path: root/core
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-07-13[backport] Add class hierarchy for JLHSimon Ogorodnik
2018-06-04Update bundled kotlin compiler to 1.2.60-dev-157Simon Ogorodnik
2018-05-18Enable suppression of generated files for Android plugin 3.2.0-alphaSimon Ogorodnik
2018-05-17Fix incorrect link to stylesheet in html formatSimon Ogorodnik
2018-05-16Fix external links to packages with uppercase letters in dokka modeSimon Ogorodnik
2018-05-16Fix link resolution context for inherited docsSimon Ogorodnik
2018-05-16Avoid unnecessary logging.Lukas Niemeier
2018-05-07Fix ClassCastException when generating JavaDocHÃ¥vard Kindem
2018-03-23Fix external references to Java enum entriesSimon Ogorodnik
2018-03-07Bind language service backSimon Ogorodnik
2018-02-22Merge branch 'refactoring-layout-service' into devSimon Ogorodnik
2018-02-21Update bundled kotlin compilerSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-22Supports hacks for MPP documentation generationRoman Elizarov
2017-12-19Fix crash in as Java mode, just show ugly warningSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-15Don't force bind LanguageService to KotlinLanguageServiceSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-15Normalize file path's when using as URISimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-13Fix adding class directories to classpath Fixes #252Simon Ogorodnik
2017-12-11Add description for javadoc formatSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-11Fix file extensions when FormatService.extension != linkExtensionSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-11Fix optional bindingSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-05Tidy aroundSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-05Update testDataSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-05Fix PackageListService to use NodeLocationAwareGenerator for linksSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-05Uncomment and fix some special case testsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-05Append line before file path in testDataSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-05Check file path in testData, when more then one nodeSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-05Fix overriding of default analysis servicesSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-04Introduce test case with preset FileGeneratorSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-02Update tests to new realitySimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-02Add actual relativePathToNode functionSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-02Revert Guice version to 3.0, to fix problems with Guava?Simon Ogorodnik
2017-12-02Fix outline file names, fix incorrect placement of support filesSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-02Remove categories to prevent injection errorsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-02Bind NodeLocationAwareGenerator to GeneratorSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-02Make possible to calculate path to rootSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-02Extract Analysis components out of FormatDescriptorSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-02Fix Javadoc formatSimon Ogorodnik
2017-12-02WIP: Refactoring, remove LocationService, rework FormatDescriptorSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-30WIPSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-30New format stubSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-30Add missing test dataSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-29Add test for wide range since kotlin versionsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-29Support wide-range Since Kotlin versionsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-27Add language version argumentsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-24Set readTimeout in ExternalDocumentationLinkResolverSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-24Add warning on unresolved link in packageDocsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-23Clarify Kotlin Versions and config in projectSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-23Cleanup GH-222 a bitSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-22Add new "suppress" per-package option.Chris Rankin
2017-11-22Add "suppress" to the per-package configuration options.Chris Rankin