path: root/build.gradle
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-12-08feat: replFrege task v2 returns classpath with all dependenciesThibault Gagnaux
2021-11-10chore: updates junit 5.7.2 -> 5.8.1, README and versionThibault Gagnaux
2021-07-14chore: adds `maven-publish` plugin to publish to `mavenLocal` repof-simple-javaExec-task-alternativeThibault Gagnaux
2021-07-07Splits tests into fast unit tests and slow functional testsThibault Gagnaux
2021-07-07Refactors testsThibault Gagnaux
2021-06-30Adds first `SetupFregeCompilerTaks` with some testsThibault Gagnaux
2021-06-29Switches from groovy's spock testing framework back to javaThibault Gagnaux
2021-06-28Inits branch with a simple groovy testThibault Gagnaux
2020-06-28upgrading to gradle 6.5Dierk Koenig
2020-06-28compiles and runs with frege-3.25.84.jar and Gradle 5.0Dierk Koenig
2016-05-05start 0.9 release trainDierk Koenig
2015-11-18Add infrastructure for adding integration tests using testkitRene Groeschke
2015-09-27start 0.6 release trainDierk Koenig
2015-09-27publish version 0.5release_0_5Dierk Koenig
2015-09-20Enable snapshot sonatype releasesMark Perry
2015-09-16Added help and Frege package dir for compile taskMark Perry
2015-09-12#16: Fixing errors with changes for using the plugin portalMark Perry
2015-09-04re-apply maven plugin to allow local installation with `gradlew install`PluginPortalDierk Koenig
2015-09-04travis has no gradle properties under home dir, so make that optionalDierk Koenig
2015-09-04Remove dependencies to sonatype and directly publish to the gradle plugin por...Dierk Koenig
2015-09-03Merge branch 'master' into PluginPortalDierk Koenig
2015-09-03upgrade to frege version 3.23Dierk Koenig
2015-09-03Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Frege/frege-gradle-pluginMark Perry
2015-09-03Use release 0.1Mark Perry
2015-08-30trying to publishPlugins to the gradle plugin portal. Currently fails because...Dierk Koenig
2015-08-23allow setting the stack size for the compiler with xss, default is 4mDierk Koenig
2015-07-24Increased version to 0.4.2-SNAPSHOTMark Perry
2015-07-24Release 0.4.1. Use compiler 367release-0.4.1Mark Perry
2015-07-24Updated libs for repl and native-gen to 1.2 and 1.3 respectivelyMark Perry
2015-07-22Increment to 0.5-SNAPSHOTMark Perry
2015-07-22Do 0.4 releaserelease-0.4Mark Perry
2015-07-15Use only released versionsMark Perry
2015-07-15#13: Target 1.7 VMMark Perry
2015-06-27opening the 0.4-SNAPSHOT trainDierk Koenig
2015-06-27release 0.3release-0.3Dierk Koenig
2015-03-13Use official frege snapshotsMark Perry
2015-03-13Cleanup build.gradleMark Perry
2015-03-10Released gradle plugin 0.2, bumped verson to 0.3 snapshotMark Perry
2015-03-04Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Frege/frege-gradle-pluginMark Perry
2015-03-04Get compilation working with few dependencies, using travis on java 7sonatypeMark Perry
2015-03-03enforce jdk 1.7 builds, make more efficient repository orderDierk Koenig
2015-03-03Removed frege repl core and native gen dependencies as they are not currenly ...Mark Perry
2015-03-01marimuthu renamed groupid to org.frege-langIngo Wechsung
2015-03-01double substitution of the classifierIngo Wechsung
2015-02-24we now have two repl tasks to choose from :-)Dierk Koenig
2015-02-24Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'Dierk Koenig
2015-02-24adding a task openFregeRepl that opens the repl with the current compile clas...Dierk Koenig
2015-02-18Published 0.1-SNAPSHOT to sonatype as group org.frege-langMark Perry
2015-02-18Use publish mperry native-gen fork for nowMark Perry
2015-02-18Added native code generation tool taskMark Perry