path: root/core/testdata
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-03-11Use canonicalPath instead of absolutePath for srcLinkRobert Stoll
2019-03-01Fix constructor tag does not work (#417)Krystian Ujma
2019-02-25Rework logic to avoid loosing tags inside preSimon Ogorodnik
2019-02-25Fix @deprecated visibility in JavaDoc (#420)Błażej Kardyś
2019-02-25Fix java doc primary constructors have duplicated parametersKrystianUjma
2019-02-25Fix protected property getters and setters show the wrong visibility… (#402)Krystian Ujma
2019-02-19Cleanup httpSimon Ogorodnik
2019-02-15Nullable left off function type parameter with default value (#401) (#328)Krystian Ujma
2019-02-15fix annotatedProperty test (#426)Krystian Ujma
2019-02-11Update bundled kotlin-compiler to 1.3.20-dev-564Simon Ogorodnik
2018-12-14Modifiers sorted in wrong order #389Krystian Ujma
2018-11-23Fix constant values for JavaSimon Ogorodnik
2018-10-29#361: Fix varargsSimon Ogorodnik
2018-10-29Fix test dataSimon Ogorodnik
2018-10-29Fix test dataSimon Ogorodnik
2018-05-16Fix link resolution context for inherited docsSimon Ogorodnik
2018-03-23Fix external references to Java enum entriesSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-05Update testDataSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-30Add missing test dataSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-29Add test for wide range since kotlin versionsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-22Add new "suppress" per-package option.Chris Rankin
2017-11-21Fix suppressing of companion when it implements some interfaceSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-21Auto-expand type-aliases excluded from documentationSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-21Do not suppress Companions when it's extends/implements somethingSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-21Fix find node by signature when referencing type parameterSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-21Fix find node by signature when linking to extension with Type ParamSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-20Support receiver referenceSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-14Handle indent correctly, Add tests for assertTrue/False samplesSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-05Fix Can't find node by signature in asJava modeSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-02#228: Correctly render multiline indented code blocksSimon Ogorodnik
2017-10-09Correct test, due fix in kotlin-ide-commonSimon Ogorodnik
2017-06-26Workaround top-level java class name not match filenameSimon Ogorodnik
2017-06-22Wrap parameters in paragraphs for HTML formatSimon Ogorodnik
2017-06-07Fix StringOutOfBoundsException in link mappingSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-18Support reference-style markdown links in KDocSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-18Fix invalid line breaks in table cells for markdown formatsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-15Fix linking to javadoc external static fieldsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-11Do not publish private companion object members in public only modeSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-04Fix Markdown list spacing, ordering, and erroneous new linesAlex Waters
2017-05-02Fix missing whitespace around links and tokens in Markdown formatted textAlex Waters
2017-04-25Fix <String> escaping in samples for KWS HTML formatSimon Ogorodnik
2017-04-10Tweak kws html format to match output of old formatSimon Ogorodnik
2017-04-10Fix typo in html tag emph -> emSimon Ogorodnik
2017-03-29Implement assertion replacement templates for samplesSimon Ogorodnik
2017-03-20Fix p tag closing in HTML format'sSimon Ogorodnik
2017-03-20Create HTML based format for kotlin-websiteSimon Ogorodnik
2017-03-20Merge branch '0.9.14/KT-15497'Simon Ogorodnik
2017-03-09Fixed broken links to members of groupNode membersSimon Ogorodnik
2017-03-01Correct merging of different type namesake declarations between platformsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-03-01Fix testSimon Ogorodnik