path: root/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/renderers/html/HtmlRenderer.kt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/renderers/html/HtmlRenderer.kt')
1 files changed, 760 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/renderers/html/HtmlRenderer.kt b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/renderers/html/HtmlRenderer.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..614d8f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/renderers/html/HtmlRenderer.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,760 @@
+package org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.html
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
+import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
+import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
+import kotlinx.html.*
+import kotlinx.html.stream.createHTML
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.Platform
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBase
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.DefaultRenderer
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.TabSortingStrategy
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.DRI
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.properties.PropertyContainer
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.withDescendants
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.*
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaContext
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.plugin
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.query
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.querySingle
+import java.io.File
+import java.net.URI
+open class HtmlRenderer(
+ context: DokkaContext
+) : DefaultRenderer<FlowContent>(context) {
+ private val sourceSetDependencyMap = context.configuration.sourceSets.map { sourceSet ->
+ sourceSet to context.configuration.sourceSets.filter { sourceSet.dependentSourceSets.contains(it.sourceSetID) }
+ }.toMap()
+ private val isMultiplatform by lazy {
+ sourceSetDependencyMap.size > 1
+ }
+ private val pageList = mutableMapOf<String, Pair<String, String>>()
+ override val preprocessors = context.plugin<DokkaBase>().query { htmlPreprocessors }
+ private val tabSortingStrategy = context.plugin<DokkaBase>().querySingle { tabSortingStrategy }
+ private fun <T : ContentNode> sortTabs(strategy: TabSortingStrategy, tabs: Collection<T>): List<T> {
+ val sorted = strategy.sort(tabs)
+ if (sorted.size != tabs.size)
+ context.logger.warn("Tab sorting strategy has changed number of tabs from ${tabs.size} to ${sorted.size}")
+ return sorted;
+ }
+ override fun FlowContent.wrapGroup(
+ node: ContentGroup,
+ pageContext: ContentPage,
+ childrenCallback: FlowContent.() -> Unit
+ ) {
+ val additionalClasses = node.style.joinToString(" ") { it.toString().toLowerCase() }
+ return when {
+ node.hasStyle(ContentStyle.TabbedContent) -> div(additionalClasses) {
+ val secondLevel = node.children.filterIsInstance<ContentComposite>().flatMap { it.children }
+ .filterIsInstance<ContentHeader>().flatMap { it.children }.filterIsInstance<ContentText>()
+ val firstLevel = node.children.filterIsInstance<ContentHeader>().flatMap { it.children }
+ .filterIsInstance<ContentText>()
+ val renderable = firstLevel.union(secondLevel).let { sortTabs(tabSortingStrategy, it) }
+ div(classes = "tabs-section") {
+ attributes["tabs-section"] = "tabs-section"
+ renderable.forEachIndexed { index, node ->
+ button(classes = "section-tab") {
+ if (index == 0) attributes["data-active"] = ""
+ attributes["data-togglable"] = node.text
+ text(node.text)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ div(classes = "tabs-section-body") {
+ childrenCallback()
+ }
+ }
+ node.hasStyle(ContentStyle.WithExtraAttributes) -> div() {
+ node.extra.extraHtmlAttributes().forEach { attributes[it.extraKey] = it.extraValue }
+ childrenCallback()
+ }
+ node.dci.kind in setOf(ContentKind.Symbol) -> div("symbol $additionalClasses") {
+ childrenCallback()
+ if (node.hasStyle(TextStyle.Monospace)) copyButton()
+ }
+ node.hasStyle(TextStyle.BreakableAfter) -> {
+ span() { childrenCallback() }
+ wbr { }
+ }
+ node.hasStyle(TextStyle.Breakable) -> {
+ span("breakable-word") { childrenCallback() }
+ }
+ node.hasStyle(TextStyle.Span) -> span() { childrenCallback() }
+ node.dci.kind == ContentKind.Symbol -> div("symbol $additionalClasses") { childrenCallback() }
+ node.dci.kind == ContentKind.BriefComment -> div("brief $additionalClasses") { childrenCallback() }
+ node.dci.kind == ContentKind.Cover -> div("cover $additionalClasses") {
+ filterButtons(pageContext)
+ childrenCallback()
+ }
+ node.hasStyle(TextStyle.Paragraph) -> p(additionalClasses) { childrenCallback() }
+ node.hasStyle(TextStyle.Block) -> div(additionalClasses) { childrenCallback() }
+ else -> childrenCallback()
+ }
+ }
+ private fun FlowContent.filterButtons(page: ContentPage) {
+ if (isMultiplatform) {
+ div(classes = "filter-section") {
+ id = "filter-section"
+ page.content.withDescendants().flatMap { it.sourceSets }.distinct().forEach {
+ button(classes = "platform-tag platform-selector") {
+ attributes["data-active"] = ""
+ attributes["data-filter"] = it.sourceSetID.toString()
+ when (it.analysisPlatform.key) {
+ "common" -> classes = classes + "common-like"
+ "native" -> classes = classes + "native-like"
+ "jvm" -> classes = classes + "jvm-like"
+ "js" -> classes = classes + "js-like"
+ }
+ text(it.displayName)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun FlowContent.copyButton() = span(classes = "top-right-position") {
+ span("copy-icon") {
+ unsafe {
+ raw(
+ """<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
+ <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 4H15V16H5V4ZM17 7H19V18V20H17H8V18H17V7Z" fill="black"/>
+ </svg>""".trimIndent()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ copiedPopup("Content copied to clipboard", "popup-to-left")
+ }
+ private fun FlowContent.copiedPopup(notificationContent: String, additionalClasses: String = "") =
+ div("copy-popup-wrapper $additionalClasses") {
+ unsafe {
+ raw(
+ """
+ <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
+ <path d="M18 9C18 14 14 18 9 18C4 18 0 14 0 9C0 4 4 0 9 0C14 0 18 4 18 9ZM14.2 6.2L12.8 4.8L7.5 10.1L5.3 7.8L3.8 9.2L7.5 13L14.2 6.2Z" fill="#4DBB5F"/>
+ </svg>
+ """.trimIndent()
+ )
+ }
+ span {
+ text(notificationContent)
+ }
+ }
+ override fun FlowContent.buildPlatformDependent(
+ content: PlatformHintedContent,
+ pageContext: ContentPage,
+ sourceSetRestriction: Set<DokkaSourceSet>?
+ ) =
+ buildPlatformDependent(
+ content.sourceSets.filter {
+ sourceSetRestriction == null || it in sourceSetRestriction
+ }.map { it to setOf(content.inner) }.toMap(),
+ pageContext,
+ content.extra,
+ content.style
+ )
+ private fun FlowContent.buildPlatformDependent(
+ nodes: Map<DokkaSourceSet, Collection<ContentNode>>,
+ pageContext: ContentPage,
+ extra: PropertyContainer<ContentNode> = PropertyContainer.empty(),
+ styles: Set<Style> = emptySet()
+ ) {
+ val contents = contentsForSourceSetDependent(nodes, pageContext)
+ val shouldHaveTabs = contents.size != 1
+ val styles = "platform-hinted ${styles.joinToString()}" + if (shouldHaveTabs) " with-platform-tabs" else ""
+ div(styles) {
+ attributes["data-platform-hinted"] = "data-platform-hinted"
+ extra.extraHtmlAttributes().forEach { attributes[it.extraKey] = it.extraValue }
+ if (shouldHaveTabs) {
+ div("platform-bookmarks-row") {
+ attributes["data-toggle-list"] = "data-toggle-list"
+ contents.forEachIndexed { index, pair ->
+ button(classes = "platform-bookmark") {
+ attributes["data-filterable-current"] = pair.first.sourceSetID.toString()
+ attributes["data-filterable-set"] = pair.first.sourceSetID.toString()
+ if (index == 0) attributes["data-active"] = ""
+ attributes["data-toggle"] = pair.first.sourceSetID.toString()
+ when (pair.first.analysisPlatform.key) {
+ "common" -> classes = classes + "common-like"
+ "native" -> classes = classes + "native-like"
+ "jvm" -> classes = classes + "jvm-like"
+ "js" -> classes = classes + "js-like"
+ }
+ attributes["data-toggle"] = pair.first.sourceSetID.toString()
+ text(pair.first.displayName)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ contents.forEach {
+ consumer.onTagContentUnsafe { +it.second }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun contentsForSourceSetDependent(
+ nodes: Map<DokkaSourceSet, Collection<ContentNode>>,
+ pageContext: ContentPage,
+ ): List<Pair<DokkaSourceSet, String>> {
+ var counter = 0
+ return nodes.toList().map { (sourceSet, elements) ->
+ sourceSet to createHTML(prettyPrint = false).div {
+ elements.forEach {
+ buildContentNode(it, pageContext, setOf(sourceSet))
+ }
+ }.stripDiv()
+ }.groupBy(
+ Pair<DokkaSourceSet, String>::second,
+ Pair<DokkaSourceSet, String>::first
+ ).entries.flatMap { (html, sourceSets) ->
+ sourceSets.filterNot {
+ sourceSetDependencyMap[it].orEmpty().any { dependency -> sourceSets.contains(dependency) }
+ }.map {
+ it to createHTML(prettyPrint = false).div(classes = "content sourceset-depenent-content") {
+ if (counter++ == 0) attributes["data-active"] = ""
+ attributes["data-togglable"] = it.sourceSetID.toString()
+ unsafe {
+ +html
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override fun FlowContent.buildDivergent(node: ContentDivergentGroup, pageContext: ContentPage) {
+ val distinct =
+ node.groupDivergentInstances(pageContext, { instance, contentPage, sourceSet ->
+ createHTML(prettyPrint = false).div {
+ instance.before?.let { before ->
+ buildContentNode(before, pageContext, setOf(sourceSet))
+ }
+ }.stripDiv()
+ }, { instance, contentPage, sourceSet ->
+ createHTML(prettyPrint = false).div {
+ instance.after?.let { after ->
+ buildContentNode(after, pageContext, setOf(sourceSet))
+ }
+ }.stripDiv()
+ })
+ distinct.forEach {
+ val groupedDivergent = it.value.groupBy { it.second }
+ consumer.onTagContentUnsafe {
+ +createHTML().div("divergent-group") {
+ attributes["data-filterable-current"] = groupedDivergent.keys.joinToString(" ") {
+ it.sourceSetID.toString()
+ }
+ attributes["data-filterable-set"] = groupedDivergent.keys.joinToString(" ") {
+ it.sourceSetID.toString()
+ }
+ val divergentForPlatformDependent = groupedDivergent.map { (sourceSet, elements) ->
+ sourceSet to elements.map { e -> e.first.divergent }
+ }.toMap()
+ val content = contentsForSourceSetDependent(divergentForPlatformDependent, pageContext)
+ consumer.onTagContentUnsafe {
+ +createHTML().div("brief-with-platform-tags") {
+ consumer.onTagContentUnsafe {
+ +createHTML().div("inner-brief-with-platform-tags") {
+ consumer.onTagContentUnsafe { +it.key.first }
+ }
+ }
+ consumer.onTagContentUnsafe {
+ +createHTML().span("pull-right") {
+ if ((distinct.size > 1 && groupedDivergent.size == 1) || groupedDivergent.size == 1 || content.size == 1) {
+ if (node.sourceSets.size != 1) {
+ createPlatformTags(node, setOf(content.first().first))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ div("main-subrow") {
+ if (node.implicitlySourceSetHinted) {
+ buildPlatformDependent(divergentForPlatformDependent, pageContext)
+ } else {
+ it.value.forEach {
+ buildContentNode(it.first.divergent, pageContext, setOf(it.second))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ consumer.onTagContentUnsafe { +it.key.second }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override fun FlowContent.buildList(
+ node: ContentList,
+ pageContext: ContentPage,
+ sourceSetRestriction: Set<DokkaSourceSet>?
+ ) = if (node.ordered) ol { buildListItems(node.children, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) }
+ else ul { buildListItems(node.children, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) }
+ open fun OL.buildListItems(
+ items: List<ContentNode>,
+ pageContext: ContentPage,
+ sourceSetRestriction: Set<DokkaSourceSet>? = null
+ ) {
+ items.forEach {
+ if (it is ContentList)
+ buildList(it, pageContext)
+ else
+ li { it.build(this, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction) }
+ }
+ }
+ open fun UL.buildListItems(
+ items: List<ContentNode>,
+ pageContext: ContentPage,
+ sourceSetRestriction: Set<DokkaSourceSet>? = null
+ ) {
+ items.forEach {
+ if (it is ContentList)
+ buildList(it, pageContext)
+ else
+ li { it.build(this, pageContext) }
+ }
+ }
+ override fun FlowContent.buildResource(
+ node: ContentEmbeddedResource,
+ pageContext: ContentPage
+ ) { // TODO: extension point there
+ val imageExtensions = setOf("png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp", "tif", "webp", "svg")
+ return if (File(node.address).extension.toLowerCase() in imageExtensions) {
+ //TODO: add imgAttrs parsing
+ val imgAttrs = node.extra.allOfType<SimpleAttr>().joinAttr()
+ img(src = node.address, alt = node.altText)
+ } else {
+ println("Unrecognized resource type: $node")
+ }
+ }
+ private fun FlowContent.buildRow(
+ node: ContentGroup,
+ pageContext: ContentPage,
+ sourceSetRestriction: Set<DokkaSourceSet>?,
+ style: Set<Style>
+ ) {
+ node.children
+ .filter { sourceSetRestriction == null || it.sourceSets.any { s -> s in sourceSetRestriction } }
+ .takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }
+ ?.let {
+ val anchorName = node.dci.dri.first().toString()
+ withAnchor(anchorName) {
+ div(classes = "table-row") {
+ if (!style.contains(MultimoduleTable)) {
+ attributes["data-filterable-current"] = node.sourceSets.joinToString(" ") {
+ it.sourceSetID.toString()
+ }
+ attributes["data-filterable-set"] = node.sourceSets.joinToString(" ") {
+ it.sourceSetID.toString()
+ }
+ }
+ it.filterIsInstance<ContentLink>().takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.let {
+ div("main-subrow " + node.style.joinToString(" ")) {
+ it.filter { sourceSetRestriction == null || it.sourceSets.any { s -> s in sourceSetRestriction } }
+ .forEach {
+ span {
+ it.build(this, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction)
+ buildAnchor(anchorName)
+ }
+ if (ContentKind.shouldBePlatformTagged(node.dci.kind) && (node.sourceSets.size == 1))
+ createPlatformTags(node)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ it.filter { it !is ContentLink }.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.let {
+ div("platform-dependent-row keyValue") {
+ val title = it.filter { it.style.contains(ContentStyle.RowTitle) }
+ div {
+ title.forEach {
+ it.build(this, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction)
+ }
+ }
+ div("title") {
+ (it - title).forEach {
+ it.build(this, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun FlowContent.createPlatformTagBubbles(sourceSets: List<DokkaSourceSet>) {
+ if (isMultiplatform) {
+ div("platform-tags") {
+ sourceSets.forEach {
+ div("platform-tag") {
+ when (it.analysisPlatform.key) {
+ "common" -> classes = classes + "common-like"
+ "native" -> classes = classes + "native-like"
+ "jvm" -> classes = classes + "jvm-like"
+ "js" -> classes = classes + "js-like"
+ }
+ text(it.displayName)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun FlowContent.createPlatformTags(node: ContentNode, sourceSetRestriction: Set<DokkaSourceSet>? = null) {
+ node.takeIf { sourceSetRestriction == null || it.sourceSets.any { s -> s in sourceSetRestriction } }?.let {
+ createPlatformTagBubbles(node.sourceSets.filter {
+ sourceSetRestriction == null || it in sourceSetRestriction
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ override fun FlowContent.buildTable(
+ node: ContentTable,
+ pageContext: ContentPage,
+ sourceSetRestriction: Set<DokkaSourceSet>?
+ ) {
+ when (node.dci.kind) {
+ ContentKind.Comment -> buildDefaultTable(node, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction)
+ else -> div(classes = "table") {
+ node.extra.extraHtmlAttributes().forEach { attributes[it.extraKey] = it.extraValue }
+ node.children.forEach {
+ buildRow(it, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction, node.style)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fun FlowContent.buildDefaultTable(
+ node: ContentTable,
+ pageContext: ContentPage,
+ sourceSetRestriction: Set<DokkaSourceSet>?
+ ) {
+ table {
+ thead {
+ node.header.forEach {
+ tr {
+ it.children.forEach {
+ th {
+ it.build(this@table, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tbody {
+ node.children.forEach {
+ tr {
+ it.children.forEach {
+ td {
+ it.build(this, pageContext, sourceSetRestriction)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override fun FlowContent.buildHeader(level: Int, node: ContentHeader, content: FlowContent.() -> Unit) {
+ val anchor = node.extra[SimpleAttr.SimpleAttrKey("anchor")]?.extraValue
+ val classes = node.style.joinToString { it.toString() }.toLowerCase()
+ when (level) {
+ 1 -> h1(classes = classes) { withAnchor(anchor, content) }
+ 2 -> h2(classes = classes) { withAnchor(anchor, content) }
+ 3 -> h3(classes = classes) { withAnchor(anchor, content) }
+ 4 -> h4(classes = classes) { withAnchor(anchor, content) }
+ 5 -> h5(classes = classes) { withAnchor(anchor, content) }
+ else -> h6(classes = classes) { withAnchor(anchor, content) }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun FlowContent.withAnchor(anchorName: String?, content: FlowContent.() -> Unit) {
+ a {
+ anchorName?.let { attributes["data-name"] = it }
+ }
+ content()
+ }
+ override fun FlowContent.buildNavigation(page: PageNode) =
+ div(classes = "breadcrumbs") {
+ locationProvider.ancestors(page).asReversed().forEach { node ->
+ text("/")
+ if (node.isNavigable) buildLink(node, page)
+ else text(node.name)
+ }
+ }
+ private fun FlowContent.buildLink(to: PageNode, from: PageNode) =
+ buildLink(locationProvider.resolve(to, from)) {
+ text(to.name)
+ }
+ private fun FlowContent.buildAnchor(pointingTo: String) {
+ span(classes = "anchor-wrapper") {
+ span(classes = "anchor-icon") {
+ attributes["pointing-to"] = pointingTo
+ unsafe {
+ raw(
+ """
+ <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
+ <path d="M21.2496 5.3C20.3496 4.5 19.2496 4 18.0496 4C16.8496 4 15.6496 4.5 14.8496 5.3L10.3496 9.8L11.7496 11.2L16.2496 6.7C17.2496 5.7 18.8496 5.7 19.8496 6.7C20.8496 7.7 20.8496 9.3 19.8496 10.3L15.3496 14.8L16.7496 16.2L21.2496 11.7C22.1496 10.8 22.5496 9.7 22.5496 8.5C22.5496 7.3 22.1496 6.2 21.2496 5.3Z"/>
+ <path d="M8.35 16.7998C7.35 17.7998 5.75 17.7998 4.75 16.7998C3.75 15.7998 3.75 14.1998 4.75 13.1998L9.25 8.6998L7.85 7.2998L3.35 11.7998C1.55 13.5998 1.55 16.3998 3.35 18.1998C4.25 19.0998 5.35 19.4998 6.55 19.4998C7.75 19.4998 8.85 19.0998 9.75 18.1998L14.25 13.6998L12.85 12.2998L8.35 16.7998Z"/>
+ </svg>
+ """.trimIndent()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ copiedPopup("Link copied to clipboard")
+ }
+ }
+ fun FlowContent.buildLink(
+ to: DRI,
+ platforms: List<DokkaSourceSet>,
+ from: PageNode? = null,
+ block: FlowContent.() -> Unit
+ ) = buildLink(locationProvider.resolve(to, platforms.toSet(), from), block)
+ override fun buildError(node: ContentNode) {
+ context.logger.error("Unknown ContentNode type: $node")
+ }
+ override fun FlowContent.buildNewLine() {
+ br()
+ }
+ override fun FlowContent.buildLink(address: String, content: FlowContent.() -> Unit) =
+ a(href = address, block = content)
+ override fun FlowContent.buildCodeBlock(
+ code: ContentCodeBlock,
+ pageContext: ContentPage
+ ) {
+ div("sample-container") {
+ code(code.style.joinToString(" ") { it.toString().toLowerCase() }) {
+ attributes["theme"] = "idea"
+ code.children.forEach { buildContentNode(it, pageContext) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override fun FlowContent.buildCodeInline(
+ code: ContentCodeInline,
+ pageContext: ContentPage
+ ) {
+ code {
+ code.children.forEach { buildContentNode(it, pageContext) }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun getSymbolSignature(page: ContentPage) = page.content.dfs { it.dci.kind == ContentKind.Symbol }
+ private fun flattenToText(node: ContentNode): String {
+ fun getContentTextNodes(node: ContentNode, sourceSetRestriction: DokkaSourceSet): List<ContentText> =
+ when (node) {
+ is ContentText -> listOf(node)
+ is ContentComposite -> node.children
+ .filter { sourceSetRestriction in it.sourceSets }
+ .flatMap { getContentTextNodes(it, sourceSetRestriction) }
+ .takeIf { node.dci.kind != ContentKind.Annotations }
+ .orEmpty()
+ else -> emptyList()
+ }
+ val sourceSetRestriction =
+ node.sourceSets.find { it.analysisPlatform == Platform.common } ?: node.sourceSets.first()
+ return getContentTextNodes(node, sourceSetRestriction).joinToString("") { it.text }
+ }
+ override suspend fun renderPage(page: PageNode) {
+ super.renderPage(page)
+ if (page is ContentPage && page !is ModulePageNode && page !is PackagePageNode) {
+ val signature = getSymbolSignature(page)
+ val textNodes = signature?.let { flattenToText(it) }
+ val documentable = page.documentable
+ if (documentable != null) {
+ listOf(
+ documentable.dri.packageName,
+ documentable.dri.classNames,
+ documentable.dri.callable?.name
+ )
+ .filter { !it.isNullOrEmpty() }
+ .takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }
+ ?.joinToString(".")
+ ?.let {
+ pageList.put(it, Pair(textNodes ?: page.name, locationProvider.resolve(page)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override fun FlowContent.buildText(textNode: ContentText) {
+ when {
+ textNode.hasStyle(TextStyle.Indented) -> consumer.onTagContentEntity(Entities.nbsp)
+ }
+ text(textNode.text)
+ }
+ private fun generatePagesList() =
+ pageList.entries
+ .filter { !it.key.isNullOrEmpty() }
+ .groupBy { it.key.substringAfterLast(".") }
+ .entries
+ .mapIndexed { topLevelIndex, entry ->
+ if (entry.value.size > 1) {
+ listOf(
+ "{\'name\': \'${entry.key}\', \'index\': \'$topLevelIndex\', \'disabled\': true, \'searchKey\':\'${entry.key}\' }"
+ ) + entry.value.mapIndexed { index, subentry ->
+ "{\'name\': \'${subentry.value.first}\', \'level\': 1, \'index\': \'$topLevelIndex.$index\', \'description\':\'${subentry.key}\', \'location\':\'${subentry.value.second}\', 'searchKey':'${entry.key}'}"
+ }
+ } else {
+ val subentry = entry.value.single()
+ listOf(
+ "{\'name\': \'${subentry.value.first}\', \'index\': \'$topLevelIndex\', \'description\':\'${subentry.key}\', \'location\':\'${subentry.value.second}\', 'searchKey':'${entry.key}'}"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ .flatten()
+ .joinToString(prefix = "[", separator = ",\n", postfix = "]")
+ override fun render(root: RootPageNode) {
+ super.render(root)
+ runBlocking(Dispatchers.Default) {
+ launch {
+ outputWriter.write("scripts/pages", "var pages = ${generatePagesList()}", ".js")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun PageNode.root(path: String) = locationProvider.resolveRoot(this) + path
+ override fun buildPage(page: ContentPage, content: (FlowContent, ContentPage) -> Unit): String =
+ buildHtml(page, page.embeddedResources) {
+ div {
+ id = "content"
+ attributes["pageIds"] = page.dri.first().toString()
+ content(this, page)
+ }
+ }
+ private fun resolveLink(link: String, page: PageNode): String = if (URI(link).isAbsolute) link else page.root(link)
+ open fun buildHtml(page: PageNode, resources: List<String>, content: FlowContent.() -> Unit) =
+ createHTML().html {
+ head {
+ meta(name = "viewport", content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1", charset = "UTF-8")
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+ resources.forEach {
+ when {
+ it.substringBefore('?').substringAfterLast('.') == "css" -> link(
+ rel = LinkRel.stylesheet,
+ href = resolveLink(it, page)
+ )
+ it.substringBefore('?').substringAfterLast('.') == "js" -> script(
+ type = ScriptType.textJavaScript,
+ src = resolveLink(it, page)
+ ) {
+ async = true
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+ else -> unsafe { +it }
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+ script { unsafe { +"""var pathToRoot = "${locationProvider.resolveRoot(page)}";""" } }
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+ content()
+ div(classes = "footer") {
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+ a(href = "#container") {
+ unsafe {
+ raw(
+ """
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+ """.trimIndent()
+ )
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+ }
+ }
+ span { text("© 2020 Copyright") }
+ span("pull-right") {
+ span { text("Sponsored and developed by dokka") }
+ a(href= "https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka") {
+ span(classes = "padded-icon") {
+ unsafe {
+ raw(
+ """
+ <svg width="8" height="8" viewBox="0 0 8 8" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
+ <path d="M8 0H2.3949L4.84076 2.44586L0 7.28662L0.713376 8L5.55414 3.15924L8 5.6051V0Z" fill="black"/>
+ </svg>
+ """.trimIndent()
+ )
+ }
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+fun List<SimpleAttr>.joinAttr() = joinToString(" ") { it.extraKey + "=" + it.extraValue }
+private fun String.stripDiv() = drop(5).dropLast(6) // TODO: Find a way to do it without arbitrary trims
+private val PageNode.isNavigable: Boolean
+ get() = this !is RendererSpecificPage || strategy != RenderingStrategy.DoNothing
+fun PropertyContainer<ContentNode>.extraHtmlAttributes() = allOfType<SimpleAttr>()