path: root/gradle.properties
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-08-31Update copyright (#3149)Ignat Beresnev
2023-07-17Prepare for the next development iterationIgnatBeresnev
2023-05-19Prepare for the next development iterationIgnatBeresnev
2023-03-17Introduce Gradle Version Catalog with type-safe project dependencies (#2884)aSemy
2023-03-16Fix test runtime Java versions (#2918)aSemy
2023-03-16Refactor Maven Runner build config (#2911)aSemy
2023-02-27Prepare for the next development iterationIgnatBeresnev
2023-02-10Update Kotlin to 1.8.10 (#2797)Ignat Beresnev
2022-12-15Bump Jsoup to avoid CVE-2022-36033 (#2772)Ignat Beresnev
2022-12-13Enable Gradle build cache by default (#2711)aSemy
2022-11-10Introduce jackson-databind constraint for (#2733)Ryan Lewis
2022-10-04Update Kotlin to 1.7.20 (#2692)Ignat Beresnev
2022-09-27Prepare for next development iterationIgnatBeresnev
2022-09-27Update Kotlin to 1.7.20-RC (#2682)Ignat Beresnev
2022-07-08Prepare for next development iterationIgnatBeresnev
2022-07-08Update Kotlin to 1.7.10 (#2564)Ignat Beresnev
2022-06-30Bump essential dependencies (#2534)Ignat Beresnev
2022-06-20Prepare for next development iterationIgnat Beresnev
2022-06-10Bump Kotlin to 1.7.0 (#2529)Vadim Mishenev
2022-06-10Leave a warning comment about updating JacksonIgnat Beresnev
2022-06-10Downgrade Jackson due to broken 1.4 support (#2528)Ignat Beresnev
2022-06-09Bump Jackson version (#2525)Matt
2022-06-07Bump Kotlin to 1.7.0-RC2 (#2522)Vadim Mishenev
2022-05-31Bump Kotlin to 1.7.0-RC (#2508)Vadim Mishenev
2022-04-21Update Kotlin to 1.6.21 (#2454)Ignat Beresnev
2022-04-19Update Jsoup to 1.14.3 (#2448)Ignat Beresnev
2022-04-04Update Kotlin to 1.6.20 (#2417)Ignat Beresnev
2022-03-29Update to next development version (1.7.0-SNAPSHOT)Ignat Beresnev
2022-03-29Update Kotlin to 1.6.20-RC2 (#2407)Ignat Beresnev
2022-03-25Minor refactoring of dokka versioning and publishing (#2401)Ignat Beresnev
2022-03-22Update Kotlin to 1.6.20-RC (#2398)Ignat Beresnev
2022-03-10KT-50452 Make flexible html for customization (#2374)Vadim Mishenev
2022-02-24Update Kotlin to 1.6.20-M1 (#2375)Ignat Beresnev
2022-02-14Shutdown coroutines dispatchers after each module pass (#2325)Ignat Beresnev
2021-12-17Update kotlin and dokka versions to 1.6.10 (#2274)Ignat Beresnev
2021-11-18Bump Kotlin to 1.6.0 (#2226)vmishenev
2021-11-12Bump Kotlin to 1.6.0-RC2 (#2221)vmishenev
2021-10-18Bump Kotlin to 1.6.0-RC (#2189)vmishenev
2021-10-04Bump to Kotlin 1.5.31 (#2164)Marcin Aman
2021-09-15Update docs to 1.5.30, bump dokka version to 1.6.0Marcin Aman
2021-08-27Cleanup and version bump to 1.5.30Marcin Aman
2021-08-27Restore language level to 1.4Marcin Aman
2021-08-26Bump compiler to 1.5.30, language level to 1.5Marcin Aman
2021-07-22Bump kotlin 1.5.21 (#2031)Marcin Aman
2021-07-16Bump dokka version to 1.5.20Marcin Aman
2021-07-08Bump jacksons (#2010)Marcin Aman
2021-06-23Add maven central publication (#1688)Kamil Doległo
2021-06-22Multilanguage docs inheritance (#1951)Marcin Aman
2021-06-21Don't use older dir from previous runs in versioning (#1963)Marcin Aman
2021-05-06Bump compiler to 1.5.0 (#1856)Marcin Aman