path: root/runners/cli/src/main/kotlin
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Diffstat (limited to 'runners/cli/src/main/kotlin')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/runners/cli/src/main/kotlin/cli/main.kt b/runners/cli/src/main/kotlin/cli/main.kt
index 330de5e1..ae2f1136 100644
--- a/runners/cli/src/main/kotlin/cli/main.kt
+++ b/runners/cli/src/main/kotlin/cli/main.kt
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import com.sampullara.cli.Args
-import com.sampullara.cli.Argument
+import kotlinx.cli.*
import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink
import java.io.File
@@ -10,66 +8,243 @@ import java.net.MalformedURLException
import java.net.URL
import java.net.URLClassLoader
-class DokkaArguments {
- @set:Argument(value = "src", description = "Source file or directory (allows many paths separated by the system path separator)")
- var src: String = ""
+data class Arguments(
+ override var moduleName: String = "",
+ override var classpath: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf(),
+ override var sourceRoots: MutableList<DokkaConfiguration.SourceRoot> = mutableListOf(),
+ override var samples: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf(),
+ override var includes: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf(),
+ override var includeNonPublic: Boolean = false,
+ override var includeRootPackage: Boolean = false,
+ override var reportUndocumented: Boolean = false,
+ override var skipEmptyPackages: Boolean = false,
+ override var skipDeprecated: Boolean = false,
+ override var jdkVersion: Int = 6,
+ override var sourceLinks: List<DokkaConfiguration.SourceLinkDefinition> = listOf(),
+ override var perPackageOptions: List<DokkaConfiguration.PackageOptions> = listOf(),
+ override var externalDocumentationLinks: List<DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink> = listOf(),
+ override var languageVersion: String? = "",
+ override var apiVersion: String? = "",
+ override var noStdlibLink: Boolean = false,
+ override var noJdkLink: Boolean = false,
+ override var suppressedFiles: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf(),
+ override var collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries: Boolean = false,
+ override var analysisPlatform: Platform = Platform.DEFAULT,
+ override var targets: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf(),
+ var rawPerPackageOptions: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
+) : DokkaConfiguration.PassConfiguration
+data class GlobalArguments(
+ override var outputDir: String = "",
+ override var format: String = "",
+ override var generateIndexPages: Boolean = false,
+ override var cacheRoot: String? = null,
+ override var passesConfigurations: List<DokkaConfiguration.PassConfiguration> = listOf(),
+ override var impliedPlatforms: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
+) : DokkaConfiguration
+class DokkaArgumentsParser {
+ private fun CommandLineInterface.registerSingleAction(
+ keys: List<String>,
+ help: String,
+ invoke: (String) -> Unit
+ ) = registerAction(
+ object : FlagActionBase(keys, help) {
+ override fun invoke(arguments: ListIterator<String>) {
+ if (arguments.hasNext()) {
+ val msg = arguments.next()
+ invoke(msg)
+ }
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "srcLink", description = "Mapping between a source directory and a Web site for browsing the code")
- var srcLink: String = ""
+ override fun invoke() {
+ error("should be never called")
+ }
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "include", description = "Markdown files to load (allows many paths separated by the system path separator)")
- var include: String = ""
+ )
+ private fun CommandLineInterface.registerRepeatingAction(
+ keys: List<String>,
+ help: String,
+ invoke: (String) -> Unit
+ ) = registerAction(
+ object : FlagActionBase(keys, help) {
+ override fun invoke(arguments: ListIterator<String>) {
+ while (arguments.hasNext()) {
+ val message = arguments.next()
+ if (cli.getFlagAction(message) != null) {
+ arguments.previous()
+ break
+ }
+ invoke(message)
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "samples", description = "Source root for samples")
- var samples: String = ""
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "output", description = "Output directory path")
- var outputDir: String = "out/doc/"
+ override fun invoke() {
+ error("should be never called")
+ }
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "format", description = "Output format (text, html, markdown, jekyll, kotlin-website)")
- var outputFormat: String = "html"
+ )
- @set:Argument(value = "module", description = "Name of the documentation module")
- var moduleName: String = ""
+ val cli = CommandLineInterface("dokka")
+ val passArguments = mutableListOf<Arguments>()
+ val globalArguments = GlobalArguments()
- @set:Argument(value = "classpath", description = "Classpath for symbol resolution")
- var classpath: String = ""
+ init {
+ cli.flagAction(
+ listOf("-pass"),
+ "Single dokka pass"
+ ) {
+ passArguments += Arguments()
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "nodeprecated", description = "Exclude deprecated members from documentation")
- var nodeprecated: Boolean = false
+ cli.registerRepeatingAction(
+ listOf("-src"),
+ "Source file or directory (allows many paths separated by the system path separator)"
+ ) {
+ passArguments.last().sourceRoots.add(SourceRootImpl.parseSourceRoot(it))
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "jdkVersion", description = "Version of JDK to use for linking to JDK JavaDoc")
- var jdkVersion: Int = 6
+ cli.registerRepeatingAction(
+ listOf("-srcLink"),
+ "Mapping between a source directory and a Web site for browsing the code"
+ ) {
+ println(it)
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "impliedPlatforms", description = "List of implied platforms (comma-separated)")
- var impliedPlatforms: String = ""
+ cli.registerRepeatingAction(
+ listOf("-include"),
+ "Markdown files to load (allows many paths separated by the system path separator)"
+ ) {
+ passArguments.last().includes.add(it)
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "packageOptions", description = "List of package passConfiguration in format \"prefix,-deprecated,-privateApi,+warnUndocumented,+suppress;...\" ")
- var packageOptions: String = ""
+ cli.registerRepeatingAction(
+ listOf("-samples"),
+ "Source root for samples"
+ ) {
+ passArguments.last().samples.add(it)
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "links", description = "External documentation links in format url^packageListUrl^^url2...")
- var links: String = ""
+ cli.registerSingleAction(
+ listOf("-output"),
+ "Output directory path"
+ ) {
+ globalArguments.outputDir = it
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "noStdlibLink", description = "Disable documentation link to stdlib")
- var noStdlibLink: Boolean = false
+ cli.registerSingleAction(
+ listOf("-format"),
+ "Output format (text, html, markdown, jekyll, kotlin-website)"
+ ) {
+ globalArguments.format = it
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "noJdkLink", description = "Disable documentation link to jdk")
- var noJdkLink: Boolean = false
+ cli.registerSingleAction(
+ listOf("-module"),
+ "Name of the documentation module"
+ ) {
+ passArguments.last().moduleName = it
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "cacheRoot", description = "Path to cache folder, or 'default' to use ~/.cache/dokka, if not provided caching is disabled")
- var cacheRoot: String? = null
+ cli.registerRepeatingAction(
+ listOf("-classpath"),
+ "Classpath for symbol resolution"
+ ) {
+ passArguments.last().classpath.add(it)
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "languageVersion", description = "Language Version to pass to Kotlin Analysis")
- var languageVersion: String? = null
+ cli.flagAction(
+ listOf("-nodeprecacted"),
+ "Exclude deprecated members from documentation"
+ ) {
+ passArguments.last().skipDeprecated = true
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "apiVersion", description = "Kotlin Api Version to pass to Kotlin Analysis")
- var apiVersion: String? = null
+ cli.registerSingleAction(
+ listOf("jdkVersion"),
+ "Version of JDK to use for linking to JDK JavaDoc"
+ ) {
+ passArguments.last().jdkVersion = Integer.parseInt(it)
+ }
- @set:Argument(value = "collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries", description = "Search for applicable extensions in libraries")
- var collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries: Boolean = false
+ cli.registerRepeatingAction(
+ listOf("-impliedPlatforms"),
+ "List of implied platforms (comma-separated)"
+ ) {
+ globalArguments.impliedPlatforms.add(it)
+ }
+ cli.registerSingleAction(
+ listOf("-pckageOptions"),
+ "List of package passConfiguration in format \"prefix,-deprecated,-privateApi,+warnUndocumented,+suppress;...\" "
+ ) {
+ passArguments.last().perPackageOptions = parsePerPackageOptions(it)
+ }
+ cli.registerSingleAction(
+ listOf("links"),
+ "External documentation links in format url^packageListUrl^^url2..."
+ ) {
+ passArguments.last().externalDocumentationLinks = MainKt.parseLinks(it)
+ }
+ cli.flagAction(
+ listOf("-noStdlibLink"),
+ "Disable documentation link to stdlib"
+ ) {
+ passArguments.last().noStdlibLink = true
+ }
+ cli.flagAction(
+ listOf("-noJdkLink"),
+ "Disable documentation link to jdk"
+ ) {
+ passArguments.last().noJdkLink = true
+ }
+ cli.registerSingleAction(
+ listOf("-cacheRoot"),
+ "Path to cache folder, or 'default' to use ~/.cache/dokka, if not provided caching is disabled"
+ ) {
+ globalArguments.cacheRoot = it
+ }
+ cli.registerSingleAction(
+ listOf("-languageVersion"),
+ "Language Version to pass to Kotlin Analysis"
+ ) {
+ passArguments.last().languageVersion = it
+ }
+ cli.registerSingleAction(
+ listOf("-apiVesion"),
+ "Kotlin Api Version to pass to Kotlin Analysis"
+ ) {
+ passArguments.last().apiVersion = it
+ }
+ cli.flagAction(
+ listOf("-collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries"),
+ "Search for applicable extensions in libraries"
+ ) {
+ passArguments.last().collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries = true
+ }
+ }
+ fun parse(args: Array<String>): DokkaConfiguration {
+ cli.parseArgs(*args)
+ globalArguments.passesConfigurations = passArguments
+ return globalArguments
+ }
object MainKt {
@@ -93,56 +268,8 @@ object MainKt {
- fun entry(args: Array<String>) {
- val arguments = DokkaArguments()
- val freeArgs: List<String> = Args.parse(arguments, args) ?: listOf()
- val sources = if (arguments.src.isNotEmpty()) arguments.src.split(File.pathSeparatorChar).toList() + freeArgs else freeArgs
- val samples = if (arguments.samples.isNotEmpty()) arguments.samples.split(File.pathSeparatorChar).toList() else listOf()
- val includes = if (arguments.include.isNotEmpty()) arguments.include.split(File.pathSeparatorChar).toList() else listOf()
- val sourceLinks = if (arguments.srcLink.isNotEmpty() && arguments.srcLink.contains("="))
- listOf(SourceLinkDefinitionImpl.parseSourceLinkDefinition(arguments.srcLink))
- else {
- if (arguments.srcLink.isNotEmpty()) {
- println("Warning: Invalid -srcLink syntax. Expected: <path>=<url>[#lineSuffix]. No source links will be generated.")
- }
- listOf()
- }
- val classPath = arguments.classpath.split(File.pathSeparatorChar).toList()
- val passConfig = PassConfigurationImpl(
- skipDeprecated = arguments.nodeprecated,
- sourceLinks = sourceLinks,
- perPackageOptions = parsePerPackageOptions(arguments.packageOptions),
- jdkVersion = arguments.jdkVersion,
- externalDocumentationLinks = parseLinks(arguments.links),
- noStdlibLink = arguments.noStdlibLink,
- languageVersion = arguments.languageVersion,
- apiVersion = arguments.apiVersion,
- collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries = arguments.collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries,
- noJdkLink = arguments.noJdkLink,
- sourceRoots = sources.map(SourceRootImpl.Companion::parseSourceRoot),
- analysisPlatform = sources.map (SourceRootImpl.Companion::parseSourceRoot).single().analysisPlatform,
- samples = samples,
- includes = includes,
- moduleName = arguments.moduleName,
- classpath = classPath
- )
- val config = DokkaConfigurationImpl(
- outputDir = arguments.outputDir.let { if (it.endsWith('/')) it else it + '/' },
- format = arguments.outputFormat,
- impliedPlatforms = arguments.impliedPlatforms.split(','),
- cacheRoot = arguments.cacheRoot,
- passesConfigurations = listOf(
- passConfig
- )
- )
- val generator = DokkaGenerator(config, DokkaConsoleLogger)
+ fun entry(configuration: DokkaConfiguration) {
+ val generator = DokkaGenerator(configuration, DokkaConsoleLogger)
@@ -168,27 +295,29 @@ object MainKt {
return URLClassLoader(urls, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().parent)
- fun startWithToolsJar(args: Array<String>) {
+ fun startWithToolsJar(configuration: DokkaConfiguration) {
try {
- entry(args)
+ entry(configuration)
} catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) {
val classLoader = createClassLoaderWithTools()
.methods.find { it.name == "entry" }!!
- .invoke(null, args)
+ .invoke(null, configuration)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
- val arguments = DokkaArguments()
- Args.parse(arguments, args)
- if (arguments.outputFormat == "javadoc")
- startWithToolsJar(args)
+ val dokkaArgumentsParser = DokkaArgumentsParser()
+ val configuration = dokkaArgumentsParser.parse(args)
+ if (configuration.format == "javadoc")
+ startWithToolsJar(configuration)
- entry(args)
+ entry(configuration)