path: root/.github
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-04-22Fix workflow expression errorIgnat Beresnev
2023-04-21Clean up GitHub workflows (#2951)Ignat Beresnev
2023-03-30Use Java 17 for setup-java in GitHub Actions (#2938)Goooler
2023-03-27Enable gradle-home-cache-cleanup (#2939)Goooler
2023-03-16Fix test runtime Java versions (#2918)aSemy
2023-03-07Use buildSrc convention plugins to configure the Dokka subprojects (#2704)aSemy
2023-02-27Remove dependabot configuration (#2886)Ignat Beresnev
2023-02-27Stop testing on Java 15 (#2892)Matthew Haughton
2023-02-21Remove outdated stdlib integration test (#2841)Ignat Beresnev
2023-01-30Add concurrency cancellation for test/build GitHub Actions (#2710)aSemy
2023-01-19Revise README documentation for examples and plugins (#2736)Ignat Beresnev
2023-01-10Revise documentation (#2728)Ignat Beresnev
2022-12-15Update Qodana GitHub action (#2747)Ignat Beresnev
2022-12-13Enable caching Maven dependencies for `setup-java` GitHub Action (#2722)aSemy
2022-09-01Use GitHub Actions Artifacts to store snapshots instead of S3 (#2630)Stefan M
2022-08-23Update Qodana and add Qodana token for cloud reports (#2629)Ignat Beresnev
2022-05-31Fix gathering inherited properties (#2481)Ignat Beresnev
2022-05-13Update Qodana GH Action to 5.1.0Ignat Beresnev
2022-04-06Add Qodana GitHub Action (#2372)Vadim Mishenev
2022-03-25Minor refactoring of dokka versioning and publishing (#2401)Ignat Beresnev
2022-03-24Optimize CI a bit (#2385)Goooler
2022-03-22Edit GH Action to publish doc on release (#2392)Vadim Mishenev
2022-02-09Update Gradle in examplesvmishenev
2022-02-09Add GH Action to publish versioning-multimodule-example (#2352)Vadim Mishenev
2021-10-08Disable publish actions in forked repository (#2160)Goooler
2021-10-04Bump to Kotlin 1.5.31 (#2164)Marcin Aman
2021-09-22Bump setup-java github actions to v2 (#2151)Goooler
2021-07-28Migrate Dokka examples to Dokka repo (KT-47798) (#2030)vmishenev
2021-06-28Bump gradle/wrapper-validation-action from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 (#1984)dependabot[bot]
2021-06-23Add maven central publication (#1688)Kamil Doległo
2021-06-23Bump cirrus-actions/rebase from 1.3.1 to 1.5 (#1920)dependabot[bot]
2021-06-23Bump gradle/wrapper-validation-action from 1 to 1.0.3 (#1917)dependabot[bot]
2021-06-15Remove JDK 8 on windows due to OOM and bump kotlin version in test (#1971)Marcin Aman
2021-04-29Update tests with kotlin 1.5-RC and gradle 7.0 (#1857)Marcin Aman
2021-04-21Add suggestion about PR-s to issues templateMarcin Aman
2021-04-14Introduce binary compatibility plugin (#1774)Marcin Aman
2021-04-13Add GitHub actions to dependabot (#1835)Philip Wedemann
2021-04-13Add Gradle Wrapper Validation (#1836)Philip Wedemann
2021-03-17Update issues templatesMarcin Aman
2021-03-16Create dependabot.yml (#1781)Marcin Aman
2021-02-26Add dependabotMarcin Aman
2021-02-03Reenable kotlinx-serialization (#1708)Kamil Doległo
2021-01-22Update link to stdlib on S3Kamil Doległo
2020-12-17Update links in S3 actionsKamil Doległo
2020-11-14Fix a bug in s3 cleanup actionKamil Doległo
2020-11-14Change AWS documentation timeout to 1 hourKamil Doległo
2020-11-13Fix link to stdlib in GH actionKamil Doległo
2020-11-13Temporarily disable kotlinx.serialization as it can't be built for nowKamil Doległo
2020-11-13Add integration tests for Kotlin projectsKamil Doległo
2020-10-21Fix gh-pages generation scriptKamil Doległo