path: root/src/Markdown
diff options
authorIlya Ryzhenkov <orangy@jetbrains.com>2014-12-15 20:54:16 +0300
committerIlya Ryzhenkov <orangy@jetbrains.com>2014-12-15 20:54:16 +0300
commitc9ca0d86e810ac7240b249b145810f6862a58e93 (patch)
tree3ec593c2bcb6e54b9c5732b47445c5404caf09a1 /src/Markdown
parentbf6696b193d6a08d1d6c79d4c8e2a0564a286d7e (diff)
Migrate to non-PsiBuilder fully-featured markdown parser.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Markdown')
5 files changed, 74 insertions, 1998 deletions
diff --git a/src/Markdown/GeneratedParserUtilBase.java b/src/Markdown/GeneratedParserUtilBase.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dd999b5..00000000
--- a/src/Markdown/GeneratedParserUtilBase.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1031 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2011-2014 Gregory Shrago
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.Markdown;
-import com.intellij.lang.*;
-import com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderAdapter;
-import com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl;
-import com.intellij.lexer.Lexer;
-import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
-import com.intellij.openapi.util.Comparing;
-import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key;
-import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair;
-import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringHash;
-import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
-import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile;
-import com.intellij.psi.PsiReference;
-import com.intellij.psi.TokenType;
-import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.FileContextUtil;
-import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.CompositePsiElement;
-import com.intellij.psi.tree.ICompositeElementType;
-import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
-import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet;
-import com.intellij.util.Function;
-import com.intellij.util.PairProcessor;
-import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil;
-import com.intellij.util.containers.LimitedPool;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
- * @author gregsh
- */
-public class GeneratedParserUtilBase {
- private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("org.intellij.grammar.parser.GeneratedParserUtilBase");
- private static final int MAX_RECURSION_LEVEL = 1000;
- private static final int MAX_VARIANTS_SIZE = 10000;
- private static final int MAX_VARIANTS_TO_DISPLAY = 50;
- private static final int INITIAL_VARIANTS_SIZE = 1000;
- private static final int VARIANTS_POOL_SIZE = 10000;
- private static final int FRAMES_POOL_SIZE = 500;
- public static final IElementType DUMMY_BLOCK = new DummyBlockElementType();
- public interface Parser {
- boolean parse(PsiBuilder builder, int level);
- }
- public static final Parser TOKEN_ADVANCER = new Parser() {
- @Override
- public boolean parse(PsiBuilder builder, int level) {
- if (builder.eof()) return false;
- builder.advanceLexer();
- return true;
- }
- };
- public static final Parser TRUE_CONDITION = new Parser() {
- @Override
- public boolean parse(PsiBuilder builder, int level) {
- return true;
- }
- };
- public static boolean eof(PsiBuilder builder_, int level_) {
- return builder_.eof();
- }
- public static int current_position_(PsiBuilder builder_) {
- return builder_.rawTokenIndex();
- }
- public static boolean recursion_guard_(PsiBuilder builder_, int level_, String funcName_) {
- if (level_ > MAX_RECURSION_LEVEL) {
- builder_.error("Maximum recursion level (" + MAX_RECURSION_LEVEL + ") reached in '" + funcName_ + "'");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- public static boolean empty_element_parsed_guard_(PsiBuilder builder_, String funcName_, int prev_position_) {
- if (prev_position_ == current_position_(builder_)) {
- builder_.error("Empty element parsed in '" + funcName_ + "' at offset " + builder_.getCurrentOffset());
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- public static boolean invalid_left_marker_guard_(PsiBuilder builder_, PsiBuilder.Marker marker_, String funcName_) {
- //builder_.error("Invalid left marker encountered in " + funcName_ +" at offset " + builder_.getCurrentOffset());
- boolean goodMarker = marker_ != null; // && ((LighterASTNode)marker_).getTokenType() != TokenType.ERROR_ELEMENT;
- if (!goodMarker) return false;
- ErrorState state = ErrorState.get(builder_);
- return !state.frameStack.isEmpty();
- }
- public static TokenSet create_token_set_(IElementType... tokenTypes_) {
- return TokenSet.create(tokenTypes_);
- }
- private static boolean consumeTokens(PsiBuilder builder_, boolean smart, int pin, IElementType... tokens) {
- ErrorState state = ErrorState.get(builder_);
- if (state.completionState != null && state.predicateCount == 0) {
- addCompletionVariant(builder_, state.completionState, tokens);
- }
- // suppress single token completion
- CompletionState completionState = state.completionState;
- state.completionState = null;
- boolean result_ = true;
- boolean pinned_ = false;
- for (int i = 0, tokensLength = tokens.length; i < tokensLength; i++) {
- if (pin > 0 && i == pin) pinned_ = result_;
- if (result_ || pinned_) {
- boolean fast = smart && i == 0;
- if (!(fast ? consumeTokenFast(builder_, tokens[i]) : consumeToken(builder_, tokens[i]))) {
- result_ = false;
- if (pin < 0 || pinned_) report_error_(builder_, state, false);
- }
- }
- }
- state.completionState = completionState;
- return pinned_ || result_;
- }
- public static boolean consumeTokens(PsiBuilder builder_, int pin_, IElementType... token) {
- return consumeTokens(builder_, false, pin_, token);
- }
- public static boolean consumeTokensSmart(PsiBuilder builder_, int pin_, IElementType... token) {
- return consumeTokens(builder_, true, pin_, token);
- }
- public static boolean parseTokens(PsiBuilder builder_, int pin_, IElementType... tokens) {
- return parseTokens(builder_, false, pin_, tokens);
- }
- public static boolean parseTokensSmart(PsiBuilder builder_, int pin_, IElementType... tokens) {
- return parseTokens(builder_, true, pin_, tokens);
- }
- public static boolean parseTokens(PsiBuilder builder_, boolean smart, int pin_, IElementType... tokens) {
- PsiBuilder.Marker marker_ = builder_.mark();
- boolean result_ = consumeTokens(builder_, smart, pin_, tokens);
- if (!result_) {
- marker_.rollbackTo();
- }
- else {
- marker_.drop();
- }
- return result_;
- }
- public static boolean consumeTokenSmart(PsiBuilder builder_, IElementType token) {
- addCompletionVariantSmart(builder_, token);
- return consumeTokenFast(builder_, token);
- }
- public static boolean consumeTokenSmart(PsiBuilder builder_, String token) {
- addCompletionVariantSmart(builder_, token);
- return consumeTokenFast(builder_, token);
- }
- public static boolean consumeToken(PsiBuilder builder_, IElementType token) {
- addVariantSmart(builder_, token, true);
- if (nextTokenIsFast(builder_, token)) {
- builder_.advanceLexer();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public static boolean consumeTokenFast(PsiBuilder builder_, IElementType token) {
- if (nextTokenIsFast(builder_, token)) {
- builder_.advanceLexer();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public static boolean consumeToken(PsiBuilder builder_, String text) {
- return consumeToken(builder_, text, ErrorState.get(builder_).caseSensitive);
- }
- public static boolean consumeToken(PsiBuilder builder_, String text, boolean caseSensitive) {
- addVariantSmart(builder_, text, true);
- int count = nextTokenIsFast(builder_, text, caseSensitive);
- if (count > 0) {
- while (count-- > 0) builder_.advanceLexer();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public static boolean consumeTokenFast(PsiBuilder builder_, String text) {
- int count = nextTokenIsFast(builder_, text, ErrorState.get(builder_).caseSensitive);
- if (count > 0) {
- while (count-- > 0) builder_.advanceLexer();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public static boolean nextTokenIsFast(PsiBuilder builder_, IElementType token) {
- return builder_.getTokenType() == token;
- }
- public static boolean nextTokenIsFast(PsiBuilder builder_, IElementType... tokens) {
- IElementType tokenType = builder_.getTokenType();
- for (IElementType token : tokens) {
- if (token == tokenType) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public static boolean nextTokenIs(PsiBuilder builder_, String frameName, IElementType... tokens) {
- ErrorState state = ErrorState.get(builder_);
- if (state.completionState != null) return true;
- boolean track = !state.suppressErrors && state.predicateCount < 2 && state.predicateSign;
- if (!track) return nextTokenIsFast(builder_, tokens);
- IElementType tokenType = builder_.getTokenType();
- if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(frameName)) {
- addVariantInner(state, builder_.rawTokenIndex(), frameName);
- }
- else {
- for (IElementType token : tokens) {
- addVariant(builder_, state, token);
- }
- }
- if (tokenType == null) return false;
- for (IElementType token : tokens) {
- if (tokenType == token) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public static boolean nextTokenIs(PsiBuilder builder_, IElementType token) {
- if (!addVariantSmart(builder_, token, false)) return true;
- return nextTokenIsFast(builder_, token);
- }
- public static boolean nextTokenIs(PsiBuilder builder_, String tokenText) {
- if (!addVariantSmart(builder_, tokenText, false)) return true;
- return nextTokenIsFast(builder_, tokenText, ErrorState.get(builder_).caseSensitive) > 0;
- }
- public static boolean nextTokenIsFast(PsiBuilder builder_, String tokenText) {
- return nextTokenIsFast(builder_, tokenText, ErrorState.get(builder_).caseSensitive) > 0;
- }
- public static int nextTokenIsFast(PsiBuilder builder_, String tokenText, boolean caseSensitive) {
- CharSequence sequence = builder_.getOriginalText();
- int offset = builder_.getCurrentOffset();
- int endOffset = offset + tokenText.length();
- CharSequence subSequence = sequence.subSequence(offset, Math.min(endOffset, sequence.length()));
- if (!Comparing.equal(subSequence, tokenText, caseSensitive)) return 0;
- int count = 0;
- while (true) {
- int nextOffset = builder_.rawTokenTypeStart(++count);
- if (nextOffset > endOffset) {
- return -count;
- }
- else if (nextOffset == endOffset) {
- break;
- }
- }
- return count;
- }
- private static void addCompletionVariantSmart(PsiBuilder builder_, Object token) {
- ErrorState state = ErrorState.get(builder_);
- CompletionState completionState = state.completionState;
- if (completionState != null && state.predicateCount == 0) {
- addCompletionVariant(builder_, completionState, token);
- }
- }
- private static boolean addVariantSmart(PsiBuilder builder_, Object token, boolean force) {
- ErrorState state = ErrorState.get(builder_);
- // skip FIRST check in completion mode
- if (state.completionState != null && !force) return false;
- builder_.eof();
- if (!state.suppressErrors && state.predicateCount < 2) {
- addVariant(builder_, state, token);
- }
- return true;
- }
- public static void addVariant(PsiBuilder builder_, String text) {
- addVariant(builder_, ErrorState.get(builder_), text);
- }
- private static void addVariant(PsiBuilder builder_, ErrorState state, Object o) {
- builder_.eof(); // skip whitespaces
- addVariantInner(state, builder_.rawTokenIndex(), o);
- CompletionState completionState = state.completionState;
- if (completionState != null && state.predicateSign) {
- addCompletionVariant(builder_, completionState, o);
- }
- }
- private static void addVariantInner(ErrorState state, int pos, Object o) {
- Variant variant = state.VARIANTS.alloc().init(pos, o);
- if (state.predicateSign) {
- state.variants.add(variant);
- if (state.lastExpectedVariantPos < variant.position) {
- state.lastExpectedVariantPos = variant.position;
- }
- }
- else {
- state.unexpected.add(variant);
- }
- }
- private static void addCompletionVariant(@NotNull PsiBuilder builder_, @NotNull CompletionState completionState, Object o) {
- int offset = builder_.getCurrentOffset();
- if (!builder_.eof() && offset == builder_.rawTokenTypeStart(1)) return; // suppress for zero-length tokens
- boolean add = false;
- int diff = completionState.offset - offset;
- String text = completionState.convertItem(o);
- int length = text == null? 0 : text.length();
- if (length == 0) return;
- if (diff == 0) {
- add = true;
- }
- else if (diff > 0 && diff <= length) {
- CharSequence fragment = builder_.getOriginalText().subSequence(offset, completionState.offset);
- add = completionState.prefixMatches(fragment.toString(), text);
- }
- else if (diff < 0) {
- for (int i=-1; ; i--) {
- IElementType type = builder_.rawLookup(i);
- int tokenStart = builder_.rawTokenTypeStart(i);
- if (isWhitespaceOrComment(builder_, type)) {
- diff = completionState.offset - tokenStart;
- }
- else if (type != null && tokenStart < completionState.offset) {
- CharSequence fragment = builder_.getOriginalText().subSequence(tokenStart, completionState.offset);
- if (completionState.prefixMatches(fragment.toString(), text)) {
- diff = completionState.offset - tokenStart;
- }
- break;
- }
- else break;
- }
- add = diff >= 0 && diff < length;
- }
- add = add && length > 1 && !(text.charAt(0) == '<' && text.charAt(length - 1) == '>') &&
- !(text.charAt(0) == '\'' && text.charAt(length - 1) == '\'' && length < 5);
- if (add) {
- completionState.addItem(builder_, text);
- }
- }
- public static boolean isWhitespaceOrComment(@NotNull PsiBuilder builder_, @Nullable IElementType type) {
- return ((PsiBuilderImpl)((Builder)builder_).getDelegate()).whitespaceOrComment(type);
- }
- // here's the new section API for compact parsers & less IntelliJ platform API exposure
- public static final int _NONE_ = 0x0;
- public static final int _COLLAPSE_ = 0x1;
- public static final int _LEFT_ = 0x2;
- public static final int _LEFT_INNER_ = 0x4;
- public static final int _AND_ = 0x8;
- public static final int _NOT_ = 0x10;
- // simple enter/exit methods pair that doesn't require frame object
- public static PsiBuilder.Marker enter_section_(PsiBuilder builder_) {
- return builder_.mark();
- }
- public static void exit_section_(PsiBuilder builder_,
- PsiBuilder.Marker marker,
- @Nullable IElementType elementType,
- boolean result) {
- close_marker_impl_(ErrorState.get(builder_).frameStack.peekLast(), marker, elementType, result);
- }
- // complex enter/exit methods pair with frame object
- public static PsiBuilder.Marker enter_section_(PsiBuilder builder_, int level, int modifiers, @Nullable String frameName) {
- PsiBuilder.Marker marker = builder_.mark();
- enter_section_impl_(builder_, level, modifiers, frameName);
- return marker;
- }
- private static void enter_section_impl_(PsiBuilder builder_, int level, int modifiers, @Nullable String frameName) {
- ErrorState state = ErrorState.get(builder_);
- Frame frame = state.FRAMES.alloc().init(builder_, state, level, modifiers, frameName);
- Frame prevFrame = state.frameStack.peekLast();
- if (prevFrame != null && prevFrame.errorReportedAt > frame.position) {
- // report error for previous unsuccessful frame
- reportError(builder_, state, frame, true, false);
- }
- if (((frame.modifiers & _LEFT_) | (frame.modifiers & _LEFT_INNER_)) != 0) {
- PsiBuilder.Marker left = (PsiBuilder.Marker)builder_.getLatestDoneMarker();
- if (invalid_left_marker_guard_(builder_, left, frameName)) {
- frame.leftMarker = left;
- }
- }
- state.frameStack.add(frame);
- if ((modifiers & _AND_) != 0) {
- if (state.predicateCount == 0 && !state.predicateSign) {
- throw new AssertionError("Incorrect false predicate sign");
- }
- state.predicateCount++;
- }
- else if ((modifiers & _NOT_) != 0) {
- if (state.predicateCount == 0) {
- state.predicateSign = false;
- }
- else {
- state.predicateSign = !state.predicateSign;
- }
- state.predicateCount++;
- }
- }
- public static void exit_section_(PsiBuilder builder_,
- int level,
- PsiBuilder.Marker marker,
- @Nullable IElementType elementType,
- boolean result,
- boolean pinned,
- @Nullable Parser eatMore) {
- ErrorState state = ErrorState.get(builder_);
- Frame frame = state.frameStack.pollLast();
- if (frame == null || level != frame.level) {
- LOG.error("Unbalanced error section: got " + frame + ", expected level " + level);
- if (frame != null) state.FRAMES.recycle(frame);
- close_marker_impl_(frame, marker, elementType, result);
- return;
- }
- if (((frame.modifiers & _AND_) | (frame.modifiers & _NOT_)) != 0) {
- close_marker_impl_(frame, marker, null, false);
- state.predicateCount--;
- if ((frame.modifiers & _NOT_) != 0) state.predicateSign = !state.predicateSign;
- state.FRAMES.recycle(frame);
- return;
- }
- exit_section_impl_(state, frame, builder_, marker, elementType, result, pinned);
- int initialPos = builder_.rawTokenIndex();
- boolean willFail = !result && !pinned;
- if (willFail && initialPos == frame.position && state.lastExpectedVariantPos == frame.position &&
- frame.name != null && state.variants.size() - frame.variantCount > 1) {
- state.clearVariants(true, frame.variantCount);
- addVariantInner(state, initialPos, frame.name);
- }
- int lastErrorPos = getLastVariantPos(state, initialPos);
- if (!state.suppressErrors && eatMore != null) {
- state.suppressErrors = true;
- final boolean eatMoreFlagOnce = !builder_.eof() && eatMore.parse(builder_, frame.level + 1);
- boolean eatMoreFlag = eatMoreFlagOnce || !result && frame.position == initialPos && lastErrorPos > frame.position;
- PsiBuilderImpl.ProductionMarker latestDoneMarker =
- (pinned || result) && (state.altMode || elementType != null) &&
- eatMoreFlagOnce ? (PsiBuilderImpl.ProductionMarker)builder_.getLatestDoneMarker() : null;
- PsiBuilder.Marker extensionMarker = null;
- IElementType extensionTokenType = null;
- // whitespace prefix makes the very first frame offset bigger than marker start offset which is always 0
- if (latestDoneMarker instanceof PsiBuilder.Marker &&
- frame.position >= latestDoneMarker.getStartIndex() &&
- frame.position <= latestDoneMarker.getEndIndex()) {
- extensionMarker = ((PsiBuilder.Marker)latestDoneMarker).precede();
- extensionTokenType = latestDoneMarker.getTokenType();
- ((PsiBuilder.Marker)latestDoneMarker).drop();
- }
- // advance to the last error pos
- // skip tokens until lastErrorPos. parseAsTree might look better here...
- int parenCount = 0;
- while ((eatMoreFlag || parenCount > 0) && builder_.rawTokenIndex() < lastErrorPos) {
- builder_.advanceLexer();
- eatMoreFlag = eatMore.parse(builder_, frame.level + 1);
- }
- boolean errorReported = frame.errorReportedAt == initialPos || !result && frame.errorReportedAt >= frame.position;
- if (errorReported) {
- if (eatMoreFlag) {
- builder_.advanceLexer();
- parseAsTree(state, builder_, frame.level + 1, DUMMY_BLOCK, true, TOKEN_ADVANCER, eatMore);
- }
- }
- else if (eatMoreFlag) {
- errorReported = reportError(builder_, state, frame, true, true);
- parseAsTree(state, builder_, frame.level + 1, DUMMY_BLOCK, true, TOKEN_ADVANCER, eatMore);
- }
- else if (eatMoreFlagOnce || (!result && frame.position != builder_.rawTokenIndex()) || frame.errorReportedAt > initialPos) {
- errorReported = reportError(builder_, state, frame, true, false);
- }
- if (extensionMarker != null) {
- extensionMarker.done(extensionTokenType);
- }
- state.suppressErrors = false;
- if (errorReported || result) {
- state.clearVariants(true, 0);
- state.clearVariants(false, 0);
- state.lastExpectedVariantPos = -1;
- }
- }
- else if (!result && pinned && frame.errorReportedAt < 0) {
- // do not report if there are errors beyond current position
- if (lastErrorPos == initialPos) {
- // do not force, inner recoverRoot might have skipped some tokens
- reportError(builder_, state, frame, false, false);
- }
- else if (lastErrorPos > initialPos) {
- // set error pos here as if it is reported for future reference
- frame.errorReportedAt = lastErrorPos;
- }
- }
- // propagate errorReportedAt up the stack to avoid duplicate reporting
- Frame prevFrame = willFail && eatMore == null ? null : state.frameStack.peekLast();
- if (prevFrame != null && prevFrame.errorReportedAt < frame.errorReportedAt) {
- prevFrame.errorReportedAt = frame.errorReportedAt;
- }
- state.FRAMES.recycle(frame);
- }
- private static void exit_section_impl_(ErrorState state,
- Frame frame,
- PsiBuilder builder_,
- PsiBuilder.Marker marker,
- IElementType elementType,
- boolean result,
- boolean pinned) {
- if (elementType != null && marker != null) {
- if ((frame.modifiers & _COLLAPSE_) != 0) {
- PsiBuilderImpl.ProductionMarker last = result || pinned? (PsiBuilderImpl.ProductionMarker)builder_.getLatestDoneMarker() : null;
- if (last != null && last.getStartIndex() == frame.position &&
- state.typeExtends(last.getTokenType(), elementType)) {
- IElementType resultType = last.getTokenType();
- ((PsiBuilder.Marker)last).drop();
- marker.done(resultType);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (result || pinned) {
- if ((frame.modifiers & _LEFT_INNER_) != 0 && frame.leftMarker != null) {
- marker.done(elementType);
- frame.leftMarker.precede().done(((LighterASTNode)frame.leftMarker).getTokenType());
- frame.leftMarker.drop();
- }
- else if ((frame.modifiers & _LEFT_) != 0 && frame.leftMarker != null) {
- marker.drop();
- frame.leftMarker.precede().done(elementType);
- }
- else {
- if (frame.level == 0) builder_.eof(); // skip whitespaces
- marker.done(elementType);
- }
- }
- else {
- close_marker_impl_(frame, marker, null, false);
- }
- }
- else if (result || pinned) {
- if (marker != null) marker.drop();
- if ((frame.modifiers & _LEFT_INNER_) != 0 && frame.leftMarker != null) {
- frame.leftMarker.precede().done(((LighterASTNode)frame.leftMarker).getTokenType());
- frame.leftMarker.drop();
- }
- }
- else {
- close_marker_impl_(frame, marker, null, false);
- }
- }
- private static void close_marker_impl_(Frame frame, PsiBuilder.Marker marker, IElementType elementType, boolean result) {
- if (marker == null) return;
- if (result) {
- if (elementType != null) {
- marker.done(elementType);
- }
- else {
- marker.drop();
- }
- }
- else {
- if (frame != null) {
- int position = ((PsiBuilderImpl.ProductionMarker)marker).getStartIndex();
- if (frame.errorReportedAt > position) {
- frame.errorReportedAt = frame.errorReportedAtPrev;
- }
- }
- marker.rollbackTo();
- }
- }
- public static boolean report_error_(PsiBuilder builder_, boolean result_) {
- if (!result_) report_error_(builder_, ErrorState.get(builder_), false);
- return result_;
- }
- public static void report_error_(PsiBuilder builder_, ErrorState state, boolean advance) {
- Frame frame = state.frameStack.isEmpty()? null : state.frameStack.getLast();
- if (frame == null) {
- LOG.error("unbalanced enter/exit section call: got null");
- return;
- }
- int position = builder_.rawTokenIndex();
- if (frame.errorReportedAt < position && getLastVariantPos(state, position + 1) <= position) {
- reportError(builder_, state, frame, true, advance);
- }
- }
- private static int getLastVariantPos(ErrorState state, int defValue) {
- return state.lastExpectedVariantPos < 0? defValue : state.lastExpectedVariantPos;
- }
- private static boolean reportError(PsiBuilder builder_,
- ErrorState state,
- Frame frame,
- boolean force,
- boolean advance) {
- String expectedText = state.getExpectedText(builder_);
- boolean notEmpty = StringUtil.isNotEmpty(expectedText);
- if (force || notEmpty || advance) {
- String gotText = builder_.eof()? "unexpected end of file" :
- notEmpty? "got '" + builder_.getTokenText() +"'" :
- "'" + builder_.getTokenText() +"' unexpected";
- String message = expectedText + gotText;
- if (advance) {
- PsiBuilder.Marker mark = builder_.mark();
- builder_.advanceLexer();
- mark.error(message);
- }
- else {
- builder_.error(message);
- }
- builder_.eof(); // skip whitespaces
- frame.errorReportedAt = builder_.rawTokenIndex();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public static final Key<CompletionState> COMPLETION_STATE_KEY = Key.create("COMPLETION_STATE_KEY");
- public static class CompletionState implements Function<Object, String> {
- public final int offset;
- public final Collection<String> items = ContainerUtil.newTroveSet();
- public CompletionState(int offset_) {
- offset = offset_;
- }
- @Nullable
- public String convertItem(Object o) {
- return o instanceof Object[] ? StringUtil.join((Object[]) o, this, " ") : o.toString();
- }
- @Override
- public String fun(Object o) {
- return o.toString();
- }
- public void addItem(@NotNull PsiBuilder builder, @NotNull String text) {
- items.add(text);
- }
- public boolean prefixMatches(@NotNull String prefix, @NotNull String variant) {
- return StringUtil.startsWithIgnoreCase(variant, prefix);
- }
- }
- public static class Builder extends PsiBuilderAdapter {
- public final ErrorState state;
- public final PsiParser parser;
- public Builder(PsiBuilder builder_, ErrorState state_, PsiParser parser_) {
- super(builder_);
- state = state_;
- parser = parser_;
- }
- public Lexer getLexer() {
- return ((PsiBuilderImpl)myDelegate).getLexer();
- }
- }
- public static PsiBuilder adapt_builder_(IElementType root, PsiBuilder builder, PsiParser parser) {
- return adapt_builder_(root, builder, parser, null);
- }
- public static PsiBuilder adapt_builder_(IElementType root, PsiBuilder builder, PsiParser parser, TokenSet[] extendsSets) {
- ErrorState state = new ErrorState();
- ErrorState.initState(state, builder, root, extendsSets);
- return new Builder(builder, state, parser);
- }
- public static class ErrorState {
- TokenSet[] extendsSets;
- public PairProcessor<IElementType, IElementType> altExtendsChecker;
- int predicateCount;
- boolean predicateSign = true;
- boolean suppressErrors;
- public final LinkedList<Frame> frameStack = new LinkedList<Frame>();
- public CompletionState completionState;
- private boolean caseSensitive;
- public boolean altMode;
- int lastExpectedVariantPos = -1;
- MyList<Variant> variants = new MyList<Variant>(INITIAL_VARIANTS_SIZE);
- MyList<Variant> unexpected = new MyList<Variant>(INITIAL_VARIANTS_SIZE / 10);
- final LimitedPool<Variant> VARIANTS = new LimitedPool<Variant>(VARIANTS_POOL_SIZE, new LimitedPool.ObjectFactory<Variant>() {
- @Override
- public Variant create() {
- return new Variant();
- }
- @Override
- public void cleanup(final Variant o) {
- }
- });
- final LimitedPool<Frame> FRAMES = new LimitedPool<Frame>(FRAMES_POOL_SIZE, new LimitedPool.ObjectFactory<Frame>() {
- @Override
- public Frame create() {
- return new Frame();
- }
- @Override
- public void cleanup(final Frame o) {
- }
- });
- public static ErrorState get(PsiBuilder builder) {
- return ((Builder)builder).state;
- }
- public static void initState(ErrorState state, PsiBuilder builder, IElementType root, TokenSet[] extendsSets) {
- state.extendsSets = extendsSets;
- PsiFile file = builder.getUserDataUnprotected(FileContextUtil.CONTAINING_FILE_KEY);
- state.completionState = file == null? null: file.getUserData(COMPLETION_STATE_KEY);
- Language language = file == null? root.getLanguage() : file.getLanguage();
- state.caseSensitive = language.isCaseSensitive();
- }
- public String getExpectedText(PsiBuilder builder_) {
- int position = builder_.rawTokenIndex();
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- if (addExpected(sb, position, true)) {
- sb.append(" expected, ");
- }
- else if (addExpected(sb, position, false)) sb.append(" unexpected, ");
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private boolean addExpected(StringBuilder sb, int position, boolean expected) {
- MyList<Variant> list = expected ? variants : unexpected;
- String[] strings = new String[list.size()];
- long[] hashes = new long[strings.length];
- Arrays.fill(strings, "");
- int count = 0;
- loop: for (Variant variant : list) {
- if (position == variant.position) {
- String text = variant.object.toString();
- long hash = StringHash.calc(text);
- for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
- if (hashes[i] == hash) continue loop;
- }
- hashes[count] = hash;
- strings[count] = text;
- count++;
- }
- }
- Arrays.sort(strings);
- count = 0;
- for (String s : strings) {
- if (s.length() == 0) continue;
- if (count++ > 0) {
- if (count > MAX_VARIANTS_TO_DISPLAY) {
- sb.append(" and ...");
- break;
- }
- else {
- sb.append(", ");
- }
- }
- char c = s.charAt(0);
- String displayText = c == '<' || StringUtil.isJavaIdentifierStart(c) ? s : '\'' + s + '\'';
- sb.append(displayText);
- }
- if (count > 1 && count < MAX_VARIANTS_TO_DISPLAY) {
- int idx = sb.lastIndexOf(", ");
- sb.replace(idx, idx + 1, " or");
- }
- return count > 0;
- }
- public void clearVariants(boolean expected, int start) {
- MyList<Variant> list = expected? variants : unexpected;
- if (start < 0 || start >= list.size()) return;
- for (int i = start, len = list.size(); i < len; i ++) {
- VARIANTS.recycle(list.get(i));
- }
- list.setSize(start);
- }
- boolean typeExtends(IElementType child_, IElementType parent_) {
- if (child_ == parent_) return true;
- if (extendsSets != null) {
- for (TokenSet set : extendsSets) {
- if (set.contains(child_) && set.contains(parent_)) return true;
- }
- }
- return altExtendsChecker != null && altExtendsChecker.process(child_, parent_);
- }
- }
- public static class Frame {
- public int offset;
- public int position;
- public int level;
- public int modifiers;
- public String name;
- public int variantCount;
- public int errorReportedAt;
- public int errorReportedAtPrev;
- public PsiBuilder.Marker leftMarker;
- public Frame() {
- }
- public Frame init(PsiBuilder builder_, ErrorState state, int level_, int modifiers_, String name_) {
- offset = builder_.getCurrentOffset();
- position = builder_.rawTokenIndex();
- level = level_;
- modifiers = modifiers_;
- name = name_;
- variantCount = state.variants.size();
- errorReportedAt = -1;
- Frame prev = state.frameStack.peekLast();
- errorReportedAtPrev = prev == null? -1 : prev.errorReportedAt;
- leftMarker = null;
- return this;
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- String mod = modifiers == _NONE_ ? "_NONE_, " :
- ((modifiers & _COLLAPSE_) != 0? "_CAN_COLLAPSE_, ": "") +
- ((modifiers & _LEFT_) != 0? "_LEFT_, ": "") +
- ((modifiers & _LEFT_INNER_) != 0? "_LEFT_INNER_, ": "") +
- ((modifiers & _AND_) != 0? "_AND_, ": "") +
- ((modifiers & _NOT_) != 0? "_NOT_, ": "");
- return String.format("{%s:%s:%d, %d, %s%s}", offset, position, level, errorReportedAt, mod, name);
- }
- }
- private static class Variant {
- int position;
- Object object;
- public Variant init(int pos, Object o) {
- position = pos;
- object = o;
- return this;
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return "<" + position + ", " + object + ">";
- }
- @Override
- public boolean equals(Object o) {
- if (this == o) return true;
- if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
- Variant variant = (Variant)o;
- if (position != variant.position) return false;
- if (!this.object.equals(variant.object)) return false;
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public int hashCode() {
- int result = position;
- result = 31 * result + object.hashCode();
- return result;
- }
- }
- private static final int MAX_CHILDREN_IN_TREE = 10;
- public static boolean parseAsTree(ErrorState state, final PsiBuilder builder_, int level, final IElementType chunkType,
- boolean checkBraces, final Parser parser, final Parser eatMoreCondition) {
- final LinkedList<Pair<PsiBuilder.Marker, PsiBuilder.Marker>> parenList = new LinkedList<Pair<PsiBuilder.Marker, PsiBuilder.Marker>>();
- final LinkedList<Pair<PsiBuilder.Marker, Integer>> siblingList = new LinkedList<Pair<PsiBuilder.Marker, Integer>>();
- PsiBuilder.Marker marker = null;
- final Runnable checkSiblingsRunnable = new Runnable() {
- @Override
- public void run() {
- main:
- while (!siblingList.isEmpty()) {
- final Pair<PsiBuilder.Marker, PsiBuilder.Marker> parenPair = parenList.peek();
- final int rating = siblingList.getFirst().second;
- int count = 0;
- for (Pair<PsiBuilder.Marker, Integer> pair : siblingList) {
- if (pair.second != rating || parenPair != null && pair.first == parenPair.second) break main;
- if (++count >= MAX_CHILDREN_IN_TREE) {
- final PsiBuilder.Marker parentMarker = pair.first.precede();
- while (count-- > 0) {
- siblingList.removeFirst();
- }
- parentMarker.done(chunkType);
- siblingList.addFirst(Pair.create(parentMarker, rating + 1));
- continue main;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- int totalCount = 0;
- int tokenCount = 0;
- while (true) {
- final IElementType tokenType = builder_.getTokenType();
- if (marker == null) {
- marker = builder_.mark();
- }
- final boolean result = (!parenList.isEmpty() || eatMoreCondition.parse(builder_, level + 1)) && parser.parse(builder_, level + 1);
- if (result) {
- tokenCount++;
- totalCount++;
- }
- if (!result) {
- break;
- }
- if (tokenCount >= MAX_CHILDREN_IN_TREE && marker != null) {
- marker.done(chunkType);
- siblingList.addFirst(Pair.create(marker, 1));
- checkSiblingsRunnable.run();
- marker = null;
- tokenCount = 0;
- }
- }
- if (marker != null) {
- marker.drop();
- }
- for (Pair<PsiBuilder.Marker, PsiBuilder.Marker> pair : parenList) {
- pair.first.drop();
- }
- return totalCount != 0;
- }
- private static class DummyBlockElementType extends IElementType implements ICompositeElementType{
- DummyBlockElementType() {
- super("DUMMY_BLOCK", Language.ANY);
- }
- @NotNull
- @Override
- public ASTNode createCompositeNode() {
- return new DummyBlock();
- }
- }
- public static class DummyBlock extends CompositePsiElement {
- DummyBlock() {
- super(DUMMY_BLOCK);
- }
- @NotNull
- @Override
- public PsiReference[] getReferences() {
- return PsiReference.EMPTY_ARRAY;
- }
- @NotNull
- @Override
- public Language getLanguage() {
- return getParent().getLanguage();
- }
- }
- private static class MyList<E> extends ArrayList<E> {
- MyList(int initialCapacity) {
- super(initialCapacity);
- }
- protected void setSize(int fromIndex) {
- removeRange(fromIndex, size());
- }
- @Override
- public boolean add(E e) {
- int size = size();
- if (size >= MAX_VARIANTS_SIZE) {
- removeRange(MAX_VARIANTS_SIZE / 4, size - MAX_VARIANTS_SIZE / 4);
- }
- return super.add(e);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/Markdown/MarkdownProcessor.kt b/src/Markdown/MarkdownProcessor.kt
index 040f2ad5..b5e18f92 100644
--- a/src/Markdown/MarkdownProcessor.kt
+++ b/src/Markdown/MarkdownProcessor.kt
@@ -1,80 +1,34 @@
package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import org.jetbrains.markdown.*
-import com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl
-import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet
-import com.intellij.lang.Language
-import com.intellij.psi.tree.IFileElementType
-import com.intellij.lang.LighterASTNode
-import com.intellij.util.diff.FlyweightCapableTreeStructure
-import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref
-import org.jetbrains.markdown.lexer.MarkdownLexer
-import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType
+import net.nicoulaj.idea.markdown.lang.ast.*
+import net.nicoulaj.idea.markdown.lang.parser.dialects.commonmark.*
+import net.nicoulaj.idea.markdown.lang.parser.*
+import net.nicoulaj.idea.markdown.lang.*
-public object MarkdownProcessor {
- val EXPR_LANGUAGE = object : Language("MARKDOWN") {}
- public fun parse(markdown: String): MarkdownTree {
- val parser = MarkdownParser()
- val builder = PsiBuilderImpl(null, null, TokenSet.EMPTY, TokenSet.EMPTY, MarkdownLexer(), null, markdown, null, null)
- parser.parse_only_(DOCUMENT, builder)
- val light = builder.getLightTree()!!
- return MarkdownTree(markdown, light)
- }
+class MarkdownNode(val node: ASTNode, val markdown: String) {
+ val children: List<MarkdownNode> get() = node.children.map { MarkdownNode(it, markdown) }
+ val endOffset: Int get() = node.endOffset
+ val startOffset: Int get() = node.startOffset
+ val type: IElementType get() = node.type
+ val text: String get() = markdown.substring(startOffset, endOffset)
+ fun child(type: IElementType): MarkdownNode? = children.firstOrNull { it.type == type }
-public class MarkdownTree(private val text: String, private val structure: FlyweightCapableTreeStructure<LighterASTNode>) {
- fun visit(action: (LighterASTNode, String, visitChildren: () -> Unit) -> Unit) {
- visit(structure.getRoot(), action)
- }
- fun findChildByType(node: LighterASTNode, findType: IElementType) : LighterASTNode? {
- val ref: Ref<Array<LighterASTNode>?> = Ref.create<Array<LighterASTNode>?>()
- val count = structure.getChildren(node, ref)
- val children = ref.get()
- if (children != null) {
- for (index in 0..count - 1) {
- val child = children[index]
- val nodeType = child.getTokenType()
- if (nodeType == findType)
- return child
- val nestedChild = findChildByType(child, findType)
- if (nestedChild != null)
- return nestedChild
- }
- }
- return null
- }
- fun getNodeText(node: LighterASTNode) : String {
- return text.substring(node.getStartOffset(), node.getEndOffset())
- }
- fun visit(node: LighterASTNode, action: (LighterASTNode, String, visitChildren: () -> Unit) -> Unit) {
- action(node, text) {
- val ref : Ref<Array<LighterASTNode>?> = Ref.create<Array<LighterASTNode>?>()
- val count = structure.getChildren(node, ref)
- val children = ref.get()
- if (children != null) {
- for (index in 0..count - 1) {
- val child = children[index]
- visit(child, action)
- }
- }
+fun MarkdownNode.visit(action: (MarkdownNode, () -> Unit) -> Unit) {
+ action(this) {
+ for (child in children) {
+ child.visit(action)
-public fun MarkdownTree.toTestString(): String {
+public fun MarkdownNode.toTestString(): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
var level = 0
- visit {(node, text, visitChildren) ->
- val nodeText = text.substring(node.getStartOffset(), node.getEndOffset())
+ visit {(node, visitChildren) ->
sb.append(" ".repeat(level * 2))
- sb.append(node.getTokenType().toString())
- sb.append(":" + nodeText.replace("\n", "\u23CE"))
+ sb.append(node.type.toString())
+ sb.append(":" + node.text.replace("\n", "\u23CE"))
@@ -83,26 +37,23 @@ public fun MarkdownTree.toTestString(): String {
return sb.toString()
-public fun MarkdownTree.toHtml(): String {
+public fun MarkdownNode.toHtml(): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
- visit {(node, text, processChildren) ->
- val nodeType = node.getTokenType()
- val nodeText = text.substring(node.getStartOffset(), node.getEndOffset())
+ visit {(node, processChildren) ->
+ val nodeType = node.type
+ val nodeText = node.text
when (nodeType) {
- MarkdownElementTypes.BULLET_LIST -> {
+ MarkdownElementTypes.UNORDERED_LIST -> {
- MarkdownElementTypes.HORIZONTAL_RULE -> {
- sb.appendln("<hr/>")
- }
MarkdownElementTypes.ORDERED_LIST -> {
- MarkdownElementTypes.LIST_BLOCK -> {
+ MarkdownElementTypes.LIST_ITEM -> {
@@ -117,20 +68,54 @@ public fun MarkdownTree.toHtml(): String {
- MarkdownElementTypes.PLAIN_TEXT -> {
- sb.append(nodeText)
+ MarkdownElementTypes.ATX_1 -> {
+ sb.append("<h1>")
+ processChildren()
+ sb.append("</h1>")
- MarkdownElementTypes.END_LINE -> {
- sb.appendln()
+ MarkdownElementTypes.ATX_2 -> {
+ sb.append("<h2>")
+ processChildren()
+ sb.append("</h2>")
- MarkdownElementTypes.BLANK_LINE -> {
- sb.appendln()
+ MarkdownElementTypes.ATX_3 -> {
+ sb.append("<h3>")
+ processChildren()
+ sb.append("</h3>")
+ }
+ MarkdownElementTypes.ATX_4 -> {
+ sb.append("<h4>")
+ processChildren()
+ sb.append("</h4>")
+ }
+ MarkdownElementTypes.ATX_5 -> {
+ sb.append("<h5>")
+ processChildren()
+ sb.append("</h5>")
+ }
+ MarkdownElementTypes.ATX_6 -> {
+ sb.append("<h6>")
+ processChildren()
+ sb.append("</h6>")
- MarkdownElementTypes.PARA -> {
+ MarkdownElementTypes.BLOCK_QUOTE -> {
+ sb.append("<blockquote>")
+ processChildren()
+ sb.append("</blockquote>")
+ }
+ MarkdownElementTypes.PARAGRAPH -> {
+ MarkdownTokenTypes.CODE -> {
+ sb.append("<pre><code>")
+ sb.append(nodeText)
+ sb.append("</code><pre>")
+ }
+ MarkdownTokenTypes.TEXT -> {
+ sb.append(nodeText)
+ }
else -> {
@@ -139,9 +124,16 @@ public fun MarkdownTree.toHtml(): String {
return sb.toString()
+fun parseMarkdown(markdown: String): MarkdownNode {
+ if (markdown.isEmpty())
+ return MarkdownNode(LeafASTNode(MarkdownElementTypes.MARKDOWN_FILE, 0, 0), markdown)
+ return MarkdownNode(MarkdownParser(CommonMarkMarkerProcessor()).buildMarkdownTreeFromString(markdown), markdown)
fun markdownToHtml(markdown: String): String {
- val markdownTree = MarkdownProcessor.parse(markdown)
+ val tree = MarkdownParser(CommonMarkMarkerProcessor()).buildMarkdownTreeFromString(markdown)
+ val markdownTree = MarkdownNode(tree, markdown)
val ast = markdownTree.toTestString()
return markdownTree.toHtml()
diff --git a/src/Markdown/MarkdownTokenType.kt b/src/Markdown/MarkdownTokenType.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 293228c3..00000000
--- a/src/Markdown/MarkdownTokenType.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.Markdown
-import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType
-public class MarkdownTokenType(debugName: String) : IElementType(debugName, null) {
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Markdown/markdown.bnf b/src/Markdown/markdown.bnf
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e4979ec..00000000
--- a/src/Markdown/markdown.bnf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
- psiPackage = 'org.jetbrains.markdown'
- psiImplPackage = 'org.jetbrains.markdown.impl'
- parserClass="org.jetbrains.markdown.MarkdownParser"
- parserUtilClass="org.jetbrains.dokka.Markdown.GeneratedParserUtilBase"
- elementTypeHolderClass = 'org.jetbrains.markdown.MarkdownElementTypes'
- tokenTypeClass = 'org.jetbrains.dokka.Markdown.MarkdownTokenType'
- generatePsi = false
- tokens=[
- Number
- Word
- ]
-Document ::= BOM? Whitespace* AnonymousSection? (Whitespace* NamedSection)*
-AnonymousSection ::= SectionBody
-NamedSection ::= SectionHeader SectionBody
-private SectionHeader ::= '$' SectionName OptionalSpace ':' OptionalSpace
-SectionName ::= SectionNameStart | '{' OptionalSpace SectionNameStart (Space+ Word)* OptionalSpace '}'
-private SectionNameStart ::= '$'? Word
-SectionBody::= Block*
-Unused ::= Special
-BlankLine ::= OptionalSpace EOL
-Whitespace ::= Space | EOL | EOP
-private OptionalSpace ::= Space*
-private NonindentSpace ::= (" " | " " | " ")?
-EndLine ::= TerminalEndline | NormalEndline
-private NormalEndline ::= EOL !BlankLine
-private TerminalEndline ::= OptionalSpace <<eof>>
-private Indent ::= "\t" | " "
-// ---- BLOCKS ----
-Block ::= BlankLine* (
- OrderedList
- | BulletList
- | HorizontalRule
- | Directive
- | Para
- )
-Para ::= Inlines (EOP | Space* <<eof>>)?
-HorizontalRule ::= NonindentSpace
- ( '*' OptionalSpace '*' OptionalSpace '*' (OptionalSpace '*')*
- | '-' OptionalSpace '-' OptionalSpace '-' (OptionalSpace '-')*
- | '_' OptionalSpace '_' OptionalSpace '_' (OptionalSpace '_')*)
- OptionalSpace EOL BlankLine+
-Directive ::= '{' DirectiveName Space+ DirectiveParams '}'
-DirectiveName ::= Word
-DirectiveParams ::= PlainText
-Bullet ::= !HorizontalRule NonindentSpace ('+' | '*' | '-') Space+
-Enumerator ::= NonindentSpace Number '.' Space+
-BulletList ::= &Bullet List
-OrderedList ::= &Enumerator List
-private List ::= (ListItem BlankLine*)+
-ListItem ::= (Bullet | Enumerator) ListBlock ( ListContinuationBlock )*
-ListBlock ::= !BlankLine Inlines ( ListBlockLine )*
-ListBlockLine ::= !BlankLine !(Indent? (Bullet | Enumerator)) !HorizontalRule Indent? Inlines
-ListContinuationBlock ::= BlankLine* (Indent ListBlock)+
-// ---- INLINES ----
-private Inlines ::= (!EndLine Inline | EndLine &Inline )+ EndLine?
-Inline ::= Strong | Emph | Code | Link | PlainText
-PlainText ::= (Word | Number | Space | ':')+
-Emph ::= EmphStar | EmphUnderscore
-private EmphStar ::= '*' !Whitespace (!'*' Inline)+ '*'
-private EmphUnderscore ::= '_' !Whitespace (!'_' Inline)+ '_'
-Code ::= '`' !Whitespace (!'`' Inline)+ '`'
-Strong ::= StrongStar | StrongUnderscore
-StrongStar ::= '**' !Whitespace (!'**' Inline)+ '**'
-StrongUnderscore ::= '__' !Whitespace (!'__' Inline)+ '__'
-Link ::= '[' Target ']' ('(' Href ')')?
-Target ::= Word+
-Href ::= (Word | Number | ':' | '/')+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Markdown/markdown.leg b/src/Markdown/markdown.leg
deleted file mode 100644
index ea8bc522..00000000
--- a/src/Markdown/markdown.leg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,781 +0,0 @@
- markdown_parser.leg - markdown parser in C using a PEG grammar.
- (c) 2008 John MacFarlane (jgm at berkeley dot edu).
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License or the MIT
- license. See LICENSE for details.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- ***********************************************************************/
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "markdown_peg.h"
-#include "utility_functions.h"
- Definitions for leg parser generator.
- YY_INPUT is the function the parser calls to get new input.
- We take all new input from (static) charbuf.
- ***********************************************************************/
-# define YYSTYPE element *
-#ifdef __DEBUG__
-# define YY_DEBUG 1
-#define YY_INPUT(buf, result, max_size) \
-{ \
- int yyc; \
- if (charbuf && *charbuf != '\0') { \
- yyc= *charbuf++; \
- } else { \
- yyc= EOF; \
- } \
- result= (EOF == yyc) ? 0 : (*(buf)= yyc, 1); \
-#define YY_RULE(T) T
- PEG grammar and parser actions for markdown syntax.
- ***********************************************************************/
-Doc = BOM? a:StartList ( Block { a = cons($$, a); } )*
- { parse_result = reverse(a); }
-Block = BlankLine*
- ( BlockQuote
- | Verbatim
- | Note
- | Reference
- | HorizontalRule
- | Heading
- | OrderedList
- | BulletList
- | HtmlBlock
- | StyleBlock
- | Para
- | Plain )
-Para = NonindentSpace a:Inlines BlankLine+
- { $$ = a; $$->key = PARA; }
-Plain = a:Inlines
- { $$ = a; $$->key = PLAIN; }
-AtxInline = !Newline !(Sp '#'* Sp Newline) Inline
-AtxStart = < ( "######" | "#####" | "####" | "###" | "##" | "#" ) >
- { $$ = mk_element(H1 + (strlen(yytext) - 1)); }
-AtxHeading = s:AtxStart Sp a:StartList ( AtxInline { a = cons($$, a); } )+ (Sp '#'* Sp)? Newline
- { $$ = mk_list(s->key, a);
- free(s); }
-SetextHeading = SetextHeading1 | SetextHeading2
-SetextBottom1 = '='+ Newline
-SetextBottom2 = '-'+ Newline
-SetextHeading1 = &(RawLine SetextBottom1)
- a:StartList ( !Endline Inline { a = cons($$, a); } )+ Sp Newline
- SetextBottom1 { $$ = mk_list(H1, a); }
-SetextHeading2 = &(RawLine SetextBottom2)
- a:StartList ( !Endline Inline { a = cons($$, a); } )+ Sp Newline
- SetextBottom2 { $$ = mk_list(H2, a); }
-Heading = SetextHeading | AtxHeading
-BlockQuote = a:BlockQuoteRaw
- { $$ = mk_element(BLOCKQUOTE);
- $$->children = a;
- }
-BlockQuoteRaw = a:StartList
- (( '>' ' '? Line { a = cons($$, a); } )
- ( !'>' !BlankLine Line { a = cons($$, a); } )*
- ( BlankLine { a = cons(mk_str("\n"), a); } )*
- )+
- { $$ = mk_str_from_list(a, true);
- $$->key = RAW;
- }
-NonblankIndentedLine = !BlankLine IndentedLine
-VerbatimChunk = a:StartList
- ( BlankLine { a = cons(mk_str("\n"), a); } )*
- ( NonblankIndentedLine { a = cons($$, a); } )+
- { $$ = mk_str_from_list(a, false); }
-Verbatim = a:StartList ( VerbatimChunk { a = cons($$, a); } )+
- { $$ = mk_str_from_list(a, false);
- $$->key = VERBATIM; }
-HorizontalRule = NonindentSpace
- ( '*' Sp '*' Sp '*' (Sp '*')*
- | '-' Sp '-' Sp '-' (Sp '-')*
- | '_' Sp '_' Sp '_' (Sp '_')*)
- Sp Newline BlankLine+
- { $$ = mk_element(HRULE); }
-Bullet = !HorizontalRule NonindentSpace ('+' | '*' | '-') Spacechar+
-BulletList = &Bullet (ListTight | ListLoose)
- { $$->key = BULLETLIST; }
-ListTight = a:StartList
- ( ListItemTight { a = cons($$, a); } )+
- BlankLine* !(Bullet | Enumerator)
- { $$ = mk_list(LIST, a); }
-ListLoose = a:StartList
- ( b:ListItem BlankLine*
- { element *li;
- li = b->children;
- li->contents.str = realloc(li->contents.str, strlen(li->contents.str) + 3);
- strcat(li->contents.str, "\n\n"); /* In loose list, \n\n added to end of each element */
- a = cons(b, a);
- } )+
- { $$ = mk_list(LIST, a); }
-ListItem = ( Bullet | Enumerator )
- a:StartList
- ListBlock { a = cons($$, a); }
- ( ListContinuationBlock { a = cons($$, a); } )*
- { element *raw;
- raw = mk_str_from_list(a, false);
- raw->key = RAW;
- $$ = mk_element(LISTITEM);
- $$->children = raw;
- }
-ListItemTight =
- ( Bullet | Enumerator )
- a:StartList
- ListBlock { a = cons($$, a); }
- ( !BlankLine
- ListContinuationBlock { a = cons($$, a); } )*
- !ListContinuationBlock
- { element *raw;
- raw = mk_str_from_list(a, false);
- raw->key = RAW;
- $$ = mk_element(LISTITEM);
- $$->children = raw;
- }
-ListBlock = a:StartList
- !BlankLine Line { a = cons($$, a); }
- ( ListBlockLine { a = cons($$, a); } )*
- { $$ = mk_str_from_list(a, false); }
-ListContinuationBlock = a:StartList
- ( < BlankLine* >
- { if (strlen(yytext) == 0)
- a = cons(mk_str("\001"), a); /* block separator */
- else
- a = cons(mk_str(yytext), a); } )
- ( Indent ListBlock { a = cons($$, a); } )+
- { $$ = mk_str_from_list(a, false); }
-Enumerator = NonindentSpace [0-9]+ '.' Spacechar+
-OrderedList = &Enumerator (ListTight | ListLoose)
- { $$->key = ORDEREDLIST; }
-ListBlockLine = !BlankLine
- !( Indent? (Bullet | Enumerator) )
- !HorizontalRule
- OptionallyIndentedLine
-# Parsers for different kinds of block-level HTML content.
-# This is repetitive due to constraints of PEG grammar.
-HtmlBlockOpenAddress = '<' Spnl ("address" | "ADDRESS") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseAddress = '<' Spnl '/' ("address" | "ADDRESS") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockAddress = HtmlBlockOpenAddress (HtmlBlockAddress | !HtmlBlockCloseAddress .)* HtmlBlockCloseAddress
-HtmlBlockOpenBlockquote = '<' Spnl ("blockquote" | "BLOCKQUOTE") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseBlockquote = '<' Spnl '/' ("blockquote" | "BLOCKQUOTE") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockBlockquote = HtmlBlockOpenBlockquote (HtmlBlockBlockquote | !HtmlBlockCloseBlockquote .)* HtmlBlockCloseBlockquote
-HtmlBlockOpenCenter = '<' Spnl ("center" | "CENTER") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseCenter = '<' Spnl '/' ("center" | "CENTER") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockCenter = HtmlBlockOpenCenter (HtmlBlockCenter | !HtmlBlockCloseCenter .)* HtmlBlockCloseCenter
-HtmlBlockOpenDir = '<' Spnl ("dir" | "DIR") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseDir = '<' Spnl '/' ("dir" | "DIR") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockDir = HtmlBlockOpenDir (HtmlBlockDir | !HtmlBlockCloseDir .)* HtmlBlockCloseDir
-HtmlBlockOpenDiv = '<' Spnl ("div" | "DIV") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseDiv = '<' Spnl '/' ("div" | "DIV") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockDiv = HtmlBlockOpenDiv (HtmlBlockDiv | !HtmlBlockCloseDiv .)* HtmlBlockCloseDiv
-HtmlBlockOpenDl = '<' Spnl ("dl" | "DL") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseDl = '<' Spnl '/' ("dl" | "DL") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockDl = HtmlBlockOpenDl (HtmlBlockDl | !HtmlBlockCloseDl .)* HtmlBlockCloseDl
-HtmlBlockOpenFieldset = '<' Spnl ("fieldset" | "FIELDSET") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseFieldset = '<' Spnl '/' ("fieldset" | "FIELDSET") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockFieldset = HtmlBlockOpenFieldset (HtmlBlockFieldset | !HtmlBlockCloseFieldset .)* HtmlBlockCloseFieldset
-HtmlBlockOpenForm = '<' Spnl ("form" | "FORM") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseForm = '<' Spnl '/' ("form" | "FORM") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockForm = HtmlBlockOpenForm (HtmlBlockForm | !HtmlBlockCloseForm .)* HtmlBlockCloseForm
-HtmlBlockOpenH1 = '<' Spnl ("h1" | "H1") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseH1 = '<' Spnl '/' ("h1" | "H1") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockH1 = HtmlBlockOpenH1 (HtmlBlockH1 | !HtmlBlockCloseH1 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH1
-HtmlBlockOpenH2 = '<' Spnl ("h2" | "H2") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseH2 = '<' Spnl '/' ("h2" | "H2") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockH2 = HtmlBlockOpenH2 (HtmlBlockH2 | !HtmlBlockCloseH2 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH2
-HtmlBlockOpenH3 = '<' Spnl ("h3" | "H3") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseH3 = '<' Spnl '/' ("h3" | "H3") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockH3 = HtmlBlockOpenH3 (HtmlBlockH3 | !HtmlBlockCloseH3 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH3
-HtmlBlockOpenH4 = '<' Spnl ("h4" | "H4") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseH4 = '<' Spnl '/' ("h4" | "H4") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockH4 = HtmlBlockOpenH4 (HtmlBlockH4 | !HtmlBlockCloseH4 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH4
-HtmlBlockOpenH5 = '<' Spnl ("h5" | "H5") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseH5 = '<' Spnl '/' ("h5" | "H5") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockH5 = HtmlBlockOpenH5 (HtmlBlockH5 | !HtmlBlockCloseH5 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH5
-HtmlBlockOpenH6 = '<' Spnl ("h6" | "H6") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseH6 = '<' Spnl '/' ("h6" | "H6") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockH6 = HtmlBlockOpenH6 (HtmlBlockH6 | !HtmlBlockCloseH6 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH6
-HtmlBlockOpenMenu = '<' Spnl ("menu" | "MENU") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseMenu = '<' Spnl '/' ("menu" | "MENU") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockMenu = HtmlBlockOpenMenu (HtmlBlockMenu | !HtmlBlockCloseMenu .)* HtmlBlockCloseMenu
-HtmlBlockOpenNoframes = '<' Spnl ("noframes" | "NOFRAMES") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseNoframes = '<' Spnl '/' ("noframes" | "NOFRAMES") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockNoframes = HtmlBlockOpenNoframes (HtmlBlockNoframes | !HtmlBlockCloseNoframes .)* HtmlBlockCloseNoframes
-HtmlBlockOpenNoscript = '<' Spnl ("noscript" | "NOSCRIPT") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseNoscript = '<' Spnl '/' ("noscript" | "NOSCRIPT") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockNoscript = HtmlBlockOpenNoscript (HtmlBlockNoscript | !HtmlBlockCloseNoscript .)* HtmlBlockCloseNoscript
-HtmlBlockOpenOl = '<' Spnl ("ol" | "OL") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseOl = '<' Spnl '/' ("ol" | "OL") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockOl = HtmlBlockOpenOl (HtmlBlockOl | !HtmlBlockCloseOl .)* HtmlBlockCloseOl
-HtmlBlockOpenP = '<' Spnl ("p" | "P") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseP = '<' Spnl '/' ("p" | "P") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockP = HtmlBlockOpenP (HtmlBlockP | !HtmlBlockCloseP .)* HtmlBlockCloseP
-HtmlBlockOpenPre = '<' Spnl ("pre" | "PRE") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockClosePre = '<' Spnl '/' ("pre" | "PRE") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockPre = HtmlBlockOpenPre (HtmlBlockPre | !HtmlBlockClosePre .)* HtmlBlockClosePre
-HtmlBlockOpenTable = '<' Spnl ("table" | "TABLE") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseTable = '<' Spnl '/' ("table" | "TABLE") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockTable = HtmlBlockOpenTable (HtmlBlockTable | !HtmlBlockCloseTable .)* HtmlBlockCloseTable
-HtmlBlockOpenUl = '<' Spnl ("ul" | "UL") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseUl = '<' Spnl '/' ("ul" | "UL") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockUl = HtmlBlockOpenUl (HtmlBlockUl | !HtmlBlockCloseUl .)* HtmlBlockCloseUl
-HtmlBlockOpenDd = '<' Spnl ("dd" | "DD") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseDd = '<' Spnl '/' ("dd" | "DD") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockDd = HtmlBlockOpenDd (HtmlBlockDd | !HtmlBlockCloseDd .)* HtmlBlockCloseDd
-HtmlBlockOpenDt = '<' Spnl ("dt" | "DT") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseDt = '<' Spnl '/' ("dt" | "DT") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockDt = HtmlBlockOpenDt (HtmlBlockDt | !HtmlBlockCloseDt .)* HtmlBlockCloseDt
-HtmlBlockOpenFrameset = '<' Spnl ("frameset" | "FRAMESET") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseFrameset = '<' Spnl '/' ("frameset" | "FRAMESET") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockFrameset = HtmlBlockOpenFrameset (HtmlBlockFrameset | !HtmlBlockCloseFrameset .)* HtmlBlockCloseFrameset
-HtmlBlockOpenLi = '<' Spnl ("li" | "LI") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseLi = '<' Spnl '/' ("li" | "LI") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockLi = HtmlBlockOpenLi (HtmlBlockLi | !HtmlBlockCloseLi .)* HtmlBlockCloseLi
-HtmlBlockOpenTbody = '<' Spnl ("tbody" | "TBODY") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseTbody = '<' Spnl '/' ("tbody" | "TBODY") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockTbody = HtmlBlockOpenTbody (HtmlBlockTbody | !HtmlBlockCloseTbody .)* HtmlBlockCloseTbody
-HtmlBlockOpenTd = '<' Spnl ("td" | "TD") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseTd = '<' Spnl '/' ("td" | "TD") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockTd = HtmlBlockOpenTd (HtmlBlockTd | !HtmlBlockCloseTd .)* HtmlBlockCloseTd
-HtmlBlockOpenTfoot = '<' Spnl ("tfoot" | "TFOOT") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseTfoot = '<' Spnl '/' ("tfoot" | "TFOOT") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockTfoot = HtmlBlockOpenTfoot (HtmlBlockTfoot | !HtmlBlockCloseTfoot .)* HtmlBlockCloseTfoot
-HtmlBlockOpenTh = '<' Spnl ("th" | "TH") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseTh = '<' Spnl '/' ("th" | "TH") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockTh = HtmlBlockOpenTh (HtmlBlockTh | !HtmlBlockCloseTh .)* HtmlBlockCloseTh
-HtmlBlockOpenThead = '<' Spnl ("thead" | "THEAD") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseThead = '<' Spnl '/' ("thead" | "THEAD") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockThead = HtmlBlockOpenThead (HtmlBlockThead | !HtmlBlockCloseThead .)* HtmlBlockCloseThead
-HtmlBlockOpenTr = '<' Spnl ("tr" | "TR") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseTr = '<' Spnl '/' ("tr" | "TR") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockTr = HtmlBlockOpenTr (HtmlBlockTr | !HtmlBlockCloseTr .)* HtmlBlockCloseTr
-HtmlBlockOpenScript = '<' Spnl ("script" | "SCRIPT") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseScript = '<' Spnl '/' ("script" | "SCRIPT") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockScript = HtmlBlockOpenScript (!HtmlBlockCloseScript .)* HtmlBlockCloseScript
-HtmlBlockOpenHead = '<' Spnl ("head" | "HEAD") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-HtmlBlockCloseHead = '<' Spnl '/' ("head" | "HEAD") Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockHead = HtmlBlockOpenHead (!HtmlBlockCloseHead .)* HtmlBlockCloseHead
-HtmlBlockInTags = HtmlBlockAddress
- | HtmlBlockBlockquote
- | HtmlBlockCenter
- | HtmlBlockDir
- | HtmlBlockDiv
- | HtmlBlockDl
- | HtmlBlockFieldset
- | HtmlBlockForm
- | HtmlBlockH1
- | HtmlBlockH2
- | HtmlBlockH3
- | HtmlBlockH4
- | HtmlBlockH5
- | HtmlBlockH6
- | HtmlBlockMenu
- | HtmlBlockNoframes
- | HtmlBlockNoscript
- | HtmlBlockOl
- | HtmlBlockP
- | HtmlBlockPre
- | HtmlBlockTable
- | HtmlBlockUl
- | HtmlBlockDd
- | HtmlBlockDt
- | HtmlBlockFrameset
- | HtmlBlockLi
- | HtmlBlockTbody
- | HtmlBlockTd
- | HtmlBlockTfoot
- | HtmlBlockTh
- | HtmlBlockThead
- | HtmlBlockTr
- | HtmlBlockScript
- | HtmlBlockHead
-HtmlBlock = < ( HtmlBlockInTags | HtmlComment | HtmlBlockSelfClosing ) >
- BlankLine+
- { if (extension(EXT_FILTER_HTML)) {
- $$ = mk_list(LIST, NULL);
- } else {
- $$ = mk_str(yytext);
- $$->key = HTMLBLOCK;
- }
- }
-HtmlBlockSelfClosing = '<' Spnl HtmlBlockType Spnl HtmlAttribute* '/' Spnl '>'
-HtmlBlockType = "address" | "blockquote" | "center" | "dir" | "div" | "dl" | "fieldset" | "form" | "h1" | "h2" | "h3" |
- "h4" | "h5" | "h6" | "hr" | "isindex" | "menu" | "noframes" | "noscript" | "ol" | "p" | "pre" | "table" |
- "ul" | "dd" | "dt" | "frameset" | "li" | "tbody" | "td" | "tfoot" | "th" | "thead" | "tr" | "script" |
- "ADDRESS" | "BLOCKQUOTE" | "CENTER" | "DIR" | "DIV" | "DL" | "FIELDSET" | "FORM" | "H1" | "H2" | "H3" |
- "H4" | "H5" | "H6" | "HR" | "ISINDEX" | "MENU" | "NOFRAMES" | "NOSCRIPT" | "OL" | "P" | "PRE" | "TABLE" |
- "UL" | "DD" | "DT" | "FRAMESET" | "LI" | "TBODY" | "TD" | "TFOOT" | "TH" | "THEAD" | "TR" | "SCRIPT"
-StyleOpen = '<' Spnl ("style" | "STYLE") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
-StyleClose = '<' Spnl '/' ("style" | "STYLE") Spnl '>'
-InStyleTags = StyleOpen (!StyleClose .)* StyleClose
-StyleBlock = < InStyleTags >
- BlankLine*
- { if (extension(EXT_FILTER_STYLES)) {
- $$ = mk_list(LIST, NULL);
- } else {
- $$ = mk_str(yytext);
- $$->key = HTMLBLOCK;
- }
- }
-Inlines = a:StartList ( !Endline Inline { a = cons($$, a); }
- | c:Endline &Inline { a = cons(c, a); } )+ Endline?
- { $$ = mk_list(LIST, a); }
-Inline = Str
- | Endline
- | UlOrStarLine
- | Space
- | Strong
- | Emph
- | Strike
- | Image
- | Link
- | NoteReference
- | InlineNote
- | Code
- | RawHtml
- | Entity
- | EscapedChar
- | Smart
- | Symbol
-Space = Spacechar+
- { $$ = mk_str(" ");
- $$->key = SPACE; }
-Str = a:StartList < NormalChar+ > { a = cons(mk_str(yytext), a); }
- ( StrChunk { a = cons($$, a); } )*
- { if (a->next == NULL) { $$ = a; } else { $$ = mk_list(LIST, a); } }
-StrChunk = < (NormalChar | '_'+ &Alphanumeric)+ > { $$ = mk_str(yytext); } |
- AposChunk
-AposChunk = &{ extension(EXT_SMART) } '\'' &Alphanumeric
- { $$ = mk_element(APOSTROPHE); }
-EscapedChar = '\\' !Newline < [-\\`|*_{}[\]()#+.!><] >
- { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
-Entity = ( HexEntity | DecEntity | CharEntity )
- { $$ = mk_str(yytext); $$->key = HTML; }
-Endline = LineBreak | TerminalEndline | NormalEndline
-NormalEndline = Sp Newline !BlankLine !'>' !AtxStart
- !(Line ('='+ | '-'+) Newline)
- { $$ = mk_str("\n");
- $$->key = SPACE; }
-TerminalEndline = Sp Newline Eof
- { $$ = NULL; }
-LineBreak = " " NormalEndline
- { $$ = mk_element(LINEBREAK); }
-Symbol = < SpecialChar >
- { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
-# This keeps the parser from getting bogged down on long strings of '*' or '_',
-# or strings of '*' or '_' with space on each side:
-UlOrStarLine = (UlLine | StarLine) { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
-StarLine = < "****" '*'* > | < Spacechar '*'+ &Spacechar >
-UlLine = < "____" '_'* > | < Spacechar '_'+ &Spacechar >
-Emph = EmphStar | EmphUl
-Whitespace = Spacechar | Newline
-EmphStar = '*' !Whitespace
- a:StartList
- ( !'*' b:Inline { a = cons(b, a); }
- | b:StrongStar { a = cons(b, a); }
- )+
- '*'
- { $$ = mk_list(EMPH, a); }
-EmphUl = '_' !Whitespace
- a:StartList
- ( !'_' b:Inline { a = cons(b, a); }
- | b:StrongUl { a = cons(b, a); }
- )+
- '_'
- { $$ = mk_list(EMPH, a); }
-Strong = StrongStar | StrongUl
-StrongStar = "**" !Whitespace
- a:StartList
- ( !"**" b:Inline { a = cons(b, a); })+
- "**"
- { $$ = mk_list(STRONG, a); }
-StrongUl = "__" !Whitespace
- a:StartList
- ( !"__" b:Inline { a = cons(b, a); })+
- "__"
- { $$ = mk_list(STRONG, a); }
-Strike = &{ extension(EXT_STRIKE) }
- "~~" !Whitespace
- a:StartList
- ( !"~~" b:Inline { a = cons(b, a); })+
- "~~"
- { $$ = mk_list(STRIKE, a); }
-Image = '!' ( ExplicitLink | ReferenceLink )
- { if ($$->key == LINK) {
- $$->key = IMAGE;
- } else {
- element *result;
- result = $$;
- $$->children = cons(mk_str("!"), result->children);
- } }
-Link = ExplicitLink | ReferenceLink | AutoLink
-ReferenceLink = ReferenceLinkDouble | ReferenceLinkSingle
-ReferenceLinkDouble = a:Label < Spnl > !"[]" b:Label
- { link match;
- if (find_reference(&match, b->children)) {
- $$ = mk_link(a->children, match.url, match.title);
- free(a);
- free_element_list(b);
- } else {
- element *result;
- result = mk_element(LIST);
- result->children = cons(mk_str("["), cons(a, cons(mk_str("]"), cons(mk_str(yytext),
- cons(mk_str("["), cons(b, mk_str("]")))))));
- $$ = result;
- }
- }
-ReferenceLinkSingle = a:Label < (Spnl "[]")? >
- { link match;
- if (find_reference(&match, a->children)) {
- $$ = mk_link(a->children, match.url, match.title);
- free(a);
- }
- else {
- element *result;
- result = mk_element(LIST);
- result->children = cons(mk_str("["), cons(a, cons(mk_str("]"), mk_str(yytext))));
- $$ = result;
- }
- }
-ExplicitLink = l:Label '(' Sp s:Source Spnl t:Title Sp ')'
- { $$ = mk_link(l->children, s->contents.str, t->contents.str);
- free_element(s);
- free_element(t);
- free(l); }
-Source = ( '<' < SourceContents > '>' | < SourceContents > )
- { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
-SourceContents = ( ( !'(' !')' !'>' Nonspacechar )+ | '(' SourceContents ')')*
-Title = ( TitleSingle | TitleDouble | < "" > )
- { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
-TitleSingle = '\'' < ( !( '\'' Sp ( ')' | Newline ) ) . )* > '\''
-TitleDouble = '"' < ( !( '"' Sp ( ')' | Newline ) ) . )* > '"'
-AutoLink = AutoLinkUrl | AutoLinkEmail
-AutoLinkUrl = '<' < [A-Za-z]+ "://" ( !Newline !'>' . )+ > '>'
- { $$ = mk_link(mk_str(yytext), yytext, ""); }
-AutoLinkEmail = '<' ( "mailto:" )? < [-A-Za-z0-9+_./!%~$]+ '@' ( !Newline !'>' . )+ > '>'
- { char *mailto = malloc(strlen(yytext) + 8);
- sprintf(mailto, "mailto:%s", yytext);
- $$ = mk_link(mk_str(yytext), mailto, "");
- free(mailto);
- }
-Reference = NonindentSpace !"[]" l:Label ':' Spnl s:RefSrc t:RefTitle BlankLine+
- { $$ = mk_link(l->children, s->contents.str, t->contents.str);
- free_element(s);
- free_element(t);
- free(l);
- $$->key = REFERENCE; }
-Label = '[' ( !'^' &{ extension(EXT_NOTES) } | &. &{ !extension(EXT_NOTES) } )
- a:StartList
- ( !']' Inline { a = cons($$, a); } )*
- ']'
- { $$ = mk_list(LIST, a); }
-RefSrc = < Nonspacechar+ >
- { $$ = mk_str(yytext);
- $$->key = HTML; }
-RefTitle = ( RefTitleSingle | RefTitleDouble | RefTitleParens | EmptyTitle )
- { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
-EmptyTitle = < "" >
-RefTitleSingle = Spnl '\'' < ( !( '\'' Sp Newline | Newline ) . )* > '\''
-RefTitleDouble = Spnl '"' < ( !('"' Sp Newline | Newline) . )* > '"'
-RefTitleParens = Spnl '(' < ( !(')' Sp Newline | Newline) . )* > ')'
-References = a:StartList
- ( b:Reference { a = cons(b, a); } | SkipBlock )*
- { references = reverse(a); }
-Ticks1 = "`" !'`'
-Ticks2 = "``" !'`'
-Ticks3 = "```" !'`'
-Ticks4 = "````" !'`'
-Ticks5 = "`````" !'`'
-Code = ( Ticks1 Sp < ( ( !'`' Nonspacechar )+ | !Ticks1 '`'+ | !( Sp Ticks1 ) ( Spacechar | Newline !BlankLine ) )+ > Sp Ticks1
- | Ticks2 Sp < ( ( !'`' Nonspacechar )+ | !Ticks2 '`'+ | !( Sp Ticks2 ) ( Spacechar | Newline !BlankLine ) )+ > Sp Ticks2
- | Ticks3 Sp < ( ( !'`' Nonspacechar )+ | !Ticks3 '`'+ | !( Sp Ticks3 ) ( Spacechar | Newline !BlankLine ) )+ > Sp Ticks3
- | Ticks4 Sp < ( ( !'`' Nonspacechar )+ | !Ticks4 '`'+ | !( Sp Ticks4 ) ( Spacechar | Newline !BlankLine ) )+ > Sp Ticks4
- | Ticks5 Sp < ( ( !'`' Nonspacechar )+ | !Ticks5 '`'+ | !( Sp Ticks5 ) ( Spacechar | Newline !BlankLine ) )+ > Sp Ticks5
- )
- { $$ = mk_str(yytext); $$->key = CODE; }
-RawHtml = < (HtmlComment | HtmlBlockScript | HtmlTag) >
- { if (extension(EXT_FILTER_HTML)) {
- $$ = mk_list(LIST, NULL);
- } else {
- $$ = mk_str(yytext);
- $$->key = HTML;
- }
- }
-BlankLine = Sp Newline
-Quoted = '"' (!'"' .)* '"' | '\'' (!'\'' .)* '\''
-HtmlAttribute = (AlphanumericAscii | '-')+ Spnl ('=' Spnl (Quoted | (!'>' Nonspacechar)+))? Spnl
-HtmlComment = "<!--" (!"-->" .)* "-->"
-HtmlTag = '<' Spnl '/'? AlphanumericAscii+ Spnl HtmlAttribute* '/'? Spnl '>'
-Eof = !.
-Spacechar = ' ' | '\t'
-Nonspacechar = !Spacechar !Newline .
-Newline = '\n' | '\r' '\n'?
-Sp = Spacechar*
-Spnl = Sp (Newline Sp)?
-SpecialChar = '~' | '*' | '_' | '`' | '&' | '[' | ']' | '(' | ')' | '<' | '!' | '#' | '\\' | '\'' | '"' | ExtendedSpecialChar
-NormalChar = !( SpecialChar | Spacechar | Newline ) .
-Alphanumeric = [0-9A-Za-z] | '\200' | '\201' | '\202' | '\203' | '\204' | '\205' | '\206' | '\207' | '\210' | '\211' | '\212' | '\213' | '\214' | '\215' | '\216' | '\217' | '\220' | '\221' | '\222' | '\223' | '\224' | '\225' | '\226' | '\227' | '\230' | '\231' | '\232' | '\233' | '\234' | '\235' | '\236' | '\237' | '\240' | '\241' | '\242' | '\243' | '\244' | '\245' | '\246' | '\247' | '\250' | '\251' | '\252' | '\253' | '\254' | '\255' | '\256' | '\257' | '\260' | '\261' | '\262' | '\263' | '\264' | '\265' | '\266' | '\267' | '\270' | '\271' | '\272' | '\273' | '\274' | '\275' | '\276' | '\277' | '\300' | '\301' | '\302' | '\303' | '\304' | '\305' | '\306' | '\307' | '\310' | '\311' | '\312' | '\313' | '\314' | '\315' | '\316' | '\317' | '\320' | '\321' | '\322' | '\323' | '\324' | '\325' | '\326' | '\327' | '\330' | '\331' | '\332' | '\333' | '\334' | '\335' | '\336' | '\337' | '\340' | '\341' | '\342' | '\343' | '\344' | '\345' | '\346' | '\347' | '\350' | '\351' | '\352' | '\353' | '\354' | '\355' | '\356' | '\357' | '\360' | '\361' | '\362' | '\363' | '\364' | '\365' | '\366' | '\367' | '\370' | '\371' | '\372' | '\373' | '\374' | '\375' | '\376' | '\377'
-AlphanumericAscii = [A-Za-z0-9]
-Digit = [0-9]
-BOM = "\357\273\277"
-HexEntity = < '&' '#' [Xx] [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';' >
-DecEntity = < '&' '#' [0-9]+ > ';' >
-CharEntity = < '&' [A-Za-z0-9]+ ';' >
-NonindentSpace = " " | " " | " " | ""
-Indent = "\t" | " "
-IndentedLine = Indent Line
-OptionallyIndentedLine = Indent? Line
-# StartList starts a list data structure that can be added to with cons:
-StartList = &.
- { $$ = NULL; }
-Line = RawLine
- { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
-RawLine = ( < (!'\r' !'\n' .)* Newline > | < .+ > Eof )
-SkipBlock = HtmlBlock
- | ( !'#' !SetextBottom1 !SetextBottom2 !BlankLine RawLine )+ BlankLine*
- | BlankLine+
- | RawLine
-# Syntax extensions
-ExtendedSpecialChar = &{ extension(EXT_SMART) } ('.' | '-' | '\'' | '"')
- | &{ extension(EXT_NOTES) } ( '^' )
-Smart = &{ extension(EXT_SMART) }
- ( Ellipsis | Dash | SingleQuoted | DoubleQuoted | Apostrophe )
-Apostrophe = '\''
- { $$ = mk_element(APOSTROPHE); }
-Ellipsis = ("..." | ". . .")
- { $$ = mk_element(ELLIPSIS); }
-Dash = EmDash | EnDash
-EnDash = '-' &Digit
- { $$ = mk_element(ENDASH); }
-EmDash = ("---" | "--")
- { $$ = mk_element(EMDASH); }
-SingleQuoteStart = '\'' !(Spacechar | Newline)
-SingleQuoteEnd = '\'' !Alphanumeric
-SingleQuoted = SingleQuoteStart
- a:StartList
- ( !SingleQuoteEnd b:Inline { a = cons(b, a); } )+
- SingleQuoteEnd
- { $$ = mk_list(SINGLEQUOTED, a); }
-DoubleQuoteStart = '"'
-DoubleQuoteEnd = '"'
-DoubleQuoted = DoubleQuoteStart
- a:StartList
- ( !DoubleQuoteEnd b:Inline { a = cons(b, a); } )+
- DoubleQuoteEnd
- { $$ = mk_list(DOUBLEQUOTED, a); }
-NoteReference = &{ extension(EXT_NOTES) }
- ref:RawNoteReference
- { element *match;
- if (find_note(&match, ref->contents.str)) {
- $$ = mk_element(NOTE);
- assert(match->children != NULL);
- $$->children = match->children;
- $$->contents.str = 0;
- } else {
- char *s;
- s = malloc(strlen(ref->contents.str) + 4);
- sprintf(s, "[^%s]", ref->contents.str);
- $$ = mk_str(s);
- free(s);
- }
- }
-RawNoteReference = "[^" < ( !Newline !']' . )+ > ']'
- { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
-Note = &{ extension(EXT_NOTES) }
- NonindentSpace ref:RawNoteReference ':' Sp
- a:StartList
- ( RawNoteBlock { a = cons($$, a); } )
- ( &Indent RawNoteBlock { a = cons($$, a); } )*
- { $$ = mk_list(NOTE, a);
- $$->contents.str = strdup(ref->contents.str);
- }
-InlineNote = &{ extension(EXT_NOTES) }
- "^["
- a:StartList
- ( !']' Inline { a = cons($$, a); } )+
- ']'
- { $$ = mk_list(NOTE, a);
- $$->contents.str = 0; }
-Notes = a:StartList
- ( b:Note { a = cons(b, a); } | SkipBlock )*
- { notes = reverse(a); }
-RawNoteBlock = a:StartList
- ( !BlankLine OptionallyIndentedLine { a = cons($$, a); } )+
- ( < BlankLine* > { a = cons(mk_str(yytext), a); } )
- { $$ = mk_str_from_list(a, true);
- $$->key = RAW;
- }