJava(top: Boolean = true): TypeWrapper? = this?.constructorFqName
+ ?.takeUnless { it.endsWith(".Unit") }
+ ?.let { fqName ->
+ fqName.mapToJava()
+ ?.let { getAsType(it, fqName, top) } ?: this
+ }
+fun Classlike.asJava(): Classlike = when {
+ this is Class -> this.asJava()
+ this is Enum -> this.asJava()
+ this is EnumEntry -> this
+ else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("$this shouldn't be here")
+fun Class.asJava(): Class = Class(
+ dri, name, kind,
+ constructors.map { it.asJava() },
+ (functions + properties.flatMap { it.accessors }).map { it.asJava() },
+ properties, classlikes.mapNotNull { (it as? Class)?.asJava() }, expected, actual, extra, visibility
+fun Enum.asJava(): Enum = Enum(
+ dri = dri,
+ name = name,
+ entries = entries.mapNotNull { it.asJava() as? EnumEntry },
+ constructors = constructors.map(Function::asJava),
+ functions = (functions + properties.flatMap { it.accessors }).map(Function::asJava),
+ properties = properties,
+ classlikes = classlikes.map(Classlike::asJava),
+ expected = expected,
+ actual = actual,
+ extra = extra,
+ visibility = visibility
+fun tcAsJava(tc: TypeConstructor): TypeReference =
+ tc.fullyQualifiedName.mapToJava()
+ ?.let {
+ tc.copy(
+ fullyQualifiedName = it.asString(),
+ params = tc.params.map { it.asJava() }
+ )
+ } ?: tc
+fun tpAsJava(tp: TypeParam): TypeReference =
+ tp.copy(bounds = tp.bounds.map { it.asJava() })
+fun TypeReference.asJava(): TypeReference = when (this) {
+ is TypeConstructor -> tcAsJava(this)
+ is TypeParam -> tpAsJava(this)
+ else -> this
+fun Callable.asJava(): Callable = copy(params = params.mapNotNull { (it as? TypeConstructor)?.asJava() })
+fun Parameter.asJava(): Parameter = Parameter(
+ dri.copy(callable = dri.callable?.asJava()),
+ name,
+ type.asJava()!!,
+ expected,
+ actual,
+ extra
+fun Function.asJava(): Function {
+ val newName = when {
+ isConstructor -> "init"
+ else -> name
+ }
+ return Function(
+ dri.copy(callable = dri.callable?.asJava()),
+ newName,
+ returnType.asJava(),
+ isConstructor,
+ receiver,
+ parameters.map { it.asJava() },
+ expected,
+ actual,
+ extra,
+ visibility
+ )
+private fun String.mapToJava(): ClassId? =
+ JavaToKotlinClassMap.mapKotlinToJava(FqName(this).toUnsafe())
+fun ClassId.toDRI(dri: DRI?): DRI = DRI(
+ packageName = packageFqName.asString(),
+ classNames = classNames(),
+ callable = dri?.callable?.asJava(),
+ extra = null,
+ target = null
+fun ClassId.classNames(): String =
+ shortClassName.identifier + (outerClassId?.classNames()?.let { ".$it" } ?: "")
+fun Function.asStatic(): Function = also { it.extra.add(STATIC) }
+fun Property.withClass(className: String, dri: DRI): Property {
+ val nDri = dri.withClass(className).copy(
+ callable = getDescriptor()?.let { Callable.from(it) }
+ )
+ return Property(
+ nDri, name, receiver, expected, actual, extra, accessors, visibility
+ )
+fun Function.withClass(className: String, dri: DRI): Function {
+ val nDri = dri.withClass(className).copy(
+ callable = getDescriptor()?.let { Callable.from(it) }
+ )
+ return Function(
+ nDri, name, returnType, isConstructor, receiver, parameters, expected, actual, extra, visibility
+ )
+fun Function.getDescriptor(): FunctionDescriptor? = DescriptorCache[dri].let { it as? FunctionDescriptor }
+fun Property.getDescriptor(): PropertyDescriptor? = DescriptorCache[dri].let { it as? PropertyDescriptor }