path: root/core/testdata/format/markdownInLinks.html
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-04-10fix tests #2 - fails caused by bad index.html paths and missing paragraphsKrystianUjma
2019-02-19Cleanup httpSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-05Update testDataSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-02Fix missing whitespace around links and tokens in Markdown formatted textAlex Waters
2016-11-01Fix for GH#94 : meta charset for Html formatSimon Ogorodnik
2016-07-04Rewrite output generation; much cleaner Markdown and HTML generated. Resolves...Dmitry Jemerov
2016-04-28correctly render Markdown in link text (KT-11791)Dmitry Jemerov