path: root/core/src/main/kotlin/links/DRI.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/src/main/kotlin/links/DRI.kt')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/links/DRI.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/links/DRI.kt
index 6d709603..2ece58e5 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/links/DRI.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/links/DRI.kt
@@ -68,19 +68,15 @@ data class Callable(
-data class TypeReference(val classNames: String, val typeBounds: List<TypeReference> = emptyList()) {
- override fun toString() = classNames + if (typeBounds.isNotEmpty()) {
- "[${typeBounds.joinToString(",")}]"
- } else {
- ""
- }
+sealed class TypeReference {
companion object {
fun from(d: ReceiverParameterDescriptor): TypeReference? =
when (val value = d.value) {
- is ExtensionReceiver -> TypeReference(
- classNames = value.type.constructorName.orEmpty(),
- typeBounds = value.type.arguments.map { from(it) }
+ is ExtensionReceiver -> Bound(
+ fullyQualifiedName = value.type.constructorName.orEmpty(),
+ params = value.type.arguments.map { from(it) },
+ isNullable = value.type.isMarkedNullable
else -> run {
println("Unknown value type for $d")
@@ -88,24 +84,86 @@ data class TypeReference(val classNames: String, val typeBounds: List<TypeRefere
- fun from(d: ValueParameterDescriptor): TypeReference? = from(d.type)
+ fun from(d: ValueParameterDescriptor): TypeReference? =
+ from(d.type)
- private fun from(tp: TypeParameterDescriptor): TypeReference =
- TypeReference("", tp.upperBounds.map { from(it) })
+ private fun from(tp: TypeParameterDescriptor, r: KotlinType?): Param =
+ Param(tp.upperBounds.map { from(it, r) })
+ private fun from(t: KotlinType, r: KotlinType? = null): TypeReference =
+ if(t == r)
+ Self
+ else
+ when (val d = t.constructor.declarationDescriptor) {
+ is TypeParameterDescriptor -> from(d, r ?: t)
+ else -> Bound(t.constructorName.orEmpty(), t.arguments.map { from(it, r ?: t) }, t.isMarkedNullable)
+ }
- private fun from(t: KotlinType): TypeReference =
- TypeReference(t.constructorName.orEmpty(), t.arguments.map { from(it) })
- private fun from(t: TypeProjection): TypeReference =
+ private fun from(t: TypeProjection, r: KotlinType? = null): TypeReference =
if (t.isStarProjection) {
} else {
- from(t.type)
+ from(t.type, r)
- val starProjection = TypeReference("*")
+ private val starProjection = Param(listOf(Bound("*", emptyList(), true)))
+ }
+data class Param(val bounds: List<TypeReference>) : TypeReference()
+data class Bound(val fullyQualifiedName: String, val params: List<TypeReference>, val isNullable: Boolean) : TypeReference() {
+ override fun toString() = fullyQualifiedName + if (params.isNotEmpty()) {
+ "[${params.joinToString(",")}]" //TODO params can be Param or Self, handle naming
+ } else {
+ ""
+object Self : TypeReference()
+//data class TypeReference(val classNames: String, val typeBounds: List<TypeReference> = emptyList()) {
+// override fun toString() = classNames + if (typeBounds.isNotEmpty()) {
+// "[${typeBounds.joinToString(",")}]"
+// } else {
+// ""
+// }
+// companion object {
+// fun from(d: ReceiverParameterDescriptor): TypeReference? =
+// when (val value = d.value) {
+// is ExtensionReceiver -> TypeReference(
+// classNames = value.type.constructorName.orEmpty(),
+// typeBounds = value.type.arguments.map { from(it) }
+// )
+// else -> run {
+// println("Unknown value type for $d")
+// null
+// }
+// }
+// fun from(d: ValueParameterDescriptor): TypeReference? = from(d.type)
+// private fun from(tp: TypeParameterDescriptor): TypeReference =
+// TypeReference("", tp.upperBounds.map { from(it) })
+// private fun from(t: KotlinType): TypeReference =
+// when (val d = t.constructor.declarationDescriptor) {
+// is TypeParameterDescriptor -> from(d)
+// else -> TypeReference(t.constructorName.orEmpty(), t.arguments.map { from(it) })
+// }
+// private fun from(t: TypeProjection): TypeReference =
+// if (t.isStarProjection) {
+// starProjection
+// } else {
+// from(t.type)
+// }
+// val starProjection = TypeReference("*")
+// }
private operator fun <T> List<T>.component6(): T = get(5)