path: root/runners
diff options
authorKrystianUjma <kujma@virtuslab.com>2019-05-07 12:32:14 +0200
committerKrystianUjma <kujma@virtuslab.com>2019-05-07 12:32:14 +0200
commit34b6959e68d356a66330441398febaebc5e6c7bc (patch)
tree44105be1787084aa8833a7d22d2e94cc0644c01f /runners
parent529d8ecf02e82fa65a827f50b038c68835c3d0d4 (diff)
fix maven build, add multiplatform and single configuration for maven runner
Diffstat (limited to 'runners')
2 files changed, 75 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/runners/maven-plugin/build.gradle b/runners/maven-plugin/build.gradle
index 5fd06901..76fab68d 100644
--- a/runners/maven-plugin/build.gradle
+++ b/runners/maven-plugin/build.gradle
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ sourceCompatibility = 1.8
tasks.withType(org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile).all {
kotlinOptions {
freeCompilerArgs += "-Xjsr305=strict"
- languageVersion = language_version
- apiVersion = language_version
+ languageVersion = "1.2"
+ apiVersion = languageVersion
jvmTarget = "1.8"
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ task setupMaven(type: Sync) {
def mavenBuildDir = "$buildDir/maven"
-//sourceSets.main.resources {
-// srcDirs += "$mavenBuildDir/classes/java/main"
-// exclude "**/*.class"
+sourceSets.main.resources {
+ srcDirs += "$mavenBuildDir/classes/java/main"
+ exclude "**/*.class"
task generatePom() {
inputs.file(new File(projectDir, "pom.tpl.xml"))
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ task pluginDescriptor(type: CrossPlatformExec, dependsOn: setupMaven) {
//mergeClassOutputs.dependsOn compileKotlin
//helpMojo.dependsOn mergeClassOutputs
helpMojo.dependsOn generatePom
compileJava.dependsOn helpMojo
processResources.dependsOn pluginDescriptor
diff --git a/runners/maven-plugin/src/main/kotlin/DokkaMojo.kt b/runners/maven-plugin/src/main/kotlin/DokkaMojo.kt
index 8f4cf2c2..cc661193 100644
--- a/runners/maven-plugin/src/main/kotlin/DokkaMojo.kt
+++ b/runners/maven-plugin/src/main/kotlin/DokkaMojo.kt
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ class SourceLinkMapItem : DokkaConfiguration.SourceLinkDefinition {
override var lineSuffix: String? = null
-class ExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder : DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink.Builder() {
+class ExternalDocumentationLink : DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink {
@Parameter(name = "url", required = true)
- override var url: URL? = null
+ override var url: URL = URL("")
@Parameter(name = "packageListUrl", required = true)
- override var packageListUrl: URL? = null
+ override var packageListUrl: URL = URL("")
abstract class AbstractDokkaMojo : AbstractMojo() {
@@ -53,14 +53,17 @@ abstract class AbstractDokkaMojo : AbstractMojo() {
class Multiplatform : DokkaConfiguration.PassConfiguration {
+ @Parameter(required = true, defaultValue = "\${project.compileSourceRoots}")
+ var sourceDirectories: List<String> = emptyList()
@Parameter(required = true, defaultValue = "\${project.artifactId}")
- override val moduleName: String = ""
+ override var moduleName: String = ""
@Parameter(required = true, defaultValue = "\${project.compileClasspathElements}")
- override val classpath: List<String> = emptyList()
+ override var classpath: List<String> = emptyList()
- override val sourceRoots: List<SourceRoot> = emptyList()
+ override var sourceRoots: List<SourceRoot> = emptyList()
override val samples: List<String> = emptyList()
@@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ abstract class AbstractDokkaMojo : AbstractMojo() {
override val skipDeprecated: Boolean = false
@Parameter(required = false, defaultValue = "6")
- override val jdkVersion: Int = 6
+ override var jdkVersion: Int = 6
override val sourceLinks: List<SourceLinkMapItem> = emptyList()
@@ -92,7 +95,7 @@ abstract class AbstractDokkaMojo : AbstractMojo() {
override val perPackageOptions: List<PackageOptions> = emptyList()
- override val externalDocumentationLinks: List<DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink> = emptyList()
+ override val externalDocumentationLinks: List<ExternalDocumentationLink> = emptyList()
override val languageVersion: String? = null
@@ -101,10 +104,10 @@ abstract class AbstractDokkaMojo : AbstractMojo() {
override val apiVersion: String? = null
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false")
- override val noStdlibLink: Boolean = false
+ override var noStdlibLink: Boolean = false
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false")
- override val noJdkLink: Boolean = false
+ override var noJdkLink: Boolean = false
override val suppressedFiles: List<String> = emptyList()
@@ -112,8 +115,10 @@ abstract class AbstractDokkaMojo : AbstractMojo() {
override val collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries: Boolean = false
+ override var analysisPlatform: Platform = Platform.DEFAULT
- override val analysisPlatform: Platform = Platform.DEFAULT
+ val platform: String = ""
override val targets: List<String> = emptyList()
@@ -126,68 +131,36 @@ abstract class AbstractDokkaMojo : AbstractMojo() {
var multiplatform: List<Multiplatform> = emptyList()
- var configuration: Multiplatform? = null
+ var config: Multiplatform? = null
- @Parameter(required = true, defaultValue = "\${project.compileSourceRoots}")
- var sourceDirectories: List<String> = emptyList()
- @Parameter
- var sourceRoots: List<SourceRoot> = emptyList()
+ @Parameter(required = true, defaultValue = "\${project.artifactId}")
+ var moduleName: String = ""
- var samplesDirs: List<String> = emptyList()
+ var impliedPlatforms: List<String> = emptyList() //TODO check
- var includes: List<String> = emptyList()
- @Parameter(required = true, defaultValue = "\${project.compileClasspathElements}")
- var classpath: List<String> = emptyList()
+ var cacheRoot: String? = null
- @Parameter
- var sourceLinks: Array<SourceLinkMapItem> = emptyArray()
+ protected abstract fun getOutDir(): String
- @Parameter(required = true, defaultValue = "\${project.artifactId}")
- var moduleName: String = ""
+ protected abstract fun getOutFormat(): String
@Parameter(required = false, defaultValue = "false")
var skip: Boolean = false
- @Parameter(required = false, defaultValue = "6")
- var jdkVersion: Int = 6
- @Parameter
- var skipDeprecated = false
- @Parameter
- var skipEmptyPackages = true
- @Parameter
- var reportUndocumented = true
- @Parameter
- var impliedPlatforms: List<String> = emptyList() //TODO check
- @Parameter
- var perPackageOptions: List<PackageOptions> = emptyList()
- @Parameter
- var externalDocumentationLinks: List<ExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder> = emptyList()
+ @Parameter(required = true, defaultValue = "\${project.compileClasspathElements}")
+ var classpath: List<String> = emptyList()
+ //todo remove
+ @Parameter(required = true, defaultValue = "\${project.compileSourceRoots}")
+ var sourceDirectories: List<String> = emptyList()
+ @Parameter(required = false, defaultValue = "6")
+ val jdkVersion: Int = 6
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false")
- var noStdlibLink: Boolean = false
+ val noStdlibLink: Boolean = false
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false")
- var noJdkLink: Boolean = false
- @Parameter
- var cacheRoot: String? = null
- @Parameter
- var languageVersion: String? = null
- @Parameter
- var apiVersion: String? = null
- protected abstract fun getOutDir(): String
- protected abstract fun getOutFormat(): String
+ val noJdkLink: Boolean = false
override fun execute() {
if (skip) {
@@ -195,46 +168,18 @@ abstract class AbstractDokkaMojo : AbstractMojo() {
- sourceLinks.forEach {
+ val passConfigurationList = (
+ if (multiplatform.isEmpty() && config != null) listOf(config!!) else multiplatform
+ ).map {
+ defaultPassConfiguration(it)
+ }
+ passConfigurationList.flatMap { it.sourceLinks }.forEach {
if (it.path.contains("\\")) {
throw MojoExecutionException("Incorrect path property, only Unix based path allowed.")
-// val passConfiguration = PassConfigurationImpl(
-// classpath = classpath,
-// sourceRoots = sourceDirectories.map { SourceRootImpl(it) } + sourceRoots.map { SourceRootImpl(path = it.path) },
-// samples = samplesDirs,
-// includes = includes,
-// collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries = false, // TODO: Should we implement this?
-// sourceLinks = sourceLinks.map { SourceLinkDefinitionImpl(it.path, it.url, it.lineSuffix) },
-// jdkVersion = jdkVersion,
-// skipDeprecated = skipDeprecated,
-// skipEmptyPackages = skipEmptyPackages,
-// reportUndocumented = reportUndocumented,
-// perPackageOptions = perPackageOptions.map {
-// PackageOptionsImpl(
-// prefix = it.prefix,
-// includeNonPublic = it.includeNonPublic,
-// reportUndocumented = it.reportUndocumented,
-// skipDeprecated = it.skipDeprecated,
-// suppress = it.suppress
-// )},
-// externalDocumentationLinks = externalDocumentationLinks.map { it.build() as ExternalDocumentationLinkImpl },
-// noStdlibLink = noStdlibLink,
-// noJdkLink = noJdkLink,
-// languageVersion = languageVersion,
-// apiVersion = apiVersion,
-// moduleName = moduleName,
-// suppressedFiles = emptyList(), // TODO: Should we implement this?
-// sinceKotlin = "1.0", // TODO: Should we implement this?
-// analysisPlatform = Platform.DEFAULT, // TODO: Should we implement this?
-// targets = emptyList(), // TODO: Should we implement this?
-// includeNonPublic = false, // TODO: Should we implement this?
-// includeRootPackage = false // TODO: Should we implement this?
-// )
val platforms = impliedPlatforms
val cacheRoot = cacheRoot
@@ -243,23 +188,42 @@ abstract class AbstractDokkaMojo : AbstractMojo() {
override val format = getOutFormat()
override val impliedPlatforms = platforms
override val cacheRoot = cacheRoot
- override val passesConfigurations = multiplatform
+ override val passesConfigurations = passConfigurationList
override val generateIndexPages = false // TODO: Should we implement this?
-// val configuration = DokkaConfigurationImpl(
-// outputDir = getOutDir(),
-// format = getOutFormat(),
-// impliedPlatforms = impliedPlatforms,
-// cacheRoot = cacheRoot,
-//// passesConfigurations = listOf(passConfiguration),
-// generateIndexPages = false // TODO: Should we implement this?
-// )
val gen = DokkaGenerator(configuration, MavenDokkaLogger(log))
+ private fun defaultPassConfiguration(passConfig: Multiplatform): Multiplatform {
+ passConfig.moduleName = moduleName
+ passConfig.classpath = classpath
+ passConfig.externalDocumentationLinks.map {
+ val builder = DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink.Builder(it.url, it.packageListUrl)
+ builder.build()
+ }
+ if(passConfig.platform.isNotEmpty()){
+ passConfig.analysisPlatform = Platform.fromString(passConfig.platform)
+ }
+ // todo fix
+ passConfig.sourceRoots = sourceDirectories.map {
+ val sourceRoot = SourceRoot()
+ sourceRoot.path = it
+ sourceRoot
+ } + passConfig.sourceRoots
+ passConfig.jdkVersion = jdkVersion
+ passConfig.noStdlibLink = noStdlibLink
+ passConfig.noJdkLink = noJdkLink
+// passConfig.sourceRoots = passConfig.sourceDirectories.map {
+// val sourceRoot = SourceRoot()
+// sourceRoot.path = it
+// sourceRoot
+// } + passConfig.sourceRoots
+ return passConfig
+ }
@Mojo(name = "dokka", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PRE_SITE, threadSafe = true, requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.COMPILE, requiresProject = true)