path: root/buildSrc/build.gradle.kts
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-03-13Migrate buildSrc to composite build (#2912)Goooler
2023-03-07Use buildSrc convention plugins to configure the Dokka subprojects (#2704)aSemy
2022-06-30Bump essential dependencies (#2534)Ignat Beresnev
2022-04-25Revert shadow plugin update due to incompatibility with testsIgnat Beresnev
2022-04-22Bump plugins in buildSrc (#2458)Goooler
2022-03-22Remove bintray publish plugins (#2364)Goooler
2021-07-22Bump kotlin 1.5.21 (#2031)Marcin Aman
2021-06-23Add maven central publication (#1688)Kamil Doległo
2021-04-22Remove unused repositories (#1858)Marcin Aman
2021-04-14Introduce binary compatibility plugin (#1774)Marcin Aman
2020-01-31Minor fixes, rewritten CrossPlatformExec.ktKamil Doległo
2020-01-31Bump Gradle version, migrate to Kotlin DSL, refactor publishingKamil Doległo