path: root/runners/gradle-plugin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runners/gradle-plugin')
60 files changed, 0 insertions, 5419 deletions
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/MIGRATION.md b/runners/gradle-plugin/MIGRATION.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f881bfa..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/MIGRATION.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-### Configuring a dokka task
-Dokka 1.4.x will create dedicated tasks for each format.
-You can expect the following formats being registered and configured by default:
-- `dokkaHtml`
-- `dokkaJavadoc`
-- `dokkaGfm`
-- `dokkaJekyll`
-Therefore, you need to either select specifically which task you want to configure or configure all with Type `DokkaTask`
-/* 0.10.x */
-tasks.dokka.configure { /*...*/ }
-/* 1.4.x */
-// configure all formats
-tasks.withType<DokkaTask>().configureEach { /*...*/ }
-// configure only html format e.g.
-tasks.dokkaHtml.configure { /*...*/ }
-#### properties
-/* 0.10.x */ outputFormat = "html"
-/* 1.4.x No equivalent.
- Formats are only configured by plugins.
- See `dokkaHtml`, `dokkaJavadoc`,... tasks */
-/* 0.10.x */ outputDirectory = "$buildDir/javadoc"
-/* 1.4.x */ outputDirectory.set(buildDir.resolve("javadoc"))
-/* 0.10.x */ subProjects = ["subproject1", "subproject2"]
-/* 1.4.x No equivalent.
- See `DokkaCollectorTask` and `DokkaMultiModuleTask` */
-/* 0.10.x */ disableAutoconfiguration = false
-/* 1.4.x No equivalent.
- Source sets are synced with Kotlin Model by default.
- All settings can still be overridden */
-/* 0.10.x */ cacheRoot = "default"
-/* 1.4.x */ cacheRoot.set(file("default"))
-### Configure a source set
-/* 0.10.x */
-tasks.dokka.configure {
- configuration {
- // ...
- }
-/* 1.4.x */
-tasks.dokkaHtml.configure {
- dokkaSourceSets {
- named("main") { /* configure main source set */ }
- configureEach { /* configure all source sets */ }
- register("custom") { /* register custom source set */ }
- }
-#### Properties
-/* 0.10.x */ moduleName = "myModule"
-/* 1.4.0 */ /* Use AbstractDokkaTask#moduleDisplayName instead */
-/* 1.4.10+ */ /* Use AbstractDokkaTask#moduleName instead */
-/* 0.10.x */ includeNonPublic = false
-/* 1.4.x */ includeNonPublic.set(false)
-/* 0.10.x */ skipDeprecated = false
-/* 1.4.x */ skipDeprecated.set(false)
-/* 0.10.x */ reportUndocumented = true
-/* 1.4.x */ reportUndocumented.set(true)
-/* 0.10.x */ skipEmptyPackages = true
-/* 1.4.x */ skipEmptyPackages.set(true)
-/* 0.10.x */ targets = ["JVM"]
-/* 1.4.x */ /* No equivalent */
- /* Use platform and displayName instead */
-/* 0.10.x */ platform = "JVM"
-/* 1.4.x */ platform.set(org.jetbrains.dokka.Platform.jvm)
-/* 1.4.x */ platform.set(Platform.jvm) // with import
-/* 0.10.x */ classpath = [new File("$buildDir/other.jar")]
-/* 1.4.x */ classpath.setFrom(buildDir.resolve("other.jar")) // setting classpath
-/* 1.4.x */ classpath.from(buildDir.resolve("other.jar")) // adding to existing classpath
-/* 0.10.x */ sourceRoots = [files("src/main/kotlin")]
-/* 1.4.x */ sourceRoots.setFrom(file("src/main/kotlin")) // setting all source roots
-/* 1.4.x */ sourceRoots.from(file("src/main/kotlin")) // adding to existing source roots
-/* 0.10.x */ includes = ["packages.md", "extra.md"]
-/* 1.4.x */ includes.setFrom(files("packages.md", "extra.md")) // setting all includes
-/* 1.4.x */ includes.from(files("packages.md", "extra.md")) // adding to existing includes
-/* 0.10.x */ samples = ["samples/basic.kt", "samples/advanced.kt"]
-/* 1.4.x */ samples.setFrom(files("samples/basic.kt", "samples/advanced.kt"))
-/* 1.4.x */ samples.from(files("samples/basic.kt", "samples/advanced.kt"))
-/* 0.10.x */ kotlinTasks { /* ... */ }
-/* 1.4.x */ /* No *direct* equivalent */
- /* Source sets synced with Kotlin Gradle Plugin will be configured properly */
- /* Custom source sets can use extension `kotlinSourceSet(...)` */
-/* 0.10.x */ jdkVersion = 6
-/* 1.4.x */ jdkVersion.set(6)
-/* 0.10.x */ noStdlibLink = false
-/* 1.4.x */ noStdlibLink.set(false)
-/* 0.10.x */ noJdkLink = false
-/* 1.4.x */ noJdkLink.set(false)
-sourceLink {
- /* 0.10.x */ path = "src/main/kotlin"
- /* 1.4.x */ localDirectory.set(file("src/main/kotlin"))
- /* 0.10.x */ url = "https://github.com/myproject/blob/master/src/main/kotlin"
- /* 1.4.x */ remoteUrl.set(java.net.URL("https://github.com/myproject/blob/master/src/main/kotlin"))
- /* 1.4.x */ remoteUrl.set(uri("https://github.com/myproject/blob/master/src/main/kotlin").toURL())
- /* 0.10.x */ lineSuffix = "#L"
- /* 1.4.x */ remoteLineSuffix.set("#L")
-externalDocumentationLink {
- /* 0.10.x */ url = URL("https://example.com/docs/")
- /* 1.4.x */ url.set(URL("https://example.com/docs/"))
- /* 0.10.x */ packageListUrl = URL("file:///home/user/localdocs/package-list")
- /* 1.4.x */ packageListUrl.set(URL("file:///home/user/localdocs/package-list"))
-// Allows to customize documentation generation options on a per-package basis
-// Repeat for multiple packageOptions
-perPackageOption {
- /* 0.10.x */ prefix = "kotlin"
- /* 1.4.x */ prefix.set("kotlin")
- /* 1.4.20+ */ matchingRegex("kotlin($|\\.).*")
- /* 0.10.x */ skipDeprecated = false
- /* 1.4.x */ skipDeprecated.set(false)
- /* 0.10.x */ reportUndocumented = true
- /* 1.4.x */ reportUndocumented.set(true)
- /* 0.10.x */ includeNonPublic = false
- /* 1.4.x */ includeNonPublic.set(false)
- /* 0.10.x */ suppress = true
- /* 1.4.x */ suppress.set(true)
-For more information or help, feel free to ask questions in the [official Kotlin Slack Channel](https://kotlinlang.slack.com/)
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/api/gradle-plugin.api b/runners/gradle-plugin/api/gradle-plugin.api
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ec172b7..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/api/gradle-plugin.api
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-public abstract class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaLeafTask : org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaTask {
- public fun <init> ()V
- public final fun getDokkaSourceSets ()Lorg/gradle/api/NamedDomainObjectContainer;
- protected final fun getUnsuppressedSourceSets ()Ljava/util/List;
-public abstract class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaParentTask : org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaTask {
- public fun <init> ()V
- public final fun addChildTask (Ljava/lang/String;)V
- public final fun addChildTask (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaTask;)V
- public final fun addChildTasks (Ljava/lang/Iterable;Ljava/lang/String;)V
- public final fun addSubprojectChildTasks (Ljava/lang/String;)V
- public final fun removeChildTask (Ljava/lang/String;)V
- public final fun removeChildTask (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaTask;)V
- public final fun removeChildTasks (Ljava/lang/Iterable;)V
- public final fun removeChildTasks (Ljava/lang/Iterable;Ljava/lang/String;)V
- public final fun removeChildTasks (Lorg/gradle/api/Project;)V
- public final fun removeSubprojectChildTasks (Ljava/lang/String;)V
-public abstract class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaTask : org/gradle/api/DefaultTask {
- public fun <init> ()V
- public final fun doFirst (Lgroovy/lang/Closure;)Lorg/gradle/api/Task;
- public final fun doFirst (Lorg/gradle/api/Action;)Lorg/gradle/api/Task;
- public abstract fun getCacheRoot ()Lorg/gradle/api/file/DirectoryProperty;
- public final fun getFailOnWarning ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getModuleName ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getModuleVersion ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getOfflineMode ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public abstract fun getOutputDirectory ()Lorg/gradle/api/file/DirectoryProperty;
- public final fun getPlugins ()Lorg/gradle/api/artifacts/Configuration;
- public final fun getPluginsConfiguration ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/ListProperty;
- public final fun getPluginsMapConfiguration ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/MapProperty;
- public final fun getRuntime ()Lorg/gradle/api/artifacts/Configuration;
- public final fun getSuppressInheritedMembers ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getSuppressObviousFunctions ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
-public final class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaBootstrapFactoryKt {
- public static final fun DokkaBootstrap (Lorg/gradle/api/artifacts/Configuration;Lkotlin/reflect/KClass;)Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/DokkaBootstrap;
-public abstract class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaCollectorTask : org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaParentTask {
- public fun <init> ()V
-public abstract interface class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout {
- public abstract fun targetChildOutputDirectory (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleTask;Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaTask;)Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Provider;
-public final class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout$CompactInParent : org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout {
- public static final field INSTANCE Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout$CompactInParent;
- public fun targetChildOutputDirectory (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleTask;Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaTask;)Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Provider;
-public final class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout$NoCopy : org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout {
- public static final field INSTANCE Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout$NoCopy;
- public fun targetChildOutputDirectory (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleTask;Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaTask;)Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Provider;
-public abstract class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleTask : org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaParentTask {
- public fun <init> ()V
- public final fun getFileLayout ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public abstract fun getIncludes ()Lorg/gradle/api/file/ConfigurableFileCollection;
- public fun getTaskDependencies ()Lorg/gradle/api/internal/tasks/TaskDependencyInternal;
- public synthetic fun getTaskDependencies ()Lorg/gradle/api/tasks/TaskDependency;
-public class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaPlugin : org/gradle/api/Plugin {
- public fun <init> ()V
- public synthetic fun apply (Ljava/lang/Object;)V
- public fun apply (Lorg/gradle/api/Project;)V
-public abstract class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaTask : org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaLeafTask {
- public fun <init> ()V
-public abstract class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaTaskPartial : org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaLeafTask {
- public fun <init> ()V
-public class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder : org/jetbrains/dokka/DokkaConfigurationBuilder {
- public fun <init> (Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/gradle/api/Project;Lorg/gradle/api/NamedDomainObjectFactory;)V
- public final fun DokkaSourceSetID (Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/DokkaSourceSetID;
- public synthetic fun build ()Ljava/lang/Object;
- public fun build ()Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/DokkaSourceSetImpl;
- public final fun dependsOn (Ljava/lang/String;)V
- public final fun dependsOn (Lorg/gradle/api/tasks/SourceSet;)V
- public final fun dependsOn (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/DokkaConfiguration$DokkaSourceSet;)V
- public final fun dependsOn (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/DokkaSourceSetID;)V
- public final fun dependsOn (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder;)V
- public final fun externalDocumentationLink (Lgroovy/lang/Closure;)V
- public final fun externalDocumentationLink (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
- public final fun externalDocumentationLink (Ljava/net/URL;Ljava/net/URL;)V
- public final fun externalDocumentationLink (Lorg/gradle/api/Action;)V
- public static synthetic fun externalDocumentationLink$default (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/Object;)V
- public static synthetic fun externalDocumentationLink$default (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder;Ljava/net/URL;Ljava/net/URL;ILjava/lang/Object;)V
- public final fun getApiVersion ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getClasspath ()Lorg/gradle/api/file/ConfigurableFileCollection;
- public final fun getDependentSourceSets ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/SetProperty;
- public final fun getDisplayName ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getDocumentedVisibilities ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/SetProperty;
- public final fun getExternalDocumentationLinks ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/SetProperty;
- public final fun getIncludeNonPublic ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getIncludes ()Lorg/gradle/api/file/ConfigurableFileCollection;
- public final fun getJdkVersion ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getLanguageVersion ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
- public final fun getNoAndroidSdkLink ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getNoJdkLink ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getNoStdlibLink ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getPerPackageOptions ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/ListProperty;
- public final fun getPlatform ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getReportUndocumented ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getSamples ()Lorg/gradle/api/file/ConfigurableFileCollection;
- public final fun getSkipDeprecated ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getSkipEmptyPackages ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getSourceLinks ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/SetProperty;
- public final fun getSourceRoots ()Lorg/gradle/api/file/ConfigurableFileCollection;
- public final fun getSourceSetID ()Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/DokkaSourceSetID;
- public final fun getSuppress ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getSuppressGeneratedFiles ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getSuppressedFiles ()Lorg/gradle/api/file/ConfigurableFileCollection;
- public final fun perPackageOption (Lgroovy/lang/Closure;)V
- public final fun perPackageOption (Lorg/gradle/api/Action;)V
- public final fun sourceLink (Lgroovy/lang/Closure;)V
- public final fun sourceLink (Lorg/gradle/api/Action;)V
- public final fun sourceRoot (Ljava/io/File;)V
- public final fun sourceRoot (Ljava/lang/String;)V
-public final class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilderExtensionsKt {
- public static final fun dependsOn (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder;Lcom/android/build/api/dsl/AndroidSourceSet;)V
- public static final fun dependsOn (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder;Lcom/android/build/gradle/api/AndroidSourceSet;)V
- public static final fun dependsOn (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder;Lorg/jetbrains/kotlin/gradle/plugin/KotlinSourceSet;)V
- public static final fun kotlinSourceSet (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder;Lorg/jetbrains/kotlin/gradle/plugin/KotlinSourceSet;)V
-public final class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilderFactoryKt {
- public static final fun gradleDokkaSourceSetBuilderFactory (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaTask;)Lorg/gradle/api/NamedDomainObjectFactory;
-public final class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder : org/jetbrains/dokka/DokkaConfigurationBuilder {
- public fun <init> (Lorg/gradle/api/Project;)V
- public synthetic fun build ()Ljava/lang/Object;
- public fun build ()Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/ExternalDocumentationLinkImpl;
- public final fun getPackageListUrl ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getUrl ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
-public final class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradlePackageOptionsBuilder : org/jetbrains/dokka/DokkaConfigurationBuilder {
- public fun <init> (Lorg/gradle/api/Project;)V
- public synthetic fun build ()Ljava/lang/Object;
- public fun build ()Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/PackageOptionsImpl;
- public final fun getDocumentedVisibilities ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/SetProperty;
- public final fun getIncludeNonPublic ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getMatchingRegex ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getReportUndocumented ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getSkipDeprecated ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getSuppress ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
-public final class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleSourceLinkBuilder : org/jetbrains/dokka/DokkaConfigurationBuilder {
- public fun <init> (Lorg/gradle/api/Project;)V
- public synthetic fun build ()Ljava/lang/Object;
- public fun build ()Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/SourceLinkDefinitionImpl;
- public final fun getLocalDirectory ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getRemoteLineSuffix ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
- public final fun getRemoteUrl ()Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Property;
-public final class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/SourceSetKotlinGistConfigurationKt {
- public static final fun configureWithKotlinSourceSet (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder;Lorg/jetbrains/kotlin/gradle/plugin/KotlinSourceSet;)V
-public final class org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/internal/AbstractDokkaTaskExtensionsKt {
- public static final fun buildJsonConfiguration (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaTask;Z)Ljava/lang/String;
- public static synthetic fun buildJsonConfiguration$default (Lorg/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaTask;ZILjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/build.gradle.kts b/runners/gradle-plugin/build.gradle.kts
deleted file mode 100644
index 85fa16fd..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/build.gradle.kts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-import org.jetbrains.*
-plugins {
- id("org.jetbrains.conventions.gradle-plugin")
-dependencies {
- api(projects.core)
- compileOnly(libs.gradlePlugin.kotlin)
- compileOnly(libs.gradlePlugin.kotlin.klibCommonizerApi)
- compileOnly(libs.gradlePlugin.android)
- testImplementation(kotlin("test"))
- testImplementation(libs.gradlePlugin.kotlin)
- testImplementation(libs.gradlePlugin.kotlin.klibCommonizerApi)
- testImplementation(libs.gradlePlugin.android)
-// Gradle will put its own version of the stdlib in the classpath, so not pull our own we will end up with
-// warnings like 'Runtime JAR files in the classpath should have the same version'
-configurations.api.configure {
- excludeGradleCommonDependencies()
- * These dependencies will be provided by Gradle, and we should prevent version conflict
- * Code taken from the Kotlin Gradle plugin:
- * https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/blob/70e15b281cb43379068facb82b8e4bcb897a3c4f/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/GradleCommon.kt#L72
- */
-fun Configuration.excludeGradleCommonDependencies() {
- dependencies
- .withType<ModuleDependency>()
- .configureEach {
- exclude(group = "org.jetbrains.kotlin", module = "kotlin-stdlib")
- exclude(group = "org.jetbrains.kotlin", module = "kotlin-stdlib-jdk7")
- exclude(group = "org.jetbrains.kotlin", module = "kotlin-stdlib-jdk8")
- exclude(group = "org.jetbrains.kotlin", module = "kotlin-stdlib-common")
- exclude(group = "org.jetbrains.kotlin", module = "kotlin-reflect")
- exclude(group = "org.jetbrains.kotlin", module = "kotlin-script-runtime")
- }
-gradlePlugin {
- plugins {
- create("dokkaGradlePlugin") {
- id = "org.jetbrains.dokka"
- displayName = "Dokka plugin"
- description = "Dokka, the Kotlin documentation tool"
- implementationClass = "org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.DokkaPlugin"
- version = dokkaVersion
- isAutomatedPublishing = true
- }
- }
-pluginBundle {
- website = "https://www.kotlinlang.org/"
- vcsUrl = "https://github.com/kotlin/dokka.git"
- tags = listOf("dokka", "kotlin", "kdoc", "android", "documentation")
- mavenCoordinates {
- groupId = "org.jetbrains.dokka"
- artifactId = "dokka-gradle-plugin"
- }
-publishing {
- publications {
- register<MavenPublication>("dokkaGradlePluginForIntegrationTests") {
- artifactId = "dokka-gradle-plugin"
- from(components["java"])
- version = "for-integration-tests-SNAPSHOT"
- }
- register<MavenPublication>("pluginMaven") {
- artifactId = "dokka-gradle-plugin"
- }
- }
-tasks.validatePlugins {
- enableStricterValidation.set(true)
-tasks.withType<PublishToMavenRepository>().configureEach {
- onlyIf { publication != publishing.publications["dokkaGradlePluginForIntegrationTests"] }
-afterEvaluate { // Workaround for an interesting design choice https://github.com/gradle/gradle/blob/c4f935f77377f1783f70ec05381c8182b3ade3ea/subprojects/plugin-development/src/main/java/org/gradle/plugin/devel/plugins/MavenPluginPublishPlugin.java#L49
- configureSpacePublicationIfNecessary("pluginMaven", "dokkaGradlePluginPluginMarkerMaven")
- configureSonatypePublicationIfNecessary("pluginMaven", "dokkaGradlePluginPluginMarkerMaven")
- createDokkaPublishTaskIfNecessary()
-tasks.processResources {
- duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.WARN
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/gradle.properties b/runners/gradle-plugin/gradle.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index 7909d04c..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/gradle.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaArtifacts.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaArtifacts.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 241c0449..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaArtifacts.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Dependency
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaVersion
-internal val Project.dokkaArtifacts get() = DokkaArtifacts(this)
-internal class DokkaArtifacts(private val project: Project) {
- private fun fromModuleName(name: String): Dependency =
- project.dependencies.create("org.jetbrains.dokka:$name:${DokkaVersion.version}")
- // TODO [beresnev] analysis switcher
- val analysisKotlinDescriptors get() = fromModuleName("analysis-kotlin-descriptors")
- val analysisKotlinSymbols get() = fromModuleName("analysis-kotlin-symbols")
- val allModulesPage get() = fromModuleName("all-modules-page-plugin")
- val dokkaCore get() = fromModuleName("dokka-core")
- val dokkaBase get() = fromModuleName("dokka-base")
- val javadocPlugin get() = fromModuleName("javadoc-plugin")
- val gfmPlugin get() = fromModuleName("gfm-plugin")
- val gfmTemplateProcessing get() = fromModuleName("gfm-template-processing-plugin")
- val jekyllTemplateProcessing get() = fromModuleName("jekyll-template-processing-plugin")
- val jekyllPlugin get() = fromModuleName("jekyll-plugin")
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index b6120129..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.file.Directory
-import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaException
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout.CompactInParent
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout.NoCopy
-import java.io.File
- * @see DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout.targetChildOutputDirectory
- * @see NoCopy
- * @see CompactInParent
- */
-fun interface DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout {
- /**
- * @param parent: The [DokkaMultiModuleTask] that is initiating a composite documentation run
- * @param child: Some child task registered in [parent]
- * @return The target output directory of the [child] dokka task referenced by [parent]. This should
- * be unique for all registered child tasks.
- */
- fun targetChildOutputDirectory(parent: DokkaMultiModuleTask, child: AbstractDokkaTask): Provider<Directory>
- /**
- * Will link to the original [AbstractDokkaTask.outputDirectory]. This requires no copying of the output files.
- */
- object NoCopy : DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout {
- override fun targetChildOutputDirectory(
- parent: DokkaMultiModuleTask,
- child: AbstractDokkaTask
- ): Provider<Directory> = child.outputDirectory
- }
- /**
- * Will point to a subfolder inside the output directory of the parent.
- * The subfolder will follow the structure of the gradle project structure
- * e.g.
- * :parentProject:firstAncestor:secondAncestor will be be resolved to
- * {parent output directory}/firstAncestor/secondAncestor
- */
- object CompactInParent : DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout {
- override fun targetChildOutputDirectory(
- parent: DokkaMultiModuleTask,
- child: AbstractDokkaTask
- ): Provider<Directory> {
- val relativeProjectPath = parent.project.relativeProjectPath(child.project.path)
- val relativeFilePath = relativeProjectPath.replace(":", File.separator)
- check(!File(relativeFilePath).isAbsolute) { "Unexpected absolute path $relativeFilePath" }
- return parent.outputDirectory.dir(relativeFilePath)
- }
- }
-internal fun DokkaMultiModuleTask.targetChildOutputDirectory(
- child: AbstractDokkaTask
-): Provider<Directory> = fileLayout.get().targetChildOutputDirectory(this, child)
-internal fun DokkaMultiModuleTask.copyChildOutputDirectories() {
- childDokkaTasks.forEach { child ->
- this.copyChildOutputDirectory(child)
- }
-internal fun DokkaMultiModuleTask.copyChildOutputDirectory(child: AbstractDokkaTask) {
- val targetChildOutputDirectory = project.file(fileLayout.get().targetChildOutputDirectory(this, child))
- val sourceChildOutputDirectory = child.outputDirectory.asFile.get()
- /* Pointing to the same directory -> No copy necessary */
- if (sourceChildOutputDirectory.absoluteFile == targetChildOutputDirectory.absoluteFile) {
- return
- }
- /* Cannot target *inside* the original folder */
- if (targetChildOutputDirectory.absoluteFile.startsWith(sourceChildOutputDirectory.absoluteFile)) {
- throw DokkaException(
- "Cannot re-locate output directory into itself.\n" +
- "sourceChildOutputDirectory=${sourceChildOutputDirectory.path}\n" +
- "targetChildOutputDirectory=${targetChildOutputDirectory.path}"
- )
- }
- /* Source output directory is empty -> No copy necessary */
- if (!sourceChildOutputDirectory.exists()) {
- return
- }
- sourceChildOutputDirectory.copyRecursively(targetChildOutputDirectory, overwrite = true)
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaPlugin.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaPlugin.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 77fba8f2..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaPlugin.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
-import org.gradle.api.Plugin
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Dependency
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.register
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.withType
-import org.gradle.util.GradleVersion
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaDefaults
-open class DokkaPlugin : Plugin<Project> {
- override fun apply(project: Project) {
- if (GradleVersion.version(project.gradle.gradleVersion) < GradleVersion.version("5.6")) {
- project.logger.warn("Dokka: Build is using unsupported gradle version, expected at least 5.6 but got ${project.gradle.gradleVersion}. This may result in strange errors")
- }
- if (project.shouldUseK2())
- project.logger.warn(
- "Dokka's K2 Analysis is being used. " +
- "It is still under active development and is thus experimental. " +
- "It can be the cause of failed builds or incorrectly generated documentation. " +
- "If you encounter an issue, please consider reporting it: https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/issues"
- )
- project.setupDokkaTasks("dokkaHtml") {
- description = "Generates documentation in 'html' format"
- }
- project.setupDokkaTasks(
- name = "dokkaJavadoc",
- multiModuleTaskSupported = false
- ) {
- plugins.dependencies.add(project.dokkaArtifacts.javadocPlugin)
- description = "Generates documentation in 'javadoc' format"
- }
- project.setupDokkaTasks(
- "dokkaGfm",
- allModulesPageAndTemplateProcessing = project.dokkaArtifacts.gfmTemplateProcessing
- ) {
- plugins.dependencies.add(project.dokkaArtifacts.gfmPlugin)
- description = "Generates documentation in GitHub flavored markdown format"
- }
- project.setupDokkaTasks(
- "dokkaJekyll",
- allModulesPageAndTemplateProcessing = project.dokkaArtifacts.jekyllTemplateProcessing
- ) {
- plugins.dependencies.add(project.dokkaArtifacts.jekyllPlugin)
- description = "Generates documentation in Jekyll flavored markdown format"
- }
- project.configureEachAbstractDokkaTask()
- project.configureEachDokkaMultiModuleTask()
- }
- /**
- * Creates [DokkaTask], [DokkaMultiModuleTask] for the given
- * name and configuration.
- */
- private fun Project.setupDokkaTasks(
- name: String,
- multiModuleTaskSupported: Boolean = true,
- allModulesPageAndTemplateProcessing: Dependency = project.dokkaArtifacts.allModulesPage,
- configuration: AbstractDokkaTask.() -> Unit = {}
- ) {
- project.maybeCreateDokkaPluginConfiguration(name)
- project.maybeCreateDokkaRuntimeConfiguration(name)
- project.tasks.register<DokkaTask>(name) {
- configuration()
- }
- if (project.parent != null) {
- val partialName = "${name}Partial"
- project.maybeCreateDokkaPluginConfiguration(partialName)
- project.maybeCreateDokkaRuntimeConfiguration(partialName)
- project.tasks.register<DokkaTaskPartial>(partialName) {
- configuration()
- }
- }
- if (project.subprojects.isNotEmpty()) {
- if (multiModuleTaskSupported) {
- val multiModuleName = "${name}MultiModule"
- project.maybeCreateDokkaPluginConfiguration(multiModuleName, setOf(allModulesPageAndTemplateProcessing))
- project.maybeCreateDokkaRuntimeConfiguration(multiModuleName)
- project.tasks.register<DokkaMultiModuleTask>(multiModuleName) {
- @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
- addSubprojectChildTasks("${name}Partial")
- configuration()
- description = "Runs all subprojects '$name' tasks and generates module navigation page"
- }
- project.tasks.register<DefaultTask>("${name}Multimodule") {
- group = "deprecated"
- description = "DEPRECATED: 'Multimodule' is deprecated. Use 'MultiModule' instead."
- dependsOn(multiModuleName)
- doLast {
- logger.warn("'Multimodule' is deprecated. Use 'MultiModule' instead")
- }
- }
- }
- project.tasks.register<DokkaCollectorTask>("${name}Collector") {
- @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
- addSubprojectChildTasks(name)
- description =
- "Generates documentation merging all subprojects '$name' tasks into one virtual module"
- }
- }
- }
- private fun Project.configureEachAbstractDokkaTask() {
- tasks.withType<AbstractDokkaTask>().configureEach {
- val formatClassifier = name.removePrefix("dokka").decapitalize()
- outputDirectory.convention(project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("dokka/$formatClassifier"))
- cacheRoot.convention(project.layout.dir(providers.provider { DokkaDefaults.cacheRoot }))
- }
- }
- private fun Project.configureEachDokkaMultiModuleTask() {
- tasks.withType<DokkaMultiModuleTask>().configureEach {
- sourceChildOutputDirectories.from({ childDokkaTasks.map { it.outputDirectory } })
- }
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaProperty.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaProperty.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c6e967d..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaProperty.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider
-internal fun Provider<String>.getValidVersionOrNull() = orNull?.takeIf { it != "unspecified" }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaSourceSetMapper.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaSourceSetMapper.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index c0112719..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaSourceSetMapper.kt
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@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink
-import java.io.File
-internal fun GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.toDokkaSourceSetImpl(): DokkaSourceSetImpl = DokkaSourceSetImpl(
- classpath = classpath.toList(),
- displayName = displayNameOrDefault(),
- sourceSetID = sourceSetID,
- sourceRoots = sourceRoots.toSet(),
- dependentSourceSets = dependentSourceSets.get().toSet(),
- samples = samples.toSet(),
- includes = includes.toSet(),
- includeNonPublic = includeNonPublic.get(),
- documentedVisibilities = documentedVisibilities.get(),
- reportUndocumented = reportUndocumented.get(),
- skipEmptyPackages = skipEmptyPackages.get(),
- skipDeprecated = skipDeprecated.get(),
- jdkVersion = jdkVersion.get(),
- sourceLinks = sourceLinks.get().build().toSet(),
- perPackageOptions = perPackageOptions.get().build(),
- externalDocumentationLinks = externalDocumentationLinksWithDefaults(),
- languageVersion = languageVersion.orNull,
- apiVersion = apiVersion.orNull,
- noStdlibLink = noStdlibLink.get(),
- noJdkLink = noJdkLink.get(),
- suppressedFiles = suppressedFilesWithDefaults(),
- analysisPlatform = platform.get()
-private fun GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.displayNameOrDefault(): String {
- displayName.orNull?.let { return it }
- if (name.endsWith("Main") && name != "Main") {
- return name.removeSuffix("Main")
- }
- return name
-private fun GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.externalDocumentationLinksWithDefaults(): Set<ExternalDocumentationLinkImpl> {
- return externalDocumentationLinks.get().build()
- .run {
- if (noJdkLink.get()) this
- else this + ExternalDocumentationLink.jdk(jdkVersion.get())
- }
- .run {
- if (noStdlibLink.get()) this
- else this + ExternalDocumentationLink.kotlinStdlib()
- }
- .run {
- if (noAndroidSdkLink.get() || !project.isAndroidProject()) this
- else this +
- ExternalDocumentationLink.androidSdk() +
- ExternalDocumentationLink.androidX()
- }
- .toSet()
-private fun GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.suppressedFilesWithDefaults(): Set<File> {
- val suppressedGeneratedFiles = if (suppressGeneratedFiles.get()) {
- val generatedRoot = project.buildDir.resolve("generated").absoluteFile
- sourceRoots
- .filter { it.startsWith(generatedRoot) }
- .flatMap { it.walk().toList() }
- .toSet()
- } else {
- emptySet()
- }
- return suppressedFiles.toSet() + suppressedGeneratedFiles
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.kt
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--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.kt
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@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import groovy.lang.Closure
-import org.gradle.api.*
-import org.gradle.api.file.ConfigurableFileCollection
-import org.gradle.api.provider.ListProperty
-import org.gradle.api.provider.Property
-import org.gradle.api.provider.SetProperty
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.*
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.listProperty
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.property
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.setProperty
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
-import java.io.File
-import java.net.URL
- * [Source set](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-discover-project.html#source-sets) level configuration.
- *
- * Can be configured in the following way with Gradle Kotlin DSL:
- *
- * ```kotlin
- * import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.DokkaTask
- *
- * tasks.dokkaHtml {
- * dokkaSourceSets {
- * // configure individual source set by name
- * named("customSourceSet") {
- * suppress.set(true)
- * }
- *
- * // configure all source sets at once
- * configureEach {
- * reportUndocumented.set(true)
- * }
- * }
- * }
- * ```
- */
-open class GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder(
- @Transient @get:Input val name: String,
- @Transient @get:Internal internal val project: Project,
- @Transient @get:Internal internal val sourceSetIdFactory: NamedDomainObjectFactory<DokkaSourceSetID>,
-) : DokkaConfigurationBuilder<DokkaSourceSetImpl> {
- @Input
- val sourceSetID: DokkaSourceSetID = sourceSetIdFactory.create(name)
- /**
- * Whether this source set should be skipped when generating documentation.
- *
- * Default is `false`.
- */
- @Input
- val suppress: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(false)
- /**
- * Display name used to refer to the source set.
- *
- * The name will be used both externally (for example, source set name visible to documentation readers) and
- * internally (for example, for logging messages of [reportUndocumented]).
- *
- * By default, the value is deduced from information provided by the Kotlin Gradle plugin.
- */
- @Input
- @Optional
- val displayName: Property<String?> = project.objects.property()
- /**
- * List of Markdown files that contain
- * [module and package documentation](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/dokka-module-and-package-docs.html).
- *
- * Contents of specified files will be parsed and embedded into documentation as module and package descriptions.
- *
- * Example of such a file:
- *
- * ```markdown
- * # Module kotlin-demo
- *
- * The module shows the Dokka usage.
- *
- * # Package org.jetbrains.kotlin.demo
- *
- * Contains assorted useful stuff.
- *
- * ## Level 2 heading
- *
- * Text after this heading is also part of documentation for `org.jetbrains.kotlin.demo`
- *
- * # Package org.jetbrains.kotlin.demo2
- *
- * Useful stuff in another package.
- * ```
- */
- @InputFiles
- @Optional
- @PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE)
- val includes: ConfigurableFileCollection = project.files()
- /**
- * Set of visibility modifiers that should be documented.
- *
- * This can be used if you want to document protected/internal/private declarations,
- * as well as if you want to exclude public declarations and only document internal API.
- *
- * Can be configured on per-package basis, see [GradlePackageOptionsBuilder.documentedVisibilities].
- *
- * Default is [DokkaConfiguration.Visibility.PUBLIC].
- */
- @Input
- val documentedVisibilities: SetProperty<DokkaConfiguration.Visibility> =
- project.objects.setProperty<DokkaConfiguration.Visibility>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.documentedVisibilities)
- /**
- * Specifies source sets that current source set depends on.
- *
- * Among other things, this information is needed to resolve
- * [expect/actual](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-connect-to-apis.html) declarations.
- *
- * Prefer using [dependsOn] function to append dependent source sets to this list.
- *
- * By default, the values are deduced from information provided by the Kotlin Gradle plugin.
- */
- @Input
- val dependentSourceSets: SetProperty<DokkaSourceSetID> = project.objects.setProperty<DokkaSourceSetID>()
- .convention(emptySet())
- /**
- * Classpath for analysis and interactive samples.
- *
- * Useful if some types that come from dependencies are not resolved/picked up automatically.
- * Property accepts both `.jar` and `.klib` files.
- *
- * By default, classpath is deduced from information provided by the Kotlin Gradle plugin.
- */
- @Classpath
- @Optional
- val classpath: ConfigurableFileCollection = project.files()
- /**
- * Source code roots to be analyzed and documented.
- * Accepts directories and individual `.kt` / `.java` files.
- *
- * Prefer using [sourceRoot] function to append source roots to this list.
- *
- * By default, source roots are deduced from information provided by the Kotlin Gradle plugin.
- */
- @InputFiles
- @PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE)
- val sourceRoots: ConfigurableFileCollection = project.objects.fileCollection()
- /**
- * List of directories or files that contain sample functions which are referenced via
- * [@sample](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/kotlin-doc.html#sample-identifier) KDoc tag.
- */
- @InputFiles
- @Optional
- @PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE)
- val samples: ConfigurableFileCollection = project.files()
- /**
- * Whether to emit warnings about visible undocumented declarations, that is declarations without KDocs
- * after they have been filtered by [documentedVisibilities].
- *
- * This setting works well with [AbstractDokkaTask.failOnWarning].
- *
- * Can be overridden for a specific package by setting [GradlePackageOptionsBuilder.reportUndocumented].
- *
- * Default is `false`.
- */
- @Input
- val reportUndocumented: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.reportUndocumented)
- /**
- * Specifies the location of the project source code on the Web. If provided, Dokka generates
- * "source" links for each declaration. See [GradleSourceLinkBuilder] for more details.
- *
- * Prefer using [sourceLink] action/closure for adding source links.
- */
- @Nested
- val sourceLinks: SetProperty<GradleSourceLinkBuilder> = project.objects.setProperty<GradleSourceLinkBuilder>()
- .convention(emptySet())
- /**
- * Allows to customize documentation generation options on a per-package basis.
- *
- * @see GradlePackageOptionsBuilder for details
- */
- @Nested
- val perPackageOptions: ListProperty<GradlePackageOptionsBuilder> =
- project.objects.listProperty<GradlePackageOptionsBuilder>()
- .convention(emptyList())
- /**
- * Allows linking to Dokka/Javadoc documentation of the project's dependencies.
- *
- * Prefer using [externalDocumentationLink] action/closure for adding links.
- */
- @Nested
- val externalDocumentationLinks: SetProperty<GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder> =
- project.objects.setProperty<GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder>()
- .convention(emptySet())
- /**
- * Platform to be used for setting up code analysis and samples.
- *
- * The default value is deduced from information provided by the Kotlin Gradle plugin.
- */
- @Input
- @Optional
- val platform: Property<Platform> = project.objects.property<Platform>()
- .convention(Platform.DEFAULT)
- /**
- * Whether to skip packages that contain no visible declarations after
- * various filters have been applied.
- *
- * For instance, if [skipDeprecated] is set to `true` and your package contains only
- * deprecated declarations, it will be considered to be empty.
- *
- * Default is `true`.
- */
- @Input
- val skipEmptyPackages: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.skipEmptyPackages)
- /**
- * Whether to document declarations annotated with [Deprecated].
- *
- * Can be overridden on package level by setting [GradlePackageOptionsBuilder.skipDeprecated].
- *
- * Default is `false`.
- */
- @Input
- val skipDeprecated: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.skipDeprecated)
- /**
- * Directories or individual files that should be suppressed, meaning declarations from them
- * will be not documented.
- *
- * Will be concatenated with generated files if [suppressGeneratedFiles] is set to `false`.
- */
- @InputFiles
- @PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE)
- val suppressedFiles: ConfigurableFileCollection = project.files()
- /**
- * Whether to document/analyze generated files.
- *
- * Generated files are expected to be present under `{project}/{buildDir}/generated` directory.
- * If set to `true`, it effectively adds all files from that directory to [suppressedFiles], so
- * you can configure it manually.
- *
- * Default is `true`.
- */
- @Input
- val suppressGeneratedFiles: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.suppressGeneratedFiles)
- /**
- * Whether to generate external documentation links that lead to API reference
- * documentation for Kotlin's standard library when declarations from it are used.
- *
- * Default is `false`, meaning links will be generated.
- */
- @Input
- val noStdlibLink: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.noStdlibLink)
- /**
- * Whether to generate external documentation links to JDK's Javadocs
- * when declarations from it are used.
- *
- * The version of JDK Javadocs is determined by [jdkVersion] property.
- *
- * Default is `false`, meaning links will be generated.
- */
- @Input
- val noJdkLink: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.noJdkLink)
- /**
- * Whether to generate external documentation links for Android SDK API reference
- * when declarations from it are used.
- *
- * Only relevant in Android projects, ignored otherwise.
- *
- * Default is `false`, meaning links will be generated.
- */
- @Input
- val noAndroidSdkLink: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.noAndroidSdkLink)
- /**
- * [Kotlin language version](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/compatibility-modes.html)
- * used for setting up analysis and [@sample](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/kotlin-doc.html#sample-identifier)
- * environment.
- *
- * By default, the latest language version available to Dokka's embedded compiler will be used.
- */
- @Input
- @Optional
- val languageVersion: Property<String?> = project.objects.property()
- /**
- * [Kotlin API version](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/compatibility-modes.html)
- * used for setting up analysis and [@sample](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/kotlin-doc.html#sample-identifier)
- * environment.
- *
- * By default, it will be deduced from [languageVersion].
- */
- @Input
- @Optional
- val apiVersion: Property<String?> = project.objects.property()
- /**
- * JDK version to use when generating external documentation links for Java types.
- *
- * For instance, if you use [java.util.UUID] from JDK in some public declaration signature,
- * and this property is set to `8`, Dokka will generate an external documentation link
- * to [JDK 8 Javadocs](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/UUID.html) for it.
- *
- * Default is JDK 8.
- */
- @Input
- val jdkVersion: Property<Int> = project.objects.property<Int>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.jdkVersion)
- /**
- * Deprecated. Use [documentedVisibilities] instead.
- */
- @Input
- val includeNonPublic: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.includeNonPublic)
- fun DokkaSourceSetID(sourceSetName: String): DokkaSourceSetID = sourceSetIdFactory.create(sourceSetName)
- /**
- * Convenient override to **append** source sets to [dependentSourceSets]
- */
- fun dependsOn(sourceSet: SourceSet) {
- dependsOn(DokkaSourceSetID(sourceSet.name))
- }
- /**
- * Convenient override to **append** source sets to [dependentSourceSets]
- */
- fun dependsOn(sourceSet: GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder) {
- dependsOn(sourceSet.sourceSetID)
- }
- /**
- * Convenient override to **append** source sets to [dependentSourceSets]
- */
- fun dependsOn(sourceSet: DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet) {
- dependsOn(sourceSet.sourceSetID)
- }
- /**
- * Convenient override to **append** source sets to [dependentSourceSets]
- */
- fun dependsOn(sourceSetName: String) {
- dependsOn(DokkaSourceSetID(sourceSetName))
- }
- /**
- * Convenient override to **append** source sets to [dependentSourceSets]
- */
- fun dependsOn(sourceSetID: DokkaSourceSetID) {
- dependentSourceSets.add(sourceSetID)
- }
- /**
- * Convenient override to **append** source roots to [sourceRoots]
- */
- fun sourceRoot(file: File) {
- sourceRoots.from(file)
- }
- /**
- * Convenient override to **append** source roots to [sourceRoots]
- */
- fun sourceRoot(path: String) {
- sourceRoot(project.file(path))
- }
- /**
- * Closure for configuring source links, appending to [sourceLinks].
- *
- * @see [GradleSourceLinkBuilder] for details.
- */
- @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
- fun sourceLink(c: Closure<in GradleSourceLinkBuilder>) {
- val configured = org.gradle.util.ConfigureUtil.configure(c, GradleSourceLinkBuilder(project))
- sourceLinks.add(configured)
- }
- /**
- * Action for configuring source links, appending to [sourceLinks].
- *
- * @see [GradleSourceLinkBuilder] for details.
- */
- fun sourceLink(action: Action<in GradleSourceLinkBuilder>) {
- val sourceLink = GradleSourceLinkBuilder(project)
- action.execute(sourceLink)
- sourceLinks.add(sourceLink)
- }
- /**
- * Closure for configuring package options, appending to [perPackageOptions].
- *
- * @see [GradlePackageOptionsBuilder] for details.
- */
- @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
- fun perPackageOption(c: Closure<in GradlePackageOptionsBuilder>) {
- val configured = org.gradle.util.ConfigureUtil.configure(c, GradlePackageOptionsBuilder(project))
- perPackageOptions.add(configured)
- }
- /**
- * Action for configuring package options, appending to [perPackageOptions].
- *
- * @see [GradlePackageOptionsBuilder] for details.
- */
- fun perPackageOption(action: Action<in GradlePackageOptionsBuilder>) {
- val option = GradlePackageOptionsBuilder(project)
- action.execute(option)
- perPackageOptions.add(option)
- }
- /**
- * Closure for configuring external documentation links, appending to [externalDocumentationLinks].
- *
- * @see [GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder] for details.
- */
- @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
- fun externalDocumentationLink(c: Closure<in GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder>) {
- val link = org.gradle.util.ConfigureUtil.configure(c, GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder(project))
- externalDocumentationLinks.add(link)
- }
- /**
- * Action for configuring external documentation links, appending to [externalDocumentationLinks].
- *
- * See [GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder] for details.
- */
- fun externalDocumentationLink(action: Action<in GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder>) {
- val link = GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder(project)
- action.execute(link)
- externalDocumentationLinks.add(link)
- }
- /**
- * Convenient override to **append** external documentation links to [externalDocumentationLinks].
- */
- fun externalDocumentationLink(url: String, packageListUrl: String? = null) {
- externalDocumentationLink(URL(url), packageListUrl = packageListUrl?.let(::URL))
- }
- /**
- * Convenient override to **append** external documentation links to [externalDocumentationLinks].
- */
- fun externalDocumentationLink(url: URL, packageListUrl: URL? = null) {
- externalDocumentationLinks.add(
- GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder(project).apply {
- this.url.convention(url)
- if (packageListUrl != null) {
- this.packageListUrl.convention(packageListUrl)
- }
- }
- )
- }
- override fun build(): DokkaSourceSetImpl = toDokkaSourceSetImpl()
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilderExtensions.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilderExtensions.kt
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index fd962acc..00000000
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet
- * Convenient override to **append** source sets to [GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.dependentSourceSets]
- */
-fun GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.dependsOn(sourceSet: KotlinSourceSet) {
- dependsOn(DokkaSourceSetID(sourceSet.name))
- * Convenient override to **append** source sets to [GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.dependentSourceSets]
- */
-fun GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.dependsOn(@Suppress("DEPRECATION") sourceSet: com.android.build.gradle.api.AndroidSourceSet) {
- dependsOn(DokkaSourceSetID(sourceSet.name))
- * Convenient override to **append** source sets to [GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.dependentSourceSets]
- */
-fun GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.dependsOn(@Suppress("UnstableApiUsage") sourceSet: com.android.build.api.dsl.AndroidSourceSet) {
- dependsOn(DokkaSourceSetID(sourceSet.name))
- * Extension allowing configuration of Dokka source sets via Kotlin Gradle plugin source sets.
- */
-fun GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.kotlinSourceSet(kotlinSourceSet: KotlinSourceSet) {
- configureWithKotlinSourceSet(kotlinSourceSet)
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilderFactory.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilderFactory.kt
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index b2fc0394..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilderFactory.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.NamedDomainObjectFactory
-@Suppress("ObjectLiteralToLambda") // Will fail at runtime in Gradle versions <= 6.6
-fun AbstractDokkaTask.gradleDokkaSourceSetBuilderFactory(): NamedDomainObjectFactory<GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder> =
- NamedDomainObjectFactory { name -> GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder(name, project, DokkaSourceSetIdFactory()) }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.gradle.api.provider.Property
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.Internal
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.Optional
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.property
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfigurationBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.ExternalDocumentationLink
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.ExternalDocumentationLinkImpl
-import java.net.URL
- * Configuration builder that allows creating links leading to externally hosted
- * documentation of your dependencies.
- *
- * For instance, if you are using types from `kotlinx.serialization`, by default
- * they will be unclickable in your documentation, as if unresolved. However,
- * since API reference for `kotlinx.serialization` is also built by Dokka and is
- * [published on kotlinlang.org](https://kotlinlang.org/api/kotlinx.serialization/),
- * you can configure external documentation links for it, allowing Dokka to generate
- * documentation links for used types, making them clickable and appear resolved.
- *
- * Example in Gradle Kotlin DSL:
- *
- * ```kotlin
- * externalDocumentationLink {
- * url.set(URL("https://kotlinlang.org/api/kotlinx.serialization/"))
- * packageListUrl.set(
- * rootProject.projectDir.resolve("serialization.package.list").toURL()
- * )
- * }
- * ```
- */
-class GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder(
- @Transient @get:Internal internal val project: Project
-) : DokkaConfigurationBuilder<ExternalDocumentationLinkImpl> {
- /**
- * Root URL of documentation to link with. **Must** contain a trailing slash.
- *
- * Dokka will do its best to automatically find `package-list` for the given URL, and link
- * declarations together.
- *
- * It automatic resolution fails or if you want to use locally cached files instead,
- * consider providing [packageListUrl].
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * ```kotlin
- * java.net.URL("https://kotlinlang.org/api/kotlinx.serialization/")
- * ```
- */
- @Input
- val url: Property<URL> = project.objects.property()
- /**
- * Specifies the exact location of a `package-list` instead of relying on Dokka
- * automatically resolving it. Can also be a locally cached file to avoid network calls.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * ```kotlin
- * rootProject.projectDir.resolve("serialization.package.list").toURL()
- * ```
- */
- @Optional
- @Input
- val packageListUrl: Property<URL> = project.objects.property()
- override fun build(): ExternalDocumentationLinkImpl = ExternalDocumentationLink(
- url = checkNotNull(url.get()) { "url not specified " },
- packageListUrl = packageListUrl.orNull,
- )
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradlePackageOptionsBuilder.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradlePackageOptionsBuilder.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.gradle.api.provider.Property
-import org.gradle.api.provider.SetProperty
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.Internal
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.*
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfigurationBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaDefaults
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.PackageOptionsImpl
- * Configuration builder that allows setting some options for specific packages
- * matched by [matchingRegex].
- *
- * Example in Gradle Kotlin DSL:
- *
- * ```kotlin
- * tasks.dokkaHtml {
- * dokkaSourceSets.configureEach {
- * perPackageOption {
- * matchingRegex.set(".*internal.*")
- * suppress.set(true)
- * }
- * }
- * }
- * ```
- */
-class GradlePackageOptionsBuilder(
- @Transient @get:Internal internal val project: Project
-) : DokkaConfigurationBuilder<PackageOptionsImpl> {
- /**
- * Regular expression that is used to match the package.
- *
- * Default is any string: `.*`.
- */
- @Input
- val matchingRegex: Property<String> = project.objects.property<String>()
- .convention(".*")
- /**
- * Whether this package should be skipped when generating documentation.
- *
- * Default is `false`.
- */
- @Input
- val suppress: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.suppress)
- /**
- * Set of visibility modifiers that should be documented.
- *
- * This can be used if you want to document protected/internal/private declarations within a
- * specific package, as well as if you want to exclude public declarations and only document internal API.
- *
- * Can be configured for a whole source set, see [GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.documentedVisibilities].
- *
- * Default is [DokkaConfiguration.Visibility.PUBLIC].
- */
- @Input
- val documentedVisibilities: SetProperty<DokkaConfiguration.Visibility> =
- project.objects.setProperty<DokkaConfiguration.Visibility>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.documentedVisibilities)
- /**
- * Whether to document declarations annotated with [Deprecated].
- *
- * Can be overridden on source set level by setting [GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.skipDeprecated].
- *
- * Default is `false`.
- */
- @Input
- val skipDeprecated: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.skipDeprecated)
- /**
- * Whether to emit warnings about visible undocumented declarations, that is declarations from
- * this package and without KDocs, after they have been filtered by [documentedVisibilities].
- *
- * This setting works well with [AbstractDokkaTask.failOnWarning].
- *
- * Can be overridden on source set level by setting [GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.reportUndocumented].
- *
- * Default is `false`.
- */
- @Input
- val reportUndocumented: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.reportUndocumented)
- /**
- * Deprecated. Use [documentedVisibilities] instead.
- */
- @Input
- val includeNonPublic: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.includeNonPublic)
- override fun build(): PackageOptionsImpl = PackageOptionsImpl(
- matchingRegex = matchingRegex.get(),
- includeNonPublic = includeNonPublic.get(),
- documentedVisibilities = documentedVisibilities.get(),
- reportUndocumented = reportUndocumented.get(),
- skipDeprecated = skipDeprecated.get(),
- suppress = suppress.get()
- )
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleSourceLinkBuilder.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleSourceLinkBuilder.kt
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index 817e5ab9..00000000
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@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.gradle.api.provider.Property
-import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.*
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.property
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfigurationBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.SourceLinkDefinitionImpl
-import java.io.File
-import java.net.URL
- * Configuration builder that allows adding a `source` link to each signature
- * which leads to [remoteUrl] with a specific line number (configurable by setting [remoteLineSuffix]),
- * letting documentation readers find source code for each declaration.
- *
- * Example in Gradle Kotlin DSL:
- *
- * ```kotlin
- * sourceLink {
- * localDirectory.set(projectDir.resolve("src"))
- * remoteUrl.set(URL("https://github.com/kotlin/dokka/tree/master/src"))
- * remoteLineSuffix.set("#L")
- * }
- * ```
- */
-class GradleSourceLinkBuilder(
- @Transient @get:Internal internal val project: Project
-) : DokkaConfigurationBuilder<SourceLinkDefinitionImpl> {
- /**
- * Path to the local source directory. The path must be relative to the root of current project.
- *
- * This path is used to find relative paths of the source files from which the documentation is built.
- * These relative paths are then combined with the base url of a source code hosting service specified with
- * the [remoteUrl] property to create source links for each declaration.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * ```kotlin
- * projectDir.resolve("src")
- * ```
- */
- @Internal // changing contents of the directory should not invalidate the task
- val localDirectory: Property<File?> = project.objects.property()
- /**
- * The relative path to [localDirectory] from the project directory. Declared as an input to invalidate the task if that path changes.
- * Should not be used anywhere directly.
- */
- @Suppress("unused")
- @get:Input
- internal val localDirectoryPath: Provider<String?> =
- localDirectory.map { it.relativeToOrSelf(project.projectDir).invariantSeparatorsPath }
- /**
- * URL of source code hosting service that can be accessed by documentation readers,
- * like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc. This URL will be used to generate
- * source code links of declarations.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * ```kotlin
- * java.net.URL("https://github.com/username/projectname/tree/master/src"))
- * ```
- */
- @Input
- val remoteUrl: Property<URL> = project.objects.property()
- /**
- * Suffix used to append source code line number to the URL. This will help readers navigate
- * not only to the file, but to the specific line number of the declaration.
- *
- * The number itself will be appended to the specified suffix. For instance,
- * if this property is set to `#L` and the line number is 10, resulting URL suffix
- * will be `#L10`
- *
- * Suffixes used by popular services:
- * - GitHub: `#L`
- * - GitLab: `#L`
- * - Bitbucket: `#lines-`
- *
- * Default is `#L`.
- */
- @Optional
- @Input
- val remoteLineSuffix: Property<String> = project.objects.property<String>()
- .convention("#L")
- override fun build(): SourceLinkDefinitionImpl {
- return SourceLinkDefinitionImpl(
- localDirectory = localDirectory.orNull?.canonicalPath ?: project.projectDir.canonicalPath,
- remoteUrl = remoteUrl.get(),
- remoteLineSuffix = remoteLineSuffix.get(),
- )
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/TaskDependencyInternalWithAdditions.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/TaskDependencyInternalWithAdditions.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.Task
-import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.DefaultTaskDependency
-import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.TaskDependencyInternal
-internal operator fun TaskDependencyInternal.plus(tasks: Iterable<Task>): TaskDependencyInternal =
- TaskDependencyInternalWithAdditions(this, tasks.toSet())
-private class TaskDependencyInternalWithAdditions(
- dependency: TaskDependencyInternal,
- additionalTaskDependencies: Set<Task>,
-) : DefaultTaskDependency() {
- init {
- add(dependency, additionalTaskDependencies)
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/automagicTypedProxy.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/automagicTypedProxy.kt
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--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/automagicTypedProxy.kt
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@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
-import java.lang.reflect.Method
-import java.lang.reflect.Proxy
- * Warning! Hard reflection magic used here.
- *
- * Creates [java.lang.reflect.Proxy] with pass through invocation algorithm,
- * to create access proxy for [delegate] into [targetClassLoader].
- */
-internal inline fun <reified T : Any> automagicTypedProxy(targetClassLoader: ClassLoader, delegate: Any): T =
- automagicProxy(targetClassLoader, T::class.java, delegate) as T
- * Warning! Hard reflection magic used here.
- *
- * Creates [java.lang.reflect.Proxy] with pass through invocation algorithm,
- * to create access proxy for [delegate] into [targetClassLoader].
- *
- */
-private fun automagicProxy(targetClassLoader: ClassLoader, targetType: Class<*>, delegate: Any): Any =
- Proxy.newProxyInstance(
- targetClassLoader,
- arrayOf(targetType),
- DelegatedInvocationHandler(delegate)
- )
-private class DelegatedInvocationHandler(private val delegate: Any) : InvocationHandler {
- @Throws(Throwable::class)
- override fun invoke(proxy: Any, method: Method, args: Array<Any?>?): Any? {
- val delegateMethod = delegate.javaClass.getMethod(method.name, *method.parameterTypes)
- try {
- delegateMethod.isAccessible = true
- return delegateMethod.invoke(delegate, *(args ?: emptyArray()))
- } catch (ex: InvocationTargetException) {
- throw ex.targetException
- }
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/checkChildDokkaTasksIsNotEmpty.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/checkChildDokkaTasksIsNotEmpty.kt
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--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/checkChildDokkaTasksIsNotEmpty.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaException
-internal fun AbstractDokkaParentTask.checkChildDokkaTasksIsNotEmpty() {
- if (childDokkaTaskPaths.isEmpty()) {
- throw DokkaException(
- """
- The ${this::class.java.simpleName} $path has no configured child tasks.
- Add some dokka tasks like e.g.:
- tasks.named<AbstractDokkaParentTask>("$name") {
- addChildTask(..)
- addChildTasks(subprojects, "...")
- //...
- }
- """.trimIndent()
- )
- }
- if (childDokkaTasks.isEmpty()) {
- throw DokkaException(
- """
- The ${this::class.java.simpleName} $path could not find any registered child task.
- child tasks: $childDokkaTaskPaths
- Please make sure to apply the dokka plugin to all included (sub)-projects individually e.g.:
- // subproject build.gradle.kts
- plugins {
- id("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- }
- or
- // parent build.gradle.kts
- subprojects {
- plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- }
- """
- )
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/checkDependentSourceSets.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/checkDependentSourceSets.kt
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--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/checkDependentSourceSets.kt
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaSourceSetID
-internal fun checkSourceSetDependencies(sourceSets: List<GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder>) {
- checkSourceSetDependencies(sourceSets.associateBy { it.sourceSetID })
-private fun checkSourceSetDependencies(sourceSets: Map<DokkaSourceSetID, GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder>) {
- sourceSets.values.forEach { sourceSet ->
- sourceSet.dependentSourceSets.get().forEach { dependentSourceSetID ->
- val dependentSourceSet = requireNotNull(sourceSets[dependentSourceSetID]) {
- "Dokka source set \"${sourceSet.name}\": Cannot find dependent source set \"$dependentSourceSetID\""
- }
- if (sourceSet.suppress.get().not() && dependentSourceSet.suppress.get()) {
- throw IllegalArgumentException(
- "Dokka source set: \"${sourceSet.name}\": " +
- "Unsuppressed source set cannot depend on suppressed source set \"$dependentSourceSetID\""
- )
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/dokkaBootstrapFactory.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/dokkaBootstrapFactory.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaBootstrap
-import java.net.URLClassLoader
-import kotlin.reflect.KClass
-fun DokkaBootstrap(configuration: Configuration, bootstrapClass: KClass<out DokkaBootstrap>): DokkaBootstrap {
- val runtimeJars = configuration.resolve()
- val runtimeClassLoader = URLClassLoader(
- runtimeJars.map { it.toURI().toURL() }.toTypedArray(),
- ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().parent
- )
- val runtimeClassloaderBootstrapClass = runtimeClassLoader.loadClass(bootstrapClass.qualifiedName)
- val runtimeClassloaderBootstrapInstance = runtimeClassloaderBootstrapClass.constructors.first().newInstance()
- return automagicTypedProxy(DokkaPlugin::class.java.classLoader, runtimeClassloaderBootstrapInstance)
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/dokkaDefaultOutputDirectory.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/dokkaDefaultOutputDirectory.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.Task
-import java.io.File
-internal fun Task.defaultDokkaOutputDirectory(): File {
- return defaultDokkaOutputDirectory(project.buildDir, name)
-internal fun defaultDokkaOutputDirectory(buildDir: File, taskName: String): File {
- val formatClassifier = taskName.removePrefix("dokka").decapitalize()
- return File(buildDir, "dokka${File.separator}$formatClassifier")
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/dokkaSourceSetIDFactory.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/dokkaSourceSetIDFactory.kt
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--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/dokkaSourceSetIDFactory.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.NamedDomainObjectFactory
-import org.gradle.api.Task
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaSourceSetID
-internal fun DokkaSourceSetID(task: Task, sourceSetName: String): DokkaSourceSetID {
- return DokkaSourceSetID(task.path, sourceSetName)
-internal fun Task.DokkaSourceSetIdFactory() = NamedDomainObjectFactory<DokkaSourceSetID> { name ->
- DokkaSourceSetID(this@DokkaSourceSetIdFactory, name)
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/gradleConfigurations.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/gradleConfigurations.kt
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--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/gradleConfigurations.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Dependency
-import org.gradle.api.attributes.Usage
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.named
-internal fun Project.shouldUseK2() =
- (findProperty("org.jetbrains.dokka.experimental.tryK2") as? String)?.toBoolean() ?: false
-internal fun Project.maybeCreateDokkaDefaultPluginConfiguration(): Configuration {
- return configurations.maybeCreate("dokkaPlugin") {
- attributes.attribute(Usage.USAGE_ATTRIBUTE, project.objects.named(Usage.JAVA_RUNTIME))
- isCanBeConsumed = false
- }
-internal fun Project.maybeCreateDokkaDefaultRuntimeConfiguration(): Configuration {
- return configurations.maybeCreate("dokkaRuntime") {
- attributes.attribute(Usage.USAGE_ATTRIBUTE, project.objects.named(Usage.JAVA_RUNTIME))
- isCanBeConsumed = false
- }
-internal fun Project.maybeCreateDokkaPluginConfiguration(dokkaTaskName: String, additionalDependencies: Collection<Dependency> = emptySet()): Configuration {
- return project.configurations.maybeCreate("${dokkaTaskName}Plugin") {
- extendsFrom(maybeCreateDokkaDefaultPluginConfiguration())
- attributes.attribute(Usage.USAGE_ATTRIBUTE, project.objects.named(Usage.JAVA_RUNTIME))
- isCanBeConsumed = false
- dependencies.add(
- if (shouldUseK2()) project.dokkaArtifacts.analysisKotlinSymbols
- else project.dokkaArtifacts.analysisKotlinDescriptors
- )
- dependencies.add(project.dokkaArtifacts.dokkaBase)
- dependencies.addAll(additionalDependencies)
- }
-internal fun Project.maybeCreateDokkaRuntimeConfiguration(dokkaTaskName: String): Configuration {
- return project.configurations.maybeCreate("${dokkaTaskName}Runtime") {
- extendsFrom(maybeCreateDokkaDefaultRuntimeConfiguration())
- attributes.attribute(Usage.USAGE_ATTRIBUTE, project.objects.named(Usage.JAVA_RUNTIME))
- isCanBeConsumed = false
- defaultDependencies {
- add(project.dokkaArtifacts.dokkaCore)
- }
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/internal/AbstractDokkaTaskExtensions.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/internal/AbstractDokkaTaskExtensions.kt
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--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/internal/AbstractDokkaTaskExtensions.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.internal
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.InternalDokkaApi
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.AbstractDokkaTask
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.toPrettyJsonString
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.toCompactJsonString
- * Serializes [DokkaConfiguration] of this [AbstractDokkaTask] as json
- *
- * Should be used for short-term debugging only, no guarantees are given for the support of this API.
- *
- * Better alternative should be introduced as part of [#2873](https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/issues/2873).
- */
-fun AbstractDokkaTask.buildJsonConfiguration(prettyPrint: Boolean = true): String {
- val configuration = this.buildDokkaConfiguration()
- return if (prettyPrint) {
- configuration.toPrettyJsonString()
- } else {
- configuration.toCompactJsonString()
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/KotlinGradlePluginVersion.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/KotlinGradlePluginVersion.kt
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index 72f1a626..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/KotlinGradlePluginVersion.kt
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@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.kotlin
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.getKotlinPluginVersion
-internal typealias KotlinGradlePluginVersion = KotlinVersion
-internal fun Project.getKgpVersion(): KotlinGradlePluginVersion? = parseKotlinVersion(this.getKotlinPluginVersion())
- * Accepts a full version string that contains the major, minor
- * and patch versions divided by dots, such as "1.7.10".
- *
- * Does NOT parse and store custom suffixes, so `1.8.20-RC2`
- * or `1.8.20-dev-42` will be viewed as `1.8.20`.
- */
-internal fun parseKotlinVersion(fullVersionString: String): KotlinVersion? {
- val versionParts = fullVersionString
- .split(".", "-", limit = 4)
- .takeIf { parts -> parts.size >= 3 && parts.subList(0, 3).all { it.isNumeric() } }
- ?: return null
- return KotlinVersion(
- major = versionParts[0].toInt(),
- minor = versionParts[1].toInt(),
- patch = versionParts[2].toInt()
- )
-private fun String.isNumeric() = this.isNotEmpty() && this.all { it.isDigit() }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/KotlinNativeDistributionAccessor.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/KotlinNativeDistributionAccessor.kt
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index 3180efef..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/KotlinNativeDistributionAccessor.kt
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.kotlin
-import java.io.File
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.commonizer.KonanDistribution
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.commonizer.platformLibsDir
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.commonizer.stdlib
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.compilerRunner.konanHome
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.target.KonanTarget
- * Provides access to the Kotlin/Native distribution components:
- * * [stdlibDir] -- stdlib directory
- * * [platformDependencies] -- list of directories to platform dependencies
- *
- * It uses Kotlin Gradle Plugin API that is guaranteed to be present in:
- * 1.5 <= kotlinVersion <= 1.9
- *
- * It should not be used with Kotlin versions later than 1.9
- */
-internal class KotlinNativeDistributionAccessor(
- project: Project
-) {
- private val konanDistribution = KonanDistribution(
- project.konanHome
- )
- val stdlibDir: File = konanDistribution.stdlib
- fun platformDependencies(target: KonanTarget): List<File> = konanDistribution
- .platformLibsDir
- .resolve(target.name)
- .listLibraryFiles()
- private fun File.listLibraryFiles(): List<File> = listFiles().orEmpty()
- .filter { it.isDirectory || it.extension == "klib" }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/KotlinSourceSetGist.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/KotlinSourceSetGist.kt
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--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/KotlinSourceSetGist.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.kotlin
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection
-import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformType
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet
-internal data class KotlinSourceSetGist(
- val name: String,
- val platform: Provider<KotlinPlatformType>,
- val isMain: Provider<Boolean>,
- val classpath: Provider<FileCollection>,
- val sourceRoots: FileCollection,
- val dependentSourceSetNames: Provider<Set<String>>,
-internal fun Project.gistOf(sourceSet: KotlinSourceSet): KotlinSourceSetGist = KotlinSourceSetGist(
- name = sourceSet.name,
- platform = project.provider { platformOf(sourceSet) },
- isMain = project.provider { isMainSourceSet(sourceSet) },
- classpath = project.provider { classpathOf(sourceSet).filter { it.exists() } },
- // TODO: Needs to respect filters.
- // We probably need to change from "sourceRoots" to support "sourceFiles"
- // https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/issues/1215
- sourceRoots = sourceSet.kotlin.sourceDirectories.filter { it.exists() },
- dependentSourceSetNames = project.provider { sourceSet.dependsOn.map { it.name }.toSet() },
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/isMainSourceSet.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/isMainSourceSet.kt
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--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/isMainSourceSet.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.kotlin
-import com.android.build.gradle.api.ApplicationVariant
-import com.android.build.gradle.api.LibraryVariant
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.KotlinJvmAndroidCompilation
-internal fun Project.isMainSourceSet(sourceSet: KotlinSourceSet): Boolean {
- return isMainSourceSet(allCompilationsOf(sourceSet))
-internal fun isMainSourceSet(compilations: List<KotlinCompilation>): Boolean {
- return compilations.any { compilation -> isMainCompilation(compilation) }
-private fun isMainCompilation(compilation: KotlinCompilation): Boolean {
- try {
- val androidVariant = compilation.run { this as? KotlinJvmAndroidCompilation }?.androidVariant
- if (androidVariant != null) {
- return androidVariant is LibraryVariant || androidVariant is ApplicationVariant
- }
- } catch (e: NoSuchMethodError) {
- // Kotlin Plugin version below 1.4
- return !compilation.name.toLowerCase().endsWith("test")
- }
- return compilation.name == "main"
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/kotlinClasspathUtils.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/kotlinClasspathUtils.kt
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index 778261a7..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/kotlinClasspathUtils.kt
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@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.kotlin
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.isAndroidTarget
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.AbstractKotlinNativeCompilation
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
-internal fun Project.classpathOf(sourceSet: KotlinSourceSet): FileCollection {
- val compilations = compilationsOf(sourceSet)
- return if (compilations.isNotEmpty()) {
- compilations
- .map { compilation -> compilation.compileClasspathOf(project = this) }
- .reduce(FileCollection::plus)
- } else {
- // Dokka suppresses source sets that do no have compilations
- // since such configuration is invalid, it reports a warning or an error
- sourceSet.withAllDependentSourceSets()
- .map { it.kotlin.sourceDirectories }
- .reduce(FileCollection::plus)
- }
-private fun KotlinCompilation.compileClasspathOf(project: Project): FileCollection {
- val kgpVersion = project.getKgpVersion()
- // if KGP version < 1.9 or org.jetbrains.dokka.classpath.useOldResolution=true
- // we will use old (pre 1.9) resolution of classpath
- if (kgpVersion == null ||
- kgpVersion < KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 9, 0) ||
- project.classpathProperty("useOldResolution", default = false)
- ) {
- return oldCompileClasspathOf(project)
- }
- return newCompileClasspathOf(project)
-private fun KotlinCompilation.newCompileClasspathOf(project: Project): FileCollection {
- if (this.target.isAndroidTarget()) { // Workaround for https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-33893
- return this.classpathOf(project)
- }
- val result = project.objects.fileCollection()
- result.from({ compileDependencyFiles })
- val kgpVersion = project.getKgpVersion()
- // Since Kotlin 2.0 native distributiuon dependencies will be included to compileDependencyFiles
- if (kgpVersion != null && kgpVersion <= KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 9, 255)) {
- if (this is AbstractKotlinNativeCompilation) {
- val kotlinNativeDistributionAccessor = KotlinNativeDistributionAccessor(project)
- result.from(kotlinNativeDistributionAccessor.stdlibDir)
- result.from(kotlinNativeDistributionAccessor.platformDependencies(konanTarget))
- }
- }
- return result
-private fun KotlinCompilation.oldCompileClasspathOf(project: Project): FileCollection {
- if (this.target.isAndroidTarget()) { // Workaround for https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-33893
- return this.classpathOf(project)
- }
- return this.compileDependencyFiles + platformDependencyFiles(project) + this.classpathOf(project)
-private fun KotlinCompilation.classpathOf(project: Project): FileCollection {
- val kgpVersion = project.getKgpVersion()
- val kotlinCompile = this.getKotlinCompileTask(kgpVersion) ?: return project.files()
- val shouldKeepBackwardsCompatibility = (kgpVersion != null && kgpVersion < KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 7, 0))
- return if (shouldKeepBackwardsCompatibility) {
- // removed since 1.9.0, left for compatibility with < Kotlin 1.7
- val classpathGetter = kotlinCompile::class.members
- .first { it.name == "getClasspath" }
- classpathGetter.call(kotlinCompile) as FileCollection
- } else {
- kotlinCompile.libraries // introduced in 1.7.0
- }
-private fun KotlinCompilation.getKotlinCompileTask(kgpVersion: KotlinGradlePluginVersion? = null): KotlinCompile? {
- val shouldKeepBackwardsCompatibility = (kgpVersion != null && kgpVersion < KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 8, 0))
- return if (shouldKeepBackwardsCompatibility) {
- @Suppress("DEPRECATION") // for `compileKotlinTask` property, deprecated with warning since 1.8.0
- this.compileKotlinTask as? KotlinCompile
- } else {
- this.compileTaskProvider.get() as? KotlinCompile // introduced in 1.8.0
- }
-private fun KotlinCompilation.platformDependencyFiles(project: Project): FileCollection {
- val excludePlatformDependencyFiles = project.classpathProperty("excludePlatformDependencyFiles", default = false)
- if (excludePlatformDependencyFiles) return project.files()
- return (this as? AbstractKotlinNativeCompilation)
- ?.target?.project?.configurations
- ?.findByName(@Suppress("DEPRECATION") this.defaultSourceSet.implementationMetadataConfigurationName) // KT-58640
- ?: project.files()
-private fun Project.classpathProperty(name: String, default: Boolean): Boolean =
- (findProperty("org.jetbrains.dokka.classpath.$name") as? String)?.toBoolean() ?: default
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/kotlinCompilationUtils.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/kotlinCompilationUtils.kt
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@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.kotlin
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.kotlin
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinCommonOptions
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinMultiplatformExtension
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinSingleTargetExtension
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.KotlinCommonCompilation
-internal typealias KotlinCompilation =
- org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinCompilation<KotlinCommonOptions>
-internal fun Project.compilationsOf(sourceSet: KotlinSourceSet): List<KotlinCompilation> {
- //KT-45412 Make sure .kotlinSourceSets and .allKotlinSourceSets include the default source set
- val compilations = allCompilationsOf(sourceSet).filter { compilation ->
- sourceSet in compilation.kotlinSourceSets || sourceSet == compilation.defaultSourceSet
- }
- val hasAdditionalCommonCompatibilityMetadataVariant = compilations.size >= 2
- && this.isHmppEnabled()
- && compilations.any { it is KotlinCommonCompilation && it.compilationName == "main" }
- && compilations.any { it is KotlinCommonCompilation && it.compilationName == "commonMain" }
- return if (hasAdditionalCommonCompatibilityMetadataVariant) {
- // If the project has `kotlin.mpp.enableCompatibilityMetadataVariant` set to `true`
- // and it produces a legacy variant for common, we filter it out because one of the dependencies
- // might be published without it, and it would lead to the following error:
- //
- // > Execution failed for task ':project:dokkaHtmlPartial'.
- // > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':project:metadataCompileClasspath'.
- // > Could not resolve com.example.dependency:0.1.0.
- // > The consumer was configured to find a usage of 'kotlin-api' of a library, preferably optimized for
- // non-jvm, as well as attribute 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.type' with value 'common'. However we
- // cannot choose between the following variants of com.example.dependency:0.1.0:
- //
- // This can be reproduced consistently on Ktor of version 2.3.2
- compilations.filterNot { it is KotlinCommonCompilation && it.compilationName == "main" }
- } else {
- compilations
- }
-private fun Project.isHmppEnabled(): Boolean {
- // [KotlinCommonCompilation.isKlibCompilation] is internal, so we use this property instead.
- // The property name might seem misleading, but it's set by KGP if HMPP is enabled:
- // https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/blob/1.9.0/libraries/tools/kotlin-gradle-plugin/src/common/kotlin/org/jetbrains/kotlin/gradle/plugin/mpp/internal/hierarchicalStructureMigrationHandling.kt#L33
- return (this.findProperty("kotlin.mpp.enableGranularSourceSetsMetadata") as? String)?.toBoolean()
- ?: false
-internal fun Project.allCompilationsOf(
- sourceSet: KotlinSourceSet
-): List<KotlinCompilation> {
- return when (val kotlin = kotlin) {
- is KotlinMultiplatformExtension -> allCompilationsOf(kotlin, sourceSet)
- is KotlinSingleTargetExtension<*> -> allCompilationsOf(kotlin, sourceSet)
- else -> emptyList()
- }
-private fun allCompilationsOf(
- kotlin: KotlinMultiplatformExtension,
- sourceSet: KotlinSourceSet
-): List<KotlinCompilation> {
- val allCompilations = kotlin.targets.flatMap { target -> target.compilations }
- return allCompilations.filter { compilation ->
- sourceSet in compilation.allKotlinSourceSets || sourceSet == compilation.defaultSourceSet
- }
-private fun allCompilationsOf(
- kotlin: KotlinSingleTargetExtension<*>,
- sourceSet: KotlinSourceSet
-): List<KotlinCompilation> {
- return kotlin.target.compilations.filter { compilation -> sourceSet in compilation.allKotlinSourceSets }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/kotlinSourceSetUtils.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/kotlinSourceSetUtils.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.kotlin
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet
-internal fun KotlinSourceSet.withAllDependentSourceSets(): Sequence<KotlinSourceSet> {
- return sequence {
- yield(this@withAllDependentSourceSets)
- for (dependentSourceSet in dependsOn) {
- yieldAll(dependentSourceSet.withAllDependentSourceSets())
- }
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/platformOfSourceSet.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/platformOfSourceSet.kt
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--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/platformOfSourceSet.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.kotlin
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformType
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet
-internal fun Project.platformOf(sourceSet: KotlinSourceSet): KotlinPlatformType {
- val targetNames = allCompilationsOf(sourceSet).map { compilation -> compilation.target.platformType }.distinct()
- return when (targetNames.size) {
- 1 -> targetNames.single()
- else -> KotlinPlatformType.common
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/sourceSetKotlinGistConfiguration.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/sourceSetKotlinGistConfiguration.kt
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--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/sourceSetKotlinGistConfiguration.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.Platform
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.kotlin.KotlinSourceSetGist
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.kotlin.gistOf
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet
-fun GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.configureWithKotlinSourceSet(sourceSet: KotlinSourceSet) {
- configureWithKotlinSourceSetGist(project.gistOf(sourceSet))
-internal fun GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.configureWithKotlinSourceSetGist(sourceSet: KotlinSourceSetGist) {
- val dependentSourceSetIds = sourceSet.dependentSourceSetNames.map { sourceSetNames ->
- sourceSetNames.map { sourceSetName -> DokkaSourceSetID(sourceSetName) }
- }
- this.suppress.convention(sourceSet.isMain.map { !it })
- this.sourceRoots.from(sourceSet.sourceRoots)
- this.classpath.from(sourceSet.classpath)
- this.platform.convention(sourceSet.platform.map { Platform.fromString(it.name) })
- this.dependentSourceSets.convention(dependentSourceSetIds)
- this.displayName.convention(sourceSet.platform.map { platform ->
- sourceSet.name.substringBeforeLast(
- delimiter = "Main",
- missingDelimiterValue = platform.name
- )
- })
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/AbstractDokkaLeafTask.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/AbstractDokkaLeafTask.kt
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--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/AbstractDokkaLeafTask.kt
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- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.NamedDomainObjectContainer
-import org.gradle.api.internal.plugins.DslObject
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.Internal
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.Nested
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.container
-import org.gradle.work.DisableCachingByDefault
-@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Abstract super-class, not to be instantiated directly")
-abstract class AbstractDokkaLeafTask : AbstractDokkaTask() {
- @get:Internal
- val dokkaSourceSets: NamedDomainObjectContainer<GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder> =
- project.container(GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder::class, gradleDokkaSourceSetBuilderFactory()).also { container ->
- DslObject(this).extensions.add("dokkaSourceSets", container)
- project.kotlinOrNull?.sourceSets?.all sourceSet@{
- container.register(name) {
- configureWithKotlinSourceSet(this@sourceSet)
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Only contains source sets that are marked with `isDocumented`.
- * Non documented source sets are not relevant for Gradle's UP-TO-DATE mechanism, as well
- * as task dependency graph.
- */
- @get:Nested
- protected val unsuppressedSourceSets: List<GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder>
- get() = dokkaSourceSets
- .toList()
- .also(::checkSourceSetDependencies)
- .filterNot { it.suppress.get() }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/AbstractDokkaParentTask.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/AbstractDokkaParentTask.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 62e98c30..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/AbstractDokkaParentTask.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.gradle.api.Task
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.Internal
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.Nested
-import org.gradle.work.DisableCachingByDefault
-private const val DEPRECATION_MESSAGE = """
- It is an anti-pattern to declare cross-project dependencies as it leads to various build problems.
- For this reason, this API wil be removed with the introduction of project isolation.
- When it happens, we will provide a migration guide. In the meantime, you can keep using this API
- if you have to, but please don't rely on it if possible. If you don't want to document a certain project,
- don't apply the Dokka plugin for it, or disable individual project tasks using the Gradle API .
-@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Abstract super-class, not to be instantiated directly")
-abstract class AbstractDokkaParentTask : AbstractDokkaTask() {
- @get:Internal
- internal var childDokkaTaskPaths: Set<String> = emptySet()
- private set
- @get:Nested
- internal val childDokkaTasks: Set<AbstractDokkaTask>
- get() = childDokkaTaskPaths
- .mapNotNull { path -> project.tasks.findByPath(path) }
- .map(::checkIsAbstractDokkaTask)
- .toSet()
- /* By task reference */
- @Deprecated(message = DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
- fun addChildTask(task: AbstractDokkaTask) {
- childDokkaTaskPaths = childDokkaTaskPaths + task.path
- }
- @Deprecated(message = DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
- fun removeChildTask(task: AbstractDokkaTask) {
- childDokkaTaskPaths = childDokkaTaskPaths - task.path
- }
- /* By path */
- @Deprecated(message = DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
- fun addChildTask(path: String) {
- childDokkaTaskPaths = childDokkaTaskPaths + project.absoluteProjectPath(path)
- }
- @Deprecated(message = DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
- fun removeChildTask(path: String) {
- childDokkaTaskPaths = childDokkaTaskPaths - project.absoluteProjectPath(path)
- }
- /* By project reference and name */
- @Deprecated(message = DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
- fun addChildTasks(projects: Iterable<Project>, childTasksName: String) {
- projects.forEach { project ->
- addChildTask(project.absoluteProjectPath(childTasksName))
- }
- }
- @Deprecated(message = DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
- fun removeChildTasks(projects: Iterable<Project>, childTasksName: String) {
- projects.forEach { project ->
- removeChildTask(project.absoluteProjectPath(childTasksName))
- }
- }
- @Deprecated(message = DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
- fun addSubprojectChildTasks(childTasksName: String) {
- addChildTasks(project.subprojects, childTasksName)
- }
- @Deprecated(message = DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
- fun removeSubprojectChildTasks(childTasksName: String) {
- removeChildTasks(project.subprojects, childTasksName)
- }
- @Deprecated(message = DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
- fun removeChildTasks(project: Project) {
- childDokkaTaskPaths = childDokkaTaskPaths.filter { path ->
- parsePath(path).parent != parsePath(project.path)
- }.toSet()
- }
- @Deprecated(message = DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
- fun removeChildTasks(projects: Iterable<Project>) {
- projects.forEach { project -> removeChildTasks(project) }
- }
- private fun checkIsAbstractDokkaTask(task: Task): AbstractDokkaTask {
- if (task is AbstractDokkaTask) {
- return task
- }
- throw IllegalArgumentException(
- "Only tasks of type ${AbstractDokkaTask::class.java.name} can be added as child for " +
- "${AbstractDokkaParentTask::class.java.name} tasks.\n" +
- "Found task ${task.path} of type ${task::class.java.name} added to $path"
- )
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/AbstractDokkaTask.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/AbstractDokkaTask.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 169ca050..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/AbstractDokkaTask.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import groovy.lang.Closure
-import org.gradle.api.Action
-import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
-import org.gradle.api.Task
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration
-import org.gradle.api.file.DirectoryProperty
-import org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaBasePlugin
-import org.gradle.api.provider.ListProperty
-import org.gradle.api.provider.MapProperty
-import org.gradle.api.provider.Property
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.*
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.listProperty
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.mapProperty
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.property
-import org.gradle.work.DisableCachingByDefault
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.ConfigurableBlock
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaPlugin
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
-import java.util.function.BiConsumer
-import kotlin.reflect.full.createInstance
-import kotlin.reflect.full.memberFunctions
-@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Abstract super-class, not to be instantiated directly")
-abstract class AbstractDokkaTask : DefaultTask() {
- /**
- * Display name used to refer to the module. Used for ToC, navigation, logging, etc.
- *
- * If set for a single-project build or a MultiModule task, will be used as project name.
- *
- * Default is Gradle project name.
- */
- @Input
- val moduleName: Property<String> = project.objects.property<String>()
- .convention(project.name)
- /**
- * Module version.
- *
- * If set for a single-project build or a MultiModule task, will be used
- * as project version by the versioning plugin.
- *
- * Default is Gradle project version.
- */
- @Input
- val moduleVersion: Property<String> = project.objects.property<String>()
- .convention(project.provider { project.version.toString() })
- /**
- * Directory to which documentation will be generated, regardless of format.
- * Can be set on per-task basis.
- *
- * Default is `project/buildDir/taskName.removePrefix("dokka").decapitalize()`, so
- * for `dokkaHtmlMultiModule` task it will be `project/buildDir/htmlMultiModule`
- */
- @get:OutputDirectory
- abstract val outputDirectory: DirectoryProperty
- /**
- * Configuration for Dokka plugins. This property is not expected to be used directly - if possible, use
- * [pluginConfiguration] blocks (preferred) or [pluginsMapConfiguration] instead.
- */
- @Input
- val pluginsConfiguration: ListProperty<in DokkaConfiguration.PluginConfiguration> = project.objects.listProperty()
- /**
- * JSON configuration of Dokka plugins.
- *
- * Key is fully qualified Dokka plugin name, value is its configuration in JSON.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * ```kotlin
- * tasks.dokkaHtml {
- * val dokkaBaseConfiguration = """
- * {
- * "customAssets": ["${file("assets/my-image.png")}"],
- * "customStyleSheets": ["${file("assets/my-styles.css")}"],
- * "footerMessage": "(c) 2022 MyOrg"
- * }
- * """
- * pluginsMapConfiguration.set(
- * mapOf("org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBase" to dokkaBaseConfiguration)
- * )
- * }
- * ```
- */
- @Input
- val pluginsMapConfiguration: MapProperty<String, String> = project.objects.mapProperty()
- /**
- * Whether to suppress obvious functions.
- *
- * A function is considered to be obvious if it is:
- * - Inherited from `kotlin.Any`, `Kotlin.Enum`, `java.lang.Object` or `java.lang.Enum`,
- * such as `equals`, `hashCode`, `toString`.
- * - Synthetic (generated by the compiler) and does not have any documentation, such as
- * `dataClass.componentN` or `dataClass.copy`.
- *
- * Default is `true`
- */
- @Input
- val suppressObviousFunctions: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.suppressObviousFunctions)
- /**
- * Whether to suppress inherited members that aren't explicitly overridden in a given class.
- *
- * Note: this can suppress functions such as `equals`/`hashCode`/`toString`, but cannot suppress
- * synthetic functions such as `dataClass.componentN` and `dataClass.copy`. Use [suppressObviousFunctions]
- * for that.
- *
- * Default is `false`.
- */
- @Input
- val suppressInheritedMembers: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.suppressInheritedMembers)
- /**
- * Whether to resolve remote files/links over network.
- *
- * This includes package-lists used for generating external documentation links:
- * for instance, to make classes from standard library clickable.
- *
- * Setting this to `true` can significantly speed up build times in certain cases,
- * but can also worsen documentation quality and user experience, for instance by
- * not resolving some dependency's class/member links.
- *
- * When using offline mode, you can cache fetched files locally and provide them to
- * Dokka as local paths. For instance, see [GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder].
- *
- * Default is `false`.
- */
- @Input
- val offlineMode: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.offlineMode)
- /**
- * Whether to fail documentation generation if Dokka has emitted a warning or an error.
- * Will wait until all errors and warnings have been emitted first.
- *
- * This setting works well with [GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.reportUndocumented]
- *
- * Default is `false`.
- */
- @Input
- val failOnWarning: Property<Boolean> = project.objects.property<Boolean>()
- .convention(DokkaDefaults.failOnWarning)
- @get:Optional
- @get:InputDirectory
- @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE)
- abstract val cacheRoot: DirectoryProperty
- /**
- * Type-safe configuration for a Dokka plugin.
- *
- * Note: this is available in Kotlin DSL only, if Dokka Gradle plugin was applied through `plugins` block
- * and the configured plugin can be found on classpath, which may require adding a classpath dependency
- * to `buildscript` block in case of external plugins. Some Dokka plugins, such as
- * [org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBase], are on classpath by default.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * ```kotlin
- * import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBase
- * import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBaseConfiguration
- *
- * tasks.dokkaHtml {
- * pluginConfiguration<DokkaBase, DokkaBaseConfiguration> {
- * footerMessage = "Test"
- * }
- * }
- * ```
- *
- * @param P Plugin class that extends [DokkaPlugin]
- * @param T Plugin configuration class that extends [ConfigurableBlock]
- */
- inline fun <reified P : DokkaPlugin, reified T : ConfigurableBlock> pluginConfiguration(block: T.() -> Unit) {
- val instance = T::class.createInstance().apply(block)
- val pluginConfiguration = PluginConfigurationImpl(
- fqPluginName = P::class.qualifiedName!!,
- serializationFormat = DokkaConfiguration.SerializationFormat.JSON,
- values = instance.toCompactJsonString()
- )
- pluginsConfiguration.add(pluginConfiguration)
- }
- @Classpath
- val plugins: Configuration = project.maybeCreateDokkaPluginConfiguration(name)
- @Classpath
- val runtime: Configuration = project.maybeCreateDokkaRuntimeConfiguration(name)
- final override fun doFirst(action: Action<in Task>): Task = super.doFirst(action)
- final override fun doFirst(action: Closure<*>): Task = super.doFirst(action)
- @TaskAction
- internal open fun generateDocumentation() {
- DokkaBootstrap(runtime, DokkaBootstrapImpl::class).apply {
- configure(buildDokkaConfiguration().toCompactJsonString(), createProxyLogger())
- val uncaughtExceptionHolder = AtomicReference<Throwable?>()
- /**
- * Run in a new thread to avoid memory leaks that are related to ThreadLocal (that keeps `URLCLassLoader`)
- * Currently, all `ThreadLocal`s leaking are in the compiler/IDE codebase.
- */
- Thread { generate() }.apply {
- setUncaughtExceptionHandler { _, throwable -> uncaughtExceptionHolder.set(throwable) }
- start()
- join()
- }
- uncaughtExceptionHolder.get()?.let { throw it }
- }
- }
- internal abstract fun buildDokkaConfiguration(): DokkaConfigurationImpl
- private fun createProxyLogger(): BiConsumer<String, String> = BiConsumer { level, message ->
- when (level) {
- "debug" -> logger.debug(message)
- "info" -> logger.info(message)
- "progress" -> logger.lifecycle(message)
- "warn" -> logger.warn(message)
- "error" -> logger.error(message)
- }
- }
- init {
- group = JavaBasePlugin.DOCUMENTATION_GROUP
- // notCompatibleWithConfigurationCache was introduced in Gradle 7.4
- val containsNotCompatibleWithConfigurationCache = this::class.memberFunctions.any { it.name == "notCompatibleWithConfigurationCache" && it.parameters.firstOrNull()?.name == "reason" }
- if (containsNotCompatibleWithConfigurationCache) {
- super.notCompatibleWithConfigurationCache("Dokka tasks are not yet compatible with the Gradle configuration cache. See https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/issues/1217")
- }
- }
- internal fun buildPluginsConfiguration(): List<PluginConfigurationImpl> {
- val manuallyConfigured = pluginsMapConfiguration.get().entries.map { entry ->
- PluginConfigurationImpl(
- entry.key,
- DokkaConfiguration.SerializationFormat.JSON,
- entry.value
- )
- }
- return pluginsConfiguration.get().mapNotNull { it as? PluginConfigurationImpl } + manuallyConfigured
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaCollectorTask.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaCollectorTask.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index a45eec33..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaCollectorTask.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.CacheableTask
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfigurationImpl
-abstract class DokkaCollectorTask : AbstractDokkaParentTask() {
- override fun generateDocumentation() {
- checkChildDokkaTasksIsNotEmpty()
- super.generateDocumentation()
- }
- override fun buildDokkaConfiguration(): DokkaConfigurationImpl {
- val initialDokkaConfiguration = DokkaConfigurationImpl(
- moduleName = moduleName.get(),
- outputDir = outputDirectory.asFile.get(),
- cacheRoot = cacheRoot.asFile.orNull,
- failOnWarning = failOnWarning.get(),
- offlineMode = offlineMode.get(),
- pluginsClasspath = plugins.resolve().toList(),
- pluginsConfiguration = buildPluginsConfiguration(),
- suppressObviousFunctions = suppressObviousFunctions.get(),
- suppressInheritedMembers = suppressInheritedMembers.get(),
- )
- val subprojectDokkaConfigurations = childDokkaTasks.map { dokkaTask -> dokkaTask.buildDokkaConfiguration() }
- return subprojectDokkaConfigurations.fold(initialDokkaConfiguration) { acc, it: DokkaConfigurationImpl ->
- acc.copy(
- sourceSets = acc.sourceSets + it.sourceSets,
- pluginsClasspath = acc.pluginsClasspath + it.pluginsClasspath
- )
- }
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaMultiModuleTask.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaMultiModuleTask.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2893704a..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaMultiModuleTask.kt
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@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.file.ConfigurableFileCollection
-import org.gradle.api.file.Directory
-import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.TaskDependencyInternal
-import org.gradle.api.provider.Property
-import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.*
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.property
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfigurationImpl
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaModuleDescriptionImpl
-import java.io.File
-@Suppress("unused") // Shall provide source compatibility if possible
-@Deprecated("Use 'DokkaMultiModuleTask' instead", ReplaceWith("DokkaMultiModuleTask"), DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
-typealias DokkaMultimoduleTask = DokkaMultiModuleTask
-private typealias TaskPath = String
-abstract class DokkaMultiModuleTask : AbstractDokkaParentTask() {
- /**
- * List of Markdown files that contain
- * [module and package documentation](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/dokka-module-and-package-docs.html).
- *
- * Contents of specified files will be parsed and embedded into documentation as module and package descriptions.
- *
- * Example of such a file:
- *
- * ```markdown
- * # Module kotlin-demo
- *
- * The module shows the Dokka usage.
- *
- * # Package org.jetbrains.kotlin.demo
- *
- * Contains assorted useful stuff.
- *
- * ## Level 2 heading
- *
- * Text after this heading is also part of documentation for `org.jetbrains.kotlin.demo`
- *
- * # Package org.jetbrains.kotlin.demo2
- *
- * Useful stuff in another package.
- * ```
- */
- @get:InputFiles
- @get:Optional
- @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE)
- abstract val includes: ConfigurableFileCollection
- @Internal
- val fileLayout: Property<DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout> = project.objects.property<DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout>()
- .convention(DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout.CompactInParent)
- @get:InputFiles
- @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE)
- internal abstract val sourceChildOutputDirectories: ConfigurableFileCollection
- @get:OutputDirectories
- internal val targetChildOutputDirectories: Provider<Iterable<Directory>> = project.provider {
- childDokkaTasks.map { task -> targetChildOutputDirectory(task).get() }
- }
- @get:Input
- internal val childDokkaTaskIncludes: Map<TaskPath, Set<File>>
- get() = childDokkaTasks.filterIsInstance<DokkaTaskPartial>().associate { task ->
- task.path to task.dokkaSourceSets.flatMap { it.includes }.toSet()
- }
- // The method contains a reference to internal Gradle API that is nice not to use.
- // There was an attempt to get rid of it, but it was not successful
- // See: https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/pull/2835
- @Internal
- override fun getTaskDependencies(): TaskDependencyInternal =
- super.getTaskDependencies() + childDokkaTasks
- override fun generateDocumentation() {
- checkChildDokkaTasksIsNotEmpty()
- super.generateDocumentation()
- }
- override fun buildDokkaConfiguration(): DokkaConfigurationImpl {
- return DokkaConfigurationImpl(
- moduleName = moduleName.get(),
- moduleVersion = moduleVersion.getValidVersionOrNull(),
- outputDir = outputDirectory.asFile.get(),
- cacheRoot = cacheRoot.asFile.orNull,
- pluginsConfiguration = buildPluginsConfiguration(),
- failOnWarning = failOnWarning.get(),
- offlineMode = offlineMode.get(),
- pluginsClasspath = plugins.resolve().toList(),
- modules = childDokkaTasks.map { dokkaTask ->
- DokkaModuleDescriptionImpl(
- name = dokkaTask.moduleName.get(),
- relativePathToOutputDirectory = targetChildOutputDirectory(dokkaTask).get().asFile.relativeTo(
- outputDirectory.asFile.get()
- ),
- includes = childDokkaTaskIncludes[dokkaTask.path].orEmpty(),
- sourceOutputDirectory = dokkaTask.outputDirectory.asFile.get(),
- )
- },
- includes = includes.toSet(),
- )
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaTask.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaTask.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 551ab62e..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaTask.kt
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@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.*
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfigurationImpl
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.build
-abstract class DokkaTask : AbstractDokkaLeafTask() {
- override fun buildDokkaConfiguration(): DokkaConfigurationImpl =
- DokkaConfigurationImpl(
- moduleName = moduleName.get(),
- moduleVersion = moduleVersion.getValidVersionOrNull(),
- outputDir = outputDirectory.asFile.get(),
- cacheRoot = cacheRoot.asFile.orNull,
- offlineMode = offlineMode.get(),
- failOnWarning = failOnWarning.get(),
- sourceSets = unsuppressedSourceSets.build(),
- pluginsConfiguration = buildPluginsConfiguration(),
- pluginsClasspath = plugins.resolve().toList(),
- suppressObviousFunctions = suppressObviousFunctions.get(),
- suppressInheritedMembers = suppressInheritedMembers.get(),
- )
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaTaskPartial.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaTaskPartial.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index ae7d2066..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaTaskPartial.kt
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.*
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfigurationImpl
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.build
-abstract class DokkaTaskPartial : AbstractDokkaLeafTask() {
- override fun buildDokkaConfiguration(): DokkaConfigurationImpl {
- return DokkaConfigurationImpl(
- moduleName = moduleName.get(),
- moduleVersion = moduleVersion.orNull,
- outputDir = outputDirectory.asFile.get(),
- cacheRoot = cacheRoot.asFile.orNull,
- offlineMode = offlineMode.get(),
- failOnWarning = failOnWarning.get(),
- sourceSets = unsuppressedSourceSets.build(),
- pluginsConfiguration = buildPluginsConfiguration(),
- pluginsClasspath = plugins.resolve().toList(),
- delayTemplateSubstitution = true,
- suppressObviousFunctions = suppressObviousFunctions.get(),
- suppressInheritedMembers = suppressInheritedMembers.get(),
- )
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/utils.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/utils.kt
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index c17653aa..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/utils.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.NamedDomainObjectContainer
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.gradle.api.UnknownDomainObjectException
-import org.gradle.util.Path
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.findByType
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.getByType
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinProjectExtension
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformType
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinTarget
-/** Parse a Gradle path, e.g. `:project:subproject:taskName` */
-internal fun parsePath(path: String): Path = Path.path(path)
-internal val Project.kotlinOrNull: KotlinProjectExtension?
- get() = try {
- project.extensions.findByType()
- } catch (e: Throwable) {
- when (e) {
- // if the user project doesn't have KGP applied, we won't be able to load the class;
- // TypeNotPresentException is possible if it's loaded through reified generics.
- is NoClassDefFoundError, is TypeNotPresentException, is ClassNotFoundException -> null
- else -> throw e
- }
- }
-internal val Project.kotlin: KotlinProjectExtension
- get() = project.extensions.getByType()
-internal fun Project.isAndroidProject() = try {
- project.extensions.getByName("android")
- true
-} catch (e: UnknownDomainObjectException) {
- false
-} catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) {
- false
-internal fun KotlinTarget.isAndroidTarget() = this.platformType == KotlinPlatformType.androidJvm
-internal fun <T : Any> NamedDomainObjectContainer<T>.maybeCreate(name: String, configuration: T.() -> Unit): T {
- return findByName(name) ?: create(name, configuration)
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/resources/META-INF/gradle-plugins/org.jetbrains.dokka.properties b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/resources/META-INF/gradle-plugins/org.jetbrains.dokka.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c26a3a1..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/main/resources/META-INF/gradle-plugins/org.jetbrains.dokka.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaParentTaskTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaParentTaskTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 02b7a0f9..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AbstractDokkaParentTaskTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.create
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.getByName
-import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfigurationImpl
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.subprojects_
-import kotlin.test.Test
-import kotlin.test.assertEquals
-import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
-class AbstractDokkaParentTaskTest {
- private val rootProject = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- private val subproject0 = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("subproject0").withParent(rootProject).build()
- private val subproject1 = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("subproject1").withParent(rootProject).build()
- private val subSubproject0 = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("subSubproject0").withParent(subproject0).build()
- init {
- rootProject.subprojects_ {
- tasks.create<DokkaTask>("dokkaTask")
- }
- }
- private val parentTask = rootProject.tasks.create<TestDokkaParentTask>("parent")
- @Test
- fun `add and remove tasks by reference`() {
- assertEquals(
- emptySet(), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected no childDokkaTasks by default"
- )
- parentTask.addChildTask(subproject0.dokkaTask)
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected ${subproject0.dokkaTask.path} being registered as child task"
- )
- parentTask.addChildTask(subproject1.dokkaTask)
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subproject0.dokkaTask, subproject1.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected both dokka tasks being present"
- )
- parentTask.removeChildTask(subproject0.dokkaTask)
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subproject1.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected ${subproject0.dokkaTask.path} being removed from child tasks"
- )
- parentTask.addChildTask(subSubproject0.dokkaTask)
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subproject1.dokkaTask, subSubproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected ${subSubproject0.dokkaTask.path} being added as child task"
- )
- parentTask.addChildTask(subSubproject0.dokkaTask)
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subproject1.dokkaTask, subSubproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected no effect for adding a task twice"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `add and remove by absolute path`() {
- parentTask.addChildTask(":subproject0:dokkaTask")
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected ${subproject0.dokkaTask.path} as child task"
- )
- parentTask.addChildTask(":subproject0:subSubproject0:dokkaTask")
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subproject0.dokkaTask, subSubproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected ${subSubproject0.dokkaTask.path} being added as child task"
- )
- parentTask.removeChildTask(":subproject0:dokkaTask")
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subSubproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected ${subproject0.dokkaTask.path} being removed as child task"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `add and remove by relative path`() {
- parentTask.addChildTask("subproject0:dokkaTask")
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected ${subproject0.dokkaTask.path} as child task"
- )
- parentTask.addChildTask("subproject0:subSubproject0:dokkaTask")
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subproject0.dokkaTask, subSubproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected ${subSubproject0.dokkaTask.path} being added as child task"
- )
- parentTask.removeChildTask("subproject0:dokkaTask")
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subSubproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected ${subproject0.dokkaTask.path} being removed as child task"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `add and remove by relative path ob subproject0`() {
- val parentTask = subproject0.tasks.create<TestDokkaParentTask>("parent")
- parentTask.addChildTask("subSubproject0:dokkaTask")
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subSubproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected ${subSubproject0.dokkaTask.path} being registered as child"
- )
- parentTask.removeChildTask("subSubproject0:dokkaTask")
- assertEquals(
- emptySet(), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected ${subSubproject0.dokkaTask.path} being removed as child"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `add and remove by project and name`() {
- parentTask.addChildTasks(rootProject.subprojects, "dokkaTask")
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subproject0.dokkaTask, subproject1.dokkaTask, subSubproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected all subproject tasks being registered as child task"
- )
- parentTask.removeChildTasks(rootProject.subprojects, "dokkaTask")
- assertEquals(
- emptySet(), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected all tasks being removed"
- )
- parentTask.addChildTasks(listOf(subproject0), "dokkaTask")
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected only ${subproject0.dokkaTask.path} being registered as child"
- )
- parentTask.addSubprojectChildTasks("dokkaTask")
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subproject0.dokkaTask, subproject1.dokkaTask, subSubproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected all subproject tasks being registered as child task"
- )
- parentTask.removeSubprojectChildTasks("dokkaTask")
- assertEquals(
- emptySet(), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected all tasks being removed"
- )
- parentTask.addSubprojectChildTasks("dokkaTask")
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subproject0.dokkaTask, subproject1.dokkaTask, subSubproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected all subproject tasks being registered as child task"
- )
- parentTask.removeChildTasks(subproject0)
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subproject1.dokkaTask, subSubproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected only ${subproject0.dokkaTask.path} being removed"
- )
- parentTask.addSubprojectChildTasks("dokkaTask")
- parentTask.removeChildTasks(listOf(subproject0, subproject1))
- assertEquals(
- setOf(subSubproject0.dokkaTask), parentTask.childDokkaTasks,
- "Expected ${subproject0.dokkaTask.path} and ${subproject1.dokkaTask.path} being removed"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `adding invalid path will not throw exception`() {
- parentTask.addChildTask(":some:stupid:path")
- parentTask.childDokkaTasks
- }
- @Test
- fun `adding non dokka task will throw exception`() {
- val badTask = rootProject.tasks.create("badTask")
- parentTask.addChildTask(badTask.path)
- assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException> { parentTask.childDokkaTasks }
- }
-internal abstract class TestDokkaParentTask : AbstractDokkaParentTask() {
- override fun buildDokkaConfiguration(): DokkaConfigurationImpl {
- throw NotImplementedError()
- }
-private val Project.dokkaTask: DokkaTask get() = tasks.getByName<DokkaTask>("dokkaTask")
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AndroidAutoConfigurationTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AndroidAutoConfigurationTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e00c96c..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AndroidAutoConfigurationTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import com.android.build.gradle.LibraryExtension
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.ResolveException
-import org.gradle.api.internal.project.ProjectInternal
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.configure
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.withType
-import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder
-import kotlin.test.*
-class AndroidAutoConfigurationTest {
- private val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build().also { project ->
- project.plugins.apply("com.android.library")
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.kotlin.android")
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- project.extensions.configure<LibraryExtension> {
- compileSdkVersion(28)
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun `at least one dokka task created`() {
- val dokkaTasks = project.tasks.withType<DokkaTask>().toList()
- assertTrue(dokkaTasks.isNotEmpty(), "Expected at least one dokka task")
- }
- @Test
- fun `all default source sets are present in dokka`() {
- val dokkaTasks = project.tasks.withType<DokkaTask>().toList()
- dokkaTasks.forEach { task ->
- val sourceSets = task.dokkaSourceSets.toList()
- assertEquals(
- listOf(
- "androidTest", "androidTestDebug", "debug", "main",
- "release", "test", "testDebug", "testRelease", "androidTestRelease"
- ).sorted(),
- sourceSets.map { it.name }.sorted(),
- "Expected all default source sets being registered"
- )
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun `test source sets are suppressed`() {
- val dokkaTasks = project.tasks.withType<DokkaTask>().toList()
- project as ProjectInternal
- project.evaluate()
- dokkaTasks.flatMap { it.dokkaSourceSets }.forEach { sourceSet ->
- if ("test" in sourceSet.name.toLowerCase()) {
- assertTrue(
- sourceSet.suppress.get(),
- "Expected source set `${sourceSet.name}` to be suppressed by default"
- )
- } else {
- assertFalse(
- sourceSet.suppress.get(),
- "Expected source set `${sourceSet.name}`to not be suppressed by default"
- )
- }
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun `source sets have non-empty classpath`() {
- val dokkaTasks = project.tasks.withType<DokkaTask>().toList()
- project as ProjectInternal
- project.evaluate()
- dokkaTasks.flatMap { it.dokkaSourceSets }
- .filterNot { it.name == "androidTestRelease" && it.suppress.get() } // androidTestRelease has empty classpath, but it makes no sense for suppressed source set
- .forEach { sourceSet ->
- /*
- There is no better way of checking for empty classpath at the moment (without resolving dependencies).
- We assume, that an empty classpath can be resolved
- We assume, that a non-empty classpath will not be able to resolve (no repositories defined)
- */
- assertFailsWith<ResolveException>("SourceSet: " + sourceSet.name) { sourceSet.classpath.files }
- }
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AutomagicProxyTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AutomagicProxyTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index c8f58f27..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/AutomagicProxyTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaBootstrap
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.AutomagicProxyTest.TestInterface
-import java.util.function.BiConsumer
-import kotlin.test.Test
-import kotlin.test.assertEquals
-import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
-class AutomagicProxyTest {
- private class TestException(message: String, cause: Throwable?) : Exception(message, cause)
- private fun interface TestInterface {
- @Throws(Throwable::class)
- operator fun invoke(): Int
- }
- @Test
- fun `simple method invocation`() {
- val instance = TestInterface { 0 }
- val proxy = automagicTypedProxy<TestInterface>(instance.javaClass.classLoader, instance)
- assertEquals(0, proxy())
- }
- @Test
- fun `exception throw in DokkaBootstrap is not wrapped inside UndeclaredThrowableException`() {
- val instanceThrowingTestException = object : DokkaBootstrap {
- override fun configure(serializedConfigurationJSON: String, logger: BiConsumer<String, String>) = Unit
- override fun generate() {
- throw TestException("Test Exception Message", Exception("Cause Exception Message"))
- }
- }
- val proxy = automagicTypedProxy<DokkaBootstrap>(
- instanceThrowingTestException.javaClass.classLoader,
- instanceThrowingTestException
- )
- val exception = assertFailsWith<TestException> {
- proxy.generate()
- }
- assertEquals("Test Exception Message", exception.message)
- assertEquals("Cause Exception Message", exception.cause?.message)
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/CheckSourceSetDependenciesTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/CheckSourceSetDependenciesTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 92adc0e5..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/CheckSourceSetDependenciesTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder
-import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
-import kotlin.test.Test
-import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
-import kotlin.test.assertTrue
-class CheckSourceSetDependenciesTest {
- private val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- @Test
- fun `passes when properly configured`() {
- val sourceSets = listOf(
- GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("common", project),
- GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("jvmAndJsCommon", project).apply {
- dependsOn("common")
- },
- GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("jvm", project).apply {
- dependsOn("jvmAndJsCommon")
- },
- GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("js", project).apply {
- dependsOn("jvmAndJsCommon")
- }
- )
- checkSourceSetDependencies(sourceSets)
- }
- @Test
- fun `throws exception when dependent source set id cant be found`() {
- val sourceSets = listOf(
- GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("main", project),
- GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("bad", project).apply {
- dependsOn("missing")
- }
- )
- val exception = assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException> {
- checkSourceSetDependencies(sourceSets)
- }
- assertTrue("bad" in exception.message.orEmpty(), "Expected name of source set mentioned")
- assertTrue("missing" in exception.message.orEmpty(), "Expected name of missing source set mentioned")
- }
- @Test
- fun `throws exception when documented source set depends on suppressed source set`() {
- val sourceSets = listOf(
- GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("common", project),
- GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("intermediate", project).apply {
- dependsOn("common")
- suppress.set(true)
- },
- GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("jvm", project).apply {
- dependsOn("intermediate")
- }
- )
- val exception = assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException> {
- checkSourceSetDependencies(sourceSets)
- }
- assertTrue("intermediate" in exception.message.orEmpty())
- assertTrue("jvm" in exception.message.orEmpty())
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/ConfigureWithKotlinSourceSetGistTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/ConfigureWithKotlinSourceSetGistTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 55acbf2f..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/ConfigureWithKotlinSourceSetGistTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.FileCollectionDependency
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.get
-import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.Platform
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.kotlin.KotlinSourceSetGist
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinJvmProjectExtension
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformType
-import kotlin.test.Test
-import kotlin.test.assertEquals
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.withDependencies_
-import kotlin.test.assertTrue
-class ConfigureWithKotlinSourceSetGistTest {
- @Test
- fun `example gist`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- val f1Jar = project.file("f1.jar")
- val f2Jar = project.file("f2.jar")
- assertTrue(f1Jar.createNewFile())
- assertTrue(f2Jar.createNewFile())
- val customSourceRoot = project.file("customSourceRoot")
- assertTrue(customSourceRoot.mkdirs())
- val gist = KotlinSourceSetGist(
- name = "customName",
- platform = project.provider { KotlinPlatformType.common },
- isMain = project.provider { true },
- classpath = project.provider { project.files(f1Jar, f2Jar) },
- sourceRoots = project.files(customSourceRoot),
- dependentSourceSetNames = project.provider { setOf("customRootSourceSet") }
- )
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- sourceSet.configureWithKotlinSourceSetGist(gist)
- assertEquals(
- "common", sourceSet.build().displayName,
- "Expected platform being used as default displayName for source set"
- )
- assertEquals(
- Platform.common, sourceSet.build().analysisPlatform,
- "Expected common platform being set"
- )
- assertEquals(
- listOf(f1Jar, f2Jar), sourceSet.build().classpath,
- "Expected classpath being present"
- )
- assertEquals(
- setOf(sourceSet.DokkaSourceSetID("customRootSourceSet")), sourceSet.build().dependentSourceSets,
- "Expected customRootSourceSet being present in dependentSourceSets after build"
- )
- assertEquals(
- setOf(customSourceRoot), sourceSet.build().sourceRoots,
- "Expected customSourceRoot being present in sourceRoots after build"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `display name for source set customMain`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- val gist = KotlinSourceSetGist(
- name = "customMain",
- platform = project.provider { KotlinPlatformType.common },
- isMain = project.provider { true },
- classpath = project.provider { project.files() },
- sourceRoots = project.files(),
- dependentSourceSetNames = project.provider { emptySet() }
- )
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- sourceSet.configureWithKotlinSourceSetGist(gist)
- assertEquals(
- "custom", sourceSet.build().displayName,
- "Expected 'Main' being trimmed from source set name and used as display name"
- )
- }
- @Suppress("UnstableApiUsage")
- @Test
- fun `configuration with kotlin source set is live`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm")
- val kotlin = project.kotlin as KotlinJvmProjectExtension
- val mainSourceSet = kotlin.sourceSets["main"]
- /* Make sure that the source roots exist on filesystem */
- mainSourceSet.kotlin.sourceDirectories.elements.get().map { it.asFile }.forEach { it.mkdirs() }
- /* Make sure to remove dependencies that cannot be resolved during test */
- project.configurations.configureEach {
- withDependencies_ {
- removeIf { dependency -> dependency !is FileCollectionDependency }
- }
- }
- val dokkaSourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("main", project)
- dokkaSourceSet.kotlinSourceSet(mainSourceSet)
- assertEquals(
- listOf(project.file("src/main/kotlin"), project.file("src/main/java")),
- dokkaSourceSet.sourceRoots.elements.get().map { it.asFile },
- "Expected default source roots being present in dokkaSourceSet"
- )
- val customSourceRoot = project.file("src/main/customRoot")
- assertTrue(customSourceRoot.mkdirs())
- mainSourceSet.kotlin.srcDir(customSourceRoot)
- assertEquals(
- listOf(project.file("src/main/kotlin"), project.file("src/main/java"), project.file("src/main/customRoot")),
- dokkaSourceSet.sourceRoots.elements.get().map { it.asFile },
- "Expected customRoot being added to source roots in dokkaSourceSet"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `changing classpath`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- val dokkaSourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("main", project)
- var classpath = project.files()
- dokkaSourceSet.configureWithKotlinSourceSetGist(
- KotlinSourceSetGist(
- name = "gist",
- platform = project.provider { KotlinPlatformType.common },
- isMain = project.provider { true },
- dependentSourceSetNames = project.provider { emptySet() },
- sourceRoots = project.files(),
- classpath = project.provider { classpath }
- )
- )
- dokkaSourceSet.classpath.from("base.jar")
- classpath.from("f1.jar")
- classpath.from("f2.jar")
- assertEquals(
- setOf(project.file("f1.jar"), project.file("f2.jar"), project.file("base.jar")),
- dokkaSourceSet.classpath.files,
- "Expected files from initial gist classpath and manually added file base.jar to be present in classpath"
- )
- /*
- Swapping the original file collection in favour of a new one.
- We expect that the base.jar is still present, as it was configured on the dokka source set.
- We also expect, that the new files from the new file collection are replacing old ones
- */
- classpath = project.files("f3.jar", "f4.jar")
- assertEquals(
- setOf(project.file("f3.jar"), project.file("f4.jar"), project.file("base.jar")),
- dokkaSourceSet.classpath.files,
- "Expected files from changed gist classpath and manually added file base.jar to be present in classpath"
- )
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaConfigurationJsonTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaConfigurationJsonTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index c2a05eb5..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaConfigurationJsonTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.withType
-import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfigurationImpl
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.PluginConfigurationImpl
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.create_
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.externalDocumentationLink_
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.withDependencies_
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.toCompactJsonString
-import java.io.File
-import java.net.URL
-import kotlin.test.Test
-import kotlin.test.assertEquals
-class DokkaConfigurationJsonTest {
- @Test
- fun `DokkaTask configuration toJsonString then parseJson`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- val dokkaTask = project.tasks.withType<DokkaTask>().first()
- dokkaTask.plugins.withDependencies_ { clear() }
- dokkaTask.apply {
- this.failOnWarning.set(true)
- this.offlineMode.set(true)
- this.outputDirectory.set(File("customOutputDir"))
- this.cacheRoot.set(File("customCacheRoot"))
- this.pluginsConfiguration.add(
- PluginConfigurationImpl(
- "A",
- DokkaConfiguration.SerializationFormat.JSON,
- """ { "key" : "value1" } """
- )
- )
- this.pluginsConfiguration.add(
- PluginConfigurationImpl(
- "B",
- DokkaConfiguration.SerializationFormat.JSON,
- """ { "key" : "value2" } """
- )
- )
- this.dokkaSourceSets.create_("main") {
- displayName.set("customSourceSetDisplayName")
- reportUndocumented.set(true)
- externalDocumentationLink_ {
- packageListUrl.set(URL("http://some.url"))
- url.set(URL("http://some.other.url"))
- }
- perPackageOption {
- includeNonPublic.set(true)
- reportUndocumented.set(true)
- skipDeprecated.set(true)
- documentedVisibilities.set(setOf(DokkaConfiguration.Visibility.PRIVATE))
- }
- }
- }
- val sourceConfiguration = dokkaTask.buildDokkaConfiguration()
- val configurationJson = sourceConfiguration.toCompactJsonString()
- val parsedConfiguration = DokkaConfigurationImpl(configurationJson)
- assertEquals(sourceConfiguration, parsedConfiguration)
- println(parsedConfiguration)
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaConfigurationSerializableTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaConfigurationSerializableTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 02fd728b..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaConfigurationSerializableTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.withType
-import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.PluginConfigurationImpl
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.create_
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.externalDocumentationLink_
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.withDependencies_
-import org.junit.jupiter.api.io.TempDir
-import java.io.File
-import java.io.ObjectInputStream
-import java.io.ObjectOutputStream
-import java.net.URL
-import kotlin.test.Test
-import kotlin.test.assertEquals
-class DokkaConfigurationSerializableTest {
- @Test
- fun `DokkaTask configuration write to file then parse`(@TempDir tempDirectory: File) {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- val dokkaTask = project.tasks.withType<DokkaTask>().first()
- dokkaTask.plugins.withDependencies_ { clear() }
- dokkaTask.apply {
- this.failOnWarning.set(true)
- this.offlineMode.set(true)
- this.outputDirectory.set(File("customOutputDir"))
- this.cacheRoot.set(File("customCacheRoot"))
- this.pluginsConfiguration.add(
- PluginConfigurationImpl(
- "A",
- DokkaConfiguration.SerializationFormat.JSON,
- """ { "key" : "value1" } """
- )
- )
- this.pluginsConfiguration.add(
- PluginConfigurationImpl(
- "B",
- DokkaConfiguration.SerializationFormat.JSON,
- """ { "key" : "value2" } """
- )
- )
- this.dokkaSourceSets.create_("main") {
- displayName.set("customSourceSetDisplayName")
- reportUndocumented.set(true)
- externalDocumentationLink_ {
- packageListUrl.set(URL("http://some.url"))
- url.set(URL("http://some.other.url"))
- }
- perPackageOption {
- includeNonPublic.set(true)
- reportUndocumented.set(true)
- skipDeprecated.set(true)
- documentedVisibilities.set(setOf(DokkaConfiguration.Visibility.PRIVATE))
- }
- }
- }
- val sourceConfiguration = dokkaTask.buildDokkaConfiguration()
- val configurationFile = tempDirectory.resolve("config.bin")
- ObjectOutputStream(configurationFile.outputStream()).use { stream ->
- stream.writeObject(sourceConfiguration)
- }
- val parsedConfiguration = ObjectInputStream(configurationFile.inputStream()).use { stream ->
- stream.readObject() as DokkaConfiguration
- }
- assertEquals(sourceConfiguration, parsedConfiguration)
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleFileLayoutTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleFileLayoutTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8acd3547..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaMultiModuleFileLayoutTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.create
-import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaException
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout.CompactInParent
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout.NoCopy
-import java.io.File
-import kotlin.test.Test
-import kotlin.test.assertEquals
-import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
-import kotlin.test.assertTrue
-class DokkaMultiModuleFileLayoutTest {
- @Test
- fun `no copy`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- val child = project.tasks.create<DokkaTask>("child")
- val parent = project.tasks.create<DokkaMultiModuleTask>("parent")
- child.outputDirectory.set(File("some/path"))
- assertEquals(
- File("some/path"),
- NoCopy.targetChildOutputDirectory(parent, child).get().asFile.relativeTo(project.projectDir),
- "Expected original file path returned"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `compact in parent`() {
- val rootProject = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- val parentProject = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("parent").withParent(rootProject).build()
- parentProject.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- val intermediateProject = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("intermediate").withParent(parentProject).build()
- val childProject = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("child").withParent(intermediateProject).build()
- childProject.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- val parentTask = parentProject.tasks.create<DokkaMultiModuleTask>("parentTask")
- val childTask = childProject.tasks.create<DokkaTask>("childTask")
- val targetOutputDirectory = CompactInParent.targetChildOutputDirectory(parentTask, childTask)
- assertEquals(
- parentTask.outputDirectory.get().asFile.resolve("intermediate/child"),
- targetOutputDirectory.get().asFile,
- "Expected nested file structure representing project structure"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun copyChildOutputDirectory() {
- /* Prepare */
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- val childTask = project.tasks.create<DokkaTask>("child")
- val parentTask = project.tasks.create<DokkaMultiModuleTask>("parent")
- val sourceOutputDirectory = childTask.outputDirectory.get().asFile
- sourceOutputDirectory.mkdirs()
- sourceOutputDirectory.resolve("some.file").writeText("some text")
- val subFolder = sourceOutputDirectory.resolve("subFolder")
- subFolder.mkdirs()
- subFolder.resolve("other.file").writeText("other text")
- parentTask.fileLayout.set(DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout { parent, _ ->
- parent.project.provider { parent.project.layout.projectDirectory.dir("target/output") }
- })
- parentTask.copyChildOutputDirectory(childTask)
- /* Assertions */
- val targetOutputDirectory = project.file("target/output")
- assertTrue(
- targetOutputDirectory.exists() && targetOutputDirectory.isDirectory,
- "Expected target output directory ${targetOutputDirectory.path} to exist"
- )
- val targetSomeFile = targetOutputDirectory.resolve("some.file")
- assertTrue(
- targetSomeFile.exists() && targetSomeFile.isFile,
- "Expected sample file to exist in target output directory"
- )
- assertEquals(
- "some text", targetSomeFile.readText(),
- "Expected content to be written into sample file"
- )
- val targetSubFolder = targetOutputDirectory.resolve("subFolder")
- assertTrue(
- targetSubFolder.exists() && targetSubFolder.isDirectory,
- "Expected sub folder being present in target output directory"
- )
- val targetOtherFile = targetSubFolder.resolve("other.file")
- assertTrue(
- targetOtherFile.exists() && targetOtherFile.isFile,
- "Expected nested 'other.file' being copied into target"
- )
- assertEquals(
- "other text", targetOtherFile.readText(),
- "Expected content to be written into 'other.file'"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `copyChildOutputDirectory target output directory within itself throws DokkaException`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- val childTask = project.tasks.create<DokkaTask>("child")
- val parentTask = project.tasks.create<DokkaMultiModuleTask>("parent")
- parentTask.fileLayout.set(DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout { _, child ->
- child.outputDirectory.dir("subfolder")
- })
- assertFailsWith<DokkaException> { parentTask.copyChildOutputDirectory(childTask) }
- }
- @Test
- fun `copyChildOutputDirectory NoCopy`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- val childTask = project.tasks.create<DokkaTask>("child")
- val parentTask = project.tasks.create<DokkaMultiModuleTask>("parent")
- parentTask.fileLayout.set(NoCopy)
- parentTask.copyChildOutputDirectory(childTask)
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaPluginApplyTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaPluginApplyTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index d41ba672..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/DokkaPluginApplyTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaBasePlugin
-import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskContainer
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.withType
-import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder
-import kotlin.test.Test
-import kotlin.test.assertEquals
-import kotlin.test.assertSame
-import kotlin.test.assertTrue
-class DokkaPluginApplyTest {
- @Test
- fun `one task per format is registered`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- assertTrue(
- project.tasks.findByName("dokkaHtml") is DokkaTask,
- "Expected DokkaTask: dokkaHtml"
- )
- assertTrue(
- project.tasks.findByName("dokkaGfm") is DokkaTask,
- "Expected DokkaTask: dokkaGfm"
- )
- assertTrue(
- project.tasks.findByName("dokkaJekyll") is DokkaTask,
- "Expected DokkaTask: dokkaJekyll"
- )
- assertTrue(
- project.tasks.findByName("dokkaJavadoc") is DokkaTask,
- "Expected DokkaTask: dokkaJavadoc"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `dokka plugin configurations extend dokkaPlugin`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- val dokkaPluginsConfiguration = project.maybeCreateDokkaDefaultPluginConfiguration()
- project.tasks.withType<DokkaTask>().forEach { dokkaTask ->
- assertSame(
- dokkaTask.plugins.extendsFrom.single(), dokkaPluginsConfiguration,
- "Expected dokka plugins configuration to extend default ${dokkaPluginsConfiguration.name} configuration"
- )
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun `all dokka tasks are part of the documentation group`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- assertDokkaTasksHaveDocumentationGroup(project.tasks)
- }
- @Test
- fun `all dokka tasks are part of the documentation group in a multi module setup`() {
- val root = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("root").build()
- val child = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("child").withParent(root).build()
- root.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- child.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- assertDokkaTasksHaveDocumentationGroup(root.tasks)
- assertDokkaTasksHaveDocumentationGroup(child.tasks)
- }
- @Test
- fun `old dokka tasks are part of the deprecated group in a multi module setup`() {
- val root = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("root").build()
- val child = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("child").withParent(root).build()
- root.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- child.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- assertOldDokkaTasksHaveDeprecatedGroup(root.tasks)
- assertOldDokkaTasksHaveDeprecatedGroup(child.tasks)
- }
- @Test
- fun `all dokka tasks provide a task description`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- assertDokkaTasksHaveDescription(project.tasks)
- }
- @Test
- fun `all dokka tasks provide a task description in a multi module setup`() {
- val root = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("root").build()
- val child = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("child").withParent(root).build()
- root.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- child.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- assertDokkaTasksHaveDescription(root.tasks)
- assertDokkaTasksHaveDescription(child.tasks)
- }
- @Test
- fun `parent dokka tasks have children configured`() {
- val root = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("root").build()
- val child = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("child").withParent(root).build()
- root.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- child.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- val parentTasks = root.tasks.withType<AbstractDokkaParentTask>()
- assertTrue(parentTasks.isNotEmpty(), "Expected at least one parent task being created")
- parentTasks.toList().forEach { parentTask ->
- assertEquals(1, parentTask.childDokkaTasks.size, "Expected one child dokka task")
- assertEquals(
- child, parentTask.childDokkaTasks.single().project,
- "Expected child dokka task from child project"
- )
- }
- }
-private fun assertDokkaTasksHaveDocumentationGroup(taskContainer: TaskContainer) {
- taskContainer.withType<AbstractDokkaTask>().forEach { dokkaTask ->
- assertEquals(
- dokkaTask.group,
- "Expected task: ${dokkaTask.path} group to be \"${JavaBasePlugin.DOCUMENTATION_GROUP}\""
- )
- }
-private fun assertOldDokkaTasksHaveDeprecatedGroup(taskContainer: TaskContainer) {
- taskContainer.names.filter { "Multimodule" in it }.forEach { dokkaTaskName ->
- val dokkaTask = taskContainer.getByName(dokkaTaskName)
- val expectedGroup = "deprecated"
- assertEquals(
- expectedGroup,
- dokkaTask.group,
- "Expected task: ${dokkaTask.path} group to be \"${expectedGroup}\""
- )
- }
-private fun assertDokkaTasksHaveDescription(taskContainer: TaskContainer) {
- taskContainer.withType<AbstractDokkaTask>().forEach { dokkaTask ->
- assertTrue(
- @Suppress("UselessCallOnNotNull") // Task.description is nullable, but not inherited as Kotlin sees it.
- dokkaTask.description.orEmpty().isNotEmpty(),
- "Expected description for task ${dokkaTask.name}"
- )
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index b973ba53..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaSourceSetID
-fun GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder(name: String, project: Project, sourceSetScopeId: String = "${project.path}:test"):
- GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder {
- return GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder(name, project) { DokkaSourceSetID(sourceSetScopeId, it) }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilderTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilderTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 76f6f58e..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilderTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import com.android.build.gradle.internal.api.DefaultAndroidSourceSet
-import org.gradle.api.Project
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.closureOf
-import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.sources.DefaultKotlinSourceSet
-import java.net.URL
-import kotlin.test.*
-class GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilderTest {
- private val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("root").build()
- @Test
- fun sourceSetId() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("myName", project, "scopeId")
- assertEquals(
- DokkaSourceSetID("scopeId", "myName"), sourceSet.sourceSetID,
- "Expected sourceSet.sourceSetID to match output of DokkaSourceSetID factory function"
- )
- assertEquals(
- "scopeId/myName", sourceSet.sourceSetID.toString(),
- "Expected SourceSetId's string representation"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun classpath() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- sourceSet.classpath.from(project.file("path/to/file.jar"))
- sourceSet.classpath.from(project.file("path/to/other.jar"))
- assertEquals(
- listOf(project.file("path/to/file.jar"), project.file("path/to/other.jar")), sourceSet.classpath.toList(),
- "Expected both file paths being present in classpath"
- )
- assertEquals(
- listOf(project.file("path/to/file.jar"), project.file("path/to/other.jar")),
- sourceSet.build().classpath.toList(),
- "Expected both file paths being present in built classpath"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun displayName() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("myName", project)
- assertNull(
- sourceSet.displayName.orNull,
- "Expected no ${GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder::displayName.name} being set by default"
- )
- assertEquals(
- "myName", sourceSet.build().displayName,
- "Expected source set name being used for ${DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet::displayName.name} " +
- "after building source set with no ${GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder::displayName.name} being set"
- )
- sourceSet.displayName.set("displayName")
- assertEquals(
- "displayName", sourceSet.build().displayName,
- "Expected previously set ${GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder::displayName.name} to be present after build"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `displayName default for sourceSet ending with Main`() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("jvmMain", project)
- assertEquals(
- "jvm", sourceSet.build().displayName,
- "Expected 'Main' being stripped for source set display name after build"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun sourceRoots() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- sourceSet.sourceRoots.from(project.file("root1"))
- sourceSet.sourceRoot(project.file("root2"))
- sourceSet.sourceRoot(project.file("root3").absolutePath)
- sourceSet.sourceRoot("root4")
- assertEquals(
- listOf("root1", "root2", "root3", "root4").map(project::file).toSet(),
- sourceSet.build().sourceRoots,
- "Expected all files being present"
- )
- sourceSet.build().sourceRoots.forEach { root ->
- assertTrue(
- root.startsWith(project.projectDir),
- "Expected all roots to be inside the projectDir\n" +
- "projectDir: ${project.projectDir}\n" +
- "root: ${root.absolutePath})"
- )
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun dependentSourceSets() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertEquals(emptySet(), sourceSet.build().dependentSourceSets, "Expected no dependent sourceSets by default")
- sourceSet.dependentSourceSets.add(sourceSet.DokkaSourceSetID("s1"))
- sourceSet.dependsOn("s2")
- sourceSet.dependsOn(sourceSet.DokkaSourceSetID("s3"))
- sourceSet.dependsOn(GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("s4", project))
- sourceSet.dependsOn(GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("s5", project).build())
- sourceSet.dependsOn(createDefaultKotlinSourceSet("s6"))
- sourceSet.dependsOn(DefaultAndroidSourceSet("s7", project, false))
- assertEquals(
- listOf(":/s1", ":/s2", ":/s3", ":/s4", ":/s5", ":/s6", ":/s7"),
- sourceSet.build().dependentSourceSets.map { it.toString() },
- "Expected all source sets being registered"
- )
- }
- private fun createDefaultKotlinSourceSet(displayName: String): DefaultKotlinSourceSet {
- return project.objects.newInstance(DefaultKotlinSourceSet::class.java, project, displayName)
- }
- @Test
- fun samples() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertEquals(emptySet(), sourceSet.build().samples, "Expected no default samples")
- sourceSet.samples.from(project.file("s1"))
- sourceSet.samples.from(project.file("s2"))
- assertEquals(
- setOf(project.file("s1"), project.file("s2")), sourceSet.build().samples,
- "Expected all samples being present after build"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun includes() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertEquals(emptySet(), sourceSet.build().includes, "Expected no default includees")
- sourceSet.includes.from(project.file("i1"))
- sourceSet.includes.from(project.file("i2"))
- assertEquals(
- setOf(project.file("i1"), project.file("i2")), sourceSet.build().includes,
- "Expected all includes being present after build"
- )
- }
- @Test
- @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
- fun includeNonPublic() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertEquals(
- DokkaDefaults.includeNonPublic, sourceSet.build().includeNonPublic,
- "Expected default value for ${GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder::includeNonPublic.name}"
- )
- sourceSet.includeNonPublic.set(!DokkaDefaults.includeNonPublic)
- assertEquals(
- !DokkaDefaults.includeNonPublic, sourceSet.build().includeNonPublic,
- "Expected flipped value for ${GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder::includeNonPublic.name}"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun documentedVisibilities() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertEquals(
- DokkaDefaults.documentedVisibilities, sourceSet.build().documentedVisibilities,
- "Expected default value for ${GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder::documentedVisibilities.name}"
- )
- val visibilities = setOf(DokkaConfiguration.Visibility.PRIVATE, DokkaConfiguration.Visibility.INTERNAL)
- sourceSet.documentedVisibilities.set(visibilities)
- assertEquals(
- visibilities, sourceSet.build().documentedVisibilities,
- "Expected to see previously set value for ${GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder::includeNonPublic.name}"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun reportUndocumented() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertEquals(
- DokkaDefaults.reportUndocumented, sourceSet.build().reportUndocumented,
- "Expected default value for ${GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder::reportUndocumented.name}"
- )
- sourceSet.reportUndocumented.set(!DokkaDefaults.reportUndocumented)
- assertEquals(
- !DokkaDefaults.reportUndocumented, sourceSet.build().reportUndocumented,
- "Expected flipped value for ${GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder::reportUndocumented.name}"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun jdkVersion() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertEquals(
- DokkaDefaults.jdkVersion, sourceSet.build().jdkVersion,
- "Expected default value for ${GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder::jdkVersion.name}"
- )
- sourceSet.jdkVersion.set(DokkaDefaults.jdkVersion + 1)
- assertEquals(
- DokkaDefaults.jdkVersion + 1, sourceSet.build().jdkVersion,
- "Expected increased value for ${GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder::jdkVersion.name}"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun sourceLinks() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertEquals(emptySet(), sourceSet.build().sourceLinks, "Expected no default source links")
- sourceSet.sourceLinks.add(
- GradleSourceLinkBuilder(project).apply {
- this.remoteLineSuffix.set("ls1")
- this.localDirectory.set(project.file("p1"))
- this.remoteUrl.set(URL("https://u1"))
- })
- sourceSet.sourceLink {
- remoteLineSuffix.set("ls2")
- localDirectory.set(project.file("p2"))
- remoteUrl.set(URL("https://u2"))
- }
- sourceSet.sourceLink(project.closureOf<GradleSourceLinkBuilder> {
- this.remoteLineSuffix.set("ls3")
- this.localDirectory.set(project.file("p3"))
- this.remoteUrl.set(URL("https://u3"))
- })
- assertEquals(
- setOf(
- SourceLinkDefinitionImpl(
- remoteLineSuffix = "ls1",
- localDirectory = project.file("p1").absolutePath,
- remoteUrl = URL("https://u1")
- ),
- SourceLinkDefinitionImpl(
- remoteLineSuffix = "ls2",
- localDirectory = project.file("p2").absolutePath,
- remoteUrl = URL("https://u2")
- ),
- SourceLinkDefinitionImpl(
- remoteLineSuffix = "ls3",
- localDirectory = project.file("p3").absolutePath,
- remoteUrl = URL("https://u3")
- )
- ),
- sourceSet.build().sourceLinks,
- "Expected all source links being present after build"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun perPackageOptions() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertEquals(emptyList(), sourceSet.build().perPackageOptions, "Expected no default per package options")
- sourceSet.perPackageOptions.add(GradlePackageOptionsBuilder(project).apply {
- this.matchingRegex.set("p1.*")
- })
- sourceSet.perPackageOption {
- matchingRegex.set("p2.*")
- }
- sourceSet.perPackageOption(project.closureOf<GradlePackageOptionsBuilder> {
- this.matchingRegex.set("p3.*")
- })
- assertEquals(
- listOf("p1.*", "p2.*", "p3.*").map { matchingRegex ->
- PackageOptionsImpl(
- matchingRegex = matchingRegex,
- includeNonPublic = DokkaDefaults.includeNonPublic,
- documentedVisibilities = DokkaDefaults.documentedVisibilities,
- reportUndocumented = DokkaDefaults.reportUndocumented,
- skipDeprecated = DokkaDefaults.skipDeprecated,
- suppress = DokkaDefaults.suppress
- )
- },
- sourceSet.build().perPackageOptions,
- "Expected all package options being present after build"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun externalDocumentationLink() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- sourceSet.noAndroidSdkLink.set(true)
- sourceSet.noJdkLink.set(true)
- sourceSet.noStdlibLink.set(true)
- assertEquals(
- emptySet(), sourceSet.build().externalDocumentationLinks,
- "Expected no default external documentation links"
- )
- sourceSet.externalDocumentationLinks.add(
- GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder(project).apply {
- this.url.set(URL("https://u1"))
- this.packageListUrl.set(URL("https://pl1"))
- }
- )
- sourceSet.externalDocumentationLink {
- url.set(URL("https://u2"))
- }
- sourceSet.externalDocumentationLink(project.closureOf<GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder> {
- url.set(URL("https://u3"))
- })
- sourceSet.externalDocumentationLink(url = "https://u4", packageListUrl = "https://pl4")
- sourceSet.externalDocumentationLink(url = URL("https://u5"))
- assertEquals(
- setOf(
- ExternalDocumentationLinkImpl(URL("https://u1"), URL("https://pl1")),
- ExternalDocumentationLinkImpl(URL("https://u2"), URL("https://u2/package-list")),
- ExternalDocumentationLinkImpl(URL("https://u3"), URL("https://u3/package-list")),
- ExternalDocumentationLinkImpl(URL("https://u4"), URL("https://pl4")),
- ExternalDocumentationLinkImpl(URL("https://u5"), URL("https://u5/package-list"))
- ),
- sourceSet.build().externalDocumentationLinks,
- "Expected all external documentation links being present after build"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun languageVersion() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertNull(sourceSet.build().languageVersion, "Expected no language version being set by default")
- sourceSet.languageVersion.set("JAVA_20")
- assertEquals(
- "JAVA_20", sourceSet.build().languageVersion,
- "Expected previously set language version to be present after build"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun apiVersion() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertNull(sourceSet.build().apiVersion, "Expected no api version being set by default")
- sourceSet.apiVersion.set("20")
- assertEquals(
- "20", sourceSet.build().apiVersion,
- "Expected previously set api version to be present after build"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun noStdlibLink() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertFalse(sourceSet.noStdlibLink.get(), "Expected 'noStdlibLink' to be set to false by default")
- assertEquals(1, sourceSet.build().externalDocumentationLinks.count {
- "https://kotlinlang.org/api" in it.url.toURI().toString()
- }, "Expected kotlin stdlib in external documentation links")
- sourceSet.noStdlibLink.set(true)
- assertEquals(
- 0, sourceSet.build().externalDocumentationLinks.count {
- "https://kotlinlang.org/api" in it.url.toURI().toString()
- }, "Expected no stdlib in external documentation link"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun noJdkLink() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertFalse(sourceSet.noJdkLink.get(), "Expected 'noJdkLink' to be set to false by default")
- assertEquals(1, sourceSet.build().externalDocumentationLinks.count {
- "https://docs.oracle.com/" in it.url.toURI().toString()
- }, "Expected java jdk in external documentation links")
- sourceSet.noJdkLink.set(true)
- assertEquals(
- 0, sourceSet.build().externalDocumentationLinks.count {
- "https://docs.oracle.com/" in it.url.toURI().toString()
- }, "Expected no java jdk in external documentation link"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun noAndroidSdkLink() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertFalse(sourceSet.noAndroidSdkLink.get(), "Expected 'noAndroidSdkLink' to be set to false by default")
- assertEquals(0, sourceSet.build().externalDocumentationLinks.count {
- "https://developer.android.com/reference" in it.url.toURI().toString()
- }, "Expected no android sdk in external documentation links (without android plugin)")
- assertEquals(0, sourceSet.build().externalDocumentationLinks.count {
- "https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx" in it.packageListUrl.toURI().toString()
- }, "Expected no androidx in external documentation links (without android plugin)")
- project.plugins.apply("com.android.library")
- assertEquals(1, sourceSet.build().externalDocumentationLinks.count {
- "https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/package-list" in it.packageListUrl.toURI().toString()
- }, "Expected android sdk in external documentation links")
- assertEquals(1, sourceSet.build().externalDocumentationLinks.count {
- "https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/androidx/package-list" in it.packageListUrl.toURI()
- .toString()
- }, "Expected androidx in external documentation links")
- sourceSet.noAndroidSdkLink.set(true)
- assertEquals(0, sourceSet.build().externalDocumentationLinks.count {
- "https://developer.android.com/reference" in it.url.toURI().toString()
- }, "Expected no android sdk in external documentation links")
- assertEquals(0, sourceSet.build().externalDocumentationLinks.count {
- "https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/androidx/package-list" in it.packageListUrl.toURI()
- .toString()
- }, "Expected no androidx in external documentation links")
- }
- @Test
- fun suppressedFiles() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertTrue(sourceSet.build().suppressedFiles.isEmpty(), "Expected no suppressed files by default")
- sourceSet.suppressedFiles.from(project.file("f1"))
- sourceSet.suppressedFiles.from("f2")
- assertEquals(
- setOf(project.file("f1"), project.file("f2")), sourceSet.build().suppressedFiles,
- "Expected all suppressed files to be present after build"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun suppressedFilesByDefault() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertTrue(sourceSet.build().suppressedFiles.isEmpty(), "Expected no suppressed files by default")
- val file = project.buildDir.resolve("generated").also { it.mkdirs() }
- file.resolve("suppressed.kt").writeText("class A")
- sourceSet.sourceRoots.from(project.buildDir.resolve("generated"))
- val suppressedConfiguration = sourceSet.build()
- sourceSet.suppressGeneratedFiles.set(false)
- val unsuppressedConfiguration = sourceSet.build()
- assertEquals(
- setOf(
- project.buildDir.resolve("generated"),
- project.buildDir.resolve("generated").resolve("suppressed.kt")
- ), suppressedConfiguration.suppressedFiles,
- "Expected all suppressed files to be present after build"
- )
- assertTrue(
- unsuppressedConfiguration.suppressedFiles.isEmpty(),
- "Expected no files to be suppressed by default"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun platform() {
- val sourceSet = GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder("", project)
- assertEquals(Platform.DEFAULT, sourceSet.build().analysisPlatform, "Expected default platform if not specified")
- sourceSet.platform.set(Platform.common)
- assertEquals(
- Platform.common, sourceSet.build().analysisPlatform,
- "Expected previously set analysis platform being present after build"
- )
- }
-private fun GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder(name: String, project: Project) =
- GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder(name, project, project.path)
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/KotlinDslDokkaTaskConfigurationTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/KotlinDslDokkaTaskConfigurationTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index f95dfdc2..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/KotlinDslDokkaTaskConfigurationTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.withType
-import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.configureEach_
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.create_
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinJvmProjectExtension
-import java.io.File
-import kotlin.test.Test
-import kotlin.test.assertEquals
-class KotlinDslDokkaTaskConfigurationTest {
- @Test
- fun `configure dokka task`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- project.tasks.withType<DokkaTask>().configureEach_ {
- outputDirectory.set(File("test"))
- }
- project.tasks.withType(DokkaTask::class.java).forEach { dokkaTask ->
- assertEquals(File("test"), dokkaTask.outputDirectory.get().asFile.relativeTo(project.projectDir))
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun `sourceSet dependsOn by String`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- project.tasks.withType(DokkaTask::class.java).forEach { dokkaTask ->
- dokkaTask.dokkaSourceSets.run {
- val commonMain = create("commonMain")
- val jvmMain = create_("jvmMain") {
- dependsOn("commonMain")
- }
- assertEquals(
- 0, commonMain.dependentSourceSets.get().size,
- "Expected no dependent source set in commonMain"
- )
- assertEquals(
- 1, jvmMain.dependentSourceSets.get().size,
- "Expected only one dependent source set in jvmMain"
- )
- assertEquals(
- commonMain.sourceSetID, jvmMain.dependentSourceSets.get().single(),
- "Expected jvmMain to depend on commonMain"
- )
- assertEquals(
- DokkaSourceSetID(dokkaTask, "commonMain"), commonMain.sourceSetID
- )
- }
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun `sourceSet dependsOn by DokkaSourceSet`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- project.tasks.withType(DokkaTask::class.java).first().run {
- dokkaSourceSets.run {
- val commonMain = create("commonMain")
- val jvmMain = create("jvmMain") {
- dependsOn(commonMain)
- }
- assertEquals(
- commonMain.sourceSetID, jvmMain.dependentSourceSets.get().single()
- )
- }
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun `sourceSet dependsOn by KotlinSourceSet`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm")
- val kotlin = project.extensions.getByName("kotlin") as KotlinJvmProjectExtension
- project.tasks.withType(DokkaTask::class.java).first().apply {
- dokkaSourceSets.run {
- val special = create("special") {
- dependsOn(kotlin.sourceSets.getByName("main"))
- }
- assertEquals(
- DokkaSourceSetID(this@apply, "main"), special.dependentSourceSets.get().single()
- )
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/KotlinSourceSetGistTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/KotlinSourceSetGistTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c99502a..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/KotlinSourceSetGistTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.withDependencies_
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.FileCollectionDependency
-import org.gradle.api.internal.project.DefaultProject
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.get
-import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.kotlin.gistOf
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinJvmProjectExtension
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinMultiplatformExtension
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformType
-import java.io.File
-import kotlin.test.Test
-import kotlin.test.assertEquals
-import kotlin.test.assertFalse
-import kotlin.test.assertTrue
-class KotlinSourceSetGistTest {
- @Test
- fun `main source set with kotlin jvm`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm")
- val kotlin = project.kotlin as KotlinJvmProjectExtension
- val mainSourceSet = kotlin.sourceSets.getByName("main")
- val mainSourceSetGist = project.gistOf(mainSourceSet)
- assertEquals(
- "main", mainSourceSetGist.name,
- "Expected correct source set name"
- )
- assertEquals(
- KotlinPlatformType.jvm, mainSourceSetGist.platform.get(),
- "Expected correct platform"
- )
- assertTrue(
- mainSourceSetGist.isMain.get(),
- "Expected main sources to be marked as 'isMain'"
- )
- assertEquals(
- emptySet(), mainSourceSetGist.dependentSourceSetNames.get(),
- "Expected no dependent source sets"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `test source set with kotlin jvm`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm")
- val kotlin = project.kotlin as KotlinJvmProjectExtension
- val testSourceSet = kotlin.sourceSets.getByName("test")
- val testSourceSetGist = project.gistOf(testSourceSet)
- assertFalse(
- testSourceSetGist.isMain.get(),
- "Expected test source set not being marked as 'isMain'"
- )
- assertEquals(
- emptySet(),
- testSourceSetGist.dependentSourceSetNames.get(),
- "Expected no dependent source sets"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `sourceRoots of main source set with kotlin jvm`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm")
- val kotlin = project.kotlin as KotlinJvmProjectExtension
- val mainSourceSet = kotlin.sourceSets.getByName("main")
- val mainSourceSetGist = project.gistOf(mainSourceSet)
- assertEquals(
- emptySet(), mainSourceSetGist.sourceRoots.files,
- "Expected no sourceRoots, because default source root does not exist on filesystem yet"
- )
- // Create default source root on filesystem
- val defaultSourceRoot = project.file("src/main/kotlin")
- defaultSourceRoot.mkdirs()
- assertEquals(
- setOf(defaultSourceRoot), mainSourceSetGist.sourceRoots.files,
- "Expected default source root in source roots, since it is present on the filesystem"
- )
- // Create custom source set (and make sure it exists on filesystem)
- val customSourceRoot = project.file("src/main/custom").also(File::mkdirs)
- mainSourceSet.kotlin.srcDir(customSourceRoot)
- assertEquals(
- setOf(defaultSourceRoot, customSourceRoot), mainSourceSetGist.sourceRoots.files,
- "Expected recently registered custom source root to be present"
- )
- // removing default source root
- mainSourceSet.kotlin.setSrcDirs(listOf(customSourceRoot))
- assertEquals(
- setOf(customSourceRoot), mainSourceSetGist.sourceRoots.files,
- "Expected only custom source root being present in source roots"
- )
- }
- @Suppress("UnstableApiUsage")
- @Test
- fun `classpath of main source set with kotlin jvm`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm")
- val kotlin = project.kotlin as KotlinJvmProjectExtension
- val mainSourceSet = kotlin.sourceSets.getByName("main")
- val mainSourceSetGist = project.gistOf(mainSourceSet)
- /* Only work with file dependencies */
- project.configurations.forEach { configuration ->
- configuration.withDependencies_ {
- removeIf { dependency ->
- dependency !is FileCollectionDependency
- }
- }
- }
- val implementationJar = project.file("implementation.jar")
- val compileOnlyJar = project.file("compileOnly.jar")
- val apiJar = project.file("api.jar")
- val runtimeOnlyJar = project.file("runtimeOnly.jar")
- mainSourceSet.dependencies {
- implementation(project.files(implementationJar))
- compileOnly(project.files(compileOnlyJar))
- api(project.files(apiJar))
- runtimeOnly(project.files(runtimeOnlyJar))
- }
- assertEquals(
- emptySet(), mainSourceSetGist.classpath.get().files,
- "Expected no files on the classpath, since no file exists"
- )
- /* Creating dependency files */
- assertTrue(implementationJar.createNewFile())
- assertTrue(compileOnlyJar.createNewFile())
- assertTrue(apiJar.createNewFile())
- assertTrue(runtimeOnlyJar.createNewFile())
- assertEquals(
- setOf(implementationJar, compileOnlyJar, apiJar), mainSourceSetGist.classpath.get().files,
- "Expected implementation, compileOnly and api dependencies on classpath"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `common, jvm and macos source sets with kotlin multiplatform`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform")
- val kotlin = project.kotlin as KotlinMultiplatformExtension
- kotlin.jvm()
- kotlin.macosX64("macos")
- (project as DefaultProject).evaluate()
- val commonMainSourceSet = kotlin.sourceSets.getByName("commonMain")
- val commonMainSourceSetGist = project.gistOf(commonMainSourceSet)
- val jvmMainSourceSet = kotlin.sourceSets.getByName("jvmMain")
- val jvmMainSourceSetGist = project.gistOf(jvmMainSourceSet)
- val macosMainSourceSet = kotlin.sourceSets.getByName("macosMain")
- val macosMainSourceSetGist = project.gistOf(macosMainSourceSet)
- assertEquals(
- "commonMain", commonMainSourceSetGist.name,
- "Expected correct source set name"
- )
- assertEquals(
- "jvmMain", jvmMainSourceSetGist.name,
- "Expected correct source set name"
- )
- assertEquals(
- "macosMain", macosMainSourceSetGist.name,
- "Expected correct source set name"
- )
- assertEquals(
- KotlinPlatformType.common, commonMainSourceSetGist.platform.get(),
- "Expected common platform for commonMain source set"
- )
- assertEquals(
- KotlinPlatformType.jvm, jvmMainSourceSetGist.platform.get(),
- "Expected jvm platform for jvmMain source set"
- )
- assertEquals(
- KotlinPlatformType.native, macosMainSourceSetGist.platform.get(),
- "Expected native platform for macosMain source set"
- )
- assertTrue(
- commonMainSourceSetGist.isMain.get(),
- "Expected commonMain to be marked with 'isMain'"
- )
- assertTrue(
- jvmMainSourceSetGist.isMain.get(),
- "Expected jvmMain to be marked with 'isMain'"
- )
- assertTrue(
- macosMainSourceSetGist.isMain.get(),
- "Expected macosMain to be marked with 'isMain'"
- )
- assertFalse(
- project.gistOf(kotlin.sourceSets["commonTest"]).isMain.get(),
- "Expected commonTest not being marked with 'isMain'"
- )
- assertFalse(
- project.gistOf(kotlin.sourceSets["jvmTest"]).isMain.get(),
- "Expected jvmTest not being marked with 'isMain'"
- )
- assertFalse(
- project.gistOf(kotlin.sourceSets["macosTest"]).isMain.get(),
- "Expected macosTest not being marked with 'isMain'"
- )
- // requires `project.evaluate()`
- assertEquals(
- setOf("commonMain"), jvmMainSourceSetGist.dependentSourceSetNames.get(),
- "Expected jvmMain to depend on commonMain by default"
- )
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/KotlinGradlePluginVersionTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/KotlinGradlePluginVersionTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index e0731687..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/kotlin/KotlinGradlePluginVersionTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.kotlin
-import kotlin.test.*
-class KotlinGradlePluginVersionTest {
- @Test
- fun `should parse versions`() {
- assertParsedVersion(input = "1.7.22", expectedMajor = 1, expectedMinor = 7, expectedPatch = 22)
- assertParsedVersion(input = "2.0.0", expectedMajor = 2, expectedMinor = 0, expectedPatch = 0)
- assertParsedVersion(input = "1.8.22-RC2", expectedMajor = 1, expectedMinor = 8, expectedPatch = 22)
- assertParsedVersion(input = "1.5.22-Beta", expectedMajor = 1, expectedMinor = 5, expectedPatch = 22)
- assertParsedVersion(input = "2.7.22-mercury-500", expectedMajor = 2, expectedMinor = 7, expectedPatch = 22)
- assertParsedVersion(input = "1.7.100-dev-800", expectedMajor = 1, expectedMinor = 7, expectedPatch = 100)
- }
- @Test
- fun `should return null on non parsable string`() {
- assertNull(parse("1.7"))
- assertNull(parse("1"))
- assertNull(parse("6"))
- assertNull(parse("17.0"))
- assertNull(parse("1..7.0"))
- assertNull(parse("1.7-Beta"))
- assertNull(parse("1.7.0Beta"))
- }
- @Test
- fun `should compare simple versions`() {
- assertEquals(0, KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 7, 0).compareTo(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 7, 0)))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 6, 10) >= KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 6, 10))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 6, 10) < KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 6, 20))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 6, 10) > KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 6, 0))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 4, 32) <= KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 4, 32))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 4, 32) < KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 6, 20))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 4, 32) > KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 3, 0))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(2, 1, 0) > KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 8, 0))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 5, 31) < KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 7, 0))
- }
- @Test
- fun `should compare custom dev versions with trailing strings`() {
- assertEquals(0, KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 7, 0).compareTo(parseNotNull("1.7.0")))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 6, 10) >= parseNotNull("1.6.10-Beta"))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 6, 10) < parseNotNull("1.6.20"))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 6, 10) > parseNotNull("1.6.0-RC2"))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 4, 32) <= parseNotNull("1.4.32-dev-142"))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 4, 32) < parseNotNull("1.6.20-Beta"))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(1, 4, 32) > parseNotNull("1.3.0-RC"))
- assertTrue(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(2, 1, 0) > parseNotNull("1.8.0-mercury-500"))
- }
- private fun assertParsedVersion(
- input: String,
- expectedMajor: Int,
- expectedMinor: Int,
- expectedPatch: Int
- ) {
- val kgpVersion = parseNotNull(input)
- assertEquals(expectedMajor, kgpVersion.major)
- assertEquals(expectedMinor, kgpVersion.minor)
- assertEquals(expectedPatch, kgpVersion.patch)
- assertEquals(KotlinGradlePluginVersion(expectedMajor, expectedMinor, expectedPatch), kgpVersion)
- }
- private fun parseNotNull(input: String): KotlinGradlePluginVersion = assertNotNull(parse(input))
- private fun parse(input: String): KotlinGradlePluginVersion? = parseKotlinVersion(input)
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaCollectorTaskTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaCollectorTaskTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 07cb04d2..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaCollectorTaskTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.tasks
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.create
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.withType
-import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfigurationImpl
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaException
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.AbstractDokkaTask
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.DokkaCollectorTask
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.DokkaTask
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.all_
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.allprojects_
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.configureEach_
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.withDependencies_
-import java.io.File
-import kotlin.test.*
-class DokkaCollectorTaskTest {
- @Test
- fun buildDokkaConfiguration() {
- val rootProject = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- val childProject = ProjectBuilder.builder().withParent(rootProject).build()
- childProject.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm")
- rootProject.allprojects_ {
- plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- tasks.withType<AbstractDokkaTask>().configureEach_ {
- plugins.withDependencies_ { clear() }
- }
- tasks.withType<DokkaTask>().configureEach_ {
- dokkaSourceSets.configureEach_ {
- classpath.setFrom(emptyList<Any>())
- }
- }
- }
- val collectorTasks = rootProject.tasks.withType<DokkaCollectorTask>()
- collectorTasks.configureEach_ {
- moduleName.set("custom Module Name")
- outputDirectory.set(File("customOutputDirectory"))
- cacheRoot.set(File("customCacheRoot"))
- failOnWarning.set(true)
- offlineMode.set(true)
- }
- assertTrue(collectorTasks.isNotEmpty(), "Expected at least one collector task")
- collectorTasks.forEach { task ->
- val dokkaConfiguration = task.buildDokkaConfiguration()
- assertEquals(
- DokkaConfigurationImpl(
- moduleName = "custom Module Name",
- outputDir = rootProject.projectDir.resolve("customOutputDirectory"),
- cacheRoot = rootProject.projectDir.resolve("customCacheRoot"),
- failOnWarning = true,
- offlineMode = true,
- sourceSets = task.childDokkaTasks
- .map { it.buildDokkaConfiguration() }
- .map { it.sourceSets }
- .reduce { acc, list -> acc + list },
- pluginsClasspath = task.childDokkaTasks
- .map { it.plugins.resolve().toList() }
- .reduce { acc, mutableSet -> acc + mutableSet }
- ),
- dokkaConfiguration,
- )
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun `verify that cacheRoot is optional, and not required to build DokkaConfiguration`() {
- val rootProject = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- val childProject = ProjectBuilder.builder().withParent(rootProject).build()
- childProject.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm")
- rootProject.allprojects_ {
- plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- tasks.withType<AbstractDokkaTask>().configureEach_ {
- plugins.withDependencies_ { clear() }
- }
- tasks.withType<DokkaTask>().configureEach_ {
- dokkaSourceSets.configureEach_ {
- classpath.setFrom(emptyList<Any>())
- }
- }
- }
- val collectorTasks = rootProject.tasks.withType<DokkaCollectorTask>()
- collectorTasks.configureEach_ {
- cacheRoot.set(null as File?)
- }
- assertTrue(collectorTasks.isNotEmpty(), "Expected at least one collector task")
- collectorTasks.forEach { task ->
- val dokkaConfiguration = task.buildDokkaConfiguration()
- assertNull(dokkaConfiguration.cacheRoot, "Expect that cacheRoot is null")
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun `with no child tasks throws DokkaException`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- val collectorTask = project.tasks.create<DokkaCollectorTask>("collector")
- project.configurations.all_ { withDependencies_ { clear() } }
- assertFailsWith<DokkaException> { collectorTask.generateDocumentation() }
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaMultiModuleTaskTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaMultiModuleTaskTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index a95af583..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaMultiModuleTaskTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-@file:Suppress("UnstableApiUsage", "DEPRECATION", "PackageDirectoryMismatch")
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.create
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.withType
-import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.allprojects_
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.configureEach_
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.create_
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.withDependencies_
-import java.io.File
-import kotlin.test.*
-class DokkaMultiModuleTaskTest {
- private val rootProject = ProjectBuilder.builder()
- .withName("root")
- .build()
- private val childProject = ProjectBuilder.builder()
- .withName("child")
- .withProjectDir(rootProject.projectDir.resolve("child"))
- .withParent(rootProject).build()
- private val childDokkaTask = childProject.tasks.create<DokkaTaskPartial>("childDokkaTask")
- private val multiModuleTask = rootProject.tasks.create<DokkaMultiModuleTask>("multiModuleTask").apply {
- addChildTask(childDokkaTask)
- }
- init {
- rootProject.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- childProject.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- rootProject.allprojects_ {
- tasks.withType<AbstractDokkaTask>().configureEach_ {
- plugins.withDependencies_ { clear() }
- }
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun `child project is withing root project`() {
- assertEquals(
- rootProject.projectDir, childProject.projectDir.parentFile,
- "Expected child project being inside the root project"
- )
- assertEquals(
- childProject.projectDir.name, "child",
- "Expected folder of child project to be called 'child'"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun buildDokkaConfiguration() {
- val include1 = childDokkaTask.project.file("include1.md")
- val include2 = childDokkaTask.project.file("include2.md")
- val topLevelInclude = multiModuleTask.project.file("README.md")
- childDokkaTask.apply {
- dokkaSourceSets.create("main")
- dokkaSourceSets.create("test")
- dokkaSourceSets.configureEach_ {
- includes.from(include1, include2)
- }
- }
- multiModuleTask.apply {
- moduleVersion.set("1.5.0")
- moduleName.set("custom Module Name")
- outputDirectory.set(project.buildDir.resolve("customOutputDirectory"))
- cacheRoot.set(File("customCacheRoot"))
- pluginsConfiguration.add(
- PluginConfigurationImpl(
- "pluginA",
- DokkaConfiguration.SerializationFormat.JSON,
- """ { "key" : "value2" } """
- )
- )
- failOnWarning.set(true)
- offlineMode.set(true)
- includes.from(listOf(topLevelInclude))
- }
- val dokkaConfiguration = multiModuleTask.buildDokkaConfiguration()
- assertEquals(
- DokkaConfigurationImpl(
- moduleName = "custom Module Name",
- moduleVersion = "1.5.0",
- outputDir = multiModuleTask.project.buildDir.resolve("customOutputDirectory"),
- cacheRoot = multiModuleTask.project.projectDir.resolve("customCacheRoot"),
- pluginsConfiguration = mutableListOf(
- PluginConfigurationImpl(
- "pluginA",
- DokkaConfiguration.SerializationFormat.JSON,
- """ { "key" : "value2" } """
- )
- ),
- pluginsClasspath = emptyList(),
- failOnWarning = true,
- offlineMode = true,
- includes = setOf(topLevelInclude),
- modules = listOf(
- DokkaModuleDescriptionImpl(
- name = "child",
- relativePathToOutputDirectory = File("child"),
- includes = setOf(include1, include2),
- sourceOutputDirectory = childDokkaTask.outputDirectory.get().asFile
- )
- )
- ),
- dokkaConfiguration
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `multimodule task should not include unspecified version`() {
- childDokkaTask.apply {
- dokkaSourceSets.create("main")
- dokkaSourceSets.create("test")
- }
- multiModuleTask.apply {
- moduleVersion.set("unspecified")
- }
- val dokkaConfiguration = multiModuleTask.buildDokkaConfiguration()
- assertNull(dokkaConfiguration.moduleVersion)
- }
- @Test
- fun `setting dokkaTaskNames declares proper task dependencies`() {
- val dependenciesInitial = multiModuleTask.taskDependencies.getDependencies(multiModuleTask).toSet()
- assertEquals(1, dependenciesInitial.size, "Expected one dependency")
- val dependency = dependenciesInitial.single()
- assertTrue(
- dependency is DokkaTaskPartial,
- "Expected dependency to be of Type ${DokkaTaskPartial::class.simpleName}"
- )
- assertEquals(childProject, dependency.project, "Expected dependency from child project")
- val customDokkaTask = childProject.tasks.create<DokkaTask>("customDokkaTask")
- multiModuleTask.addSubprojectChildTasks("customDokkaTask")
- val dependenciesAfter = multiModuleTask.taskDependencies.getDependencies(multiModuleTask).toSet()
- assertEquals(2, dependenciesAfter.size, "Expected two dependencies")
- assertTrue(customDokkaTask in dependenciesAfter, "Expected 'customDokkaTask' in dependencies")
- }
- @Test
- fun `multimodule task with no child tasks throws DokkaException`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- val multimodule = project.tasks.create<DokkaMultiModuleTask>("multimodule")
- project.configurations.configureEach_ { withDependencies_ { clear() } }
- assertFailsWith<DokkaException> { multimodule.generateDocumentation() }
- }
- @Test
- fun childDokkaTaskIncludes() {
- val childDokkaTaskInclude1 = childProject.file("include1")
- val childDokkaTaskInclude2 = childProject.file("include2")
- val childDokkaTaskInclude3 = childProject.file("include3")
- childDokkaTask.apply {
- dokkaSourceSets.create_("main") {
- includes.from(childDokkaTaskInclude1, childDokkaTaskInclude2)
- }
- dokkaSourceSets.create_("main2") {
- includes.from(childDokkaTaskInclude3)
- }
- }
- val secondChildDokkaTaskInclude = childProject.file("include4")
- val secondChildDokkaTask = childProject.tasks.create<DokkaTaskPartial>("secondChildDokkaTask") {
- dokkaSourceSets.create_("main") {
- includes.from(secondChildDokkaTaskInclude)
- }
- }
- multiModuleTask.addChildTask(secondChildDokkaTask)
- assertEquals(
- mapOf(
- ":child:childDokkaTask" to setOf(
- childDokkaTaskInclude1,
- childDokkaTaskInclude2,
- childDokkaTaskInclude3
- ),
- ":child:secondChildDokkaTask" to setOf(secondChildDokkaTaskInclude)
- ),
- multiModuleTask.childDokkaTaskIncludes
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun sourceChildOutputDirectories() {
- val parent = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- parent.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- val child = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("child").withParent(parent).build()
- child.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- val parentTask = parent.tasks.create<DokkaMultiModuleTask>("parent")
- val childTask = child.tasks.create<DokkaTask>("child")
- parentTask.addChildTask(childTask)
- childTask.outputDirectory.set(child.file("custom/output"))
- assertEquals(
- listOf(parent.file("child/custom/output")),
- parentTask.sourceChildOutputDirectories.files.toList(),
- "Expected child output directory being present"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun targetChildOutputDirectories() {
- val parent = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- val child = ProjectBuilder.builder().withName("child").withParent(parent).build()
- val parentTask = parent.tasks.create<DokkaMultiModuleTask>("parent")
- val childTask = child.tasks.create<DokkaTask>("child")
- parentTask.addChildTask(childTask)
- parentTask.fileLayout.set(DokkaMultiModuleFileLayout { taskParent, taskChild ->
- taskParent.project.layout.buildDirectory.dir(taskChild.name)
- })
- assertEquals(
- listOf(parent.project.buildDir.resolve("child")),
- parentTask.targetChildOutputDirectories.get().map { it.asFile },
- "Expected child target output directory being present"
- )
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaTaskTest.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaTaskTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index d86fa268..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/tasks/DokkaTaskTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle
-import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.create
-import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.all_
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.register_
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils.withDependencies_
-import kotlin.test.Test
-import kotlin.test.assertEquals
-import kotlin.test.assertNull
-class DokkaTaskTest {
- @Test
- fun `no suppressed source sets are present after in built configuration`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- val task = project.tasks.create<DokkaTask>("dokkaTask")
- project.configurations.all_ { withDependencies_ { clear() } }
- task.dokkaSourceSets.register("main")
- task.dokkaSourceSets.register("jvm")
- task.dokkaSourceSets.register_("test") {
- suppress.set(true)
- }
- assertEquals(
- listOf("main", "jvm").sorted(),
- task.buildDokkaConfiguration().sourceSets.map { it.sourceSetID.sourceSetName }.sorted(),
- "Expected only unsuppressed source sets `main` and `test` to be present in built configuration"
- )
- }
- @Test
- fun `module version is not present if not specified`() {
- val project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
- project.plugins.apply("org.jetbrains.dokka")
- val task = project.tasks.create<DokkaTask>("dokkaTask")
- project.configurations.all_ { withDependencies_ { clear() } }
- task.dokkaSourceSets.register("main")
- assertNull(task.buildDokkaConfiguration().moduleVersion)
- }
diff --git a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/utils/samWithReceiverWorkarounds.kt b/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/utils/samWithReceiverWorkarounds.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 198f189e..00000000
--- a/runners/gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/gradle/utils/samWithReceiverWorkarounds.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- */
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.utils
-import org.gradle.api.*
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration
-import org.gradle.api.artifacts.DependencySet
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder
- * Workarounds because `SamWithReceiver` not working in test sources
- * https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTIJ-14684
- *
- * The `SamWithReceiver` plugin is automatically applied by the `kotlin-dsl` plugin.
- * It converts all [org.gradle.api.Action] so the parameter is the receiver:
- *
- * ```
- * // with SamWithReceiver ✅
- * tasks.configureEach {
- * val task: Task = this
- * }
- *
- * // without SamWithReceiver
- * tasks.configureEach { it ->
- * val task: Task = it
- * }
- * ```
- *
- * This is nice because it means that the Dokka Gradle Plugin more closely matches `build.gradle.kts` files.
- *
- * However, [IntelliJ is bugged](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTIJ-14684) and doesn't
- * acknowledge that `SamWithReceiver` has been applied in test sources. The code works and compiles,
- * but IntelliJ shows red errors.
- *
- * These functions are workarounds, and should be removed ASAP.
- */
-private object Explain
-fun Project.subprojects_(configure: Project.() -> Unit) =
- subprojects(configure)
-fun Project.allprojects_(configure: Project.() -> Unit) =
- allprojects(configure)
-fun <T> DomainObjectCollection<T>.configureEach_(configure: T.() -> Unit) =
- configureEach(configure)
-fun <T> DomainObjectCollection<T>.all_(configure: T.() -> Unit) =
- all(configure)
-fun Configuration.withDependencies_(action: DependencySet.() -> Unit): Configuration =
- withDependencies(action)
-fun <T> NamedDomainObjectContainer<T>.create_(name: String, configure: T.() -> Unit): T =
- create(name, configure)
-fun <T> NamedDomainObjectContainer<T>.register_(
- name: String,
- configure: T.() -> Unit
-): NamedDomainObjectProvider<T> =
- register(name, configure)
-fun GradleDokkaSourceSetBuilder.externalDocumentationLink_(
- action: GradleExternalDocumentationLinkBuilder.() -> Unit
-) = externalDocumentationLink(action)