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+# Architecture overview
+Normally, you would think that a tool like `Dokka` simply parses some programming language sources and generates
+`HTML` pages for whatever it sees along the way, with little to no abstractions. That would be the simplest and
+shortest way to implement an API documentation engine.
+However, it was clear that `Dokka` may need to generate documentation from various sources (not only `Kotlin`), that users
+might request additional output formats (like `Markdown`), that users might need additional features like supporting
+custom `KDoc` tags or rendering `mermaid.js` diagrams - all these things would require changing a lot of code inside
+`Dokka` itself if all solutions were hardcoded.
+For this reason, `Dokka` was built from the ground up to be easily extensible and customizable by adding several layers
+of abstractions to the data model, and by providing pluggable extension points, giving you the ability to introduce
+selective changes on a single level.
+## Overview of data model
+Generating API documentation begins with `Input` source files (`.kts`, `.java`, etc) and ends with some `Output` files
+(`.html`/`.md` pages, etc). However, to allow for extensibility and customization, several input and output independent
+abstractions have been added to the data model.
+Below you can find the general pipeline of processing data gathered from sources and the explanation for each stage.
+flowchart TD
+ Input --> Documentables --> Pages --> Output
+* `Input` - generalization of sources, by default `Kotlin`/`Java` sources, but could be virtually anything
+* `Documentables` - unified data model that represents _any_ parsed sources as a tree, independent of the source
+ language. Examples of a `Documentable`: class, function, package, property, etc
+* `Pages` - universal model that represents output pages (e.g a function/property page) and the content it's composed of
+ (lists, text, code blocks) that the users needs to see. Not to be confused with `.html` pages. Goes hand in hand
+ with so-called `Content` model.
+* `Output` - specific output format like `HTML`/`Markdown`/`Javadoc`/etc. This is a mapping of pages/content model to
+ some human-readable and visual representation. For instance:
+ * `PageNode` is mapped as
+ * `.html` file for `HTML` format
+ * `.md` file for `Markdown` format
+ * `ContentList` is mapped as
+ * `<li>` / `<ul>` for `HTML` format
+ * `1.` / `*` for `Markdown` format
+ * `ContentCodeBlock` is mapped as
+ * `<code>` or `<pre>` with some CSS styles in `HTML` format
+ * Text wrapped in triple backticks for `Markdown` format
+You, as a `Dokka` developer or a plugin writer, can use extension points to introduce selective changes to the
+model on one particular level without touching everything else.
+For instance, if you wanted to make some annotation/function/class invisible in the final documentation, you would only
+need to modify the `Documentables` model by filtering undesirable members out. If you wanted to display all overloaded
+methods on the same page instead of on separate ones, you would only need to modify the `Page` model by merging multiple
+pages into one, and so on.
+For a deeper dive into Dokka's model with more examples and details,
+see sections about [Documentables](data_model/documentables.md) and [Page/Content](data_model/page_content.md)
+For an overview of existing extension points that let you transform Dokka's models, see
+[Core extension points](extension_points/core_extensions.md) and [Base extensions](extension_points/base_extensions.md).
+## Overview of extension points
+An extension point usually represents some pluggable interface that performs an action during one of the stages of
+generating documentation. An extension is therefore an implementation of that interface which is extending the
+extension point.
+You can create extension points, provide your own implementations (extensions) and configure them. All of
+this is possible with Dokka's plugin/extension point API.
+Here's a sneak peek of the DSL:
+class MyPlugin : DokkaPlugin() {
+ // create an extension point for other developers
+ val signatureProvider by extensionPoint<SignatureProvider>()
+ // provide a default implementation
+ val defaultSignatureProvider by extending {
+ signatureProvider with KotlinSignatureProvider()
+ }
+ // register our own extension in base plugin and override its default
+ val dokkaBasePlugin by lazy { plugin<DokkaBase>() }
+ val multimoduleLocationProvider by extending {
+ (dokkaBasePlugin.locationProviderFactory
+ providing MultimoduleLocationProvider::Factory
+ override dokkaBasePlugin.locationProvider)
+ }
+// use a registered extention, pretty much dependency injection
+class MyExtension(val context: DokkaContext) {
+ val signatureProvider: SignatureProvider = context.plugin<MyPlugin>().querySingle { signatureProvider }
+ fun doSomething() {
+ signatureProvider.signature(..)
+ }
+interface SignatureProvider {
+ fun signature(documentable: Documentable): List<ContentNode>
+class KotlinSignatureProvider : SignatureProvider {
+ override fun signature(documentable: Documentable): List<ContentNode> = listOf()
+For a deeper dive into extensions and extension points with more examples and details, see
+[Introduction to Extensions](extension_points/introduction.md).
+For an overview of existing extension points, see [Core extension points](extension_points/core_extensions.md) and
+[Base extensions](extension_points/base_extensions.md).
+## Historical context
+This is a second iteration of Dokka that was built from scratch.
+If you want to learn more about why Dokka has been designed this way, watch this great talk by Paweł Marks:
+[New Dokka - Designed for Fearless Creativity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvFoTRhqaKg). The general principles
+and general architecture are the same, although it may be outdated in some areas, so please double-check.
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+# Documentables Model
+Documentables represent data that is parsed from sources. Think of this data model as of something that could be
+seen or produced by a compiler frontend, it's not far off from the truth.
+By default, documentables are parsed from `Descriptor` (for `Kotlin`)
+and [Psi](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/psi.html)
+(for `Java`) models. Code-wise, you can have a look at following classes:
+* `DefaultDescriptorToDocumentableTranslator` - responsible for `Kotlin` -> `Documentable` mapping
+* `DefaultPsiToDocumentableTranslator` - responsible for `Java` -> `Documentable` mapping
+Upon creation, it's a collection of trees, each with `DModule` as root.
+Take some arbitrary `Kotlin` source code that is located within the same module:
+// Package 1
+class Clazz(val property: String) {
+ fun function(parameter: String) {}
+fun topLevelFunction() {}
+// Package 2
+enum class Enum { }
+val topLevelProperty: String
+This would be represented roughly as the following `Documentable` tree:
+flowchart TD
+ DModule --> firstPackage[DPackage]
+ firstPackage --> DClass
+ firstPackage --> toplevelfunction[DFunction]
+ DClass --> DProperty
+ DClass --> DFunction
+ DFunction --> DParameter
+ DModule --> secondPackage[DPackage]
+ secondPackage --> DEnum
+ secondPackage --> secondPackageProperty[DProperty]
+At later stages of transformation, all trees are folded into one (by `DocumentableMerger`).
+## Documentable
+The main building block of documentables model is `Documentable` class. It's the base class for all more specific types
+that represent elements of parsed sources with mostly self-explanatory names (`DFunction`, `DPackage`, `DProperty`, etc)
+`DClasslike` is the base class for class-like documentables such as `DClass`, `DEnum`, `DAnnotation`, etc.
+The contents of each documentable normally represent what you would see in source code. For instance, if you open
+`DClass`, you should find that it contains references to functions, properties, companion object, constructors and so
+`DEnum` should have references to enum entries, and `DPackage` can have references to both classlikes and top-level
+functions and properties (`Kotlin`-specific).
+Here's an example of a documentable:
+data class DClass(
+ val dri: DRI,
+ val name: String,
+ val constructors: List<DFunction>,
+ val functions: List<DFunction>,
+ val properties: List<DProperty>,
+ val classlikes: List<DClasslike>,
+ val sources: SourceSetDependent<DocumentableSource>,
+ val visibility: SourceSetDependent<Visibility>,
+ val companion: DObject?,
+ val generics: List<DTypeParameter>,
+ val supertypes: SourceSetDependent<List<TypeConstructorWithKind>>,
+ val documentation: SourceSetDependent<DocumentationNode>,
+ val expectPresentInSet: DokkaSourceSet?,
+ val modifier: SourceSetDependent<Modifier>,
+ val sourceSets: Set<DokkaSourceSet>,
+ val isExpectActual: Boolean,
+ val extra: PropertyContainer<DClass> = PropertyContainer.empty()
+) : DClasslike(), WithAbstraction, WithCompanion, WithConstructors,
+ WithGenerics, WithSupertypes, WithExtraProperties<DClass>
+There are three non-documentable classes that important for this model:
+* `DRI`
+* `SourceSetDependent`
+* `ExtraProperty`.
+### DRI
+`DRI` stans for _Dokka Resource Identifier_ - a unique value that identifies a specific `Documentable`.
+All references and relations between documentables (other than direct ownership) are described using `DRI`.
+For example, `DFunction` with a parameter of type `Foo` has only `Foo`'s `DRI`, not the actual reference
+to `Foo`'s `Documentable` object.
+#### Example
+For an example of how a `DRI` can look like, let's take the `limitedParallelism` function from `kotlinx.coroutines`:
+package kotlinx.coroutines
+import ...
+public abstract class MainCoroutineDispatcher : CoroutineDispatcher() {
+ override fun limitedParallelism(parallelism: Int): CoroutineDispatcher {
+ ...
+ }
+If we were to re-create the DRI of this function in code, it would look something like this:
+ packageName = "kotlinx.coroutines",
+ classNames = "MainCoroutineDispatcher",
+ callable = Callable(
+ name = "limitedParallelism",
+ receiver = null,
+ params = listOf(
+ TypeConstructor(
+ fullyQualifiedName = "kotlin.Int",
+ params = emptyList()
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ target = PointingToDeclaration,
+ extra = null
+If you format it as `String`, it would look like this:
+### SourceSetDependent
+`SourceSetDependent` helps handling multiplatform data by associating platform-specific data (declared with either
+`expect` or `actual` modifier) with particular
+[source sets](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-discover-project.html#source-sets).
+This comes in handy if `expect`/`actual` declarations differ. For instance, the default value for `actual` might differ
+from that declared in `expect`, or code comments written for `expect` might be different from what's written
+for `actual`.
+Under the hood, it's a `typealias` to a `Map`:
+typealias SourceSetDependent<T> = Map<DokkaSourceSet, T>
+### ExtraProperty
+`ExtraProperty` is used to store any additional information that falls outside of the regular model. It is highly
+recommended to use extras to provide any additional information when creating custom Dokka plugins.
+This element is a bit more complex, so you can read more about how to use it
+[in a separate section](extra.md).
+## Documentation model
+Documentation model is used alongside Documentables to store data obtained by parsing
+code comments (such as `KDoc`/`Javadoc`).
+### DocTag
+`DocTag` describes a specific documentation syntax element.
+It's universal across source languages. For instance, DocTag `B` is the same for `**bold**` in `Kotlin` and
+`<b>bold</b>` in `Java`.
+However, some `DocTag` elements are specific to a certain language, there are many such examples for `Java`
+because it allows HTML tags inside `Javadoc` comments, some of which are simply not possible to reproduce with `Markdown`.
+`DocTag` elements can be deeply nested with other `DocTag` children elements.
+data class H1(
+ override val children: List<DocTag> = emptyList(),
+ override val params: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()
+) : DocTag()
+data class H2(
+ override val children: List<DocTag> = emptyList(),
+ override val params: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()
+) : DocTag()
+data class Strikethrough(
+ override val children: List<DocTag> = emptyList(),
+ override val params: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()
+) : DocTag()
+data class Strong(
+ override val children: List<DocTag> = emptyList(),
+ override val params: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()
+) : DocTag()
+data class CodeBlock(
+ override val children: List<DocTag> = emptyList(),
+ override val params: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()
+) : Code()
+### TagWrapper
+`TagWrapper` describes the whole comment description or a specific comment tag.
+For example: `@see` / `@author` / `@return`.
+Since each such section may contain formatted text inside of it, each `TagWrapper` has `DocTag` children.
+ * @author **Ben Affleck*
+ * @return nothing, except _sometimes_ it may throw an [Error]
+ */
+fun foo() {}
+### DocumentationNode
+`DocumentationNode` acts as a container for multiple `TagWrapper` elements for a specific `Documentable`, usually
+used like this:
+data class DFunction(
+ ...
+ val documentation: SourceSetDependent<DocumentationNode>,
+ ...
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+# Extra
+## Introduction
+`ExtraProperty` classes are used both by [Documentable](documentables.md) and [Content](page_content.md#content-model)
+Source code for `ExtraProperty`:
+interface ExtraProperty<in C : Any> {
+ interface Key<in C : Any, T : Any> {
+ fun mergeStrategyFor(left: T, right: T): MergeStrategy<C> = MergeStrategy.Fail {
+ throw NotImplementedError("Property merging for $this is not implemented")
+ }
+ }
+ val key: Key<C, *>
+To declare a new extra, you need to implement `ExtraProperty` interface. It is advised to use following pattern
+when declaring new extras:
+data class CustomExtra(
+ [any data relevant to your extra],
+ [any data relevant to your extra]
+): ExtraProperty<Documentable> {
+ override val key: CustomExtra.Key<Documentable, *> = CustomExtra
+ companion object : CustomExtra.Key<Documentable, CustomExtra>
+Merge strategy (`mergeStrategyFor` method) for extras is invoked during
+[merging](../extension_points/core_extensions.md#documentablemerger) if documentables from different
+[source sets](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-discover-project.html#source-sets) each
+have their own `Extra` of the same type.
+## PropertyContainer
+All extras for `ContentNode` and `Documentable` classes are stored in `PropertyContainer<C : Any>` class instances.
+data class DFunction(
+ ...
+ override val extra: PropertyContainer<DFunction> = PropertyContainer.empty()
+ ...
+) : WithExtraProperties<DFunction>
+`PropertyContainer` has a number of convenient functions for handling extras in a collection-like manner.
+The `C` generic class parameter limits the type of properties that can be stored in the container - it must
+match generic `C` class parameter from `ExtraProperty` interface. This allows creating extra properties
+which can only be stored in a specific `Documentable`.
+## Usage example
+In following example we will create a `DFunction`-only property, store it and then retrieve its value:
+data class CustomExtra(val customExtraValue: String) : ExtraProperty<DFunction> {
+ override val key: ExtraProperty.Key<Documentable, *> = CustomExtra
+ companion object: ExtraProperty.Key<Documentable, CustomExtra>
+fun DFunction.withCustomExtraProperty(data: String): DFunction {
+ return this.copy(
+ extra = extra + CustomExtra(data)
+ )
+fun DFunction.getCustomExtraPropertyValue(): String? {
+ return this.extra[CustomExtra]?.customExtraValue
+You can also use extras as markers, without storing any data in them:
+object MarkerExtra : ExtraProperty<Any>, ExtraProperty.Key<Any, MarkerExtra> {
+ override val key: ExtraProperty.Key<Any, *> = this
+fun Documentable.markIfFunction(): Documentable {
+ return when(this) {
+ is DFunction -> this.copy(extra = extra + MarkerExtra)
+ else -> this
+ }
+fun WithExtraProperties<Documentable>.isMarked(): Boolean {
+ return this.extra[MarkerExtra] != null
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+# Page / Content Model
+Even though `Page` and `Content` models reside on the same level (under `Page`), it's easier to view it as two different
+models altogether, even though `Content` is only used in conjunction with and inside `Page` model.
+## Page
+Page model represents the structure of documentation pages to be generated. During rendering, each page
+is processed separately, so one page corresponds to exactly one output file.
+Page model is independent of the final output format, in other words it's universal. Which extension the pages
+should be created as (`.html`, `.md`, etc) and how is up to the `Renderer`.
+Subclasses of `PageNode` represent different kinds of rendered pages, such as `ModulePage`, `PackagePage`,
+`ClasslikePage`, `MemberPage` (properties, functions), etc.
+The Page Model is a tree structure, with `RootPageNode` at the root.
+Here's an example of how an arbitrary `Page` tree might look like for a module with 3 packages, one of which contains
+a top level function, top level property and a class, inside which there's a function and a property:
+flowchart TD
+ RootPageNode --> firstPackage[PackagePageNode]
+ RootPageNode --> secondPackage[PackagePageNode]
+ RootPageNode --> thirdPackage[PackagePageNode]
+ firstPackage --> firstPackageFirstMember[MemberPageNode - Function]
+ firstPackage --> firstPackageSecondMember[MemberPageNode - Property]
+ firstPackage ---> firstPackageClasslike[ClasslikePageNode - Class]
+ firstPackageClasslike --> firstPackageClasslikeFirstMember[MemberPageNode - Function]
+ firstPackageClasslike --> firstPackageClasslikeSecondMember[MemberPageNode - Property]
+ secondPackage --> etcOne[...]
+ thirdPackage --> etcTwo[...]
+Almost all pages are derivatives of `ContentPage` - it's the type of `Page` that has `Content` on it.
+## Content Model
+Content model describes how the actual `Page` content is presented. The important thing to understand is that it's
+also output-format independent and is universal.
+Content model is essentially a set of building blocks that you can put together to represent some content.
+Have a look at subclasses of `ContentNode`: `ContentText`, `ContentList`, `ContentTable`, `ContentCodeBlock`,
+`ContentHeader` and so on. You can group content together with `ContentGroup` - for instance,
+to wrap all children with some style.
+// real example of composing content using `DocumentableContentBuilder` DSL
+orderedList {
+ item {
+ text("This list contains a nested table:")
+ table {
+ header {
+ text("Col1")
+ text("Col2")
+ }
+ row {
+ text("Text1")
+ text("Text2")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ item {
+ group(styles = setOf(TextStyle.Bold)) {
+ text("This is bald")
+ text("This is also bald")
+ }
+ }
+It is then responsibility of `Renderer` (i.e specific output format) to render it the way it wants.
+For instance, `HtmlRenderer` might render `ContentCodeBlock` as `<code>text</code>`, but `CommonmarkRenderer` might
+render it using backticks.
+### DCI
+Each node is identified by unique `DCI`, which stands for _Dokka Content Identifier_. `DCI` aggregates `DRI`s of all
+`Documentables` that make up a specific `ContentNode`.
+data class DCI(val dri: Set<DRI>, val kind: Kind)
+All references to other nodes (other than direct ownership) are described using `DCI`.
+### ContentKind
+`ContentKind` represents a grouping of content of one kind that can can be rendered as part of a composite
+page (one tab/block within a class's page, for instance).
+For instance, on the same page that describes a class you can have multiple sections (== `ContentKind`).
+One to describe functions, one to describe properties, another one to describe constructors and so on.
+### Styles
+Each `ContentNode` has `styles` property in case you want to incidate to `Renderer` that this content needs to be
+displayed in a certain way.
+group(styles = setOf(TextStyle.Paragraph)) {
+ text("Text1", styles = setOf(TextStyle.Bold))
+ text("Text2", styles = setOf(TextStyle.Italic))
+It is then responsibility of `Renderer` (i.e specific output format) to render it the way it wants. For instance,
+`HtmlRenderer` might render `TextStyle.Bold` as `<b>text</b>`, but `CommonmarkRenderer` might render it as `**text**`.
+There's a number of existing styles that you can use, most of them are supported by `HtmlRenderer` out of the box:
+// for code highlighting
+enum class TokenStyle : Style {
+ Keyword, Punctuation, Function, Operator, Annotation,
+ Number, String, Boolean, Constant, Builtin, ...
+enum class TextStyle : Style {
+ Bold, Italic, Strong, Strikethrough, Paragraph, ...
+enum class ContentStyle : Style {
+ TabbedContent, RunnableSample, Wrapped, Indented, ...
+### Extra
+`ExtraProperty` is used to store any additional information that falls outside of the regular model. It is highly
+recommended to use extras to provide any additional information when creating custom Dokka plugins.
+All `ExtraProperty` elements from `Documentable` model are propagated into `Content` model and are available
+for `Renderer`.
+This element is a bit complex, so you can read more about how to use it [in a separate section](extra.md).
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+# Base extensions
+`DokkaBase` class is a base plugin which defines a number of default implementations for `CoreExtensions` as well as
+declares its own, more high-level extension points to be used from other plugins and output formats.
+It's very convenient to use extension points and defaults defined in `DokkaBase` if you have an idea for a simple
+plugin that only needs to provide a few extensions or change a single extension point and have everything else be the
+`DokkaBase` is used extensively for Dokka's own output formats such as `HTML`, `Markdown`, `Mathjax` and others.
+You can learn how to add/use/override/configure extensions and extension points in
+[Introduction to Extensions](introduction.md), all the information is applicable to `DokkaBase` plugin as well.
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+# Core extension points
+Core extension points represent the main stages of generating documentation.
+These extension points are plugin and output format independent, meaning it's the very core functionality and as
+low-level as can get. For higher-level extension functions that can be used in different output formats, have a look at
+[Base extensions](base_extensions.md) defined in `DokkaBase`.
+You can find all core extensions in `CoreExtensions` class:
+object CoreExtensions {
+ val preGenerationCheck by coreExtensionPoint<PreGenerationChecker>()
+ val generation by coreExtensionPoint<Generation>()
+ val sourceToDocumentableTranslator by coreExtensionPoint<SourceToDocumentableTranslator>()
+ val documentableMerger by coreExtensionPoint<DocumentableMerger>()
+ val documentableTransformer by coreExtensionPoint<DocumentableTransformer>()
+ val documentableToPageTranslator by coreExtensionPoint<DocumentableToPageTranslator>()
+ val pageTransformer by coreExtensionPoint<PageTransformer>()
+ val renderer by coreExtensionPoint<Renderer>()
+ val postActions by coreExtensionPoint<PostAction>()
+On this page we'll go over each extension point individually.
+## PreGenerationChecker
+`PreGenerationChecker` can be used to run some checks and constraints.
+For instance, `Javadoc` plugin does not support generating documentation for multi-platform projects, so it uses
+`PreGenerationChecker` to check for multi-platform
+[source sets](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-discover-project.html#source-sets) and fails if it finds any.
+## Generation
+`Generation` is responsible for generating documentation as a whole, utilizing other extension points where applicable.
+There are two implementations at the moment:
+* `AllModulesPageGeneration` - generates multimodule documentation, for instance when `dokkaHtmlMultiModule` task is
+ invoked.
+* `SingleModuleGeneration` - generates documentation for a single module, for instance when `dokkaHtml` task is invoked
+### AllModulesPageGeneration
+`AllModulesPageGeneration` utilizes output generated by `SingleModuleGeneration`. Under the hood it just collects all
+pages generated for individual modules and assembles everything together, creating navigation pages between the
+modules and so on.
+### SingleModuleGeneration stages
+When developing a feature or a plugin, it's more convenient to think that you are generating documentation for single
+module projects, believing that Dokka will somehow take care of the rest in multimodule environment.
+`SingleModuleGeneration` is at heart of generating documentation and utilizes other core extension points, so
+it's worth going over its stages.
+Below you can see the transformations of [Dokka's models](../architecture_overview.md#overview-of-data-model) and
+extension interfaces responsible for each one. Notice how `Documentables` and `Pages` are transformed multiple times.
+flowchart TD
+ Input -- SourceToDocumentableTranslator --> doc1[Documentables]
+ subgraph documentables [ ]
+ doc1 -- PreMergeDocumentableTransformer --> doc2[Documentables]
+ doc2 -- DocumentableMerger --> doc3[Documentables]
+ doc3 -- DocumentableTransformer --> doc4[Documentables]
+ end
+ doc4 -- DocumentableToPageTranslator --> page1[Pages]
+ subgraph ide2 [ ]
+ page1 -- PageTransformer --> page2[Pages]
+ end
+ page2 -- Renderer --> Output
+#### SourceToDocumentableTranslator
+`SourceToDocumentableTranslator` translates sources into documentable model.
+`Kotlin` and `Java` sources are supported by default, but you can analyze any language as long as you can map
+it to the [Documentable](../data_model/documentables.md) model.
+For reference, see
+* `DefaultDescriptorToDocumentableTranslator` for `Kotlin` sources translation
+* `DefaultPsiToDocumentableTranslator` for `Java` sources translation
+#### PreMergeDocumentableTransformer
+This extension point actually comes from `DokkaBase` and is not a core extension point, but it's used in
+`SingleModuleGeneration` nonetheless. If you are implementing your own plugin without relying on `DokkaBase`,
+you can either introduce a similar extension point or rely on [DocumentableTransformer](#documentabletransformer) which
+will be discussed below.
+`PreMergeDocumentableTransformer` allows applying any transformation to
+[Documentables model](../data_model/documentables.md) before different
+[source sets](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-discover-project.html#source-sets) are merged.
+Useful if you want to filter/map existing documentables. For instance, if you want to exclude members annotated with
+`@Internal`, you most likely need an implementation of `PreMergeDocumentableTransformer`.
+For simple condition-based filtering of documentables consider extending
+`SuppressedByConditionDocumentableFilterTransformer` - it implements `PreMergeDocumentableTransformer` and only
+requires one function to be overridden. The rest is taken care of.
+#### DocumentableMerger
+`DocumentableMerger` merges all `DModule` instances into one. Only one extension is expected of this type.
+#### DocumentableTransformer
+`DocumentableTransformer` performs the same function as `PreMergeDocumentableTransformer`, but after merging source
+Notable example is `InheritorsExtractorTransformer`, it extracts inherited classes data across
+[source sets](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-discover-project.html#source-sets) and creates an inheritance
+#### DocumentableToPageTranslator
+`DocumentableToPageTranslator` is responsible for creating pages and their content. See
+[Page/Content model](../data_model/page_content.md) section for more information and examples.
+Different output formats can either use the same page structure or define their own in case it needs to be different.
+Only a single extension of this type is expected to be registered.
+#### PageTransformer
+`PageTransformer` is useful if you need to add/remove/modify generated pages or their content.
+Plugins like `mathjax` can add `.js` scripts to pages using this extension point.
+If you want all overloaded functions to be rendered on the same page (instead of separate ones),
+you can also use `PageTransformer` to delete excessive pages and combine them into a new single one.
+#### Renderer
+`Renderer` - defines rules on what to do with pages and their content, which files to create and how to display
+it properly.
+Output format implementations should use `Renderer` extension point. Notable examples are `HtmlRenderer`
+and `CommonmarkRenderer`.
+## PostAction
+`PostAction` is useful for when you want to run some actions after the documentation has been generated - for instance
+if you want to move some files around.
+[Versioning plugin](../../../user_guide/plugins/versioning-plugin.md) utilizes `PostAction` in order to move
+generated documentation to versioned folders.
diff --git a/mkdocs/src/doc/docs/developer_guide/architecture/extension_points/introduction.md b/mkdocs/src/doc/docs/developer_guide/architecture/extension_points/introduction.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..877d14e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mkdocs/src/doc/docs/developer_guide/architecture/extension_points/introduction.md
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Introduction to extension points
+In this section you can learn how to create new extension points, how to use and configure existing ones and
+how to query for extensions when generating documentation.
+## Declaring extension points
+If you are writing a plugin, you can create your own extension point that other developers (or you) can use later on
+in some other part of code.
+class MyPlugin : DokkaPlugin() {
+ val sampleExtensionPoint by extensionPoint<SampleExtensionPointInterface>()
+interface SampleExtensionPointInterface {
+ fun doSomething(input: Input): List<Output>
+class Input
+class Output
+Usually you would want to provide some default implementation(s) for your extension point, you can do that
+within the same plugin class by extending an extension point you've just created.
+See [Extending from extension points](#extending-from-extension-points) for examples.
+## Extending from extension points
+You can use extension points to provide your own implementation(s) in order to customize plugin's behaviour.
+You can do that within the same class as the extension point itself:
+open class MyPlugin : DokkaPlugin() {
+ val sampleExtensionPoint by extensionPoint<SampleExtensionPointInterface>()
+ val defaultSampleExtension by extending {
+ sampleExtensionPoint with DefaultSampleExtension()
+ }
+class DefaultSampleExtension : SampleExtensionPointInterface {
+ override fun doSomething(input: Input): List<Output> = listOf()
+If you want to extend someone else's plugin (including `DokkaBase`), you can use plugin querying API to do that.
+In the example below we will extend `MyPlugin` that was created above with our own implementation of
+class MyExtendedPlugin : DokkaPlugin() {
+ val mySampleExtensionImplementation by extending {
+ plugin<MyPlugin>().sampleExtensionPoint with SampleExtensionImpl()
+ }
+class SampleExtensionImpl : SampleExtensionPointInterface {
+ override fun doSomething(input: Input): List<Output> = listOf()
+### Providing
+If you need to have access to `DokkaContext` in order to create an extension, you can use `providing` instead.
+val defaultSampleExtension by extending {
+ sampleExtensionPoint providing { context ->
+ // can use context to query other extensions or get configuration
+ DefaultSampleExtension()
+ }
+You can read more on what you can do with `context` in [Obtaining extension instance](#obtaining-extension-instance).
+### Override
+By extending an extension point, you are registering an _additional_ extension. This behaviour is expected for some
+extension points, for instance `Documentable` transformers, since all transformers do their own transformations and all
+of them will be invoked before proceeding.
+However, a plugin can expect only a single registered extension for an extension point. In this case, you can `override`
+existing registered extensions:
+class MyExtendedPlugin : DokkaPlugin() {
+ private val myPlugin by lazy { plugin<MyPlugin>() }
+ val mySampleExtensionImplementation by extending {
+ (myPlugin.sampleExtensionPoint
+ with SampleExtensionImpl()
+ override myPlugin.defaultSampleExtension)
+ }
+This is also useful if you wish to override some extension from `DokkaBase` to disable or alter it.
+### Order
+Sometimes the order in which extensions are invoked matters. This is something you can control as well using `order`:
+class MyExtendedPlugin : DokkaPlugin() {
+ private val myPlugin by lazy { plugin<MyPlugin>() }
+ val mySampleExtensionImplementation by extending {
+ myPlugin.sampleExtensionPoint with SampleExtensionImpl() order {
+ before(myPlugin.firstExtension)
+ after(myPlugin.thirdExtension)
+ }
+ }
+### Conditional apply
+If you want your extension to be registered only if some condition is `true`, you can use `applyIf`:
+class MyExtendedPlugin : DokkaPlugin() {
+ private val myPlugin by lazy { plugin<MyPlugin>() }
+ val mySampleExtensionImplementation by extending {
+ myPlugin.sampleExtensionPoint with SampleExtensionImpl() applyIf {
+ Random.Default.nextBoolean()
+ }
+ }
+## Obtaining extension instance
+After an extension point has been [created](#declaring-extension-points) and some extension has been
+[registered](#extending-from-extension-points), you can use `query` and `querySingle` to find all or just a single
+implementation for it.
+class MyExtension(context: DokkaContext) {
+ // returns all registered extensions for this extension point
+ val allSampleExtensions = context.plugin<MyPlugin>().query { sampleExtensionPoint }
+ // will throw an exception if more than one extension is found
+ // use if you expect only a single extension to be registered for this extension point
+ val singleSampleExtensions = context.plugin<MyPlugin>().querySingle { sampleExtensionPoint }
+ fun invoke() {
+ allSampleExtensions.forEach { it.doSomething(Input()) }
+ singleSampleExtensions.doSomething(Input())
+ }
+In order to have access to context you can use [providing](#providing) when registering this as an extension.